That sounds like alot more than you usually make . I go to that many every year, and find that the more I go, the more I want to go, start having withdrawal symptoms on road trips, and get irritable when I miss a series or God forbid an entire homestand. I love the game on tv, but there's nothing like being there, and I am forever thankful for the good fortune to live so close to Dodger Stadium.
In other words, baseball is addicting, but better than heroin.
You havent seen my credit card bill from yesterday yet! It could be close!!
Its alright though--It is a good addiction
I have the Tigers, Angels, BlueJays(twice), Rays,Brewers,Rays again, DBacks,Twins, Angels, A's, BlueJays, 3 in Baltimore, White Sox, O's, Rays, BlueJays and Cleveland twice-
-No Yankee tickets were released, Cards tickets sold out too quick.
I know what you mean--the more I bought the more I wanted to buy (..gees I have two weeks between games in June--can i fill that up with something?.. )
I havent gone to this many games since the mid sixties. Its a great feeling knowing I will be there . You know I love Fenway the way you love Dodger Stadium.
Like any good addiction I already want more and was talking over some possible road trips with a friend this morning at breakfast( Cleveland? Toronto? Cincinnati? about a whole road trip? )
the logistics could be crazy (its 2 1/2 hours one way to fenway ) but I dont care, I'll figure out something
I also dont know when Im going to get any work done this summer
yeah... a road trip to Cleveland! ...that's the ticket!
Stop by Pittsburgh and Cooperstown "on the way"...
stRangers P&C report on Valentine's Day... seems appropriate...
...sadly, we don't have to wait online for tix to stRanger games...
you guys are all welcome to take in a road game here in Arlington in the blast furnace known as 'the ballpark in Arlington'... you can crash here we'll go to the game and sweat...
You havent seen my credit card bill from yesterday yet! It could be close!!
Its alright though--It is a good addiction
I have the Tigers, Angels, BlueJays(twice), Rays,Brewers,Rays again, DBacks,Twins, Angels, A's, BlueJays, 3 in Baltimore, White Sox, O's, Rays, BlueJays and Cleveland twice-
-No Yankee tickets were released, Cards tickets sold out too quick.
I know what you mean--the more I bought the more I wanted to buy (..gees I have two weeks between games in June--can i fill that up with something?.. )
I havent gone to this many games since the mid sixties. Its a great feeling knowing I will be there . You know I love Fenway the way you love Dodger Stadium.
Like any good addiction I already want more and was talking over some possible road trips with a friend this morning at breakfast( Cleveland? Toronto? Cincinnati? about a whole road trip? )
the logistics could be crazy (its 2 1/2 hours one way to fenway ) but I dont care, I'll figure out something
I also dont know when Im going to get any work done this summer
O well :)
Dbacks Jun 23, 24, 25!!!!!! Need anyone to go with you? :blink:
Looks like Dbacks not going to Arlington this year... only AL stadiums they'll visit are for games at the BoSox and Twins.
Got A's and Royals in the Downtown Phoenix airplane hanger known as Chase Field.
Dbacks Jun 23, 24, 25!!!!!! Need anyone to go with you?
Id invite you Rock, I have nice loge boxes on the 1st base side BUT those ones were purchased by a friend I was coaching over the phone -- so I sort of feel obligated to go with her ---especailly since she did that actual purchase... :)
Sox tickets are like gold around here
....Im getting a little worried, in the ultra fine print on the website it says you can buy a maximum of 8 tickets--of course I didnt read all that--someone on another site i go to pointed that out to me--I figured if there was a limit that the automated system would automatically shut me off but it didnt and I bought a helluva lot more than 8.
Someone else is now telling me that I may not get any and be penalized for exceeding the limits...
joy turns to concern
Im gonna be happy when I have these tickets in hand
This hoop jumping is a pain--whatever happened to the days of calmly walking to the park on gameday?
I really like this picture. Being a different type of 'cathedral builder' I love this moment when you are getting ready to put something important in place that you know will be there for a very very long time. Those guys standing there have one pretty cool job and something that they can remember forever in this photo
Its up now, and the new place is taking shape fast. I think the replication of the old victorian like facade on the inside upper deck looks really good (if anyone wants more pics i can post them I have abunch ).
Ive said all this before but If any of you (especially you Hiway) hold any attachment , reverence, respect or curiosity for the old cathedral Yankee Stadium-
nows the time to think seriously about the pilgramage--Its hard to believe it but it will be gone by this time next year
I'd love to get to Yankee Stadium one more time, and will probably feel the pull greater as the season wears on. It is hard to fathom that it will be gone, though as I've said, I 've never been a fan of the 70's renovation. My hope is that the new stadium will look much like the original-with modern facilities of course.
Still, it's weird to think that field will be gone. At least they're not moving to the Meadowlands like George used to threaten !!
Id invite you Rock, I have nice loge boxes on the 1st base side BUT those ones were purchased by a friend I was coaching over the phone -- so I sort of feel obligated to go with her ---especailly since she did that actual purchase... :)
Sox tickets are like gold around here
....Im getting a little worried, in the ultra fine print on the website it says you can buy a maximum of 8 tickets--of course I didnt read all that--someone on another site i go to pointed that out to me--I figured if there was a limit that the automated system would automatically shut me off but it didnt and I bought a helluva lot more than 8.
Someone else is now telling me that I may not get any and be penalized for exceeding the limits...
joy turns to concern
Im gonna be happy when I have these tickets in hand
This hoop jumping is a pain--whatever happened to the days of calmly walking to the park on gameday?
long gone around these parts
Did you try to call the Red Sox ticket office today to find out what will happen?
Did you try to call the Red Sox ticket office today to find out what will happen?
I let it ride yesterday--
I went to the post office a few minutes ago and tickets to the first five games arrived. Yours truly made quite a scene in the Post Office yippying and yahooing
I came home and called the ticket office ( I was surprised when a very convincing recording of Terry Francona answered the phone...) long story short everything is ok, there will be a delay until all the tickets are printed from the high volume sales on saturday ---but everything is kosher!
Looks like Santana is going to the Mets, which is fine by me. I didn't relish the idea of the Yankees giving away so much, but realized they had to keep the Sox from getting him.
There are certainly question marks for the Yankee staff, but it will be exciting to see who succeeds and who doesn't.
Im hoping that that long nightmare is finally over...
Santana needs to pass a physical, and then come to terms on a contract extension with the Mets, and the deal will (reportedly) be done. The Mets have 48-72 hours to get this all wrapped up, and then we can FINALLY quit hearing about this after 3 solid months of "will they or won't they?"
As a Sox fan Im relieved, he is going to the Mets, Yank fans probably feel the same way. I think the two stayed in the running primarily so he wouldnt land with the other one. The cost was too high in young talent for both teams.
The Mets should be a good fit-- besides Omar Minaya owes Mets fans something big and hopeful this spring after last years catastrophic finish
So let's Play Ball already.
we're almost there, we just gotta get by The RedSox and Yankee juniors in the Superbowl------ and we are almost there.
It will be a good prequel and set an undertone to the AL East
yeah... a road trip to Cleveland! ...that's the ticket!
Stop by Pittsburgh and Cooperstown "on the way"...
stRangers P&C report on Valentine's Day... seems appropriate...
...sadly, we don't have to wait online for tix to stRanger games...
you guys are all welcome to take in a road game here in Arlington in the blast furnace known as 'the ballpark in Arlington'... you can crash here we'll go to the game and sweat...
thanks for the invite--i might be game..since we are all scattered why dont we meet someplace in the Middle someday --like say Wrigley?
As much as I have always looked forward to burning myself to a cinder in Texas ( ), ive yet to see a game at Wrigley which really is somewhere on my life list..I could see me driving across stopping at Cooperstown, Cleveland, Detroit and then spending a weekend in Chicago, meet whoever would want to be there have agood weekend, then maybe hitting Pittsburg on the way back.
Those are all ballparks I've never been to, but would love to.
I've been to Cooperstown at least 5 times, but there's never been a game on the day I was there. It's a lovely little field. My only 'complaint' is that the 'good' seats under the wooden canopy are all screened off so there are no foul balls to chase after-an essential in my book, though I've never come close to getting one.
I had a close call of my own with Dodger tickets. I've bought a dozen games from a co worker who has perfect seats in the loge. I then found out the Dodgers were offering an 'upgrade' to the field level. Unless you're ideally situated, I'll take a loge over a field seat anyday. You just get a better view of the game and the whole field ,in my eyes at least. Fortunately, the offer was turned down. Maybe my impassioned plea helped.
Im glad the impassioned plea worked... it provided agood mind picture over here as I know what my impassioned pleas can look like. :)
Its good to have tickets--I genuflected to my tickets and basked in their glow when I came home today....
....O speaking of Cooperstown it was sort of dismaying to hear today that the Hall of Fame game this year will be the last one, Its apparently getting too complicated to schedule an exhibition game in midseason...too bad. I do like Doubleday Field even though Ive never been in those screened seats, last time I was there there were some college teams playing and I was in the first base bleachers...
as far as those other parks---think about it--if there is any real interest we could start checking and figuring schedules out--They're not all that far apart--we could probably even fit in Milwaukee without that much extra effort
The Red Sox picked up Sean Casey today as a backup first baseman--I really like this move in a lot of ways. The pieces for 08 are all starting to fillout.
He is still a pretty good hitter, decent fielder and by all accounts a great guy in the clubhouse and in the community. Just last year he was voted the Friendliest Guy In Baseball by a very wide margin
He is a bargain at $700,000 a year and just the type of utility guy and uplifting soul a team needs. He seemes like the type of guy you really feel good cheering for...
Good choice
Gordon Edes of the Boston Globe wrote a fantastic piece on him a few years ago
i can't even imagine all those joe's that gave me an unbelievable "mind picture"
nah i can't start a superbowl thread..... i would have to know more about football.... in my catholic high school we didn't have a team. someone had died years before during a game and they never got it going again (sad face) no teams in NYC which "don't worry be happy" poster told me about (like duh)
anyway i got confused with who was tom waits and tom petty so god knows what i would do with football
i heard an old giants star from years ago interviewed on friday. they asked why he thought the giants would win and he said that's easy eli manning. then he went on to say other stuff. he was great. he said he would love to play just to make some bucks. ha and he also said it's a different game because they used to all be in the game but now they bring in all kinds of "specialists" (i'm sure i'm misquoting him) but he predicted giants 23 pats 17. i think. he was a lot of fun. they told him he looked in shape. he said under these clothes forget it. he said he couldn't last a play, i think
ps. i heard the mets got the greatest pitcher there is. is that true ?
(sorry that i haven't read this thread before posting)
I don't know if Santana is 'the greatest'-but he's at the top echelon of current pitchers. The Red Sox and Yankees were both going for him, but wisely didn't think he was so great that he was worth giving away much of their young talent. I think it's a great deal for the Mets, who didn't give away anyone who would have been starting for them.
I expect Santana to blow through the weaker hitting National League, and have an outstanding year. Having said that, the baseball fates could intervene and cause all kinds of unexpected problems and adjustments.
Just realized that question seemed directed to mstar. Oh well, that's my 2 cents anyway.
You got it right, id have said about the same thing..'The greatest' is a tough term (...its Muhammed Ali)..I have guys that I like to watch throughout the season, that in my estimation are near the top or will be there very soon that turn pitching into an art.
Im not sure if Santana is 'The greatest" but if not he will always be right near the very top..The only thing I know for sure is that I am glad he is in the other league and the Red Sox dont have to face him 5 times a year
So the Dodger-Sox game at the Coliseum sold out 90000 plus seats in less than an hour. I wasn't one of the 90000.
I still have a chance through a season ticket holder, but am waiting to see what he decides to do. I'm not optimistic.
Part of me thinks it's ok not to be sitting a half mile away in a cheap seat, and watching it at home while Vin Scully broadcasts the game. he was already a veteran Dodger announcer when they moved to LA and of course has been there ever since. I'm looking forward to his memories.
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I missed the LLWS. The boy had baseball practice 4-7. Playing in a USSSA tournament this coming weekend. The new season has just started. Can ya'll believe we are in September of the ML baseball s
Dont scare me like that Bolsh--the way you posted I wasnt sure if it was a done deal--I had to go check....Im on the fence whether to go for Halliday or not---I'd love to have him but I'd hate to give
I love those fan trades where players you don't care about, plus a 'prospect', are offered up for a major player. Yeah, the Jays will jump at that deal.
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17 games !
Good going ! Well earned, also !
That sounds like alot more than you usually make . I go to that many every year, and find that the more I go, the more I want to go, start having withdrawal symptoms on road trips, and get irritable when I miss a series or God forbid an entire homestand. I love the game on tv, but there's nothing like being there, and I am forever thankful for the good fortune to live so close to Dodger Stadium.
In other words, baseball is addicting, but better than heroin.
and not quite as expensive-yet.
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You havent seen my credit card bill from yesterday yet! It could be close!!
Its alright though--It is a good addiction
I have the Tigers, Angels, BlueJays(twice), Rays,Brewers,Rays again, DBacks,Twins, Angels, A's, BlueJays, 3 in Baltimore, White Sox, O's, Rays, BlueJays and Cleveland twice-
-No Yankee tickets were released, Cards tickets sold out too quick.
I know what you mean--the more I bought the more I wanted to buy (..gees I have two weeks between games in June--can i fill that up with something?.. )
I havent gone to this many games since the mid sixties. Its a great feeling knowing I will be there . You know I love Fenway the way you love Dodger Stadium.
Like any good addiction I already want more and was talking over some possible road trips with a friend this morning at breakfast( Cleveland? Toronto? Cincinnati? about a whole road trip? )
the logistics could be crazy (its 2 1/2 hours one way to fenway ) but I dont care, I'll figure out something
I also dont know when Im going to get any work done this summer
O well :)
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Tom Strange
yeah... a road trip to Cleveland! ...that's the ticket!
Stop by Pittsburgh and Cooperstown "on the way"...
stRangers P&C report on Valentine's Day... seems appropriate...
...sadly, we don't have to wait online for tix to stRanger games...
you guys are all welcome to take in a road game here in Arlington in the blast furnace known as 'the ballpark in Arlington'... you can crash here we'll go to the game and sweat...
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Dbacks Jun 23, 24, 25!!!!!! Need anyone to go with you? :blink:
Looks like Dbacks not going to Arlington this year... only AL stadiums they'll visit are for games at the BoSox and Twins.
Got A's and Royals in the Downtown Phoenix airplane hanger known as Chase Field.
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Id invite you Rock, I have nice loge boxes on the 1st base side BUT those ones were purchased by a friend I was coaching over the phone -- so I sort of feel obligated to go with her ---especailly since she did that actual purchase... :)
Sox tickets are like gold around here
....Im getting a little worried, in the ultra fine print on the website it says you can buy a maximum of 8 tickets--of course I didnt read all that--someone on another site i go to pointed that out to me--I figured if there was a limit that the automated system would automatically shut me off but it didnt and I bought a helluva lot more than 8.
Someone else is now telling me that I may not get any and be penalized for exceeding the limits...
joy turns to concern
Im gonna be happy when I have these tickets in hand
This hoop jumping is a pain--whatever happened to the days of calmly walking to the park on gameday?
long gone around these parts
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I really like this picture. Being a different type of 'cathedral builder' I love this moment when you are getting ready to put something important in place that you know will be there for a very very long time. Those guys standing there have one pretty cool job and something that they can remember forever in this photo
Its up now, and the new place is taking shape fast. I think the replication of the old victorian like facade on the inside upper deck looks really good (if anyone wants more pics i can post them I have abunch ).
Ive said all this before but If any of you (especially you Hiway) hold any attachment , reverence, respect or curiosity for the old cathedral Yankee Stadium-
nows the time to think seriously about the pilgramage--Its hard to believe it but it will be gone by this time next year
Getting Close
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Thanks for the pictures, Mstar.
I'd love to get to Yankee Stadium one more time, and will probably feel the pull greater as the season wears on. It is hard to fathom that it will be gone, though as I've said, I 've never been a fan of the 70's renovation. My hope is that the new stadium will look much like the original-with modern facilities of course.
Still, it's weird to think that field will be gone. At least they're not moving to the Meadowlands like George used to threaten !!
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Did you try to call the Red Sox ticket office today to find out what will happen?
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I let it ride yesterday--
I went to the post office a few minutes ago and tickets to the first five games arrived. Yours truly made quite a scene in the Post Office yippying and yahooing
I came home and called the ticket office ( I was surprised when a very convincing recording of Terry Francona answered the phone...) long story short everything is ok, there will be a delay until all the tickets are printed from the high volume sales on saturday ---but everything is kosher!
Im in
...Pitchers and catchers report:
15 days 18h 58m 40s
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Looks like Santana is going to the Mets, which is fine by me. I didn't relish the idea of the Yankees giving away so much, but realized they had to keep the Sox from getting him.
There are certainly question marks for the Yankee staff, but it will be exciting to see who succeeds and who doesn't.
So let's Play Ball already.
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Im hoping that that long nightmare is finally over...
Santana needs to pass a physical, and then come to terms on a contract extension with the Mets, and the deal will (reportedly) be done. The Mets have 48-72 hours to get this all wrapped up, and then we can FINALLY quit hearing about this after 3 solid months of "will they or won't they?"
As a Sox fan Im relieved, he is going to the Mets, Yank fans probably feel the same way. I think the two stayed in the running primarily so he wouldnt land with the other one. The cost was too high in young talent for both teams.
The Mets should be a good fit-- besides Omar Minaya owes Mets fans something big and hopeful this spring after last years catastrophic finish
we're almost there, we just gotta get by The RedSox and Yankee juniors in the Superbowl------ and we are almost there.
It will be a good prequel and set an undertone to the AL East
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thanks for the invite--i might be game..since we are all scattered why dont we meet someplace in the Middle someday --like say Wrigley?
As much as I have always looked forward to burning myself to a cinder in Texas (
), ive yet to see a game at Wrigley which really is somewhere on my life list..I could see me driving across stopping at Cooperstown, Cleveland, Detroit and then spending a weekend in Chicago, meet whoever would want to be there have agood weekend, then maybe hitting Pittsburg on the way back.
thats doable
a mini baseball tour
I could call it a tourlet
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Those are all ballparks I've never been to, but would love to.
I've been to Cooperstown at least 5 times, but there's never been a game on the day I was there. It's a lovely little field. My only 'complaint' is that the 'good' seats under the wooden canopy are all screened off so there are no foul balls to chase after-an essential in my book, though I've never come close to getting one.
I had a close call of my own with Dodger tickets. I've bought a dozen games from a co worker who has perfect seats in the loge. I then found out the Dodgers were offering an 'upgrade' to the field level. Unless you're ideally situated, I'll take a loge over a field seat anyday. You just get a better view of the game and the whole field ,in my eyes at least. Fortunately, the offer was turned down. Maybe my impassioned plea helped.
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Im glad the impassioned plea worked... it provided agood mind picture over here as I know what my impassioned pleas can look like. :)
Its good to have tickets--I genuflected to my tickets and basked in their glow when I came home today....
....O speaking of Cooperstown it was sort of dismaying to hear today that the Hall of Fame game this year will be the last one, Its apparently getting too complicated to schedule an exhibition game in midseason...too bad. I do like Doubleday Field even though Ive never been in those screened seats, last time I was there there were some college teams playing and I was in the first base bleachers...
as far as those other parks---think about it--if there is any real interest we could start checking and figuring schedules out--They're not all that far apart--we could probably even fit in Milwaukee without that much extra effort
The Greasespot Grand Baseball Tour of 2008
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hello my friends i don't know when the super bowl thread will start
but i have to tell you something really embarrassing
someone at work told me tom petty was doing the half time show
and i said "really" ? will everyone be smoking pot ?
(i thought tom waits was the chosen) i swear
are you laughing at me ?
hey who is singing the national anthem joe cocker ?
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I think it'll be Jordan Sparks. Her dad played football for my alma mater (ASU Sun Devils).
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oh i really like her and her dad
from what i saw on american idol
thank you rocky
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Joe Cocker -national anthem
I was at a folk festival a few years a go and saw hundreds of people maybe a thousand, imitating Joe Cocker during a Joe Cocker imitation contest.
It is still one of the more surreal and bizzarre things I have ever witnessed.
Maybe everyone in the stadium should do it after they get stoned watching Tom Petty at The Super Bowl.--that would be a halftime show Id watch
Why dont you do the SuperBowl thread excie?
I know Im not worthy--the Pats could be the best team since forever and Im more concerned about spring training
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The Red Sox picked up Sean Casey today as a backup first baseman--I really like this move in a lot of ways. The pieces for 08 are all starting to fillout.
He is still a pretty good hitter, decent fielder and by all accounts a great guy in the clubhouse and in the community. Just last year he was voted the Friendliest Guy In Baseball by a very wide margin
He is a bargain at $700,000 a year and just the type of utility guy and uplifting soul a team needs. He seemes like the type of guy you really feel good cheering for...
Good choice
Gordon Edes of the Boston Globe wrote a fantastic piece on him a few years ago
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i can't even imagine all those joe's that gave me an unbelievable "mind picture"
nah i can't start a superbowl thread..... i would have to know more about football.... in my catholic high school we didn't have a team. someone had died years before during a game and they never got it going again (sad face) no teams in NYC which "don't worry be happy" poster told me about (like duh)
anyway i got confused with who was tom waits and tom petty so god knows what i would do with football
i heard an old giants star from years ago interviewed on friday. they asked why he thought the giants would win and he said that's easy eli manning. then he went on to say other stuff. he was great. he said he would love to play just to make some bucks. ha and he also said it's a different game because they used to all be in the game but now they bring in all kinds of "specialists" (i'm sure i'm misquoting him) but he predicted giants 23 pats 17. i think. he was a lot of fun. they told him he looked in shape. he said under these clothes forget it. he said he couldn't last a play, i think
ps. i heard the mets got the greatest pitcher there is. is that true ?
(sorry that i haven't read this thread before posting)
love you m
and all
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I don't know if Santana is 'the greatest'-but he's at the top echelon of current pitchers. The Red Sox and Yankees were both going for him, but wisely didn't think he was so great that he was worth giving away much of their young talent. I think it's a great deal for the Mets, who didn't give away anyone who would have been starting for them.
I expect Santana to blow through the weaker hitting National League, and have an outstanding year. Having said that, the baseball fates could intervene and cause all kinds of unexpected problems and adjustments.
Just realized that question seemed directed to mstar. Oh well, that's my 2 cents anyway.
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You got it right, id have said about the same thing..'The greatest' is a tough term (...its Muhammed Ali)..I have guys that I like to watch throughout the season, that in my estimation are near the top or will be there very soon that turn pitching into an art.
Im not sure if Santana is 'The greatest" but if not he will always be right near the very top..The only thing I know for sure is that I am glad he is in the other league and the Red Sox dont have to face him 5 times a year
I have no predictions for the Super Bowl
((Love you too excie))
HERES some Joe for you (now picture him times a thousand
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no hiway, thank you, i was just asking any of my friends here :)
thank you mstar for that lovely video
i started a super bowl thread, i can't believe there wasn't one (maybe i missed it)
love "u's"
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So the Dodger-Sox game at the Coliseum sold out 90000 plus seats in less than an hour. I wasn't one of the 90000.
I still have a chance through a season ticket holder, but am waiting to see what he decides to do. I'm not optimistic.
Part of me thinks it's ok not to be sitting a half mile away in a cheap seat, and watching it at home while Vin Scully broadcasts the game. he was already a veteran Dodger announcer when they moved to LA and of course has been there ever since. I'm looking forward to his memories.
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