Mattingly is probably joining Torre. Lord knows about Arod. I can't imagine the Dodgers shelling out that kind of money, and if they do , we can expect Dodger Dogs to cost about 10 bucks to pay for him.
Mattingly is probably joining Torre. Lord knows about Arod. I can't imagine the Dodgers shelling out that kind of money, and if they do , we can expect Dodger Dogs to cost about 10 bucks to pay for him.
I am more than happy to have Joe Torre here.
I've also read that Mattingly will likely join Torre. This, of course, is troubling (to this Dbacks fan)... at least the Torre part.
Now, IF A-rod goes too... then I saw the Dbacks chances are better... as well all know that A-rod doesn't make teams necessarily "gel" together or improve team "chemistry."
Frankly, I can't imagine ANY team that wants to compete for the championship, except MAYBE the BoSox (and only then IF Lowell goes elsewhere in the free agent market), even WANTING him.
The teams most likely to sign Arod, in order of probability, are The Angels,Giants, Cubs, Red Sox, Dodgers, and even the Yankees. I'd be real surprised if he wound up anywhere else.
As much as I didn't like seeing Torre leave the Yankees, I'm thrilled he's here. I also thinkthis might work out for both clubs. 12 years is a long time for any manager, and the yankees were kind of spinning their wheels. No fault of Joe's who managed great last year. Joe Girardi just might bring a fresh style to a stodgy team. Or it might be a disaster. Will be fun to see.
Torre in LA gives the Dodgers instant credibility, and he's perfect for a developing team.Here's the longest of long shots, but a world series between the Girardi Yankees and the Torre Dodgers would be wild.
The teams most likely to sign Arod, in order of probability, are The Angels,Giants, Cubs, Red Sox, Dodgers, and even the Yankees. I'd be real surprised if he wound up anywhere else.
As much as I didn't like seeing Torre leave the Yankees, I'm thrilled he's here. I also thinkthis might work out for both clubs. 12 years is a long time for any manager, and the yankees were kind of spinning their wheels. No fault of Joe's who managed great last year. Joe Girardi just might bring a fresh style to a stodgy team. Or it might be a disaster. Will be fun to see.
Torre in LA gives the Dodgers instant credibility, and he's perfect for a developing team.Here's the longest of long shots, but a world series between the Girardi Yankees and the Torre Dodgers would be wild.
Fantasizing just a little there, hiway?
Indeed, I think Girardi's a good manager... he certainly did a good job in FL.
scuse my absence at such a crucial time.....damn, I cant believe that after watching nearly every pitch during the whole season, that a church burns down in the middle of nowhere in Michigan, and I have to be there, witha truckload of equipment in two days,....pffft... I ended up watching the last game of the World Series in ahotel outside Toledo, and missed a week of celebrations around here, I dont know if people in thius little town in Michigan had ever heard of baseball, never mind the Red Sox---It was very strange for me, being in a near media blackout area..but at least the clients were ecstatic that I showed and did a good job for them....
I don't know about that HAP... I've heard plenty of players comment about some of the older venues (in all of the sports except maybe football) about how the fans were "right on top of them"... and if I recall, Fenway is kind of like that... and when those fans get crankin'...
Fenway is like that--you are very very close to the game., and the fans are into it.
Some places are beautiful and you can go in the pool, or to the playground, or look at the beautiful scenery--or whatever else ..and it seems like you are miles away--- which is all fine but at places like Fenway there is not much to do other than stay focussed on the game, combined with the fanaticism it makes the place loud. Some players are built for it, some arent. Edgar Renteria could not play well in Boston, some(most) feed off the energy.
I think that there is a real phenomena to "the tenth man", at least the Red Sox players give it alot of credit, and even though they are 'professionals' some opposing players do at times seem visually rattled. More than one has lost his composure and gone off on Boston Fans---and..if they are thinking about the fans, then they arent thinking about the game...
In the 1903 World Series, the Boston Royal Rooters (the 100 year ago version of Red Sox Nation) traveled with the team, had a band , organized cheers, and sang a broadway song "Tessie" over and over and over, changing the lyrics to chide the opposing players. These things were unheard of at the time.
Twenty years after that first series ended Honus Wagner was asked for his recollections of the series and his only words were "God I hated that song".
I dont know why I went down that avenue,other than I love the history and the song was revived a few years ago, but I do think that fans can make a difference.
As far as Mr Torre goes..good luck in LA
It could be a good fit--at least way better than Grady Little, He is good with the players and the press, and agood strategic field manager, the only thing that I see as something that I saw as a tendency that I didnt like was that he burns through his bullpens.
His middle relievers usually have about 80 appearances each and are on fumes for agood portion of the year---he hasnt had all that much luck with the stability of his starters over the last few years come to think of it either, whether it is them or his handling of them I dont know..but there has been an inordinate number of injuries to his pitching staffs the past few years
Maybe that will end, maybe its all coincidence--or hope that the Dodgers are deep in ML ready pitchers in AA and AAA as they may be going there in key situations.
Also thought that THIS ARTICLE on Arods new suitor was pretty good.
In response to Hank Steinbrenner's question "Does A-Rod want to be a New York Yankee or a Toledo Mud Hen" the Toledo Mud Hens made him an offer, with an incentive bonus for if he hits 75 homers or leads them to multiple international league titles
the offer stipulates that Rodriguez will have to compete for a spot with Toledo third basemen Mike Hessman, the league's most valuable player last season.
"Would your client be willing to play a different position?" the letter asked.
thanks, I'll have to read that article on 'the baseball anti-christ' a little later...
I think that's fair for Schilling, pay for play-yet still rewarding him for loyalty/sacrifice...
Personally, and maybe this will open a whole can of worms, I'd love to see "base salaries" set for all positions, that are adjusted for years of MLB service, with stepped bonuses for performance... of course, the MLBPA will never go for it, but dangit! it would level the playing field, people who are producing/performing WILL be paid beautifully... and heck, let's face it, the minimums wouldn't be anything to cry about and those who perform? they'll likely make as much as they would on a 'good contract" anyway...
...but it would sure kill the agents, it would soon become all about "how teams take care of their players" ...but I bet we'd see some good baseball in a lot more places... and we'd never have to see a player's stats spike 'in a contract year' only to fall off after the big contract (latest example: Shaun Alexander)...
Ive always thought that something like that would be a good idea,
How you could successfully implement it, on a wide level would be a tough hurdle to get over though.
Then of course when people like Boras are involved he brings other weird crap to the table to prove his point. I almost choked last week reading a USAToday that had him quoted as saying he was marketing ARod to teams who:
"wanted to win the World Series,
wanted to win more games,
no wait I got I got it-
-wanted to increase their revenue streams..
......Yup, when i watch baseball thats what I watch for---there is nothing quite as exciting as watching a teams revenue stream rise <_<
I suppose that he has a point to some extent, and I am sure that somehwere there are mathematical nerds and stat geeks who can quantify the value of a lot of the inner factors of the game but to me performance based pay with incentives and bonuses seems much more appropriate to providing good play on the field.
I for one would like to see it.
Maybe its just me... but I cant comprehend anyone, in any field of life, anywhere, turning down 91million for 3 years because it is not enough.
Its not like he is on the verge of a cure for AIDS/ is ending wars or has solved the worlds energy problems. He's....Mr. April....
well... I don't know how he's gonna get what he already turned down...
I mean, the NYY basically had him for the cost of Manny since Hicks had to pay part of his salary... only Manny's numbers aren't hollow...
It will make you and I and a zillion other folks so happy when he doesn't get it... but the part that scares me is that Boras (while being the baseball anti-christ) is also a Jedi and might be able to use his mind tricks to get some owner to pony up...
And that quote... now it all makes sense why Boras and Hicks get along so well... that's one of the big problems that we stRanger fans have with Hicks, it's all he talks about: how much money did he make or lose on the team! ...not winning! ...and we don't care a whit about whether or not they're making money, it's been way proven here that if the team is winning he'll make it by the bucket load ...cripes, they averaged about 29k per game this year with a team that was out of it by the middle of May! ...and that's part of the problem as well, fans keep going to the ballpark so what's his motivation to put a winner on the field? Lord I wish someone would buy them that wants to win! (where's Cuban when you need him?)
Hicks has even stated publicly in the past that if the fans will show up, then he'll build a better team! ...isn't it supposed to be "if you build it they will come"???
don't get me started!
...but someone (Angels? Cubs?) with some money to throw down probably will... but I hope they don't!
I still often think about what the last three years would've been like if A-Rod had gone to Boston and Manny had been here...
(sorry starman, didn't mean to give you the shivers)
I'm glad the Yankees are coming to their senses and not biting , but still am not convinced they won't buckle under. I can't imagine the Dodgers going for it, but can see the Angels taking the plunge.
How any team thinks they'll see a return on 350 mil is beyond me. Especially from a player who's never gotten to the series once.
And before anyone says I'm 'flip-flopping', I've never been an Arod fan, though some have misconstrued my position. I'm in the camp that would love to see no one meet those demands.
It all is sort of odd, teams should increase their revenue streams, but the owners, being businessmen, ought to be able to do that just by the fact that they are businessmen and have a good "product" on the market ( scuse me --I hate to say that word in regards to baseball-but it is true).
Winning baseball always advances revenue, understanding and treating your fans well certainly doesnt hurt either.
Its not exactly brain surgery.
Blackmailing your fans to show up first -then maybe we will get around to winning seems like an incredibly assbackwards way of doing things. Its a shame the good people of Texas have to put up with that.
Ive extolled the virtues of the RS owners here many times, and taken some heat for it a few times. They are very good businessmen and do know how to increase revenues (they have moved the team from middle market to large market in 5 years), John Henry is an investor by trade-he is not stupid when it comes to guaging risk and return but also keeping it within the context of treating the fans well ( winning--as well as innumerable other things )
The only thing that I have read from the RedSox so far front office is that if a deal is made "it will be on our terms..."
I think that goes alot further than just the money issue,which I have to imagine would be less, but also goes to his whole approach to the game, which I said earlier on this thread would 'have to change' ie less Arod, more concern for the entire team.
Curt Schilling and the Red Sox finalized a one-year, $8 million contract today.
According to Schilling, who first posted the confirmation on his web site, the deal includes a possible $6 million in incentives in addition to his $8 million base salary: $2 million in weight incentives (based on six weigh-ins), $3 million based on innings pitched, and $1 million if he receives even a single Cy Young vote.
"How we project him for next year... we thought $8 million was a reasonable number," Red Sox GM Theo Epstein told the Globe's Nick Cafardo. "If there's a downside or things don't go well next year than $8 million seems reasonable under that scenario. If everything goes right, if he gets himself in great shape and pitches the whole season, then we're comfortable with the higher number (up to $14 million) which is why the contract is structured that way."
Schilling will get a $375,000 bonus for pitching 130 innings, and an additional $375,000 for every 10-inning increment up to 200.
That looks like a fair and reasonable free agent contract to me. 8 mill for someone of Schillings stature,
with possibilities up to 14 if he performs x/y/z.
Id like to see more contracts structured similarly to this. It is alot of money but It makes a helluva lot of sense to me in a lot of ways
I hope he has to take at least a 20% pay cut... for winning the MVP again
Take another 20% cut for interfering with the World Series while your at it....
You know what is interesting that someone pointed out to me in late September?
Yea yea ARod is a shoe in for the MVP and was ever since his 'incredibly clutch' spree in April, but his numbers really werent that different than David Ortiz, who by most peoples standards was appearing to have an off year.
A stat geek pointed out that in OPS (On Base plus Slugging), which is used in stathead circles to measure a hitters overall effectiveness, Ortiz actually was ahead by.005.
Ortiz, BOS .446/.623/1.069
Rodriguez, NYY .420/.644/1.064
I think a lot of people would be surprised to discover that the consensus "best player in baseball," having completed an off-the-charts career year, had a lower OPS than our creaky-kneed and much injured DH, who up till September was assumed to be having an off-year.
Yes ARod is good, but why there is all this hoopla about him , sort of baffles me. maybe its those Jedi mindtricks of Boras that you were talking about and the excessive gushing over him in the media that drives the perception of him up..
Ortiz wont even be the MVP of the Red Sox, (thats probably going to Lowell), never mind the league, nor is there talk of it, but he is every bit the hitter ARod
Hes great in the clubhouse...He makes around 13.5/year
I'm glad the Yankees are coming to their senses and not biting , but still am not convinced they won't buckle under. I can't imagine the Dodgers going for it, but can see the Angels taking the plunge.
How any team thinks they'll see a return on 350 mil is beyond me. Especially from a player who's never gotten to the series once.
And before anyone says I'm 'flip-flopping', I've never been an Arod fan, though some have misconstrued my position. I'm in the camp that would love to see no one meet those demands.
Me thinks that's a BIG camp these days!!!
personally-----let him play for the Mudhens....
HEY, what do you have against Toledo?
I spent a year not far from there one very snowy winter!... but that was when A-Rod was a very young child.
JD Drew makes 14 million a year and Ortiz 13.5 ? JD Drew makes more than Ortiz ??!! What is wrong with those people?
On his next contract Ortiz will, or should, be getting substantially more. If he decides to test the free agent waters, he can be assured of making considerably more. One need not worry about David Ortiz.
The Arod thing is from another planet and should not be used as a 'yardstick' for anyone else. It's hopefully an aberration that won't be repeated.
I do wonder why those of us who work our fingers to the bone in order to keep our heads above water, get all concerned about the fates of people who have wealth beyond our wildest dreams because they can hit a ball with a stick.
in one sense I could care less. I got dragged into it because it is all over the news and wires mostly---and here--so I think alittle about it.
The only reason I care anything at all about it, is because a team has to build the business aspect wisely to put a good team on the field.
I also pay a little attention because I am a one man business and by nature I am horrible at business, but I have learned alot about being at least partially effective in my business from watching the Red Sox and how they operate.
Ultimately to me its really of little concern, I just want to do my work, and watch baseball---but there has to be some sound and sensical financial underpinning to do either of those well.
As Im toying with baseballs numbers, in my mind I am also toying (on a much lower level0 with my own numbers and how to make them work better for me. there is a correlation and sometimes it works...
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I missed the LLWS. The boy had baseball practice 4-7. Playing in a USSSA tournament this coming weekend. The new season has just started. Can ya'll believe we are in September of the ML baseball s
Dont scare me like that Bolsh--the way you posted I wasnt sure if it was a done deal--I had to go check....Im on the fence whether to go for Halliday or not---I'd love to have him but I'd hate to give
I love those fan trades where players you don't care about, plus a 'prospect', are offered up for a major player. Yeah, the Jays will jump at that deal.
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Mattingly is probably joining Torre. Lord knows about Arod. I can't imagine the Dodgers shelling out that kind of money, and if they do , we can expect Dodger Dogs to cost about 10 bucks to pay for him.
I am more than happy to have Joe Torre here.
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I've also read that Mattingly will likely join Torre. This, of course, is troubling (to this Dbacks fan)... at least the Torre part.
Now, IF A-rod goes too... then I saw the Dbacks chances are better... as well all know that A-rod doesn't make teams necessarily "gel" together or improve team "chemistry."
Frankly, I can't imagine ANY team that wants to compete for the championship, except MAYBE the BoSox (and only then IF Lowell goes elsewhere in the free agent market), even WANTING him.
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Tom Strange
well... his nickname is "the cooler"...
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The teams most likely to sign Arod, in order of probability, are The Angels,Giants, Cubs, Red Sox, Dodgers, and even the Yankees. I'd be real surprised if he wound up anywhere else.
As much as I didn't like seeing Torre leave the Yankees, I'm thrilled he's here. I also thinkthis might work out for both clubs. 12 years is a long time for any manager, and the yankees were kind of spinning their wheels. No fault of Joe's who managed great last year. Joe Girardi just might bring a fresh style to a stodgy team. Or it might be a disaster. Will be fun to see.
Torre in LA gives the Dodgers instant credibility, and he's perfect for a developing team.Here's the longest of long shots, but a world series between the Girardi Yankees and the Torre Dodgers would be wild.
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Fantasizing just a little there, hiway?
Indeed, I think Girardi's a good manager... he certainly did a good job in FL.
Tom, no surprise on that nickname for Arod!
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no, fantasizing ALOT, not a little.
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scuse my absence at such a crucial time.....damn, I cant believe that after watching nearly every pitch during the whole season, that a church burns down in the middle of nowhere in Michigan, and I have to be there, witha truckload of equipment in two days,....pffft... I ended up watching the last game of the World Series in ahotel outside Toledo, and missed a week of celebrations around here, I dont know if people in thius little town in Michigan had ever heard of baseball, never mind the Red Sox---It was very strange for me, being in a near media blackout area..but at least the clients were ecstatic that I showed and did a good job for them....
.Fenway is like that--you are very very close to the game., and the fans are into it.
Some places are beautiful and you can go in the pool, or to the playground, or look at the beautiful scenery--or whatever else ..and it seems like you are miles away--- which is all fine but at places like Fenway there is not much to do other than stay focussed on the game, combined with the fanaticism it makes the place loud. Some players are built for it, some arent. Edgar Renteria could not play well in Boston, some(most) feed off the energy.
I think that there is a real phenomena to "the tenth man", at least the Red Sox players give it alot of credit, and even though they are 'professionals' some opposing players do at times seem visually rattled. More than one has lost his composure and gone off on Boston Fans---and..if they are thinking about the fans, then they arent thinking about the game...
In the 1903 World Series, the Boston Royal Rooters (the 100 year ago version of Red Sox Nation) traveled with the team, had a band , organized cheers, and sang a broadway song "Tessie" over and over and over, changing the lyrics to chide the opposing players. These things were unheard of at the time.
Twenty years after that first series ended Honus Wagner was asked for his recollections of the series and his only words were "God I hated that song".
I dont know why I went down that avenue,other than I love the history and the song was revived a few years ago, but I do think that fans can make a difference.
As far as Mr Torre goes..good luck in LA
It could be a good fit--at least way better than Grady Little, He is good with the players and the press, and agood strategic field manager, the only thing that I see as something that I saw as a tendency that I didnt like was that he burns through his bullpens.
His middle relievers usually have about 80 appearances each and are on fumes for agood portion of the year---he hasnt had all that much luck with the stability of his starters over the last few years come to think of it either, whether it is them or his handling of them I dont know..but there has been an inordinate number of injuries to his pitching staffs the past few years
Maybe that will end, maybe its all coincidence--or hope that the Dodgers are deep in ML ready pitchers in AA and AAA as they may be going there in key situations.
Also thought that THIS ARTICLE on Arods new suitor was pretty good.
In response to Hank Steinbrenner's question "Does A-Rod want to be a New York Yankee or a Toledo Mud Hen" the Toledo Mud Hens made him an offer, with an incentive bonus for if he hits 75 homers or leads them to multiple international league titles

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Tom Strange
thanks for the insight starman... good to see you again... anybody heard any hot rumors out there on the FA market?
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ESPN is reporting that Schilling is re signing with the Sox for 8-10m base with bonuses up to 13m..
Although his win totals have gone down he is still invaluable to the team.
They brought him here specifically to win a World Series, and he has been part of two, sacrificing his body to do it.
What is that worth?
Its a tough business call but I am glad that after all that he has brought here, that he will be ending his career here
Thats about all Ive heard so far on FA's, although of course there is alot of talk about Lowell and that other guy
HERE is a 10,000 word article in the NewYorker on your favorite human
, Scott Boras that I found yesterday.
It's entitled "The Extortionist"
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Tom Strange
thanks, I'll have to read that article on 'the baseball anti-christ' a little later...
I think that's fair for Schilling, pay for play-yet still rewarding him for loyalty/sacrifice...
Personally, and maybe this will open a whole can of worms, I'd love to see "base salaries" set for all positions, that are adjusted for years of MLB service, with stepped bonuses for performance... of course, the MLBPA will never go for it, but dangit! it would level the playing field, people who are producing/performing WILL be paid beautifully... and heck, let's face it, the minimums wouldn't be anything to cry about and those who perform? they'll likely make as much as they would on a 'good contract" anyway...
...but it would sure kill the agents, it would soon become all about "how teams take care of their players" ...but I bet we'd see some good baseball in a lot more places... and we'd never have to see a player's stats spike 'in a contract year' only to fall off after the big contract (latest example: Shaun Alexander)...
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Ive always thought that something like that would be a good idea,
How you could successfully implement it, on a wide level would be a tough hurdle to get over though.
Then of course when people like Boras are involved he brings other weird crap to the table to prove his point. I almost choked last week reading a USAToday that had him quoted as saying he was marketing ARod to teams who:
"wanted to win the World Series,
wanted to win more games,
no wait I got I got it-
-wanted to increase their revenue streams..
......Yup, when i watch baseball thats what I watch for---there is nothing quite as exciting as watching a teams revenue stream rise <_<
I suppose that he has a point to some extent, and I am sure that somehwere there are mathematical nerds and stat geeks who can quantify the value of a lot of the inner factors of the game but to me performance based pay with incentives and bonuses seems much more appropriate to providing good play on the field.
I for one would like to see it.
Maybe its just me... but I cant comprehend anyone, in any field of life, anywhere, turning down 91million for 3 years because it is not enough.
Its not like he is on the verge of a cure for AIDS/ is ending wars or has solved the worlds energy problems. He's....Mr. April....
I would love it if no one gave him a deal
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Tom Strange
well... I don't know how he's gonna get what he already turned down...
I mean, the NYY basically had him for the cost of Manny since Hicks had to pay part of his salary... only Manny's numbers aren't hollow...
It will make you and I and a zillion other folks so happy when he doesn't get it... but the part that scares me is that Boras (while being the baseball anti-christ) is also a Jedi and might be able to use his mind tricks to get some owner to pony up...
And that quote... now it all makes sense why Boras and Hicks get along so well... that's one of the big problems that we stRanger fans have with Hicks, it's all he talks about: how much money did he make or lose on the team! ...not winning! ...and we don't care a whit about whether or not they're making money, it's been way proven here that if the team is winning he'll make it by the bucket load ...cripes, they averaged about 29k per game this year with a team that was out of it by the middle of May! ...and that's part of the problem as well, fans keep going to the ballpark so what's his motivation to put a winner on the field? Lord I wish someone would buy them that wants to win! (where's Cuban when you need him?)
Hicks has even stated publicly in the past that if the fans will show up, then he'll build a better team! ...isn't it supposed to be "if you build it they will come"???
don't get me started!
...but someone (Angels? Cubs?) with some money to throw down probably will... but I hope they don't!
I still often think about what the last three years would've been like if A-Rod had gone to Boston and Manny had been here...
(sorry starman, didn't mean to give you the shivers)
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I'm glad the Yankees are coming to their senses and not biting , but still am not convinced they won't buckle under. I can't imagine the Dodgers going for it, but can see the Angels taking the plunge.
How any team thinks they'll see a return on 350 mil is beyond me. Especially from a player who's never gotten to the series once.
And before anyone says I'm 'flip-flopping', I've never been an Arod fan, though some have misconstrued my position. I'm in the camp that would love to see no one meet those demands.
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Tom Strange
It's OK to flip flop hiway... sometimes we change our minds... (not that I'm saying you're flip flopping, but there's nothing wrong with it)
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It all is sort of odd, teams should increase their revenue streams, but the owners, being businessmen, ought to be able to do that just by the fact that they are businessmen and have a good "product" on the market ( scuse me --I hate to say that word in regards to baseball-but it is true).
Winning baseball always advances revenue, understanding and treating your fans well certainly doesnt hurt either.
Its not exactly brain surgery.
Blackmailing your fans to show up first -then maybe we will get around to winning seems like an incredibly assbackwards way of doing things. Its a shame the good people of Texas have to put up with that.
Ive extolled the virtues of the RS owners here many times, and taken some heat for it a few times. They are very good businessmen and do know how to increase revenues (they have moved the team from middle market to large market in 5 years), John Henry is an investor by trade-he is not stupid when it comes to guaging risk and return but also keeping it within the context of treating the fans well ( winning--as well as innumerable other things )
The only thing that I have read from the RedSox so far front office is that if a deal is made "it will be on our terms..."
I think that goes alot further than just the money issue,which I have to imagine would be less, but also goes to his whole approach to the game, which I said earlier on this thread would 'have to change' ie less Arod, more concern for the entire team.
personally-----let him play for the Mudhens....
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Tom Strange
If we give ARod $30 million and break it down by his 2007 stats... (I know it doesn't work like this but...)
For his 158 games he was paid $3,056,093, then
For his at bats you have to pay him $11,276,596, then
For the runs he scores you have to pay him $2,765,957 then
For the hits he gets you have to pay him $3,539,652, then
For the doubles he gets you have to pay him $599,613, then
For the HR he gets you have to pay him $1,044,487, then
For his RBI he gets you have to pay him $3,017,408, then
For his walks you have to pay him $1,837,524, then
For his Strike Outs you have to pay him $2,321,083, then
For his Stolen Bases you have to pay him $464,217, then
For the times he gets caught stealing you have to pay him $77,369
will they get their money's worth?
I hope he has to take at least a 20% pay cut... for winning the MVP again (and he probably will) but even then he'll get $20m...
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That looks like a fair and reasonable free agent contract to me. 8 mill for someone of Schillings stature,
with possibilities up to 14 if he performs x/y/z.
Id like to see more contracts structured similarly to this. It is alot of money but It makes a helluva lot of sense to me in a lot of ways
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Take another 20% cut for interfering with the World Series while your at it....
You know what is interesting that someone pointed out to me in late September?
Yea yea ARod is a shoe in for the MVP and was ever since his 'incredibly clutch' spree in April, but his numbers really werent that different than David Ortiz, who by most peoples standards was appearing to have an off year.
A stat geek pointed out that in OPS (On Base plus Slugging), which is used in stathead circles to measure a hitters overall effectiveness, Ortiz actually was ahead by.005.
Ortiz, BOS .446/.623/1.069
Rodriguez, NYY .420/.644/1.064
I think a lot of people would be surprised to discover that the consensus "best player in baseball," having completed an off-the-charts career year, had a lower OPS than our creaky-kneed and much injured DH, who up till September was assumed to be having an off-year.
Yes ARod is good, but why there is all this hoopla about him , sort of baffles me. maybe its those Jedi mindtricks of Boras that you were talking about and the excessive gushing over him in the media that drives the perception of him up..
Ortiz wont even be the MVP of the Red Sox, (thats probably going to Lowell), never mind the league, nor is there talk of it, but he is every bit the hitter ARod
Hes great in the clubhouse...He makes around 13.5/year
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Me thinks that's a BIG camp these days!!!
HEY, what do you have against Toledo?
I spent a year not far from there one very snowy winter!... but that was when A-Rod was a very young child.
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I have nothing against Toledo, Rock
THEY HAVE made him an offer, I do think it would be poetic and just if it is the best one that he receives.
They even have his new uniform ready

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JD Drew makes 14 million a year and Ortiz 13.5 ? JD Drew makes more than Ortiz ??!! What is wrong with those people?
On his next contract Ortiz will, or should, be getting substantially more. If he decides to test the free agent waters, he can be assured of making considerably more. One need not worry about David Ortiz.
The Arod thing is from another planet and should not be used as a 'yardstick' for anyone else. It's hopefully an aberration that won't be repeated.
I do wonder why those of us who work our fingers to the bone in order to keep our heads above water, get all concerned about the fates of people who have wealth beyond our wildest dreams because they can hit a ball with a stick.
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It gives me something to place my thoughts on other than working my own fingers to the bone I suppose.
I'd hate to think of a world without baseball.
ugg (/shivers..)...or talking about it and thinking about it.
baseball certainly makes me forget about my own bony fingered challenges
It still carries enough mystery, intrigue and questions even in the winter to keep me interested...
there is alot of other news out there besides ARod and his $$-which is getting old already for me..
The gold gloves--no surprises for me--except i would have gone for Crisp or Granderson instead of Grady Sizemore in center..
Johann Santana, Scott Kazmir , AJ Burnett...lots of players are being talked about and conjectures being made..
How teams will shape up next year...
The Red Sox are already hinting at a possible 6 man rotation next year-that would be innovative--
with the staff they have that could work out well...
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I was referring to the obsession on players salaries-which is different than the 'mysteries, intrigue, and questions'. At least it ought to be.
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in one sense I could care less. I got dragged into it because it is all over the news and wires mostly---and here--so I think alittle about it.
The only reason I care anything at all about it, is because a team has to build the business aspect wisely to put a good team on the field.
I also pay a little attention because I am a one man business and by nature I am horrible at business, but I have learned alot about being at least partially effective in my business from watching the Red Sox and how they operate.
Ultimately to me its really of little concern, I just want to do my work, and watch baseball---but there has to be some sound and sensical financial underpinning to do either of those well.
As Im toying with baseballs numbers, in my mind I am also toying (on a much lower level0 with my own numbers and how to make them work better for me. there is a correlation and sometimes it works...
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