Pedroia vs Kinsler? Pedroia bats second to get on base not for power hitting--Kinsler's average this year and his offensive prowess are NOT helping Texas climb out of the cellar---much like BB with SF last year. Texas doesn't have a shot at anything. But don't underestimate the scratching and clawing of the twinkies.
The Angels are the real team to worry about with FR as closer and a starting rotation that sweep the yanks--they may run away with it all. Bo Sox will be in it--Sorry about Texas
Went to see the Twins v Tampa Bay in the dome few years ago--had "This is Twins Country" shoved down my throat--one eye on the Sox score as they went down 11 zip. Not a stellar moment. Also saw the Pirates v Atlanta in PA and the only "Call" I heard was H-a-l-l-e B-e-r-r-y as they tortured David Justice.
No doubt about it though Josh Hamilton --comeback player of the year.
OK Geisha... now I understand... thank you... pffft!
...and guess what? Kinsler bats first to get on base... and he happens to do that more than Pedroia well as drive in runs
...but far be it from me to argue with one of "the nation"... I forgot for a second there that "the nation" knows all ...and they "rule" as well!
Pedroia is a fine young player... it's just that this year Kinsler is outperfoming him from the offensive side... there is a comparison, it's just that Pedroia comes in second... that's all...
No comment--Ive been bahaving myself pretty much this year
I knew that would heat things up alittle
Lots of people in these parts are lustin for Dustin, thats not to put Kinsler down in anyway, its just when you see a guy who is maybe 5'5" play with the passion he does day in and day out (current 29 game road hitting streak) it gets mighty catchy.
As far as the stRangers series this week, your hittin us at the right time..where we started the season with 7 maybe 8 starters --we're down to 3 at the moment. Wakefield's on the DL (joining Colon), Buchholz is caving in rapidly and is basically useless at this point, of course Schilling is long gone..--You'll get at least one AAA guy (no word who yet) which could make for a nice whiz bang game at the Fens on Tuesday.
Mike Lowell needs a wheelchair but never takes a day off-they need to sit him for awhile and move Bay (who is playing well) up to Manny's spot in the lineup and Ukelele at 3rd.
We'll hopefully see it by manana when your guys come in....Im looking forward to seeing your big bats up close--but even more so your pitching!
Who the heck is the pitching coach over there? do they have one?
Whilke geisha is here I may as well do my sales pitch for my tickets to the Sox at Camden Yards next week which I cant get to....could be fun--baseball and crabcakes ---lemme know
starman... points taken re: Pedroia... we feel the same joy watching Ian day in and day out... enjoy him this week while he's in town... he's like a little leaguer in his enthusiasm... he just wants to be happy about the game and get his snow cone afterwards!
...don't you dare cry to me about "being down to three pitchers"... heck, we'd love to have just ONE! maybe we'll have a chance this week if your pitching is as "weak" as you say... but I think this is just one of those sneaky tricks by "the nation"...
enjoy the stRangers... you are gonna get to a game aren't you? see Roy Hobbs live and in person?
Id love to be getting to a game this week but unless something unforeseen happens its not going to happen for the stRangers, next scheduled game for me is the BJays on Sunday (although Id rather see Hobbs and Kinsler...)
Looks like yous guys are going to get Charlie Zink's first major league start tomorrow, he's another knuckleballer..Which makes me wonder when was the last time a knuckleballer went on the DL and was replaced by another knuckleballer? that doesnt happen everyday.
For that matter when was the last time any team had two?
Kinsler sounds great to watch, somewhere between the "Idiots" of '04 and now for the most part the Red sox have transformed from a fun loving bunch who loved to play baseball into a group of too many 'serious professionals".
I still love the game, but that aspect of simplicity which brought another dimension of enjoyability with it, isnt the way it was and I certainly miss...I'll be watching--he sounds like fun
Adam Dunn should help out the DBacks, Rocky must be liking that. Ive always liked him even though he K's a ton--he walks a helluva lot too so id take fact I wish we had....
..the 'Nation" is just who we are..its not any specialer than any other the bleacher creatures in the stadium , or the bleacher bums in Wrigley..or whatever they call anyone else...its just who weve been since it was coined in the 80' fact i wish theyd tone the hype down ----you can blame your guy Dr Steinberg for going overthe top hyping it--thats what he does--Im surprised he hasnt come up with some moniker for the Dodgers yet, or maybe he has and it just hasnt filtered over this way yet..
Anyway-besides Happy birthday--whats going on over there? Is Manny mania still hot or has it cooled down yet?
I had no idea the Angels still had those monkeys--i guess I'll be seeing em in force come October
LOL--After 86 years of crying each Oct.--using Buckner as a cuss word --and proudly-but sadly saying"We'll get em next year" secretly wondering how to lift the "Curse". I will take special--and that little thing with the Yankees in 2004--we earned it.
The Bosox will be okay minus Wakefield(Is that confirmed?)with Masterson stepping in. Maybe the series to keep an eye on is "The Evil Empire v Twinkies"??
Can anyone tell me why nobody jumped on Dunn besides AZ?
The big showdown WILL be between Dustin and Kinsler--I may or may not be back!LOL
Mstar: Nothing I would rather do--but sadly I will be in the other direction!
Should be interesting around here this week. Depending on what happens--I may lurk! LOL
TomStrange--how bout putting Nolan back on the mound?
I couldnt tell you why no one else grabbed Dunn-- Hes been in my sights for awhile,
Im pretty sure that Mastersons gonna stay in the 'pen especially with Hansen now gone. Zink is starting tonmorrow, I have afeeling Bowden may be up soon....
..Im in a real dilemma at the moment--a one run game in the seventh and the one other great sport of our day and time--womens beach volleyball--on the other channel--sometimes a guy really needs two TV's.
TomStrange--how bout putting Nolan back on the mound?
He'd probably do a damn sight better than at least half of our starters that's for sure...
What's the word in the Globe these days? I'd heard that one of your writers was reporting that El Presidente was going to open up Hicks' wallet and go after Sabathia and Sheets and also try to engineer a trade for AJ Burnett... your writer also pointed out that the stRangers are about to accomplish (if they can manage to stay above .500) the first time in history that a team has finished with both the worst ERA and a winning percentage...
It makes sense to open up the checkbook... we have the strongest offense in baseball (even though Bradley has been out pretty much since the break which puts a strain on Roy Hobbs)... everything is as good as anyone could ever imagine wanting it except, OF COURSE, the pitching...
I'll have to make a note to make sure that El Presidente shouldn't neglect to call Theo while he's shopping...
I too was wondering how Dunn cleared waivers... but who (of the contenders) needs an outfielder?
I too was wondering how Dunn cleared waivers... but who (of the contenders) needs an outfielder?
Maybe its the advantage of being in the NLWest, any other contenders may have not gotten a chance before the DBacks swiped least Im guessing that..
I havent seen the Globe story yet --but that is one ambitious plan, Sabathia, Sheets and AJ Burnett?
That would change things a little in Tejas, personally I kinda doubt you'll get all 3 but (its a little early to announce off season signings quite yet aint it? But a good move by Presidente Ryan to keep the fans enthused I hope they do do some spending down there.. C.C's gonna be expensive --- Sheets is comin here, I had first dibs.
Sox finally looked good last night, being perfect gamed they opened up for 5 late, and Beckett was in real Beckettform, They are 7-3 since "The Day"
The NL west is hurting for hitting, and every team has holes to fill, so it makes sense that Dunn wound up with the Dbacks.
Speaking of Dunn, that's the word for the Yankees. I haven't heard that old evil empire crack around here for awhile,but I realize that most of the nation must speak in buzz words.
First 'Manny being Manny' moment last night at Dodger Stadium. He was nowhere to be seen as they took they field in the 9th. Seems he was taking too long in the bathroom, then finally appeared with some goofy looking pinkish red glove.
I thought that the "I want to end my career in LA" followed a week later by the stories he was going to sign with the yankees in the offseason was good myself..Let us know if he makes any cutoffs on throws from center--he dove from left to cutoff a throw from center a few years ago-which has to be one of my personal Manny favorites.
Dunn should be good fit for the Snakes, although he hasnt done much since the all star break
We'll see whats up with the Rays-they just lost Crawford and Longoria on consecutive days to the DL
It's like Way Speak--a cult in itself-but, one I enjoy being in. It is so satisfying to use the term "Evil Empire" Great cult-every 86 years you catch a break!
I would be hard pressed to get a Globe after 10:00 AM on this end of the State--can't get out before then--gotta do my hair dontchaknow!
You only get six weeks of classic Manny-we had six plus years. Lucky that is the only thing he came out wearing.
Remains to be seen what Ortiz will do without him.
Tampa Bay suffered a blow to their offense the last week. I am crying buckets. Maybe Kazmir can carry the team the rest of the way.
Guess Boston decided to turn it on in the 7th last night. The Yankees were asleep.
I wonder what the Twins are gonna do with all the money they save on razors--they sure don't like to spend it.
Mstar---Charlie Zink????????
Sabbathia-Burnett-Sheets-for ?for Ortiz straight-up??LOL--sounds like an ambitious plan--could be done ----
let's see-if the Yankees are the Evil Empire, the Red Sox should have a fitting nickname. What with the racial undertones that always seem to resurface, maybe they should be the KKK. It's a baseball symbol, and is just about as insulting.
Yup Charlie Zink is getting his first major league start tonight against Tom's stRangers. Hes been doing well at Pawtucket...What I hear is his knuckler doesnt have the violent breaks that Wakefields does but is more of a "tumbler", throws it harder than him too ( ie that must bring it up to near 60mph :) )...If he can keep it close against hitters like the rangers have and go 6+ tonight I'll be happy
..FWIW I may be wrong but I dont think Kazmir has been doing that great lately either..
...I was thinking of mentioning the RedSox on that cult definition thread...
Where are you anyway?--you have to be close in to Boston if the Globes are gone by 10--Im in the Berkshires myself --out here nobody wakes up until 10
I havent seen the Globe story yet --but that is one ambitious plan, Sabathia, Sheets and AJ Burnett?
That would change things a little in Tejas, personally I kinda doubt you'll get all 3 but (its a little early to announce off season signings quite yet aint it? But a good move by Presidente Ryan to keep the fans enthused I hope they do do some spending down there.. C.C's gonna be expensive --- Sheets is comin here, I had first dibs.
Well... like I said, it was a Globe story but I don't recall the writer... and it is probably just as much a ploy to give stRanger fans hope as anything else... Hicks has the money... he's just an idiot and a jerk.
We're so jaded down here on FA pitcher signings that we don't give them much credence anymore... it seems that all of the times in the past FA pitchers have just used Texas as the odd man out in a bidding war... but we'll see, this is the first time we've had El Presidente Ryan in the mix, maybe it'll make a difference (yes, they have me thinking there's a glimmer of hope)... At least if they do go after FA's they don't give up anyone in the pipeline...
I honestly don't know how the pitching matchups will pan out this week... once in a while they throw really good games... on the surface it looks like Padilla vs Dice-K might be a pretty good game... and have no fear about young Zink, if he can throw that thing for strikes he'll have a good chance of holding our offense down... nothing baffles a hot offense like a good knuckleballer...
Sabbathia-Burnett-Sheets-for ?for Ortiz straight-up??LOL--sounds like an ambitious plan--could be done ----
what drugs are you currently taking geisha? ...they seem to be pretty strong, would you mind sharing any with us?
I am hard pressed to name Texas rotation!
so are we! ...with 9 starting pitchers on the DL I think that Padilla is the only one left from opening day... but occasionally the guys we have throw some good games... just not very often...
ust HOW might Dunn be a good fit for the Dbacks? We have plenty of outfielders who can easily outplay him defensively. So, who sits?
thats the question for Bob Melvin to answer, hopefully he already had this conversation with the Front Office and they have a plan in place. Dunn can also play first if necessary. I think its a good fit because he has 32 HR's and always a near .400 OBP--from a distance anyway you guys look like you could use some extra pop in that lineup.
Sox just picked up Paul Byrd who's been 4-0 since the allstar break as another starter ...I havent seen him since last year, I'll be looking forward to see if he still has the 1930's style double pump delivery
Sox just picked up Paul Byrd who's been 4-0 since the allstar break as another starter ...I havent seen him since last year, I'll be looking forward to see if he still has the 1930's style double pump delivery
I just heard that as well... how in the heel did HE make it through waivers??? Of course, maybe Theo just picked him up to trade for some catching!
anayway--you always talk about your pitching but I had no idea--6 of the first 7 batters have reached and its 5-0 ---1 out in the first--thats gotta be frustrating
..of course im not minding
Feldman is hanging everything up in the zone...
Re Edit: multihit game for Pedroia and we're not out of the firat 7-0 now
Holy sh!t 10-0
Ortiz 6RBI's in one inning
sorry friend--hope nobody is kickin TV's down in Texas--I sure would be-----welcome to fenway
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I missed the LLWS. The boy had baseball practice 4-7. Playing in a USSSA tournament this coming weekend. The new season has just started. Can ya'll believe we are in September of the ML baseball s
Dont scare me like that Bolsh--the way you posted I wasnt sure if it was a done deal--I had to go check....Im on the fence whether to go for Halliday or not---I'd love to have him but I'd hate to give
I love those fan trades where players you don't care about, plus a 'prospect', are offered up for a major player. Yeah, the Jays will jump at that deal.
Posted Images
Pedroia vs Kinsler? Pedroia bats second to get on base not for power hitting--Kinsler's average this year and his offensive prowess are NOT helping Texas climb out of the cellar---much like BB with SF last year. Texas doesn't have a shot at anything. But don't underestimate the scratching and clawing of the twinkies.
The Angels are the real team to worry about with FR as closer and a starting rotation that sweep the yanks--they may run away with it all. Bo Sox will be in it--Sorry about Texas
Went to see the Twins v Tampa Bay in the dome few years ago--had "This is Twins Country" shoved down my throat--one eye on the Sox score as they went down 11 zip. Not a stellar moment. Also saw the Pirates v Atlanta in PA and the only "Call" I heard was H-a-l-l-e B-e-r-r-y as they tortured David Justice.
No doubt about it though Josh Hamilton --comeback player of the year.
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Tom Strange
OK Geisha... now I understand... thank you... pffft!
...and guess what? Kinsler bats first to get on base... and he happens to do that more than Pedroia well as drive in runs
...but far be it from me to argue with one of "the nation"... I forgot for a second there that "the nation" knows all ...and they "rule" as well!
Pedroia is a fine young player... it's just that this year Kinsler is outperfoming him from the offensive side... there is a comparison, it's just that Pedroia comes in second... that's all...
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No comment--Ive been bahaving myself pretty much this year
I knew that would heat things up alittle
Lots of people in these parts are lustin for Dustin, thats not to put Kinsler down in anyway, its just when you see a guy who is maybe 5'5" play with the passion he does day in and day out (current 29 game road hitting streak) it gets mighty catchy.
As far as the stRangers series this week, your hittin us at the right time..where we started the season with 7 maybe 8 starters --we're down to 3 at the moment. Wakefield's on the DL (joining Colon), Buchholz is caving in rapidly and is basically useless at this point, of course Schilling is long gone..--You'll get at least one AAA guy (no word who yet) which could make for a nice whiz bang game at the Fens on Tuesday.
Mike Lowell needs a wheelchair but never takes a day off-they need to sit him for awhile and move Bay (who is playing well) up to Manny's spot in the lineup and Ukelele at 3rd.
We'll hopefully see it by manana when your guys come in....Im looking forward to seeing your big bats up close--but even more so your pitching!
Who the heck is the pitching coach over there? do they have one?
Whilke geisha is here I may as well do my sales pitch for my tickets to the Sox at Camden Yards next week which I cant get to....could be fun--baseball and crabcakes ---lemme know
and last but not least
Happy Birthday Hiway
(do I dare-----ahh what the hell)
from all of Red Sox Nation

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Tom Strange
starman... points taken re: Pedroia... we feel the same joy watching Ian day in and day out... enjoy him this week while he's in town... he's like a little leaguer in his enthusiasm... he just wants to be happy about the game and get his snow cone afterwards!
...don't you dare cry to me about "being down to three pitchers"... heck, we'd love to have just ONE! maybe we'll have a chance this week if your pitching is as "weak" as you say... but I think this is just one of those sneaky tricks by "the nation"...
enjoy the stRangers... you are gonna get to a game aren't you? see Roy Hobbs live and in person?
Edited by Tom StrangeLink to comment
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Thanks for the birthday wishes. I'll gladly take em from Red Sox Nation.
I've said my piece. If it makes someone feel good to be 'special', then go ahead and feel good. Baseball is supposed to be fun. Rule away.
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Tom Strange
oh yeah... I forgot that... happening day hiway!
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Id love to be getting to a game this week but unless something unforeseen happens its not going to happen for the stRangers, next scheduled game for me is the BJays on Sunday (although Id rather see Hobbs and Kinsler...)
Looks like yous guys are going to get Charlie Zink's first major league start tomorrow, he's another knuckleballer..Which makes me wonder when was the last time a knuckleballer went on the DL and was replaced by another knuckleballer? that doesnt happen everyday.
For that matter when was the last time any team had two?
Kinsler sounds great to watch, somewhere between the "Idiots" of '04 and now for the most part the Red sox have transformed from a fun loving bunch who loved to play baseball into a group of too many 'serious professionals".
I still love the game, but that aspect of simplicity which brought another dimension of enjoyability with it, isnt the way it was and I certainly miss...I'll be watching--he sounds like fun
Adam Dunn should help out the DBacks, Rocky must be liking that. Ive always liked him even though he K's a ton--he walks a helluva lot too so id take fact I wish we had....
..the 'Nation" is just who we are..its not any specialer than any other the bleacher creatures in the stadium , or the bleacher bums in Wrigley..or whatever they call anyone else...its just who weve been since it was coined in the 80' fact i wish theyd tone the hype down ----you can blame your guy Dr Steinberg for going overthe top hyping it--thats what he does--Im surprised he hasnt come up with some moniker for the Dodgers yet, or maybe he has and it just hasnt filtered over this way yet..
Anyway-besides Happy birthday--whats going on over there? Is Manny mania still hot or has it cooled down yet?
I had no idea the Angels still had those monkeys--i guess I'll be seeing em in force come October
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LOL--After 86 years of crying each Oct.--using Buckner as a cuss word --and proudly-but sadly saying"We'll get em next year" secretly wondering how to lift the "Curse". I will take special--and that little thing with the Yankees in 2004--we earned it.
The Bosox will be okay minus Wakefield(Is that confirmed?)with Masterson stepping in. Maybe the series to keep an eye on is "The Evil Empire v Twinkies"??
Can anyone tell me why nobody jumped on Dunn besides AZ?
The big showdown WILL be between Dustin and Kinsler--I may or may not be back!LOL
Mstar: Nothing I would rather do--but sadly I will be in the other direction!
Should be interesting around here this week. Depending on what happens--I may lurk! LOL
TomStrange--how bout putting Nolan back on the mound?
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I couldnt tell you why no one else grabbed Dunn-- Hes been in my sights for awhile,
Im pretty sure that Mastersons gonna stay in the 'pen especially with Hansen now gone. Zink is starting tonmorrow, I have afeeling Bowden may be up soon....
..Im in a real dilemma at the moment--a one run game in the seventh and the one other great sport of our day and time--womens beach volleyball--on the other channel--sometimes a guy really needs two TV's.
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Tom Strange
He'd probably do a damn sight better than at least half of our starters that's for sure...
What's the word in the Globe these days? I'd heard that one of your writers was reporting that El Presidente was going to open up Hicks' wallet and go after Sabathia and Sheets and also try to engineer a trade for AJ Burnett... your writer also pointed out that the stRangers are about to accomplish (if they can manage to stay above .500) the first time in history that a team has finished with both the worst ERA and a winning percentage...
It makes sense to open up the checkbook... we have the strongest offense in baseball (even though Bradley has been out pretty much since the break which puts a strain on Roy Hobbs)... everything is as good as anyone could ever imagine wanting it except, OF COURSE, the pitching...
I'll have to make a note to make sure that El Presidente shouldn't neglect to call Theo while he's shopping...
I too was wondering how Dunn cleared waivers... but who (of the contenders) needs an outfielder?
Edited by Tom StrangeLink to comment
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Maybe its the advantage of being in the NLWest, any other contenders may have not gotten a chance before the DBacks swiped least Im guessing that..
I havent seen the Globe story yet --but that is one ambitious plan, Sabathia, Sheets and AJ Burnett?
That would change things a little in Tejas, personally I kinda doubt you'll get all 3 but (its a little early to announce off season signings quite yet aint it? But a good move by Presidente Ryan to keep the fans enthused I hope they do do some spending down there.. C.C's gonna be expensive --- Sheets is comin here, I had first dibs.
Sox finally looked good last night, being perfect gamed they opened up for 5 late, and Beckett was in real Beckettform, They are 7-3 since "The Day"
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The NL west is hurting for hitting, and every team has holes to fill, so it makes sense that Dunn wound up with the Dbacks.
Speaking of Dunn, that's the word for the Yankees. I haven't heard that old evil empire crack around here for awhile,but I realize that most of the nation must speak in buzz words.
First 'Manny being Manny' moment last night at Dodger Stadium. He was nowhere to be seen as they took they field in the 9th. Seems he was taking too long in the bathroom, then finally appeared with some goofy looking pinkish red glove.
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He'll do that.
I thought that the "I want to end my career in LA" followed a week later by the stories he was going to sign with the yankees in the offseason was good myself..Let us know if he makes any cutoffs on throws from center--he dove from left to cutoff a throw from center a few years ago-which has to be one of my personal Manny favorites.
Dunn should be good fit for the Snakes, although he hasnt done much since the all star break
We'll see whats up with the Rays-they just lost Crawford and Longoria on consecutive days to the DL
Its crunch time!
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It's like Way Speak--a cult in itself-but, one I enjoy being in. It is so satisfying to use the term "Evil Empire" Great cult-every 86 years you catch a break!
I would be hard pressed to get a Globe after 10:00 AM on this end of the State--can't get out before then--gotta do my hair dontchaknow!
You only get six weeks of classic Manny-we had six plus years. Lucky that is the only thing he came out wearing.
Remains to be seen what Ortiz will do without him.
Tampa Bay suffered a blow to their offense the last week. I am crying buckets. Maybe Kazmir can carry the team the rest of the way.
Guess Boston decided to turn it on in the 7th last night. The Yankees were asleep.
I wonder what the Twins are gonna do with all the money they save on razors--they sure don't like to spend it.
Mstar---Charlie Zink????????
Sabbathia-Burnett-Sheets-for ?for Ortiz straight-up??LOL--sounds like an ambitious plan--could be done ----
I am hard pressed to name Texas rotation!
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let's see-if the Yankees are the Evil Empire, the Red Sox should have a fitting nickname. What with the racial undertones that always seem to resurface, maybe they should be the KKK. It's a baseball symbol, and is just about as insulting.
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Yup Charlie Zink is getting his first major league start tonight against Tom's stRangers. Hes been doing well at Pawtucket...What I hear is his knuckler doesnt have the violent breaks that Wakefields does but is more of a "tumbler", throws it harder than him too ( ie that must bring it up to near 60mph :) )...If he can keep it close against hitters like the rangers have and go 6+ tonight I'll be happy
..FWIW I may be wrong but I dont think Kazmir has been doing that great lately either..
...I was thinking of mentioning the RedSox on that cult definition thread...
Where are you anyway?--you have to be close in to Boston if the Globes are gone by 10--Im in the Berkshires myself --out here nobody wakes up until 10
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Tom Strange
Well... like I said, it was a Globe story but I don't recall the writer... and it is probably just as much a ploy to give stRanger fans hope as anything else... Hicks has the money... he's just an idiot and a jerk.
We're so jaded down here on FA pitcher signings that we don't give them much credence anymore... it seems that all of the times in the past FA pitchers have just used Texas as the odd man out in a bidding war... but we'll see, this is the first time we've had El Presidente Ryan in the mix, maybe it'll make a difference (yes, they have me thinking there's a glimmer of hope)... At least if they do go after FA's they don't give up anyone in the pipeline...
I honestly don't know how the pitching matchups will pan out this week... once in a while they throw really good games... on the surface it looks like Padilla vs Dice-K might be a pretty good game... and have no fear about young Zink, if he can throw that thing for strikes he'll have a good chance of holding our offense down... nothing baffles a hot offense like a good knuckleballer...
what drugs are you currently taking geisha? ...they seem to be pretty strong, would you mind sharing any with us?
so are we! ...with 9 starting pitchers on the DL I think that Padilla is the only one left from opening day... but occasionally the guys we have throw some good games... just not very often...
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Tom Strange
and starman... Sheets does live here as well... (of course, that didn't mean anything to Torii) any case, there's gonna be a lot of money flying around this off season...
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Just HOW might Dunn be a good fit for the Dbacks? We have plenty of outfielders who can easily outplay him defensively. So, who sits?
I'm still skeptical. We'll just have to wait and see.
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thats the question for Bob Melvin to answer, hopefully he already had this conversation with the Front Office and they have a plan in place. Dunn can also play first if necessary. I think its a good fit because he has 32 HR's and always a near .400 OBP--from a distance anyway you guys look like you could use some extra pop in that lineup.
Sox just picked up Paul Byrd who's been 4-0 since the allstar break as another starter ...I havent seen him since last year, I'll be looking forward to see if he still has the 1930's style double pump delivery
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Tom Strange
I just heard that as well... how in the heel did HE make it through waivers??? Of course, maybe Theo just picked him up to trade for some catching!
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Im really surprised the Yankees didnt grab him ..
anayway--you always talk about your pitching but I had no idea--6 of the first 7 batters have reached and its 5-0 ---1 out in the first--thats gotta be frustrating
..of course im not minding
Feldman is hanging everything up in the zone...
Re Edit: multihit game for Pedroia and we're not out of the firat 7-0 now
Holy sh!t 10-0
Ortiz 6RBI's in one inning
sorry friend--hope nobody is kickin TV's down in Texas--I sure would be-----welcome to fenway
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Tom--what was that??
You wanna rethink that Ortiz thing?? :) I think the price just went up.
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Okay--I will be good now.
BTW I am closer to the western than eastern part of the state--small town.
Top of the 5th--gotta give it up to em-they are fighting back!!
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