Well there is nothing wrong with having "more to work with" so to speak though whether or not it is more desireable is a function of those involved. But who would see anything problematic with having the "extras" that nature on occasion bestows upon some ?
Being serious here I must point out that there are studies which suggest that , from an evolutionary point of view, seeing large mammaries sends a direct message to the instinctive part of the brain which is more oriented towards nourishment than mere arousal.
Moreover , men AND women do notice large breasts because its in our DNA to view that as a food source (stop laughing) though its seldom a conscious realization.
So next time your wife/gf catches you surveying what nature has kindly blessed another woman with, then just tell her that you can't help it - you are just answering the call of the genes. You could also tell her that you are just hungry....
Of course if anyone wants to conduct more research in these areas then feel free to do so..
No, and hitting bottom is not good either. Drive a vehicle into someone's garage and hit the back wall is bad form. Do that often and you won't be invited back.
Wow, Diazbro! This answers a long standing question in my life! I always seem to notice women's breasts when I am at the grocery store shopping for food!
Man, and to think that as my kids were still at mama's breast, or if they were hungry for mama's breasts, I would say; "Aww Tialani, do you want some "groceries" from Mama? Hmm?"
And then when Mama would bear the breast for the baby, I'd say; "There ya go! There's the grocery store!"
And so, since I am usually hungry when shopping for groceries, it is now evident as to why I seem to gaze at women's breasts more often while shopping for groceries. And to think it was only hunger for food! It's only been a subconscious thing.
And, is this why there is an innordinate amount of skinny guys at titty bars?
Well, I have to say, I think size matters totally. I mean, come on, who wants to be stuck with a teeny weeny, ahmem, when one could have a foot long? :D-->
I mean, come on girls, don't consider any male who doesn't have a, well, um, uh, how do i say this delicately? .........
sizable bulge. pleeze. let's be as discriminating as the men are. :)-->
I think upon first meeting a male of the species, we should immediately stare at his crotch to see if he's worth our time, or not.
If a sizable bulge is not jutting out of his levis, then forget him, blow him off totally, no matter how polite or gentlemanly he might act.
Of course, if he's wearing dress pants, (God forbid polyester/wool blend) and you can't really tell what's lurking underneathe all that, um, fabric....maybe in the course of conversation with said male, one could casually brush up against him, maybe a fleeting touch of the arm, a batting of the eyes, then focus on the uh, ahmem, crotch area? Oh gosh, I said it.
Tis a test. If something um, arises, then maybe a conversation should ensue.
If nothing happens, then forget him.
Dam, I can't believe I wrote this......and yes i'm happily married...
Don't mean I don't notice. :D-->
and uh, of course, I'm just answering the call of the jeans. :D-->
Do what the guys do to us...I can't stand going into a place of business and all the guy does is stare at the boobs....come on guys I do have a face......lol
Word of advice from someone here in greasespot was go back in there and stare at his crotch the whole time while talking.....pay backs are a bitch.
Problem is Vickles, most guys would probably enjoy having their crotch stared at in a lustful manner, being guys ya know. They might not think of it as a "pay back", but rather as a possible payday!
And, my oh my, Ex10, you naughty girl! I always thought of you as as somewhat of a "polly purebread", back in the day. Little did I know! But, I know that was satire, but maybe a little truth? Hmm?
On October 10th of 2003 I started this thread by asking....
Poll Question:
Does Size Really Matter?
Please explain your answer.
I'm kinda partial to large mellons myself!!!!
And in the case of rear back seats..It would be a more feasable position to be in if you had a '57 Chevy instead of a 2004 Yugo.
Yes without question
with vegetables only
none of your friggen business
No ..not at all
You woman have given this thread a re-erection because of your gutter minds. I'm shocked !! From mellons to big boobs to large penis. How could you take such an innocent thread about fruit and turn it into zippergate? You women are crotchaholics.
And yes Chatty Cathy, I am thankful for Big Ed (as my wife calls "him") every day. I think it's kinda part of Life It's Own Self. With us guys anyway...
No, Vickles. it's really us. We (and I speak for myself and all of the guys whom I have known throughout my short lifetime-47 years) who really are the ones with the perveted minds. Or, is it just the way we were made by God or Nature, to whomsoever one pay homage?
Even in the animal kingdom, it's the males who are the aggressive ones. I could tell you about how the moose and caribou up here in Alaska act, but then, it would seem really perverted, and not suited for human female ears. Certainly not suitable for my sweet Sistahs in Christ!
But with we humans, we should at least not "over step the bounds of decency and freedom of will. That's when the whole thing goes awry, I think...
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J0nny Ling0
Well, that is the true topic here, right?
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Trefor Heywood
Not even your own Jonny?
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J0nny Ling0
Well, now I suppose that would be unnatural if I didn't care about that one. But I certainly don't have any penchant for any others!
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Trefor Heywood
Phew! I thought it was going to be a case of "if thine hand offend thee then cut it off"!
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Jonny and Trefor, you two are cracking me up.
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Well there is nothing wrong with having "more to work with" so to speak though whether or not it is more desireable is a function of those involved. But who would see anything problematic with having the "extras" that nature on occasion bestows upon some ?
Being serious here I must point out that there are studies which suggest that , from an evolutionary point of view, seeing large mammaries sends a direct message to the instinctive part of the brain which is more oriented towards nourishment than mere arousal.
Moreover , men AND women do notice large breasts because its in our DNA to view that as a food source (stop laughing) though its seldom a conscious realization.
So next time your wife/gf catches you surveying what nature has kindly blessed another woman with, then just tell her that you can't help it - you are just answering the call of the genes. You could also tell her that you are just hungry....
Of course if anyone wants to conduct more research in these areas then feel free to do so..
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Sex is not supposed to be a pole vaulting contest, for crying out loud..
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"pole Vaulting"
No, and hitting bottom is not good either. Drive a vehicle into someone's garage and hit the back wall is bad form. Do that often and you won't be invited back.
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OMG.....I was trying to stay off this thread as it freaked me out to see my name here but.....LMAO. Stop it y'all!
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J0nny Ling0
Wow, Diazbro! This answers a long standing question in my life! I always seem to notice women's breasts when I am at the grocery store shopping for food!
Man, and to think that as my kids were still at mama's breast, or if they were hungry for mama's breasts, I would say; "Aww Tialani, do you want some "groceries" from Mama? Hmm?"
And then when Mama would bear the breast for the baby, I'd say; "There ya go! There's the grocery store!"
And so, since I am usually hungry when shopping for groceries, it is now evident as to why I seem to gaze at women's breasts more often while shopping for groceries. And to think it was only hunger for food! It's only been a subconscious thing.
And, is this why there is an innordinate amount of skinny guys at titty bars?
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'And, is this why there is an innordinate amount of skinny guys at titty bars?'
OMG thatt is so true!!!! LMAO
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Why is size so important to guys? I mean, come on!!!!
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Well, I have to say, I think size matters totally. I mean, come on, who wants to be stuck with a teeny weeny, ahmem, when one could have a foot long?
I mean, come on girls, don't consider any male who doesn't have a, well, um, uh, how do i say this delicately? .........
sizable bulge. pleeze. let's be as discriminating as the men are.
I think upon first meeting a male of the species, we should immediately stare at his crotch to see if he's worth our time, or not.
If a sizable bulge is not jutting out of his levis, then forget him, blow him off totally, no matter how polite or gentlemanly he might act.
Of course, if he's wearing dress pants, (God forbid polyester/wool blend) and you can't really tell what's lurking underneathe all that, um, fabric....maybe in the course of conversation with said male, one could casually brush up against him, maybe a fleeting touch of the arm, a batting of the eyes, then focus on the uh, ahmem, crotch area? Oh gosh, I said it.
Tis a test. If something um, arises, then maybe a conversation should ensue.
If nothing happens, then forget him.
Dam, I can't believe I wrote this......and yes i'm happily married...
Don't mean I don't notice.
and uh, of course, I'm just answering the call of the jeans.
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ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha
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LOLOLOLOL you are so funny ex10!!!!
Do what the guys do to us...I can't stand going into a place of business and all the guy does is stare at the boobs....come on guys I do have a face......lol
Word of advice from someone here in greasespot was go back in there and stare at his crotch the whole time while talking.....pay backs are a bitch.
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J0nny Ling0
Problem is Vickles, most guys would probably enjoy having their crotch stared at in a lustful manner, being guys ya know. They might not think of it as a "pay back", but rather as a possible payday!
And, my oh my, Ex10, you naughty girl! I always thought of you as as somewhat of a "polly purebread", back in the day. Little did I know! But, I know that was satire, but maybe a little truth? Hmm?
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Yeah, Jonny, (sigh) you are right about that.
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Radar OReilly
I must confess....I have only the last five or six posts on this thread........
Ex10...T! SISTAH!!! You go girl!
JL & Vickles......this is EXACTLY the reason that Men are from Mars, Women are from Venus has made that guy a gazillionaire.
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I've never had any complaints
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Hills Bro
On October 10th of 2003 I started this thread by asking....
Poll Question:
Does Size Really Matter?
Please explain your answer.
I'm kinda partial to large mellons myself!!!!
And in the case of rear back seats..It would be a more feasable position to be in if you had a '57 Chevy instead of a 2004 Yugo.
Yes without question
with vegetables only
none of your friggen business
No ..not at all
You woman have given this thread a re-erection because of your gutter minds. I'm shocked !! From mellons to big boobs to large penis. How could you take such an innocent thread about fruit and turn it into zippergate?

You women are crotchaholics.
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And you men thank God for it each and every day!
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Yeppers, its the women that have perverted minds....
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J0nny Ling0
And yes Chatty Cathy, I am thankful for Big Ed (as my wife calls "him") every day. I think it's kinda part of Life It's Own Self. With us guys anyway...
No, Vickles. it's really us. We (and I speak for myself and all of the guys whom I have known throughout my short lifetime-47 years) who really are the ones with the perveted minds. Or, is it just the way we were made by God or Nature, to whomsoever one pay homage?
Even in the animal kingdom, it's the males who are the aggressive ones. I could tell you about how the moose and caribou up here in Alaska act, but then, it would seem really perverted, and not suited for human female ears. Certainly not suitable for my sweet Sistahs in Christ!
But with we humans, we should at least not "over step the bounds of decency and freedom of will. That's when the whole thing goes awry, I think...
But damn! Those moose and caribou are outrageous!
Great topic by the way...
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Hey Johnny! I'll have to remember that the next time we exchange solicitations. "How you doing? And the wife? And "Ed" ?" Heh heh heh heh.
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