From what I understand, CG took many of VPW's sermons and taped teachings and put them in a book or multiple books.
In fact, at one time, the way sold CG's first book in the audiitorium bookstore.
As each leaders love for the way wained, their works were systematically "gotten rid of".
During the 90's, even the way magazine had large photographs of leadership, where the likes of Vince F. and John L. and Ralph D. were taken out and replaced with other leaders.
Not uncommom in common christianity.
Remember us being told that Oral Roberts "comprimised on the word" because he joined up with the Methodist chruch. (story goes that he needed the funding to get his college stronger) Well, years later he was "excommunicated" from the Methodist church and many of his college professors were forced, by the Methodist church, to leave (resign) from ORU.
Tom B. in Columbus, may know of CG's whereabouts, last heard: Maine. Maybe TB could give you more info.
Thanks and no I do not want the book or any thing out of it He was brought up on another post and I just got thinking about that book
I just got thinking on how that book got my mind feel like he was buff up
I hear his name brought up and in not good ways from time to time and I just needed to get everything out in the open of how I last feel about him from reading that book
But I hope he has change and where his goals are to help not get rich from believers
There are very few leaders who left the Way that I have feel that there hearts were not best but I not sure why I feel that way toward C. Greer but I hope he has change
Or if the feeling are even right I guess all I want to know is he change or is he still think like he used too
Or did I read him wrong you see I heard alot but I never know the man one on one
I not sure what to think
Hi Lightside
I not looking for anything his name came up and I recalled the book that was put out after death of VPW with nick name passing of the patriarch were are main leadership sign the book
But I now see not reason to think on it must
I guess one thing makes to think of another
But just one question have you heard from TB lately because I do think about friends alot and I pray for him from time to time
quote: Did you ever read that book Chris Geer wrote? You know the call "living in something"
Living in deep doo doo?
:P--> Thanks Roy that made my morning I couldnt have worded it any better myself.
I read em in the early 90's but Ive either psychologically blocked it out or God in his infinite wisdom has thrown it into the sea of forgetfulness where it belongs.
Living in Something--would accurately describe alot of Way books
I added this update here to help not hurt this post because post may of not been best
And me say I was bless with the input I receive up to this date
Here it is
Hi and God bless your hearts Here I am written to you about C. Geer I first wrote about by my five senses past history of reading a book he wrote
But now I ask God I should of wrote and what I did wrong asking about the book was wrong because the man may have change and I need to give room to him to change if he has not yet
What I could of ask what do you know about this man and has his life change since he left the Way but I should of told you I once read a book by him and I saw him say I did as if nothing got done without him
Now I believe that every thing good is done by the help of God and the bad things would not be done if God had not love us enough to give us free will
For is us that deside whether to do things good or bad or whether to teach or share by five senses or by spiritual senses Now what I did was by the five senses and its was wrong I first should of found out what is acts were today
Or I could of said I knew a man that was giving himself all the credit when it took others and he got puff up doing that but I call him by name
Now I call VPW by name but his time is past to change and I also call LCM by name but he still part of the Way has last I heard but what do you think should I give room to change
Now if I found out that Geer is using by brothers and sisters in any wrong I will call him by name write him a note telling him to change but until I know for sure I will leave it here
I wrote this with love and a heart to put things right that I may of put wrong Now I will do a search for his Web site if he has one and write him asking him what is doing for God today and we will see because I will share any or no answer with you all
For others may have done this already but I need to do it because I need to know whether to point him out to watch or love
For I heard bad about him and I need to know which are right for my heart to close this matter
There were two books, one was Living Victoriously and the other was Take God at His Word, or something similar. As Lightside wrote, they were collections of Wierwille's teachings collected in book form, Living Victoriously taken specifically from the class of the same name that was done in 1982.
They were sold in the Way bookstore while Geer and Martindale were still affiliated with each other.
The content of the books was on par with the collaterals, especially Volume 5, which was also drawn from oral teachings, rather than short booklets like volumes 1-4 were. As I recall the binding was similar to that of the collaterals, the same two-tone coloring, LV in white and green and TGAHW in two-tone purple.
I do not remember if they were numbered as part of the Studies in Abundant Living series however.
Martindale made a big deal of the fact that the books used the phrase "posthumously edited by Chris Geer" on the title page. None of Wierwille's other books listed his editors so prominently, although he was alive when all his other books were published.
They were published not by American Christian Press, but by European Christian Press.
In theory, there is no difference between theory and practice...but in practice there is
Oak nice summery! I would add that he also did three more books of the same unpublished stuff "Our Times" "Turn Your Eyes Upon Jesus" (Which by the way has nothing to do with Jesus) and "Take A Stand For God". Roy what is left of them can be ordered from Nancy Kent if you are looking for one.
The one I was think was two as one book the name I was thinking about was "Living Victoriously" but the real book I read was "The Passing of the Patriarch"
And I got a bad feeling about him from reading this book. I ask myself after recalling this man is one that could be using believers like the Way has done and is
Now I wrote him a lettler my mail to ask him what is he doing these days
And I may still have the wrong book but I do know that it was pass from believer to believer and it had a page with many leadership sign after VPW had die
But I only read it in 1991 or so but I believe it begin to be pass along in 1987 or so
To leadership first and then others
Now I never wanted the book because its not for me because it gave me bad recalls and post here help me put it in the past
You see its just a book and I still hope C. Geer has change but do any of you have up date knowledge of this man
What is he doing for God
Is he helping God's children or hurting them
Does he have a Web page
does he have a Email address
I have a mail address for him but I will not give it unless you Email me for it
If I'm not mistaken, you would have read a transcript of an statement read to the Corps in 1986/87 (?) called Passing of the Patriarch or POP as it is now refered...
CG didn't turn it into a book. His books are a separate issue...
Roy the printed version of The Passing of A Patriarch is out of print now. It was originally printed as a three booklet set and given to the subscribers of Future Considerations then later it was bound into one book and sold. If you have a specific question I may be able to help you if you want you can email me. My email is in my profile. He does not have a web page or public email and Chris just moved recently so the address you have may not be correct.
Without Coffee
I Would Have No Personality At All
[This message was edited by WhiteDove on January 31, 2004 at 0:55.]
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I read his stuff many years ago...
I think I still have his books buried someplace.
Do you need some info from the books for some reason?
If so, I will try to find them..
If not, I will just leave them buried someplace...
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From what I understand, CG took many of VPW's sermons and taped teachings and put them in a book or multiple books.
In fact, at one time, the way sold CG's first book in the audiitorium bookstore.
As each leaders love for the way wained, their works were systematically "gotten rid of".
During the 90's, even the way magazine had large photographs of leadership, where the likes of Vince F. and John L. and Ralph D. were taken out and replaced with other leaders.
Not uncommom in common christianity.
Remember us being told that Oral Roberts "comprimised on the word" because he joined up with the Methodist chruch. (story goes that he needed the funding to get his college stronger) Well, years later he was "excommunicated" from the Methodist church and many of his college professors were forced, by the Methodist church, to leave (resign) from ORU.
Tom B. in Columbus, may know of CG's whereabouts, last heard: Maine. Maybe TB could give you more info.
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Hi Zshot
Thanks and no I do not want the book or any thing out of it He was brought up on another post and I just got thinking about that book
I just got thinking on how that book got my mind feel like he was buff up
I hear his name brought up and in not good ways from time to time and I just needed to get everything out in the open of how I last feel about him from reading that book
But I hope he has change and where his goals are to help not get rich from believers
There are very few leaders who left the Way that I have feel that there hearts were not best but I not sure why I feel that way toward C. Greer but I hope he has change
Or if the feeling are even right I guess all I want to know is he change or is he still think like he used too
Or did I read him wrong you see I heard alot but I never know the man one on one
I not sure what to think
Hi Lightside
I not looking for anything his name came up and I recalled the book that was put out after death of VPW with nick name passing of the patriarch were are main leadership sign the book
But I now see not reason to think on it must
I guess one thing makes to think of another
But just one question have you heard from TB lately because I do think about friends alot and I pray for him from time to time
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Living in deep doo doo?
I read em in the early 90's but Ive either psychologically blocked it out or God in his infinite wisdom has thrown it into the sea of forgetfulness where it belongs.
Living in Something--would accurately describe alot of Way books
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Hi All
I added this update here to help not hurt this post because post may of not been best
And me say I was bless with the input I receive up to this date
Here it is
Hi and God bless your hearts Here I am written to you about C. Geer I first wrote about by my five senses past history of reading a book he wrote
But now I ask God I should of wrote and what I did wrong asking about the book was wrong because the man may have change and I need to give room to him to change if he has not yet
What I could of ask what do you know about this man and has his life change since he left the Way but I should of told you I once read a book by him and I saw him say I did as if nothing got done without him
Now I believe that every thing good is done by the help of God and the bad things would not be done if God had not love us enough to give us free will
For is us that deside whether to do things good or bad or whether to teach or share by five senses or by spiritual senses Now what I did was by the five senses and its was wrong I first should of found out what is acts were today
Or I could of said I knew a man that was giving himself all the credit when it took others and he got puff up doing that but I call him by name
Now I call VPW by name but his time is past to change and I also call LCM by name but he still part of the Way has last I heard but what do you think should I give room to change
Now if I found out that Geer is using by brothers and sisters in any wrong I will call him by name write him a note telling him to change but until I know for sure I will leave it here
I wrote this with love and a heart to put things right that I may of put wrong Now I will do a search for his Web site if he has one and write him asking him what is doing for God today and we will see because I will share any or no answer with you all
For others may have done this already but I need to do it because I need to know whether to point him out to watch or love
For I heard bad about him and I need to know which are right for my heart to close this matter
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There were two books, one was Living Victoriously and the other was Take God at His Word, or something similar. As Lightside wrote, they were collections of Wierwille's teachings collected in book form, Living Victoriously taken specifically from the class of the same name that was done in 1982.
They were sold in the Way bookstore while Geer and Martindale were still affiliated with each other.
The content of the books was on par with the collaterals, especially Volume 5, which was also drawn from oral teachings, rather than short booklets like volumes 1-4 were. As I recall the binding was similar to that of the collaterals, the same two-tone coloring, LV in white and green and TGAHW in two-tone purple.
I do not remember if they were numbered as part of the Studies in Abundant Living series however.
Martindale made a big deal of the fact that the books used the phrase "posthumously edited by Chris Geer" on the title page. None of Wierwille's other books listed his editors so prominently, although he was alive when all his other books were published.
They were published not by American Christian Press, but by European Christian Press.
In theory, there is no difference between theory and practice...but in practice there is
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Oak nice summery! I would add that he also did three more books of the same unpublished stuff "Our Times" "Turn Your Eyes Upon Jesus" (Which by the way has nothing to do with Jesus) and "Take A Stand For God". Roy what is left of them can be ordered from Nancy Kent if you are looking for one.
Without Coffee
I Would Have No Personality At All
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Hi Oak Spear and White Dove
The one I was think was two as one book the name I was thinking about was "Living Victoriously" but the real book I read was "The Passing of the Patriarch"
And I got a bad feeling about him from reading this book. I ask myself after recalling this man is one that could be using believers like the Way has done and is
Now I wrote him a lettler my mail to ask him what is he doing these days
And I may still have the wrong book but I do know that it was pass from believer to believer and it had a page with many leadership sign after VPW had die
But I only read it in 1991 or so but I believe it begin to be pass along in 1987 or so
To leadership first and then others
Now I never wanted the book because its not for me because it gave me bad recalls and post here help me put it in the past
You see its just a book and I still hope C. Geer has change but do any of you have up date knowledge of this man
What is he doing for God
Is he helping God's children or hurting them
Does he have a Web page
does he have a Email address
I have a mail address for him but I will not give it unless you Email me for it
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If I'm not mistaken, you would have read a transcript of an statement read to the Corps in 1986/87 (?) called Passing of the Patriarch or POP as it is now refered...
CG didn't turn it into a book. His books are a separate issue...
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Roy the printed version of The Passing of A Patriarch is out of print now. It was originally printed as a three booklet set and given to the subscribers of Future Considerations then later it was bound into one book and sold. If you have a specific question I may be able to help you if you want you can email me. My email is in my profile. He does not have a web page or public email and Chris just moved recently so the address you have may not be correct.
Without Coffee
I Would Have No Personality At All
[This message was edited by WhiteDove on January 31, 2004 at 0:55.]
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"The Passing of the Patriarch" is in the
documents accessible from the GSC Main Page!
Once a year, I recommend reading thru them all.
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Hello, Wordwoof.
hope you don't mind my calling you that. . . i like that name. !!
since i have not researched you at all, i don't know what you have posted. but what i've read you seem to have been around for some time.
and, you have a really good vibe.
hee hee.
not thinking anything other than getting to know someone who knows a lot!
nothing underlying. . .
just friends.
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