Last year's NL silver slugger award winner, the second year pitcher hit a game tying PINCH-HIT 2 RUN HR this afternoon in a game that the Dbacks overcame a poor start by Randy Johnson to win 8-7.
I havent seen a pitcher pinch hit (that I can remember anyways) since '68 (of course Im an american leaguer so... its a little different.
congrats to Micah....
mustve been a day for odd occurences
I was at an old fashioned pitchers duel last night-one of the best that Ive seen in many years-Great games pitched by both Jon Lester (1 hitter through 8)and Roy Halliday( 3 hitter into the ninth)
The only run of the game was scored with 2 outs in the bottom of the ninth.
I was at a game that almost had the strangest ending I had ever seen last week but it didnt quite get pulled off --still it was exciting for a few minutes
The final out of the game had been made , players were leaving the field, fans exiting ( me included) As I was filing out I noticed an argument going on--it got pretty vehement--- I was watching and finallly figured out a balk had been called on the pitch of the final out...about ten minutes after what everyone thought was the final out play resumed.
A walk, and a hit later the tying run came to the plate--it went to 3-2---- but thats as far as it went---Ive seen late comebacks--but after the game is over??
Didnt happen -but would have been memorable..
for no particular reason heres me lookin old and goofy and wearing a 2007 World Series Ring
Here, I is...Nice pic there, mstar---'tho you look like one of those guys that should be selling contraband near the ballpark...
Yeah, that balk was a wierd call--but the right one...Wierd things can and do happen...Hank Aaron wouldn't have had to wait a whole season to break' the Babe's record if he hadn't called time in a particular game...I forget what year it was, but it seems Hammerin' Hank was at the plate and called for time...The plate ump granted timeout, but too late for the pitcher to stop his delivery...Hank evidently liked the pitch so much that he swung at it and deposited it into the bleachers for an apparent homerun--only to have the homer nullified by the plate ump because a timeout had been requested and granted, thereby making it a dead play...
Seems like some of the teams are cooling off a bit and the season is starting to play itself out...D-backs were the last to get a hiccup and lost three out of four and some of the hot bats have cooled off...Rocky and I are going to see Brandon Webb go for his eighth straight win on Thursday...He's been phenominal...
Cubs are starting to play like the Cubs I grew up loving---avoiding a seven game losing streak by sandwiching a 19-5 victory amid all those one run losses...When you're down by two runs and you're on third and the tying run is on base behind you, what are you doing getting thrown out at the plate on a pitch that got away?...They say Kosuke "We don't want no stinkin' dome" Fukudome has really helped bring patience to the Cub hitters--taking walks and looking for good fastballs to hit, etc. ...'Course they tend to go back to their old trigger-happy ways late in the game when they got the pitcher on the ropes...
But it's a long season---another 4/5ths still to go...Pitchers are more and more becoming better hitters, led of course by Micah Owings...Bob Brenly likes to talk about how somehow, between Little League, where your best pitcher is also your homerun leader and best athlete in general, and the Majors, the pitcher often becomes totally useless as a hitter...Even in highschool, they practice the designated hitter and pitchers don't get to work on hitting skills---hoping to be drafted into the AL, I guess...Nice to see Roy Holliday throw four straight complete games...
Well, the Dodgers are playing like they've finally come together, winning 9 of 10. I'll leave it to the experts as to how much credit Joe Torre can take for it. He has come up with innovative ideas like playing Russell Martin at 3rd on the rare days he needs a 'rest' from catching. Speaking of 3rd, Nomar came off the dl for about 2 days before going back on. In one of those nice surprise call up from the minors, Blake DeWitt is playing himself onto the team.
At the moment, it looks like the Yankees should have traded for Santana after all, which just goes to show what a crap shoot baseball is. They're wrong for always trading away youth, and they're wrong for keeping them. At least Joba is living up to expectations.
I guess I have to comment on the psycho Yankee fan who ran down the Sox fan. It just shows me how sick the whole 'fan' thing can become-especially with alcohol involved. I doubt it will stop any of the 'taunting' and 'retaliation' though. I'm not sure when the term " Yankees, Sox, whoever SUCK" became the universal insult, but I hear it everywhere I go. Easiest way to get someone's goat, especially a drunken psycho.
I contend that if you have a busy, active life, you won't be so prone to over emphasize the 'importance' of your team winning a ball game. People that hang out in bars and get drunk probably aren't in that category.
Well, the Dodgers are playing like they've finally come together, winning 9 of 10. I'll leave it to the experts as to how much credit Joe Torre can take for it. He has come up with innovative ideas like playing Russell Martin at 3rd on the rare days he needs a 'rest' from catching.
Torre did a lot of that himself in his playing days with St. Louis...He wasn't a full time catcher, but would often switch between catcher, third base and first base...
Seems like some of the teams are cooling off a bit and the season is starting to play itself out...D-backs were the last to get a hiccup and lost three out of four and some of the hot bats have cooled off...Rocky and I are going to see Brandon Webb go for his eighth straight win on Thursday...He's been phenominal...
I got the tickets from paid less, WITH shipping charges than would have buying directly from the team box office live and in person.
I picked them up today at the local Fedex office. The guy said stubhub's been doing business for a couple of years now. Well, I just heard of them very recently. Anyway, season ticket holders sell tickets for whatever they think they can get. Anyway, fans from other MLB cities might want to check it out. The purchase is guaranteed. If, for any reason, the team doesn't honor the tickets, stubhub will see about either getting tickets for you OR refund your money.
Anyway, Thursday day game that will be seen in AZ and Philly... and me and Simon will be in the front row of the upper deck on the third base side... :)
mac is on the senior field this year - that's a real size field i think
he is first in the batting order ((the age range is 13-15 years old and he's 13 so i think that's good) and he is doing really good. he hit one to the fence so maybe he'll get one over ? anyway he is consistent in his hitting and starting things off - as in getting on base
so far he has been catching, but there is another catcher who is supposed to be real good who is injured at the moment
also he steals bases really well and he stole home
Glad that he's enjoying himself, you have one smart kid there..Goalie, now catcher and batting leadoff --its easy to see that he likes to have his head in the game-and be right in the middle of the action-I loved catching even though it wasnt a natural position for me, Ijust loved being a student of the game and being right in the center of the action on every pitch. Mac seems like anatural..
It was huge leap for me from the little league fields at 12 to the "big' field at 13, it sounds like he is doing pretty well,
I went to a little league game last night and had a great time--most of the kids were very good...but mostly like you said it was just some good wholesome fun.
btw -- Are you one of those Mom's that yells everytime your boy is up?
last night there were about 30 people at the LL game and it was mostly just baseball sounds kids playing, some polite claps, encouraging words and such and every once in awhile id here a Moms excited voice rise above the drone saying something like runjimmy run run run run run runjimmy runrunrunrun
Not obnoxious but actually endearing and cute in asmall town sort of way...
i love you mstar. i NEVER yell when HE'S doing anything (GOD FORBID) i just pace :)
i yell at other times and he gives me the evil eye
a real old man ump was telling me about his injury (from the game we were playing ) and mackie told me "mom, stop" i didn't start it. i was just asking how the old fella' was doing after he got hit really bad..... ha !
i'm an embarrassment i guess no matter what
also, another father guess whata he said last game "he's got his head in the game"
i love you mstar. i NEVER yell when HE'S doing anything (GOD FORBID) i just pace :)
i yell at other times and he gives me the evil eye
a real old man ump was telling me about his injury (from the game we were playing ) and mackie told me "mom, stop" i didn't start it. i was just asking how the old fella' was doing after he got hit really bad..... ha !
i'm an embarrassment i guess no matter what
also, another father guess whata he said last game "he's got his head in the game"
and you just said that
i'm PMing a song to you
love, ex
ALL parents are when their kids are teens... no shame in that. :)
The memory of going from Little League to the 'big field' still gives me chills. Suddenly, the distance between bases seemed forever, and throwing across the infield to first became an effort. It also felt like being in the 'big leagues', with few rocks and divots in the dirt, and nicely mowed grass.
I love going to Little League games (as well as high school-do the still have pony and Babe Ruth leagues?).
also, another father guess whata he said last game "he's got his head in the game"
and you just said that
there are some kids who lollygag and daydream in the outfield, thats just who they are, and there are others who are into every little nuance of the game and its very important to them..The little youve talked about Mac over the years he seems like one of those types of kids-which to me is a really good thing
I was sort of the same way, I was a shy kid, and sports, especially baseball, was the first place that I really branched out , had my own interest, had real social interaction on my own, and forged alittle bit of my own identity, for me it was a lot of ways...that eventually reached way beyond sports----I suppose that is why I still am connected to the game.
As a catcher at that age (never mind leadoff hitter) Id bet he is one of the baseballsmarter kids on the field...
I loved catching --although like Hiway said, that throw to second looked like it was a 1/4 mile away when I was 13 and more than one throw went sailing God knows where ..
I only played on a big diamond once,--when a bunch of us weekend 'keggers' thought we were good enough to compete against the local community college...After a few practices, there we all were that Saturday afternoon, wearing blue jeans, tennis shoes, smoking cigarettes in the dugout, then having our a$$es handed to us on the field...I think I was a little late on my first swing at a 90 mph fastball---If I remember right, my bat crossed the plate just as the catcher was throwing the ball back to the pitcher...
I remember when my kid played on a big diamond for the first time---Weekend tournament, the whole team just finished up the Little League season and the pitchers had to deal with runners leading off for the first time...I think our pitchers got called for about 20 balks that weekend...Pitcher would be in his windup, somebody would yell "he's going!", pitcher would stop, turn around and say "Who? Where?"...Ump would yell "Balk!"..."Course, those poor pitchers were also walking about 20 guys a game...
I think I was a little late on my first swing at a 90 mph fastball---If I remember right, my bat crossed the plate just as the catcher was throwing the ball back to the pitcher...
You have a way with words...which is about right ..I went to the batting cages last year with the 85-90 mph pitches, First time in the batters box against fast pitching probably in a few decades --the first few were by me before I even saw them. I started swinging almost before the machine released the pitch then fouled off maybe two of the 12 with my Dean Chance like swings.
On the next set of quarters I "connected" on two actual groundballs, and one screeching 45 foot linedrive to right, whil;e growling at the machine "Is that all you got???
I was actually a pretty fair pitcher in my day from the 60' mound, I dont know if bouncing it up to the plate these days would work quite as well.
maybe I could be a defensive replacement I know I have at least a foot ( mkaybe a foot and a half!!)of range (both ways!) on a good day
With me and simonzelotes cheering him on this afternoon, Brandon caught the Phillies in his WEBB and earned his 8th victory of the season against ZERO losses.
It was the first Dback win we've witnessed in person since some time in 2006.
As always, simon was good company to go with the great baseball.
is he shootin for the Denny Mclain magic 30 number?
and Didja see this guy at the game?
I was struck by a lot in that photo---almost like the yelling moms...
I donr know the situation but the emotional intensity and reactivity compared to the other people in the crowd---seems a little over the top to me.
do I really want him answering a tough phone call at 3AM?? i dunno-he just might blow somebody up :)
Maybe I'll vote for the guy in the Hawaiian shirt his response looks alittle more measured
back to much more important matters
Its awesome the older kids got him drafted, To be recognized by your peers-especially the older ones at that age is a great mark of accomplishment---if he is keeping kids from stealing on the big diamond already at age 13, he must have a real rocket of an arm...Tell him Im a big fan
Im actually going to be in Joisey sometime next week-Id love to catch a game if its possible..
is he shootin for the Denny Mclain magic 30 number?
and Didja see this guy at the game?
I was struck by a lot in that photo---almost like the yelling moms...
I donr know the situation but the emotional intensity and reactivity compared to the other people in the crowd---seems a little over the top to me.
do I really want him answering a tough phone call at 3AM?? i dunno-he just might blow somebody up :)
Maybe I'll vote for the guy in the Hawaiian shirt his response looks alittle more measured
back to much more important matters
Its awesome the older kids got him drafted, To be recognized by your peers-especially the older ones at that age is a great mark of accomplishment---if he is keeping kids from stealing on the big diamond already at age 13, he must have a real rocket of an arm...Tell him Im a big fan
Im actually going to be in Joisey sometime next week-Id love to catch a game if its possible..
Hmmm... 30 wins. Now THAT would be a heluva'n accomplishment. I don't know that anyone's brought it up in the local media or on FSN or ESPN... however, I would say another Cy Young is well within reach... and IF the offense holds up, they've got a great opportunity to go all the way.
I don't know that McCain was at the game we were at. He was probably on the road yesterday. Keep him away from the button that dispatches the Big One! ;)
.....its saturday....Ive been off from the bigs for a few days..but had an awesome wiffleball game with a 3 and 6 year old today----they were young but-I love teaching kids how to play--- the looks of determination on their faces, the joy when they hit it, and especially the way they run forever in any direction possible at the slightest contact.
:D --they think everything is a homerun..
theyre great kids---they kept me smilin and laughing for a good long time
.....its saturday....Ive been off from the bigs for a few days..but had an awesome wiffleball game with a 3 and 6 year old today----they were young but-I love teaching kids how to play--- the looks of determination on their faces, the joy when they hit it, and especially the way they run forever in any direction possible at the slightest contact.
:D --they think everything is a homerun..
theyre great kids---they kept me smilin and laughing for a good long time
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I missed the LLWS. The boy had baseball practice 4-7. Playing in a USSSA tournament this coming weekend. The new season has just started. Can ya'll believe we are in September of the ML baseball s
Dont scare me like that Bolsh--the way you posted I wasnt sure if it was a done deal--I had to go check....Im on the fence whether to go for Halliday or not---I'd love to have him but I'd hate to give
I love those fan trades where players you don't care about, plus a 'prospect', are offered up for a major player. Yeah, the Jays will jump at that deal.
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Anyone remember Micah Owings?
Last year's NL silver slugger award winner, the second year pitcher hit a game tying PINCH-HIT 2 RUN HR this afternoon in a game that the Dbacks overcame a poor start by Randy Johnson to win 8-7.
Key word: PINCH-HIT!
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Gotta love it!
I havent seen a pitcher pinch hit (that I can remember anyways) since '68 (of course Im an american leaguer so... its a little different.
congrats to Micah....
mustve been a day for odd occurences
I was at an old fashioned pitchers duel last night-one of the best that Ive seen in many years-Great games pitched by both Jon Lester (1 hitter through 8)and Roy Halliday( 3 hitter into the ninth)
The only run of the game was scored with 2 outs in the bottom of the ninth.
1-0 walkoff win..
how rare is that these days?
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Whats happenin in baseball land?
Simon, Hiway, Tom, Rocky, Ex anybody???
I was at a game that almost had the strangest ending I had ever seen last week but it didnt quite get pulled off --still it was exciting for a few minutes
The final out of the game had been made , players were leaving the field, fans exiting ( me included) As I was filing out I noticed an argument going on--it got pretty vehement--- I was watching and finallly figured out a balk had been called on the pitch of the final out...about ten minutes after what everyone thought was the final out play resumed.
A walk, and a hit later the tying run came to the plate--it went to 3-2---- but thats as far as it went---Ive seen late comebacks--but after the game is over??
Didnt happen -but would have been memorable..
for no particular reason heres me lookin old and goofy and wearing a 2007 World Series Ring
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Here, I is...Nice pic there, mstar---'tho you look like one of those guys that should be selling contraband near the ballpark...
Yeah, that balk was a wierd call--but the right one...Wierd things can and do happen...Hank Aaron wouldn't have had to wait a whole season to break' the Babe's record if he hadn't called time in a particular game...I forget what year it was, but it seems Hammerin' Hank was at the plate and called for time...The plate ump granted timeout, but too late for the pitcher to stop his delivery...Hank evidently liked the pitch so much that he swung at it and deposited it into the bleachers for an apparent homerun--only to have the homer nullified by the plate ump because a timeout had been requested and granted, thereby making it a dead play...
Seems like some of the teams are cooling off a bit and the season is starting to play itself out...D-backs were the last to get a hiccup and lost three out of four and some of the hot bats have cooled off...Rocky and I are going to see Brandon Webb go for his eighth straight win on Thursday...He's been phenominal...
Cubs are starting to play like the Cubs I grew up loving---avoiding a seven game losing streak by sandwiching a 19-5 victory amid all those one run losses...When you're down by two runs and you're on third and the tying run is on base behind you, what are you doing getting thrown out at the plate on a pitch that got away?...They say Kosuke "We don't want no stinkin' dome" Fukudome has really helped bring patience to the Cub hitters--taking walks and looking for good fastballs to hit, etc. ...'Course they tend to go back to their old trigger-happy ways late in the game when they got the pitcher on the ropes...
But it's a long season---another 4/5ths still to go...Pitchers are more and more becoming better hitters, led of course by Micah Owings...Bob Brenly likes to talk about how somehow, between Little League, where your best pitcher is also your homerun leader and best athlete in general, and the Majors, the pitcher often becomes totally useless as a hitter...Even in highschool, they practice the designated hitter and pitchers don't get to work on hitting skills---hoping to be drafted into the AL, I guess...Nice to see Roy Holliday throw four straight complete games...
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Well, the Dodgers are playing like they've finally come together, winning 9 of 10. I'll leave it to the experts as to how much credit Joe Torre can take for it. He has come up with innovative ideas like playing Russell Martin at 3rd on the rare days he needs a 'rest' from catching. Speaking of 3rd, Nomar came off the dl for about 2 days before going back on. In one of those nice surprise call up from the minors, Blake DeWitt is playing himself onto the team.
At the moment, it looks like the Yankees should have traded for Santana after all, which just goes to show what a crap shoot baseball is. They're wrong for always trading away youth, and they're wrong for keeping them. At least Joba is living up to expectations.
I guess I have to comment on the psycho Yankee fan who ran down the Sox fan. It just shows me how sick the whole 'fan' thing can become-especially with alcohol involved. I doubt it will stop any of the 'taunting' and 'retaliation' though. I'm not sure when the term " Yankees, Sox, whoever SUCK" became the universal insult, but I hear it everywhere I go. Easiest way to get someone's goat, especially a drunken psycho.
I contend that if you have a busy, active life, you won't be so prone to over emphasize the 'importance' of your team winning a ball game. People that hang out in bars and get drunk probably aren't in that category.
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Torre did a lot of that himself in his playing days with St. Louis...He wasn't a full time catcher, but would often switch between catcher, third base and first base...
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I got the tickets from paid less, WITH shipping charges than would have buying directly from the team box office live and in person.
I picked them up today at the local Fedex office. The guy said stubhub's been doing business for a couple of years now. Well, I just heard of them very recently. Anyway, season ticket holders sell tickets for whatever they think they can get. Anyway, fans from other MLB cities might want to check it out. The purchase is guaranteed. If, for any reason, the team doesn't honor the tickets, stubhub will see about either getting tickets for you OR refund your money.
Anyway, Thursday day game that will be seen in AZ and Philly... and me and Simon will be in the front row of the upper deck on the third base side... :)
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Just to clarify for our audience at home, I meant that Brandon Webb's been phenomenal
Thanks for getting the tixx....I'll pick up some pistachios....
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You mean I have NOT been phenomenal?
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hi baseball fans friends
mac is on the senior field this year - that's a real size field i think
he is first in the batting order ((the age range is 13-15 years old and he's 13 so i think that's good) and he is doing really good. he hit one to the fence so maybe he'll get one over ? anyway he is consistent in his hitting and starting things off - as in getting on base
so far he has been catching, but there is another catcher who is supposed to be real good who is injured at the moment
also he steals bases really well and he stole home
we've had 4 games so far
he's really happy playing
that's what coutns
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Bravo Mackie!
Glad that he's enjoying himself, you have one smart kid there..Goalie, now catcher and batting leadoff --its easy to see that he likes to have his head in the game-and be right in the middle of the action-I loved catching even though it wasnt a natural position for me, Ijust loved being a student of the game and being right in the center of the action on every pitch. Mac seems like anatural..
It was huge leap for me from the little league fields at 12 to the "big' field at 13, it sounds like he is doing pretty well,
I went to a little league game last night and had a great time--most of the kids were very good...but mostly like you said it was just some good wholesome fun.
btw -- Are you one of those Mom's that yells everytime your boy is up?
last night there were about 30 people at the LL game and it was mostly just baseball sounds kids playing, some polite claps, encouraging words and such and every once in awhile id here a Moms excited voice rise above the drone saying something like runjimmy run run run run run runjimmy runrunrunrun
Not obnoxious but actually endearing and cute in asmall town sort of way...
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i love you mstar. i NEVER yell when HE'S doing anything (GOD FORBID) i just pace :)
i yell at other times and he gives me the evil eye
a real old man ump was telling me about his injury (from the game we were playing ) and mackie told me "mom, stop" i didn't start it. i was just asking how the old fella' was doing after he got hit really bad..... ha !
i'm an embarrassment i guess no matter what
also, another father guess whata he said last game "he's got his head in the game"
and you just said that
i'm PMing a song to you
love, ex
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ps. i guess i started it
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ALL parents are when their kids are teens... no shame in that. :)
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The memory of going from Little League to the 'big field' still gives me chills. Suddenly, the distance between bases seemed forever, and throwing across the infield to first became an effort. It also felt like being in the 'big leagues', with few rocks and divots in the dirt, and nicely mowed grass.
I love going to Little League games (as well as high school-do the still have pony and Babe Ruth leagues?).
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there are some kids who lollygag and daydream in the outfield, thats just who they are, and there are others who are into every little nuance of the game and its very important to them..The little youve talked about Mac over the years he seems like one of those types of kids-which to me is a really good thing
I was sort of the same way, I was a shy kid, and sports, especially baseball, was the first place that I really branched out , had my own interest, had real social interaction on my own, and forged alittle bit of my own identity, for me it was a lot of ways...that eventually reached way beyond sports----I suppose that is why I still am connected to the game.
As a catcher at that age (never mind leadoff hitter) Id bet he is one of the baseballsmarter kids on the field...
I loved catching --although like Hiway said, that throw to second looked like it was a 1/4 mile away when I was 13 and more than one throw went sailing God knows where ..
I can see you pacing
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I only played on a big diamond once,--when a bunch of us weekend 'keggers' thought we were good enough to compete against the local community college...After a few practices, there we all were that Saturday afternoon, wearing blue jeans, tennis shoes, smoking cigarettes in the dugout, then having our a$$es handed to us on the field...I think I was a little late on my first swing at a 90 mph fastball---If I remember right, my bat crossed the plate just as the catcher was throwing the ball back to the pitcher...
I remember when my kid played on a big diamond for the first time---Weekend tournament, the whole team just finished up the Little League season and the pitchers had to deal with runners leading off for the first time...I think our pitchers got called for about 20 balks that weekend...Pitcher would be in his windup, somebody would yell "he's going!", pitcher would stop, turn around and say "Who? Where?"...Ump would yell "Balk!"..."Course, those poor pitchers were also walking about 20 guys a game...
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You have a way with words...which is about right ..I went to the batting cages last year with the 85-90 mph pitches, First time in the batters box against fast pitching probably in a few decades --the first few were by me before I even saw them. I started swinging almost before the machine released the pitch then fouled off maybe two of the 12 with my Dean Chance like swings.
On the next set of quarters I "connected" on two actual groundballs, and one screeching 45 foot linedrive to right, whil;e growling at the machine "Is that all you got???
I was actually a pretty fair pitcher in my day from the 60' mound, I dont know if bouncing it up to the plate these days would work quite as well.
maybe I could be a defensive replacement I know I have at least a foot ( mkaybe a foot and a half!!)of range (both ways!) on a good day
Yea ---Im thinking of mounting a comeback.
..put me in coach ..Im ready to

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you guys are the greatest!!!!!! you have no idea how much i love hearing you talk about yourselves !!!!!!!!
okay just another little brag moment since this is where i come for love ha !
mac's in 8th grade (just made cutoff, almost was in 7th)
the sophomores (sp?) on his team ASKED for him, meaning one of the kid's dad's is the manager and they told him to pick him in the draft!!!!
i have to tell mackie how good he is or i'll just let him read these posts
mwah a million times
simon (long time no see, you)
i think baseball is great like you guys
they said the other teams weren't stealing as much because of the mackster
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With me and simonzelotes cheering him on this afternoon, Brandon caught the Phillies in his WEBB and earned his 8th victory of the season against ZERO losses.
It was the first Dback win we've witnessed in person since some time in 2006.
As always, simon was good company to go with the great baseball.
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8 wins by mid may?
is he shootin for the Denny Mclain magic 30 number?
and Didja see this guy at the game?
I was struck by a lot in that photo---almost like the yelling moms...
I donr know the situation but the emotional intensity and reactivity compared to the other people in the crowd---seems a little over the top to me.
do I really want him answering a tough phone call at 3AM?? i dunno-he just might blow somebody up :)
Maybe I'll vote for the guy in the Hawaiian shirt his response looks alittle more measured
back to much more important matters
Its awesome the older kids got him drafted, To be recognized by your peers-especially the older ones at that age is a great mark of accomplishment---if he is keeping kids from stealing on the big diamond already at age 13, he must have a real rocket of an arm...Tell him Im a big fan
Im actually going to be in Joisey sometime next week-Id love to catch a game if its possible..
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Hmmm... 30 wins. Now THAT would be a heluva'n accomplishment. I don't know that anyone's brought it up in the local media or on FSN or ESPN... however, I would say another Cy Young is well within reach... and IF the offense holds up, they've got a great opportunity to go all the way.
I don't know that McCain was at the game we were at. He was probably on the road yesterday. Keep him away from the button that dispatches the Big One! ;)
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.....its saturday....Ive been off from the bigs for a few days..but had an awesome wiffleball game with a 3 and 6 year old today----they were young but-I love teaching kids how to play--- the looks of determination on their faces, the joy when they hit it, and especially the way they run forever in any direction possible at the slightest contact.
theyre great kids---they kept me smilin and laughing for a good long time
Edited by mstar1Link to comment
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Right on! :D
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