“Galen -- this law only applies to new models, right? You can find "used" models where renovation and remodeling of homes is being done, or where building demolition will be taking place.”
Right-o, the older models are still the 5 gallon units. I really like the ones that hold the water-closet up on the wall mounted close to the ceiling.
“However, Galen, I am extremely grateful we have never met in "real life" and I have no face to put with the image, so to speak.”
I fail to see why you would not desire to have met me.
“Thanks for playing "Too Much Information", Galen, and if you'll step off to the left of the stage, Carol has some lovely 'parting' gifts for you.”
“I was thinking about your delima but not to seriously when a thought came to mind. When I worked at an eating disorder facility some girls were given donuts (inflatable tubes) to sit on because they were so thin an bone on hard”
Cool, never have so many people focused their attention on my parts.
Once while stationed on the USS George C. Marshall, we were in a shipyard and functioning out of a office-barge, Everyday we were required to wear hardhats and safety shoes to be able to get to the barge. Well the officers hung signs everywhere that for the following morning’s muster we were going to muster out on the pier and the uniform for the muster would be ‘HARD HATS AND SAFETY SHOES’ and it went on to say how much trouble we would get if we were not in the ‘HARD HATS AND SAFETY SHOES’. So the next morning I showed up for muster wearing my hard hat and safety shoes. They got all upset as they apparently had meant for us to still wear our uniforms also. My response was that we always wore uniforms plus hardhats and safety shoes, they are the ones who generated the order to wear this on this special day. I had to go home and change.
“I can't say I have ever heard of anyone with your dangle problem. geesh, maybe your only answer is to use the john only when you have an erection.”
It is my understanding that an erection kind of prevents some fluids from flowing.
But you are correct that to prevent dangle a stiffy would do.
I did not really want to prevent the dangle so much as to prevent the dangle from splashing or from getting splashed.
“American Standard makes a "power flush" model which uses some sort of a forced pressure to flush the system. They work incredibly well, but are rather loud. My clients have been very happy with them in spite of the loudness.”
Cool, in the Navy they are all power flush units using 150 psi fire-main water to power-flush things along. I don’t mind the noise.
“Poor cleaning of the bowl can have many causes, from a clogged wax ring, corroded/crusty inlet holes in the bowl, improper water level, or bad/weak flapper valve (where the water leaves the tank to go to the bowl) My first guess is the flapper valve, second the wax ring. You should never set the float valve to fill the tank above the water elevation mark which is cast into the back of the tank. It's a waste of water and does little to increase flushing capability.”
I thought the wax-ring is just a form of gasket, it can get clogged?
I never thought of the inlet holes into the bowl getting clogged either, I will check that would slow down the flush and limit the amount of inertia developed within the bowl to carry anything through the gooseneck and away.
If the flapper valve seals and does not leak, the only issue I have with them is when they settle back down before the water-closet has fully drained itself. Which is I think a matter of the air-bubble inside having been lost.
Raising the water level in the tank, does increase the amount of water be3ing flushed, Here in the New England, we don’t have any water shortages. Un-like the South West. Most of my family are in California and they do have tight restrictions on their water usage.
“Oh, regarding installing used 3.5 or 5.0 gallon toilets. Its a bad idea unless the area has soft water. You are buying someone else's problems most likely, but most contractors would give them to you so they don't have to haul them to the dump. Licensed plumbers cannot install them for you (at least in my area). I guess plumbers need to know more than that water flows downhill and payday is on Friday.”
When I have hired plumbers here in Ct, they have always impressed me with their singular lack of knowledge about their profession. Our last building manager was a plumber, when each room’s wall-mounted heating unit had problems or began to leak, he would shut them off, rather then fix them. When we returned stateside, I was amazed that we still had any renters at all. It was down to a single one-room heater per apartment.
I ripped them out and replaced them all with baseboard heat and plumbed them all to their furnaces, myself.
I replaced the kitchen cabinets, sinks and floor tile in each apartment, and I put in two bath-tub surrounds and one free-standing shower-stall. (The shower-stall looks goofy as it is in a room with a 6-foot ceiling only in the center of the room, both opposing walls are the low roof which meet in the center, so the shower-stall is cut like an A-frame).
I have learned to really dis-like the local plumbers. When I had rentals in Southern California things worked better.
As you can see, it is not an entirely un-common problem.
“Galen, I'm not trying to be funny here but am raising a son so feel I know something. Could you maybe hold the dangling part a little from the top so it doesn't dangle and you can go from both ends at the same time if need be?”
Yes, maam
Well there is also the ‘other’ dangling parts (the ones with the fur) which get splashed as well, but I suppose that your suggestion would apply with them as well.
As to raising young boys, I installed a deck-drain in the center of our bathroom floor back in 1990 when we first bought this building. The floor has ceramic tiles that are laid on a thin layer of concrete, I did it so the floor has a slight tilt, all around the room, so any fluids anywhere flow towards the deck-drain.
When we returned stateside this past time, we found that many of the floor tiles were cracked and the grouting had no been re-sealed for numerous years. So I replaced the old tiles with 1 ¼” white ceramic tiles. I was building a jaquzzi in our basement and had lots of resin left over so we decided to seal the floor this time with a thick layer of polyester resin. With all these children around, I thought that I would be a little artsy so I randomly painted many of the tiles with glow-in-the-dark paints. Some blue, some red, some yellow and green. Before I sealed over them with the resin. Now it is all sealed, and any water splashed out of the tub or that flows over the rim of the toilet, runs nicely down the deck drain. And yes my bathroom floor lights up in a checker-board of different colours, when you turn off the light.
The bath-tub / shower-enclosure also has two opposing shower heads with their own controls. I put it in the last time we lived here. Bonnie likes it for taking showers together as a couple. (she often wants her hair-washed or her back-scrubbed. Women can be so demanding.)
“Is that what submariners call "blowing sanitary"?
Sounds like a great way to leak test your drains. Ever forget to block all them before that exercise?”
I don’t really care if it burps the deck-drain, or burps in the bath-tub. So long as it clears out the gooseneck underneath the toilet.
Once they join together in the vertical 6” ironpipe they also enjoy the flow from up-stairs, to help wash things away.
Long gone-
“That has nothing to do with what I suggested. A toilet holds water in two places, the tank and the bowl. You raised the water level in the tank, which helped flushing by increasing the amount of water dumped from the tank to the bowl when you raise the flapper with the flush lever. What I suggested was decreasing the water level in the bowl, thereby increasing the distance from the seat to what you call the puddle, which is what you say you want.”
I apologize as I mis-understood what you were saying.
Yes lowering the water-level in the bowl would help. How do I go about doing that?
“Something else I should have noted, you should be sure to get a toilet with an "elongated front" rather than a round front. It gives the men in the house a little more "equipment" room.
Unless space is really limited, it's the only kind of unit I'll put in a bath anymore. Round fronts are icky.”
I agree entirely, though I was going to leave that discussion for yet another day.
Draping my stuff against the front rim of the bowl is distasteful, in my opinion.
I do hate round-bowls, and even many ‘elongated-bowls’ really don’t help.
I don’t want to hang outside of the bowl entirely, but to scoot back enough to fit inside, often means leaving streaks on the aft part of the seat. So it all has to be wiped down when I stand up anyway.
See people (ladies) these are common issues among men. Most of us have learned to live with the curse of manhood, quietly. But no more, now is the time for voicing our problems.
Girl from OZ-
The issue was not an issue of aim.
It was dealing with things once you sit down. To sit down and center yourself over the bowl, a man does not wish to hang his parts outside of the bowl (should there be leakage from his hose, or what if he needs to drain his hose as well as dump solids?)
No no no ‘aim’ is not the issue.
It is fitting everything into the bowl rim, yet without dangling into the water puddle, or getting splashed by things hitting the water-puddle. Which is disgusting by the way. Having parts of my person splashed with seemingly dirty water, see?
“Still, it doesn't solve the problem of little puddles on the floor....”
Then may I suggest, that after drinking so much rum you send your man outside, where he does not have to concentrate so much on his aim.
“George is right. The round-front toilets are a curse unto mankind.”
Agreed. And thank you for your input.
“Ladies: For those of you who get annoyed that men sometimes "miss" the toilet, you have to understand how men are built. Now, you know perfectly well that as you urinate, the pressure gradually drops until you stop. It's the same with us, except that our bladders are larger than yours and the pressure is higher. Since you pee straight down, the pressure doesn't matter to you. Since we pee "out" more or less, the stream is going to jet out for a distance proportional to the pressure at any given instant. That's why we have to stand back a bit from the toilet and can't stand completely over the bowl to catch drips--we'd whiz all over the tank if we did. So, when we're close to finishing we have to lean in a bit as the stream gets shorter. Sometimes the pressure can stop abruptly through flexing of the urinary sphincter, and oops, some can hit the floor anyway. It's not intentional, it's just bio-physics.”
Good try there.
I learned long ago, many of us men, stand with feet wide apart and one hand on the wall over the toilet to resolve this issue with aim. It also helps when you have drank a wee too much to be able to stand without stumbling.
“If I have to use a public bathroom, I don't sit down but instead squat, my rear hovering above the seat.”
“At home or elsewhere, if I have to sit down, I don't let my wang hang down into the bowl and instead leave it above on the seat. This often results in me having a .... and flushing that before I sit down. I have no idea why the two are connected, but I do them separately and it's ok.”
Thanks for the functioning insite. Having to clean the cottages from time to time where I work, I often have gotten angry at the smell and dribbles that were everwhere. The young males would intentionally urinate in closets or hampers but I never could understand the bathrm. Now I understand.
Galen, do you have any other joyous secrets that seem to plague the male species that you would like to share with the GS female populace? Please tell us more... :D--> although I have not responded humorously, my mind is just reeling with one liners. Thanks for the endorphines.
"Thanks for the functioning insite. Having to clean the cottages from time to time where I work, I often have gotten angry at the smell and dribbles that were everwhere. The young males would intentionally urinate in closets or hampers but I never could understand the bathrm. Now I understand."
Well I dont.
Our children (currently we have 3 boys in our home) do the hamper thing. I dont know why. They have gone through phases of buckets in their room, etc. Now it seems more often then not, the bathroom hamper (next to the toilet) smells.
Ugh, I dont have any idea why.
Granted our little girl had a lego bucket in her closet filled this past winter.
Galen: When cats start "going" in non-standard places, it's usually a psychological condition rather than a physical one. Don't know if the parallel holds with humans, but it's possible.
quote: Right-o, the older models are still the 5 gallon units. I really like the ones that hold the water-closet up on the wall mounted close to the ceiling.
Galen -- Me too. My house (nothing special, Geo can testify to that), was built around 1895, and one of those top mount units would be great. Just for the looks alone, if nothing else!
quote: Galen: When cats start "going" in non-standard places, it's usually a psychological condition rather than a physical one. Don't know if the parallel holds with humans, but it's possible.
Zix -- not only possible, but a high likelihood of being probable, if not down right certain.
Many of the "clients" I work with utilize "bathroom dis-order" to either gain attention to themselves, or to express displeasure with whatever happens to be going on at the time that they disagree with. Your cats (I'm thinking) are no different, so your assumption is correct.
“Galen: When cats start "going" in non-standard places, it's usually a psychological condition rather than a physical one. Don't know if the parallel holds with humans, but it's possible.”
I would fully anticipate that the issue with these children is fully psychological and not the least bit physical.
“Galen -- Me too. My house (nothing special, Geo can testify to that), was built around 1895, and one of those top mount units would be great. Just for the looks alone, if nothing else!”
At least with one of those you can hear the satisfying roar of the water as it scrubs and flushes and charges down the bowl.
“Many of the "clients" I work with utilize "bathroom dis-order" to either gain attention to themselves, or to express displeasure with whatever happens to be going on at the time that they disagree with. Your cats (I'm thinking) are no different, so your assumption is correct.”
I assure you nothing is wrong outside of what proper placement of a cattle-prod wouldn’t help.
(take due notice, that I am funning you here. I have no intention of actually using a cattle-prod on any of our foster-children at this time. Granted as soon as we finalize their adoptions, and the ‘NO-Corporal-punishment’ restrictions are again lifted, things may be seen in a different light. After all we love our demon-spawn children.)
“. . . to either gain attention to themselves, or to express displeasure with whatever happens to be going on at the time that they disagree with . . . ”
So is the agreement of the therapists that our children are each seeing. Whether it is putting away their own clothing, or taking a bath before bed, or not being allowed to wear makeup, or being made to go to school, etc.
“But Geo, the rumor is that a wife will love you EVEN more if you actually install it instead of storing it in a closet. LOL”
Right now, I am basking in my wife’s affection from having installed a jaquzzi in our Motor Home.
Do you mean that there is MORE affection available?
While the original topic here was the mechanics of a water-closet, towards the recent end it did twist a little.
I should add that among our demon-spawn, the middle boy (Tim, 10) finally got into treatment by a Psychiatrist last week. He has been seeing a therapist for 'play-therapy' for the past 2 years. The therapist has not been able to diagnose him, nor to be able to resolve any issues that he has. Of this group of syblings, he was the first one that I noticed needed serious help. In the first week with us, I caught him jabbing other children in the face with a sparkler, and then he injured our dog by hitting it with a large stick across the dog's back.
It has been a long two years, but we finally got him in to see an actual Psychiatrist this past week. So now we hope to see the various issues get better. (feces fights, urinating in the laundry, extorting other children by threatening to urinate in their beds, injuring the dog, injuring other chidlren (he held his little brother's hand in a blender which needed over 100 stitches), he rides his bicycle into on-coming cars, he insists that anyone that he can drive his bicycle into is at fault, Bonnie is upset because he insists that 'telling-storys' is not a lie unless you can prove with witnesses that it is a lie, the list goes on.) But anyway we are excited as DCF has finally agreed to allow him to be treated by someone who might be able to help.
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Well, you could push it back so it doesn't dangle to the front.
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And david, for your fyi, this is too interesting of a subject to be packing...
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“Galen -- this law only applies to new models, right? You can find "used" models where renovation and remodeling of homes is being done, or where building demolition will be taking place.”
Right-o, the older models are still the 5 gallon units. I really like the ones that hold the water-closet up on the wall mounted close to the ceiling.
“However, Galen, I am extremely grateful we have never met in "real life" and I have no face to put with the image, so to speak.”
I fail to see why you would not desire to have met me.
“Thanks for playing "Too Much Information", Galen, and if you'll step off to the left of the stage, Carol has some lovely 'parting' gifts for you.”
I play whenever I can.
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“I was thinking about your delima but not to seriously when a thought came to mind. When I worked at an eating disorder facility some girls were given donuts (inflatable tubes) to sit on because they were so thin an bone on hard”
Cool, never have so many people focused their attention on my parts.
Once while stationed on the USS George C. Marshall, we were in a shipyard and functioning out of a office-barge, Everyday we were required to wear hardhats and safety shoes to be able to get to the barge. Well the officers hung signs everywhere that for the following morning’s muster we were going to muster out on the pier and the uniform for the muster would be ‘HARD HATS AND SAFETY SHOES’ and it went on to say how much trouble we would get if we were not in the ‘HARD HATS AND SAFETY SHOES’. So the next morning I showed up for muster wearing my hard hat and safety shoes. They got all upset as they apparently had meant for us to still wear our uniforms also. My response was that we always wore uniforms plus hardhats and safety shoes, they are the ones who generated the order to wear this on this special day. I had to go home and change.
“wear a condom”
To the restroom?
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“I can't say I have ever heard of anyone with your dangle problem. geesh, maybe your only answer is to use the john only when you have an erection.”
It is my understanding that an erection kind of prevents some fluids from flowing.
But you are correct that to prevent dangle a stiffy would do.
I did not really want to prevent the dangle so much as to prevent the dangle from splashing or from getting splashed.
“American Standard makes a "power flush" model which uses some sort of a forced pressure to flush the system. They work incredibly well, but are rather loud. My clients have been very happy with them in spite of the loudness.”
Cool, in the Navy they are all power flush units using 150 psi fire-main water to power-flush things along. I don’t mind the noise.
“Poor cleaning of the bowl can have many causes, from a clogged wax ring, corroded/crusty inlet holes in the bowl, improper water level, or bad/weak flapper valve (where the water leaves the tank to go to the bowl) My first guess is the flapper valve, second the wax ring. You should never set the float valve to fill the tank above the water elevation mark which is cast into the back of the tank. It's a waste of water and does little to increase flushing capability.”
I thought the wax-ring is just a form of gasket, it can get clogged?
I never thought of the inlet holes into the bowl getting clogged either, I will check that would slow down the flush and limit the amount of inertia developed within the bowl to carry anything through the gooseneck and away.
If the flapper valve seals and does not leak, the only issue I have with them is when they settle back down before the water-closet has fully drained itself. Which is I think a matter of the air-bubble inside having been lost.
Raising the water level in the tank, does increase the amount of water be3ing flushed, Here in the New England, we don’t have any water shortages. Un-like the South West. Most of my family are in California and they do have tight restrictions on their water usage.
“Oh, regarding installing used 3.5 or 5.0 gallon toilets. Its a bad idea unless the area has soft water. You are buying someone else's problems most likely, but most contractors would give them to you so they don't have to haul them to the dump. Licensed plumbers cannot install them for you (at least in my area). I guess plumbers need to know more than that water flows downhill and payday is on Friday.”
When I have hired plumbers here in Ct, they have always impressed me with their singular lack of knowledge about their profession. Our last building manager was a plumber, when each room’s wall-mounted heating unit had problems or began to leak, he would shut them off, rather then fix them. When we returned stateside, I was amazed that we still had any renters at all. It was down to a single one-room heater per apartment.
I ripped them out and replaced them all with baseboard heat and plumbed them all to their furnaces, myself.
I replaced the kitchen cabinets, sinks and floor tile in each apartment, and I put in two bath-tub surrounds and one free-standing shower-stall. (The shower-stall looks goofy as it is in a room with a 6-foot ceiling only in the center of the room, both opposing walls are the low roof which meet in the center, so the shower-stall is cut like an A-frame).
I have learned to really dis-like the local plumbers. When I had rentals in Southern California things worked better.
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getting too technical
but enjoyed the hard hat safety shoe story !!!!
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“I didn't realize men had this kind of problem”
As you can see, it is not an entirely un-common problem.
“Galen, I'm not trying to be funny here but am raising a son so feel I know something. Could you maybe hold the dangling part a little from the top so it doesn't dangle and you can go from both ends at the same time if need be?”
Yes, maam
Well there is also the ‘other’ dangling parts (the ones with the fur) which get splashed as well, but I suppose that your suggestion would apply with them as well.
As to raising young boys, I installed a deck-drain in the center of our bathroom floor back in 1990 when we first bought this building. The floor has ceramic tiles that are laid on a thin layer of concrete, I did it so the floor has a slight tilt, all around the room, so any fluids anywhere flow towards the deck-drain.
When we returned stateside this past time, we found that many of the floor tiles were cracked and the grouting had no been re-sealed for numerous years. So I replaced the old tiles with 1 ¼” white ceramic tiles. I was building a jaquzzi in our basement and had lots of resin left over so we decided to seal the floor this time with a thick layer of polyester resin. With all these children around, I thought that I would be a little artsy so I randomly painted many of the tiles with glow-in-the-dark paints. Some blue, some red, some yellow and green. Before I sealed over them with the resin. Now it is all sealed, and any water splashed out of the tub or that flows over the rim of the toilet, runs nicely down the deck drain. And yes my bathroom floor lights up in a checker-board of different colours, when you turn off the light.
The bath-tub / shower-enclosure also has two opposing shower heads with their own controls. I put it in the last time we lived here. Bonnie likes it for taking showers together as a couple. (she often wants her hair-washed or her back-scrubbed. Women can be so demanding.)
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“Is that what submariners call "blowing sanitary"?
Sounds like a great way to leak test your drains. Ever forget to block all them before that exercise?”
I don’t really care if it burps the deck-drain, or burps in the bath-tub. So long as it clears out the gooseneck underneath the toilet.
Once they join together in the vertical 6” ironpipe they also enjoy the flow from up-stairs, to help wash things away.
Long gone-
“That has nothing to do with what I suggested. A toilet holds water in two places, the tank and the bowl. You raised the water level in the tank, which helped flushing by increasing the amount of water dumped from the tank to the bowl when you raise the flapper with the flush lever. What I suggested was decreasing the water level in the bowl, thereby increasing the distance from the seat to what you call the puddle, which is what you say you want.”
I apologize as I mis-understood what you were saying.
Yes lowering the water-level in the bowl would help. How do I go about doing that?
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“Something else I should have noted, you should be sure to get a toilet with an "elongated front" rather than a round front. It gives the men in the house a little more "equipment" room.
Unless space is really limited, it's the only kind of unit I'll put in a bath anymore. Round fronts are icky.”
I agree entirely, though I was going to leave that discussion for yet another day.
Draping my stuff against the front rim of the bowl is distasteful, in my opinion.
I do hate round-bowls, and even many ‘elongated-bowls’ really don’t help.
I don’t want to hang outside of the bowl entirely, but to scoot back enough to fit inside, often means leaving streaks on the aft part of the seat. So it all has to be wiped down when I stand up anyway.
See people (ladies) these are common issues among men. Most of us have learned to live with the curse of manhood, quietly. But no more, now is the time for voicing our problems.
Girl from OZ-
The issue was not an issue of aim.
It was dealing with things once you sit down. To sit down and center yourself over the bowl, a man does not wish to hang his parts outside of the bowl (should there be leakage from his hose, or what if he needs to drain his hose as well as dump solids?)
No no no ‘aim’ is not the issue.
It is fitting everything into the bowl rim, yet without dangling into the water puddle, or getting splashed by things hitting the water-puddle. Which is disgusting by the way. Having parts of my person splashed with seemingly dirty water, see?
“Still, it doesn't solve the problem of little puddles on the floor....”
Then may I suggest, that after drinking so much rum you send your man outside, where he does not have to concentrate so much on his aim.
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“George is right. The round-front toilets are a curse unto mankind.”
Agreed. And thank you for your input.
“Ladies: For those of you who get annoyed that men sometimes "miss" the toilet, you have to understand how men are built. Now, you know perfectly well that as you urinate, the pressure gradually drops until you stop. It's the same with us, except that our bladders are larger than yours and the pressure is higher. Since you pee straight down, the pressure doesn't matter to you. Since we pee "out" more or less, the stream is going to jet out for a distance proportional to the pressure at any given instant. That's why we have to stand back a bit from the toilet and can't stand completely over the bowl to catch drips--we'd whiz all over the tank if we did. So, when we're close to finishing we have to lean in a bit as the stream gets shorter. Sometimes the pressure can stop abruptly through flexing of the urinary sphincter, and oops, some can hit the floor anyway. It's not intentional, it's just bio-physics.”
Good try there.
I learned long ago, many of us men, stand with feet wide apart and one hand on the wall over the toilet to resolve this issue with aim. It also helps when you have drank a wee too much to be able to stand without stumbling.
“If I have to use a public bathroom, I don't sit down but instead squat, my rear hovering above the seat.”
“At home or elsewhere, if I have to sit down, I don't let my wang hang down into the bowl and instead leave it above on the seat. This often results in me having a .... and flushing that before I sit down. I have no idea why the two are connected, but I do them separately and it's ok.”
Yes I understand.
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“this is too interesting of a subject to be packing...”
I am glad to offer you amusement.
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Mary Cate
This topic has been both entertaining AND educational. I will be looking at all toilets in a whole new light.
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i'm simply amazed
i feel like going to a mall and doing a survey
or inventing a product and becoming a millionaire
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Thanks for the functioning insite. Having to clean the cottages from time to time where I work, I often have gotten angry at the smell and dribbles that were everwhere. The young males would intentionally urinate in closets or hampers but I never could understand the bathrm. Now I understand.
Galen, do you have any other joyous secrets that seem to plague the male species that you would like to share with the GS female populace? Please tell us more...
:D--> although I have not responded humorously, my mind is just reeling with one liners. Thanks for the endorphines.
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Mary Cate
Just have to bring this back to the top because it has been such interesting reading.
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"Thanks for the functioning insite. Having to clean the cottages from time to time where I work, I often have gotten angry at the smell and dribbles that were everwhere. The young males would intentionally urinate in closets or hampers but I never could understand the bathrm. Now I understand."
Well I dont.
Our children (currently we have 3 boys in our home) do the hamper thing. I dont know why. They have gone through phases of buckets in their room, etc. Now it seems more often then not, the bathroom hamper (next to the toilet) smells.
Ugh, I dont have any idea why.
Granted our little girl had a lego bucket in her closet filled this past winter.
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Galen: When cats start "going" in non-standard places, it's usually a psychological condition rather than a physical one. Don't know if the parallel holds with humans, but it's possible.
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Galen -- Me too. My house (nothing special, Geo can testify to that), was built around 1895, and one of those top mount units would be great. Just for the looks alone, if nothing else!
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Zix -- not only possible, but a high likelihood of being probable, if not down right certain.
Many of the "clients" I work with utilize "bathroom dis-order" to either gain attention to themselves, or to express displeasure with whatever happens to be going on at the time that they disagree with. Your cats (I'm thinking) are no different, so your assumption is correct.
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But Geo, the rumor is that a wife will love you EVEN more if you actually install it instead of storing it in a closet. LOL
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“Galen: When cats start "going" in non-standard places, it's usually a psychological condition rather than a physical one. Don't know if the parallel holds with humans, but it's possible.”
I would fully anticipate that the issue with these children is fully psychological and not the least bit physical.
“Galen -- Me too. My house (nothing special, Geo can testify to that), was built around 1895, and one of those top mount units would be great. Just for the looks alone, if nothing else!”
At least with one of those you can hear the satisfying roar of the water as it scrubs and flushes and charges down the bowl.
“Many of the "clients" I work with utilize "bathroom dis-order" to either gain attention to themselves, or to express displeasure with whatever happens to be going on at the time that they disagree with. Your cats (I'm thinking) are no different, so your assumption is correct.”
I assure you nothing is wrong outside of what proper placement of a cattle-prod wouldn’t help.
(take due notice, that I am funning you here. I have no intention of actually using a cattle-prod on any of our foster-children at this time. Granted as soon as we finalize their adoptions, and the ‘NO-Corporal-punishment’ restrictions are again lifted, things may be seen in a different light. After all we love our demon-spawn children.)
“. . . to either gain attention to themselves, or to express displeasure with whatever happens to be going on at the time that they disagree with . . . ”
So is the agreement of the therapists that our children are each seeing. Whether it is putting away their own clothing, or taking a bath before bed, or not being allowed to wear makeup, or being made to go to school, etc.
“But Geo, the rumor is that a wife will love you EVEN more if you actually install it instead of storing it in a closet. LOL”
Right now, I am basking in my wife’s affection from having installed a jaquzzi in our Motor Home.
Do you mean that there is MORE affection available?
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Too bad it isn't legal to use it "judiciously".
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Mary Cate
Just bringing this topic to the top because it is more interesting than rejection and agenda threads.
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While the original topic here was the mechanics of a water-closet, towards the recent end it did twist a little.
I should add that among our demon-spawn, the middle boy (Tim, 10) finally got into treatment by a Psychiatrist last week. He has been seeing a therapist for 'play-therapy' for the past 2 years. The therapist has not been able to diagnose him, nor to be able to resolve any issues that he has. Of this group of syblings, he was the first one that I noticed needed serious help. In the first week with us, I caught him jabbing other children in the face with a sparkler, and then he injured our dog by hitting it with a large stick across the dog's back.
It has been a long two years, but we finally got him in to see an actual Psychiatrist this past week. So now we hope to see the various issues get better. (feces fights, urinating in the laundry, extorting other children by threatening to urinate in their beds, injuring the dog, injuring other chidlren (he held his little brother's hand in a blender which needed over 100 stitches), he rides his bicycle into on-coming cars, he insists that anyone that he can drive his bicycle into is at fault, Bonnie is upset because he insists that 'telling-storys' is not a lie unless you can prove with witnesses that it is a lie, the list goes on.) But anyway we are excited as DCF has finally agreed to allow him to be treated by someone who might be able to help.
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