well, maybe there are that many bodies ... I saw the one verbal account of them pushing bodies out of the way, but the pictures have not shown that. There were accounts of tying bodes to trees, but I still don't believe it was thick with bodies. Yes, 1000 is probably wishful, or hopeful ... but I prefer to hope for something better than what some are expecting and what the media almost seem to be salivating for.
Somehow I think if MSNBC had those really sick pics, they'd show them. The stories I've seen about all the dying at the convention center show the same woman. This news story is big business for these networks. There is so much misinformation, I don't see a reason to add to the emotional trauma with more rumor.
You may notice the 10' to 20' of water throughout the WHOLE city the media was hyping, never happened, even with the levee breaks. There is plenty of bad news without trying to make some up to get an edge on other news agencies. And 2 days into this, the media is all over complaining about the rescue efforts.
I saw the one verbal account of them pushing bodies out of the way, but the pictures have not shown that.
The one verbal account...? Sorry, you saw one of many accounts of people pushing bodies out of the way to get to others to be rescued. The pictures they've shown have not shown that. You don't want to see the ones they're not showing.
And this is NOT rumor. This is all-too real. The rumors would scare 10 pounds off of you in a half hour. But don't doubt the MSNBC stuff. Hoping for the best and ignoring the reality of what has already happened are very different things.
You may notice the 10' to 20' of water throughout the WHOLE city the media was hyping, never happened, even with the levee breaks. There is plenty of bad news without trying to make some up to get an edge on other news agencies. And 2 days into this, the media is all over complaining about the rescue efforts.
You do know the difference between speculation before the fact and reporting after the fact, don't you? I'm grateful that the 10'-20' didn't happen. But it could have, and everyone there knows it. That wasn't hype, my friend, that was a responsible way of telling people to get the bejeezus out of the city. I wish more people had listened to that media hype: we wouldn't see the kind of devastation we're seeing now.
Somehow I think if MSNBC had those really sick pics, they'd show them. The stories I've seen about all the dying at the convention center show the same woman. This news story is big business for these networks. There is so much misinformation, I don't see a reason to add to the emotional trauma with more rumor.
I just watched it on MSNBC and NBS's evening news show. Put your tv on, it's there.
MSNBC also showed all the folks at the Convention Center. They were just as thirsty, hot and hungry as everybody else yet there was absolutely no disruptive behavior whatsoever. I saw it with my own eyes via tv.
The head of FEMA was on HardBall tonite and he said no one agency can do everything. He stated that he had no knowledge of people being at the Convention Center and when he saw it himself vowed to divert some of the teams to go there directly to assist.
Let me clarify ...the story I'm referring to was the day AFTER the surge, after the levee broke when the lake was only 6' above sea level, and falling. To tell people they were about to be inundated (again) was irresponsible.
The story was repeated so many times that evidently even reasonable people believed it. Much of the city is above sea level, which doesn't get mentioned. The graphic CNN kept showing basically shows the WHOLE city would fill up like a bowl, but the graphic showed the lake level topping the levees, which would only happen at maximum storm surge. At least after the initial surge, they could have figured out that flooding would only get as deep as the lake level, after the levee break. But why let the facts get in the way of a good story.
Of course eveyone should have been out before the storm ... that's not when I was talking about. Although it could be argued that the perfect storm did hit and the nightmare scenario of the city filling like a bowl, 20' deep, did not happen, even after the levee broke. But it was certainly close enough.
I don't get msnbc, and the convention center shots are still showing the same 2 people. I'm sure there are many more.
Hmmm, I guess if there is any hostility, it is toward media that misrepresent the facts to make their story even more sensational. Also the media attack on the workers and politicians has been relentless.
If I were in a realitively stable and dry place in New Orleans the day after the storm, and then I heard on the news there would be another 10 feet of water coming in to all the city, what desperate measures might I take unnecessarily to get out of the way?
The talk of having to push bodies out of the way to get through was the first point I brought up ... it seemed to me they were saying there was a sea of bodies they had to push through. Maybe MSNBC has that footage, but I haven't seen anything like that. It sounded like another case of overstating the already grim reality, just to maybe boost ratings a little.
There are cases where the media does break through some political inertia, like showing groups of people that aren't getting water or getting troops deployed more quickly (maybe). Perhaps I just need to watch something other than CNN.
Most of my friends live in New Orleans, I assume most left early, but some hard heads probably stayed. I cleaned windows there for 15 years so had clients in most of the neghborhoods, all around the lake even. Maybe it is just a little too up close and personal for me.
Giving money to an honest charity is probably the best thing we can do to help. I don't think I ever hinted that we should not show compassion or concern. There can be a time though, when media hysterics becomes demoralizing. This is already an emotionally charged story.
It's the plural of medium. It's what passes information from the source to the public.
You act as if the media got together and decided to push a 20' story on the public, all by themselves. The media told that story because the officials responsible for monitoring the city and giving the worst-case scenario told that story, and wanted the public to know it. Getting angry at the media in the situation you describe is like getting angry at the postman for putting a bill in your mailbox.
"It seemed to me they were saying there was a sea of bodies they had to push through..."
No one said that. They said people when rescuers encountered bodies, they had to push them out of the way in an effort to get to the living.
Ratings... as if people aren't going to watch... oh never mind. Go ahead. This is the perfect opportunity to get angry at the media. Yup. We LOVE this story in the media. BIG BIG business for us. Woohoo! If only the storm had moved west instead of east! Why, our bottom lines would skyrocket! Yippeee!
You may notice the 10' to 20' of water throughout the WHOLE city the media was hyping, never happened, even with the levee breaks.
I never heard anyone predict such a thing. I heard predictions of most of the city being flooded, with water levels up to 20'. That wasn't hype. It happened.
The rest isn't hype, either. Things really are as bad as they say, and possibly worse. The total number of deaths will be in the thousands and may exceed the 8-12,000 killed by the 1900 Galveston hurricane.
They guy on GMA this morning who got separated from his wife during the storm surge could still see his shirt from the storm up in the tree where he had been holding on to branches would tell you that if it wasn't 20 feet, it was enough to cover houses and push him up high into the tree. *shrug* I don't think he cares how high the waters were, just that he's alive and so's his family with the exception of his wife, who is presumed to be dead.
Seems as though catastrophes like this bring out the best or the worst in people. Unfortunately many have gone to "the dark side".
so you are a member of the media? That would explain why you are nit picking everything I say to defend them. You could have disclosed that earlier, I wouldn't have bothered trying to clarify.
Why do you say I don't even know what "media" means? You're saying the "media" never introduces personal bias? RIIIIGGGGHHHHHTTTT ... and they never hype a story, never focus on a negative ... ok Perhaps in this case they were just passing on bad information, but I thought a good reporter was supposed to verify their sources. No point in turning to personal attacks ... the word "media" is just a word, you don't get any extra credit for knowing it is the plural of "medium". lol
After the storm and levee break, "they" wrongly claimed the city was going to fill up like the fill the bowl scenario, in other words "run for your lives". Fortunately no one there was listening. The lower parts of the city that are 6' below reached maybe 3' above, which is why you see water at "roof gutter level". Other places never flooded.
My main point was that misinformation in times of catastrophy can be harmful. The good story of the media was pointing to the people in the convention center, which amazingly were overlooked. In that case, or cases like it, they can save lives.
Also everything I say is my opinion, so I could be wrong. I don't mind people pointing that out to me, unless it gets personal.
so you are a member of the media? That would explain why you are nit picking everything I say to defend them. You could have disclosed that earlier, I wouldn't have bothered trying to clarify.
Uh, rhino, you might want to take some time off from posting and look around the boards. Raf makes no secret about his profession. In fact we all celebrated a promotion for him on here not too long ago. :)--> And the tone of your posts here and accusing Raf of HIDING his occupation are making it personal. Are you a member of the "let's attach a label to everyone" group, too? -->
Nobody has to provide any information about themselves that they don't want to, but if you're going to make an argument, you might want to back it up with some verifiable facts.
It is no less a catastrophy because wrong or exagerated information was published. I think your energy is better used helping not crying, "It's not as bad as you think!"
10 floating bodies or 1000 floating bodies. What horror is easier for the small children who witnessed such?
What value do you put on the loss of human life where one body is acceptable but pushing them aside is tragic. Each family who lost one or more than one is emotionally wounded. Each life means something to someone.
Mourn their losses don't diminish their suffering, by blaming the media.
Your silliness in blaming the media for exaggerating something like this holds whether I am with the media or not.
For the record, yes, I am with the media. And the reason I pointed out the meaning of "media" is that it's outright silly of you to blame them for passing on what officials were saying COULD happen (not what WILL happen, what COULD happen: if you can't see the difference, that's not the media's fault, it's the school system's).
You figure out a way to verify what's going to happen tomorrow. Let me know, so I can buy my Lotto tickets.
"Fortunately, no one was listening..."
If people had listened, maybe more would have gotten out of there.
People are dying, you're blaming the media for exaggerating things that have not been exaggerated, and you accuse me of nitpicking.
"Pot, meet the kettle."
"But, but, but..."
(In fairness, though, Bill obviously didn't know I was with the media. That's okay. He hasn't been posting long. Bill, let's grab a beer later and talk media politics).
quote]Your silliness in blaming the media for exaggerating something like this holds whether I am with the media or not.
I'm wondering if you are even reading what I'm talking about. Several sources said after the levee break that the water was going to rise through the night to a level that would have had to have been much higher than the lake itself. I said at the time (in other places) that it wasn't going to happen and it didn't. If even a dumb guy like me figured it out, how come the geniuses telling the story couldn't? Yes they did say it WOULD happen, not could. That is just one example, there are many others. And some media check their sources before they print it, which is why I read some and not others.
I'm posting here often because what I'm trying to get through seems so obvious ... guess not. Also I'm following the story closely since I know so many people there. (but I agree the school system needs work)
"Fortunately, no one was listening..."
"If people had listened, maybe more would have gotten out of there."
This is why I say you haven't even paid attention to what I've written. The "flood is coming" story I have referred to was after the levee broke. I've pointed that out each time ...
The Times-Picayune had a volleyball team in my league for years, and they were friends, so I don't think ALL the media is evil. ;)-->
Here is a link to a BBC graphic showing the elevations.
CNN ran a similar graphic frequently, but left out the sea level line and cropped out the elevation markings on the side, leaving the impression that a broken levee would fill up the city. This is the sort of subtle misrepresentation of facts I'm referring to.
The same with the subtle language of saying they had to push bodies out of the way to get through, as opposed to they occasionally moved a body and secured it to a tree.
This is why I say you haven't even paid attention to what I've written. The "flood is coming" story I have referred to was after the levee broke. I've pointed that out each time ...
Lean in real close to the monitor, okay...
AFTER the levee broke, there was still no way to tell how high the water would rise, so the experts who were talking gave best case and worse case scenarios, which were passed on by the media. That is our job. To pass on information. Hence the term "media."
Methinks you, not I, are the one not reading carefully.
The same with the subtle language of saying they had to push bodies out of the way to get through, as opposed to they occasionally moved a body and secured it to a tree.
This makes it sound as if there was exactly one incident of one person moving one body away. There were a bunch of incidents, all being summed up. That's not "subtle language." That's summary. I expect you know the difference.
AFTER the levee broke, there was still no way to tell how high the water would rise, so the experts who were talking gave best case and worse case scenarios, which were passed on by the media. That is our job. To pass on information. Hence the term "media."
OK, I was done, but you continue with these personal attacks, like "lean in real close" ... What is your degree, journalism? No one takes journalism majors seriously, I guess that is why you are so sensitive.
You act like the media never introduces their own ideology, and never sensationalize, like they are limb leaders that only speak directly for god ... how dare anyone question your authority.
There is no way the level was going above the lake level, that was knowable (by any intelligent person). The reports would conclude in ominous tones with something like "the bowl is filling" cue the threatening music ... fade to commercial ... It is theatre.
Did you look at the link?
Congrats on your promotion. Are you working Katrina?
Right 1000 names, we will carry on. Lest I be accused of being too positive, here is what I fear. The pics I saw on CNBC and other places, showing water flowing into the city, were actually shots of water flowing out over the levees. This is NOT good news.
The water was flowing from a "lake" with houses in it, down over a levee into a waterway with a bridge in it. Best I could tell, this was the industrial canal, it had a bridge that lifts up vertically. Wherever it was, it meant the water had filled the neighborhood to the height above the levee. This could only happen in the worst case "fill the bowl" scenario, where water tops the levee and fills inside.
If I am guessing correctly, this was New Orleans east (I lived there for a year) which is close to the twin span, where big sections of the bridge were knocked out. That would not be a case where the water rose slowly enough to allow easier escape, as in the broken levee. Maybe people on second floors would be ok. I have heard nothing about this area, but from satellite shots it seems inundated.
They were closer to the edge of the hurricane, closer to the big surge from the gulf ... the bridge by them had many sections knocked out whereas the causeway to the west did not ... I don't like what that adds up to ...
I hope I am really dumb and those people saying this was water flowing IN over the levees are correct. It was and still is shown repeatedly. I can't figure out how I am wrong.
first of all i want to thank media people for risking live and limb for keeping us up dated
i can't remember if i congradulated on your promosion so congrats!!
i have benn involved in 2 cults
twi and the j birtch soc.
they said and i sometimes still believe it that the press is a prostitute
negative press does sell much better than positive and as close as i am following this horrible situation i have seen mega neg and very few pos reports
we know that there must be many nice people doing many nice things who are just as bad off as thier fellow victems
but instead of looting burning robbing raping etc
they are helping thier fellow man god bless them
i guess i am rambling but thanks raf and your fellow reporters for keeping us informed
but gee i would like to see a positive side of this
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hey Raf,
well, maybe there are that many bodies ... I saw the one verbal account of them pushing bodies out of the way, but the pictures have not shown that. There were accounts of tying bodes to trees, but I still don't believe it was thick with bodies. Yes, 1000 is probably wishful, or hopeful ... but I prefer to hope for something better than what some are expecting and what the media almost seem to be salivating for.
Somehow I think if MSNBC had those really sick pics, they'd show them. The stories I've seen about all the dying at the convention center show the same woman. This news story is big business for these networks. There is so much misinformation, I don't see a reason to add to the emotional trauma with more rumor.
You may notice the 10' to 20' of water throughout the WHOLE city the media was hyping, never happened, even with the levee breaks. There is plenty of bad news without trying to make some up to get an edge on other news agencies. And 2 days into this, the media is all over complaining about the rescue efforts.
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The one verbal account...? Sorry, you saw one of many accounts of people pushing bodies out of the way to get to others to be rescued. The pictures they've shown have not shown that. You don't want to see the ones they're not showing.
And this is NOT rumor. This is all-too real. The rumors would scare 10 pounds off of you in a half hour. But don't doubt the MSNBC stuff. Hoping for the best and ignoring the reality of what has already happened are very different things.
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You do know the difference between speculation before the fact and reporting after the fact, don't you? I'm grateful that the 10'-20' didn't happen. But it could have, and everyone there knows it. That wasn't hype, my friend, that was a responsible way of telling people to get the bejeezus out of the city. I wish more people had listened to that media hype: we wouldn't see the kind of devastation we're seeing now.
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I just watched it on MSNBC and NBS's evening news show. Put your tv on, it's there.
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MSNBC also showed all the folks at the Convention Center. They were just as thirsty, hot and hungry as everybody else yet there was absolutely no disruptive behavior whatsoever. I saw it with my own eyes via tv.
The head of FEMA was on HardBall tonite and he said no one agency can do everything. He stated that he had no knowledge of people being at the Convention Center and when he saw it himself vowed to divert some of the teams to go there directly to assist.
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Let me clarify ...the story I'm referring to was the day AFTER the surge, after the levee broke when the lake was only 6' above sea level, and falling. To tell people they were about to be inundated (again) was irresponsible.
The story was repeated so many times that evidently even reasonable people believed it. Much of the city is above sea level, which doesn't get mentioned. The graphic CNN kept showing basically shows the WHOLE city would fill up like a bowl, but the graphic showed the lake level topping the levees, which would only happen at maximum storm surge. At least after the initial surge, they could have figured out that flooding would only get as deep as the lake level, after the levee break. But why let the facts get in the way of a good story.
Of course eveyone should have been out before the storm ... that's not when I was talking about. Although it could be argued that the perfect storm did hit and the nightmare scenario of the city filling like a bowl, 20' deep, did not happen, even after the levee broke. But it was certainly close enough.
I don't get msnbc, and the convention center shots are still showing the same 2 people. I'm sure there are many more.
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So what's your point, rhino? Should we be less moved, less concerned, less involved?
Maybe we should get back to business as usual and save our cash for more worthy causes...
I just don't understand your hostility...
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Hi Karmi'
Hmmm, I guess if there is any hostility, it is toward media that misrepresent the facts to make their story even more sensational. Also the media attack on the workers and politicians has been relentless.
If I were in a realitively stable and dry place in New Orleans the day after the storm, and then I heard on the news there would be another 10 feet of water coming in to all the city, what desperate measures might I take unnecessarily to get out of the way?
The talk of having to push bodies out of the way to get through was the first point I brought up ... it seemed to me they were saying there was a sea of bodies they had to push through. Maybe MSNBC has that footage, but I haven't seen anything like that. It sounded like another case of overstating the already grim reality, just to maybe boost ratings a little.
There are cases where the media does break through some political inertia, like showing groups of people that aren't getting water or getting troops deployed more quickly (maybe). Perhaps I just need to watch something other than CNN.
Most of my friends live in New Orleans, I assume most left early, but some hard heads probably stayed. I cleaned windows there for 15 years so had clients in most of the neghborhoods, all around the lake even. Maybe it is just a little too up close and personal for me.
Giving money to an honest charity is probably the best thing we can do to help. I don't think I ever hinted that we should not show compassion or concern. There can be a time though, when media hysterics becomes demoralizing. This is already an emotionally charged story.
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Do you know what the word "media" means?
It's the plural of medium. It's what passes information from the source to the public.
You act as if the media got together and decided to push a 20' story on the public, all by themselves. The media told that story because the officials responsible for monitoring the city and giving the worst-case scenario told that story, and wanted the public to know it. Getting angry at the media in the situation you describe is like getting angry at the postman for putting a bill in your mailbox.
"It seemed to me they were saying there was a sea of bodies they had to push through..."
No one said that. They said people when rescuers encountered bodies, they had to push them out of the way in an effort to get to the living.
Ratings... as if people aren't going to watch... oh never mind. Go ahead. This is the perfect opportunity to get angry at the media. Yup. We LOVE this story in the media. BIG BIG business for us. Woohoo! If only the storm had moved west instead of east! Why, our bottom lines would skyrocket! Yippeee!
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I will say this: I hope you're right about the number of dead. I think you're wrong, but I hope you're right.
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The rest isn't hype, either. Things really are as bad as they say, and possibly worse. The total number of deaths will be in the thousands and may exceed the 8-12,000 killed by the 1900 Galveston hurricane.
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Maybe it would be better if news anchors got on the air and said "Nothing to see here, move along..."
We now return you to our Twilight Zone marathon...
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They guy on GMA this morning who got separated from his wife during the storm surge could still see his shirt from the storm up in the tree where he had been holding on to branches would tell you that if it wasn't 20 feet, it was enough to cover houses and push him up high into the tree. *shrug* I don't think he cares how high the waters were, just that he's alive and so's his family with the exception of his wife, who is presumed to be dead.
Seems as though catastrophes like this bring out the best or the worst in people. Unfortunately many have gone to "the dark side".
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Raf ...
so you are a member of the media? That would explain why you are nit picking everything I say to defend them. You could have disclosed that earlier, I wouldn't have bothered trying to clarify.
Why do you say I don't even know what "media" means? You're saying the "media" never introduces personal bias? RIIIIGGGGHHHHHTTTT ... and they never hype a story, never focus on a negative ... ok Perhaps in this case they were just passing on bad information, but I thought a good reporter was supposed to verify their sources. No point in turning to personal attacks ... the word "media" is just a word, you don't get any extra credit for knowing it is the plural of "medium". lol
After the storm and levee break, "they" wrongly claimed the city was going to fill up like the fill the bowl scenario, in other words "run for your lives". Fortunately no one there was listening. The lower parts of the city that are 6' below reached maybe 3' above, which is why you see water at "roof gutter level". Other places never flooded.
My main point was that misinformation in times of catastrophy can be harmful. The good story of the media was pointing to the people in the convention center, which amazingly were overlooked. In that case, or cases like it, they can save lives.
Also everything I say is my opinion, so I could be wrong. I don't mind people pointing that out to me, unless it gets personal.
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Uh, rhino, you might want to take some time off from posting and look around the boards. Raf makes no secret about his profession. In fact we all celebrated a promotion for him on here not too long ago.
:)--> And the tone of your posts here and accusing Raf of HIDING his occupation are making it personal. Are you a member of the "let's attach a label to everyone" group, too? 
Nobody has to provide any information about themselves that they don't want to, but if you're going to make an argument, you might want to back it up with some verifiable facts.
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It is no less a catastrophy because wrong or exagerated information was published. I think your energy is better used helping not crying, "It's not as bad as you think!"
10 floating bodies or 1000 floating bodies. What horror is easier for the small children who witnessed such?
What value do you put on the loss of human life where one body is acceptable but pushing them aside is tragic. Each family who lost one or more than one is emotionally wounded. Each life means something to someone.
Mourn their losses don't diminish their suffering, by blaming the media.
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Your silliness in blaming the media for exaggerating something like this holds whether I am with the media or not.
For the record, yes, I am with the media. And the reason I pointed out the meaning of "media" is that it's outright silly of you to blame them for passing on what officials were saying COULD happen (not what WILL happen, what COULD happen: if you can't see the difference, that's not the media's fault, it's the school system's).
You figure out a way to verify what's going to happen tomorrow. Let me know, so I can buy my Lotto tickets.
"Fortunately, no one was listening..."
If people had listened, maybe more would have gotten out of there.
People are dying, you're blaming the media for exaggerating things that have not been exaggerated, and you accuse me of nitpicking.
"Pot, meet the kettle."
"But, but, but..."
(In fairness, though, Bill obviously didn't know I was with the media. That's okay. He hasn't been posting long. Bill, let's grab a beer later and talk media politics).
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quote]Your silliness in blaming the media for exaggerating something like this holds whether I am with the media or not.
I'm wondering if you are even reading what I'm talking about. Several sources said after the levee break that the water was going to rise through the night to a level that would have had to have been much higher than the lake itself. I said at the time (in other places) that it wasn't going to happen and it didn't. If even a dumb guy like me figured it out, how come the geniuses telling the story couldn't? Yes they did say it WOULD happen, not could. That is just one example, there are many others. And some media check their sources before they print it, which is why I read some and not others.
I'm posting here often because what I'm trying to get through seems so obvious ... guess not. Also I'm following the story closely since I know so many people there. (but I agree the school system needs work)
"Fortunately, no one was listening..."
"If people had listened, maybe more would have gotten out of there."
This is why I say you haven't even paid attention to what I've written. The "flood is coming" story I have referred to was after the levee broke. I've pointed that out each time ...
The Times-Picayune had a volleyball team in my league for years, and they were friends, so I don't think ALL the media is evil.
Here is a link to a BBC graphic showing the elevations.
CNN ran a similar graphic frequently, but left out the sea level line and cropped out the elevation markings on the side, leaving the impression that a broken levee would fill up the city. This is the sort of subtle misrepresentation of facts I'm referring to.
The same with the subtle language of saying they had to push bodies out of the way to get through, as opposed to they occasionally moved a body and secured it to a tree.
And that's all I have to say about that.
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Lean in real close to the monitor, okay...
AFTER the levee broke, there was still no way to tell how high the water would rise, so the experts who were talking gave best case and worse case scenarios, which were passed on by the media. That is our job. To pass on information. Hence the term "media."
Methinks you, not I, are the one not reading carefully.
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This makes it sound as if there was exactly one incident of one person moving one body away. There were a bunch of incidents, all being summed up. That's not "subtle language." That's summary. I expect you know the difference.
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"Lean in real close to the monitor, okay..."
AFTER the levee broke, there was still no way to tell how high the water would rise, so the experts who were talking gave best case and worse case scenarios, which were passed on by the media. That is our job. To pass on information. Hence the term "media."
OK, I was done, but you continue with these personal attacks, like "lean in real close" ... What is your degree, journalism? No one takes journalism majors seriously, I guess that is why you are so sensitive.
You act like the media never introduces their own ideology, and never sensationalize, like they are limb leaders that only speak directly for god ... how dare anyone question your authority.
There is no way the level was going above the lake level, that was knowable (by any intelligent person). The reports would conclude in ominous tones with something like "the bowl is filling" cue the threatening music ... fade to commercial ... It is theatre.
Did you look at the link?
Congrats on your promotion. Are you working Katrina?
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TheManOfa Thousand ScreenNames
Didn't want you to think I was going to hit and run on this thread.
Yes, I understand all of the above. My main thing is, at least we're still here to deal with the repercussions as opposed to the people in Asia.
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Right 1000 names, we will carry on. Lest I be accused of being too positive, here is what I fear. The pics I saw on CNBC and other places, showing water flowing into the city, were actually shots of water flowing out over the levees. This is NOT good news.
The water was flowing from a "lake" with houses in it, down over a levee into a waterway with a bridge in it. Best I could tell, this was the industrial canal, it had a bridge that lifts up vertically. Wherever it was, it meant the water had filled the neighborhood to the height above the levee. This could only happen in the worst case "fill the bowl" scenario, where water tops the levee and fills inside.
If I am guessing correctly, this was New Orleans east (I lived there for a year) which is close to the twin span, where big sections of the bridge were knocked out. That would not be a case where the water rose slowly enough to allow easier escape, as in the broken levee. Maybe people on second floors would be ok. I have heard nothing about this area, but from satellite shots it seems inundated.
They were closer to the edge of the hurricane, closer to the big surge from the gulf ... the bridge by them had many sections knocked out whereas the causeway to the west did not ... I don't like what that adds up to ...
I hope I am really dumb and those people saying this was water flowing IN over the levees are correct. It was and still is shown repeatedly. I can't figure out how I am wrong.
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coolchef1248 @adelphia.net
first of all i want to thank media people for risking live and limb for keeping us up dated
i can't remember if i congradulated on your promosion so congrats!!
i have benn involved in 2 cults
twi and the j birtch soc.
they said and i sometimes still believe it that the press is a prostitute
negative press does sell much better than positive and as close as i am following this horrible situation i have seen mega neg and very few pos reports
we know that there must be many nice people doing many nice things who are just as bad off as thier fellow victems
but instead of looting burning robbing raping etc
they are helping thier fellow man god bless them
i guess i am rambling but thanks raf and your fellow reporters for keeping us informed
but gee i would like to see a positive side of this
i know is but i don't know what
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