he can retire now they are pulling in enough money and own property now it has been a twenty year ordeal to retire but he will sit pretty Im certain. He is a very smart man and knows how to take care of himself. believe that lol . He knew he was not going to live forever when he recruited Mark and the theisens.. he frankly doesnt want to work forever like the rest of us!!
YEPEX! no difference but people seem to think they are magic thinkers without a clue and trust me John and JOHN are business men and this is a business first and foremeost. They realize when they got booted from twi somebody had better start planning something . so they did and they have what they got.
I have no issue with it at all just do not make it any different than what it is.. John LYNN owns the company the fact he may not want to work every day is called cake. Money is rolling in they have a president, the partnership program, and from what I here many excited and willing to work for free!!! ya hoo sounds like a plan to me... it has been his whole life and he KNOWS what he is doing . As far as the divorce it is just pathetic I do wonder what happened just curious tho..
ONE thing John Lynn has spoken about here on these forums is not being a victim ... trust me trust god trust whoever John Lynn is far from being a victim in anything he has done.
A couple of years ago he had to get out of his position at CES because of sexual issues. Not too long ago...
Has he ever had a secular job?
I'm sorry you guys who totally believe in him, he was just the front guy...funny, outgoing, kind of personality that attracted people. That doesn't mean that he was all truth. Sound familiar, huh?
no vickles and all the while being banned for a year he still kept his followers happy by writing in their magazine about his adventures as a tutor for high school kids for the SAT's. no and he never will he isnt suited to be told what to do haha . Im sorry john but haha God bless ya !! Money is NOT a problem hmm. once again... he has faithful followers , including Mark who he hired and who works for him !!! politcaly they have changed their corporate position but at that time it was just beginning to form a board etc.
Well, who IS the truth, outside of Christ. I enjoy watching several religious shows on TLN but my leg hairs start to bristle whenever they start talking about people who don't believe in the trinity are heretics.
What it comes down to is people really believe what they are talking about. Right or Wrong. You can't throw the baby out with the bath water. Like one guy told me. Opinions are like assholes. Everyone has one.
i almost always feel bad for people having bad things happen to them. don't know if that is codependcy or the holier thing about not rejoicing in iniquity :)-->
probably what gets my goat (baaaaahhhh) is when people try to lead and be know-it-alls
the greatest leader is supposed to be the greatest servant. who said that ? jesus or veepee ;)-->
people do not deserve the messes we get into for sure.
forgivness of self and others is vital to my mental health but with that comes a reality that crap happens and how it happens education and knowledge doesnt hurt blind faith and pity helps no one.
The thing I have learned is we really do not know one another very well we think we can trust people but eventualy we all end up in a disappointed or big mistake. Jesus is the life line of security in anything we do. then when the mistake or truth is revealed and the crap is all over once again we do not feel like we are being personaly attacked or hurt by another. It happens I just do not like the attitude some have like it has nothing what so ever with the choices one makes in life. It does. and concerning the cult stuff it is very much a circle , of playing of the devil got me but I work for God. come on Im sick of it. life is quite common for most people , but for some reason being famous or using the victims of a cult for their own gain and means to advance by begging pity and then claiming a new better improved is just plain old sales. it works well tho. I give him that. How do you know it was a bad thing for him ex?
Several things come to mind, among them is let him without sin cast the first stone. Also knowledge is a good way to acquire an ego trip. Don’t get me wrong, many good men and woman have been taken out by relationships and sex.
IMHO, this indicates a whole broken system. Were not all the top leaders involved in his time off and his marriage to the proclaimed Prophetess? That I find troublesome. More than just the failure of a man, this includes a woman and a multitude of councilors and I don’t think its correct to point the finger at one man.
But, I do have to wonder if the stage personality deferred extremely from the private person. If to much time is spent on study and not enough on trying to live it, isn't this always the result?
This is most unfortunate, but a person that chooses a public life must live a life above in private.
Im most harsh on this because I was raised in a politcal family where my father won by how "we" (the family)looked. Im very sensitive to the fact people need to keep up appearances and how this leads to less character and honesty amoung those trying to please the masses, at times, and also the very fake clinger on people who want to smell your success every minute and live off the fumes of being popular.. I enjoy my family much more out of the lime light and Im talking real community strong holds not this bitty little churchy group stuff. We are able to be much more real without the public constraits and exspectations. I am very proud of him still tho.
this is old news and Im sure if CES does respod to pawtuckets request they will state it as such ,the divorce was final last May . funny how little was really proclaimed huh? not really.
the issue is the christian principle of divorce ok that is the issue , I am not judging I frankly do not even care that much but when the story is told on why so many deny the faith of christians the hyprocrisy of its leaders saying one thing and living another is like #1 is it not? It causes stumbling blocks, I would like to see leaders able to lead ,and they can not when they have the inability to maintain their own life following the Lords will. We wonder why people follow cults and other mindless ideals like Rottie says if the leaders can not live what they teach what good is the sell to those searching for truth?
The only real point is...it is his business...not yours.
If you want to pass judgement...fine....now please roll out your whole life before everyone here..in public...with no input from you. .. and let us judge you.
I don't see you doing anything but passing judgement on someone you do not know personally.
This is childish and pathetic.
If he wronged you, contact him..if not..shut the hell up and let him heal and find his way...you would want the same dealt to you.
I know John from when I was corpse and the afterwards when I left twi, and I'm not going to bring up some poop but what has been mentioned is not that bad. Its been in public and John has even wrote a letter about it. So I don't think there is judging going on with what he has done in the past.
If you are going to lead an organization as he has then your life is going to be put up front and yes it is going to be judged. If I'm interested in joining an organization I don't want to join it blindly by people acting all nicey nicey to me. I want to know if it is what it says it is and that the people that are representing it are on the up and up. If they aren't (which is what this is all about) then I want to know.
I don't really call this judgement. He put it in there for others to see. Now if you disagree with me that is fine. We can agree to disagree. But I will not go back and forth and fight about it.
I'm confused. Why is it we can talk about what LCM and VPW did, but not anyone else?
What makes John Lynn different?
I get that a even public figures have a right to a private life. BUT if you are teaching others with an expectation that they will live up to a standard you yourself cannot live up to, you are gonna get flack for it.
I still think the whole system is now called into question and does deserve judgement.
Of course denial of such caused us all to walk through TWI blindly until we took an honest look. And rumors were what the facts were called.
This would be different if a man’s life didn’t affect thousands. It needs to be brought into the lime light as much as VPW’s or LCM’s sins were. I am just not posting all I know. But, will say this much, he never came clean.
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he can retire now they are pulling in enough money and own property now it has been a twenty year ordeal to retire but he will sit pretty Im certain. He is a very smart man and knows how to take care of himself. believe that lol . He knew he was not going to live forever when he recruited Mark and the theisens.. he frankly doesnt want to work forever like the rest of us!!
YEPEX! no difference but people seem to think they are magic thinkers without a clue and trust me John and JOHN are business men and this is a business first and foremeost. They realize when they got booted from twi somebody had better start planning something . so they did and they have what they got.
I have no issue with it at all just do not make it any different than what it is.. John LYNN owns the company the fact he may not want to work every day is called cake. Money is rolling in they have a president, the partnership program, and from what I here many excited and willing to work for free!!! ya hoo sounds like a plan to me... it has been his whole life and he KNOWS what he is doing . As far as the divorce it is just pathetic I do wonder what happened just curious tho..
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ONE thing John Lynn has spoken about here on these forums is not being a victim ... trust me trust god trust whoever John Lynn is far from being a victim in anything he has done.
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A couple of years ago he had to get out of his position at CES because of sexual issues. Not too long ago...
Has he ever had a secular job?
I'm sorry you guys who totally believe in him, he was just the front guy...funny, outgoing, kind of personality that attracted people. That doesn't mean that he was all truth. Sound familiar, huh?
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no vickles and all the while being banned for a year he still kept his followers happy by writing in their magazine about his adventures as a tutor for high school kids for the SAT's. no and he never will he isnt suited to be told what to do haha . Im sorry john but haha God bless ya !! Money is NOT a problem hmm. once again... he has faithful followers , including Mark who he hired and who works for him !!! politcaly they have changed their corporate position but at that time it was just beginning to form a board etc.
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Well, who IS the truth, outside of Christ. I enjoy watching several religious shows on TLN but my leg hairs start to bristle whenever they start talking about people who don't believe in the trinity are heretics.
What it comes down to is people really believe what they are talking about. Right or Wrong. You can't throw the baby out with the bath water. Like one guy told me. Opinions are like assholes. Everyone has one.
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i almost always feel bad for people having bad things happen to them. don't know if that is codependcy or the holier thing about not rejoicing in iniquity
probably what gets my goat (baaaaahhhh) is when people try to lead and be know-it-alls
the greatest leader is supposed to be the greatest servant. who said that ? jesus or veepee
who lives it ?
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people do not deserve the messes we get into for sure.
forgivness of self and others is vital to my mental health but with that comes a reality that crap happens and how it happens education and knowledge doesnt hurt blind faith and pity helps no one.
The thing I have learned is we really do not know one another very well we think we can trust people but eventualy we all end up in a disappointed or big mistake. Jesus is the life line of security in anything we do. then when the mistake or truth is revealed and the crap is all over once again we do not feel like we are being personaly attacked or hurt by another. It happens I just do not like the attitude some have like it has nothing what so ever with the choices one makes in life. It does. and concerning the cult stuff it is very much a circle , of playing of the devil got me but I work for God. come on Im sick of it. life is quite common for most people , but for some reason being famous or using the victims of a cult for their own gain and means to advance by begging pity and then claiming a new better improved is just plain old sales. it works well tho. I give him that. How do you know it was a bad thing for him ex?
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you're right, i don't know if it was a bad thing for him
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Several things come to mind, among them is let him without sin cast the first stone. Also knowledge is a good way to acquire an ego trip. Don’t get me wrong, many good men and woman have been taken out by relationships and sex.
IMHO, this indicates a whole broken system. Were not all the top leaders involved in his time off and his marriage to the proclaimed Prophetess? That I find troublesome. More than just the failure of a man, this includes a woman and a multitude of councilors and I don’t think its correct to point the finger at one man.
But, I do have to wonder if the stage personality deferred extremely from the private person. If to much time is spent on study and not enough on trying to live it, isn't this always the result?
This is most unfortunate, but a person that chooses a public life must live a life above in private.
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good point wingie
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exactly wingnut exactly.
Im most harsh on this because I was raised in a politcal family where my father won by how "we" (the family)looked. Im very sensitive to the fact people need to keep up appearances and how this leads to less character and honesty amoung those trying to please the masses, at times, and also the very fake clinger on people who want to smell your success every minute and live off the fumes of being popular.. I enjoy my family much more out of the lime light and Im talking real community strong holds not this bitty little churchy group stuff. We are able to be much more real without the public constraits and exspectations. I am very proud of him still tho.
this is old news and Im sure if CES does respod to pawtuckets request they will state it as such ,the divorce was final last May . funny how little was really proclaimed huh? not really.
the issue is the christian principle of divorce ok that is the issue , I am not judging I frankly do not even care that much but when the story is told on why so many deny the faith of christians the hyprocrisy of its leaders saying one thing and living another is like #1 is it not? It causes stumbling blocks, I would like to see leaders able to lead ,and they can not when they have the inability to maintain their own life following the Lords will. We wonder why people follow cults and other mindless ideals like Rottie says if the leaders can not live what they teach what good is the sell to those searching for truth?
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The only real point is...it is his business...not yours.
If you want to pass judgement...fine....now please roll out your whole life before everyone here..in public...with no input from you. .. and let us judge you.
I don't see you doing anything but passing judgement on someone you do not know personally.
This is childish and pathetic.
If he wronged you, contact him..if not..shut the hell up and let him heal and find his way...you would want the same dealt to you.
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Wow, strong words, cindy. I'm sorry you feel that way. I am in agreement with mj.
He did put himself in the limelight so to speak. Right?
Cindy, I have no need to 'fight' just trying to make a statement here which I think we can, right?
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So being in the limelight means you can judge him without knowing ANY of the facts???
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I know John from when I was corpse and the afterwards when I left twi, and I'm not going to bring up some poop but what has been mentioned is not that bad. Its been in public and John has even wrote a letter about it. So I don't think there is judging going on with what he has done in the past.
If you are going to lead an organization as he has then your life is going to be put up front and yes it is going to be judged. If I'm interested in joining an organization I don't want to join it blindly by people acting all nicey nicey to me. I want to know if it is what it says it is and that the people that are representing it are on the up and up. If they aren't (which is what this is all about) then I want to know.
I don't really call this judgement. He put it in there for others to see. Now if you disagree with me that is fine. We can agree to disagree. But I will not go back and forth and fight about it.
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I was in the corps when John was there, too.
If someone is going to be judged...that is the fault of those making the judgements.
He is a public figure...he is recognized...but judged?
I draw the line there.
His life, strong points, faults, etc. are his own. Where he has affected other folks...they need to deal with him personally.
Just because you are in the public eye does not invite "judgement".
I've never seen where judgement does any good whatsoever...have you?
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Cindy, some people just thrive on gossip !
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You are absolutely right, Cowgirl....but it does no good whatsoever...ya know???
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I'm confused. Why is it we can talk about what LCM and VPW did, but not anyone else?
What makes John Lynn different?
I get that a even public figures have a right to a private life. BUT if you are teaching others with an expectation that they will live up to a standard you yourself cannot live up to, you are gonna get flack for it.
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Well...John ain't dead or in denial....he's been pretty open to his ills...so we're gonna judge him and gossip about him???
Now I ain't a John Lynn fan complete with starry eyes and bible thumping...but he IS alive and able to respond.
There are just no ethics involved in knocking someone unless you have the guts to bring it to the person, themselves.
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No different from TWI and American Christian Press.
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I still think the whole system is now called into question and does deserve judgement.
Of course denial of such caused us all to walk through TWI blindly until we took an honest look. And rumors were what the facts were called.
This would be different if a man’s life didn’t affect thousands. It needs to be brought into the lime light as much as VPW’s or LCM’s sins were. I am just not posting all I know. But, will say this much, he never came clean.
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Then bring it!!!
I am not saying that silence should be maintained for the good of....etc, etc. etc...blah blah blah
I am saying and will continue to say that if there is a problem ... bring it...take it to the SOURCE.
Judgement without fact is ignorant....judgement with facts is truth.
But gossip...save it...don't wanna hear it.
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ok Cindy, where is the gossip?
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