Well Rocky, the WS has been starting and finishing progressibvely later over the years, a fact which does not make ballpark planners look good now. I will not presume to knw what all goes into the decisions to dome or not to dome. Here, for 158 games of the year, there is no need to aircondition or protect from rain. the other 4 games are easily managed. THEN come the playoffs and always the dream of the World Series. still, most of those games come off without a hitch (the one game here in the rain being the exception so far) To me it makes little sense to waste covering the ballpark and having to condition the air when for almost all of the games we can enjoy the fresh, natural, open air and watch a game as it was in the "olden" days.
Yes, the first 2 games will be in Boston or Cleveland. when I said "the first game here" I was referring to Saturday's game 3, the first WS game to be played in Denver.
Well Rocky, the WS has been starting and finishing progressibvely later over the years, a fact which does not make ballpark planners look good now. I will not presume to knw what all goes into the decisions to dome or not to dome. Here, for 158 games of the year, there is no need to aircondition or protect from rain. the other 4 games are easily managed. THEN come the playoffs and always the dream of the World Series. still, most of those games come off without a hitch (the one game here in the rain being the exception so far) To me it makes little sense to waste covering the ballpark and having to condition the air when for almost all of the games we can enjoy the fresh, natural, open air and watch a game as it was in the "olden" days.
Yes, the first 2 games will be in Boston or Cleveland. when I said "the first game here" I was referring to Saturday's game 3, the first WS game to be played in Denver.
Yes, I wasn't contradicting you about when the first Denver game will be...
As to stadium roofs, I would be shocked if ANY stadiums built (or substantially remodeled) henceforth were to be built without a roof.
And Hap... aren't the early games in Denver usually VERY cold also?
okay after reading your post, I saw where it could have been read as though I meant Game 1. Glad you knew what I meant.
"VERY cold" is a relative term. The average high during the first week of April is 57-58 degrees. WE do not consider that very cold, and indeed it is shirtsleeve weather here. To me it is an ideal temperature for any outdoor activity. 99 in the sun is too hot to keep mental sharpness and focus. Other person's exoerience and preference surely varies.
brrr. 11 am sunday Oct 21. 3" snow on the ground in Denver. elevation one mile (5280 feet) above sea level. visiting teams better bring warmers and oxygen to the ballpark. (let the psych wars begin) LOL
rumors have it that the ball flies further, sinkers don't sink, runners lose their breath by the time they get to second base (especially the OLD players). Not to worry, the ski slopes are open and in high gear, so after losing their fourth game of the series here on October 29th the visitors can hop the ski train to Winter Park and "chill" out on the mountain. The tall, tall mountains......
There will be no need for the Sox to celebrate their victory by skiing, I am pretty sure that they will want to come home for the party that awaits...... :)
I see now that Denver is actually playing tonight ... the Broncos that is ...
snow for the series would be funny ... but the forecast is for the 40's or 50's for next weekend.
odds to win series ...
Red Sox 14-5
Indians 3-2
Rockies 11-10
It looks to me like they are still favoring the Indians over the Red Sox, which surprises me. I thought all the momo was with the Sox now.
Yep... the odds makers still figure it'll be the Indians... either way it should be a good series...
I remember the Dbacks getting to play in Denver in the first week of a season (forget which year/years) when the snow had to be cleared from the field. BRRRrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr. :blink:
I remember the Dbacks getting to play in Denver in the first week of a season (forget which year/years) when the snow had to be cleared from the field. BRRRrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr. :blink:
Yep, "..it happens"! Could be the same at the end of this season. Woe to the teams that have to travel to play here. bring oxygen and longjohns! personally, I rather play ball in 50 degrees than in 110.
two more hours to game time. tick tock tick tock I hope this game lasts more than 3 innings.
Yep, "..it happens"! Could be the same at the end of this season. Woe to the teams that have to travel to play here. bring oxygen and longjohns! personally, I rather play ball in 50 degrees than in 110.
two more hours to game time. tick tock tick tock I hope this game lasts more than 3 innings.
Hap... at least you won't need anything for anxiety during or after tonight's game.
I s'pose I'd also rather play baseball in 50F than 110F... but then again, that's why they have roofs!
Help me understand WHY there are still stadiums WITHOUT roofs!!!???
Well,it's pretty obvious why you need a roof in Arizona---every day sunny and 115 degrees during baseball season...The only other covered stadiums I can think of are in Minneapolis,Toronto and Seattle...I'm not sure what their weather issues are prompting an indoor baseball park...But I think most fans enjoy baseball as an outdoor summertime activity---something that should be played in an open air field rather than an indoor arena...One problem is that the baseball season,like football season keeps getting longer and longer and the popst season goes on nearly into November...
I think it's about time to pull the Injuns starting pitcher....He hasn't had an easy inning yet...
thank goodness for double plays .. Indians have three (or four)
but they are getting to Matsu' it looks like ... and Lofton was safe ...
yeah, I want to got to the new St Louis stadium ... it looks beautiful with the nice view of the arch ... haven't even made it to Wrigley field yet ... but why go indoors for baseball? Except fo the extreme weather thing. I never cared much for the SuperDome ...
what a sorry presentation of the trophies and awards. It was done indoors, away from the fans??!!!??? I liked the NL presentations better, more respect for the ones who pay the bills.
Anyway, congrats to the Redsocks, we look forward to a great series.
thank goodness for double plays .. Indians have three (or four)
but they are getting to Matsu' it looks like ... and Lofton was safe ...
yeah, I want to got to the new St Louis stadium ... it looks beautiful with the nice view of the arch ... haven't even made it to Wrigley field yet ... but why go indoors for baseball? Except fo the extreme weather thing. I never cared much for the SuperDome ...
It did look like Lofton was safe... BUT, that call didn't decide the game... looked a little like a play that Dback CF Chris Young was in last week.
Indeed, extreme weather IS the issue.
Btw, what about Miller Park in Milwalkee (sp?) and the new stadium in Pittsburgh? I thought they have roofs.
Then there's Petco in SD... RARELY would there be more than a day or so in a row with heavy enough rain to matter, and NO extreme temps... so, NO roof there.
Congrats to the BoSox and their fans... mstar and bolshevic... and condolences to Lifted Up and LindaZ.
Indians had a great season... and they had a more exciting league championship series than the Dbacks.
Well,Rocky you kinda got my curiosity going so I checked with a place called Clem's Baseball and it looks like seven baseball teams currently play under a dome or retractable roof...They are: Arizona, Milwaukee,Florida,Toronto,Minnesota,Seattle and Houston...According to ol' Clem,the defunct Montreal Expos also played in a domed stadium...Pittsburgh,San Diego and the rest either play under a "roof", "roofette" or are "open stadiums"...I guess a roof and a roofette cover some or all of the seating areas but leave the field open to the elements...As a roofer,you'd think a fella like me would know the difference between a "roof" and a "roofette", but all I can think of is that a roofette is a girl roof...I've never had a customer call me to come and fix their roofette,...not yette,anyways...
Btw,you made a point last week about the stadium scoreboard not showing the replay of a questionable call at Chase field....I think you'll find that it's standard fare for MLB to not show close plays to the home town crowd---I believe the umpires union lobbied for that...Otherwise,the hometown scoreboard operator might only choose to replay calls that went against the hometown team and whip the fans into a lather against the umpires...
Well,Rocky you kinda got my curiosity going so I checked with a place called Clem's Baseball and it looks like seven baseball teams currently play under a dome or retractable roof...They are: Arizona, Milwaukee,Florida,Toronto,Minnesota,Seattle and Houston...According to ol' Clem,the defunct Montreal Expos also played in a domed stadium...Pittsburgh,San Diego and the rest either play under a "roof", "roofette" or are "open stadiums"...I guess a roof and a roofette cover some or all of the seating areas but leave the field open to the elements...As a roofer,you'd think a fella like me would know the difference between a "roof" and a "roofette", but all I can think of is that a roofette is a girl roof...I've never had a customer call me to come and fix their roofette,...not yette,anyways...
Btw,you made a point last week about the stadium scoreboard not showing the replay of a questionable call at Chase field....I think you'll find that it's standard fare for MLB to not show close plays to the home town crowd---I believe the umpires union lobbied for that...Otherwise,the hometown scoreboard operator might only choose to replay calls that went against the hometown team and whip the fans into a lather against the umpires...
Florida? Could that be Tampa Bay?
As to showing replays on the jumbotron, that's pretty much how I understood the siteeation.
Hmmm... roofettes?
Could it be that no one has called you to fix the HOLE in their ROOFETTE because they are, for some reason embarrassed about having a HOLE in their ROOFETTE? Or, maybe they "like" the hole in their roofette? :blink:
Congrats to the Red Sox fans, except for the A-holes who booed my Kenny Lofton toward the end of the game. He didn't do anything wrong, and at the time the Sox were ahead by a mile. Pi$$ed me off. Kicked my guy when he was down. Bah.
Last night was hard to take...at least Saturday's game went so far into the toilet that I didn't have any hopes to get dashed against the Green Monster. But last night, they fought and struggled and came so close to catching up but just couldn't pull it off.
The play that broke my heart was when the 3rd base coach held up Lofton at 3rd. I understand that there was confusion and that he had to make a split-second decision, but owww, that hurt. It probably wouldn't have decided the game, but it sure put a damper on the momentum we had going, so it might have, psychologically. I felt sorry for Kenny and for the coach who made that call. I so wanted Kenny to have a shot at getting a WS ring.
I say "maybe next year" with a little more hope this time. We've got some excellent young players who, if the management hangs onto them, should only improve with another year's experience.
And Lofton clearly was safe. No sour grapes, because everyone gets bad calls, but it was obvious in the replay.
I'm sorry, MStar & Bolshevik, but I have to root for the Rockies--not only because the wounds from our recent trouncings are still fresh, but because I'd like to see a young, enthusiastic team go all the way. Boston's been there, what? Eleven times?
I fixed that for you HAP, it was slightly misspelled. :)
I hope they dont play up The Rocks and Sox on FOX!! angle. Fox is hard enough to take*..
Linda root for whoever you want. Thanks for your graciousness, Ive been on your end a lot of times, and Im usually not quite as nice as you about it. It stings when you give your heart to your team as you obviusly have...I hope that during the series that I wasnt being the sterotypical RedSox ahole fan, especially to you I honestly was ticked at Lofton for heading to the mound in game 5, he earned his boos imo --Boston is a tough town, dont run at anybody, unless you want to be booed for years afterward. Maybe its just a regional difference-- we care for our guys too as if they were family and dont take kindly to things like that. He is probably an alright guy, but he crossed a boundary...
In some ways that was also a turning point, the Indians were way up (3-1) and let something small get under their skin. The fun and fire in there eyes' was never there after that moment that I could see...
As far as the Lofton play---I have seen that play a jillion times in Fenway and imo Lofton most likely would have scored, but in fairness to the third base coach that angle at Fenway is extremely tough to read and there are also blind spots there. Fenway can be like playing inside a pinball machine instead of a modern stadium, and if someone isnt used to it, its a tough call that had to be made on a dime.
He made the safe call -- There was also only one out at the time with Blake and Sizemore coming up. Okajima just made the perfect pitch and got the clutch double play, otherwise the whole game could have been different ...Thats home field advantage....I hope they dont hang that poor guy in Cleveland.
It was a good series which is what i wanted--These come from behind 7 game ALCS are the most exhilirating and draining experiences,.... Thats my third seventh game in 5 years--Im glad the Sox came out on top but I havent got the stamina for many more of these..
Boston's been there, what? Eleven times?
Well yea but its taken 105 years
* maybe more on this later-is anyone else annoyed at the Fox coverage?
* maybe more on this later-is anyone else annoyed at the Fox coverage?
I was very annoyed at that post-game "show".
commercials gallore. brief peeks at the celebration. Saying they'd show Papelbon dance the jig and then not. Saw Ortiz doing something out there by himself. I wanted to see wild celebration by the Sox. Not the agony of defeat for the Indians.
Someday, I'll move back that way, I'll be at the games, I'll have the NESN.
I have lots to be happy about so I hate to complain but every year it is the same thing..
I would have liked to have seen the pregames that the teams setup, There was alot in those instead of watching Screechin'Jeannie (what the hell happened to her hair?) Velasko and Kevin Kennedy. In the old days you'd get the player intros, the fly overs, the first pitch, the national anthem and whatever other surpirises the home team had which set the tone and feel for the game and made you feel at least alittle bit like you were there.
I spent a portion of the last week yelling at Tim McCarver. Analysis is one thing, opinion is another. I wish he would learn to call a game instead of inflicting his opinions upon everything that happens. He went on for a half of an inning that Schilling had to come out early in game 6, He did the same with DiceK and Westbrook in game 7 who both pitched well. It seems everytime someone throws a ball off the plate [He CANNOT understand why someone isnt warming in the bullpen!! going on and on and on,, while missing a good amount of what actually IS happening.
There is a reason that he is an announcer and not the manager that he thinks himself to be..
They missed an entire inning of a Beckett masterpiece talking about ...Joe Torre....Why and what that had to do with the game at hand I'll never know, other than it keeps the 'big market' happy
They are better than they used to be when they were fawning all over the Yankees, but still....
The commercials,, The Transformers bit on the screen, Dane (Theres only one October!) Cook, very few crowd shots, no postgame stuff---never mind the starting times..
I dont like the idea of in game interviews with the managers much either-there is a game goin on...
Wheres Vin Scully when you need him?
boy-I must be tired and grumpy today <_<
I just found THIS blogspot written by a Clevelander entitled "Pain"
Good Luck Linda and Cleveland fans--- I understand, Its only been the last few years since things have turned around here. I know it is no consolation but it was worth the wait
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Well Rocky, the WS has been starting and finishing progressibvely later over the years, a fact which does not make ballpark planners look good now. I will not presume to knw what all goes into the decisions to dome or not to dome. Here, for 158 games of the year, there is no need to aircondition or protect from rain. the other 4 games are easily managed. THEN come the playoffs and always the dream of the World Series. still, most of those games come off without a hitch (the one game here in the rain being the exception so far) To me it makes little sense to waste covering the ballpark and having to condition the air when for almost all of the games we can enjoy the fresh, natural, open air and watch a game as it was in the "olden" days.
Yes, the first 2 games will be in Boston or Cleveland. when I said "the first game here" I was referring to Saturday's game 3, the first WS game to be played in Denver.
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Yes, I wasn't contradicting you about when the first Denver game will be...
As to stadium roofs, I would be shocked if ANY stadiums built (or substantially remodeled) henceforth were to be built without a roof.
And Hap... aren't the early games in Denver usually VERY cold also?
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okay after reading your post, I saw where it could have been read as though I meant Game 1. Glad you knew what I meant.
"VERY cold" is a relative term. The average high during the first week of April is 57-58 degrees. WE do not consider that very cold, and indeed it is shirtsleeve weather here. To me it is an ideal temperature for any outdoor activity. 99 in the sun is too hot to keep mental sharpness and focus. Other person's exoerience and preference surely varies.
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brrr. 11 am sunday Oct 21. 3" snow on the ground in Denver. elevation one mile (5280 feet) above sea level. visiting teams better bring warmers and oxygen to the ballpark. (let the psych wars begin) LOL
rumors have it that the ball flies further, sinkers don't sink, runners lose their breath by the time they get to second base (especially the OLD players). Not to worry, the ski slopes are open and in high gear, so after losing their fourth game of the series here on October 29th the visitors can hop the ski train to Winter Park and "chill" out on the mountain. The tall, tall mountains......
:B) :B)

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There will be no need for the Sox to celebrate their victory by skiing, I am pretty sure that they will want to come home for the party that awaits...... :)
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I see now that Denver is actually playing tonight ... the Broncos that is ...
snow for the series would be funny ... but the forecast is for the 40's or 50's for next weekend.
odds to win series ...
Red Sox 14-5
Indians 3-2
Rockies 11-10
It looks to me like they are still favoring the Indians over the Red Sox, which surprises me. I thought all the momo was with the Sox now.
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Yep... the odds makers still figure it'll be the Indians... either way it should be a good series...
I remember the Dbacks getting to play in Denver in the first week of a season (forget which year/years) when the snow had to be cleared from the field. BRRRrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr. :blink:
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Yep, "..it happens"! Could be the same at the end of this season. Woe to the teams that have to travel to play here. bring oxygen and longjohns! personally, I rather play ball in 50 degrees than in 110.
two more hours to game time. tick tock tick tock I hope this game lasts more than 3 innings.
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Hap... at least you won't need anything for anxiety during or after tonight's game.
I s'pose I'd also rather play baseball in 50F than 110F... but then again, that's why they have roofs!
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This looks like a continuation of the last game ... a run an inning so far ... at least the sox didn't get the grand slam in the first
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Well,it's pretty obvious why you need a roof in Arizona---every day sunny and 115 degrees during baseball season...The only other covered stadiums I can think of are in Minneapolis,Toronto and Seattle...I'm not sure what their weather issues are prompting an indoor baseball park...But I think most fans enjoy baseball as an outdoor summertime activity---something that should be played in an open air field rather than an indoor arena...One problem is that the baseball season,like football season keeps getting longer and longer and the popst season goes on nearly into November...
I think it's about time to pull the Injuns starting pitcher....He hasn't had an easy inning yet...
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thank goodness for double plays .. Indians have three (or four)
but they are getting to Matsu' it looks like ... and Lofton was safe ...
yeah, I want to got to the new St Louis stadium ... it looks beautiful with the nice view of the arch ... haven't even made it to Wrigley field yet ... but why go indoors for baseball? Except fo the extreme weather thing. I never cared much for the SuperDome ...
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no excuse for no communicatrion on the 8th inning popup. Cleveland looked less than awesome
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what a sorry presentation of the trophies and awards. It was done indoors, away from the fans??!!!??? I liked the NL presentations better, more respect for the ones who pay the bills.
Anyway, congrats to the Redsocks, we look forward to a great series.
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Let's Go RED SOX!!!!!!
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nuh uh.......
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It did look like Lofton was safe... BUT, that call didn't decide the game... looked a little like a play that Dback CF Chris Young was in last week.
Indeed, extreme weather IS the issue.
Btw, what about Miller Park in Milwalkee (sp?) and the new stadium in Pittsburgh? I thought they have roofs.
Then there's Petco in SD... RARELY would there be more than a day or so in a row with heavy enough rain to matter, and NO extreme temps... so, NO roof there.
Congrats to the BoSox and their fans... mstar and bolshevic... and condolences to Lifted Up and LindaZ.
Indians had a great season... and they had a more exciting league championship series than the Dbacks.
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Well,Rocky you kinda got my curiosity going so I checked with a place called Clem's Baseball and it looks like seven baseball teams currently play under a dome or retractable roof...They are: Arizona, Milwaukee,Florida,Toronto,Minnesota,Seattle and Houston...According to ol' Clem,the defunct Montreal Expos also played in a domed stadium...Pittsburgh,San Diego and the rest either play under a "roof", "roofette" or are "open stadiums"...I guess a roof and a roofette cover some or all of the seating areas but leave the field open to the elements...As a roofer,you'd think a fella like me would know the difference between a "roof" and a "roofette", but all I can think of is that a roofette is a girl roof...I've never had a customer call me to come and fix their roofette,...not yette,anyways...
Btw,you made a point last week about the stadium scoreboard not showing the replay of a questionable call at Chase field....I think you'll find that it's standard fare for MLB to not show close plays to the home town crowd---I believe the umpires union lobbied for that...Otherwise,the hometown scoreboard operator might only choose to replay calls that went against the hometown team and whip the fans into a lather against the umpires...
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Florida? Could that be Tampa Bay?
As to showing replays on the jumbotron, that's pretty much how I understood the siteeation.
Hmmm... roofettes?
Could it be that no one has called you to fix the HOLE in their ROOFETTE because they are, for some reason embarrassed about having a HOLE in their ROOFETTE? Or, maybe they "like" the hole in their roofette? :blink:

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Linda Z
Congrats to the Red Sox fans, except for the A-holes who booed my Kenny Lofton toward the end of the game. He didn't do anything wrong, and at the time the Sox were ahead by a mile. Pi$$ed me off. Kicked my guy when he was down. Bah.
Last night was hard to take...at least Saturday's game went so far into the toilet that I didn't have any hopes to get dashed against the Green Monster. But last night, they fought and struggled and came so close to catching up but just couldn't pull it off.
The play that broke my heart was when the 3rd base coach held up Lofton at 3rd. I understand that there was confusion and that he had to make a split-second decision, but owww, that hurt. It probably wouldn't have decided the game, but it sure put a damper on the momentum we had going, so it might have, psychologically. I felt sorry for Kenny and for the coach who made that call. I so wanted Kenny to have a shot at getting a WS ring.
I say "maybe next year" with a little more hope this time. We've got some excellent young players who, if the management hangs onto them, should only improve with another year's experience.
And Lofton clearly was safe. No sour grapes, because everyone gets bad calls, but it was obvious in the replay.
I'm sorry, MStar & Bolshevik, but I have to root for the Rockies--not only because the wounds from our recent trouncings are still fresh, but because I'd like to see a young, enthusiastic team go all the way. Boston's been there, what? Eleven times?
Go Browns.
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I fixed that for you HAP, it was slightly misspelled. :)
I hope they dont play up The Rocks and Sox on FOX!! angle. Fox is hard enough to take*..
Linda root for whoever you want. Thanks for your graciousness, Ive been on your end a lot of times, and Im usually not quite as nice as you about it. It stings when you give your heart to your team as you obviusly have...I hope that during the series that I wasnt being the sterotypical RedSox ahole fan, especially to you I honestly was ticked at Lofton for heading to the mound in game 5, he earned his boos imo --Boston is a tough town, dont run at anybody, unless you want to be booed for years afterward. Maybe its just a regional difference-- we care for our guys too as if they were family and dont take kindly to things like that. He is probably an alright guy, but he crossed a boundary...
In some ways that was also a turning point, the Indians were way up (3-1) and let something small get under their skin. The fun and fire in there eyes' was never there after that moment that I could see...
As far as the Lofton play---I have seen that play a jillion times in Fenway and imo Lofton most likely would have scored, but in fairness to the third base coach that angle at Fenway is extremely tough to read and there are also blind spots there. Fenway can be like playing inside a pinball machine instead of a modern stadium, and if someone isnt used to it, its a tough call that had to be made on a dime.
He made the safe call -- There was also only one out at the time with Blake and Sizemore coming up. Okajima just made the perfect pitch and got the clutch double play, otherwise the whole game could have been different ...Thats home field advantage....I hope they dont hang that poor guy in Cleveland.
It was a good series which is what i wanted--These come from behind 7 game ALCS are the most exhilirating and draining experiences,.... Thats my third seventh game in 5 years--Im glad the Sox came out on top but I havent got the stamina for many more of these..
Well yea but its taken 105 years* maybe more on this later-is anyone else annoyed at the Fox coverage?
Edited by mstar1Link to comment
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I was very annoyed at that post-game "show".
commercials gallore. brief peeks at the celebration. Saying they'd show Papelbon dance the jig and then not. Saw Ortiz doing something out there by himself. I wanted to see wild celebration by the Sox. Not the agony of defeat for the Indians.
Someday, I'll move back that way, I'll be at the games, I'll have the NESN.
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I have lots to be happy about so I hate to complain but every year it is the same thing..
I would have liked to have seen the pregames that the teams setup, There was alot in those instead of watching Screechin'Jeannie (what the hell happened to her hair?) Velasko and Kevin Kennedy. In the old days you'd get the player intros, the fly overs, the first pitch, the national anthem and whatever other surpirises the home team had which set the tone and feel for the game and made you feel at least alittle bit like you were there.
I spent a portion of the last week yelling at Tim McCarver. Analysis is one thing, opinion is another. I wish he would learn to call a game instead of inflicting his opinions upon everything that happens. He went on for a half of an inning that Schilling had to come out early in game 6, He did the same with DiceK and Westbrook in game 7 who both pitched well. It seems everytime someone throws a ball off the plate [He CANNOT understand why someone isnt warming in the bullpen!!
going on and on and on,, while missing a good amount of what actually IS happening.
There is a reason that he is an announcer and not the manager that he thinks himself to be..
They missed an entire inning of a Beckett masterpiece talking about ...Joe Torre....Why and what that had to do with the game at hand I'll never know, other than it keeps the 'big market' happy
They are better than they used to be when they were fawning all over the Yankees, but still....
The commercials,, The Transformers bit on the screen, Dane (Theres only one October!) Cook, very few crowd shots, no postgame stuff---never mind the starting times..
I dont like the idea of in game interviews with the managers much either-there is a game goin on...
Wheres Vin Scully when you need him?
boy-I must be tired and grumpy today <_<
I just found THIS blogspot written by a Clevelander entitled "Pain"
Good Luck Linda and Cleveland fans--- I understand, Its only been the last few years since things have turned around here. I know it is no consolation but it was worth the wait
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