I prefer PB&PR on toast. (Peanut Butter and Pickle Relish) Don't know if I could handle mayo mixed with pb. My arteries are clogging just thinking about it. ::shiver::
put a lite coating of butter on then the PB (while the toast is stil hot so the PB kinda soaks in the toast). The a nice portion of Hot sauted onions the ice cold sweet pickle relish>>>>
My cousin...the "shrink" turned general manager for a race car team...he lives on Peanut Butter, mayo and balogne on sourdough (he lives in California) bread.
For me, the San Francisco bay area gal now living in a small beach town in North Carolina, it is peanut butter ON apple...no bread...too many carbs!! :D-->
Sowwy...but the peanut butter and onions thing is just TOO WIERD
Now aside from PB and honey, PB and Jelly (or Marmalade if you prefer Tref), PB and bananas. PB and bananas w/honey and just plain PB on bread or crackers... there's much to be said for PB on apples and PB on cold crisp celery...
heck, even PB on the spoon! but no M,MW,PRwSO! and definitly no bologna!
quote:Vickles, she keeps telling me to check my privates! I don't know why... I looked down there and it all seems to be in order...
Tom -- sound like the answer a Scot gave when asked what was worn underneath his kilt. The Scot said, "Nothing is worn under there. It's all in perfect working order".
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A la prochaine
PB and Mayo...
ewwww ....
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I prefer PB&PR on toast. (Peanut Butter and Pickle Relish) Don't know if I could handle mayo mixed with pb. My arteries are clogging just thinking about it. ::shiver::
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Peanut butter & mayonnaise??
Peanut butter & pickle relish??
There oughta be a law against doing that to peanut butter.
Peanut butter and honey is the only way that's decent and in order.
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I like mayo and I like pb but I do not think I would like them mixed together.
But I crave a yummy FLUFFANUTTER!
PB and marshmellow whip it is a feel good food1
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Mr. Freaky likes PB&MW...peanut butter and miracle whip...ewwwwwwwwwwwwww!!!
The only thing peanut butter is good on is a nice crisp fuji apple!
Y'all have some strrrrrrrrraaaaaaaange tastes! LOL!!!
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CW I thought I taught you better girl!!!
You forgot the sauted onions
you take whole grain bread and toast it
put a lite coating of butter on then the PB (while the toast is stil hot so the PB kinda soaks in the toast). The a nice portion of Hot sauted onions the ice cold sweet pickle relish>>>>
""heaven...I'm in heaven...."
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Aha! I knew I was forgetting something!!! Thanks, Mo!
;)--> Headed for the kitchen now....
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Trefor Heywood
I find peanut butter too dry on its own.
Peanut butter and jam or marmalade sandwiches are lovely!
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PB&M is great, also add some bananas to them and its wonderful!!!
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Radar OReilly
Well....PB&M sounds eerily like PB AND S&M to me
My cousin...the "shrink" turned general manager for a race car team...he lives on Peanut Butter, mayo and balogne on sourdough (he lives in California) bread.
For me, the San Francisco bay area gal now living in a small beach town in North Carolina, it is peanut butter ON apple...no bread...too many carbs!!
Sowwy...but the peanut butter and onions thing is just TOO WIERD
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Tom Strange
What is wrong with you people!
Were you in a cult or something?
Oh yeah... I forgot...
Now aside from PB and honey, PB and Jelly (or Marmalade if you prefer Tref), PB and bananas. PB and bananas w/honey and just plain PB on bread or crackers... there's much to be said for PB on apples and PB on cold crisp celery...
heck, even PB on the spoon! but no M,MW,PRwSO! and definitly no bologna!
You people are FREAKS!
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Tom Strange
Oh... and those little orange things in the produce section! those are good to dip in PB!
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Radar OReilly
In SOME PARTS OF THE WORLD those little orange things are called ORANGES.
Are you nuts? How can you say NO BOLOGNA and not EVEN ACKNOWLEDGE ONIONS ON PEANUT BUTTER????
Please check your privates!!
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Tom Strange
OK Radar! (glances down)
again, I say unto you, everything seems to be in order...
and no... not oranges... those stick looking things...
and I did acknowledge the onions... I said NO WAY!
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LOL, please check your privates?...
...what the heck does that mean?....hehe...
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Tom Strange
Vickles, she keeps telling me to check my privates! I don't know why... I looked down there and it all seems to be in order...
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Peanut butter on your privates???
Now that's an interesting idea.
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A la prochaine
Here's my take on the PB thing.
I love PB and dates.
You take a whole date(unpitted is best) and dip it in the PB jar. Yum yum yum.
And, by the way, I love PB that is freshly ground rather than the 'Jiffy' type.
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Okay, I'll fess up.
I've enjoyed PB and bologna more than once.
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Tom -- sound like the answer a Scot gave when asked what was worn underneath his kilt. The Scot said, "Nothing is worn under there. It's all in perfect working order".
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PB and honey (with bananas)
PB on celery
PB, jelly, and bacon
PB with mayo -- Hellman's, not the MW "substitute"
Pickle relish??

Vickles -- you being in southern Minnesota, fess up now. You ever tried Peanut Butter on
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Peanut Butter and Mayo or Miracle Whip
I will confirm DMiller Peanut Butter and HONEY
or good old fashioned Apple Butter with my PB.
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