Beauty is truely in the eyes of the beholder. You love that dog and see it as just gorgeous. To me... looks like any other dog. Except... those eyes. Something about those eyes... I know! They look POSSESSED!!! You got you the demon dog from Hell!! Look out Linda!! IT's a comin' for you when you're sleeping!! AHAAAAAAAAAA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
She is a sweetie. Everyone who meets her falls in love with her. Just between us, she isn't a classic beauty (covering screen so she can't read this), but she more than makes up for it in personality.
{{{WhiteDove}}} I know you miss your little sweetie. I hope the time will be right someday soon for you to get another furry companion.
I know exactly what you mean! My dog is cute in an ugly kind of way. -- Ahh -- but she'll win you over in a heartbeat as she gently paws at you to pet her.
She knows how to: crawl on the floor, shake, beg, lay dow, roll over, sit, play dead, turn around. We're working on "moonwalk" - she knows how to do it; just not on command.
Us die hard dog lovers know beauty is only skin deep. If you saw Jazz you'd say what kind of ugly a$$ dog is that? If you met her, she'd have you won over in less than 10 seconds - guaranteed!
Good luck with the new dog! My other dog is a terrorist - that's why she doesn't get much press.
I totally agree, Mary Cate. Dogs are a special gift, whether they're mutts or have a classy pedigree. I love 'em all.
Chris, I'd like to see Jazz moonwalking!!! Emma would do more tricks if I'd work more with her (i.e., bribe her with food). She learned to roll over in about 15 minutes, and I've almost got her sitting up on her haunches on command, but she gets a little nervous and doesn't hold it very long.
Her best trick is winning hearts. Her ears perk up so high, and they have these long tendrils of hair at the tips, like little antennae. My dad looked at her one day and said, "She'd really be ordinary looking, if it weren't for those ears!"
You can't tell in the picture, but although she's got the color pattern of a shepherd, she's got the whiskers (not to mention many personality traits) of a terrier. She's not the most obedient dog on earth (my fault--I'm too much of a pushover), but she's sweet to the max!
So that's your doggie, Linda! Cute is right. She looks like a tail wagger alright. No idea what Sudo's talking about. She's got "let's play" written all over that little face!
Act2, I work with a friend who's terrified of dogs. I didn't know this when I called for a work-in-the-park day a few years ago and brought Emma along. Even she fell for Emma.
Socks, you've pegged her exactly. She's a player alright, and a major tail wagger.
Linda that's a beautiful dog. She looks like a gentle, faithful, kind, loyal companian. She's lucky that she has you for her person. Perfect dog, I couldn't pick one out better myself.
You're so right, DMiller. She is always ready to go. In fact, she has an uncanny way of knowing when I shower and dress in the morning on days off that I'm not going to work and if she really, really begs maybe she can go along. She darn near needs a valium if I give in and say the word "ride."
Oh, and Krys, she enjoys me for sure. She rarely leaves my side. In fact, she's on the floor about 3 feet from me as I type. She'll only eat when I'm home, and if I feed her in the kitchen, she picks up her dish and carries it to whatever room I'm in before proceeding. I had to quit feeding her in the morning, because she didn't touch her food all day, but the cat was getting fatter and fatter!
WyteDuv and Rottie, your dogs are beautiful, too, no doubt about it!
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Beauty is truely in the eyes of the beholder. You love that dog and see it as just gorgeous. To me... looks like any other dog. Except... those eyes. Something about those eyes... I know! They look POSSESSED!!! You got you the demon dog from Hell!! Look out Linda!! IT's a comin' for you when you're sleeping!! AHAAAAAAAAAA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
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Linda Z
Nah, it's the ears. The ears are the window to EmmaDog's soul.
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Chris Jansen
Beautiful dog! Perfect size too!
Kind of reminds me of my Catahoula ("Jazz"). She was the runt of the litter (about 30# full grown) with a frumpled ear.
She's the sweetest dog you'd ever want to meet. She smiles ear to ear at guests, and when you come home from work.
Dogs are incredible critters! Cats are just dumb!
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Looks like a great dog Linda, makes me miss mine. Thanks for sharing the picture.
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Linda Z
Thanks, Chris (hi!) and WhiteDove.
She is a sweetie. Everyone who meets her falls in love with her. Just between us, she isn't a classic beauty (covering screen so she can't read this), but she more than makes up for it in personality.
{{{WhiteDove}}} I know you miss your little sweetie. I hope the time will be right someday soon for you to get another furry companion.
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Mary Cate
EmmaDog is beautiful! But to me, all dogs are beautiful. Congratulations.
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Chris Jansen
I know exactly what you mean! My dog is cute in an ugly kind of way. -- Ahh -- but she'll win you over in a heartbeat as she gently paws at you to pet her.
She knows how to: crawl on the floor, shake, beg, lay dow, roll over, sit, play dead, turn around. We're working on "moonwalk" - she knows how to do it; just not on command.
Us die hard dog lovers know beauty is only skin deep. If you saw Jazz you'd say what kind of ugly a$$ dog is that? If you met her, she'd have you won over in less than 10 seconds - guaranteed!
Good luck with the new dog! My other dog is a terrorist - that's why she doesn't get much press.
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Linda Z
I totally agree, Mary Cate. Dogs are a special gift, whether they're mutts or have a classy pedigree. I love 'em all.
Chris, I'd like to see Jazz moonwalking!!! Emma would do more tricks if I'd work more with her (i.e., bribe her with food). She learned to roll over in about 15 minutes, and I've almost got her sitting up on her haunches on command, but she gets a little nervous and doesn't hold it very long.
Her best trick is winning hearts. Her ears perk up so high, and they have these long tendrils of hair at the tips, like little antennae. My dad looked at her one day and said, "She'd really be ordinary looking, if it weren't for those ears!"
You can't tell in the picture, but although she's got the color pattern of a shepherd, she's got the whiskers (not to mention many personality traits) of a terrier. She's not the most obedient dog on earth (my fault--I'm too much of a pushover), but she's sweet to the max!
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i love your li'l pooch, linzee
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Linda, what a cute dog. I like dogs as long as they dont get near me!!!!
I think it has to do with being knocked off the back porch by a dog when I was around 5 yrs old and I broke my collar bone!!!
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So that's your doggie, Linda! Cute is right. She looks like a tail wagger alright. No idea what Sudo's talking about. She's got "let's play" written all over that little face!
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Linda Z
Thanks, Exsie, Act2, and Socks.
Act2, I work with a friend who's terrified of dogs. I didn't know this when I called for a work-in-the-park day a few years ago and brought Emma along. Even she fell for Emma.
Socks, you've pegged her exactly. She's a player alright, and a major tail wagger.
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Linda that's a beautiful dog. She looks like a gentle, faithful, kind, loyal companian. She's lucky that she has you for her person. Perfect dog, I couldn't pick one out better myself.
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Linda she is georgeous to me as are all dogs IMHO.
I just don't like snakes eeeeeeeewwwwwww. they scare me half to death, not fond of worms either. LOl
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Wyteduv -- snakes are "low-riders" too!
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Linda -- the ears say it all.
They seem to say where are we going now?? Let's move it!!
Good lookin' pooch.
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She looks like a keeper to me! I hope she enjoys you!
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Linda Z
Thanks, everyone, on behalf of Miss Emma.
You're so right, DMiller. She is always ready to go. In fact, she has an uncanny way of knowing when I shower and dress in the morning on days off that I'm not going to work and if she really, really begs maybe she can go along. She darn near needs a valium if I give in and say the word "ride."
Oh, and Krys, she enjoys me for sure. She rarely leaves my side. In fact, she's on the floor about 3 feet from me as I type. She'll only eat when I'm home, and if I feed her in the kitchen, she picks up her dish and carries it to whatever room I'm in before proceeding. I had to quit feeding her in the morning, because she didn't touch her food all day, but the cat was getting fatter and fatter!
WyteDuv and Rottie, your dogs are beautiful, too, no doubt about it!
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Dot Matrix
I LOVE her!!!!
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