nah... they can go on a seven game win streak now... and it still probably won't hold up... I don't know what the fix is because most all of our starting pitchers show flashes of real brilliance, great stuff... so I think it must be a mental thing that they aren't disciplined enough to focus focus focus and continually bear down... I think that's one of the keys to Clemens' longevity, he gets the physical to the point where he doesn't even have to think about it and his total focus is the mental side of it... Maddox too I think...
and to your question, yes, they always do it.. they'll probably play pretty strong from now on, now that the pressure's off... strong first third, collapse in the middle, strong finish...
so I think it must be a mental thing that they aren't disciplined enough to focus focus focus and continually bear down
I wonder...of course you will always have afew outside the norm like Clemens or Maddox but team wise I wonder about the internal stuff that you don't get to see does to a team--how it affects focus and concentration , desire--that type of stuff...The Sox always talk about chemistry and it seems to work...I know the front office works hard on that aspect... If players dont get along well or with the manangement or the front office or something...and it is not addressed properly it maybe can be hidden for a while, but after being together every day for 6 months or so it would take its toll and effect things.
Im not saying thats whats happening, but thats what used to happen up here all the time--
I'd like to see the rangers stay in it until the end and/or make the playoffs, but who knows at this point. I hope you have someone smart enough in the FO to figure it all out but what from you've told me it doesn't look that way....
I was raving about Manny a week or so ago, he got hot-so now they aren't pitching to him and are pitching to Ortiz instead and he is now on fire. (hitting about 600 4 Hr 13 RBI in the last 5 or so games). I get used to them hitting back to back and forget what that must look like to opposing pitchers--
yeah... when you think about it we've had a pretty solid "ready for it" lineup in the field here for a few seasons... and they're mostly a product of Doug Melvin's work... but Hicks axed him and then got in bed with Boras and hired John Hart... we acquired a couple of good players when we had Grady Fuson here (was asst GM head of scouting for Oakland), but then Hicks ticked him off and didn't promote him as promised... almost EVERYONE (fans) dislikes Hicks and wishes he'd get out of the game... but then, he's such a vascillating person, who knows??? The players are starting to bi tch about the FO IN THE PAPERS now... that's not good...
Look at this from "the Newberg Report" (an email that comes out each day about the stRangers and their farm system:(-->quotes from the 'core' players in bold)
It’s over.
It did a lot of damage. Not necessarily to this season. The wild card chances more or less disappeared before it started, but as it went on, frustrations boiled over to the point that some regrettable things were said.
On one hand, you had this: "I would have never gone to Texas if they had told me ‘Alex, its going to be you and 24 kids.’ Never."
Now you have this: "It's been unclear what the direction and what the goals for the future are. You have an offense that is ready, ready to compete for a world championship. It seems that we are developing pitchers, and the timetables are different." (Texeireia)
And this: "I would hope management shows the same frustration and disappointment that we feel. I hope they'll make a few moves to put us over the top."(Blalock I think)
And this: "I have no reason to expect anything different from what I've seen the last 18 months. We're continually told how important the minor league system is. I think we'll continue to rely on players from the system rather than free agency."(Michael Young)
The first one, of course, was more transparent. The other three, a little more opaque. But the same point is being made: the "core" Rangers players don’t want to see any more kids come into their clubhouse.
First of all, I admit that I'm partial to the "kids" for obvious reasons. I also understand frustration and wanting to win and thinking that you would be more successful if only someone else was better at what they do. And I understand that the primary targets of those rants about having to go forward with the likes of Adrian Gonzalez and Marshall McDougall and C.J. Wilson and Juan Dominguez were primarily directed at the owner and the general manager, but at least the former shortstop had the good sense not to complain to the media about it until he was no longer in that clubhouse.
The more I think about it, the more sorely disappointed I am that the still pretty young guys who previous veteran "fatheads" (sorry–it’s the worst thing my grandfather could say about somebody he was mad at but who he still liked a lot, and so it makes sense to me) complained about having to play with are making sure that the next wave of young players are made to feel wholly unwelcome by publicly complaining about having to play with them.
And Mark DeRosa is still your starting right fielder.
This board seems to be all about Red Sox and Ranger reports, with me being the occasional curmudgeon. Surely there is more to talk about, baseball-wise.
well then hiway... talk about it! don't just complain about it!
those are the two teams that Mstar and I root for and since we're the only ones posting it probably doesn't surprise you that those teams would dominate the conversation...
How about those Devil Rays??? Got any thoughts on them?
I'm not compaining-I'm just commenting. I've talked about all sorts of topics here, and will continue to do so as the mood hits me.
I can't think of a thing to say about the D-Rays except their manager has a habit of twirling his hair, then smelling his fingers- according to Sparky Lyle.
They also have a weird stadium. Baseball was not meant to be played indoors.
At least not in that mausoleum they call the Trop... I'll make you a very good case for a retractable roof here in Arlington... if they'd do that, attendance would go up a million a year minimum...
That's funny about Pinella, I think I remember him doing that here when they were in town after the break...
The BOB is a great place to see a game (even without binoculars to keep an eye on right-center)... I couldn't finish the game I went to at the Trop... and I'm always there for the whole game...
The players are starting to bi tch about the FO IN THE PAPERS now... that's not good...
Yea its not good imo...I suppose teams have won while being at each others throats but it has never happened to any team in this neck of the woods (RedSox, Patriots, Celtics, Bruins)...all those losing RS years it looked like that with various players bi tchin out the FO, or complainin about something or other...There was always one or more malcontents that seemed to sour things...or keep you just po'd enough that you'd wish this or that guy would go....Nomar was about the last obvious one , and when he was traded 9as much as i liked him and didn't want to see him go) things changed..
It may sound hokey and cliched but i really think that teams win, not a groups of 25 individuals and there really is something about unity, chemistry, and believing in one another that can make the sum bigger than the parts.
To get from point A to point B seems to be the big mystery but should be taken deeply into consideration...and Its not just the players--(Hiway chided me for extolling the virtues of the ownership a few pages back)Its the owners, FO-the entire organization that has to work together imo to make it work.
easier said than done I know.
Anyway......whats up with them Dodgers?
Unfortunately they are in a division and a city in a galaxy that seems far far away at times-so I cant keep up.
Last I looked (which was awhile ago) old friend DLowe left his wife and was causing a ruckus, the NL 'Worst' was looking strange...and....well..who is this Boston parking lot attendant thats screwin things up so royally anyway?
Sounds like you have your own bit of discontent in Dodgerville
Oh and another thing--dont know if y'all remember Tony Conigliaro--he was a childhood hero of mine....It was 38 years ago today he was beaned by Jack Hamilton, in effect ending a promising career--It was the hardest thing I have ever seen at a game....
I don't remember the heckler (in person)...but I've seen him on TV... it was about 10 years ago that I was there...
And that was a bummer about TC, "The Hawk" right?
Oh, and the team is pretty 'united'... united against the FO...! All of the fans love them, but the way Hicks' organizations work, they'll work a trade or let a guy go without trying too hard to keep them, all the while subtly slamming them in the media... they almost did it again with Modano... the fear around here is that they're going to do it with Teixeira if they can't get him extended before he goes free... he's a Boras guy...
At least we don't have any Rosenhaus players anywhere... but I do wish we were in the NL West....
O no-start either waving goodbye or prepare another way out of line contract.
I know some guys are good and deserve to get paid, but the huge contracts skew things all to hell---I'd like to see the owners start to 'just say no' and bring contracts back to a reasonable level.
...'The Hawk' was Ken Harrelson,
Tony C. was a local Boston kid who came up straight out of high school at 18, and immediately won people over with his style of play and his charm--he lead the league in HR's at 20 y.o. ( '65 I think) and had more homeruns than anybody ever had by the time he was 23...
He was hit on the side of the head on Aug 18, 1967, went near blind and was out for a year and a half before he attempted a comeback that was shortlived. He died young about a decade or so ago.
He is still held in remembrance by almost all fans in these parts. He was the neighborhood kid that everybody liked who did good and then sadly became a tragic figure...
That incident was the reason that they developed earflaps
The Dodgers are still in the division race amazingly-tho any team that's 10 games under .500 should be thinking about next year. Baseball is just screwy enough that a team can win a division, then go on to win it all if the pitching is there. Outside of starting pitching and 2 or 3 players, the Dodgers are no better than the KC Royals.
The 'Boston parking Lot Attendant', is the name bestowed upon the Dodgers owner by a local sportwriter. Frank McCourt comes from Boston, made what money he has in real estate development-mostly parking lots, and tried to buy the Red Sox a few years ago-who wisely turned him down. Not s in LA-he bought the Dodgers on shaky credit, and has cut payroll and upped the ads, and is now planning on turning the beautiful Chavez Ravine into 'Dodger world' with condos and theme malls. He also named his wife president of the Dodgers.
Still Dodger fans are easy to pleasy-they still get around 50000 to every game and the crowd chants 'He Sop Choi' as if he were the second coming of Gil Hodges, instead of a .240 hitter that the manager doesn't trust to play in the field.
I understand east coast myopia,since I gre up in a world where baseball meant Yankees, Red Sox, and Mets in that order, and nothing west of The George Washington bridge really mattered. In this day of espn, internet, constant games from around the country available, it doesn't seem to make much sense to not be aware of what's going on, unless you're just not interested.
As far as team chemistry andthe FO, my favorite team ever is the late 90's Yankees, that had more team chemistry than any I've seen. They won it all for years without any 'super stars', and it was the same Steinbrenner who just as easily runs the team into the ground.
I remember Tony Conigliaro as a kid. I'm not italian, but Italian ball players just seemed cooler. Rocky Colavito was another favorite.
I still can't look at that pic of Tony without getting sick though. Ended a fine career.
Harrelson! ...yeah, I knew that... must be the old age... it was too bad about Tony C though... I vaguely remember when it happened... that was back in the time that we only got sports with the news at night or on the weekend through Wide World or the game of the week with (gone by then) Pee Wee Reese and Dizzy Dean...
Damn just posted along reply and lost it--if someone finds it please email it back
Maybe i'll get back to it later-on the evils of amusement park stadiums and why I am not really disinterested in the rest of baseball just lack the time to really follow it all while things are going Ok at home.....
I lost it all reading 'Rocky Colavito" which reminded me of Tito Francona..
whats happening? Ive been away for a few--is everyone locked into the Little League World Series?
I know that I am, its one of my favorite events every year--Hawaii looks like a team, but the Californians (or at least the one kid with a beard)look good too.
ya think? couldn't hurt... have you seen in the last few days they've put both Teixeira and Soriano on revocable waivers... immediately took Tex's back... trying to work a deal with Minn for Soriano... Hart should be fired, he turned down a pretty good deal with them for Soriano at the deadline... (he should be fired for other reasons as well)
I missed that, all of a sudden I got hammered with too much work (don't these people know its baseball season ;)-->)and I'm loosing a step in keeping up-- ,
I don't exactly understand all the intricacies and subtilties of the waiver wire-- half the Red Sox just past through waivers--I don't think most of them will be going anywhere though--
Is Hart the GM? I'd fire him just because he seems from a distance to be consistently somewhat bumbling to his plateau, which is out of the playoffs.
If they are serious I'd look for someone else but good GM's are hard to find, it wouldn't surprise me if Brian Cashman of the Yankees is available soon but he has never been a favorite of mine....
The White Sox have voted unanimously to forfeit last Sunday's rained-out game with the Red Sox rather than play a makeup game on Labor Day, meaning it is possible the AL East could be decided by a free victory for Boston.
There is only one possible day to make it up and it would stretch the union rules so the White Sox decided not to play.
It seems sort of arrogant to me--they have been in their own tumble and although they've been ahead all year, 8 games up with 6 weeks to go has disappeared before.
I dont recall seeing a forfeit before...I dont know how or when this gets added to the standings..or even if its acceptable
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I missed the LLWS. The boy had baseball practice 4-7. Playing in a USSSA tournament this coming weekend. The new season has just started. Can ya'll believe we are in September of the ML baseball s
Dont scare me like that Bolsh--the way you posted I wasnt sure if it was a done deal--I had to go check....Im on the fence whether to go for Halliday or not---I'd love to have him but I'd hate to give
I love those fan trades where players you don't care about, plus a 'prospect', are offered up for a major player. Yeah, the Jays will jump at that deal.
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Tom Strange
nah... they can go on a seven game win streak now... and it still probably won't hold up... I don't know what the fix is because most all of our starting pitchers show flashes of real brilliance, great stuff... so I think it must be a mental thing that they aren't disciplined enough to focus focus focus and continually bear down... I think that's one of the keys to Clemens' longevity, he gets the physical to the point where he doesn't even have to think about it and his total focus is the mental side of it... Maddox too I think...
and to your question, yes, they always do it.. they'll probably play pretty strong from now on, now that the pressure's off... strong first third, collapse in the middle, strong finish...
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I wonder...of course you will always have afew outside the norm like Clemens or Maddox but team wise I wonder about the internal stuff that you don't get to see does to a team--how it affects focus and concentration , desire--that type of stuff...The Sox always talk about chemistry and it seems to work...I know the front office works hard on that aspect... If players dont get along well or with the manangement or the front office or something...and it is not addressed properly it maybe can be hidden for a while, but after being together every day for 6 months or so it would take its toll and effect things.
Im not saying thats whats happening, but thats what used to happen up here all the time--
I'd like to see the rangers stay in it until the end and/or make the playoffs, but who knows at this point. I hope you have someone smart enough in the FO to figure it all out but what from you've told me it doesn't look that way....
I was raving about Manny a week or so ago, he got hot-so now they aren't pitching to him and are pitching to Ortiz instead and he is now on fire. (hitting about 600 4 Hr 13 RBI in the last 5 or so games). I get used to them hitting back to back and forget what that must look like to opposing pitchers--
Glad I don't have to face them!
Then they are followed by Varitek
Ay Carumba!
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Tom Strange
yeah... when you think about it we've had a pretty solid "ready for it" lineup in the field here for a few seasons... and they're mostly a product of Doug Melvin's work... but Hicks axed him and then got in bed with Boras and hired John Hart... we acquired a couple of good players when we had Grady Fuson here (was asst GM head of scouting for Oakland), but then Hicks ticked him off and didn't promote him as promised... almost EVERYONE (fans) dislikes Hicks and wishes he'd get out of the game... but then, he's such a vascillating person, who knows??? The players are starting to bi tch about the FO IN THE PAPERS now... that's not good...
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Tom Strange
Look at this from "the Newberg Report" (an email that comes out each day about the stRangers and their farm system
:(-->quotes from the 'core' players in bold)
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This board seems to be all about Red Sox and Ranger reports, with me being the occasional curmudgeon. Surely there is more to talk about, baseball-wise.
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Tom Strange
well then hiway... talk about it! don't just complain about it!
those are the two teams that Mstar and I root for and since we're the only ones posting it probably doesn't surprise you that those teams would dominate the conversation...
How about those Devil Rays??? Got any thoughts on them?
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I'm not compaining-I'm just commenting. I've talked about all sorts of topics here, and will continue to do so as the mood hits me.
I can't think of a thing to say about the D-Rays except their manager has a habit of twirling his hair, then smelling his fingers- according to Sparky Lyle.
They also have a weird stadium. Baseball was not meant to be played indoors.
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Tom Strange
That's funny about Pinella, I think I remember him doing that here when they were in town after the break...
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A retractable roof in Arlington is essential , I would think.I can't imagine why it wasn't installed originally. Works just fine in Phoenix.
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Tom Strange
The BOB is a great place to see a game (even without binoculars to keep an eye on right-center)... I couldn't finish the game I went to at the Trop... and I'm always there for the whole game...
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Did you meet "The Heckler" while at the trop?
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Yea its not good imo...I suppose teams have won while being at each others throats but it has never happened to any team in this neck of the woods (RedSox, Patriots, Celtics, Bruins)...all those losing RS years it looked like that with various players bi tchin out the FO, or complainin about something or other...There was always one or more malcontents that seemed to sour things...or keep you just po'd enough that you'd wish this or that guy would go....Nomar was about the last obvious one , and when he was traded 9as much as i liked him and didn't want to see him go) things changed..
It may sound hokey and cliched but i really think that teams win, not a groups of 25 individuals and there really is something about unity, chemistry, and believing in one another that can make the sum bigger than the parts.
To get from point A to point B seems to be the big mystery but should be taken deeply into consideration...and Its not just the players--(Hiway chided me for extolling the virtues of the ownership a few pages back)Its the owners, FO-the entire organization that has to work together imo to make it work.
easier said than done I know.
Anyway......whats up with them Dodgers?
Unfortunately they are in a division and a city in a galaxy that seems far far away at times-so I cant keep up.
Last I looked (which was awhile ago) old friend DLowe left his wife and was causing a ruckus, the NL 'Worst' was looking strange...and....well..who is this Boston parking lot attendant thats screwin things up so royally anyway?
Sounds like you have your own bit of discontent in Dodgerville
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Oh and another thing--dont know if y'all remember Tony Conigliaro--he was a childhood hero of mine....It was 38 years ago today he was beaned by Jack Hamilton, in effect ending a promising career--It was the hardest thing I have ever seen at a game....
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Tom Strange
I don't remember the heckler (in person)...but I've seen him on TV... it was about 10 years ago that I was there...
And that was a bummer about TC, "The Hawk" right?
Oh, and the team is pretty 'united'... united against the FO...! All of the fans love them, but the way Hicks' organizations work, they'll work a trade or let a guy go without trying too hard to keep them, all the while subtly slamming them in the media... they almost did it again with Modano... the fear around here is that they're going to do it with Teixeira if they can't get him extended before he goes free... he's a Boras guy...
At least we don't have any Rosenhaus players anywhere... but I do wish we were in the NL West....
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O no-start either waving goodbye or prepare another way out of line contract.
I know some guys are good and deserve to get paid, but the huge contracts skew things all to hell---I'd like to see the owners start to 'just say no' and bring contracts back to a reasonable level.
...'The Hawk' was Ken Harrelson,
Tony C. was a local Boston kid who came up straight out of high school at 18, and immediately won people over with his style of play and his charm--he lead the league in HR's at 20 y.o. ( '65 I think) and had more homeruns than anybody ever had by the time he was 23...
He was hit on the side of the head on Aug 18, 1967, went near blind and was out for a year and a half before he attempted a comeback that was shortlived. He died young about a decade or so ago.
He is still held in remembrance by almost all fans in these parts. He was the neighborhood kid that everybody liked who did good and then sadly became a tragic figure...
That incident was the reason that they developed earflaps
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The Dodgers are still in the division race amazingly-tho any team that's 10 games under .500 should be thinking about next year. Baseball is just screwy enough that a team can win a division, then go on to win it all if the pitching is there. Outside of starting pitching and 2 or 3 players, the Dodgers are no better than the KC Royals.
The 'Boston parking Lot Attendant', is the name bestowed upon the Dodgers owner by a local sportwriter. Frank McCourt comes from Boston, made what money he has in real estate development-mostly parking lots, and tried to buy the Red Sox a few years ago-who wisely turned him down. Not s in LA-he bought the Dodgers on shaky credit, and has cut payroll and upped the ads, and is now planning on turning the beautiful Chavez Ravine into 'Dodger world' with condos and theme malls. He also named his wife president of the Dodgers.
Still Dodger fans are easy to pleasy-they still get around 50000 to every game and the crowd chants 'He Sop Choi' as if he were the second coming of Gil Hodges, instead of a .240 hitter that the manager doesn't trust to play in the field.
I understand east coast myopia,since I gre up in a world where baseball meant Yankees, Red Sox, and Mets in that order, and nothing west of The George Washington bridge really mattered. In this day of espn, internet, constant games from around the country available, it doesn't seem to make much sense to not be aware of what's going on, unless you're just not interested.
As far as team chemistry andthe FO, my favorite team ever is the late 90's Yankees, that had more team chemistry than any I've seen. They won it all for years without any 'super stars', and it was the same Steinbrenner who just as easily runs the team into the ground.
I remember Tony Conigliaro as a kid. I'm not italian, but Italian ball players just seemed cooler. Rocky Colavito was another favorite.
I still can't look at that pic of Tony without getting sick though. Ended a fine career.
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Tom Strange
Harrelson! ...yeah, I knew that... must be the old age... it was too bad about Tony C though... I vaguely remember when it happened... that was back in the time that we only got sports with the news at night or on the weekend through Wide World or the game of the week with (gone by then) Pee Wee Reese and Dizzy Dean...
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Damn just posted along reply and lost it--if someone finds it please email it back
Maybe i'll get back to it later-on the evils of amusement park stadiums and why I am not really disinterested in the rest of baseball just lack the time to really follow it all while things are going Ok at home.....
I lost it all reading 'Rocky Colavito" which reminded me of Tito Francona..
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whats happening? Ive been away for a few--is everyone locked into the Little League World Series?
I know that I am, its one of my favorite events every year--Hawaii looks like a team, but the Californians (or at least the one kid with a beard)look good too.
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Tom Strange
who taught those hawaiian kids to hit????!!!!
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whoda Thunk It-Hawaii?
those kids are good!
On another note---Are the Rangers getting ready to sign that kid from Cal who struck out 18 in 6 ?
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Tom Strange
ya think? couldn't hurt... have you seen in the last few days they've put both Teixeira and Soriano on revocable waivers... immediately took Tex's back... trying to work a deal with Minn for Soriano... Hart should be fired, he turned down a pretty good deal with them for Soriano at the deadline... (he should be fired for other reasons as well)
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I missed that, all of a sudden I got hammered with too much work (don't these people know its baseball season
;)-->)and I'm loosing a step in keeping up-- ,
I don't exactly understand all the intricacies and subtilties of the waiver wire-- half the Red Sox just past through waivers--I don't think most of them will be going anywhere though--
Is Hart the GM? I'd fire him just because he seems from a distance to be consistently somewhat bumbling to his plateau, which is out of the playoffs.
If they are serious I'd look for someone else but good GM's are hard to find, it wouldn't surprise me if Brian Cashman of the Yankees is available soon but he has never been a favorite of mine....
.....This I can't figure out
There is only one possible day to make it up and it would stretch the union rules so the White Sox decided not to play.
It seems sort of arrogant to me--they have been in their own tumble and although they've been ahead all year, 8 games up with 6 weeks to go has disappeared before.
I dont recall seeing a forfeit before...I dont know how or when this gets added to the standings..or even if its acceptable
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Tom Strange
When a pitcher takes a 2-1 lead into the sixth inning, gets the first batter
of the frame to fly out and the second one to roll out, and yet gets lifted
during the inning despite having thrown fewer than 80 pitches, one of two
things has happened:
1. He's hurt.
2. He's on a strict pitch count.
Anyone want to bet against Edison Volquez starting this Saturday afternoon,
on three days' rest, against the Twins?
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