It was an amazingly powerful portrayal of how baseball was a huge healing force in NY after the terrorists attacks-even I who have life long genetic predisposition against the Yankees and all things NY was moved to tears a few times.....Its pretty amazing especially for those people that think baseball is just a game....
On the Wildcard front its gettin hairy again, although the Sox are in good position, they've lost 3 in a row and worse theyve played like 12 year olds doing it, which is no way to approach the playoffs. Being from Boston I have seen this September movie about 40 times before, and although I like this group a lot, its damn hard giving them your heart, knowing that they could turn on a dime like a faithless lover and shatter your heart to smithereens.
They have the goods, they have the potential, at this point I'd have to say I am optimistic and hopeful but cautious. This weekends series with the Yanks could tell the story of season.
Anyway-Im a one team guy-the NL wildcard looks tight-I'd love to have a closer perspective...
Oddly enough,I watch less baseball when the Cubs are in a wild card's too hard on the nerves...I watch my kid play a lot of ball,and it's very relaxing,until we're in a tournament or the playoffs,then I pace back and forth like a caged lion...
I still think the Cubs have the best lineup and pitching staff,although Houston's making a good case for it's pitching even without Pettite...Giant's have the Bonds factor,though McKeon proved last year you don't have to pitch to him to beat the Giants...San Diego is also a quiet,scary team....
C'mon,Steve,don't you at least read the front page of the Trib?...Tell you what,Steve,get the Sun-Times...You don't even have to open it...Just look on the back side and it oughter tell you they're a half-game back...
I'd be curious to find out what Nomar is up to in Cubland-if he is being the real Nomar, or if he is being Mr. Mia Hamm and sitting around safely waiting to sign a big contract with the Dodgers next year. As much as I loved to watch him everyday for years, it was the best thing the Sox couldve done this year was let him go. They've been a different and better team without him and this Cabrera kid at short is exciting and a real needed sparkplug.
wild card, schmild card! --The Giints(NY speak) are gonna kick the dyin dogg-ers and take the NL West!! Then the Cubbies can take the wild card, if'n they can hold it...
OO --good to see the kat from the land of Bonds weighin in, --
...does anyone know where I can get a bottle of that mystical thing that makes teams works together, its called spark or umph or spirit or zip or some damn thing that I can never quite get a finger on....
the Red Sox apparently had a fresh batch throughout August, but the supplies must've run out over the last few weeks.
Where the he11 do you get that stuff anyway? sure would like to have a seasons supply just once
C'mon,Steve,don't you at least read the front page of the Trib?...Tell you what,Steve,get the Sun-Times...You don't even have to open it...Just look on the back side and it oughter tell you they're a half-game back...
Well, Mr. Simon the Wize, I don't really care for either paper, except very occasionally.
Half a game back, you say.
Well, they won't go anywhere - you know the motto of Chicago's "Professional" sports teams - "One stop short of the top!"
All right,Stevo,the Cubbies are now 1/2 game ahead in the wild card race,but for cripes sake,at least check the standings in the Waukegan News-Sun so's I don't hafta keep updating you every day ;)-->...
Mstar: Spark?? Oomph??...I heard a little tidbit on ESPN tonite replaying Curt Schilling lashing out at a radio guy for making up a rumor that Schilling and Pedro don't get along...Sometimes I wonder if a loser mentality of a city...the press,the fans...doesn't affect the players on the field...I know they're separate,but c'mon...the players read the papers,...they watch ESPN...They know how historic their seasons and even their careers would be if they were part of bringing a championship to Chicago or Boston and removing the "curses"...
I'll rant a little more 'bout this 'chemistry' or whatever it is we're talking about...Rocky(yes,that Rocky)and one of my brothers and I went to see the D-backs last week and watch Randy Johnson break Steve Carton's KO record for lefties...(He won,3-2)...Anyway,there's been a lot a talk in the Az. paper about how he should win the Cy Young award,how his team's not hitting for him,he was miffed for not being given more national consideration yadda,yadda...
Here's a guy who's record is 14-14,sits alone in the dugout like he's the God of pitching and forgot that he was once a young struggling major-leaguer who was walking eight guys a game...Rather than being a source of inspiration for all the rookies that play behind him,he seems to give off an attitude that they don't belong on the same field with him....That's probably why NY didn't want him...That rookie that made the two base throwing error may later single in the two winning runs if the spark is there....The game's been good to Randy,how 'bout giving something back?...
Nomar had a pulled groin and was out of the line-up until yesterday(since Sept. 11th)...He's been doing all right...Hitting .300....He seems to be more of a spark early in the game...I don't think he has to carry as big a load with the Cubs like w/ the Bosox...I mean,they got four guys with over 30 homers and he was still batting third in the order for a while...
Some of us don't have much to talk about here anymore. The kid's season is LONG over here, the Indians' season has been over since the day I came in here spouting off about how well they were playing because they were about to play the Twins to go to a ties for first, and I couldn't care less if baseball moves the Expos to Washington to replace my long lost Senators whom Bob Short hijacked to TX in the early '70s.
C'mon Lifted,...cheer up...Baseball's like the perfect religion...Teams come and go,but baseball liveth and abideth for how long?...That's right,"forever"...In the big inning,God created....The Lord even called certain lewd fellows of the baseball sort-or something like that...
Yeah,something like that...You were called out from before the foundation of the world,or called somebody out,'s late....gotta get to bed so I can have a breakfast of the sports pages before work....
That type of stuff is more overt than I was thinking and probably in my estimation a larger reason than generally considered why teams like the DBacks have the record that they do.
To their credit the new Sox ownership has been very careful selecting players that are 'good clubhouse guys' and getting rid of malcontents and realizing that that is also a very big part of the game that cant be measured in stats.
The extra oomph I was talking about is that undefinable extra even beyond chemistry but seems interwoven with it. The Sox this year seem to be collectively hot or collectively just a half step or a tenth of a second off.
They can play brilliantly together for a week or two with everyone in the lineup playing to the peak of their ability, and for the next week or two make mental errors (throwing to the wrong base, not taking the extra base, etc) and play just a minor step downward, again collectively. Its not just one or two guys but the group that seem to be effected.
It is a very minor difference but has gotten to the point where you can almost sense it in subtle body language and expressions.
In this baseball is like life in that sometimes everything clicks and sometimes its a struggle to make it click and you are a half step out...
Its a mystery to me, maybe just attributable to the normal ups and downs of life, I know that I'd like to be 'clickin' all the time...if you figure it out Im all ears.....
Anyway we got the Yanks this weekend, which is sort of a battle of competing ideologies-the pinstripe suited highly professional New York Empire vs the unkempt, longhaired, cornrowed, funloving Bostonians
quote:The game's been good to Randy,how 'bout giving something back?...
i know, so many people forget get "where they came from" but baseball is so good and all american, you kind of expect ball players to be that way too, ya know ?
yesterday i was talking to one of my die-hard yankee fan brothers and i said, "some people don't care for the yankees" he smiled and said, "ya either love 'em or hate 'em"
I'm so goddamn mad I can't see straight...I'll take it out here instead of my television...THE F**KING CUBS DO NOT DESERVE TO WIN THE WILD CARD!!!...Cubs up 3-0,bottom of the 9th one out,nobody on and the Cubs pitcher decides to make the game interesting and walk the next two guys and bring the tying run to the plate...Pitch the ball underhand for Chrissake!...Tell the manager you're nervous as a cat in a Chinese restaurant,and get me the hell out of here...Give up a 500' homer...Anything...Just don't walk two guys and bring the tying run to the plate...They beat this **** into your head when you're a highschool freshman...And a guy who supposedly was good enough to make the major leagues walks two straight guys before Baker says,uhhh,maybe I should yank him....My 15 year old son would NOT have given up those two walks...So the Mets tie it on a three-run-homer and win it in the 11th...
Oh,and Sosa?...0-5,four strikeouts including one with one out,bases loaded that would have put the game away in the eighth...And to go along with his four strikeouts,an inning-ending double play w/ two runners on in the 10th...He should be batting eighth,or on the bench...Screw him and his salary...His baseball I.Q. can't be above the third grade level...
I don't quite know what this 'mojo' or whatever you're talking is,Mstar,but the Cubs not only do NOT have it,but they're a stupid team that's been playing stupid baseball for the last century and you would hope that even stupid teams will get lucky once every quarter-century...Apparently not...
Me too, its like a love-hate relationship that I cant get out of, my Tv almost went out the window last night when Ortiz didnt run out a pop to left during a tie game with the Yankees last night. It blew fair and bounced into the stands for a ground rule double while he was standing at the plate like a dope.
Do I have to remind these guys things they should have learned when they were 8, like running everything out?
Its only a pennant race,
they only make umpteen million dollars a year, is it too much to run 90 feet?
The Red Sox blew two leads on consecutive nights in the ninth this week, and the same as the cubs have just been plain frikkin stupid about it.
Sometimes they just plain f**kin s**k and .... me off, but maybe its part of being a Boston or Chicago fan that you no matter how much you complain you always come back---its sort of like having a bad kid or something..
The Red Sox need a spark, in July they were in a malaise and went on a tear after Varitek got in a fight with ARod. It was sort of a wakeup call,. Last night Francona got tossed for the first time all year ( it looked like he was trying to get tossed) the Sox scored seven runs a few innings later, which was there first decent inning in weeks.Maybe the manager gettin tossed and fighting for them will light a fire under their asses... Maybe ( maybe) they'll start bearing down and realize where they are. Who knows, maybe it will be a surge maybe a letdown....
well my stRangers do the impossible and sweep the big three that Oakland rolled out there... it was an electric time here in the land of the mechanical bull...
...and then they go and lose two out of three to the Mariners! ...oh well... we still love 'em... Buck used his 30th pitcher today, a new record... he was saving Drese so's we could have Drese, Rogers and Park against the hated Angels... (Park has been amazingly 'not too shabby' since his return from the minors)...
Now the Angels just beat the A's again! so it's Angels one behind and stRangers two behind... there's still hope! (not much thanks to the knuckleheads in our bullpen)... there's still hope!
This is starting to sound like a support group for broken-hearted baseball fans... name is Simon...and I hate !@#$%^#@! baseball...There,I said it...Can I have my pills now Doctor?
The good thing is,though,you get to cuss and swear and rant and rave,everybody within earshot thinks your nuts,but hey,nobody gets hurt...Baseball is definitely like those dysfunctional love/hate relationships...
Tom,hopefully the stRangers won't disappoint you as long as the Bosox and Cubbies have...
I don't know,Mstar...I think every team would like to find whatever that elusive,magical formula or concoction is that makes a champion...How many times have you seen a champagne-soaked ballplayer or manager after winning the championship giving their formula for success to the tv audience then end up in fifth place the following year and out of a job the year after that?...Did they forgot their formula all of a sudden?...They always say "we never stopped believing in ourselves"....Well,no ****,Sherlock....Tell me something I don't know...
I believe that even if a team is playing it's best and smartest baseball,they still need a few breaks now and then...I remember seeing highlights of the Bosox-Yankees game a month or two ago where the Sox had the bases loaded,nobody out,and the batter hit a sharp grounder down the third base line...A-rod makes a good play snagging the grounder and falling on third base to force the runner at second,then easily throws out the guy who was at third at homeplate...Now,NY had the play defenced just right(guarding the line)and A-Rod made the play,but a few more inches either way and that's a three-run double instead of the two lead runners being out on a double play...So it's a combination of brains,skill,oomph,or zip as you call it,...and sometimes a little luck...
I can accept my team getting beat by a superior team more readily than I can our guys just handing over a game...But that's baseball,I guess...If I didn't love it so much I wouldn't hate it so much...
you cannot make anyone hit the cutoff man, or not make an error, you cannot keep someone from swinging at bad pitches or throwing to the wrong base, you cannot keep the manager from making bad decisions or the third base coach from waving the slowest runner on the team in when the centerfielder has a howitzer for an arm, or keep your shortstop from booting the ball with the bases loaded.............
Yea I know Simon, I walk out on the Red Sox" and will never watch those %$%#&*^$s again" about 10 times a year, but the sun rises on a new day and they perfectly execute a hit and run, steal a few clutch bases and make three great plays in a tight win so whaddaya gonna do.
If they just sucked sucked it would be easier to just be perturbed or amused by the futility and watch some individual on the team like Ichiro chase individual records, but they are so close and sometimes they actually play in that mysterious flow where things just click
----------anyway the Cubs are still up a half,
things can turn around in a moment,
the Sox were in another near brawl with the Yanks yesterday(what else is new) which is a spark and could make the playoffs a repeat of last year.
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Yeah, that Sharapova girl looks like the girl Archie would date to make Betty and Veronica jealous.
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Lifted Up
Hey...hey...keep ypur eyes on the baseball when on this thread!
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Yea pennant races are heating up, maybe we could petition Pawtucket for a legs forum for these tennising Russians.
Red Sox drew first blood in 6 games against the Yankees in 10 days beating Rivera in the ninth last night and the NL wildcard is tight.
Is anybody watching?
Did anyone see Nine Innings from Ground Zero on HBO?
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Looks like Bosox will have to gear up for the wild card....Everybody in NL wild card race seems to be treading water,nobody really jumping ahead...
Never saw the Nine Innings from Ground Zero...sounds interesting...
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Yea if you have a chance-- see it--
It was an amazingly powerful portrayal of how baseball was a huge healing force in NY after the terrorists attacks-even I who have life long genetic predisposition against the Yankees and all things NY was moved to tears a few times.....Its pretty amazing especially for those people that think baseball is just a game....
On the Wildcard front its gettin hairy again, although the Sox are in good position, they've lost 3 in a row and worse theyve played like 12 year olds doing it, which is no way to approach the playoffs. Being from Boston I have seen this September movie about 40 times before, and although I like this group a lot, its damn hard giving them your heart, knowing that they could turn on a dime like a faithless lover and shatter your heart to smithereens.
They have the goods, they have the potential, at this point I'd have to say I am optimistic and hopeful but cautious. This weekends series with the Yanks could tell the story of season.
Anyway-Im a one team guy-the NL wildcard looks tight-I'd love to have a closer perspective...
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Oddly enough,I watch less baseball when the Cubs are in a wild card's too hard on the nerves...I watch my kid play a lot of ball,and it's very relaxing,until we're in a tournament or the playoffs,then I pace back and forth like a caged lion...
I still think the Cubs have the best lineup and pitching staff,although Houston's making a good case for it's pitching even without Pettite...Giant's have the Bonds factor,though McKeon proved last year you don't have to pitch to him to beat the Giants...San Diego is also a quiet,scary team....
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So simonzeloaded, are you saying that the cubbies are in the wildcard race? (shows how closely I've followed baseball this year).
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C'mon,Steve,don't you at least read the front page of the Trib?...Tell you what,Steve,get the Sun-Times...You don't even have to open it...Just look on the back side and it oughter tell you they're a half-game back...
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I'd be curious to find out what Nomar is up to in Cubland-if he is being the real Nomar, or if he is being Mr. Mia Hamm and sitting around safely waiting to sign a big contract with the Dodgers next year. As much as I loved to watch him everyday for years, it was the best thing the Sox couldve done this year was let him go. They've been a different and better team without him and this Cabrera kid at short is exciting and a real needed sparkplug.
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wild card, schmild card! --The Giints(NY speak) are gonna kick the dyin dogg-ers and take the NL West!! Then the Cubbies can take the wild card, if'n they can hold it...
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OO --good to see the kat from the land of Bonds weighin in, --
...does anyone know where I can get a bottle of that mystical thing that makes teams works together, its called spark or umph or spirit or zip or some damn thing that I can never quite get a finger on....
the Red Sox apparently had a fresh batch throughout August, but the supplies must've run out over the last few weeks.
Where the he11 do you get that stuff anyway? sure would like to have a seasons supply just once
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Well, Mr. Simon the Wize, I don't really care for either paper, except very occasionally.
Half a game back, you say.
Well, they won't go anywhere - you know the motto of Chicago's "Professional" sports teams - "One stop short of the top!"
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All right,Stevo,the Cubbies are now 1/2 game ahead in the wild card race,but for cripes sake,at least check the standings in the Waukegan News-Sun so's I don't hafta keep updating you every day
Mstar: Spark?? Oomph??...I heard a little tidbit on ESPN tonite replaying Curt Schilling lashing out at a radio guy for making up a rumor that Schilling and Pedro don't get along...Sometimes I wonder if a loser mentality of a city...the press,the fans...doesn't affect the players on the field...I know they're separate,but c'mon...the players read the papers,...they watch ESPN...They know how historic their seasons and even their careers would be if they were part of bringing a championship to Chicago or Boston and removing the "curses"...
I'll rant a little more 'bout this 'chemistry' or whatever it is we're talking about...Rocky(yes,that Rocky)and one of my brothers and I went to see the D-backs last week and watch Randy Johnson break Steve Carton's KO record for lefties...(He won,3-2)...Anyway,there's been a lot a talk in the Az. paper about how he should win the Cy Young award,how his team's not hitting for him,he was miffed for not being given more national consideration yadda,yadda...
Here's a guy who's record is 14-14,sits alone in the dugout like he's the God of pitching and forgot that he was once a young struggling major-leaguer who was walking eight guys a game...Rather than being a source of inspiration for all the rookies that play behind him,he seems to give off an attitude that they don't belong on the same field with him....That's probably why NY didn't want him...That rookie that made the two base throwing error may later single in the two winning runs if the spark is there....The game's been good to Randy,how 'bout giving something back?...
Nomar had a pulled groin and was out of the line-up until yesterday(since Sept. 11th)...He's been doing all right...Hitting .300....He seems to be more of a spark early in the game...I don't think he has to carry as big a load with the Cubs like w/ the Bosox...I mean,they got four guys with over 30 homers and he was still batting third in the order for a while...
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Lifted Up
Some of us don't have much to talk about here anymore. The kid's season is LONG over here, the Indians' season has been over since the day I came in here spouting off about how well they were playing because they were about to play the Twins to go to a ties for first, and I couldn't care less if baseball moves the Expos to Washington to replace my long lost Senators whom Bob Short hijacked to TX in the early '70s.
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C'mon Lifted,...cheer up...Baseball's like the perfect religion...Teams come and go,but baseball liveth and abideth for how long?...That's right,"forever"...In the big inning,God created....The Lord even called certain lewd fellows of the baseball sort-or something like that...
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Lifted Up
That's why I'm an umpire...doesn't that make me a high priest of this religion?
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Yeah,something like that...You were called out from before the foundation of the world,or called somebody out,'s late....gotta get to bed so I can have a breakfast of the sports pages before work....
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Re: Johnson
That type of stuff is more overt than I was thinking and probably in my estimation a larger reason than generally considered why teams like the DBacks have the record that they do.
To their credit the new Sox ownership has been very careful selecting players that are 'good clubhouse guys' and getting rid of malcontents and realizing that that is also a very big part of the game that cant be measured in stats.
The extra oomph I was talking about is that undefinable extra even beyond chemistry but seems interwoven with it. The Sox this year seem to be collectively hot or collectively just a half step or a tenth of a second off.
They can play brilliantly together for a week or two with everyone in the lineup playing to the peak of their ability, and for the next week or two make mental errors (throwing to the wrong base, not taking the extra base, etc) and play just a minor step downward, again collectively. Its not just one or two guys but the group that seem to be effected.
It is a very minor difference but has gotten to the point where you can almost sense it in subtle body language and expressions.
In this baseball is like life in that sometimes everything clicks and sometimes its a struggle to make it click and you are a half step out...
Its a mystery to me, maybe just attributable to the normal ups and downs of life, I know that I'd like to be 'clickin' all the time...if you figure it out Im all ears.....
Anyway we got the Yanks this weekend, which is sort of a battle of competing ideologies-the pinstripe suited highly professional New York Empire vs the unkempt, longhaired, cornrowed, funloving Bostonians
I'll hope they find their stride before tonight..
say hello to Rock and.......Shea Hillenbrand
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yesterday i was talking to one of my die-hard yankee fan brothers and i said, "some people don't care for the yankees" he smiled and said, "ya either love 'em or hate 'em"
Hi Rocky !!!!
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I'm so goddamn mad I can't see straight...I'll take it out here instead of my television...THE F**KING CUBS DO NOT DESERVE TO WIN THE WILD CARD!!!...Cubs up 3-0,bottom of the 9th one out,nobody on and the Cubs pitcher decides to make the game interesting and walk the next two guys and bring the tying run to the plate...Pitch the ball underhand for Chrissake!...Tell the manager you're nervous as a cat in a Chinese restaurant,and get me the hell out of here...Give up a 500' homer...Anything...Just don't walk two guys and bring the tying run to the plate...They beat this **** into your head when you're a highschool freshman...And a guy who supposedly was good enough to make the major leagues walks two straight guys before Baker says,uhhh,maybe I should yank him....My 15 year old son would NOT have given up those two walks...So the Mets tie it on a three-run-homer and win it in the 11th...
Oh,and Sosa?...0-5,four strikeouts including one with one out,bases loaded that would have put the game away in the eighth...And to go along with his four strikeouts,an inning-ending double play w/ two runners on in the 10th...He should be batting eighth,or on the bench...Screw him and his salary...His baseball I.Q. can't be above the third grade level...
I don't quite know what this 'mojo' or whatever you're talking is,Mstar,but the Cubs not only do NOT have it,but they're a stupid team that's been playing stupid baseball for the last century and you would hope that even stupid teams will get lucky once every quarter-century...Apparently not...
I hate !@#$%$#@$%! baseball....
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Me too, its like a love-hate relationship that I cant get out of, my Tv almost went out the window last night when Ortiz didnt run out a pop to left during a tie game with the Yankees last night. It blew fair and bounced into the stands for a ground rule double while he was standing at the plate like a dope.
Do I have to remind these guys things they should have learned when they were 8, like running everything out?
Its only a pennant race,
they only make umpteen million dollars a year, is it too much to run 90 feet?
The Red Sox blew two leads on consecutive nights in the ninth this week, and the same as the cubs have just been plain frikkin stupid about it.
Sometimes they just plain f**kin s**k and .... me off, but maybe its part of being a Boston or Chicago fan that you no matter how much you complain you always come back---its sort of like having a bad kid or something..
The Red Sox need a spark, in July they were in a malaise and went on a tear after Varitek got in a fight with ARod. It was sort of a wakeup call,. Last night Francona got tossed for the first time all year ( it looked like he was trying to get tossed) the Sox scored seven runs a few innings later, which was there first decent inning in weeks.Maybe the manager gettin tossed and fighting for them will light a fire under their asses... Maybe ( maybe) they'll start bearing down and realize where they are. Who knows, maybe it will be a surge maybe a letdown....
I hate it too
dont you love it?
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Tom Strange
well my stRangers do the impossible and sweep the big three that Oakland rolled out there... it was an electric time here in the land of the mechanical bull...
...and then they go and lose two out of three to the Mariners! ...oh well... we still love 'em... Buck used his 30th pitcher today, a new record... he was saving Drese so's we could have Drese, Rogers and Park against the hated Angels... (Park has been amazingly 'not too shabby' since his return from the minors)...
Now the Angels just beat the A's again! so it's Angels one behind and stRangers two behind... there's still hope! (not much thanks to the knuckleheads in our bullpen)... there's still hope!
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This is starting to sound like a support group for broken-hearted baseball fans... name is Simon...and I hate !@#$%^#@! baseball...There,I said it...Can I have my pills now Doctor?
The good thing is,though,you get to cuss and swear and rant and rave,everybody within earshot thinks your nuts,but hey,nobody gets hurt...Baseball is definitely like those dysfunctional love/hate relationships...
Tom,hopefully the stRangers won't disappoint you as long as the Bosox and Cubbies have...
I don't know,Mstar...I think every team would like to find whatever that elusive,magical formula or concoction is that makes a champion...How many times have you seen a champagne-soaked ballplayer or manager after winning the championship giving their formula for success to the tv audience then end up in fifth place the following year and out of a job the year after that?...Did they forgot their formula all of a sudden?...They always say "we never stopped believing in ourselves"....Well,no ****,Sherlock....Tell me something I don't know...
I believe that even if a team is playing it's best and smartest baseball,they still need a few breaks now and then...I remember seeing highlights of the Bosox-Yankees game a month or two ago where the Sox had the bases loaded,nobody out,and the batter hit a sharp grounder down the third base line...A-rod makes a good play snagging the grounder and falling on third base to force the runner at second,then easily throws out the guy who was at third at homeplate...Now,NY had the play defenced just right(guarding the line)and A-Rod made the play,but a few more inches either way and that's a three-run double instead of the two lead runners being out on a double play...So it's a combination of brains,skill,oomph,or zip as you call it,...and sometimes a little luck...
I can accept my team getting beat by a superior team more readily than I can our guys just handing over a game...But that's baseball,I guess...If I didn't love it so much I wouldn't hate it so much...
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Welcome Simon
Step One: You are powerless over your addiction-
you cannot make anyone hit the cutoff man, or not make an error, you cannot keep someone from swinging at bad pitches or throwing to the wrong base, you cannot keep the manager from making bad decisions or the third base coach from waving the slowest runner on the team in when the centerfielder has a howitzer for an arm, or keep your shortstop from booting the ball with the bases loaded.............
Yea I know Simon, I walk out on the Red Sox" and will never watch those %$%#&*^$s again" about 10 times a year, but the sun rises on a new day and they perfectly execute a hit and run, steal a few clutch bases and make three great plays in a tight win so whaddaya gonna do.
If they just sucked sucked it would be easier to just be perturbed or amused by the futility and watch some individual on the team like Ichiro chase individual records, but they are so close and sometimes they actually play in that mysterious flow where things just click
----------anyway the Cubs are still up a half,
things can turn around in a moment,
the Sox were in another near brawl with the Yanks yesterday(what else is new) which is a spark and could make the playoffs a repeat of last year.
this is what the end of September is for and
as much as I hate cliches i live for this
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