I don't know about anyone else, but I'm sure grateful that you would deign to answer all those "false rumors".
Since you were divorced in August, and resigned in January, what exactly is "false" and what makes it a "rumor"? Sounds to me like you're verifying correct (public) information that has (rightly) been circulating. What is the point of your mischaracterization? Is it to assert your dominance (gotta love that "natural leadership ability")? Or maybe it's to muddy the reputations of the people who post here (you did call us "gossips"), in order to protect your own sterling character. Amazing. You've managed to turn the whole thing around with one well-placed insult, as if it's an act of charity ("In Christ's love" no less) on your part to live up to the standards that you so demand of others.
So some say that I'm a gossiper and unethical. I harbor bitterness and you can see my heart. Wow, sounds a lot worse than what I even posted. Now who do you think is doing the judging, mmmm?
Doctors and lawyers can be sued for malpractice and lose their credentials.
Clergy in those damnable denominations can be defrocked.
A certain ex-Way "reverend" offers a few peremptory mea culpa's and it's off to the next cult.
No Al Poole, I don't want "blood," if you should ask me. I would only like to think he'd be required to find a new line of work.
As for your quote, "the true measure of a man is not how well he loved but rather how much he was loved by others," well that would include quite a rogues' gallery, wouldn't it? Seems so.
Al I thought you had a good post, but I have to ask about that quote"the true measure of a man is not how well he loved but rather how much he was loved by others "
I always thought that quote was the other way around
"The true measure of a man/woman is not how much he/she was loved by others but by how much he/she loved.
I mean God and Jesus certainly loved us more than people loved them. You know?
I know people who love others who absolutely loath them. That's the heart of God.
Very sorry to hear that your marriage did not work out. Even when divorce is absolutely the right thing to do, it is never a happy time.
I was confused by this statement you made...
I resigned as an employee in January because it was what I needed to do now in order to achieve my long term goal of being totally involved in ministering to the many people God is continuing to bring to this wonderful ministry, of which I am still very much an active part.
I am not sure how not being paid by this organization helps you achieve this goal.
I am also saddened that you are so quick to put us down. Just because we are not a part of CES does not mean we are "sitting on the sidelines." And I daresay we have been able to help a few people with our posts.
We each have our own gifts. It is when we think that our lifestyle is the only way that arrogance sets in. May we both stay free of it.
potshots and gossip ???? CES was started on pot shots and gossip . Where is the need to let the people know the truth or facts) of the leaders now? Seems in 1988 and still today you have found it a mighty mission from God to tell others what your knew as truth about TWI and your various issues with its leaders.
But when it bites ya in your own butt with the same , it FEELS different huh ? I understand what goes around comes around clearly and no one deserves it .
But it happens . It is how we learn the BIG LESSONS in life .
Like no one Compares to the Lord Jesus christ no matter how many lessons they prepare or work they have done all truth will be revealed only by HIM . The people may want a fleshy KING but God does not endorse the game plan of any flesh.
I hope John can straighten out his life. I look at the bright side. If he can keep himself fully occupied with that, maybe he won't be so busy teaching others the same nonsense that led him to his current state.
He's been wrong about a whole lot of ...., and it didn't end with TWI. The moment of realization will be the beginning of wisdom. As for CES, or whatever they are called these days, he's better off without them. I hear Bally's can always use another over-the-hill jock with the gift of gab.
When statements such as these are made, it's really no surprise why JAL characterizes them as potshots. He also challenges you brave anonymous posters who have a beef with him to speak with him privately. What's wrong with that? Why don't you email him hmmmmmmmmm.
It sounds noble this idea of "private" conversations. Well I say do it and write here what the out come is.. yeah I have and he is who he is and you know the bible "we stand accountable to God not man
Plenty of handy bullets of shame or guilt can be pulled from his pages of bible verses. If you know them right back , then you wont get far. I played the game far to long and so has John . It can be ugly he will insist on personal information or stop the conversation... um why is that? Takes the focus off the individual a very very common co-dependent ploy .
John wants to know WHO you are , what that means to his group and then calculating is done to say what he thinks will work for you.
John Lynn is a master at what he does. He considers it ministering to Gods people who flock to him .
I never said it was wrong it is just how it is.
the devil must hate him you know because of all the work he does for God and that is why all these GS posts ATTACK him. Who was doing it back in 87 then satan or john lynn with the tin can?
Since my post yesterday at about this time, there have been postings by 8 different people.
Have any of you taken John up on his open invitation to e mail him with your curiosity on the subject of his marriage and involvement in CES ? Hmmm????
Have any of you taken John up on his open invitation to e mail him with your curiosity on the subject of his marriage and involvement in CES ? Hmmm????
I have not.
John didn't ask me my opinion when he got married. I didn't live with them. I was not in their lives. I look at this as none of my business.
Etymology: from the notion that such a shot is unsportsmanlike and worthy only of one whose object is to fill the cooking pot
1 : a shot taken from ambush or at a random or easy target
2 : a critical remark made in a random or sporadic manner
JAL isn't being "ambushed" here. We didn't invite him in for a nice chat. He can read and respond from the comfort of his own seat and in his own time.
Neither is he being singled out at random. His Wayworld legacy is what it is, and he made it. His subsequent behavior, same.
"Unsportsmanlike" suggests there is something unfair happening. Isn't he good enough with words to post here? As laleo demonstrated, JAL is as slippery as an eel (my characterization, not laleo's). What should he fear (false evidence appearing real) from Greasespot?
There isn't anything "random or sporadic" about the posts here. They are on-topic, and concern a former high-ranking "leader" of TWI, as CES too, for that matter.
Regarding oldiesman's quotation and mischaracterization of my post, my comment about Bally's was intended to draw a parallel between JAL & LCM. Poor oldiesman only has the one, monotonous strategy for defending TWI and its leadership - he changes the subject, or at least he tries. He objects to the style, ignores the substance.
oldiesman also ignores JAL's belittling of Greasepot participants and their remarks, pointed out by Shaz and Wordwolf, etc. He loyally carries the TWI standard here at Greasespot. It happens to be a double-standard.
Oldies! You found the Irish Rovers! And wouldn't you know right now I"m having some computer problems (A required dLL file not found? whatever that means) and I can't seem to get to those sites! But as soon as I fix whatever is wrong here I WILL. Thanks! Love the little unicorn icon too.
Read John's new book "Will the Real Me Please Stop Leaving?", on sale now at the CBC website, "Christians Bankrolling Christians". Support their wonderful work.
I will now pronounce my views on this important and timely topic ( ahem )
Who gives a f@#! ?
Actually, that's John Lynn's response, if he had the guts. "Why do you give a f@#! ?"
I can see why it's of interest to some people, but not me. It's none of my business. I don't mean that in some quaz-eye-spiritual tone, as in "it's not my business to be involved in John Lynn's affairs, metaphorically speaking unless I was a woman and actually involved in one or more of his affairs in which case it would be my affair. Pretty much. But sprit'lly, tain't none of my bizness".
I mean it as in, it's his life, if he needs help he can call me personally and get some of my fresh, valuable help, or buy my new book titled "I Know the Real You And Buying This Book Will Help".
I mean, come on. It's been how many years now since he left the Way and he's still hanging around with the same people? John, get some new friends. I can help, buy my book "How to Get Friends and Influence People That the Real You Will Like". It's great. Really.
That's all I had to say, and I'm sure it's going to open some eyes, shake some trees and possibly push some buttons. But that's what I do, I shake things up, I'm a mover and a shaker. Email me if you'd like to have a
did I say personal?
conversation with the Real Me.
That's right, you can actually share an email with me and I'll respond in a manner, suitable for framing. You lucky dawgs you!
I wouldn't have had a bit of curiosity, or even a comment, if John had said something along the lines of: "You heard correctly. I'm divorced, and have resigned from CES, although I still support their valuable ministry. However, I don't wish to talk about this publicly. Questions? Email me privately."
What was that little two-step he was doing? (Slippery? You bet. I'm surprised he didn't sprain an ankle performing all those fancy pirouettes.) How can you defend his privacy when he protects it at your expense? I've read your posts, and your respect for John seems out of character. I don't get it.
These former Way leaders for years thought nothing of making up and disseminating their own false rumors -- unsuspecting people publicly disgraced and kicked out of the Corps for performing satanic rituals, pregnant women abandoned because men of God were trapped and tricked into engaging in sex acts against their will and better judgment. (John, surely you remember?) Even if these accusations weren't factually correct, we accepted that they were at least somehow spiritually correct. And here we have information that is factually correct, and we should stay quiet about it because it (the truth) is none of our business. Like I said, I don't get it.
If John had shown some respect for these forums, I would have responded in kind.
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I don't know about anyone else, but I'm sure grateful that you would deign to answer all those "false rumors".
Since you were divorced in August, and resigned in January, what exactly is "false" and what makes it a "rumor"? Sounds to me like you're verifying correct (public) information that has (rightly) been circulating. What is the point of your mischaracterization? Is it to assert your dominance (gotta love that "natural leadership ability")? Or maybe it's to muddy the reputations of the people who post here (you did call us "gossips"), in order to protect your own sterling character. Amazing. You've managed to turn the whole thing around with one well-placed insult, as if it's an act of charity ("In Christ's love" no less) on your part to live up to the standards that you so demand of others.
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Please check your private topics
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Well, John glad to hear that your doing ok.
So some say that I'm a gossiper and unethical. I harbor bitterness and you can see my heart. Wow, sounds a lot worse than what I even posted. Now who do you think is doing the judging, mmmm?
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Doctors and lawyers can be sued for malpractice and lose their credentials.
Clergy in those damnable denominations can be defrocked.
A certain ex-Way "reverend" offers a few peremptory mea culpa's and it's off to the next cult.
No Al Poole, I don't want "blood," if you should ask me. I would only like to think he'd be required to find a new line of work.
As for your quote, "the true measure of a man is not how well he loved but rather how much he was loved by others," well that would include quite a rogues' gallery, wouldn't it? Seems so.
Edited by satori001Link to comment
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Al I thought you had a good post, but I have to ask about that quote"the true measure of a man is not how well he loved but rather how much he was loved by others "
I always thought that quote was the other way around
"The true measure of a man/woman is not how much he/she was loved by others but by how much he/she loved.
I mean God and Jesus certainly loved us more than people loved them. You know?
I know people who love others who absolutely loath them. That's the heart of God.
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Dear John,
Very sorry to hear that your marriage did not work out. Even when divorce is absolutely the right thing to do, it is never a happy time.
I was confused by this statement you made...
I am not sure how not being paid by this organization helps you achieve this goal.I am also saddened that you are so quick to put us down. Just because we are not a part of CES does not mean we are "sitting on the sidelines." And I daresay we have been able to help a few people with our posts.
We each have our own gifts. It is when we think that our lifestyle is the only way that arrogance sets in. May we both stay free of it.
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There's no point whatsoever in posting to JAL here. When he feels there's a public
outcry, he makes a single post, then splits. He does not consider this forum a
venue it is profitable for him to communicate on as an equal. That's why each post
preremptorily attempts to silence FURTHER discussion with him HERE while leaving the
door open for PRIVATE communication.
Speculation as to why he would feel the need to control the medium of communication
and paint us as "taking potshots" at him and his organization
(I, for one, haven't posted on this thread until now)
is strictly speculation. However, since he's refused to play with the other kids
on equal terms, he can't say it comes as a surprise.
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Al Poole said:
Are you serious or cynical?
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George Aar
Yeah, I'll bet sermons become a bit more difficult when one is not preaching to the choir...
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potshots and gossip ???? CES was started on pot shots and gossip . Where is the need to let the people know the truth or facts) of the leaders now? Seems in 1988 and still today you have found it a mighty mission from God to tell others what your knew as truth about TWI and your various issues with its leaders.
But when it bites ya in your own butt with the same , it FEELS different huh ? I understand what goes around comes around clearly and no one deserves it .
But it happens . It is how we learn the BIG LESSONS in life .
Like no one Compares to the Lord Jesus christ no matter how many lessons they prepare or work they have done all truth will be revealed only by HIM . The people may want a fleshy KING but God does not endorse the game plan of any flesh.
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Ummmm, OM, "Patty" is a woman's name. You mean "Paddy".
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It sounds noble this idea of "private" conversations. Well I say do it and write here what the out come is.. yeah I have and he is who he is and you know the bible "we stand accountable to God not man
Plenty of handy bullets of shame or guilt can be pulled from his pages of bible verses. If you know them right back , then you wont get far. I played the game far to long and so has John . It can be ugly he will insist on personal information or stop the conversation... um why is that? Takes the focus off the individual a very very common co-dependent ploy .
John wants to know WHO you are , what that means to his group and then calculating is done to say what he thinks will work for you.
John Lynn is a master at what he does. He considers it ministering to Gods people who flock to him .
I never said it was wrong it is just how it is.
the devil must hate him you know because of all the work he does for God and that is why all these GS posts ATTACK him. Who was doing it back in 87 then satan or john lynn with the tin can?
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Al Poole
Since my post yesterday at about this time, there have been postings by 8 different people.
Have any of you taken John up on his open invitation to e mail him with your curiosity on the subject of his marriage and involvement in CES ? Hmmm????
I never cease to be amazed!!
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I wanna hear the Unicorn song by the Irish rovers!
Hey everything is green!
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I have not.
John didn't ask me my opinion when he got married. I didn't live with them. I was not in their lives. I look at this as none of my business.
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Main Entry: 1pot·shot
Pronunciation: -"sh?BR>Function: noun
Etymology: from the notion that such a shot is unsportsmanlike and worthy only of one whose object is to fill the cooking pot
1 : a shot taken from ambush or at a random or easy target
2 : a critical remark made in a random or sporadic manner
JAL isn't being "ambushed" here. We didn't invite him in for a nice chat. He can read and respond from the comfort of his own seat and in his own time.
Neither is he being singled out at random. His Wayworld legacy is what it is, and he made it. His subsequent behavior, same.
"Unsportsmanlike" suggests there is something unfair happening. Isn't he good enough with words to post here? As laleo demonstrated, JAL is as slippery as an eel (my characterization, not laleo's). What should he fear (false evidence appearing real) from Greasespot?
There isn't anything "random or sporadic" about the posts here. They are on-topic, and concern a former high-ranking "leader" of TWI, as CES too, for that matter.
Regarding oldiesman's quotation and mischaracterization of my post, my comment about Bally's was intended to draw a parallel between JAL & LCM. Poor oldiesman only has the one, monotonous strategy for defending TWI and its leadership - he changes the subject, or at least he tries. He objects to the style, ignores the substance.
oldiesman also ignores JAL's belittling of Greasepot participants and their remarks, pointed out by Shaz and Wordwolf, etc. He loyally carries the TWI standard here at Greasespot. It happens to be a double-standard.
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Irish Rovers
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Oldies! You found the Irish Rovers! And wouldn't you know right now I"m having some computer problems (A required dLL file not found? whatever that means) and I can't seem to get to those sites! But as soon as I fix whatever is wrong here I WILL. Thanks! Love the little unicorn icon too.
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Read John's new book "Will the Real Me Please Stop Leaving?", on sale now at the CBC website, "Christians Bankrolling Christians". Support their wonderful work.
I will now pronounce my views on this important and timely topic ( ahem )
Who gives a f@#! ?
Actually, that's John Lynn's response, if he had the guts. "Why do you give a f@#! ?"
I can see why it's of interest to some people, but not me. It's none of my business. I don't mean that in some quaz-eye-spiritual tone, as in "it's not my business to be involved in John Lynn's affairs, metaphorically speaking unless I was a woman and actually involved in one or more of his affairs in which case it would be my affair. Pretty much. But sprit'lly, tain't none of my bizness".
I mean it as in, it's his life, if he needs help he can call me personally and get some of my fresh, valuable help, or buy my new book titled "I Know the Real You And Buying This Book Will Help".
I mean, come on. It's been how many years now since he left the Way and he's still hanging around with the same people? John, get some new friends. I can help, buy my book "How to Get Friends and Influence People That the Real You Will Like". It's great. Really.
That's all I had to say, and I'm sure it's going to open some eyes, shake some trees and possibly push some buttons. But that's what I do, I shake things up, I'm a mover and a shaker. Email me if you'd like to have a
did I say personal?
conversation with the Real Me.
That's right, you can actually share an email with me and I'll respond in a manner, suitable for framing. You lucky dawgs you!
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I wouldn't have had a bit of curiosity, or even a comment, if John had said something along the lines of: "You heard correctly. I'm divorced, and have resigned from CES, although I still support their valuable ministry. However, I don't wish to talk about this publicly. Questions? Email me privately."
What was that little two-step he was doing? (Slippery? You bet. I'm surprised he didn't sprain an ankle performing all those fancy pirouettes.) How can you defend his privacy when he protects it at your expense? I've read your posts, and your respect for John seems out of character. I don't get it.
These former Way leaders for years thought nothing of making up and disseminating their own false rumors -- unsuspecting people publicly disgraced and kicked out of the Corps for performing satanic rituals, pregnant women abandoned because men of God were trapped and tricked into engaging in sex acts against their will and better judgment. (John, surely you remember?) Even if these accusations weren't factually correct, we accepted that they were at least somehow spiritually correct. And here we have information that is factually correct, and we should stay quiet about it because it (the truth) is none of our business. Like I said, I don't get it.
If John had shown some respect for these forums, I would have responded in kind.
socks: That was funny.
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