I shouldn't say obviously, but that's a plot point that's never been really masked. If you really want a solid answer, look at the customer reviews for the book version on Amazon.com:
My favorite line from one of the reviews actually comes from a photo caption. The pic is of Obi Wan and Anakin, apparently still friends, lightsabers drawn. The caption reads:
After seeing 'Sith' this morning, I called and spoke with an old friend in California. He is a camera-man and theater-projection-dolby sound guy. He was telling me that Lucas has been talking for years about an additional trilogy. This was supposed to be three sets of trilogys, adter all. The next trilogy to be the life and times of Darth Vader.
That 20-year period between when he dedicates himself to serving the Sith, until the time of Luke Skywalkers coming of age.
The books onthe other hand seem to focus on the later life and times of Luke, Lieia and Han: as they raise the next future generation of Jedi.
That doesn't make sense. The current trilogy is I, II and III. The original trilogy was IV, V and VI. So if there really is a third trilogy in the works (and I'm among those who thinks he lied when he says he had all nine mapped out in his head from the beginning), then it has to be VII VIII and IX, meaning AFTER the events of Return of the Jedi.
Not that he can't do anything he wants with the 20 years between III and IV. That's where the TV miniseries or series will come in, I guess.
"... Lucas was talking about 3 trilogies, yes - Parts IV, V, VI, then I, II, III, then last, VII, VIII, IX."
"The third trilogy was supposed to be the rebuilding of the Empire, or something like that, and after the time period of ROTJ."
It has been a while since I last read the books of the children, I dont recall their names. But yes that could certainly be a big opening for numerous more story lines.
I think Steve! meant the rebuilding of the Republic, rather than the Empire. Lucas did originally say that he planned three trilogies, with the third to cover events after ROTJ, but he apparently has decided to leave things as they are.
Saw it tonight. It's not a bad flick. I'd hover between 2.5 and 3 stars, depending on my mood.
Hayden Christensen is MUCH better than last time, but still not quite good enough. It's not that I think he was the wrong choice. It's that I think Lucas chose the wrong director. And writer.
Natalie Portman is wasted (and not in the same way that Leia was wasted in Jedi. ;)-->) The chemistry with Christensen is better than Clones, but not much.
Threepio is down to virtual cameos. Artoo, on the other hand, kicks butt.
So does Yoda. His fight with the Emperor is terrific.
The execution of the Jedi is handled well, and the murder of the children is just chilling. Not very well acted: the one kid with a line is stiff as a board. But they're kids.
Did I mention Yoda kicks butt? He gets the one spontaneous burst of applause, and the one uncontrollable laugh in the whole movie.
Samuel Jackson... well... I feel bad for the guy. He's kind of irritating through the whole movie, and when he finally meets his doom (and we all knew he would), you're actually kind of rooting for the bad guys.
The Emperor's transformation from the dignified Palpatine to the deformed creep we all remember from Jedi is fairly credible. His seduction of Anakin is just downright creepy, and (AT LAST) he does sort of explain the laughable "immaculate conception" crap from Phantom Menace that would otherwise be unforgivably bad writing. Now it's just bad writing.
Let's see: who else is there? Count Dooku. What'ws with Christopher Lee? He keeps getting into third parts of trilogies and never survives more than a few minutes into them.
General Grievous is a waste of CGI. I was seriously disappointed. The cough was just too over-the-top.
Chewbacca's pretty much just a cameo, but it was nice to see him.
Look carefully after the end of the first battle, when the Chancellor, Obi Wan and Anakin are safely headed into some major building on Coruscant. As they land on one level, the Millenium Falcon can be seen coming in for a landing on a lower level. Blink and you'll miss it.
I truly, truly enjoyed the chemistry between Obi Wan and Anakin at the beginning of the movie. Ewan McGregor is fantastic in this movie, and when he and Anakin finally have their volcanic duel, you really get the sense of betrayal that he must have felt.
Finally seeing Vader in uniform is gratifying. Then he talks. And you remember that Lucas is still writing this crap. He juts out of his straps in a way that makes you think he's about to sing Putting on the Ritz with Gene Wilder.
There are some really bad writing moments, and I'm not just talking inauthentic. Obi Wan calls Palpatine the Emperor long before he should know anything about the rise of the Empire. And suddenly they're calling the Galactic Senate "Congress." When did it become "Congress?"
Seeing this movie, which was so good in so many ways, makes you wish that Lucas had taken that crappy script, given it to a real writer and said "I want this story, told this way. But make it so that real people are actually talking to each other."
Oh, and whoever thought to make Obi Wan ride that lizard should have his hands chopped off so he never writes anything again. Oh, it was Lucas? Why am I not surprised? Sigh.
So why the potential for three stars? Because the story is there, no matter how badly told. It's exciting, it's fun (remember fun? Star Wars movies used to be fun), and most of all, Ahmed Best gets no lines.
The last conversation between Anakin and Kenobi as friends. You realize the next time they meet, it's going to be ugly. You SO want them to stay friends, but you know it's not going to happen. And you just wish...
Christensen's acting (that is, the direction, because Christensen's a good actor) almost ruins it.
He had been mulling what Palpatine told him, and his top priority was saving Padme. So when he saw Mace was about to kill Palpatine, he realized that he had a choice: continue with the Jedi way, which meant letting Padme die, or rescue Palpatine, which was already a surrender to the Dark Side.
I think his real surrender was interfering with Mace Windu. The bowing was just a formality, but he had already surrendered to the Dark Side when he lopped off Mace's hands.
But it was the way it which it was acted that left me wanting more. I was hoping for something more dramatic that really involved Padme.
This scene was as if Lucas was saying he wanted to get the story going so let's make it quick.
And what did the opening credits mean when it said there were heroes on both sides. Aren't we supposed to be rooting for the good guys?
After this movie, the Sith come out looking not too bad. At least they have firm beliefs, not like the Jedi which seem to blow about from every wind of doctrine.
Heroes on both sides make sense: remember, there are villains on both sides, too. The person at the top of each chain of command is the same guy, so there may well be heroes on the Separatist side somewhere who look at Palpatine as a power hungry brute bent on ruling the galaxy, and they'd be right. What they wouldn't know is Palpatine is the head of their side as well.
After the movie, any place where the Separatists still had a stronghold would probably be a good staging ground for the later rebellion.
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Everything I've seen so far adds up to an awesome movie. I hope I'm right.
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I've heard that they're saying that this movie is NOT for children!
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It's the first Star Wars movie with a PG-13 rating. Makes sense if you know about the can of whupass Obi Wan unleashes on Anakin.
Oh, and Leia's memory in Return of the Jedi is obviously a woman other than her real mother.
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Why "obviously"?
Is it a known fact that she will die shortly after or during childbirth?
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I shouldn't say obviously, but that's a plot point that's never been really masked. If you really want a solid answer, look at the customer reviews for the book version on Amazon.com:
This should take you there.
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Right after "Empire", there was some speculation about Darth Vader's
armour, and I think it will all play out EXACTLY as predicted.
(I'm not posting a spoiler that big and blatant.)
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My favorite line from one of the reviews actually comes from a photo caption. The pic is of Obi Wan and Anakin, apparently still friends, lightsabers drawn. The caption reads:
Act badly and carry a blue stick.
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After seeing 'Sith' this morning, I called and spoke with an old friend in California. He is a camera-man and theater-projection-dolby sound guy. He was telling me that Lucas has been talking for years about an additional trilogy. This was supposed to be three sets of trilogys, adter all. The next trilogy to be the life and times of Darth Vader.
That 20-year period between when he dedicates himself to serving the Sith, until the time of Luke Skywalkers coming of age.
The books onthe other hand seem to focus on the later life and times of Luke, Lieia and Han: as they raise the next future generation of Jedi.
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Hmmm, that's not what I heard.
Back when the first movie came out, Lucas was talking about 3 trilogies, yes - Parts IV, V, VI, then I, II, III, then last, VII, VIII, IX.
The third trilogy was supposed to be the rebuilding of the Empire, or something like that, and after the time period of ROTJ.
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That doesn't make sense. The current trilogy is I, II and III. The original trilogy was IV, V and VI. So if there really is a third trilogy in the works (and I'm among those who thinks he lied when he says he had all nine mapped out in his head from the beginning), then it has to be VII VIII and IX, meaning AFTER the events of Return of the Jedi.
Not that he can't do anything he wants with the 20 years between III and IV. That's where the TV miniseries or series will come in, I guess.
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"... Lucas was talking about 3 trilogies, yes - Parts IV, V, VI, then I, II, III, then last, VII, VIII, IX."
"The third trilogy was supposed to be the rebuilding of the Empire, or something like that, and after the time period of ROTJ."
It has been a while since I last read the books of the children, I dont recall their names. But yes that could certainly be a big opening for numerous more story lines.
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I think Steve! meant the rebuilding of the Republic, rather than the Empire. Lucas did originally say that he planned three trilogies, with the third to cover events after ROTJ, but he apparently has decided to leave things as they are.
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Saw it tonight. It's not a bad flick. I'd hover between 2.5 and 3 stars, depending on my mood.
Hayden Christensen is MUCH better than last time, but still not quite good enough. It's not that I think he was the wrong choice. It's that I think Lucas chose the wrong director. And writer.
Natalie Portman is wasted (and not in the same way that Leia was wasted in Jedi.
;)-->) The chemistry with Christensen is better than Clones, but not much.
Threepio is down to virtual cameos. Artoo, on the other hand, kicks butt.
So does Yoda. His fight with the Emperor is terrific.
The execution of the Jedi is handled well, and the murder of the children is just chilling. Not very well acted: the one kid with a line is stiff as a board. But they're kids.
Did I mention Yoda kicks butt? He gets the one spontaneous burst of applause, and the one uncontrollable laugh in the whole movie.
Samuel Jackson... well... I feel bad for the guy. He's kind of irritating through the whole movie, and when he finally meets his doom (and we all knew he would), you're actually kind of rooting for the bad guys.
The Emperor's transformation from the dignified Palpatine to the deformed creep we all remember from Jedi is fairly credible. His seduction of Anakin is just downright creepy, and (AT LAST) he does sort of explain the laughable "immaculate conception" crap from Phantom Menace that would otherwise be unforgivably bad writing. Now it's just bad writing.
Let's see: who else is there? Count Dooku. What'ws with Christopher Lee? He keeps getting into third parts of trilogies and never survives more than a few minutes into them.
General Grievous is a waste of CGI. I was seriously disappointed. The cough was just too over-the-top.
Chewbacca's pretty much just a cameo, but it was nice to see him.
Look carefully after the end of the first battle, when the Chancellor, Obi Wan and Anakin are safely headed into some major building on Coruscant. As they land on one level, the Millenium Falcon can be seen coming in for a landing on a lower level. Blink and you'll miss it.
I truly, truly enjoyed the chemistry between Obi Wan and Anakin at the beginning of the movie. Ewan McGregor is fantastic in this movie, and when he and Anakin finally have their volcanic duel, you really get the sense of betrayal that he must have felt.
Finally seeing Vader in uniform is gratifying. Then he talks. And you remember that Lucas is still writing this crap. He juts out of his straps in a way that makes you think he's about to sing Putting on the Ritz with Gene Wilder.
There are some really bad writing moments, and I'm not just talking inauthentic. Obi Wan calls Palpatine the Emperor long before he should know anything about the rise of the Empire. And suddenly they're calling the Galactic Senate "Congress." When did it become "Congress?"
Seeing this movie, which was so good in so many ways, makes you wish that Lucas had taken that crappy script, given it to a real writer and said "I want this story, told this way. But make it so that real people are actually talking to each other."
Oh, and whoever thought to make Obi Wan ride that lizard should have his hands chopped off so he never writes anything again. Oh, it was Lucas? Why am I not surprised? Sigh.
So why the potential for three stars? Because the story is there, no matter how badly told. It's exciting, it's fun (remember fun? Star Wars movies used to be fun), and most of all, Ahmed Best gets no lines.
And that should make everyone happy.
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Yep, and they pretty much occupy the film from beginning to end.
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That's not true.
It's only when people talk.
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I dunno.
I thought some of the most heartfelt moments were when Chewie and R2 spoke.
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I lost interest after palpatine's comments about the dark lord he served under
"he could save others, but not himself."
And Jedi don't believe in absolutes.
Over the top and under the belt all in one.
Hey George, use the force of the screenwriters guild.
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I'll tell you something I did like:
The last conversation between Anakin and Kenobi as friends. You realize the next time they meet, it's going to be ugly. You SO want them to stay friends, but you know it's not going to happen. And you just wish...
Christensen's acting (that is, the direction, because Christensen's a good actor) almost ruins it.
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But don't you think he looks like Gene Simmons' love child?
And wasn't his surrender to the dark side rather quick?
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Yes and no.
He had been mulling what Palpatine told him, and his top priority was saving Padme. So when he saw Mace was about to kill Palpatine, he realized that he had a choice: continue with the Jedi way, which meant letting Padme die, or rescue Palpatine, which was already a surrender to the Dark Side.
I think his real surrender was interfering with Mace Windu. The bowing was just a formality, but he had already surrendered to the Dark Side when he lopped off Mace's hands.
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But it was the way it which it was acted that left me wanting more. I was hoping for something more dramatic that really involved Padme.
This scene was as if Lucas was saying he wanted to get the story going so let's make it quick.
And what did the opening credits mean when it said there were heroes on both sides. Aren't we supposed to be rooting for the good guys?
After this movie, the Sith come out looking not too bad. At least they have firm beliefs, not like the Jedi which seem to blow about from every wind of doctrine.
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No question: the acting is dreadful.
Heroes on both sides make sense: remember, there are villains on both sides, too. The person at the top of each chain of command is the same guy, so there may well be heroes on the Separatist side somewhere who look at Palpatine as a power hungry brute bent on ruling the galaxy, and they'd be right. What they wouldn't know is Palpatine is the head of their side as well.
After the movie, any place where the Separatists still had a stronghold would probably be a good staging ground for the later rebellion.
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