I don't rememeber exactly, but it was something about a gov't coverup.
I remember being told that if we wanted to REALLY know what happened, then we should believe REALLY BIG to get to the Live Advanced Class (July 1979).
Well, I didn't believe big enough, so I didn't get my $$ together, but a WOW brother did. When he returned from the class I asked him what was the TRUTH about the Jonestown thing.
quote:What was the point of 'teaching' us this drivel. How did this increase our believing or mature our Christian walk?
The simple answer is that it didn't. But Wierwille wanted people to accept and follow whatever he taught whether it was "biblical" or not.
I was never comfortable with it and over here his espousal of Holocaust revisionism caused the Way in GB quite a few problems, including the picketing of a European WOW Festival.
My opinion is that he was quite an admirer of Adolf Hitler. On a visit to the Normandy beaches he questioned whether or not we should have been fighting the Russians instead, that we were fighting the wrong enemy.
He had to be right on everything, no matter how wacko or irrelevant to the "rightly divided word."
I was at advanced class '79. The only time I recall Jonestown being discussed was one night when the power went out in the huge meeting hall. I don't remember most of what was said, but I do recall him talking govt involvement and conspiracy theories.
He claimed that all the bodies were moved and lined up for the photo shoots, I don't recall why that was important, but he made a big deal out of it.Part of the govt cover up, I think, but I don't recall exactly what they were covering up.
The more I think of it, I was zoning out for most of the night. With the power off and lights dim, it was the first time all week that I didn't feel I was being watched, and since it wasn't an 'official' class session, I put my feet up, and half napped.
I figured they were spinning Jonestown to stop anyone from accusing the way of potentially becoming the same thing, and govt conspiracies are always good for deflecting.
One thing I want to point out is that this is always referred to as a mass suicide. It really was a mass MURDER. Many of those people did not want to die. There were fanatical armed guards forcing them to drink the cyanide. Injecting people forcibly or forcing it down their throats.
The children certainly had no choice.
Jones told the parents to tell the children it wouldn't hurt. He lied, cyanide is a horrible way to die. The kids were screaming for their lives.
Nobody knows who killed Jones. Even if he went willingly though, it's ironic to note he chose not to die like a poisened rat himself, he was shot in the head with a bullet.
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God bless you ItsStillTheWord
I will be praying for the living families of the ones who lost their lives
In Christ
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You have a wonderful heart.
This must be a hard time for those families.
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I was out WOW that year too. I remember it like it happened yesterday.
Roy, that's a really good idea.
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Good idea.
Might also want to pray for those who are vulnerable to such snares
today, that they evade them, escape, or be set free.
"David Koresh"s "Branch Davidians" weren't so long ago.
(Hm. That guy also taught that all the women belonged to the mog.)
"Do"'s "Heaven's Gate" suiciders (who killed themselves when the
Halle-Bopp comet passed thru) were even more recent.
Then, there's whatever new evil person is now stepping onto some local
stage, hoping to impress some people and score some chicks....
It may be tasteless,
but back in college, I knew a fraternity (not mine) that commemorated
this day by making kool-aid.
I thought it was funny at the time.
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What was TWI's statement regarding why this tragic event occurred?
[This message was edited by TheSongRemainsTheSame on November 19, 2003 at 20:12.]
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I don't rememeber exactly, but it was something about a gov't coverup.
I remember being told that if we wanted to REALLY know what happened, then we should believe REALLY BIG to get to the Live Advanced Class (July 1979).
Well, I didn't believe big enough, so I didn't get my $$ together, but a WOW brother did. When he returned from the class I asked him what was the TRUTH about the Jonestown thing.
Never got a clear answer.
"I don't know, but I been told,
a big head MOG ain't got no soul"
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Ya and like the holocaust didn't really happen either.
Like hell I know a lady that was a holocaust survivor just try to tell her what really didn't happen to her.
Dovey....proud owner of two low riders...Dovey's Doxies...... Dovey
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Dovey - I never understood that one.
What was the point of 'teaching' us this drivel. How did this increase our believing or mature our Christian walk?
Sometimes I think the AGENDA page was missing from my syllabus!
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Trefor Heywood
The simple answer is that it didn't. But Wierwille wanted people to accept and follow whatever he taught whether it was "biblical" or not.
I was never comfortable with it and over here his espousal of Holocaust revisionism caused the Way in GB quite a few problems, including the picketing of a European WOW Festival.
My opinion is that he was quite an admirer of Adolf Hitler. On a visit to the Normandy beaches he questioned whether or not we should have been fighting the Russians instead, that we were fighting the wrong enemy.
He had to be right on everything, no matter how wacko or irrelevant to the "rightly divided word."
Trefor Heywood
"Cymru Am Byth!"
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I was at advanced class '79. The only time I recall Jonestown being discussed was one night when the power went out in the huge meeting hall. I don't remember most of what was said, but I do recall him talking govt involvement and conspiracy theories.
He claimed that all the bodies were moved and lined up for the photo shoots, I don't recall why that was important, but he made a big deal out of it.Part of the govt cover up, I think, but I don't recall exactly what they were covering up.
The more I think of it, I was zoning out for most of the night. With the power off and lights dim, it was the first time all week that I didn't feel I was being watched, and since it wasn't an 'official' class session, I put my feet up, and half napped.
I figured they were spinning Jonestown to stop anyone from accusing the way of potentially becoming the same thing, and govt conspiracies are always good for deflecting.
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Dot Matrix
Weren't they moved for the photo op because really the GOV't had them killed or something? I forget.
Nice to see you gov'nor!
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yeah i hazily remember that thing too about the government and the bodies lined up
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Wouldn't photos be SOP for something like this?
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Dot Matrix
Before the corps if VPW had passed gas I would have kept it in a jar as if it were mana from heaven! We were so silly!
You said:
"Ya and like the holocaust didn't really happen either."
I recall trying to sell that idea to my Dad who was in the war. He kept saying, "I was there!"
I was torn between my Dad being there and Moggie saying it was a myth.
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I remember Loy telling us that people would say WE were a cult, but WE really weren't.
good grief.
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Quite a graphic there Dot!
If you have a pic -PLEASE don't post it.
Your friends at GSC!
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One thing I want to point out is that this is always referred to as a mass suicide. It really was a mass MURDER. Many of those people did not want to die. There were fanatical armed guards forcing them to drink the cyanide. Injecting people forcibly or forcing it down their throats.
The children certainly had no choice.
Jones told the parents to tell the children it wouldn't hurt. He lied, cyanide is a horrible way to die. The kids were screaming for their lives.
Nobody knows who killed Jones. Even if he went willingly though, it's ironic to note he chose not to die like a poisened rat himself, he was shot in the head with a bullet.
Cat spelled backwards DOES NOT spell God!
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What a coward.
Cat spelled backwards DOES NOT spell God!
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Trefor Heywood
Thanks Dot!
Trefor Heywood
"Cymru Am Byth!"
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Dot Matrix
Have I got a jar for you!
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Dot Matrix
Good Point!
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I distinctly remember that VP concluded, gist, that the JONES deal was an attempt to close down TWI.
I also distinctly remember that VP refused an invitaion by the Pres of the US because of the cult status of TWI...
enny more memories these episodes???
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