At the time she was an AC grad, was a intermediate-class level beleiver. I met her at a truck-stop, while I was driving around the country with a group of bikers [back then it took a few days on the road to straighten out my mind after each patrol under-water :-) ].
She had been kicked out of TWI, for refusing to be groomed for corpse training.
At that time I already had an ordination from a pentacostal church and we hit it off wonderfully.
MissHAP and I met as WOWS in 74, married in 75, and we are still in love, thank you very much. While we credit a TWI program for helping us find each other, it was then, and is still, God who works in us to continue a lifelong love affair with each other.
My husband was one of the wows who got me in the word. We got married in a ministry wedding. We left TWI in 1999--twenty some years involved for me, longer for my husband who is several years older than I.
One of the reasons we left was because our LCM clone HFC didn't like me--but he loved my husband. We dealt with the stress of this situation for years before finally getting out.
Why anyone would want to drive a wedge between my husband and I will never understand. Envy? Just evil? Drunk on power?
He said yes and we wed in the Catholic church with a wide assortment of theatre folk, way corps, Irish countrymen, and a quintet from Arkansas. Lol...a very good time.
I met Gary while I was a College WOW at SIU.
We were very involvled with "the ministry" for nigh onto a million yare...pulled the bumper sticker off the car in '86. It was ouchless.
Our marrage is minimal and our marriage is still intact. He is my best friend and sweetheart altho today his life was in serious peril for doing a perfectly undadular performance with homework checking and diorama making.
Hubby 1.0 was in TWI when we met and had been M&A'ed the year before we divorced. We were married almost 7 years.
I met Hubby 2.0 via Waydale in 2000. We married in August of the same year and had our second baby almost one month ago. Incidentally, Hubby was in TWI I - I was in TWI II.
Married the first time to a guy I "got in the Word" in TWI-I, divorced after 8 years.
Married the second time when I was out in a local offshoot and he was still in TWI. He left to be with me, though I told him he didn't have to. Divorced after nine years. He is back in.
Did TWI/offshoot interfere in these marriages? No, but neither did they offer helpful counsel when I asked for help.
Helpful counsel. There was virtually no qualified counsel around regarding marriage. They'd throw Bible verses at us, as if we didn't know them. Basically, I was told I had made my choice as to whom I had married, deal with it.
Was single all through TWI 1 years, married shortly after leaving, we were in an off...., marriage lasted 13 horrible, abusive years.
Finally in the last year or so I was so tired of putting up a front that nothing was wrong, in front of all the "believers" that I stopped. Do you know that not one single person ever asked me what was going on???
And once I left they all just thought I was exaggerating...and that if I didn't want to be treated "like that" I should not talk back to my husband. *gag*
When I called the "leadership" they said, "God doesn't beleive in divorce." To which I replied, "Well, he doesn't believe in my getting abused, either."
One person I called a few months ago (D*mitr* El*bl*d) was "uncomfortable" talking to me on the phone but had she ever asked me about what went on??? no way...that would take real caring. Some "friend", huh?
In-depth spiritual perception and awareness, my a**.
Divorced him five years ago...what a relief it was to be free!!! ... divorce is a beautiful thing!
As everyone here in my second (and final) marriage. Absolutely no complaints....NOW we know marriage can be a beautiful thing!!!!
Perhaps others were in denial of some sort also...hard to comprehend.
I can understand how someone would feel "uncomfortable" talking about such deep hurts with the hurting (more than just the cursory "how ya doin'?") because it IS so hurtful and draining to endure...I do believe we (general collective noun) are, very very often, socially retarded in many ways...whether it be re someone in a wheelchair, or deformity, or what to say or do when suffering is present, like at a funeral or when some seemingly insurmountable or overwhelming situation cancer, or domestic abuse etc.
That's why prayer is such a healing thing...something that is done even if (despite how we think the situation should be fixed) the results are not immediate. Prayer is a real undercover agent sometimes, oftentimes...and lots of times the ones who are most diligent in fervent prayer, intercessions, keep it between them and God.
I don't think divorce is great or the best solution many times, but it is the logical action (not easy one) and the necessary one, no doubt.
You probably have more tender, feeling friends that care and continue to care about you than you know. I like to think we all do. And maybe, just perhaps, some of them will never be the outloud ones, just the ones who pray still and do it without expecting a shout out.
It's wonderful that the second time round for many is sweet and richly rewarding despite the difficulties endured on the hard road to healing. God, no doubt, delights in our thankfulness...His nature, you know:)-->
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I'm not among them, but plenty of people here went through TWI without getting a divorce
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Not me.
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I am with the spouse that I married while involved in twi...does that count?
Married 18 years, with 7 children.... over ten years out of twi....involved for ten and 15 years.
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I married Bonnie in 1980? I think.
At the time she was an AC grad, was a intermediate-class level beleiver. I met her at a truck-stop, while I was driving around the country with a group of bikers [back then it took a few days on the road to straighten out my mind after each patrol under-water :-) ].
She had been kicked out of TWI, for refusing to be groomed for corpse training.
At that time I already had an ordination from a pentacostal church and we hit it off wonderfully.
We just celebrated our 25th anniversary.
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MissHAP and I met as WOWS in 74, married in 75, and we are still in love, thank you very much. While we credit a TWI program for helping us find each other, it was then, and is still, God who works in us to continue a lifelong love affair with each other.
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Yes, I'm still very happily married to the husband that I met in TWI. We have both changed a lot and we are very glad to be out.
We have been married 17 1/2 years.
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My husband was one of the wows who got me in the word. We got married in a ministry wedding. We left TWI in 1999--twenty some years involved for me, longer for my husband who is several years older than I.
One of the reasons we left was because our LCM clone HFC didn't like me--but he loved my husband. We dealt with the stress of this situation for years before finally getting out.
Why anyone would want to drive a wedge between my husband and I will never understand. Envy? Just evil? Drunk on power?
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I witnessed to my husband and he took the class. We got married some time after that. He was a "Corpse Spouse" and hated it.
Two years later we left. He told me later he never liked TWI, although he participated in everything.
We're still married, 18 years now. We have our ups and downs.
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A la prochaine
Still with the same hubby after almost 22 yrs.
I met hubby when I was 14...but didn't date then...
So I knew him before either of us got involved with TWI.
Right before we got the boot tho', hubby was told by our fearless leader, to leave me and his two daughters back then.
He didn't.
We have both changed since our TWI days and now it's like when we knew each other way back when we didn't have TWI in our brains!!
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"marrage" Dr. Freud...
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I proposed to my husband some 29 years ago.
He said yes and we wed in the Catholic church with a wide assortment of theatre folk, way corps, Irish countrymen, and a quintet from Arkansas. Lol...a very good time.
I met Gary while I was a College WOW at SIU.
We were very involvled with "the ministry" for nigh onto a million yare...pulled the bumper sticker off the car in '86. It was ouchless.
Our marrage is minimal and our marriage is still intact. He is my best friend and sweetheart altho today his life was in serious peril for doing a perfectly undadular performance with homework checking and diorama making.
...come June we will have been married 27 yare.
Viva la vow!
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Nope. Met in TWI and divorced when I decided to leave TWI. Married just shy of eight years.
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Still married to twife. They tried to divide us, too. Jerkovvvvs!
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My husband died while we were still in TWI.
But he was first and only husband.
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Not me.
Hubby 1.0 was in TWI when we met and had been M&A'ed the year before we divorced. We were married almost 7 years.
I met Hubby 2.0 via Waydale in 2000. We married in August of the same year and had our second baby almost one month ago. Incidentally, Hubby was in TWI I - I was in TWI II.
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hmmm, so far:
Those who report they did not go through TWI w/o divorce - 4
Thsoe who married in TWI and are still together - 10
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We met at a twi fellowship in 77 were married
in 81.Still together almost 24years later,despite twi,
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Married the first time to a guy I "got in the Word" in TWI-I, divorced after 8 years.
Married the second time when I was out in a local offshoot and he was still in TWI. He left to be with me, though I told him he didn't have to. Divorced after nine years. He is back in.
Did TWI/offshoot interfere in these marriages? No, but neither did they offer helpful counsel when I asked for help.
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Helpful counsel. There was virtually no qualified counsel around regarding marriage. They'd throw Bible verses at us, as if we didn't know them. Basically, I was told I had made my choice as to whom I had married, deal with it.
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Nope--My TWI marriage lasted all of a year...
"Any two believers can get married and make it work" line, didn't work for me.
Still happily single..
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Yep I married this guy that was in our fellowship. As of today it's been 18 years. Sheesh time does fly. love tcat
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Yup, same wife for 29 years. It worked because she believed and I didn't.
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Was single all through TWI 1 years, married shortly after leaving, we were in an off...., marriage lasted 13 horrible, abusive years.
Finally in the last year or so I was so tired of putting up a front that nothing was wrong, in front of all the "believers" that I stopped. Do you know that not one single person ever asked me what was going on???
And once I left they all just thought I was exaggerating...and that if I didn't want to be treated "like that" I should not talk back to my husband. *gag*
When I called the "leadership" they said, "God doesn't beleive in divorce." To which I replied, "Well, he doesn't believe in my getting abused, either."
One person I called a few months ago (D*mitr* El*bl*d) was "uncomfortable" talking to me on the phone but had she ever asked me about what went on??? no way...that would take real caring. Some "friend", huh?
In-depth spiritual perception and awareness, my a**.
Divorced him five years ago...what a relief it was to be free!!! ... divorce is a beautiful thing!
As everyone here in my second (and final) marriage. Absolutely no complaints....NOW we know marriage can be a beautiful thing!!!!
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I did. Should have asked again and more often.
Perhaps others were in denial of some sort also...hard to comprehend.
I can understand how someone would feel "uncomfortable" talking about such deep hurts with the hurting (more than just the cursory "how ya doin'?") because it IS so hurtful and draining to endure...I do believe we (general collective noun) are, very very often, socially retarded in many ways...whether it be re someone in a wheelchair, or deformity, or what to say or do when suffering is present, like at a funeral or when some seemingly insurmountable or overwhelming situation cancer, or domestic abuse etc.
That's why prayer is such a healing thing...something that is done even if (despite how we think the situation should be fixed) the results are not immediate. Prayer is a real undercover agent sometimes, oftentimes...and lots of times the ones who are most diligent in fervent prayer, intercessions, keep it between them and God.
I don't think divorce is great or the best solution many times, but it is the logical action (not easy one) and the necessary one, no doubt.
You probably have more tender, feeling friends that care and continue to care about you than you know. I like to think we all do. And maybe, just perhaps, some of them will never be the outloud ones, just the ones who pray still and do it without expecting a shout out.
It's wonderful that the second time round for many is sweet and richly rewarding despite the difficulties endured on the hard road to healing. God, no doubt, delights in our thankfulness...His nature, you know
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