I was surprised to hear about the Michael "Mr. Ranger" Young thing too...
Hopefully Tom will weigh in--it reminds of the Jeter conversation we had a few months back (ie whether he should move positions).
By my eye(and admittedly I dont see the Rangers very often) his range is declining at short. It might be the right thing in a defensive sense to move him but dealing with it sure has created a giant can of worms.....
Congrats to Big Jim Rice, joining the near unbroken line of Sox Leftfielders in the Hall going back to the 30's Ted Williams and Yaz......and Manny will be sure to follow someday.
I agree he was on the cusp but there was about a 12 year period (pre steroids) when he was one of the most feared hitters in the AL consistantly putting up big numbers for that era
t's a good thing... and about time... isn't it? at least I think so but I've never looked at his numbers in comparison to others...
Heres Rice compared with some HOFers
Jim Rice: 2,452 hits, 382HR, .298 avg, .502 slg, 8 100+ RBI years, 7 25+ HR years
Billy Williams: 2,711 hits, 426HR, .290 avg, .492 slg, 3 100+ RBI years, 9 25+ HR years
Goose Goslin: 2,735 hits, 248HR, .316 avg, .500 slg, 11 100+ RBI years, 1 25+ HR years
Orlando Cepeda: 2,351 hits, 379HR, .297 avg, .499 slg, 5 100+ RBI years, 8 25+ HR years
well then now you guys can come off of a couple of those pitchers in a deal for Salty... we'll even throw in a Shamwow!
they went to Young trying to better THE TEAM... I don't think anyone expected his reaction and today he rescinded his demand and agreed to the move... I don't know if it was because of all of the negatives that were tossed out by about every "baseball man" that was questioned but it was really out of character for him and took a lot of us homers by surprise...
the whole idea behind it is that Elvis Andrus is either ready or almost ready to make the jump and having his bat and glove on the team would make it stronger... the reactions I heard from the 'baseball men' was almost all of them talked about how Young is very well compensated ($16m/yr starting this season for 5 yrs) and the stRangers want to do something to improve the team... they're not even sure if Andrus is ready for the jump, spring will give them a better indication, but they do think it will be at least by the break and this was the time to approach Young rather than in the middle of the season.
Cooler heads prevailed, maybe El Presidente talked to him... but I'm glad he's still around.
Now... starman... tell Theo that we'll give him Salty and Blalock and a shamwow for a couple of your young hurlers...
O buzz off Rock --25 frikking Below zero last night--nasty..painful, pipe burstin cold..the only way to be outside is to dress like Nanook of the north..at least the good news is that ST is within sight...
and we'll have to see Tom--Im still holding out for Teagarden -....(and 4 shamwows)--- theres a little buzz about Salty from time to time, but the Sox picked up Josh Bard, an everyday guy who calls a good game and had a better year at the plate than Varitek so he may do for now...especially with that pitching staff.
'Tek and Pudge Rodriguez are still both unsigned, I dont know why there doesnt seem to be a market for catchers this offseason but I think the price is bound to go down as we get closer to spring training---I see the Dodgers are cutting loose Andruw --maybe saving their $$ for Manny??
Ill sneak over the exgf's house and do that, we may be closer to opening day than yesterday but Im full bore in the middle of the winter blues--opening day just cant come fast enough for me....
I set the DVR so I'll be catching those shows later this week
meanwhile --since its the middle of winter and theres not much to keep me occupied--Here is my new favorite baseball fight video--does anyone know wth is goin on? Im not up on my Korean customs---but I sure like 'em---
The only sense, if you can call it that, I can make out if it is that they somehow got everyone to agree to do that foot grab and dance before fights break out, in hopes that the ridiculousness of it will defuse the situation.
I suggest MLB follow suit, though I don't think Prince Fielder can reach his foot.
Another week and no Manny. Would someone please put me in charge of the Dodgers for one hour.
I do kind of like that custom (if it is a custom)... the "fights" we see are equally as ridiculous and a heck of a lot more pretentious... (I think that's the word I'm looking for)
not yet... quit raining on our parade! we've got a lot of hot young prospects and we're hoping that since El Presidente Ryan is in charge that things will go differently now!
Hope springs eternal... we're still tied for first! and we've got a chance to really turn it around this season! :)
I just learned John Updike died. Maybe I should post this in the In Memoriam thread, I know he was a great writer of novels and essays but I will always remember him best for his famous essay, "Hub Fans Bid Kid Adieu", It is his first-hand account of Ted Williams' last game as a Red Sox one of the first real baseball essays i read and one that sticks with me still
I still get a chill down my spine and a tear in my eye when I read his account of the last at-bat...
Like a feather caught in a vortex, Williams ran around the square of bases at the center of our beseeching screaming. He ran as he always ran out home runs—hurriedly, unsmiling, head down, as if our praise were a storm of rain to get out of. He didn't tip his cap. Though we thumped, wept, and chanted "We want Ted" for minutes after he hid in the dugout, he did not come back. Our noise for some seconds passed beyond excitement into a kind of immense open anguish, a wailing, a cry to be saved. But immortality is nontransferable. The papers said that the other players, and even the umpires on the field, begged him to come out and acknowledge us in some way, but he never had and did not now.
I just learned John Updike died. Maybe I should post this in the In Memoriam thread, I know he was a great writer of novels and essays but I will always remember him best for his famous essay, "Hub Fans Bid Kid Adieu", It is his first-hand account of Ted Williams' last game as a Red Sox one of the first real baseball essays i read and one that sticks with me still
Fenway Park, in Boston, is a lyric little bandbox of a ballpark. Everything is painted green and seems in curiously sharp focus, like the inside of an old-fashioned peeping-type Easter egg. It was built in 1912 and rebuilt in 1934, and offers, as do most Boston artifacts, a compromise between Man's Euclidean determinations and Nature's beguiling irregularities.
great writing-I couldnt have said it better-I dont know many who could
Its good to see Cards fans were hard at work during the snowstorm yesterday----
EDIT: I dont know why my picture wont post--its supposed to be THIS ONE
Derek Jeter has revealed he made off with the prize from old Yankee Stadium-the sign with the Dimaggio quote-"I want to thank the good Lord for making me a Yankee".
Yea if anyone should get it it should be him--although Im surprised that it didnt make the move to the new place.
I caught the video of various staff people carrying the World Series trophies across the street a few days ago.. as far as I saw no one slipped on the ice (which has been brutal on us Northerners--I kerplunked on my arse --myself yesterday).
Sox re-signed Varitek today--so unless he has a bounce back year I'll have a year of great gamecalling and and also a year of groans watching him coming to the plate and curses watching him miss a fastball by 18" with men on base.
I might have to install protective glass in front of my TV to protect it from hurled objects
It all depends on what you want Tom...I dont think you're going to get Buchholz or Bowden for Salty--plus with Tek signed we have a little more breathing room, a year to work it out (if necessary) and right now you need immediate pitching more than we need immediate catching.
I think it gives us a leverage point
Im still holding out for Teagarden by the trade deadline
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I missed the LLWS. The boy had baseball practice 4-7. Playing in a USSSA tournament this coming weekend. The new season has just started. Can ya'll believe we are in September of the ML baseball s
Dont scare me like that Bolsh--the way you posted I wasnt sure if it was a done deal--I had to go check....Im on the fence whether to go for Halliday or not---I'd love to have him but I'd hate to give
I love those fan trades where players you don't care about, plus a 'prospect', are offered up for a major player. Yeah, the Jays will jump at that deal.
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I was surprised to hear about the Michael "Mr. Ranger" Young thing too...
Hopefully Tom will weigh in--it reminds of the Jeter conversation we had a few months back (ie whether he should move positions).
By my eye(and admittedly I dont see the Rangers very often) his range is declining at short. It might be the right thing in a defensive sense to move him but dealing with it sure has created a giant can of worms.....
Congrats to Big Jim Rice, joining the near unbroken line of Sox Leftfielders in the Hall going back to the 30's Ted Williams and Yaz......and Manny will be sure to follow someday.
I agree he was on the cusp but there was about a 12 year period (pre steroids) when he was one of the most feared hitters in the AL consistantly putting up big numbers for that era
Heres Rice compared with some HOFers
Jim Rice: 2,452 hits, 382HR, .298 avg, .502 slg, 8 100+ RBI years, 7 25+ HR years
Billy Williams: 2,711 hits, 426HR, .290 avg, .492 slg, 3 100+ RBI years, 9 25+ HR years
Goose Goslin: 2,735 hits, 248HR, .316 avg, .500 slg, 11 100+ RBI years, 1 25+ HR years
Orlando Cepeda: 2,351 hits, 379HR, .297 avg, .499 slg, 5 100+ RBI years, 8 25+ HR years
all of which seems pretty comparable
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I just finished watching the press conferencewith John Smoltz
I am loving that signing--- :)
Adding Smoltz and Penny to an already good pitching staff? Ay Carumba...
potential starters--- Beckett, Lester, DiceK, Smoltz, Penny, Wakefield, Buccholz, Masterson, Bowden, Bard
I think that ought to be enough for the long haul
plus The bullpen is looking really really deep..
enough of this freezin my kazongas off--lets play some baseball already
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Tom Strange
well then now you guys can come off of a couple of those pitchers in a deal for Salty... we'll even throw in a Shamwow!
they went to Young trying to better THE TEAM... I don't think anyone expected his reaction and today he rescinded his demand and agreed to the move... I don't know if it was because of all of the negatives that were tossed out by about every "baseball man" that was questioned but it was really out of character for him and took a lot of us homers by surprise...
the whole idea behind it is that Elvis Andrus is either ready or almost ready to make the jump and having his bat and glove on the team would make it stronger... the reactions I heard from the 'baseball men' was almost all of them talked about how Young is very well compensated ($16m/yr starting this season for 5 yrs) and the stRangers want to do something to improve the team... they're not even sure if Andrus is ready for the jump, spring will give them a better indication, but they do think it will be at least by the break and this was the time to approach Young rather than in the middle of the season.
Cooler heads prevailed, maybe El Presidente talked to him... but I'm glad he's still around.
Now... starman... tell Theo that we'll give him Salty and Blalock and a shamwow for a couple of your young hurlers...
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What we got, about four weeks until pitchers and catchers report?
btw, it hit 80 degrees at my house today! (not far from the Giants' spring training site)
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O buzz off Rock --25 frikking Below zero last night--nasty..painful, pipe burstin cold..the only way to be outside is to dress like Nanook of the north..at least the good news is that ST is within sight...
and we'll have to see Tom--Im still holding out for Teagarden -....(and 4 shamwows)--- theres a little buzz about Salty from time to time, but the Sox picked up Josh Bard, an everyday guy who calls a good game and had a better year at the plate than Varitek so he may do for now...especially with that pitching staff.
'Tek and Pudge Rodriguez are still both unsigned, I dont know why there doesnt seem to be a market for catchers this offseason but I think the price is bound to go down as we get closer to spring training---I see the Dodgers are cutting loose Andruw --maybe saving their $$ for Manny??
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I find it refreshing that Obama is a White Sox fan, instead of on the Cubs band wagon that most 'celebrities' seem to ride.
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In honor of the inauguration I have to ask the one important question that plagues our country---

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I think it's about 22 days until pitchers and catchers report to spring training (Mets)
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Tom Strange
do yourselves a favor and set "Inside the Moments" on your DVR... also watch or record "Epic Moments"
...IF you get MLBTV
both are very good
we're closer to opening day than we were yesterday...
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Ill sneak over the exgf's house and do that, we may be closer to opening day than yesterday but Im full bore in the middle of the winter blues--opening day just cant come fast enough for me....
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I set the DVR so I'll be catching those shows later this week
meanwhile --since its the middle of winter and theres not much to keep me occupied--Here is my new favorite baseball fight video--does anyone know wth is goin on? Im not up on my Korean customs---but I sure like 'em---
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what the ...?
The only sense, if you can call it that, I can make out if it is that they somehow got everyone to agree to do that foot grab and dance before fights break out, in hopes that the ridiculousness of it will defuse the situation.
I suggest MLB follow suit, though I don't think Prince Fielder can reach his foot.
Another week and no Manny. Would someone please put me in charge of the Dodgers for one hour.
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I'd love to--I just read something that rated Ned Colletti dead last as a GM....It shows.... they need to replace him and soon...
It certainly looks like a no-brainer from here that Manny was built for the Dodgers.....
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Tom Strange
I do kind of like that custom (if it is a custom)... the "fights" we see are equally as ridiculous and a heck of a lot more pretentious... (I think that's the word I'm looking for)
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It cracks me up everytime I look at it....
Have the stRangers signed another injury prone pitcher yet?
Sheets? --
I like him but it sounds like the same risky pattern they fall into a lot
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Tom Strange
not yet... quit raining on our parade! we've got a lot of hot young prospects and we're hoping that since El Presidente Ryan is in charge that things will go differently now!
Hope springs eternal... we're still tied for first! and we've got a chance to really turn it around this season! :)
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Well, I FINALLY got an HD DVR (free from Dish Network... for two more years' committment)... but Dish doesn't yet carry the MLB channel.
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I just learned John Updike died. Maybe I should post this in the In Memoriam thread, I know he was a great writer of novels and essays but I will always remember him best for his famous essay, "Hub Fans Bid Kid Adieu", It is his first-hand account of Ted Williams' last game as a Red Sox one of the first real baseball essays i read and one that sticks with me still
I still get a chill down my spine and a tear in my eye when I read his account of the last at-bat...
Good Stuff
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Very cool. Thanks Mstar!
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Its a good read-- I love the wording about Fenway
great writing-I couldnt have said it better-I dont know many who could
Its good to see Cards fans were hard at work during the snowstorm yesterday----
EDIT: I dont know why my picture wont post--its supposed to be THIS ONE
opening day must be getting close
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Derek Jeter has revealed he made off with the prize from old Yankee Stadium-the sign with the Dimaggio quote-"I want to thank the good Lord for making me a Yankee".
It went to the right person.
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Yea if anyone should get it it should be him--although Im surprised that it didnt make the move to the new place.
I caught the video of various staff people carrying the World Series trophies across the street a few days ago.. as far as I saw no one slipped on the ice (which has been brutal on us Northerners--I kerplunked on my arse --myself yesterday).
Sox re-signed Varitek today--so unless he has a bounce back year I'll have a year of great gamecalling and and also a year of groans watching him coming to the plate and curses watching him miss a fastball by 18" with men on base.
I might have to install protective glass in front of my TV to protect it from hurled objects
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Tom Strange
Salty mstar... Salty.... (and no, you can't have Teagarden)
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It all depends on what you want Tom...I dont think you're going to get Buchholz or Bowden for Salty--plus with Tek signed we have a little more breathing room, a year to work it out (if necessary) and right now you need immediate pitching more than we need immediate catching.
I think it gives us a leverage point
Im still holding out for Teagarden by the trade deadline
besides---you still owe us a favor for Gagne
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