That sounded like some excellent duty! I, however, have seen neither the foot out the window, nor the unsewn boxer shorts phenomenon. Maybe it's just too cold up here in Alaska for such things...
ROFL Galen....consider it duly noted...however, in my defense...we always wear our boxers UNDER our clothes thankyou very much...
I guess it started with us because the boxers are much more practical under our karate ghi`s ... gradually we realised they were more comfy, as well as durable and cost effective... imagine ... you boys been keepin a good thing like boxers a secret all these years lol.
P.S. TJohnny L. Though more expensive, the button front flannels are the boxers of choice with my girls....thus eliminating the need to sew.
Lol...Mary Cate...I can`t BELIEVE that we are talking about this either.... but here goes...we personally buy the mens 3 packs at walmart...100 percent cotton in the summer are very reasonable....button front flannels in the winter...good thing they are inexpensive lol because we fight over who finds em in the laundry first...hide em hord em....hey it happens with a house full of teen age women.
Are you guys gonna be mad at me for contributing to a fad that encourages women to wear more *sensible* undergarments???
Maybe I need to change the statement under my name to *wears boxers* eh?
I switched to boxers after my accident as the elastic in the waist was more stretchy and I needed all the give I could get to pull "em up over my rump! I may never go back!
When I taught in Catholic High Schools, boxers were a necessity for the girls, not a fad. The uniform skirts are wool. and quite scratcy whe you're seated for a full clock hour! Also, in summer...they did help their legs from sweating so much and sticking to the plastic seats.
testify sister Krys!!! So glad that I am not the only one willing to divulge this secret .... rofl (what a shame it took an accident to bring the comfort of boxers to your attention ;-)
I never WILL go`s kind of like the taste of freedome after leaving twi...who`d ever want to go back to their stuffy small world...
Sounds like we might have a convert in Mary Kate hee hee!
When I was stationed at Ft. Pickett, I lived in a small farming community of Blackstone Va. One day I walked in a convient store to buy some ice when this older farmer asked if I was wearing boxers? (I had on the type of boxers that made you look like your carrying a load in your pants...more room in the seat) I said yes!
He yelled, "noting is sacred anymore" and grumbled.
I for one do not wear a thong. My younger peers do and to have that show while putting a child in a hold is comical. Especially when the adolesent boys see it and you become the BUTT of a joke.
omg this is SO funny, I cannot BELIEVE that I am going into details....guffaw!
Dear vickles, that has not been a problem for me...I wear them under my guard occasional bunching isn`t nearly as uncomfortable as the circulation being cut off by the tighter legs of the womens garments....
Busting a gut here....I KNOW that this is tmi now ...
How hysterical imbus....I`ll bet you spoiled his whole week.
and to think I started this thread as a serious and informative topic. BUTT ..This great concern that I have for you gals has simply been turned into a joke here... :D--> :D-->
can we please just be serious and think of those poor souls that are walking around in thongs. we may just spare them from a very serious rash ..possibly an infection. Its really time to think of someone other than ourselves don't you think?
Now back to my search and research of this very grueling business of finding thong desease. This is totally voluntary and sacrificial but I feel God will reward me with quality time in the heavenlies at my demise. Pray for me !! In His service Hills :P--> :D-->
oops... security guard UNIFORM...sorry ex....rofl..I got in a hurry when husband came in the room and I DIDN`T want to have to explain this thread.....rofl
Hills...I thought I WAS offering a solution to all of those poor gals...wear BOXERS!
Exie I got into BIG trouble for asking that very question once...
My favorite schoolboy fantasy came true one day when sister mary pms announced we were forming a circle and to move our desks. It just so happened Arlene my neighbor and budding hotbody was setting across from me and for some reason decided to air out her dainties so to speak.
can someone explain why thong undies cost far more than regular cover all the tush underwear? Less material. Once again we see this right wing conspiracy of the Bush Administration. I heard they are outsourcing the extra material out to an off shore earmuff factory. :D-->
In thinking about this thread.......I believe that way gb will probably make copies of this thread and mail it to every fellowship left to prove their point...I can hear it now...see SEEEE??? leave the protection of God`s house hold n the women `ll start wearing Booooooooooooxersssss if THIS isn`t an example of the manifestation of posession by a homosexual spirit...I don`t know WHAT is....(related in my best vein popping spittle flying scream)
As a guy, I can't stand boxer shorts. No support and so it just ends up being as if I were wearing no underwear at all. I wear "leopard print" designer briefs...
But maybe for gals it'd be ok as Rascal has said. But for me, I would go nuts with the "bunch up factor" I think. Everytime you put your pants on, it would seem as if you would have to reach down and push the legs part of the boxers back down like when one tucks in ones shirt.
But all of my three boys wear boxers and they seem to like 'em..
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Galen invite me over for coffee sometime, we'll compare notes
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J0nny Ling0
Why Galen,
That sounded like some excellent duty! I, however, have seen neither the foot out the window, nor the unsewn boxer shorts phenomenon. Maybe it's just too cold up here in Alaska for such things...
And Racsal, sewn? or unsewn?
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ROFL Galen....consider it duly noted...however, in my defense...we always wear our boxers UNDER our clothes thankyou very much...
I guess it started with us because the boxers are much more practical under our karate ghi`s ... gradually we realised they were more comfy, as well as durable and cost effective... imagine ... you boys been keepin a good thing like boxers a secret all these years lol.
P.S. TJohnny L. Though more expensive, the button front flannels are the boxers of choice with my girls....thus eliminating the need to sew.
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Mary Cate
Are these boxers made for women or are they mens? Where do you buy them? They do sound like a very comfortable alternative undergarment.
I can't believe the topics I've been reading about here on this rainy day - underwear, toilets, dangling anatomy...
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Lol...Mary Cate...I can`t BELIEVE that we are talking about this either.... but here goes...we personally buy the mens 3 packs at walmart...100 percent cotton in the summer are very reasonable....button front flannels in the winter...good thing they are inexpensive lol because we fight over who finds em in the laundry first...hide em hord em....hey it happens with a house full of teen age women.
Are you guys gonna be mad at me for contributing to a fad that encourages women to wear more *sensible* undergarments???
Maybe I need to change the statement under my name to *wears boxers* eh?
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Naw we'll still look anyways
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Hills Bro
This topic would not even come up at a nudist camp. If it did..I would imagine they'd put more saltpeter in your oatmeal.
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I switched to boxers after my accident as the elastic in the waist was more stretchy and I needed all the give I could get to pull "em up over my rump! I may never go back!
When I taught in Catholic High Schools, boxers were a necessity for the girls, not a fad. The uniform skirts are wool. and quite scratcy whe you're seated for a full clock hour! Also, in summer...they did help their legs from sweating so much and sticking to the plastic seats.
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testify sister Krys!!! So glad that I am not the only one willing to divulge this secret .... rofl (what a shame it took an accident to bring the comfort of boxers to your attention ;-)
I never WILL go`s kind of like the taste of freedome after leaving twi...who`d ever want to go back to their stuffy small world...
Sounds like we might have a convert in Mary Kate hee hee!
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Are the boxers comfortable with wearing pants? Its seems it would bunch up when wearing jeans.
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When I was stationed at Ft. Pickett, I lived in a small farming community of Blackstone Va. One day I walked in a convient store to buy some ice when this older farmer asked if I was wearing boxers? (I had on the type of boxers that made you look like your carrying a load in your pants...more room in the seat) I said yes!
He yelled, "noting is sacred anymore" and grumbled.
I for one do not wear a thong. My younger peers do and to have that show while putting a child in a hold is comical. Especially when the adolesent boys see it and you become the BUTT of a joke.
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when i attended catholic school, no one cared about what might be a necessity
:)--> for us kids
but everyone always did want to know what was under those habits
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omg this is SO funny, I cannot BELIEVE that I am going into details....guffaw!
Dear vickles, that has not been a problem for me...I wear them under my guard occasional bunching isn`t nearly as uncomfortable as the circulation being cut off by the tighter legs of the womens garments....
Busting a gut here....I KNOW that this is tmi now ...
How hysterical imbus....I`ll bet you spoiled his whole week.
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Hills Bro
and to think I started this thread as a serious and informative topic. BUTT ..This great concern that I have for you gals has simply been turned into a joke here...
can we please just be serious and think of those poor souls that are walking around in thongs. we may just spare them from a very serious rash ..possibly an infection. Its really time to think of someone other than ourselves don't you think?

Now back to my search and research of this very grueling business of finding thong desease.
This is totally voluntary and sacrificial but I feel God will reward me with quality time in the heavenlies at my demise. Pray for me !! In His service Hills
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oops... security guard UNIFORM...sorry ex....rofl..I got in a hurry when husband came in the room and I DIDN`T want to have to explain this thread.....rofl
Hills...I thought I WAS offering a solution to all of those poor gals...wear BOXERS!
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oh raskie ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha
hills i am praying for you, that you may be a thong coordinatior in the hereafter
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or a worldwide wedgie whatever
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Exie I got into
trouble for asking that very question once...
My favorite schoolboy fantasy came true one day when sister mary pms announced we were forming a circle and to move our desks. It just so happened Arlene my neighbor and budding hotbody was setting across from me and for some reason decided to air out her dainties so to speak.
Hill's wait up, I got the camcorder charged
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Hills Bro
can someone explain why thong undies cost far more than regular cover all the tush underwear? Less material. Once again we see this right wing conspiracy of the Bush Administration. I heard they are outsourcing the extra material out to an off shore earmuff factory.
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In thinking about this thread.......I believe that way gb will probably make copies of this thread and mail it to every fellowship left to prove their point...I can hear it now...see SEEEE??? leave the protection of God`s house hold n the women `ll start wearing Booooooooooooxersssss if THIS isn`t an example of the manifestation of posession by a homosexual spirit...I don`t know WHAT is....(related in my best vein popping spittle flying scream)
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J0nny Ling0
As a guy, I can't stand boxer shorts. No support and so it just ends up being as if I were wearing no underwear at all. I wear "leopard print" designer briefs...
But maybe for gals it'd be ok as Rascal has said. But for me, I would go nuts with the "bunch up factor" I think. Everytime you put your pants on, it would seem as if you would have to reach down and push the legs part of the boxers back down like when one tucks in ones shirt.
But all of my three boys wear boxers and they seem to like 'em..
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I know the place... I also know of another
I will look forward to seeing you again.
I fell that this need to be said concerning women wearing boxers
Real men date women who wear boxers
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At last -- an easy question!
Same as unleaded gasoline. They don't add the lead, you pay more.
Same as Lite beer. Less alcohol, more water, and you pay more.
Same as "diet" foods. No sugar added, and you pay more.
They even charge more for 1/2 size violins than they do for standard size ones, even though they use wayyyy less wood.
Moral of the story -- "Less = More" You get less, and pay more.
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