In case you're just "popping in" GSC was originally a "spin off" if you will, from the first dedicated anti TWI web site. So originally the site was designed and inclined towards ex or current wafers looking to , heal, recover, get out, get the truth, etc. etc. etc.
It has evovled to include discussions of many other things including entertainment / hobbies, etc etc. I am sure that many here find "sex" entertaining ( I certainly do), and some might even call it a hobby (I frequently do). It is within the confines of my marriage. ( When people ask me... "Al what do you like to do? You know, do you have any hobbies?" It's all I can do to keep a straight face! My wife is my favorite thing to do!!)
Now I was once "called down" for "speaking for others" in this forum so I won't... BUT as for me the reason I haven't gone into "sex" topics here at the GSC is uh... you can talk about that elsewhere with others all you want. Here too, I'm sure there are posters who will enjoy sexual discussions with you. We just usually are interested in other stuff to talk about....
Zixar: I wasn't really feeling courageous. Just a little annoyed. Maybe it's just me, but I thought that original question contained a smug appraisal of GreaseSpot's (collective) repressed sexuality, as if she stumbled into a Puritan enclave, and we'd be somehow horrified at the mention of S-E-X (shhhhhh), like she invented it, or something, and we have yet to consider its mystery.
Anyway, GFO, ask away. What is it about sex that you want to say? If the moderators start to blush, they can look away.
Al said: "Now I was once 'called down' for 'speaking for others' . . ." Who would say something that to you, sweetie? You can speak for me anytime.
I'm sorry if you took my question the wrong way. It was just, after several weeks of posting and lurking, the subject of sex never seemed to get mentioned. Seemed abnormal to me, when on other forums sex is mentioned. And then within hours of the thread being started, it was moved to the "Just Plain Silly" forum, which only caused more concern about the way the topic of sex was dealt with by ex-Wayers.
Re the name of the thread: it's the title of a song by SaltnPepper back in the 80s or 90s. It wasn't necessarily an invite for you to tell everyone what you do in the bedroom, just a play on the title of the song. That's all, no need to interpret it any further.
I have a question for you. While I agree that GreaseSpot is over-moderated at times (and I think that may be the gist of your complaint, if I'm reading you correctly), what, to you, are the benefits of an unmoderated forum? If you care to answer, I'm curious. After the initial cathartic thrill of publicly determining whether someone else is a c*cks******r or a m*th*rf******r (I heard worse than that in my local fellowships), where does the conversation go from there?
Unmoderated does not mean immoral or crude. It means that you can post what you like without expecting a big stick to come down and hit you whenever you say a "rude" word.
BTW, I invite you to read my posts on JWO and see where I have sworn or used bad language just once (except to quote someone). I don't feel the need to swear in real life, and I don't online either. But it doesn't mean I can't associate online with those of my friends that do, either.
Actually, GFO, I think I know what you mean. Even considering all the flirting here, there aren't too many "light" exchanges about sex. But I think that may have to do with the fact that the subject of sex is a trigger for some of the posters here, because of their own bad experiences while in The Way. For some of the former members, there was a lot of sex, a lot of exploitation, and a lot of bad memories.
I don't know why or when your thread was moved. I found it here earlier today, so I don't know where you started out. I guess I'm feeling a little defensive if only because Paw (who, I think, is one of the kindest admins around) has come under so much criticism lately for (what I think are) petty reasons. But I know some of this stuff -- like where threads are located, whether a particular post is off-topic, and all the rest of it -- seem extremely important to others. I can't figure it out. I think we've been hanging around each other so long, and have gotten to know each other so well, that we often devolve into bickering. As they say "familiarity breeds . . . " whatever. You know the rest.
Anyway, I've got lots of relatives in the Canberra area. I need a map to see where that is compared to Melbourne. When they come to visit, I can barely understand a word they say, so they have to speak s l o w l y for me to catch the meaning.
Welcome to GreaseSpot. I hope you enjoy your stay. And the conversation, too. It can only get better. Right?
Yes, unfortunately sex is often abused within cult settings, and for ex-cult members this can be a trigger for bad experiences/memories. It's a shame that something so good is turned into something so evil.
Re Paw, I hold nothing against him. He has tried to be fair, and I understand what a difficult job it would be to be an administrator of a board like this. You can't please all the people all the time, eh?
Melbourne is at the bottom of mainland Australia. It's the capital of a small state called Victoria. It's winter here ATM and cold winds are blowing about today. It doesn't snow in Melbourne, but I think the winds are coming off some snow-covered mountains north of us :(-->
Thanks for the welcome. I've met some really nice people here.
Every hear of a Virgin Mary/Catholic cult called the Magnificat Meal? I seem to recall that it was somehere in your neighborhood. My sister-in-law was involved with it.
you gotta be kidding me, Jim. that was the NAME of the cult ? i'm scared to hear more about it and i'm laughing my head off because of the jokes that could be made about it....
We have had many topics revolving around sex. It is a topic that I am very comfortable with. That said, some that come to this site have been sexually abused. Since the focus of this site is rather specific (I will let your read up on that) I have to consider the content. You said the following to open this thread.
quote:Originally posted by The Girl From Oz:
Sex is a part of life, isn't it?
I was amused, for lack of a better term, by the fact that sex is never mentioned on this forum.
Does anyone have sex, or aren't we allowed to talk about it?
I felt from the tone that it was not going to be something that would be offensive to the users that have been abused. It was moved to just plain silly. I felt that a nice light hearted thread would be fun. I didn't expect to be micro-criticized for the move. Just plain silly is a quick name that I wanted to put on a new forum with a different feel. I like just plain silly and many that post do too.
If you were offended, I apologize. It was meant to simply give some notice to the new forum and hopefully take a popular topic in a different light.
I have been working on changing a number of the forums for the past month. This was one that I wanted to test out before rearranging.
I hope that you will look at this site based on what the focus is and not on the focus of another site.
To me, moving a thread to "Just Plain Silly" is a less-than-kind way of saying "this thread isn't worthy of being in the General forum". Maybe it has to do with the reception I received from a certain few on this board. Maybe it has to do from recovering from the cult I was once in.
Although, considering that I meant this as a serious question, and then find the thread moved to the "Silly" forum, I found this action strange. Particularly since it was moved so quickly after the thread's inception, without letting the thread develop a character of its own yet. How was anyone to know if it was to become "silly" or something of general consumption?
I also find it interesting that my thread was moved, yet others which could be considered "off-topic" for the General thread remain unmoved. Combining that with the general vibe I've received from certain ones here, it does seem as though I am being singled out.
GFO I got to agree with the others, sex is good, the more the better :D-->
That said, sometimes things end up in the wrong place and then what do you do??? :P-->
It's hard to imagine your (meaning any gspot posters) post meaning anything other than what you intended it to mean (which for all of us without exception means it has earthshattering significance) yet read by another it can take on a whole different flavor and if you add a few smartarse comments, well even the most serious thread dealing with dreadful matters of grave consequence can take on a carnival like atmosphere.
Add to that the fact that sometimes folks just post to the open forums without considering that it may belong elsewhere and thats got to add tons of work to the admin's job.
I think too, the karma of this site is different than your exdub site. We've evolved from several other sites which were not nearly as user friendly or democraticly run. A very necessary progression given the task at hand, exposing craig's and twi's actions to the light of public scrutiny and providing a safe base for people to share their experience strength and hope in regards to a really screwed up mindset we found ourselves with (waybrain, a slightly bent perspective on life, similar to exdub brain only different) :D-->
Oh boy...I'm biting here...and may bite off more than I can chew...
For me (and not speaking for anybody else here), sex is a difficult topic to discuss on an open forum. Especially with the focus of the forum being to expose twi.
My first "up close and personal" experience with twi was haiving my "leadership" introduce me to 3somes. I was 16yo.
From then on, twi was about sex in some form or another. The situation that got me and my family marked as "seed boys" was when I tried to put a stop to the children's fellowship that was a cover for a pedophile ring.
So, talking sex on an extwi board has a whole lot of stuff in it for me.
No way in all of the universe would I ever in a million years talk openly about my sex life on this board. Not because of any problems or lack with the board...but because it can go over the edge too quickly for me.
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Al Poole
In case you're just "popping in" GSC was originally a "spin off" if you will, from the first dedicated anti TWI web site. So originally the site was designed and inclined towards ex or current wafers looking to , heal, recover, get out, get the truth, etc. etc. etc.
It has evovled to include discussions of many other things including entertainment / hobbies, etc etc. I am sure that many here find "sex" entertaining ( I certainly do), and some might even call it a hobby (I frequently do). It is within the confines of my marriage. ( When people ask me... "Al what do you like to do? You know, do you have any hobbies?" It's all I can do to keep a straight face! My wife is my favorite thing to do!!)
Now I was once "called down" for "speaking for others" in this forum so I won't... BUT as for me the reason I haven't gone into "sex" topics here at the GSC is uh... you can talk about that elsewhere with others all you want. Here too, I'm sure there are posters who will enjoy sexual discussions with you. We just usually are interested in other stuff to talk about....
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One more thing I could say about sex is...
I wish I had it more often...
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Tom Strange
Bramble... only if you do "it" right! wear your seatbelt!
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Only for you, George.
Zixar: I wasn't really feeling courageous. Just a little annoyed. Maybe it's just me, but I thought that original question contained a smug appraisal of GreaseSpot's (collective) repressed sexuality, as if she stumbled into a Puritan enclave, and we'd be somehow horrified at the mention of S-E-X (shhhhhh), like she invented it, or something, and we have yet to consider its mystery.
Anyway, GFO, ask away. What is it about sex that you want to say? If the moderators start to blush, they can look away.
Al said: "Now I was once 'called down' for 'speaking for others' . . ." Who would say something that to you, sweetie? You can speak for me anytime.
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laleo: I know, I was just going for the as-ter-isk joke. Lame though it was...
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It was funny, Zixar. Took me a second to figure it out, though. But I laughed.
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The Girl From Oz
I'm sorry if you took my question the wrong way. It was just, after several weeks of posting and lurking, the subject of sex never seemed to get mentioned. Seemed abnormal to me, when on other forums sex is mentioned. And then within hours of the thread being started, it was moved to the "Just Plain Silly" forum, which only caused more concern about the way the topic of sex was dealt with by ex-Wayers.
Re the name of the thread: it's the title of a song by SaltnPepper back in the 80s or 90s. It wasn't necessarily an invite for you to tell everyone what you do in the bedroom, just a play on the title of the song. That's all, no need to interpret it any further.
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The Girl From Oz
Unmoderated does not mean immoral or crude. It means that you can post what you like without expecting a big stick to come down and hit you whenever you say a "rude" word.
BTW, I invite you to read my posts on JWO and see where I have sworn or used bad language just once (except to quote someone). I don't feel the need to swear in real life, and I don't online either. But it doesn't mean I can't associate online with those of my friends that do, either.
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Actually, GFO, I think I know what you mean. Even considering all the flirting here, there aren't too many "light" exchanges about sex. But I think that may have to do with the fact that the subject of sex is a trigger for some of the posters here, because of their own bad experiences while in The Way. For some of the former members, there was a lot of sex, a lot of exploitation, and a lot of bad memories.
I don't know why or when your thread was moved. I found it here earlier today, so I don't know where you started out. I guess I'm feeling a little defensive if only because Paw (who, I think, is one of the kindest admins around) has come under so much criticism lately for (what I think are) petty reasons. But I know some of this stuff -- like where threads are located, whether a particular post is off-topic, and all the rest of it -- seem extremely important to others. I can't figure it out. I think we've been hanging around each other so long, and have gotten to know each other so well, that we often devolve into bickering. As they say "familiarity breeds . . . " whatever. You know the rest.
Anyway, I've got lots of relatives in the Canberra area. I need a map to see where that is compared to Melbourne. When they come to visit, I can barely understand a word they say, so they have to speak s l o w l y for me to catch the meaning.
Welcome to GreaseSpot. I hope you enjoy your stay. And the conversation, too. It can only get better. Right?
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The Girl From Oz
Yes, unfortunately sex is often abused within cult settings, and for ex-cult members this can be a trigger for bad experiences/memories. It's a shame that something so good is turned into something so evil.
Re Paw, I hold nothing against him. He has tried to be fair, and I understand what a difficult job it would be to be an administrator of a board like this. You can't please all the people all the time, eh?
Melbourne is at the bottom of mainland Australia. It's the capital of a small state called Victoria. It's winter here ATM and cold winds are blowing about today. It doesn't snow in Melbourne, but I think the winds are coming off some snow-covered mountains north of us
Thanks for the welcome. I've met some really nice people here.
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Every hear of a Virgin Mary/Catholic cult called the Magnificat Meal? I seem to recall that it was somehere in your neighborhood. My sister-in-law was involved with it.
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you gotta be kidding me, Jim. that was the NAME of the cult ? i'm scared to hear more about it and i'm laughing my head off because of the jokes that could be made about it....
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Yeah, that was the name... Here's some information:
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Tom Strange
hahahahaha... I read it completely wrong!
I thought it said "Magnificent Meal"... I was expecting something completely different!
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You're not alone Tom.
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We have had many topics revolving around sex. It is a topic that I am very comfortable with. That said, some that come to this site have been sexually abused. Since the focus of this site is rather specific (I will let your read up on that) I have to consider the content. You said the following to open this thread.
I felt from the tone that it was not going to be something that would be offensive to the users that have been abused. It was moved to just plain silly. I felt that a nice light hearted thread would be fun. I didn't expect to be micro-criticized for the move. Just plain silly is a quick name that I wanted to put on a new forum with a different feel. I like just plain silly and many that post do too.
If you were offended, I apologize. It was meant to simply give some notice to the new forum and hopefully take a popular topic in a different light.
I have been working on changing a number of the forums for the past month. This was one that I wanted to test out before rearranging.
I hope that you will look at this site based on what the focus is and not on the focus of another site.
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The Girl From Oz
To me, moving a thread to "Just Plain Silly" is a less-than-kind way of saying "this thread isn't worthy of being in the General forum". Maybe it has to do with the reception I received from a certain few on this board. Maybe it has to do from recovering from the cult I was once in.
Although, considering that I meant this as a serious question, and then find the thread moved to the "Silly" forum, I found this action strange. Particularly since it was moved so quickly after the thread's inception, without letting the thread develop a character of its own yet. How was anyone to know if it was to become "silly" or something of general consumption?
I also find it interesting that my thread was moved, yet others which could be considered "off-topic" for the General thread remain unmoved. Combining that with the general vibe I've received from certain ones here, it does seem as though I am being singled out.
Or, I could be just being paranoid.
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17 positions?
What am I missing here??
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GFO I got to agree with the others, sex is good, the more the better
That said, sometimes things end up in the wrong place and then what do you do???
It's hard to imagine your (meaning any gspot posters) post meaning anything other than what you intended it to mean (which for all of us without exception means it has earthshattering significance) yet read by another it can take on a whole different flavor and if you add a few smartarse comments, well even the most serious thread dealing with dreadful matters of grave consequence can take on a carnival like atmosphere.
Add to that the fact that sometimes folks just post to the open forums without considering that it may belong elsewhere and thats got to add tons of work to the admin's job.
I think too, the karma of this site is different than your exdub site. We've evolved from several other sites which were not nearly as user friendly or democraticly run. A very necessary progression given the task at hand, exposing craig's and twi's actions to the light of public scrutiny and providing a safe base for people to share their experience strength and hope in regards to a really screwed up mindset we found ourselves with (waybrain, a slightly bent perspective on life, similar to exdub brain only different)
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Hey.......Does anyone remember the OOPSIE thread?
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I'm still trying to figure out why THE just won't die.
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Sex and Oopsie?
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Oh boy...I'm biting here...and may bite off more than I can chew...
For me (and not speaking for anybody else here), sex is a difficult topic to discuss on an open forum. Especially with the focus of the forum being to expose twi.
My first "up close and personal" experience with twi was haiving my "leadership" introduce me to 3somes. I was 16yo.
From then on, twi was about sex in some form or another. The situation that got me and my family marked as "seed boys" was when I tried to put a stop to the children's fellowship that was a cover for a pedophile ring.
So, talking sex on an extwi board has a whole lot of stuff in it for me.
No way in all of the universe would I ever in a million years talk openly about my sex life on this board. Not because of any problems or lack with the board...but because it can go over the edge too quickly for me.
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Hi CW,
Great points.
Good to see ya.
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