on their web site they have 47 thoughts to live on. wish they would just make it 50 :)-->
1. In times of change, learners will inherit the earth, while the learned will find themselves beautifully prepared to deal with a world which no longer exists.
2. What you say, and what you think, is every cell’s command – be sure the commands you are sending are not perpetuating the illness.
3. It’s not “all in your head”, but illness requires your head to be into and in line with your healing.
4. Determine and focus your mind on your body as you would have it be, and then never waver from that image. Your body will hear the command and make it so.
5. Focus on the illness and it will grow; focus on healing and it will be.
6. Doctors can help your body to heal, but only you can give your body the permission to heal totally.
7. What you need to learn is to never speak a negative. When you have a problem, never tell more people than necessary – your brain is listening.
8. This is a law of nature: Believing = Receiving, whether negative or positive.
9. Believe that you will be completely well again the way you believe that the letter you just mailed will actually reach its destination, or the way that you believe that the Statue of Liberty is in New York even though you have personally never seen it.
10. In dealing with pressure, you have to realize that all pressure begins in the mind. You allow yourself to be pressured. Consciously choose to depressurize.
11. To speed healing, you must get the hurt and dirt out of your life.
12. Change involves work.
13. You will never get the answer to a question you never asked.
14. Truth is truth, come hell or high water.
15. We fear what we do not understand. The cure for fear is understanding the truth. Understanding comes from acquiring knowledge. Wisdom is gained through applied knowledge.
16. Where knowledge fails, heart sustains.
17. Negatives are like ticks on a blood hunt. They stick to you. Eliminate the negatives and accentuate the positives.
18. All strain is drain.
19. Positive thoughts combat negative thinking.
20. Thinking patterns determine your heart, your heart determines your health.
21. Be patient with yourself.
22. Don’t sacrifice your whole life because you have a wound in one area. Lyme disease is not who you are.
26. What you are doing today will determine your tomorrow.
27. It’s really not how long we live that counts, but the quality of our lives while we are living.
28. The more healing you have to do, the more disciplined you have to be to get the desired healing done. The more sick you are, the more disciplined you must be to regain your health.
29. You are the sum total of the decisions your ancestors and you have made.
30. Wellness is not a state of being, but a state of mind.
31. The greatest part of education is learning to think for yourself.
32. I see my life far beyond today and tomorrow. I see my life from generation to generation causing them to live a stronger heritage.
33. We plant the trees so that someone else may enjoy the privilege of sitting in the shade.
34. I wish I were the man I know to be; however, I always strive to do better.
35. Minds are like parachutes: they work best when they are open.
36. Why continue to go to the world for answers when it’s the world that confused you in the first place?
37. One must be as willing to unlearn as to learn.
38. All life is dependent upon decision; accomplishment is attained by carrying out that decision.
39. Be assured of this – you never have a headache due to a deficiency of aspirin.
40. Looking back gives you a stiff neck.
41. Healing never occurs by accident: it is always the result of high intention, sincere effort, intelligent direction and execution.
42. If you keep doing what you’ve always done, then you will keep getting the same results.
43. To change your life you must change your mind.
44. It’s your body, it’s your decision on how to treat it.
45. Health in a bottle is a myth.
46. Practice every moment of every day to remain unchanged and content, by any internal or external circumstance.
47. Let go of yesterday. The past is roadkill. Live completely in the moment you are in.
So, you can go straight from a Bachelor's degree to a Doctorate at Cleveland Chiropractic College?
Sounds like an apple falling not very far from a tree.
"8. This is a law of nature: Believing = Receiving, whether negative or positive."
Magical thinking, plain and simple.
My wife has had to run the maze of genuine mental health care, but she HAS gotten help that works. It isn't easy, for anybody. These "spiritual" quacks aren't just nuisances, they're DANGEROUS! People who actually believe this stuff get HURT, and charged for it in the bargain.
Skyrider, get outa here, those are from Wierwille's Lifelines??? ROFL!!!
I can understand having a positive attitude as an asset to good health. So do others who have Lyme. But it's a long way from there to "believing = receiving."
Many with late-stage or chronic Lyme may have profound fatigue, depression, deep pain, and cognitive problems. Their disability has been compared to congestive heart failure. The last thing they need is to be told they somehow aren't believing big enough.
Here is what I wrote on the Lymenet message board, where I heard about this guy:
Some of the word constructs in the J*rnig*ns' bios, and other phrases on their website, lead me to believe that the "non-denominational" Christian group they follow is The Way International, or one of its offshoots.
I was involved with this organization for 12 years, back in high school, college and early adulthood. I have come to learn that the founder of the organization, Victor Paul Wierwille, was a serial sexual abuser to members of his flock, the second president was kicked out for sexual improprieties, and the group today practices very controlling doctrines. I would term the organization a cult, although many followers (myself included) had no idea how evil the group was at its core.
Since the J*rnig*n's do not name the "non-denominational Christian college" where they got their "advanced studies in Biblical research" from, I would beware. (The Way's colleges were never accredited, and no longer exist.) Although many of their ideas on supporting the body's natural ability to heal seem sound, I would examine everything they have to say with a fine-toothed comb.
Feel free to email me if you have other questions.
Shaz.....yeah, LifeLines. Some of them have been adapted a bit, but here's a few that I seem to remember. My copy of lifelines is boxed away in the attic.
Here's a few (as best I remember):
(7) When you have a problem, never tell more people than necessary.
(8) Believing equals receiving, whether negative or positive.
(11) All pressure begins in the mind. You allow yourself to be pressured.
I can't say positively they are from twi, but boy, that name rings a bell... where's Radar?? I bet she'd know for sure.
No question twi supported wholistic medicine. What was the fella's name who opened a clinic in Seattle, where VP went to the dedication? Is he still practicing? (I know he's no longer with der way, he left with POP.)
Yeah, JL, that's the place. The thread is already down on page 3, last I looked. Top priority on that section of the board always goes to sick people looking for medical information immediately.
Or maybe I'm as big a thread killer there as I am here... ;)-->
I will bump the thread back up, once, so you can find it.
The guys name in seattle was walter....gosh I forget his last name, starts with a C. He is in arizona now as I understand it.
To be honest, I never did like his treatments with his patients simply because it seemed to me that everyone was having the same problems and had the very same treatments. Seemed bogus to me.
WOW !!!! Maybe TWI should sue them over copyright laws!!
Wouldn't that be a riot! Especially since veepee stole those ideas from others.
Well, yeah, I got that information from a book, but the author of that book got it from someone else, so it really wasn't his idea anyway.
You can't steal something that wasn't their's in the beginning. If veepee were alive today, I'd like to ask him where he got the names Maggy Muggins, Snowball Pete, and Henry Boloko. I'm sure people make money off of ideas they read or heard from somewhere else. They are just a little smarter to mix it up so it doesn't sound so similar.
So Walter is heading up for environmental toxins...that is exactly what he would say to all his patients of twi. They had toxins. Well, he was really into it. LOL
The J*rn*g*ns' book has come up third on the list of books on Lyme disease at Amazon.com, so I have written a review there. It should come up in the next day or so.
I like what they have to say about nutritional support to help the body heal itself, but the book is a big commercial for their own brand of products, and their own brand of Christianity.
If they wish to debate that, they are free to email me or post here.
I just hate to see sick people sucked into a treatment, or a cult, out of desparation to get well.
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i don't know them, shaz
on their web site they have 47 thoughts to live on. wish they would just make it 50
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Hmmmmmmm......these 47 thoughts to live on......sound sorta familiar????
Lifelines by vpw ?????.......of course, some are adaptations to a specific health version.
Heck....let me adapt one of the "adaptations"......
Twi is like roadkill and I passed right on by.
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Steve Lortz
So, you can go straight from a Bachelor's degree to a Doctorate at Cleveland Chiropractic College?
Sounds like an apple falling not very far from a tree.
"8. This is a law of nature: Believing = Receiving, whether negative or positive."
Magical thinking, plain and simple.
My wife has had to run the maze of genuine mental health care, but she HAS gotten help that works. It isn't easy, for anybody. These "spiritual" quacks aren't just nuisances, they're DANGEROUS! People who actually believe this stuff get HURT, and charged for it in the bargain.
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Skyrider, get outa here, those are from Wierwille's Lifelines??? ROFL!!!
I can understand having a positive attitude as an asset to good health. So do others who have Lyme. But it's a long way from there to "believing = receiving."
Many with late-stage or chronic Lyme may have profound fatigue, depression, deep pain, and cognitive problems. Their disability has been compared to congestive heart failure. The last thing they need is to be told they somehow aren't believing big enough.
Here is what I wrote on the Lymenet message board, where I heard about this guy:
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Shaz.....yeah, LifeLines. Some of them have been adapted a bit, but here's a few that I seem to remember. My copy of lifelines is boxed away in the attic.
Here's a few (as best I remember):
(7) When you have a problem, never tell more people than necessary.
(8) Believing equals receiving, whether negative or positive.
(11) All pressure begins in the mind. You allow yourself to be pressured.
(12) Change involves work.
And....13, 14, 16, 17, 18, 19, 21, 23 (slightly adapted) etc.
WOW !!!! Maybe TWI should sue them over copyright laws!!
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Shaz, Is this the right link?
I went their and did not see your post. I was wondering if it is like twi chat board? Ask a question and poof it is gone.
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I can't say positively they are from twi, but boy, that name rings a bell... where's Radar?? I bet she'd know for sure.
No question twi supported wholistic medicine. What was the fella's name who opened a clinic in Seattle, where VP went to the dedication? Is he still practicing? (I know he's no longer with der way, he left with POP.)
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sky, i'm still laughing over this one
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ex.....yeah, really TWISTED.
Seems like....the "holy writ of wierwille" lives on....and on....on.
And...........there's nothing like plagerizing the plagerizer!!
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Yeah, JL, that's the place. The thread is already down on page 3, last I looked. Top priority on that section of the board always goes to sick people looking for medical information immediately.
Or maybe I'm as big a thread killer there as I am here...
I will bump the thread back up, once, so you can find it.
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Thanks Shaz. I found it and good job.
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The guys name in seattle was walter....gosh I forget his last name, starts with a C. He is in arizona now as I understand it.
To be honest, I never did like his treatments with his patients simply because it seemed to me that everyone was having the same problems and had the very same treatments. Seemed bogus to me.
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Was it.......crinnion??? or something like that??
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Yes it is, Crinnion, I know the spelling is wrong but yes that is it.
I just hate this because I knew them so well and now after so many years I feel like I have alzheimers....
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maybe they can help you with your alzheimers, ms. pickles
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You can find Walter Here.
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Wouldn't that be a riot! Especially since veepee stole those ideas from others.
Well, yeah, I got that information from a book, but the author of that book got it from someone else, so it really wasn't his idea anyway.
You can't steal something that wasn't their's in the beginning. If veepee were alive today, I'd like to ask him where he got the names Maggy Muggins, Snowball Pete, and Henry Boloko. I'm sure people make money off of ideas they read or heard from somewhere else. They are just a little smarter to mix it up so it doesn't sound so similar.
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So Walter is heading up for environmental toxins...that is exactly what he would say to all his patients of twi. They had toxins. Well, he was really into it. LOL
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They may as well have been, they make just as much sense.
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The J*rn*g*ns' book has come up third on the list of books on Lyme disease at Amazon.com, so I have written a review there. It should come up in the next day or so.
I like what they have to say about nutritional support to help the body heal itself, but the book is a big commercial for their own brand of products, and their own brand of Christianity.
If they wish to debate that, they are free to email me or post here.
I just hate to see sick people sucked into a treatment, or a cult, out of desparation to get well.
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