I certainly have no need for an organization like CES in my life. I don't know John's heart, but I'm willing to let God sort it out. Not my place to judge.
A herd refers to cows, ex10. For your information, there are people who put cows in giant catapults and shoot them into the air. These cows are now known as the herd shot 'round the world.
Many of our "leaders" were quite insulated from real life. While most of them didn't have a lot of money, they had the things money could buy. They had helpers, although they preferred to call us "servants," which is what a doulos is, more or less. Their needs were provided for. Even sexual needs, as they saw fit, isn't that the case?
If one of the servants, or servants-in-training (Corps, WOW's, other assorted categories of suckers), didn't put out with the appropriate gratitude, he or she was often ripped one anew (known as reproof). Putting out had to do with your ability equalling your willingness, and comeliness of your members in particular. That was The Way culture, and leaders partook.
If you became an inconvenience, inasmuch as you could not carry the combined weight of leadership and thee, you were cast like bread upon the waters, as food for ducks, not upon a fountain of living waters, but upon a broken cistern, one with quacks in it.
John Lynn was once entrusted with many people's lives. The delicacy with which we are now entreated (here and there) to treat dear John is not the delicacy with which he treated others as Lord of Emporia. Should we ask Rochelle W. about that, who John set upon the road home, though still nursing injured body and bleeding soul from the infamous LEAD accident? Okay it was a trick question, because she's dead. Still she answers, doesn't she, even so?
As a "leader," he made the tough choices. As followers we must understand the tough choices, and never show him the same "compassion" he reserved for some of us.
Like I said, I feel sorry for him and hope he straightens his life out, and yet on the bright side is, he may be less apt to "lead" others to a similar ditch.
I have to say if it were not for CES, I would have still been very much a wayfer head. They were the ONLY ones who could reach me. When I was close to forever leaving the local offshoot, out of sheer aggravation and desperation, I was still very narrow-minded in my views towards other teachings.
CES was able to actually get through to me, to enable me to enjoy God and other people and teachings in a whole BIGGER way.
This forum, or the old Waydale forum, helped a LOT too.
Basically what I had to learn was how to think for myself for once.
I pulled back from CES after I found myself simply trying to substitute them for what I had just left.
Just like after I left the Way, I found this local offshoot years later, and though it was a cliquish, dull, lifeless place from the very beginning, I was convinced that these people were the only ones with the truth. Sigh.
I find it a pattern with others as well. Like this ex-wayfer couple I know who got involved with Quixtar. Same thing almost, they're repeating the pattern of what they're used to.
But although I may not want to get too involved with CES, I'll give them credit where credit is due, and they have blessed my life in some ways.
I like what Jesus said about marriage in Matt. 19. I was just reading it this morning and The Message version, made a lot of sense:
8Jesus said, "Moses provided for divorce as a concession to your hardheartedness, but it is not part of God's original plan. 9I'm holding you to the original plan, and holding you liable for adultery if you divorce your faithful wife and then marry someone else. I make an exception in cases where the spouse has committed adultery."
10Jesus' disciples objected, "If those are the terms of marriage, we're stuck. Why get married?"
11But Jesus said, "Not everyone is mature enough to live a married life. It requires a certain aptitude and grace. Marriage isn't for everyone. 12Some, from birth seemingly, never give marriage a thought. Others never get asked--or accepted. And some decide not to get married for kingdom reasons. But if you're capable of growing into the largeness of marriage, do it."
Other versions say, "If you can accept this, accept it." It sounded like Jesus was letting us off and reminding us that we're not under the law in this area either.
The only real point is...it is his business...not yours.
If you want to pass judgement...fine....now please roll out your whole life before everyone here..in public...with no input from you. .. and let us judge you.
I don't see you doing anything but passing judgement on someone you do not know personally.
This is childish and pathetic.
Gee, I feel this way about alot of accusations here at the Spot. Thanks Cindy!
Leaving ces is probably very healthy imo. Not because anything that this group does or does not teach, but because it is so often necessary to put oneself in a new environment to grow.
Oldies, if we live our life as a person of integrety should, then when/if it is rolled out before everyone in public...one won`t have anything to be embarrassed about will they?
Your life will bear the fruit for all to see what type of person you are.
For those that would like to e-mail John Lynn, here is his e-mail. I have sent him a link to this thread. I am sure when he has time he will read it and might reply.
I see posters here that still carry huge bitterness from twi, in many cases it's posters who left twi many many years ago. How sad. When are you gonna let your heart heal??
What would make you happy? Blood? A man can't try to teach someone else unless he's spotless?
You know the facts of his divorce? So you have a right to shred him!! Kinda reminds me of Pharisees when Jesus hung on the cross....
he saved others... let him save himself.
and don't loose the comparason here, I'm not comparing JAL to Jesus... get it?
I DON'T remember even ONCE being asked to give, contribute, sponsor, etc. UNLESS I WANTED to.
Some posters here act like "they" made participation contingent on $$$$$ like twi. Not one of my memories. This is what I recall...."IF you like what we teach, IF you are blessed by it, IF you want to help, there's the can"
I also remember that JAL was one of the first to make apologies, one of the first to distribute information, one of the first to shed some light on the real twi. He was one of the one's to pull his finger out of the dyke so to speak.
When you take JAL to task remember this...
YOU are revealing much more about yourself, and your state of "heart" than you are pointing out about JAL.
the true measure of a man is not how well he loved but rather how much he was loved by others
John Lynn here to dispel the latest false rumor I hear is floating around the cafe.
Yes, I was divorced in early August.
No, I have in no way "left CES."
I resigned as an employee in January because it was what I needed to do now in order to achieve my long term goal of being totally involved in ministering to the many people God is continuing to bring to this wonderful ministry, of which I am still very much an active part.
If you know me personally and think it would profit you to know more about either situation, I'd be glad to hear from you.
My email address is jalces@aol.com.
If you are one of those ex-Way folks still sitting on the sidelines taking potshots at me and CES http://www.CESonline.org without any current firsthand knowledge of my heart and life or our ministry, bless you.
In Christ's love,
Come check out our research web site and see what we are doing to reach the world via the Internet.
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I tend to agree with ex10.
I certainly have no need for an organization like CES in my life. I don't know John's heart, but I'm willing to let God sort it out. Not my place to judge.
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Wouldn't it be a flock of ducks?
A herd refers to cows, ex10. For your information, there are people who put cows in giant catapults and shoot them into the air. These cows are now known as the herd shot 'round the world.
It isn't funny!
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Many of our "leaders" were quite insulated from real life. While most of them didn't have a lot of money, they had the things money could buy. They had helpers, although they preferred to call us "servants," which is what a doulos is, more or less. Their needs were provided for. Even sexual needs, as they saw fit, isn't that the case?
If one of the servants, or servants-in-training (Corps, WOW's, other assorted categories of suckers), didn't put out with the appropriate gratitude, he or she was often ripped one anew (known as reproof). Putting out had to do with your ability equalling your willingness, and comeliness of your members in particular. That was The Way culture, and leaders partook.
If you became an inconvenience, inasmuch as you could not carry the combined weight of leadership and thee, you were cast like bread upon the waters, as food for ducks, not upon a fountain of living waters, but upon a broken cistern, one with quacks in it.
John Lynn was once entrusted with many people's lives. The delicacy with which we are now entreated (here and there) to treat dear John is not the delicacy with which he treated others as Lord of Emporia. Should we ask Rochelle W. about that, who John set upon the road home, though still nursing injured body and bleeding soul from the infamous LEAD accident? Okay it was a trick question, because she's dead. Still she answers, doesn't she, even so?
As a "leader," he made the tough choices. As followers we must understand the tough choices, and never show him the same "compassion" he reserved for some of us.
Like I said, I feel sorry for him and hope he straightens his life out, and yet on the bright side is, he may be less apt to "lead" others to a similar ditch.
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Sorta what I said, except with lots of words.
I won't follow him, but I'll let God judge his heart.
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Yours is a rare gift Jim. And God undoubtedly appreciates the nod of confidence.
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I have to say if it were not for CES, I would have still been very much a wayfer head. They were the ONLY ones who could reach me. When I was close to forever leaving the local offshoot, out of sheer aggravation and desperation, I was still very narrow-minded in my views towards other teachings.
CES was able to actually get through to me, to enable me to enjoy God and other people and teachings in a whole BIGGER way.
This forum, or the old Waydale forum, helped a LOT too.
Basically what I had to learn was how to think for myself for once.
I pulled back from CES after I found myself simply trying to substitute them for what I had just left.
Just like after I left the Way, I found this local offshoot years later, and though it was a cliquish, dull, lifeless place from the very beginning, I was convinced that these people were the only ones with the truth. Sigh.
I find it a pattern with others as well. Like this ex-wayfer couple I know who got involved with Quixtar. Same thing almost, they're repeating the pattern of what they're used to.
But although I may not want to get too involved with CES, I'll give them credit where credit is due, and they have blessed my life in some ways.
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I like what Jesus said about marriage in Matt. 19. I was just reading it this morning and The Message version, made a lot of sense:
8Jesus said, "Moses provided for divorce as a concession to your hardheartedness, but it is not part of God's original plan. 9I'm holding you to the original plan, and holding you liable for adultery if you divorce your faithful wife and then marry someone else. I make an exception in cases where the spouse has committed adultery."
10Jesus' disciples objected, "If those are the terms of marriage, we're stuck. Why get married?"
11But Jesus said, "Not everyone is mature enough to live a married life. It requires a certain aptitude and grace. Marriage isn't for everyone. 12Some, from birth seemingly, never give marriage a thought. Others never get asked--or accepted. And some decide not to get married for kingdom reasons. But if you're capable of growing into the largeness of marriage, do it."
Other versions say, "If you can accept this, accept it." It sounded like Jesus was letting us off and reminding us that we're not under the law in this area either.
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Gee, I feel this way about alot of accusations here at the Spot. Thanks Cindy!
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Leaving ces is probably very healthy imo. Not because anything that this group does or does not teach, but because it is so often necessary to put oneself in a new environment to grow.
Oldies, if we live our life as a person of integrety should, then when/if it is rolled out before everyone in public...one won`t have anything to be embarrassed about will they?
Your life will bear the fruit for all to see what type of person you are.
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We don't even want to get into the gossip here at GS do we?
I mean, really.
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For those that would like to e-mail John Lynn, here is his e-mail. I have sent him a link to this thread. I am sure when he has time he will read it and might reply.
Love you folks!
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Just for fun:
It is a brace, flock (in flight), raft (on water) team, paddling (on water), badling of ducks.
Go to www.npwrc.usgs.gov/info/faqs/animals/names.htm to see what various groups are called.
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Failure by any other name is still failure.
All people have some. I hope John can live a life not so worldly influenced. Please do not start another cult.
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"Wouldn't it be a flock of ducks?
A herd refers to cows,"
Isn't it a quack of ducks?
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Now I'm going to have to go look it up.
I think it's a flock of ducks and a quack of doctors.
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I'm pretty sure that a brace of anything is 2 of them.
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I know it's a shrewdness of apes.
Makes me think of some other apes I know, but they aren't in CES, it's the other three lettered cult.
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What the duck's goin' on around here?
Who goosed this thread?
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A gaggle of geese!!
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Al Poole
Yeah... and it's a "murder" of crows...
Seems appropos....
I see posters here that still carry huge bitterness from twi, in many cases it's posters who left twi many many years ago. How sad. When are you gonna let your heart heal??
What would make you happy? Blood? A man can't try to teach someone else unless he's spotless?
You know the facts of his divorce? So you have a right to shred him!! Kinda reminds me of Pharisees when Jesus hung on the cross....
and don't loose the comparason here, I'm not comparing JAL to Jesus... get it?
I DON'T remember even ONCE being asked to give, contribute, sponsor, etc. UNLESS I WANTED to.
Some posters here act like "they" made participation contingent on $$$$$ like twi. Not one of my memories. This is what I recall...."IF you like what we teach, IF you are blessed by it, IF you want to help, there's the can"
I also remember that JAL was one of the first to make apologies, one of the first to distribute information, one of the first to shed some light on the real twi. He was one of the one's to pull his finger out of the dyke so to speak.
When you take JAL to task remember this...
YOU are revealing much more about yourself, and your state of "heart" than you are pointing out about JAL.
the true measure of a man is not how well he loved but rather how much he was loved by others
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I disagree. People can love people for the wrong reasons. An abused child sometimes shows more love towards the abusive parent, wanting his/her favor.
I don't know the true measure of a man, unless it's the sum of the good he's done in his life minus the evil he's done.
Sorry for the derailment.
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John Lynn
Hello fellow Greasespots,
God bless you one and all.
John Lynn here to dispel the latest false rumor I hear is floating around the cafe.
Yes, I was divorced in early August.
No, I have in no way "left CES."
I resigned as an employee in January because it was what I needed to do now in order to achieve my long term goal of being totally involved in ministering to the many people God is continuing to bring to this wonderful ministry, of which I am still very much an active part.
If you know me personally and think it would profit you to know more about either situation, I'd be glad to hear from you.
My email address is jalces@aol.com.
If you are one of those ex-Way folks still sitting on the sidelines taking potshots at me and CES http://www.CESonline.org without any current firsthand knowledge of my heart and life or our ministry, bless you.
In Christ's love,
Come check out our research web site and see what we are doing to reach the world via the Internet.
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