I wish that were the case hiway but I fear that it's not going to happen... it's all over but the crying... but I'd love it if I was proven wrong, I really would.
Mstar- ya needn't worry about the Rockies having support after this Series. Their home crowd knows they are young and homegrown, and will be a factor in the years to come. Even if they are not, they are ours. When the franchise started, for several years it was a sellout every game, and THAT in a football stadium which seated 75000 fans. The fan base whittled away in recent years, due to many factors.
First of all, there is SO much to do here in the summer, so many choices. A sport team that was frankly, poorly managed, underfunded, greedily owned and non-competitive simply has little attendance support when there are so many other options to occupy our time. It is NOT that we didn't love them, not that we didn't love the game, we always watched or listened, always checked the newspaper, always cared. We were busy with other, more entertaining things.
Small markets like Colorado and Arizona (and others) are difficult places to generate enough revenue to compete against the population centers of Boston and NY. It is phenomenal that the Rockies and Diamondbacks have done what they have. There are still ballparks built before Coors Field and Chase that have not yet hosted a World Series game. Even though night games do not show the beauty of Coors Field, and no picture can possible show what it feels like to be at a summer game there, trust me, it is a great family event. If you ever find yourself out this way during the season, I will treat you to the glorious experience.
We are a great sports city, with astute fans. Denver has been home to Standley Cup winners, Superbowl winners, and eventually next year or 50 years from now we will have a World series winner. There are entertaining professional soccer, basketball, lacrosse and rugby teams. Yet being located in such a majestic state with an active recreational population, they all have to compete with large trout, mountain trails, orchestras, opera, Redrocks concerts, and more.
The thing most of us remember is that watching other men and women play a game is entertainment, nothing more, nothing less. It must be weighed against the thrill of participating ourselves in a rich array of other activites.
MEANWHILE- tonight the Rockies have their backs against the wall, and pride on the line, and it is STILL ROCKTOBER!
I hate to be premature, but like i said a few posts ago i have to leave so I wont be around
I know its not over yet-I saw the Sox come back from 0-3 BUT Im not seeing that happening in this series (I could be wrong-I hope not though..)
I hope you enjoyed yourself HAP --There is nothing for me quite like being swept up in the euphoria of a magical team.
The Rockies proved they are that
That was helluva run, 21-22 just to get to the series is record book stuff.
The Rocks will be around for a long long time.
Support em-
enjoy em
they have certainly given you and their fans something thrilling to remember
btw, Arizona, well, Phoenix anyway, is the 5th largest city in the US... I wouldn't call it a small market.
The payroll is not high because they weren't making any profit in the years up to and just after the 2001 championship season... it's only this season they started showing signs of not needing to screw the fan out of every dollar they had...
Johnson, Schilling and company didn't come cheap in those early days.
btw, Arizona, well, Phoenix anyway, is the 5th largest city in the US... I wouldn't call it a small market.
The payroll is not high because they weren't making any profit in the years up to and just after the 2001 championship season... it's only this season they started showing signs of not needing to screw the fan out of every dollar they had...
Johnson, Schilling and company didn't come cheap in those early days.
I did not realize that Rocky. you are correct, Phoenix is the 5th largest incorporated city in america, and the 13th by metro area (roughly equal to the Boston/Quincy metro area. Twice the size of Denver by both counts.
I am happy to take the Diamondbacks out of the small market category and put them in the "cheap bas*tard owners" category.
It looks like a better Series might have been Cleveland (#24) and Denver (#21), for pure competitiveness. How could you Indian fans have let that not happen???????
So, A-rod is not going to return to the Yanks, who can use him? Colorado cannot afford him (not that he would fit here anyway). Will he land in Boston? should teams even bother to play next season's schedule if he does? What if teams just decided not to bother? allright, I confess to having no idea of a-rod's abilities or liabilities, he was over in that other league of which I know nothing and do not care to know much more.
congrats to both the rocks and the socks... and that Lowell guy... good for him, he seems like a very nice guy... and soon to be even richer!
starman... how will the nation feel about having ARod at third?
yeah, that Lowell guy was supposed to play for the Rockies this year, but it would have been at the expense of us having Helton. a REALLY nice guy himself. For whatever reason, boston reneged on the deal after it was made.
anyway, The Rockies made a heck of a run at it, but were over matched, as would have been any team in the NL, IMO. Just the same, the last three games gave boston a few tense moments, and the last two featured hits that were within a couple of feet of having made a difference. Good move by Francona to pull Manny in the last inning to get a glove into left field. I wish Hurdle had pulled Fogg in game three when he should have.
Mstar has stated often that he doesn't like Arod, and is glad they didn't get him a few years ago.
Of course, if Boston were to get him he would find a way to live with it I'm sure.
I really don't understand Hap's sentiment that he knows nothing of the AL and doesn't care to. It's either interest in one team myopia, or is it NL snobbery, which I find alot of here in Dodgerville.
All I can say is I've enjoyed baseball so much more since moving away from the NY area and freeing myself of my own Yankee myopia.I enjoy knowing about the Dodgers, Yankees, Brewers, Toledo Mud Hens. The game is so varied and interesting in different places. One doesn't need to be a 'fan' of a team or league to want to learn about them. I'm an American Leaguer at heart who goes to 25 games a year in a NL park.
Indians-Rockies would have made for a better series. ANYTHING would have made for a better series. One of the worst ever.
Beautiful execution, from everyone in the lineup. Ive said often here that it takes 25 players, and that was well played by all hands. I didnt see any weak links
Quality, quality quality, all the way through, pitch by pitch, play by play, the way baseball should be played and why the Red Sox are the best team in baseball.
There is alot I could talk about but I think that there is something wonderful to be said about John Lester who last year at this time was fighting cancer, didnt know if he would ever pitch again winning the final game, and Mike Lowell, who also fought off having Testicular Cancer winning the series MVP. Good for them
The Sox were considered a cancer not that long ago too...
all things can change--who wouldve thunk that this would happen 5 years ago?
2 in 4 years?
certainly not me - I am only very thankful to be able to live through it, and be apart of the good that it does for the families , communities and friends that are scattered all around RedSox nation...
Hats off to the Rockies, although they didnt show it, they play a different brand of baseball that I like, I hope I have the honor of seeing them more in the future
starman... how will the nation feel about having ARod at third?
Thats a question for another day, I was angry and perturbed that the attention whore had to choose the last game of the World Series to make sure his name got plastered around, Trying to outshadow people like Pedroia, Ellsbury, Lester who in my eyes far outshine him as players and as people, and were actually playing baseball, like champions, making plays yesterday, and not out golfing and conniving how to make more money than God
It was bush league and disrespectful to the game to announce that then....in the middle of an inning no less--Guess what ARod? no one cares-you are not that important....
as far as if he plays here, I am sort of doubtful, but if he does there will be alot of things that he will need to change before Boston even thinks of signing him..they play as a team over here--not as a bunch of individuals-
-If Theo and Tito can drum that into him -then maybe they will take a chance on him....but I doubt that they will ---let him go someplace else ---- personally I am hoping that they keep Mike Lowell....with Jed Lowrie waiting in the wings (yet another up and comer).....
Maybe Francona will now get some of the respect that he deserves-- that was an incredibly well managed series.
Tito is now 8-0 in WS play
Nothing like having your longest winning streak of the year, just when you need it.
I'll be around when I can, as i said Im on the road typing on hotel lobby computers....
Of course it was a thing of beauty for the Red Sox fans. You wouldn't wax so eloquently if any other team had swept. Great for Boston fans, borefest for the rest of the world.
You think they'll tell Arod he'll have to change before Boston signs him ? Man, are you delusional.
Your pretty delusional yourself if you think that wasnt a well played series.
I dont know what you consider good baseball as you hardly ever talk about actual baseball.
Its mostly about parking troubles , or the color of the seats, other fans of teams who arent as enlightened as yourself, or how money wins baseball games. Its hard to know if you have ever seen any good plays, players , strategic moves, on any level becaus eyou never talk about anything except...the Red Sox are the New Yankees --like a damn broken record thats skipping with nothing to back your assertions, or how fans arent real fans unless they meet your criteria
Frankly Im tired of it, some people have the courage to stick with ateam through thick and thin and carry an allegiance and devotion with them, Whether you think so or not, they are real baseball fans, Baseball does not some how get better, nor you are not a 'better fan' because you find some reason to bail on your team, nor is it any better or different when you stay emotional safe and detached...
get used to it...
As far as the Arod thing--yea he will have to change a lot--are you serious thinking that he wont?
Look at Arods record, what exactly has he won in his career?
Name me something wothwhile ---Anything anywhere?
I'll wait while you think on that....
What good is he if all he can do is amass records to himself?
He is a bit player...
Yea he hits alot --woop de frikkin doo
Does he know how to win??? does he know how to play on a team??
His record speaks for itself.
Right now, Dustin Pedroia, Jacoby Ellsbury, Jon Lester, have done something that Arod has never done and may never do
And something he is clueless about....
do I want him-- im ambivalent about it, I could really care less at this point. Mike Lowell is twice the team player than he is...and you can see the results
It's ok with me if you want to cherry pick my posts in here to accuse of me of all sorts of horrible things. We can't all be the perfect fan that you are.
I also didn't say the Sox didn't play well. The Rockies sure didn't. My point was that these 4 and out series are hurting baseball. They are only memorable to the fans of the winning team. One of the last series to go to the wire was the Dbacks beating the Yankees, and that was great.
I'm not an Arod supporter. All I said was that he's not going to change the way he is for an organization.
I've never 'bailed' on a team. I have become less emotionally attached in the sense that it's only a friggin game. I have too many real world concerns to allow myself to get that worked up over wins and losses. I've never made claims as to what a 'real fan' is, as you're accusing me.
True, I have talked about Dodger Stadium, and other aspects of going to games. I don't think to the exclusion of what's going on on the field. Hey I warned you about JD Drew and Gagne, didn't I ? Seems like you've waxed poetic about everything Fenway in your time.I've written many a post on what's going on with games I've attended.
I also never said money wins baseball games. No one knows it more than myself that it doesn't. It's just that you can't read a word about the Yankees ever without money being the reason for their success, or money not bringing success. The Sox are now in that same stratosphere money wise, and what's good for the goose...
And as far as your accusation that I don't think fans of other teams are as 'enlightened' as myself. I'm sorry if I ever gave that impression, and not sure what I've ever posted to imply that.
You know we always got along fine until I started bringing the Yankees into it. I supressed alot of thoughts and didn't express my lifelong following of them because I know that noone cares to hear it. Everyone but Yankee fans dislike them, so I saw no reason to go there. I have talked of my respect for Jeter, Torre, Williams and others, but it must have been lost in my posts about Dodger Stadium. I guess I'm now one of those Yankee fans you have to 'keep an eye on', as you've said.
I'm really not spoiling for any fights, but that was a pretty hurtful post , and I couldn't let it sit without response.
starman... that post did kind of surprise me as well... we all have our different opinions, that's why baseball is "the talkin' sport"...
As far as the WS goes I think, for the most part, the BoSox were hitting on all eight cylinders and the Rockies were hitting on six or seven at times. I do remember while watching the NLCS wondering whether or not either of these teams could hang with the BoSox or Indians for a seven game series. I don't know why... but the thought did occur to me... and I thought that IF the CR kept playing at the level they were that they could. They just weren't able to maintain that level IMO. Gosh, they're only human and they pretty much did an unhuman thing in winning 21 of 22 to get there.
I also think it was a perfect and imperfect series. Perfect if you were a BoSox fan... and I say that with no animosity mstar it's just a fact. I don't like seeing sweeps in these series either EXCEPT when it's my team doing the sweeping.
Recent history would seem to suggest that the big money, big market teams win most of the time. But the BoSox do not appear to be the usual collection of big money ballplayers, they seem to genuinely enjoy being a team... honestly thought, I don't know if the NYY weren't as well because there's a built in perception that 'they' are all in it for the money... maybe it's not really the case but it's the common perception I think. Personally, the more I think about it the more it seems that big money or not, it's awfully tough to win a world series if you're not playing together as a team.
Now... ARod.
I agree that it was awfully attention whorish of him to announce at that time... of course, it's Boras driving it but I don't think Alex minded it at all.
I've stated my position plainly before: he's a meaningless stat machine whose stats will sometimes help you get there but when it comes down to crunch time he hasn't produced. When he does, if he ever does, I might change my opinion. I think he's one of the main reasons that a team he's on will not win a WS... because the fact that he's on it keeps them from playing 'as a team'.
The perfect scenario (for me) would be that he'll go out this off-season and get far less money than he was scheduled to make... he'll still get a boatload by anyone elses standards but he'll get far less (and we'll be off the hook for the $7M/year!). He'll end up in Chicago or LAA and bring either of those teams down in the post season. The BoSox do not need him... and as far as I can tell they don't want him.
Soon it's hot stove time... maybe the Showalter theory was just delayed by a year? hmmm
I must say I was a little disappointed with the Rockies fans' cheering. I didn't really find it that intimidating (like at older team stadiums). The most catchy thing they had was "Tu-lo!" or something. The Fenway crowd was referred to as an "X" factor. Maybe the it was just the television reception or something. I dunno.
well just by chance I drove by taco bell, and just by chance it was between 1 and 3pm, and just by chance I forgot to even look to see if there were long lines.
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Dont scare me like that Bolsh--the way you posted I wasnt sure if it was a done deal--I had to go check....Im on the fence whether to go for Halliday or not---I'd love to have him but I'd hate to give
I love those fan trades where players you don't care about, plus a 'prospect', are offered up for a major player. Yeah, the Jays will jump at that deal.
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That's how it looks to me too.
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Mstar- ya needn't worry about the Rockies having support after this Series. Their home crowd knows they are young and homegrown, and will be a factor in the years to come. Even if they are not, they are ours. When the franchise started, for several years it was a sellout every game, and THAT in a football stadium which seated 75000 fans. The fan base whittled away in recent years, due to many factors.
First of all, there is SO much to do here in the summer, so many choices. A sport team that was frankly, poorly managed, underfunded, greedily owned and non-competitive simply has little attendance support when there are so many other options to occupy our time. It is NOT that we didn't love them, not that we didn't love the game, we always watched or listened, always checked the newspaper, always cared. We were busy with other, more entertaining things.
Small markets like Colorado and Arizona (and others) are difficult places to generate enough revenue to compete against the population centers of Boston and NY. It is phenomenal that the Rockies and Diamondbacks have done what they have. There are still ballparks built before Coors Field and Chase that have not yet hosted a World Series game. Even though night games do not show the beauty of Coors Field, and no picture can possible show what it feels like to be at a summer game there, trust me, it is a great family event. If you ever find yourself out this way during the season, I will treat you to the glorious experience.
We are a great sports city, with astute fans. Denver has been home to Standley Cup winners, Superbowl winners, and eventually next year or 50 years from now we will have a World series winner. There are entertaining professional soccer, basketball, lacrosse and rugby teams. Yet being located in such a majestic state with an active recreational population, they all have to compete with large trout, mountain trails, orchestras, opera, Redrocks concerts, and more.
The thing most of us remember is that watching other men and women play a game is entertainment, nothing more, nothing less. It must be weighed against the thrill of participating ourselves in a rich array of other activites.
MEANWHILE- tonight the Rockies have their backs against the wall, and pride on the line, and it is STILL ROCKTOBER!
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Here we go again! anybody still interested?
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Tom Strange
Of course!
It aint over til...
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btw, Arizona, well, Phoenix anyway, is the 5th largest city in the US... I wouldn't call it a small market.
The payroll is not high because they weren't making any profit in the years up to and just after the 2001 championship season... it's only this season they started showing signs of not needing to screw the fan out of every dollar they had...
Johnson, Schilling and company didn't come cheap in those early days.
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now going into the bottom of the eighth ... if the Rockies are going to turn it around, now would be a good time to start ...
that's better 4-3
oh well ...
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sniff :(
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Is it April yet?
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I'd just settle for mid-February!
Hap, this is for you...
I feel your pain! ;)
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hah thanks, Rocky, my friend.
and mstar- please send me an addy via the private topic thingy.
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Tom Strange
congrats to both the rocks and the socks... and that Lowell guy... good for him, he seems like a very nice guy... and soon to be even richer!
starman... how will the nation feel about having ARod at third?
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I did not realize that Rocky. you are correct, Phoenix is the 5th largest incorporated city in america, and the 13th by metro area (roughly equal to the Boston/Quincy metro area. Twice the size of Denver by both counts.
I am happy to take the Diamondbacks out of the small market category and put them in the "cheap bas*tard owners" category.
It looks like a better Series might have been Cleveland (#24) and Denver (#21), for pure competitiveness. How could you Indian fans have let that not happen???????
So, A-rod is not going to return to the Yanks, who can use him? Colorado cannot afford him (not that he would fit here anyway). Will he land in Boston? should teams even bother to play next season's schedule if he does? What if teams just decided not to bother? allright, I confess to having no idea of a-rod's abilities or liabilities, he was over in that other league of which I know nothing and do not care to know much more.
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Tom Strange
the nation doesn't need ARod... they just need to re-sign Lowell...
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yeah, that Lowell guy was supposed to play for the Rockies this year, but it would have been at the expense of us having Helton. a REALLY nice guy himself. For whatever reason, boston reneged on the deal after it was made.
anyway, The Rockies made a heck of a run at it, but were over matched, as would have been any team in the NL, IMO. Just the same, the last three games gave boston a few tense moments, and the last two featured hits that were within a couple of feet of having made a difference. Good move by Francona to pull Manny in the last inning to get a glove into left field. I wish Hurdle had pulled Fogg in game three when he should have.
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Tom Strange
and now we'll never know... anywho...
Was anyone (besides me and the players) really surprised (read disappointed) of the umpires work behind the plate THROUGHOUT this series?
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Mstar has stated often that he doesn't like Arod, and is glad they didn't get him a few years ago.
Of course, if Boston were to get him he would find a way to live with it I'm sure.
I really don't understand Hap's sentiment that he knows nothing of the AL and doesn't care to. It's either interest in one team myopia, or is it NL snobbery, which I find alot of here in Dodgerville.
All I can say is I've enjoyed baseball so much more since moving away from the NY area and freeing myself of my own Yankee myopia.I enjoy knowing about the Dodgers, Yankees, Brewers, Toledo Mud Hens. The game is so varied and interesting in different places. One doesn't need to be a 'fan' of a team or league to want to learn about them. I'm an American Leaguer at heart who goes to 25 games a year in a NL park.
Indians-Rockies would have made for a better series. ANYTHING would have made for a better series. One of the worst ever.
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Not for me it wasn't. It was a thing of beauty
Beautiful execution, from everyone in the lineup. Ive said often here that it takes 25 players, and that was well played by all hands. I didnt see any weak links
Quality, quality quality, all the way through, pitch by pitch, play by play, the way baseball should be played and why the Red Sox are the best team in baseball.
There is alot I could talk about but I think that there is something wonderful to be said about John Lester who last year at this time was fighting cancer, didnt know if he would ever pitch again winning the final game, and Mike Lowell, who also fought off having Testicular Cancer winning the series MVP. Good for them
The Sox were considered a cancer not that long ago too...
all things can change--who wouldve thunk that this would happen 5 years ago?
2 in 4 years?
certainly not me - I am only very thankful to be able to live through it, and be apart of the good that it does for the families , communities and friends that are scattered all around RedSox nation...
Hats off to the Rockies, although they didnt show it, they play a different brand of baseball that I like, I hope I have the honor of seeing them more in the future
Thats a question for another day, I was angry and perturbed that the attention whore had to choose the last game of the World Series to make sure his name got plastered around, Trying to outshadow people like Pedroia, Ellsbury, Lester who in my eyes far outshine him as players and as people, and were actually playing baseball, like champions, making plays yesterday, and not out golfing and conniving how to make more money than God
It was bush league and disrespectful to the game to announce that then....in the middle of an inning no less--Guess what ARod? no one cares-you are not that important....
as far as if he plays here, I am sort of doubtful, but if he does there will be alot of things that he will need to change before Boston even thinks of signing him..they play as a team over here--not as a bunch of individuals-
-If Theo and Tito can drum that into him -then maybe they will take a chance on him....but I doubt that they will ---let him go someplace else ---- personally I am hoping that they keep Mike Lowell....with Jed Lowrie waiting in the wings (yet another up and comer).....
Maybe Francona will now get some of the respect that he deserves-- that was an incredibly well managed series.
Tito is now 8-0 in WS play
Nothing like having your longest winning streak of the year, just when you need it.
I'll be around when I can, as i said Im on the road typing on hotel lobby computers....
Thank You Thank You Red Sox

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Of course it was a thing of beauty for the Red Sox fans. You wouldn't wax so eloquently if any other team had swept. Great for Boston fans, borefest for the rest of the world.
You think they'll tell Arod he'll have to change before Boston signs him ? Man, are you delusional.
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Your pretty delusional yourself if you think that wasnt a well played series.
I dont know what you consider good baseball as you hardly ever talk about actual baseball.
Its mostly about parking troubles , or the color of the seats, other fans of teams who arent as enlightened as yourself, or how money wins baseball games. Its hard to know if you have ever seen any good plays, players , strategic moves, on any level becaus eyou never talk about anything except...the Red Sox are the New Yankees --like a damn broken record thats skipping with nothing to back your assertions, or how fans arent real fans unless they meet your criteria
Frankly Im tired of it, some people have the courage to stick with ateam through thick and thin and carry an allegiance and devotion with them, Whether you think so or not, they are real baseball fans, Baseball does not some how get better, nor you are not a 'better fan' because you find some reason to bail on your team, nor is it any better or different when you stay emotional safe and detached...
get used to it...
As far as the Arod thing--yea he will have to change a lot--are you serious thinking that he wont?
Look at Arods record, what exactly has he won in his career?
Name me something wothwhile ---Anything anywhere?
I'll wait while you think on that....
What good is he if all he can do is amass records to himself?
He is a bit player...
Yea he hits alot --woop de frikkin doo
Does he know how to win??? does he know how to play on a team??
His record speaks for itself.
Right now, Dustin Pedroia, Jacoby Ellsbury, Jon Lester, have done something that Arod has never done and may never do
And something he is clueless about....
do I want him-- im ambivalent about it, I could really care less at this point. Mike Lowell is twice the team player than he is...and you can see the results
if you cant see that -then you're blind
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Sorry to ruffle your feathers Mstar.
It's ok with me if you want to cherry pick my posts in here to accuse of me of all sorts of horrible things. We can't all be the perfect fan that you are.
I also didn't say the Sox didn't play well. The Rockies sure didn't. My point was that these 4 and out series are hurting baseball. They are only memorable to the fans of the winning team. One of the last series to go to the wire was the Dbacks beating the Yankees, and that was great.
I'm not an Arod supporter. All I said was that he's not going to change the way he is for an organization.
I've never 'bailed' on a team. I have become less emotionally attached in the sense that it's only a friggin game. I have too many real world concerns to allow myself to get that worked up over wins and losses. I've never made claims as to what a 'real fan' is, as you're accusing me.
True, I have talked about Dodger Stadium, and other aspects of going to games. I don't think to the exclusion of what's going on on the field. Hey I warned you about JD Drew and Gagne, didn't I ? Seems like you've waxed poetic about everything Fenway in your time.I've written many a post on what's going on with games I've attended.
I also never said money wins baseball games. No one knows it more than myself that it doesn't. It's just that you can't read a word about the Yankees ever without money being the reason for their success, or money not bringing success. The Sox are now in that same stratosphere money wise, and what's good for the goose...
And as far as your accusation that I don't think fans of other teams are as 'enlightened' as myself. I'm sorry if I ever gave that impression, and not sure what I've ever posted to imply that.
You know we always got along fine until I started bringing the Yankees into it. I supressed alot of thoughts and didn't express my lifelong following of them because I know that noone cares to hear it. Everyone but Yankee fans dislike them, so I saw no reason to go there. I have talked of my respect for Jeter, Torre, Williams and others, but it must have been lost in my posts about Dodger Stadium. I guess I'm now one of those Yankee fans you have to 'keep an eye on', as you've said.
I'm really not spoiling for any fights, but that was a pretty hurtful post , and I couldn't let it sit without response.
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Tom Strange
starman... that post did kind of surprise me as well... we all have our different opinions, that's why baseball is "the talkin' sport"...
As far as the WS goes I think, for the most part, the BoSox were hitting on all eight cylinders and the Rockies were hitting on six or seven at times. I do remember while watching the NLCS wondering whether or not either of these teams could hang with the BoSox or Indians for a seven game series. I don't know why... but the thought did occur to me... and I thought that IF the CR kept playing at the level they were that they could. They just weren't able to maintain that level IMO. Gosh, they're only human and they pretty much did an unhuman thing in winning 21 of 22 to get there.
I also think it was a perfect and imperfect series. Perfect if you were a BoSox fan... and I say that with no animosity mstar it's just a fact. I don't like seeing sweeps in these series either EXCEPT when it's my team doing the sweeping.
Recent history would seem to suggest that the big money, big market teams win most of the time. But the BoSox do not appear to be the usual collection of big money ballplayers, they seem to genuinely enjoy being a team... honestly thought, I don't know if the NYY weren't as well because there's a built in perception that 'they' are all in it for the money... maybe it's not really the case but it's the common perception I think. Personally, the more I think about it the more it seems that big money or not, it's awfully tough to win a world series if you're not playing together as a team.
Now... ARod.
I agree that it was awfully attention whorish of him to announce at that time... of course, it's Boras driving it but I don't think Alex minded it at all.
I've stated my position plainly before: he's a meaningless stat machine whose stats will sometimes help you get there but when it comes down to crunch time he hasn't produced. When he does, if he ever does, I might change my opinion. I think he's one of the main reasons that a team he's on will not win a WS... because the fact that he's on it keeps them from playing 'as a team'.
The perfect scenario (for me) would be that he'll go out this off-season and get far less money than he was scheduled to make... he'll still get a boatload by anyone elses standards but he'll get far less (and we'll be off the hook for the $7M/year!). He'll end up in Chicago or LAA and bring either of those teams down in the post season. The BoSox do not need him... and as far as I can tell they don't want him.
Soon it's hot stove time... maybe the Showalter theory was just delayed by a year? hmmm
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I must say I was a little disappointed with the Rockies fans' cheering. I didn't really find it that intimidating (like at older team stadiums). The most catchy thing they had was "Tu-lo!" or something. The Fenway crowd was referred to as an "X" factor. Maybe the it was just the television reception or something. I dunno.
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well just by chance I drove by taco bell, and just by chance it was between 1 and 3pm, and just by chance I forgot to even look to see if there were long lines.
Did anyone get their taco? Wasn't that today?
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Tom Strange
rhino... don't worry brother... it's tomorrow (10/30)
now... if you had multiple taco bells...
think of the possibilities man!
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