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Baseball (the talkin' sport)

Tom Strange

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Sorry about the Buckner comment,mstar....But Chris Berman is the one who really said it...You know,I got to thinking,..I wonder who Pudge is rooting for in this series?...I know his most famous homer is that body English one in the '75 World Series,but I think he actually hit more homers as a White Sox player...

I cannot for the life of me figure out the Braves....You could take 25 Toledo Mudhens,put Atlanta Braves uniforms on them and have Bobby Cox manage them and that guy that's always rocking back and forth in the dugout coach their pitchers,and they'll somehow win the NL East...Then when the playoffs start,they'll go back to being the Toledo Mudhens...I don't think the Brave's management gets enough credit for being there every year,mainly because only once were they the last team standing....

5-3,Halos up right now...

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I wonder who Pudge is rooting for in this series?...I know his most famous homer is that body English one in the '75 World Series,but I think he actually hit more homers as a White Sox player...

Pudge is a New England boy, born and bred in New Hampshire and has always been the native son. There were hard feelings for a long time after he was mistreated, let go and sort of hung out to dry.. The new owners have gone way out of their way to bring him back into the organization , honor him for who he is and what he has done and give him his due......retiring his number (no small feat for the Red Sox-they are very stringent and have only 5 numbers retired after 100 years) ...putting him on the payroll, giving him PR engagements as a 'Red Sox Legend' and things that should've been done long ago...

Still its hard to tell, hell---I'm almost rooting for the White Sox ---I've always loved underdogs and the ones who never win(which always was part of the lore of being a Red Sox fan) and the energy and excitement in the stadium and with the team is hard not to appreciate

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just found THIS:

Published: Boston Post (09-14-1948)

First we'll use Spahn

then we'll use Sain

Then an off day

followed by rain

Back will come Spahn

followed by Sain

And followed

we hope

by two days of rain.

"It's not so much my pitching people know, but that little poem about me and Johnny Sain with the forty-eight Braves." - Warren Spahn

48 wouldve made it the Boston Braves

While I'm at it -HERE are the stats for the '48 Braves

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That sounds right--looks like we are back to being the Red Sox----

I have to thank the Red Sox--

from October 27th 2004 at 11:40 PM until today at 7:38 PM, they have been World Champions, It has been a year I never thought that I would see that now moves into the history books...Thanks

Good luck to the White Sox --They're tough and they want it

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It was a helluva run--but they didn't have it and they knew they didn't have it this time around--I could see it in their eyes, and see that what was there last year now belonged to the White Sox, the big play when it was needed, clutch pitching, good solid play all the way around...about the 6th tonight El Duque had a great clutch pitching performance with the bases loaded, on the otherhand the Red Sox looked liked they were playing a game in midJune--Varitek, Graffanino, and Damon all swung at bad pitches, Graffinino swung at ball four twice with the bases loaded, not quality at bats, not championship play.

The Whites looked like champs, they looked hungry and pulled off big plays over and over-more power to 'em --time to pass the torch onto another....This has been a good run for the Red Sox but very well may be the end of an era, Damon and Millar, "The Idiots" may well not return, Bill Mueller the anchor of the infield may not either--Manny? Who knows? Who ever knows? Pedro and Derek Lowe are already gone, by next year the team that has been so exciting for the last 3 years will be largely gone and start the slow move onto another group and another feel and another personality. This one has been fun----again thanks guys.

121 days until Pitchers and catchers report

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Its a strange empty feeling I have had the last two days, about this time (1 Oclock) Ireach for the remote, or wonder "Whos pitchin' today?" and its just not there, its like the natural change in seasons.....

anyway it reminded me of this quote from The Greenfields of The Mind by Bart Giamatti that always seems appropraite this time of year

"It breaks your heart. It was designed to break your heart. The game begins in the spring, when everything else begins again, and it blossoms in the summer, filling the afternoons and evenings, and then as soon as the chill rains come, it stops and leaves you to face the fall alone. You count on it, rely on it to buffer the passage of time, to keep the memory of sunshine and high skies alive, and then, just when the days are all twilight, when you need it most, it stops."

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I like Bart's stuff mstar... let's see... two decided and maybe one more to be decided today... who will fall? Braves or Yanks... either way, I'm kind of leaning towards the "series participants have already been decided" theory... meaning that the Pale Hose and Cards will be there... but the Yanks have many weapons and the Angels never seem to quit coming at you... let's see what the Astro's do today... I'm kind of leaning that way...

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That's a great quote from Bart...I know how you feel,mstar....When the Marlins knocked the Cubs out a couple of years ago,I wouldn't have cared if they cancelled the World Series...Nothing worse than crumbled expectations...Thank God for spring training....and memories.....

I have to agree w/ you Tom,...I think it will be a Cards-Sox World Series,which according to Dan Bickley,Az. Republic sportswriter,will be a Cubs fan's worst nightmare---either way,the enemy wins....But when I got older,I attended a lot more games at Comiskey,and they became my 'second team'...Good luck to them...

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I grew up in Quincy, IL ... they used to have the Quincy Cubs .. farm team. Half the town were Cards fans, half Cubbies ... it was fun. I was always a cards fan, but still root for the Cubbies. I root for the White Sox too, so this could be a great series ...

If the Angels can come thru, all my preferred teams will have won :) life is good. But what the hell, life is good anyway B)

Man ... 18 innings

One more tonight ... weeee :blink:

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Two incredibly stupid things I saw after the Astros' win:

Commentator on the field asks Clements, "Roger, when you woke up this morning, did you think you'd be the winning pitcher today?"

Commentator in the studio: "I think Clements's stuff was better today than when he lost a couple days ago."

How much do these folks get paid??


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Maybe this is the year for the White Sox to break a curse. The Curse of the 1919 Black Sox maybe.

The last time Chicago won a post-season series, Shoeless Joe Jackson was in the outfield.

Joe may be watching intently


Its about time he and the Black Sox were redeemed

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all those ballplayers from the first quarter of the century look like 40 year old escapees from a chain gang.

I'm not sure the entire Black Sox team should be absolved. Like it or not, the fix was in, and it took babe Ruth to save the sport. Still, I think Shoeless Joe belongs in the hall of fame.

I'm torn as far as the playoffs go. Having been raised a Yankee fan, it's against my nature to root against them, but I will be pleased if either the Sox or the Angels make it. Both teams are overshadowed in their respective markets by the more 'glamorous ' national league teams, which makes less sense than ever these days. The Dodgers are a shell of their former selves. A horrible team with bad management, whose main selling point is beautiful Dodger Stadium, though the systematic destruction of that place has already begun. The Angels have always been seen as the 'other' team, though they are really the class of Southern california baseball. Excellent team, good owner, and manager, and a revitalized Angels Stadium that is a great place to bring the family. The Angels have become the premiere team here, and it's only the bitter Dodger traditionalists that squawk.

I've never understood the Cubs appeal outside of them playing in Wrigley Field. Ho Hum teams in an idyllic setting. Comiskey park , old and new, is not as appealing, tho from what i read, the best food anywhere in baseball is at Comiskey, and I've always liked the goofy pinwheel fireworks that go off after a Sox home run. I also dig the Sox uniform-they finally got it right after decades of eyesores, the nadir being the 'short pants' experiment.

After 5 1/2 hours of the Hoston game, I'm sentimentally pulling for them over the cardinals. I've always liked the cards, but have never cared for Tony laRussa, not buying into the 'genius' reputation. I've seen him pull some really interesting moves, like when he was batting pitchers 8th instead of ninth.

the networks are praying for a Cards-Yankees series. I'd be happy with Sox-Astros. Just about any combination seems interesting, even with the *&$%&^%#$^ Yankees.

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Any of the underdogs work for me, although I am leaning toward the White Sox vs. the 'Stros

I think it is time for the Yanks to hang them up this year.

In one way,and although I would like my guys to still be playing, Im glad that there isn't going to be another Red Sox-Yankee series. After what has transpired the last two years , both dramatic 7 game series with twists and turns I dont know that I could handle it again right now--

Im pretty sure the way that it was overhyped by Fox nationally has fans in other parts of the country wanting a rest from it too. I know in my part of the world, although it has been exciting, it has been overshadowing the World Series for a few years now.

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wow... he doesn't look anything at all like he did in the movie... they must've used a lot of make up on him

They taught him to bat righty in the movie too, right after they explained that Babe Ruth designed his swing after Joe's :blink:

Costner was not one for details...

Anyway --Why can't the Red Sox get guys like Orlando Cabrera?

Angels /White Sox is gonna be good

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