Ha--yea--I was thinking today that he is more like a Dizzy Dean, or who was the other guy (Rube Waddell?), colorful and different characters that really live in a alternate world than most of us---there are a lot of great stories over the last several years about Manny--
Baseball needs people like him---it keeps it a lot of fun...
Ive always liked Palmeiro, one of the quiet, go about your business great ones---
Although I did crack up last March when I heard Mr Viagra say he had never used performance enhancing drugs :P-->
Too bad- it not only hurts the O's who have to start pulling it back together pretty darn soon, but its some of the only big publicity hes gotten in a great career, and will probably lay a taint on his accomplishments.
If it really was "unknowingly" why don't these guys come clean and offer an explanation of what happened? That would give us at least some reason to try to be on their side...
...as it is now... goodbye HOF... him, Bonds, MacGwire, Sosa, etc...
He was a very good friend to the local sports talk station here... they're devistated... as are most fans here... one thing they did go look at was did his 'performance' change when he got here with Canseco? It did... his explanation was that he changed his swing...
The local conspiracy theorists have all been wondering since spring if Bonds was secretly suspended for the year to avoid passing Ruth and possibly Aaron on the heels of the big 'roid thing in the spring...it added a lot of fuel to the fire when Bonds announced he wouldn't be back this year about an hour after Palmiero's suspension...
I dont know....
as far as Palmiero goes--I suppose its possible--with all the things on the market--who knows exactly what your getting in your vitamins and supplements?...
I know I dont have mine analyzed in a lab before I take them....
still it seems doubtful, a longshot and wouldn't change things anyway...
New Week-New drama
I hope they end all this steroid stuff once and for all in the next year or two
Well I suppose that would be the prudent thing to do, if you made a years wages everyday, never mind every bit of your integrity in the national spotlight
(Norm Hitzges is on now if you want to listen) click on listen online
oops I'm Too late for Norm....It's got Bill Parcells on now...
(NO!.......NO!........No!....please .make it stop!....its too early for football!.............
yeah... "the big magnificent tuna"... they're out in Oxnard this week (the radio guys) but today they've been talking an awful lot about how the stars are screwing with Mikey Mo just like they've done with the stRangers... and they're gonna lose him to someone else... maybe your Bruins...
it's a shame, cuz if not for him, hockey wouldn't be where it is in this city... there are people who didn't even know they were on strike, but they know who Modano is... he deserves better than he's getting from them...
Without knowing the situation with Mikey Mo, (or even being close really) it sounds like you have some pretty dense people running the show out there.
Too bad.
Sports teams, like businesses, to be successful seem to be just as much about human relationships working well, as the dollars and cents. Its a real art to get the most out of an employee or a player, but you can screw a lot up in a hurry by being too shortsighted, and not taking into consideration the human dimension....thats the hard part of ownership..but the worthwhile part too, a happy employee is a productive employee
--Terry is great, he's a smart cookie, a great baseball guy and knows how to handle the diverse personalities and get the most out of them...
he is good with the public too.....
Boston can be tough on the wrong types of players or managers that aren't use to the intense scrutiny -- but he has fit in well after the Grady Little debacle.
He is a hard guy not to like, and even if you were looking for something to complain about its difficult--- he has only made a few minor strategically questionable decisions in the last year and 2/3rds, and he is great with the players.
It's refreshing to have manager that you'd like to have as a next door neighbor instead of one you'd like to send to Siberia to be eaten by wolves... ;)-->
Mstar, you are really in Sox heaven. Everyone from the owner, to the manager, to even lovable Manny are awesome to behold. If I sound snide, I'm not trying to be. I've stated my opinions about the Sox and everything else here. I even agree with many of your assessments, tho I still think if the Sox were playing lousy, and Manny wasn't hitting, the bloom would be off the rose, as it ultimately always is in baseball.
Predictions are meaningless, but I do think the Sox are headed back to the series, if they can get past the other Sox, who I won't believe they can make it until they do.
Well yeah I admit Im in a new state of mind, and I think I stated somewhere up there that most of these guys would probably be elevated to saints if the elections were held in Boston....I know certainly none of them will ever have to buy a meal again in Boston....they have done a lot and accomplished what most of us thought we would never see in our lifetimes--so they get a little leeway---
It is hard for me to be unbiased -- we all are riding some loooooong awaited good times----but I have to give it to them--they really are good........and they are winning and playing pretty good baseball----so the 'bloom is still on the rose'
Actually the only guy I question in the organization is the third base coach Dale Sveum, who if they kept such statistics, has got to lead the league in waving on runners thrown out at the plate,sometimes by ridiculous margins --- and holding runners who could've crawled home.... He seems to make a bad decision about every other day,(or sometimes 2 or 3 times a game).
I was at agame in May when he had two runners in a rowthrown out by a mile at the plate....then he held the tying run that would have easily scored...... I'm figuring that they keep him around for something else that he does that isn't public knowledge.
If thats my only complaint I figure I am doing pretty good...
Whats up in Dodgerville? or are you becoming an Angels fan?
I really like the Angels, the A's, the other Sox--heck I still like the Rangers ---at this point there are too many teams still in it for me to guess--we'll have to see who pulls it together and who folds..
Im hoping our old friend Simon didn't have an ayneurism when the cubbies walked 4 in the 9th last night.
Manny being Manny is one thing but it didn't break up any families.
(as if on cue (from previous posts) Damon is thrown out at the plate with no outs, then Manny a 3 run homer..(99games-100RBI).)
DLowe is only good when he is not distracted. He is subject to bizarre bouts of spaciness. Looks like he found distraction in a big big way in LA......bummer.
This is from the article:
she believes Derek might not have left her if they were still in the Hub.
``The Red Sox are more family-oriented,'' she said, ``they have more family values
Just another little thing about the ownership since we are on that subject
I've always been more of an Angels fan, than a Dodger fan, mainly because I was raised on American league baseball, and the Angels were also the underdogs here.
They certainly have the Dodgers outclassed in most departments now.
However, I live 10 minutes from Dodger Stadium, which I love, and a nerve racking hour or more drive to Angel Stadium, so I go to tons more Dodger games, at least 20 a year. A check back on this board will tell most of my Dodger feelings concerning the new ownership and the team.
I really really love Dodger Stadium . And as I've said before, I enjoy not being emotionally hung up on the team. I just appreciate having major league baseball, in an idyllic setting right down the road from my house, and find much contentment in kicking back in the loge, with a Dodger Dog and a coke on a warm summer night.
I was at Angel Stadium the other week to see the Angels beat the Yanks. I still have a carryover feeling for the yankees , apparently, as I found myself pulling for them. I normally live by the 'when in Rome' rule, and like to cheer along with whatever team I happen to be visiting, but my childhood loyalties growing up near NYC, and living for the yankees has not been totally erased yet.
I just love going to ballgames, and plan on hitting the still new Padre Stadium before the season is over, or whatever it's corporate name is.
That the Dodgers are still in the pennant race 9 games under .500 is absurd, and tells all you need to know about the National League Worst.
That sounds like a little bit of paradise living 10 minutes away from a great park like Dodger Stadium--its a real trek for me these days (about 3 hours or so)so its not nearly enough to satisfy my thirst, I really miss those good days of spontaneously saying "lets go to the game!' and enjoying a summer evening, a Fenway Frank and a few beers. I am not only a little distant, but with all the bandwagon fans and every game being soldout any game becomes a several hundred dollar expenditure....In some ways I miss the times years and years ago when there were 10 or 15,000 people you could walk in anytime get a great seat for short money and have a great time. Those days won't be returning anytime soon.
I think there is something very primal about finding or refinding the love for your childhood team..at least it has been for me ....I actually let the sox go(more or less) for 20+ years...after cult years, then trying to act like an adult for a bunch of years, It was incredibly good for me to let myself love them again. It was , for lack of a better word 'healing'--I don't want to be too corny, but it was--and is...
Leigh Montville, who grew up a RS fan, then became sportswriter and couldn't really be a 'fan' anymore, and finally was able to let himself become a fan again last year wrote a great book last year that sort of captured the feeling..
Baseball is different things to different people but there is a lot more to it than statistics, payrolls and won-loss records--its good for the heart and soul....
Anyway----- What is up with the NLWest-I didn't even think it was possible to lead a division with a losing record, I never thought about it....will a team with a losing record win the World Series?
I'm about 10 minutes from the Ballpark (I refuse to call it Ameriquest Field)... I would attend about 20 or more games a year, I used to at the old place in my youth, but it's so dang HOT there... they need to put a retractable on it like they have at The Bob...
There's not many that love baseball as much as me (present company excepted) BUT it's just not any fun when you're sitting in a convection oven with a zillion watt bulb on...
This could be the first time (other than the strike shortened year) that an entire division finishes with losing records... San Diego's lost what? 11 of 13 or something like that and they're still in first!
Ive heard that from nearly everybody who has been to the Ballpark, including just about every time the team goes through there... it usually takes them a few days to recover and get back to normal after a series there.
Thats a shame--it looks like a beautiful place otherwise
Are the owners even considering putting the dome up?
You'd think out of concern for the fans, ballplayers, and to build a better club that would be way up on the priorities list..well I would think so anyway.
Taking care of your customers and employess isn't just a nice thing to do--its good business sense...
....I see they are going to question Palmiero for lying to congress..and may prosecute him .....
(Why dont they question that other guy who used to be with the Rangers about his seeming lies to congress?)
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I missed the LLWS. The boy had baseball practice 4-7. Playing in a USSSA tournament this coming weekend. The new season has just started. Can ya'll believe we are in September of the ML baseball s
Dont scare me like that Bolsh--the way you posted I wasnt sure if it was a done deal--I had to go check....Im on the fence whether to go for Halliday or not---I'd love to have him but I'd hate to give
I love those fan trades where players you don't care about, plus a 'prospect', are offered up for a major player. Yeah, the Jays will jump at that deal.
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Tom Strange
...or as Johnny D so eloquently put it "I think Manny was just playing mind games with himself"... (himself!)
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Ha--yea--I was thinking today that he is more like a Dizzy Dean, or who was the other guy (Rube Waddell?), colorful and different characters that really live in a alternate world than most of us---there are a lot of great stories over the last several years about Manny--
Baseball needs people like him---it keeps it a lot of fun...
Glad to have you back....
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Tom Strange
And now... finger pointing Raffy has been suspended!
...and he's added the word "knowingly" to his denial... pitty... he's always been one of the "good guys"...
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Ive always liked Palmeiro, one of the quiet, go about your business great ones---
Although I did crack up last March when I heard Mr Viagra say he had never used performance enhancing drugs
Too bad- it not only hurts the O's who have to start pulling it back together pretty darn soon, but its some of the only big publicity hes gotten in a great career, and will probably lay a taint on his accomplishments.
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Tom Strange
If it really was "unknowingly" why don't these guys come clean and offer an explanation of what happened? That would give us at least some reason to try to be on their side...
...as it is now... goodbye HOF... him, Bonds, MacGwire, Sosa, etc...
He was a very good friend to the local sports talk station here... they're devistated... as are most fans here... one thing they did go look at was did his 'performance' change when he got here with Canseco? It did... his explanation was that he changed his swing...
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You think so?
I have to wonder but only time will tell...
The local conspiracy theorists have all been wondering since spring if Bonds was secretly suspended for the year to avoid passing Ruth and possibly Aaron on the heels of the big 'roid thing in the spring...it added a lot of fuel to the fire when Bonds announced he wouldn't be back this year about an hour after Palmiero's suspension...
I dont know....
as far as Palmiero goes--I suppose its possible--with all the things on the market--who knows exactly what your getting in your vitamins and supplements?...
I know I dont have mine analyzed in a lab before I take them....
still it seems doubtful, a longshot and wouldn't change things anyway...
New Week-New drama
I hope they end all this steroid stuff once and for all in the next year or two
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Tom Strange
...and if I was innocent, I'd put "those people" on the line in a NY minute...
Heck... Lance Armstrong doesn't even accept a drink of water from someone who isn't on his team...
(Norm Hitzges is on now if you want to listen) click on listen online
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Well I suppose that would be the prudent thing to do, if you made a years wages everyday, never mind every bit of your integrity in the national spotlight
oops I'm Too late for Norm....It's got Bill Parcells on now...(NO!.......NO!........No!....please .make it stop!....its too early for football!.............
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Tom Strange
yeah... "the big magnificent tuna"... they're out in Oxnard this week (the radio guys) but today they've been talking an awful lot about how the stars are screwing with Mikey Mo just like they've done with the stRangers... and they're gonna lose him to someone else... maybe your Bruins...
it's a shame, cuz if not for him, hockey wouldn't be where it is in this city... there are people who didn't even know they were on strike, but they know who Modano is... he deserves better than he's getting from them...
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football??....hockey??.....(eeee--(shivers....)It's August 2nd!
This is when real baseball starts...
Rangers fans aren't packing it in already are they?
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Tom Strange
no... but everyfan is pretty pee owed about this... and the tie to the Rangers is there...
Of course, baseball is number one! ...there are other sports as well...
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There are??
Without knowing the situation with Mikey Mo, (or even being close really) it sounds like you have some pretty dense people running the show out there.
Too bad.
Sports teams, like businesses, to be successful seem to be just as much about human relationships working well, as the dollars and cents. Its a real art to get the most out of an employee or a player, but you can screw a lot up in a hurry by being too shortsighted, and not taking into consideration the human dimension....thats the hard part of ownership..but the worthwhile part too, a happy employee is a productive employee
case in point ... Manny got 4 RBI's today
Edited by mstar1Link to comment
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Tom Strange
And to think... he could've been a stRanger!
Oh well... we still would've needed pitching...
could've... would've...
I know Theo gets a lot of credit for what he does up there... does Francona?
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O yea
--Terry is great, he's a smart cookie, a great baseball guy and knows how to handle the diverse personalities and get the most out of them...
he is good with the public too.....
Boston can be tough on the wrong types of players or managers that aren't use to the intense scrutiny -- but he has fit in well after the Grady Little debacle.
He is a hard guy not to like, and even if you were looking for something to complain about its difficult--- he has only made a few minor strategically questionable decisions in the last year and 2/3rds, and he is great with the players.
It's refreshing to have manager that you'd like to have as a next door neighbor instead of one you'd like to send to Siberia to be eaten by wolves...
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Tom Strange
I hear ya... we liked him here as well although he wasn't in the "light" that much... but he always seemed like a good guy...
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Mstar, you are really in Sox heaven. Everyone from the owner, to the manager, to even lovable Manny are awesome to behold. If I sound snide, I'm not trying to be. I've stated my opinions about the Sox and everything else here. I even agree with many of your assessments, tho I still think if the Sox were playing lousy, and Manny wasn't hitting, the bloom would be off the rose, as it ultimately always is in baseball.
Predictions are meaningless, but I do think the Sox are headed back to the series, if they can get past the other Sox, who I won't believe they can make it until they do.
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Tom Strange
...I agree hiway, but I would also add... keep an eye on those A's...
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Well yeah I admit Im in a new state of mind, and I think I stated somewhere up there that most of these guys would probably be elevated to saints if the elections were held in Boston....I know certainly none of them will ever have to buy a meal again in Boston....they have done a lot and accomplished what most of us thought we would never see in our lifetimes--so they get a little leeway---
It is hard for me to be unbiased -- we all are riding some loooooong awaited good times----but I have to give it to them--they really are good........and they are winning and playing pretty good baseball----so the 'bloom is still on the rose'
Actually the only guy I question in the organization is the third base coach Dale Sveum, who if they kept such statistics, has got to lead the league in waving on runners thrown out at the plate,sometimes by ridiculous margins --- and holding runners who could've crawled home.... He seems to make a bad decision about every other day,(or sometimes 2 or 3 times a game).
I was at agame in May when he had two runners in a rowthrown out by a mile at the plate....then he held the tying run that would have easily scored...... I'm figuring that they keep him around for something else that he does that isn't public knowledge.
If thats my only complaint I figure I am doing pretty good...
Whats up in Dodgerville? or are you becoming an Angels fan?
I really like the Angels, the A's, the other Sox--heck I still like the Rangers ---at this point there are too many teams still in it for me to guess--we'll have to see who pulls it together and who folds..
Im hoping our old friend Simon didn't have an ayneurism when the cubbies walked 4 in the 9th last night.
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Damn I just read this.
Manny being Manny is one thing but it didn't break up any families.
(as if on cue (from previous posts) Damon is thrown out at the plate with no outs, then Manny a 3 run homer..(99games-100RBI).)
DLowe is only good when he is not distracted. He is subject to bizarre bouts of spaciness. Looks like he found distraction in a big big way in LA......bummer.
This is from the article:
Just another little thing about the ownership since we are on that subject
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I've always been more of an Angels fan, than a Dodger fan, mainly because I was raised on American league baseball, and the Angels were also the underdogs here.
They certainly have the Dodgers outclassed in most departments now.
However, I live 10 minutes from Dodger Stadium, which I love, and a nerve racking hour or more drive to Angel Stadium, so I go to tons more Dodger games, at least 20 a year. A check back on this board will tell most of my Dodger feelings concerning the new ownership and the team.
I really really love Dodger Stadium . And as I've said before, I enjoy not being emotionally hung up on the team. I just appreciate having major league baseball, in an idyllic setting right down the road from my house, and find much contentment in kicking back in the loge, with a Dodger Dog and a coke on a warm summer night.
I was at Angel Stadium the other week to see the Angels beat the Yanks. I still have a carryover feeling for the yankees , apparently, as I found myself pulling for them. I normally live by the 'when in Rome' rule, and like to cheer along with whatever team I happen to be visiting, but my childhood loyalties growing up near NYC, and living for the yankees has not been totally erased yet.
I just love going to ballgames, and plan on hitting the still new Padre Stadium before the season is over, or whatever it's corporate name is.
That the Dodgers are still in the pennant race 9 games under .500 is absurd, and tells all you need to know about the National League Worst.
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That sounds like a little bit of paradise living 10 minutes away from a great park like Dodger Stadium--its a real trek for me these days (about 3 hours or so)so its not nearly enough to satisfy my thirst, I really miss those good days of spontaneously saying "lets go to the game!' and enjoying a summer evening, a Fenway Frank and a few beers. I am not only a little distant, but with all the bandwagon fans and every game being soldout any game becomes a several hundred dollar expenditure....In some ways I miss the times years and years ago when there were 10 or 15,000 people you could walk in anytime get a great seat for short money and have a great time. Those days won't be returning anytime soon.
I think there is something very primal about finding or refinding the love for your childhood team..at least it has been for me ....I actually let the sox go(more or less) for 20+ years...after cult years, then trying to act like an adult for a bunch of years, It was incredibly good for me to let myself love them again. It was , for lack of a better word 'healing'--I don't want to be too corny, but it was--and is...
Leigh Montville, who grew up a RS fan, then became sportswriter and couldn't really be a 'fan' anymore, and finally was able to let himself become a fan again last year wrote a great book last year that sort of captured the feeling..
Baseball is different things to different people but there is a lot more to it than statistics, payrolls and won-loss records--its good for the heart and soul....
Anyway----- What is up with the NLWest-I didn't even think it was possible to lead a division with a losing record, I never thought about it....will a team with a losing record win the World Series?
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Tom Strange
I'm about 10 minutes from the Ballpark (I refuse to call it Ameriquest Field)... I would attend about 20 or more games a year, I used to at the old place in my youth, but it's so dang HOT there... they need to put a retractable on it like they have at The Bob...
There's not many that love baseball as much as me (present company excepted) BUT it's just not any fun when you're sitting in a convection oven with a zillion watt bulb on...
This could be the first time (other than the strike shortened year) that an entire division finishes with losing records... San Diego's lost what? 11 of 13 or something like that and they're still in first!
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Ive heard that from nearly everybody who has been to the Ballpark, including just about every time the team goes through there... it usually takes them a few days to recover and get back to normal after a series there.
Thats a shame--it looks like a beautiful place otherwise
Are the owners even considering putting the dome up?
You'd think out of concern for the fans, ballplayers, and to build a better club that would be way up on the priorities list..well I would think so anyway.
Taking care of your customers and employess isn't just a nice thing to do--its good business sense...
....I see they are going to question Palmiero for lying to congress..and may prosecute him .....
(Why dont they question that other guy who used to be with the Rangers about his seeming lies to congress?)
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Tom Strange
Do you mean the one that is also currently with the O's??? I didn't think he lied... I thought he claimed he couldn't speak the language...
I don't know if they'll put a roof on it... but Jerry's building his new stadium next door and it'll have a retractable like the Houston place...
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