In that case simon, this Giant fan will join you on page 13...walkin the bases loaded in the ninth after being handed an 8 inning, 3-0 lead by a masterful Brett Tomko performance...bout as bad as your Cubbies loss to Cinci, a loser team if i ever saw one...
:D--> Hiya MSTAR, they start at 10pm your time so We in th west coast can watch it at 7pm, I'm in So.Ca. and while its convenient for us its really not fair. :(--> --> they should start it a couple of hours earlier there then we could watch it during the afternoon, now that would be fair, :)-->agreed?
And yes I'm one of those diehard Dodger fans, with me its in the blood I started life in Brooklyn came to Ca. a few years before my Dodgers came and I'm a third generation D fan. :D-->
Well the yanks just beat the twins 8-2. I would love to see the Dodgers vs Yanks in the world series, but the Dodgers better get on the ball, they gotta win 3 in a row to even go to the next round.
IMO the owners bit there nose off to spite thier faces when they got rid of Loduca and Mota for a pitcher that can't pitch and catchers that can't hit for **** Loduca was the best and I'm still pi$$ed off, but then I'm still pi$$ed that they got rid of Piazza. but what can we do about it, zero, zip, nada, etc.
OH yeah just to be a little fair to Dodger managment, the best thing they did was to get Finley. WHAT A FANTASTIC PLAYER HE IS. then again thet need to do something about Uncle Milty and his temper and mouth running amuck. Duck tape might help, hee hee, also someone autta tell Tracy to quit leaving his pitchers in when they are blowing it by the 2nd or third inning. I love Kaz Ishii but give me a break he's not cutting the mustard right now and Tracy will leave him in when he's giving up runs in the freakin 1st inning?
Okay,I'm back down from the mountains,I've made my peace with the god of this baseball world,and my seven days of mourning are officially over...Time to start tuning into the playoffs...
Congrats Bosox!...Sorry,Artie,but at least you made it to the dance your first year as owner...They'll be back...
I haven't seen the Dodgers(or any other playoffs for that matter),Dovey,but it may be that Tracy has to develop some playoff managerial experience....Normally,in the regular season,even if your starting pitcher gets rocked in the first inning or so,you have to bite the bullet and try to get at least 4-5 innings out of the guy so you can keep your starting rotation intact and not overwork your bullpen...After all,you got a 162 game schedule and some games you just have to throw in the white flag...
But in the playoffs,each game is so much more critical,and you can't afford to even concede one loss...So,I would tend to agree with you,bring in a reliever much earlier in the playoffs if your starter doesn't "have it" before your team digs itself into too big of a hole...IMO,some of the recent series winners,the Marlins,the Yanks,and even the D-backs,prevailed because their respective managers were brilliant in their use of their bullpen,often bringing in other starters for longer relief stints to keep their teams in the game...Seems like some managers don't realize that there's no tomorrow in the playoffs...
I liked Finley,also(Bullinger)...The D-backs sorely missed him this year...
Hiya Simon, Great to have you back for the nerve racking play offs. I agree w/you on most everything you said. He even used Gagne for a couple of innings (gasp).
If he will risk using the best IMHO closer in baseball then he can dam well go to the bullpen/releivers :D--> And thats the truth :P-->
But thats the Dodgers for ya hot as H one minute and cold the next time.
After all they are famous for coming from behind to win, THE COMEBACK KIDS. HEE HEE
Thanks EX, Welcome Back Simon-- Maybe Im gettin spoiled or maybe it is because I have to be discontented about something being a Red Sox fan. Am I the first guy in the history of baseball who is ....ed off at his team even though they swept a series? I thought that their play left alot to be desired and it wasnt necessarily 'good baseball'.
Yea yea they won the series, but must've left about 100 runners on base in three games and made numerous baserunning errors. I'd rather play mediocre and win than mediocre and lose but it doesnt feel like championship caliber baseball---- yet.
I guess its good to have the luxury to bitch at a winner--I do like these guys a alot...
Haven't seen any of the playoff games yet,but had to comment on something I read in the paper this morning in the NY-Twinkie game...(Since I'm still ....ed about the Cubs I'll be a grouchy overly-critical armchair manager)..
Twins were down 7-1 in the sixth and Torii Hunter gets thrown out at third after a double and Corie Koskie gets thrown out at second in the same inning stretching a single????Hunter said it wasn't boneheaded,it was aggressive baserunning???Sorry,Torii,but aggessive baserunning has it's place...maybe earlier in a closer game to spark your team and put the other defense on their heels...But my God,when you are down by six runs you don't risk a thing on the basepaths,the stakes are too high....Nothing would have been gained even if they were both safe...Hate to say it,but that bit of aggressiveness seemed more like acts of desperation and you see that often in teams that doubt their ability to come back...Minnesota probably would have lost,anyway,but better to go into game four with some positive momentum rather than showing signs of desperation...
I didnt see those particular plays, but I have to admit the playoff baseball that I have seen hasnt been 'playoff baseball' quite yet. I wondered the whole series when and if the Angels were going to wake up and realize that they were in a now or never situation, it took them until the late innings of game 3 to show signs of life, and by then the Red Sox who themselves seemed semisomnambulent at times had pretty much wrapped it up. Still I'll take my guys whether sleeping, alive or dead.....
Sorry my twinks could'nt knock off the Yankees. Gardenhire really muffed his chances. In the 2 extra inning games he really blew it. Then he started a rookie at the DH who had only about 80 major league at bats. In a critical situation he swung at 2 pitches over his head. (Runners on 2nd and 3rd, one out)
Anyway good luck to the Red Sox. With Schilling and Pedro, I think you guys can win. Later
Yea I dont think Ron Gardenhire will be getting too many votes for Manager of the Year after that series, I think he was possessed with a Grady Little spirit or something. The Twinkies just didnt look all that actively involved at times, and could have taken that series---
Too bad I wouldv'e loved to see Schilling -Santana, ----lets do it next year in the ALCS---
Go Cards! Sorry wyteduv. I think Albert Pujols should be NL MVP this year. One of the main criticisms of him last year was that during the 5 game series at Wrigley in which the Cubs won 4 games, AP didn't make a very strong showing. Not this year. In the last game the two teams played this year, at Wrigley, AP went 5 for 5 including 3 homers in a game the Cards trailed 8-2 at one time and eventually won 11-8.
And it was he who got the GW hit in last night's game. If he doesn't get MVP I just hope it isn't Bonds again. No offense, Mark S.
Considering tring that my Yankees have been in six of the last eight World Series, and have won four of them, I can say the following with confidence:
I want the Yankees to beat the Red Sox.
IF, by chance, the Red Sox win, then I will be pulling for them to finally break their curse against St. Louis or Houston (by the way, CONGRATS HOUSTON!!!)
ah yes... here we are back at our annual meeting between the evil empire and the cur-sed sox... it should be quite interesting this year (again)... that dillweed Arod finally got a couple of clutch hits, but don't start expecting it on a regular basis Hillsbro... I of course will be rooting for the BoSox as I have lived in that area before and mostly because I will never root for the empire! ...the poor old angels shot all their bullets at Oakland and the stRangers methinks...
On the other hand we have the lads from Houston taking on one of the finest teams assembled in quite some time led by what should eventually turn out to be one of the best players of all time (back off, I said eventually) and skipped by one of the best managers of all time...
...and I think the boys from St Louis will win it all this year... of course I could be wrong, but it feels right...
...did you guys see that graphic the other night about Pujols? ...only he, DiMaggio and Williams have ever had 500 RBI in their first four years... pretty good company...
...and who is going to put up with Milton next year? ...any takers?
:D--> :D--> Oh well maybe next year. I will now be rooting for the yankees ( after all I am from NY, Brooklyn ) so I will stick to a new york team. :P--> :D-->
congratulations Cards but I will root for whoever you play against. ;)-->
And I think Beltre should get MVP award. Not Bonds, anyone but Bonds. :D-->
I can't put my finger on it,but I don't know why it is the Braves seem to get ousted early and often in the post-season...While their team and coaching staff is certainly to be commended for,what is it,15 straight division titles?,their overall playoff record has been dismal,or is the word I'm looking for abyssmal..As these division titles keep piling up with only one Championship ring,it will unfortunately leave Atlanta,and Bobby Cox with a bittersweet legacy of great success on one hand,yet never being able to land the Big One on the other...
Boston needs to beat NY to shake their curse and be a true champion...I don't think any back door championship would do the baseball world and the city of Boston justice...Like in boxing,you want to know that you've beaten the best to earn the heavyweight title...
And frankly,no offence to Bosox-NY fans,but this hype about their rivalry is getting a little old,and I'd like to see the Bosox get this monkey off their back so the baseball world can find something new to blow out of proportion...Do I still sound bitter?...Gimme another painkiller,Mstar :D-->
Card's definitely seem to be the best team,but the 'stros are definitely the hottest,and that's a scary thought for the Redbirds...I'll still pick the Cardinals in six...They can beat you in too many ways,and it's hard to imagine every aspect of their game suddenly going cold on LaRussa...
I'm a Yankee hater. Dem and the cowboys. We Yankee haters must always point out that you stole all your players with bucks. Doesnt this somewhat diminish the great Yankee mystique? Go Red Sox. By the way Mstar, if you live around Boston, it is pretty impressive the way the Patriots have played the last few years considering free agency. The Patriot organization is the closest thing to a dynasty in football since free agency happened in the NFL, no small feat.
Why is it that when we "steal" people with money, we get to the World Series, but when you have those same people without money, you're still stranded?
Money doesn't win the World Series: a good team does. This was proven in 2001 and 2003.
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Of course,it's only appropos that my post starts page 13...
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In that case simon, this Giant fan will join you on page 13...walkin the bases loaded in the ninth after being handed an 8 inning, 3-0 lead by a masterful Brett Tomko performance...bout as bad as your Cubbies loss to Cinci, a loser team if i ever saw one...
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Yanks and Braves in the playoffs.
Somewhere, Tom Hanks is meeting the president and Bill Murray is trying to stop his alarm clock from playing "I Got You Babe."
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Well my Twins beat the Mighty Yanks last nite. With a little luck this might go 5 games. The Yanks have gotta go down.
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Yea I enjoyed watching Johan Santana last night for the first time and as always enjoyed watching Torii Hunter in the field--this is gettin' good....
The Red Sox are up 1-0 we'll see how Martinez fares tonight after being cold for a few weeks----Colon is usually tough on the Sox----
Why do they have to start these damn games at 10PM Eastern Time---grrrrrrrrrrrrrrr
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I'M SO HAPPY FOR YOU, MSTAR !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
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And yes I'm one of those diehard Dodger fans, with me its in the blood I started life in Brooklyn came to Ca. a few years before my Dodgers came and I'm a third generation D fan.

Well the yanks just beat the twins 8-2. I would love to see the Dodgers vs Yanks in the world series, but the Dodgers better get on the ball, they gotta win 3 in a row to even go to the next round.
IMO the owners bit there nose off to spite thier faces when they got rid of Loduca and Mota for a pitcher that can't pitch and catchers that can't hit for **** Loduca was the best and I'm still pi$$ed off, but then I'm still pi$$ed that they got rid of Piazza.
but what can we do about it, zero, zip, nada, etc.
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OH yeah just to be a little fair to Dodger managment, the best thing they did was to get Finley. WHAT A FANTASTIC PLAYER HE IS. then again thet need to do something about Uncle Milty and his temper and mouth running amuck. Duck tape might help, hee hee, also someone autta tell Tracy to quit leaving his pitchers in when they are blowing it by the 2nd or third inning. I love Kaz Ishii but give me a break he's not cutting the mustard right now and Tracy will leave him in when he's giving up runs in the freakin 1st inning?
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Okay,I'm back down from the mountains,I've made my peace with the god of this baseball world,and my seven days of mourning are officially over...Time to start tuning into the playoffs...
Congrats Bosox!...Sorry,Artie,but at least you made it to the dance your first year as owner...They'll be back...
I haven't seen the Dodgers(or any other playoffs for that matter),Dovey,but it may be that Tracy has to develop some playoff managerial experience....Normally,in the regular season,even if your starting pitcher gets rocked in the first inning or so,you have to bite the bullet and try to get at least 4-5 innings out of the guy so you can keep your starting rotation intact and not overwork your bullpen...After all,you got a 162 game schedule and some games you just have to throw in the white flag...
But in the playoffs,each game is so much more critical,and you can't afford to even concede one loss...So,I would tend to agree with you,bring in a reliever much earlier in the playoffs if your starter doesn't "have it" before your team digs itself into too big of a hole...IMO,some of the recent series winners,the Marlins,the Yanks,and even the D-backs,prevailed because their respective managers were brilliant in their use of their bullpen,often bringing in other starters for longer relief stints to keep their teams in the game...Seems like some managers don't realize that there's no tomorrow in the playoffs...
I liked Finley,also(Bullinger)...The D-backs sorely missed him this year...
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Hiya Simon, Great to have you back for the nerve racking play offs. I agree w/you on most everything you said. He even used Gagne for a couple of innings (gasp).
If he will risk using the best IMHO closer in baseball then he can dam well go to the bullpen/releivers
:D--> And thats the truth
But thats the Dodgers for ya hot as H one minute and cold the next time.
After all they are famous for coming from behind to win, THE COMEBACK KIDS. HEE HEE
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Thanks EX, Welcome Back Simon-- Maybe Im gettin spoiled or maybe it is because I have to be discontented about something being a Red Sox fan. Am I the first guy in the history of baseball who is ....ed off at his team even though they swept a series? I thought that their play left alot to be desired and it wasnt necessarily 'good baseball'.
Yea yea they won the series, but must've left about 100 runners on base in three games and made numerous baserunning errors. I'd rather play mediocre and win than mediocre and lose but it doesnt feel like championship caliber baseball---- yet.
I guess its good to have the luxury to bitch at a winner--I do like these guys a alot...
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Thanks for the welcome back..
Haven't seen any of the playoff games yet,but had to comment on something I read in the paper this morning in the NY-Twinkie game...(Since I'm still ....ed about the Cubs I'll be a grouchy overly-critical armchair manager)..
Twins were down 7-1 in the sixth and Torii Hunter gets thrown out at third after a double and Corie Koskie gets thrown out at second in the same inning stretching a single????Hunter said it wasn't boneheaded,it was aggressive baserunning???Sorry,Torii,but aggessive baserunning has it's place...maybe earlier in a closer game to spark your team and put the other defense on their heels...But my God,when you are down by six runs you don't risk a thing on the basepaths,the stakes are too high....Nothing would have been gained even if they were both safe...Hate to say it,but that bit of aggressiveness seemed more like acts of desperation and you see that often in teams that doubt their ability to come back...Minnesota probably would have lost,anyway,but better to go into game four with some positive momentum rather than showing signs of desperation...
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I didnt see those particular plays, but I have to admit the playoff baseball that I have seen hasnt been 'playoff baseball' quite yet. I wondered the whole series when and if the Angels were going to wake up and realize that they were in a now or never situation, it took them until the late innings of game 3 to show signs of life, and by then the Red Sox who themselves seemed semisomnambulent at times had pretty much wrapped it up. Still I'll take my guys whether sleeping, alive or dead.....
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Payback Time
I Love this
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Sorry my twinks could'nt knock off the Yankees. Gardenhire really muffed his chances. In the 2 extra inning games he really blew it. Then he started a rookie at the DH who had only about 80 major league at bats. In a critical situation he swung at 2 pitches over his head. (Runners on 2nd and 3rd, one out)
Anyway good luck to the Red Sox. With Schilling and Pedro, I think you guys can win. Later
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Yea I dont think Ron Gardenhire will be getting too many votes for Manager of the Year after that series, I think he was possessed with a Grady Little spirit or something. The Twinkies just didnt look all that actively involved at times, and could have taken that series---
Too bad I wouldv'e loved to see Schilling -Santana, ----lets do it next year in the ALCS---
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Go Cards! Sorry wyteduv. I think Albert Pujols should be NL MVP this year. One of the main criticisms of him last year was that during the 5 game series at Wrigley in which the Cubs won 4 games, AP didn't make a very strong showing. Not this year. In the last game the two teams played this year, at Wrigley, AP went 5 for 5 including 3 homers in a game the Cards trailed 8-2 at one time and eventually won 11-8.
And it was he who got the GW hit in last night's game. If he doesn't get MVP I just hope it isn't Bonds again. No offense, Mark S.
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Considering tring that my Yankees have been in six of the last eight World Series, and have won four of them, I can say the following with confidence:
I want the Yankees to beat the Red Sox.
IF, by chance, the Red Sox win, then I will be pulling for them to finally break their curse against St. Louis or Houston (by the way, CONGRATS HOUSTON!!!)
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Tom Strange
ah yes... here we are back at our annual meeting between the evil empire and the cur-sed sox... it should be quite interesting this year (again)... that dillweed Arod finally got a couple of clutch hits, but don't start expecting it on a regular basis Hillsbro... I of course will be rooting for the BoSox as I have lived in that area before and mostly because I will never root for the empire! ...the poor old angels shot all their bullets at Oakland and the stRangers methinks...
On the other hand we have the lads from Houston taking on one of the finest teams assembled in quite some time led by what should eventually turn out to be one of the best players of all time (back off, I said eventually) and skipped by one of the best managers of all time...
...and I think the boys from St Louis will win it all this year... of course I could be wrong, but it feels right...
...did you guys see that graphic the other night about Pujols? ...only he, DiMaggio and Williams have ever had 500 RBI in their first four years... pretty good company...
...and who is going to put up with Milton next year? ...any takers?
...what a sweet time of year!
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congratulations Cards but I will root for whoever you play against.
And I think Beltre should get MVP award. Not Bonds, anyone but Bonds.
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i am so excited about the game tonight.
should we start a thread just for the red sox and yankees. during commercials everyone can talk -- or will it be too intense for you ?
my computer's right near the tv
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I can't put my finger on it,but I don't know why it is the Braves seem to get ousted early and often in the post-season...While their team and coaching staff is certainly to be commended for,what is it,15 straight division titles?,their overall playoff record has been dismal,or is the word I'm looking for abyssmal..As these division titles keep piling up with only one Championship ring,it will unfortunately leave Atlanta,and Bobby Cox with a bittersweet legacy of great success on one hand,yet never being able to land the Big One on the other...
Boston needs to beat NY to shake their curse and be a true champion...I don't think any back door championship would do the baseball world and the city of Boston justice...Like in boxing,you want to know that you've beaten the best to earn the heavyweight title...
And frankly,no offence to Bosox-NY fans,but this hype about their rivalry is getting a little old,and I'd like to see the Bosox get this monkey off their back so the baseball world can find something new to blow out of proportion...Do I still sound bitter?...Gimme another painkiller,Mstar
Card's definitely seem to be the best team,but the 'stros are definitely the hottest,and that's a scary thought for the Redbirds...I'll still pick the Cardinals in six...They can beat you in too many ways,and it's hard to imagine every aspect of their game suddenly going cold on LaRussa...
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Raf and Mstar
I'm a Yankee hater. Dem and the cowboys. We Yankee haters must always point out that you stole all your players with bucks. Doesnt this somewhat diminish the great Yankee mystique? Go Red Sox. By the way Mstar, if you live around Boston, it is pretty impressive the way the Patriots have played the last few years considering free agency. The Patriot organization is the closest thing to a dynasty in football since free agency happened in the NFL, no small feat.
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Why is it that when we "steal" people with money, we get to the World Series, but when you have those same people without money, you're still stranded?
Money doesn't win the World Series: a good team does. This was proven in 2001 and 2003.
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