I understand Steinbrenner bashing. It doesn't appear that we'll have him to kick around much longer anyway. He's pretty much a figurehead by now.Somehow I don't think those who 'dislike' the Yankees are going to change, even if the next owner is a sweetheart.
The rivalry I speak of predates George, of course, and will live on after him. As such, it has nothing to do with bashing him. hey, I'll answer his letters if he wants to write to me!
Now where's Simon? he gave me a hard time (in fun, obviously) for a while about my Indians.
I understand Steinbrenner bashing. It doesn't appear that we'll have him to kick around much longer anyway. He's pretty much a figurehead by now.Somehow I don't think those who 'dislike' the Yankees are going to change, even if the next owner is a sweetheart.
Steinbrenner may be part of it but I dont think he is the whole thing. Part of it for me is the NY cocksure attitude that they should win, deserve to win and are somehow better than people/teams from other places, that they really dont have to respect or take too seriously. They'll put up with other places but There is a general condescension that can permeate through NY when it when it compares itself with other cities or teams which I never understood but is tangible and real, The arrogance of the place/team/fans annoys me.
geez mstar-thats exactly how I perceive the Red Sox Nation. That they're somehow better fans than other teams. That Boston is 'special' in a way no other team is.It's not the same as NY 'arrogance', but it's just as condescending. I agree with the NY attitude that they have to win every year. To me it's a curse that comes from too much past success. When the Yankees were tanking early in the year it was like a feeding frenzy of piling on about how they're just a bunch of high priced prima donnas, not a real TEAM . The Yankees aren't allowed ' to have an off year, rebuilding year, without hearing it from every media outlet that expects them to be on the top all the time.
As for me, , I grew up in a time when the Yankees were maybe the worst team in baseball. I've never had that sense of 'entitlement' .
The Indians got the snot beat out of them tonight. no surprise really. They are finally playing a good team. Their strengths seems to be how well they do against the weaker teams in their own division, and lately how well they have been winning the close ones. Their only two losses in the last 14 games have been by 8 and 7 runs.
After Game 7 of the 2003 American League championship series between the Red Sox and Yankees, I walked out of Yankee Stadium with a colleague. Just 48 hours earlier it had seemed very possible that the Red Sox and Cubs would meet in the World Series. Instead, we were getting the Yankees versus the Marlins.
"Damn," I said. "I was really looking forward to a Cubs-Red Sox World Series."
"No, we didn't want that," he said. "Because right now we have one group of totally obnoxious fans we have to deal with. And if the Cubs or the Red Sox were to win, then we would have two."
No one can stand to be around Red Sox fans anymore. And they're everywhere -- a recent USA TODAY ARTICLE labeled the Red Sox baseball's new biggest attraction.
Forget a fence between the U.S. and Mexico. What we really need is a wall, a moat and a minefield around New England to keep the spoiled citizens of Red Sox Nation from sneaking into the rest of the country and taking over seats in major league ballparks that should go to hard-working local fans.
Everywhere the Red Sox play these days turns into a road version of Fenway Park, with Boston fans occasionally drowning out the hometown fans with their "Let's Go Red Sox!" chants. They were so over the top at a recent game in Seattle, I was surprised the Mariners didn't play "Sweet Caroline"
Whether this is an inspiring show of team pride by passionate fans or an annoying lack of manners depends on how close you have to actually sit to these people...
Where the hell is Red Sox Nation anyway?... Wherever Red Sox Nation is, I just wish Bush would invade it.
I said earlier in the year how it is easier and cheaper to drive the eight hours to Baltimore to watch the Red Sox play.
All year Red Sox fans have outnumbered O's fans at Camden Yards, which has po'ed the O's to no end.
Last night the local stations in Baltimore heavily promoted a 'Take back the Yard" night when they arrived
They were greeted by a giant banner that read "Fenway South Welcomes O's Fans"
I thought it was hilarious, some people in baltimore no doubt think its obnoxious, but no one got hurt
Not all that many baseball teams have fans that will drive 8 hours to see them play, some will, but 2/3rds of a big league stadium? with regularity? Or filling Seattle or San Diego, or Toronto?
It will die down someday, but right now it is some sort of strange phenomena that people are ether swept up in or apparently repulsed by..
If people are 'repulsed', it's because it's that kind of 'arrogance' that you find so annoying in Yankee fans, now displayed by Sox fans.Angels Stadium is often referred to as 'Yankee Stadium west'
Of course since it's the Sox it's 'hilarious'.
I guess life is all about choosing 'sides'. Yankees vs Red Sox, democrat vs republican, pro choice vs pro life....
If people are 'repulsed', it's because it's that kind of 'arrogance' that you find so annoying in Yankee fans, now displayed by Sox fans.Angels Stadium is often referred to as 'Yankee Stadium west'
Of course since it's the Sox it's 'hilarious'.
I guess life is all about choosing 'sides'. Yankees vs Red Sox, democrat vs republican, pro choice vs pro life....
Well... I'll choose the Dbacks... for now. Awesome game this evening. Dbacks took a 3 run lead in the first inning but gave up 7 in the third.... came back and won 9-8. This after having lost one key veteran, the O-Dog, Orlando Hudson (gold glove second baseman) for the season to a thumb injury. He'll have surgery on Monday. Btw, the game was sold out tonight. It takes something special, like pennant race baseball on weekends to fill the stadium these days. We DO get big crowds for certain series, most notably the Cubs and interleague series with the BoSox and Yankers... Thus far, no one has coined any names like "Fenway West".
I won't choose sides on the political issues (in THIS sports forum). :)
Thus far, no one has coined any names like "Fenway West".
Of course not--Thats in San Diego!
I guess life is all about choosing 'sides'
Its a sport, a game, people should have the rght to cheer for who they want to cheer for, and support who they want to support without someone getting in a twist about it,
I'm not in a 'twist'. I'm just going back to my original point (I think) That the 'wonderfulness' of Red Sox nation, is no different than the behavior you find so distasteful in Yankee fans. It's obviously fine or not, depending on who's laundry you prefer.
I'm not in a 'twist'. I'm just going back to my original point (I think) That the 'wonderfulness' of Red Sox nation, is no different than the behavior you find so distasteful in Yankee fans. It's obviously fine or not, depending on who's laundry you prefer.
Speaking of whose laundry one prefers, I wonder if RHINO has yet realized that HIS (defending WS champion) Cardinales got SWEPT in the desert this weekend? That is, IN SPITE OF the exploits of perennial MVP candidate Albert Pujols.
well... I would vote that it's the fans... OF BOTH TEAMS... (present company excepted, of course)
it's one thing to be overtly loyal and another to be obnoxious and rude... I should know, I'm also a Cowboys fan, but I'm one for the same reason I'm a stRangers fan, they're the home town team... and I don't like the rude or obnoxious Cowboy fan either... but I don't think they've ever taken it to the level of NYY or BoSox fans...
...plus I get tired of watching them play against each other every week...
I was big Frank Howard fan, some of the hardest balls I have ever seen hit were by him.
Im sort of curious of you two: Tom in Texas and Hiway in LA both are sort of far away--How many of these Red Sox or Yankee fans do can you know out there?
Where I am, I am surrounded, everybody, and I mean everybody, is either one or the other to some degree or another-- there is no getting around it. 24/7/365.
That the 'wonderfulness' of Red Sox nation, is no different than the behavior you find so distasteful in Yankee fans
Msaybe it looks the same from 3000 miles away...There is a huge difference around here ..I havent had beer thrown on me, been mugged, or had my tires slashed by RedSox fans, nor have I ever been in fear at Fenway Park ....ever....(All of which has happened to me at Yankee Stadium). 'Friendly' Fenway is almost a family carnival atmosphere, where you can feel totally safe bringing an army of three year olds. During trips to the Bronx I feel at least once a game that i am taking my life into my hands. I havent been ripped off in business by RedSox fans, I have by Yankee fans.
I can enjoy myself with Sox fans. Inside or outside of baseball, I have to keep an eye open when i am around Yankee fans.
With the Yankee fans I know (especially up close) there is almost constantly some attack, if not overt, then subtle, some maneuvering for position or an underlying snooty attitude that they know more about just about anything than you could ever possibly know. Not all of them-but it is the flavor of the city that thinks of itself as (GAG ME) "The greatest city in the world"
Both the RedSox and Yankee fans are loud.. will buy up seats that locals wont buy, and will say (or most likely yell) pretty much what is on their minds. Thats just the way baseball has always been..
They both love their teams and will cheer then until the end but to me the comparison ends there. The underlying philosophical differences between the two cities is not nearly as close as it looks from thousands of miles away.
i was big Frank Howard fan, some of the hardest balls I have ever seen hit were by him.
No kidding. In fact, though I never personally talked with him, he lived for a while in our apartment complex south of Alexandria. (River Towers; there were 3 buildings, we werent in the same one.)
He WAS the big draw and on course hit some mammoth home runs. One time he hit one down the line that went so far over the top of the foul pole that the poor umpire could only give it his best shot. The ump called it a home run, and needless to say the opposing pitcher erupted.
The infielders (as well as the outfielders) played so far back that once in a while, he collected a bunt single, despite not being real fleet afoot.
There were a few other big Senators moments, like Tom Cheney's 21 strikeout game, and Ron Hansen's unassisted triple play...but most of the highlights belonged to Hondo.
He didnt do many commercials, but one he did do was "Frank goodness...frank goodness...for Brigg's better franks..."
P.S. ...While I lived there, the senators got up high on my loyalty list, but never quite up to the level of the Indians. pressty close though.
And there was the time he set a record by hitting 10 home runs in a week...only 6 games.
Mstar-what am I supposed to make of that picture you just painted. You forget that I'm from Connecticut, smack dab in the 'neutral zone' of both teams and am more than familiar with the area. I could make a case about all the time I've safely spent in New York and Yankee Stadium vs the nightmarish weekend I spent in Boston when in college.
Essentially you're agreeing with my point. That Boston fans see themselves as 'good' and Yankee fans are 'evil'. Excuse me for thinking you're full of beans. You say "I haven't been ripped off in business by Red Sox fans, I have by Yankee fans". I see-Yankee fans are criminals and untrustworthy, RedSox fans are good and pure. What hogwash.
You're attitude is as 'snooty' as any I've ever encountered from Yankee fans. I guess if we ever meet youll be certain to have your 'eye open' around me.
I'm really somewhat surprised at you gross characterizations.
Looks like I've brought this board to a halt with my 'war' with Mstar. I'm seriously not looking to be antagonistic with someone I like and respect. I DO think a 'line' was crossed, and felt like I needed to stand up for myself. Ever since I've come here I've felt almost like I needed to 'apolgize' for being a Yankee fan. I take full responsibility for that, tho I admit this place seems almost a RedSox fan site at times, and I've tried hard to avoid conflict. Besides, I'm not nearly as 'rabid' a fan as I once was, and am glad to be 3000 miles away from the line of fire.
I do think Mstar's opinions reflect a lifetime of dealing with the New York , Boston thing, and if the Yankee fans he describes behave the way he says they do, he should opt to either pick new friends or only talk baseball with your fellow Sox brethren. I and many of my closest friends growing up were and are faithful Yankee fans, and I like to think we're pretty fine people, and not 'exceptions to the rule'.
So I'm dropping the subject. Besides, I've got 2 games at Dodger Stadium this weekend vs the Snakes, which is of much more interest to Rocky. I'm amazed the Dodgers still have a shot for the wildcard.
Looks like I've brought this board to a halt with my 'war' with Mstar. I'm seriously not looking to be antagonistic with someone I like and respect. I DO think a 'line' was crossed, and felt like I needed to stand up for myself. Ever since I've come here I've felt almost like I needed to 'apolgize' for being a Yankee fan. I take full responsibility for that, tho I admit this place seems almost a RedSox fan site at times, and I've tried hard to avoid conflict. Besides, I'm not nearly as 'rabid' a fan as I once was, and am glad to be 3000 miles away from the line of fire.
I do think Mstar's opinions reflect a lifetime of dealing with the New York , Boston thing, and if the Yankee fans he describes behave the way he says they do, he should opt to either pick new friends or only talk baseball with your fellow Sox brethren. I and many of my closest friends growing up were and are faithful Yankee fans, and I like to think we're pretty fine people, and not 'exceptions to the rule'.
So I'm dropping the subject. Besides, I've got 2 games at Dodger Stadium this weekend vs the Snakes, which is of much more interest to Rocky. I'm amazed the Dodgers still have a shot for the wildcard.
Well, I can honestly say I'm glad the Dodgers won tonight! That, coupled with Dback's win in SFran again ups Arizona's lead to 3.5 games over the SDs.... Obviously, Dbacks are done with the Padres for the regular season.
IF the Dbacks take care of business and continue on the same pace as their current winning percentage of .565, they'll make it to 92 or 93 wins. Of course, that's a big IF.
For the Padres to get to 92 games, they have to win, I think, all but one game they have remaining....
I'd hope that the Dodgers don't take the division, but it'd be great for them to get the WC spot.
But that won't be easy either... With the Pads, the Phillies and the Rockies all still in it... and the Phillies made a triple play tonight at home against the Rockies... which was probably the only bright spot/highlight for the home team. Rockies over the Phillies, 12-0.
Also, on Sunday, Sept 23, the Dbacks host the Dodgers for Arizona's last home game of the regular season... and SimonZelotes and I have tickets to that game...
It all comes down to this. If your team wins , you feel good. If they lose, you feel bad. After a few minutes you go on with your life, as it really doesn't (shouldn't ?) affect your life at all.
I was able to 'feel good' for a few minutes last night. Was at Dodger Stadium for a festive romping of the Dbacks. It is rare to see the Dodgers put together 4 run innings. I was more than impressed with the kid from Arizona, Bonaficio, who led off the game with a single up the middle, and stretched it into a double. I nearly choked on my Dodger Dog as he rounded first and just kept going.
Meanwhile, I'm checking my eyes as the scoreboard tells me the Yankees , who were down 7-2, came back to win in Fenway.
So, I was able to feel good last night.
Of course , today is another day, and I might not feel so good today.
The Dodgers have been my second team for most of my life, were third for my Senators years in the 60s to the start of the 70s, and have been second again since. A fairly distant second but still second.
Duke Snider, Jim Gilliam, Don Demeter, Larry and Norm Sherry (Larry was one good home run hitting pitcher), then of course Don and Sandy in the 60s.
I still rememebr Sandy's perfect game which was almost a double no hitter; the Dodgers got only one hit and they got it in a different inning than when they scored their only run.
I'd like to revise my statement that the Cardinals are going to repeat ... it just doesn't seem to be in the cards.
They were within one when they made their run ... for the bottom. They've lost 8 in a row now ... if they win the next three against the Cubbies, I reserve the right to change my tune, but otherwise ...
It all comes down to this. If your team wins , you feel good. If they lose, you feel bad. After a few minutes you go on with your life, as it really doesn't (shouldn't ?) affect your life at all.
I was able to 'feel good' for a few minutes last night. Was at Dodger Stadium for a festive romping of the Dbacks. It is rare to see the Dodgers put together 4 run innings. I was more than impressed with the kid from Arizona, Bonaficio, who led off the game with a single up the middle, and stretched it into a double. I nearly choked on my Dodger Dog as he rounded first and just kept going.
Meanwhile, I'm checking my eyes as the scoreboard tells me the Yankees , who were down 7-2, came back to win in Fenway.
So, I was able to feel good last night.
Of course , today is another day, and I might not feel so good today.
I was pretty amazed by that too! The Dbacks broadcast guys have been talking about Bonafacio's speed, but THAT was the first time he's really showed what it can mean. And Upton's pretty fast too. Upton has shown how easily he can turn a double into a triple (offensively, not defensively ;) )
As to today's game (Saturday day game on FOX, not just Fox Sports Net), the Dbacks have had their way with Lowe this season... and Livo has pitched pretty well the last several times he's started...
but CBS Sportsline.com STILL has the Dodgers as heavy favorites to win today. Of course, that doesn't necessarily mean a whole lot.
I'd like to revise my statement that the Cardinals are going to repeat ... it just doesn't seem to be in the cards.
They were within one when they made their run ... for the bottom. They've lost 8 in a row now ... if they win the next three against the Cubbies, I reserve the right to change my tune, but otherwise ...
You FINALLY noticed!? Yes, the Dbacks got them started on that streak last weekend. I even posted some "encouragement" for you!
Rhino, see post number 2261 above for that note of encouragement! :)
You FINALLY noticed!? Yes, the Dbacks got them started on that streak last weekend. I even posted some "encouragement" for you!
Rhino, see post number 2261 above for that note of encouragement! :)
Ahhh, thanks, I missed that ... The Cardinals really won a couple of those close ones, but the umpire machines were flawed giving the D-backs the victory ... It should have gone to court ...
But yeah, I thought of you and Simon down there. This may be the year for Simon's cubbies ...
After dropping 2 in Colorado, it looks like the Dodgers are just about done, and what else is new ? Fine young talent, excellent pitching, but an aversion to going after 'impact' players keeps them from getting to the next level. They had Vlad Guerraro in their pocket a couple years ago, but wouldn't make the move. He went to the Angels, who are coasting to the playoffs, largely because of Vlad. The Dodgers know they'll get over 3 million fans every year if they put cub scouts out there. The 'youth movement' has been going on since I started going to games regularly there in '95. They have some fine young players, Martin, Loney, Ethier, but they need a couple big bats with experience.
Is that the Yankees I see 2 1/2 back all of a sudden ? That's a tall order this stage in the season, but weren't they given up for dead 2 months ago? I'm afraid to say more since feathers are easily ruffled in here between those 2 teams, and I admit mine were ruffled by outrageous characterizations about my character as a Yankee fan . Even if it wasn't meant personally, I can only imagine the response if the same charges were leveled the other way. It looks like we're headed to another lovely round of playoffs again though.
I guess I've got 1 more trip to Dodger Stadium left this year. Missing it already. Maybe I should sit in the 'all you can eat' section in right field and gorge myself on Dodger Dogs, until I can't stand the sight of them.
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Dont scare me like that Bolsh--the way you posted I wasnt sure if it was a done deal--I had to go check....Im on the fence whether to go for Halliday or not---I'd love to have him but I'd hate to give
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Lifted Up
The rivalry I speak of predates George, of course, and will live on after him. As such, it has nothing to do with bashing him. hey, I'll answer his letters if he wants to write to me!
Now where's Simon? he gave me a hard time (in fun, obviously) for a while about my Indians.
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Steinbrenner may be part of it but I dont think he is the whole thing. Part of it for me is the NY cocksure attitude that they should win, deserve to win and are somehow better than people/teams from other places, that they really dont have to respect or take too seriously. They'll put up with other places but There is a general condescension that can permeate through NY when it when it compares itself with other cities or teams which I never understood but is tangible and real, The arrogance of the place/team/fans annoys me.
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geez mstar-thats exactly how I perceive the Red Sox Nation. That they're somehow better fans than other teams. That Boston is 'special' in a way no other team is.It's not the same as NY 'arrogance', but it's just as condescending. I agree with the NY attitude that they have to win every year. To me it's a curse that comes from too much past success. When the Yankees were tanking early in the year it was like a feeding frenzy of piling on about how they're just a bunch of high priced prima donnas, not a real TEAM . The Yankees aren't allowed ' to have an off year, rebuilding year, without hearing it from every media outlet that expects them to be on the top all the time.
As for me, , I grew up in a time when the Yankees were maybe the worst team in baseball. I've never had that sense of 'entitlement' .
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Lifted Up
The Indians got the snot beat out of them tonight. no surprise really. They are finally playing a good team. Their strengths seems to be how well they do against the weaker teams in their own division, and lately how well they have been winning the close ones. Their only two losses in the last 14 games have been by 8 and 7 runs.
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Im finally home..
HERE"S something hiway may appreciate
I said earlier in the year how it is easier and cheaper to drive the eight hours to Baltimore to watch the Red Sox play.
All year Red Sox fans have outnumbered O's fans at Camden Yards, which has po'ed the O's to no end.
Last night the local stations in Baltimore heavily promoted a 'Take back the Yard" night when they arrived
They were greeted by a giant banner that read "Fenway South Welcomes O's Fans"
I thought it was hilarious, some people in baltimore no doubt think its obnoxious, but no one got hurt
Not all that many baseball teams have fans that will drive 8 hours to see them play, some will, but 2/3rds of a big league stadium? with regularity? Or filling Seattle or San Diego, or Toronto?
It will die down someday, but right now it is some sort of strange phenomena that people are ether swept up in or apparently repulsed by..
Its just...baseball
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If people are 'repulsed', it's because it's that kind of 'arrogance' that you find so annoying in Yankee fans, now displayed by Sox fans.Angels Stadium is often referred to as 'Yankee Stadium west'
Of course since it's the Sox it's 'hilarious'.
I guess life is all about choosing 'sides'. Yankees vs Red Sox, democrat vs republican, pro choice vs pro life....
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Well... I'll choose the Dbacks... for now. Awesome game this evening. Dbacks took a 3 run lead in the first inning but gave up 7 in the third.... came back and won 9-8. This after having lost one key veteran, the O-Dog, Orlando Hudson (gold glove second baseman) for the season to a thumb injury. He'll have surgery on Monday. Btw, the game was sold out tonight. It takes something special, like pennant race baseball on weekends to fill the stadium these days. We DO get big crowds for certain series, most notably the Cubs and interleague series with the BoSox and Yankers... Thus far, no one has coined any names like "Fenway West".
I won't choose sides on the political issues (in THIS sports forum). :)
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Its a sport, a game, people should have the rght to cheer for who they want to cheer for, and support who they want to support without someone getting in a twist about it,
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I'm not in a 'twist'. I'm just going back to my original point (I think) That the 'wonderfulness' of Red Sox nation, is no different than the behavior you find so distasteful in Yankee fans. It's obviously fine or not, depending on who's laundry you prefer.
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Speaking of whose laundry one prefers, I wonder if RHINO has yet realized that HIS (defending WS champion) Cardinales got SWEPT in the desert this weekend?

That is, IN SPITE OF the exploits of perennial MVP candidate Albert Pujols.
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Tom Strange
well... I would vote that it's the fans... OF BOTH TEAMS... (present company excepted, of course)
it's one thing to be overtly loyal and another to be obnoxious and rude... I should know, I'm also a Cowboys fan, but I'm one for the same reason I'm a stRangers fan, they're the home town team... and I don't like the rude or obnoxious Cowboy fan either... but I don't think they've ever taken it to the level of NYY or BoSox fans...
...plus I get tired of watching them play against each other every week...
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edit: never mind
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Lifted Up
They were mine once.
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was that in their Washington days?
I was big Frank Howard fan, some of the hardest balls I have ever seen hit were by him.
Im sort of curious of you two: Tom in Texas and Hiway in LA both are sort of far away--How many of these Red Sox or Yankee fans do can you know out there?
Where I am, I am surrounded, everybody, and I mean everybody, is either one or the other to some degree or another-- there is no getting around it. 24/7/365.
Msaybe it looks the same from 3000 miles away...There is a huge difference around here ..I havent had beer thrown on me, been mugged, or had my tires slashed by RedSox fans, nor have I ever been in fear at Fenway Park ....ever....(All of which has happened to me at Yankee Stadium). 'Friendly' Fenway is almost a family carnival atmosphere, where you can feel totally safe bringing an army of three year olds. During trips to the Bronx I feel at least once a game that i am taking my life into my hands. I havent been ripped off in business by RedSox fans, I have by Yankee fans.
I can enjoy myself with Sox fans. Inside or outside of baseball, I have to keep an eye open when i am around Yankee fans.
With the Yankee fans I know (especially up close) there is almost constantly some attack, if not overt, then subtle, some maneuvering for position or an underlying snooty attitude that they know more about just about anything than you could ever possibly know. Not all of them-but it is the flavor of the city that thinks of itself as (GAG ME) "The greatest city in the world"
Both the RedSox and Yankee fans are loud.. will buy up seats that locals wont buy, and will say (or most likely yell) pretty much what is on their minds. Thats just the way baseball has always been..
They both love their teams and will cheer then until the end but to me the comparison ends there. The underlying philosophical differences between the two cities is not nearly as close as it looks from thousands of miles away.
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Lifted Up
No kidding. In fact, though I never personally talked with him, he lived for a while in our apartment complex south of Alexandria. (River Towers; there were 3 buildings, we werent in the same one.)
He WAS the big draw and on course hit some mammoth home runs. One time he hit one down the line that went so far over the top of the foul pole that the poor umpire could only give it his best shot. The ump called it a home run, and needless to say the opposing pitcher erupted.
The infielders (as well as the outfielders) played so far back that once in a while, he collected a bunt single, despite not being real fleet afoot.
There were a few other big Senators moments, like Tom Cheney's 21 strikeout game, and Ron Hansen's unassisted triple play...but most of the highlights belonged to Hondo.
He didnt do many commercials, but one he did do was "Frank goodness...frank goodness...for Brigg's better franks..."
P.S. ...While I lived there, the senators got up high on my loyalty list, but never quite up to the level of the Indians. pressty close though.
And there was the time he set a record by hitting 10 home runs in a week...only 6 games.
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Mstar-what am I supposed to make of that picture you just painted. You forget that I'm from Connecticut, smack dab in the 'neutral zone' of both teams and am more than familiar with the area. I could make a case about all the time I've safely spent in New York and Yankee Stadium vs the nightmarish weekend I spent in Boston when in college.
Essentially you're agreeing with my point. That Boston fans see themselves as 'good' and Yankee fans are 'evil'. Excuse me for thinking you're full of beans. You say "I haven't been ripped off in business by Red Sox fans, I have by Yankee fans". I see-Yankee fans are criminals and untrustworthy, RedSox fans are good and pure. What hogwash.
You're attitude is as 'snooty' as any I've ever encountered from Yankee fans. I guess if we ever meet youll be certain to have your 'eye open' around me.
I'm really somewhat surprised at you gross characterizations.
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Looks like I've brought this board to a halt with my 'war' with Mstar. I'm seriously not looking to be antagonistic with someone I like and respect. I DO think a 'line' was crossed, and felt like I needed to stand up for myself. Ever since I've come here I've felt almost like I needed to 'apolgize' for being a Yankee fan. I take full responsibility for that, tho I admit this place seems almost a RedSox fan site at times, and I've tried hard to avoid conflict. Besides, I'm not nearly as 'rabid' a fan as I once was, and am glad to be 3000 miles away from the line of fire.
I do think Mstar's opinions reflect a lifetime of dealing with the New York , Boston thing, and if the Yankee fans he describes behave the way he says they do, he should opt to either pick new friends or only talk baseball with your fellow Sox brethren. I and many of my closest friends growing up were and are faithful Yankee fans, and I like to think we're pretty fine people, and not 'exceptions to the rule'.
So I'm dropping the subject. Besides, I've got 2 games at Dodger Stadium this weekend vs the Snakes, which is of much more interest to Rocky. I'm amazed the Dodgers still have a shot for the wildcard.
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Well, I can honestly say I'm glad the Dodgers won tonight!
That, coupled with Dback's win in SFran again ups Arizona's lead to 3.5 games over the SDs.... Obviously, Dbacks are done with the Padres for the regular season.
IF the Dbacks take care of business and continue on the same pace as their current winning percentage of .565, they'll make it to 92 or 93 wins. Of course, that's a big IF.
For the Padres to get to 92 games, they have to win, I think, all but one game they have remaining....
I'd hope that the Dodgers don't take the division, but it'd be great for them to get the WC spot.
But that won't be easy either... With the Pads, the Phillies and the Rockies all still in it... and the Phillies made a triple play tonight at home against the Rockies... which was probably the only bright spot/highlight for the home team. Rockies over the Phillies, 12-0.
Also, on Sunday, Sept 23, the Dbacks host the Dodgers for Arizona's last home game of the regular season... and SimonZelotes and I have tickets to that game...
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It all comes down to this. If your team wins , you feel good. If they lose, you feel bad. After a few minutes you go on with your life, as it really doesn't (shouldn't ?) affect your life at all.
I was able to 'feel good' for a few minutes last night. Was at Dodger Stadium for a festive romping of the Dbacks. It is rare to see the Dodgers put together 4 run innings. I was more than impressed with the kid from Arizona, Bonaficio, who led off the game with a single up the middle, and stretched it into a double. I nearly choked on my Dodger Dog as he rounded first and just kept going.
Meanwhile, I'm checking my eyes as the scoreboard tells me the Yankees , who were down 7-2, came back to win in Fenway.
So, I was able to feel good last night.
Of course , today is another day, and I might not feel so good today.
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Lifted Up
The Dodgers have been my second team for most of my life, were third for my Senators years in the 60s to the start of the 70s, and have been second again since. A fairly distant second but still second.
Duke Snider, Jim Gilliam, Don Demeter, Larry and Norm Sherry (Larry was one good home run hitting pitcher), then of course Don and Sandy in the 60s.
I still rememebr Sandy's perfect game which was almost a double no hitter; the Dodgers got only one hit and they got it in a different inning than when they scored their only run.
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I'd like to revise my statement that the Cardinals are going to repeat ... it just doesn't seem to be in the cards.
They were within one when they made their run ... for the bottom. They've lost 8 in a row now ... if they win the next three against the Cubbies, I reserve the right to change my tune, but otherwise ...
Go Cubs
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I was pretty amazed by that too! The Dbacks broadcast guys have been talking about Bonafacio's speed, but THAT was the first time he's really showed what it can mean. And Upton's pretty fast too. Upton has shown how easily he can turn a double into a triple (offensively, not defensively ;) )
As to today's game (Saturday day game on FOX, not just Fox Sports Net), the Dbacks have had their way with Lowe this season... and Livo has pitched pretty well the last several times he's started...
but CBS Sportsline.com STILL has the Dodgers as heavy favorites to win today. Of course, that doesn't necessarily mean a whole lot.
You FINALLY noticed!? Yes, the Dbacks got them started on that streak last weekend. I even posted some "encouragement" for you!
Rhino, see post number 2261 above for that note of encouragement! :)
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Ahhh, thanks, I missed that ... The Cardinals really won a couple of those close ones, but the umpire machines were flawed giving the D-backs the victory ... It should have gone to court ...
But yeah, I thought of you and Simon down there. This may be the year for Simon's cubbies ...
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After dropping 2 in Colorado, it looks like the Dodgers are just about done, and what else is new ? Fine young talent, excellent pitching, but an aversion to going after 'impact' players keeps them from getting to the next level. They had Vlad Guerraro in their pocket a couple years ago, but wouldn't make the move. He went to the Angels, who are coasting to the playoffs, largely because of Vlad. The Dodgers know they'll get over 3 million fans every year if they put cub scouts out there. The 'youth movement' has been going on since I started going to games regularly there in '95. They have some fine young players, Martin, Loney, Ethier, but they need a couple big bats with experience.
Is that the Yankees I see 2 1/2 back all of a sudden ? That's a tall order this stage in the season, but weren't they given up for dead 2 months ago? I'm afraid to say more since feathers are easily ruffled in here between those 2 teams, and I admit mine were ruffled by outrageous characterizations about my character as a Yankee fan . Even if it wasn't meant personally, I can only imagine the response if the same charges were leveled the other way. It looks like we're headed to another lovely round of playoffs again though.
I guess I've got 1 more trip to Dodger Stadium left this year. Missing it already. Maybe I should sit in the 'all you can eat' section in right field and gorge myself on Dodger Dogs, until I can't stand the sight of them.
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