Scenes from San Francisco where 665 same-sex couples were "married" on Thursday and Friday, defying California state law that only recognizes marriage between a man and a woman.
Whether or not these "marriages" are valid will be up to the courts to decide, I guess.
Some of these couples were in their 80s and have been together more than 50 years. Not long ago, I would have been 100% against this, but now I'm not so sure. Why should I really care?
I don't pretend to understand this one bit, but I can't see it being the end of civilization as we know it, as some seem to think.
well longgone ---its all sort of a joke around here to see all these crazies from elsewhere wanting to change my states constitution.
Even the Freaking president, who thinks it is OK to invade a country on false pretenses, killing thousands, weighed in thinking it wrong people of the same sex should enter into a loving marriage..
.OOOOOOOOO KKKKKKKKK-whatever you say---but he and alot of these people were never big on honoring or upholding the constitution or giving respect to people other than those who are within their narrow camp, so what else would I expect, its just sort of a scary joke at how inconsistant, foolish and transparently antiamerican people can be.
The Mass constitution states that all are equal under the law. If other states think it in their best interest to live under a discriminatory system, where one class of people is by definition better and more entitled than another -- then have at it ---in yourstate --reinstitute 3/5ths of a vote for blacks,or make other laws making discrimination legal. I thought as a nation we had moved beyond that but apparently not or at least not in some quarters..
For all the ridiculous arguments and loopholes on these pages its all a simple matter of right and wrong, gays and lesbians are full fledged contributing members of society as much as any other and deserve to be recognized and rewarded equally with all others.
All the other arguments are smoke and mirror distractions that only exist to self justify the narrow.
Take care of business in your own house, dont come in and mess with mine.
Well, mj, I see you went back and added a lot to your previous post, so I will now respond.
Same sex couples have adopted in at least 20 States, plus the District of Columbia. In not one of those cases were the couples married, but in every case, both partners had full parental rights and responsibilities regarding the subject children, and all subject children had the same rights to dependent and survivor benefits as children of a heterosexual marriage.
I’ll leave it to you to draw whatever conclusions you will.
Take care of business in your own house, dont come in and mess with mine.
I wouldn't dream of messing with Massachusetts' business. Massachusetts has every right to marry whomever Massachusetts wishes to marry. The same is true for other States. What Massachusetts does is of concern for people of other States only because it forces the issue of honoring same-sex marriages upon them, and will shortly force the issue of performing same-sex marriages upon them. (There will be lawsuits to force just those issues in several States, and in federal courts, very soon. I predict that several will be filed within 6 months.)
This may have been lost in all the discussion, but I don't care that much about the specific issue of same-sex marriage. Some associated issues interest me much more.
I do not look into what other states have applied , NY is large enough for me to try to keep track of really, and it sounds like it is a needed thing to take care of the children . If allowed to marry it would be universal and an automatic thing .
I think Trefor is right tho, we do discriminate against same sex unions, bottom line Long Gone the REASON Homosexuals want to be married is not as much about religion as it is for the benefits married people recieve in this country which are numerous and they can not .
I think if it was just about What God thinks or religous freedom, Homosexual would do as every other group does and make their own church or sect and worship as they see fit and get married in it and carry on .
Because 20 states have modified adoption laws to fit same sex unions does not lessen the FACT we do discriminate against Gay parents and unions, we do.
They do not have equal rights or laws applied to them as a married couple does .
The question is really is it against the constiution of our Country to do this isnt it?
In my opinion it is not .
but we as a nation do discriminate by saying they can not legaly marry and with that discrimination we withhold the priviledges and entitlements being married has for us by LAW.
It is difficult for someone from another country to understand the "spirit" of freedom America allows its people. Looking in it may appear we pick and chose who is right and wrong in a manner that is hurtful to the minority, but I regard my country as one of the largest giving Nations of this earth. America is powerful because of its people which is who choses how we live.
Our process allows the people to speak ( and then some if you ask me) and we have a system that works for the people. Problems? yes and they will never end in the constant debate of the New Country Called America because we are making a country of and for the people it must constantly change ideas and laws and such because we as a people grow and change. I love America and its govt. and its people who make it so.
MJ, I agree with most of what you said but I don't beleive the people have the say about our country. Its the polititions who think they have our say, thats why they will say anything to get elected. But on the other hand its my country and I love it. Wouldn't want to be anywhere else on earth. Now if we could hook all polititions up to lie detector thingys then let em debate or give thier little speaches we would have a better idea of where they actually stand not where they say they stand, give em a little shock everytime they lie. lol
another problem is the peoples resposibility to educate themselves about who thinks what in political circles and to vote as a personal responsibility instead of party .
it can be done ya know.
But as far as thinking I believe the American people may be the most informed about the choices our nation face if we chose to be educated . I see the process as an individual citizen responsibility now but did not always recognize this as what will be our contribution to making it happen.
uh oh sorry johnny if this is derailing your thread..
I can too, and so can my kids. My brothers daughters can also name each one of the States' logos. Utah, the beehive state, North Dakota, the Peace Garden State, etc...
MJ, I vote for who I hope and think will be the best pres. not for any party. And I do try to keep myself informed to the best of my ability which may not be as good as yours, but I do try and try with the help of God. We may not know for sure who's best but God sure does. Thanks for your input MJ, love reading some of your posts.
My daughter can not only name all the states and territories but can do it in alphabetical order. :D--> :P-->
MJ, my dear maybe we women folks should run for pres. eh I'll nominate you. You seem smart enough to do the job and I'll even work on your campaign in whatever position you want me too! :D--> :P--> woo woo
After all this discussion (and I've listened with an open mind to all reasonable arguments from both sides of this issue), I simply do not see how granting this right or privilege or whatever anyone wants to call it is going to weaken the fabric of our society. As long as heterosexuals retain their right to marry, I don't see what difference it makes if homosexuals are allowed to do the same.
If two people, of any sexual orientation, want to make a lifelong commitment like marriage, I think that's a good thing, and they should be able to do it legally, just like anyone else.
To people's religious objections, I'd have to say, don't go to a church that allows gay couples to attend. Problem solved. I understand where you're coming from, because I was once there. I have not thrown out my Bible by any means--just my black-and-white, fundamentalist, "I have all the answers" view of it.
My conclusion after all this discussion is that if you're against same-sex marriage, then don't marry someone of your gender, and let those people alone who want to do so. I'm sure they'll be happy to leave you alone, too.
I understand why the slavery comparison has come up here. I'm sure the good people of Georgia and South Carolina were pretty miffed, along with the northern slave owners, that the gov't outlawed their right to own another human being. Too bad. Although slavery was not an identical situation to what we're discussing, I think there are many legitimate parallels.
When my mom was a little girl in Arkansas, my great-grandfather used to drag her quickly across the street if they encountered a black person walking on "their" side. He was an honorable man in other ways, but he was blinded by the belief that black people weren't really quite human, that they were defective somehow.
Old taboos die hard, but thank God there's hope that they'll die eventually.
This post is not to argue for or against civil marriage of same-sex couples. I don’t much care about that, per se. If the people want to establish it, that’s fine by me. I just want to comment on one thing you brought up.
It is already perfectly legal for two people, regardless of gender or sexual orientation, to make a lifelong commitment like marriage. It is perfectly legal for them to formalize that commitment through a religious or non-religious ceremony, and for them and any other people to consider that commitment to be a marriage. The issue is state recognition of that commitment as a civil marriage.
WHITE MEN mostly as few slaves were free and even fewer allowed to fight this was a battle of man standing on what is wrong and right for ALL men .
53,000 died for a cause in ONE BATTLE and the war raged on for two more years after that.
This same sex marriage ideal is not a battle of freedom this is a battle of behaviours and money and if our NATION is built on the premise of IN GOD WE TRUST (why did we come to this new country? anyone remember? here?)
THIS will not break our founding Fathers vision of a country that will fight for the GOOD of ALL MEN, not just a select few as that is exactly where we came from! that is why we left the kings rule. geez
I know I get emotional I do but so few recognize this baby countrys history and strength and ride these emotional thoughts of reasoning , without considering what it means to our great UNION ! We must not allow it to break down , it is our country our land our voice .
A recent Massachusetts Supreme Court ruling that insists on equal marriage rights for gays and lesbians may prove to be a huge gift for the Bush re-election campaign, allowing fears of "gay marriage" to propel many Americans back into support for an Administration whose war and economic policies have lost support. The challenge for those of us who support equal rights for homosexuals is to figure out a way to acknowledge and speak compassionately to people's underlying fears while simultaneously rejecting the homophobia in which these fears manifest.
The fears that arise in relation to gay marriage are many: the collapse of traditions that have provided a bulwark against the ethos of the competitive marketplace (marriage seen as a last vestige of an ethos of love that counters the "look out for number one" common sense of contemporary capitalism); the rejection of responsibility for raising the next generation; the fear of being soft in a world that requires toughness; the fear of pleasure in a world that requires discipline. It's not enough to point out that the desire for gay marriage comes from those who seek to bolster rather than undermine the tradition, that gays and lesbians are increasingly involved in raising the next generation and that's why they want the protections of hetero families, that the toughness and discipline required in the contemporary world are distorting factors that hurt all of us and need to be overcome (and, incidentally, that those distortions are just as prevalent in gay culture as in the cultures and lifestyles of heteros). The fears will only dissipate with a deeper societal healing process.
Replacing the language of "marriage" with "civil unions" may bring temporary relief, but the underlying issues will continue to fester until we develop a serious strategy to challenge and cure persistent American homophobia. Liberals' failure to do so and their dishonest attempts to avoid the issue ("don't ask, don't tell") may soon explode in our faces‹in the November 2004 elections.
Thought I should post a few viewpoints I have found from those who are both pro gay marriage and American....
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Trefor Heywood
Mark: Federalism has met problems before and had to deal with them. The original framers could not cross every i nor dot every t nor foresee how things would develop in the future. It created prob
Here's a link to an article by Card on the problem with courts legislating by decision: Cool New Rights Are Fine, But What About Democracy?
J0nny Ling0
Ok. Apparently Massachusetts is poised to move on with same sex marriage. First of all, and it may not surprise some of you, I am opposed to this. Since I don't live in Mass, however, it doesn't real
Scenes from San Francisco where 665 same-sex couples were "married" on Thursday and Friday, defying California state law that only recognizes marriage between a man and a woman.
Whether or not these "marriages" are valid will be up to the courts to decide, I guess.
Some of these couples were in their 80s and have been together more than 50 years. Not long ago, I would have been 100% against this, but now I'm not so sure. Why should I really care?
I don't pretend to understand this one bit, but I can't see it being the end of civilization as we know it, as some seem to think.
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well longgone ---its all sort of a joke around here to see all these crazies from elsewhere wanting to change my states constitution.
Even the Freaking president, who thinks it is OK to invade a country on false pretenses, killing thousands, weighed in thinking it wrong people of the same sex should enter into a loving marriage..
.OOOOOOOOO KKKKKKKKK-whatever you say---but he and alot of these people were never big on honoring or upholding the constitution or giving respect to people other than those who are within their narrow camp, so what else would I expect, its just sort of a scary joke at how inconsistant, foolish and transparently antiamerican people can be.
The Mass constitution states that all are equal under the law. If other states think it in their best interest to live under a discriminatory system, where one class of people is by definition better and more entitled than another -- then have at it ---in yourstate --reinstitute 3/5ths of a vote for blacks,or make other laws making discrimination legal. I thought as a nation we had moved beyond that but apparently not or at least not in some quarters..
For all the ridiculous arguments and loopholes on these pages its all a simple matter of right and wrong, gays and lesbians are full fledged contributing members of society as much as any other and deserve to be recognized and rewarded equally with all others.
All the other arguments are smoke and mirror distractions that only exist to self justify the narrow.
Take care of business in your own house, dont come in and mess with mine.
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Well, mj, I see you went back and added a lot to your previous post, so I will now respond.
Same sex couples have adopted in at least 20 States, plus the District of Columbia. In not one of those cases were the couples married, but in every case, both partners had full parental rights and responsibilities regarding the subject children, and all subject children had the same rights to dependent and survivor benefits as children of a heterosexual marriage.
I’ll leave it to you to draw whatever conclusions you will.
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I never questioned your friendship with the USA. I did question the propriety of some of your statements. Perhaps I misunderstood.
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This may have been lost in all the discussion, but I don't care that much about the specific issue of same-sex marriage. Some associated issues interest me much more.
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I do not look into what other states have applied , NY is large enough for me to try to keep track of really, and it sounds like it is a needed thing to take care of the children . If allowed to marry it would be universal and an automatic thing .
I think Trefor is right tho, we do discriminate against same sex unions, bottom line Long Gone the REASON Homosexuals want to be married is not as much about religion as it is for the benefits married people recieve in this country which are numerous and they can not .
I think if it was just about What God thinks or religous freedom, Homosexual would do as every other group does and make their own church or sect and worship as they see fit and get married in it and carry on .
Because 20 states have modified adoption laws to fit same sex unions does not lessen the FACT we do discriminate against Gay parents and unions, we do.
They do not have equal rights or laws applied to them as a married couple does .
The question is really is it against the constiution of our Country to do this isnt it?
In my opinion it is not .
but we as a nation do discriminate by saying they can not legaly marry and with that discrimination we withhold the priviledges and entitlements being married has for us by LAW.
It is difficult for someone from another country to understand the "spirit" of freedom America allows its people. Looking in it may appear we pick and chose who is right and wrong in a manner that is hurtful to the minority, but I regard my country as one of the largest giving Nations of this earth. America is powerful because of its people which is who choses how we live.
Our process allows the people to speak ( and then some if you ask me) and we have a system that works for the people. Problems? yes and they will never end in the constant debate of the New Country Called America because we are making a country of and for the people it must constantly change ideas and laws and such because we as a people grow and change. I love America and its govt. and its people who make it so.
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MJ, I agree with most of what you said but I don't beleive the people have the say about our country. Its the polititions who think they have our say, thats why they will say anything to get elected. But on the other hand its my country and I love it. Wouldn't want to be anywhere else on earth. Now if we could hook all polititions up to lie detector thingys then let em debate or give thier little speaches we would have a better idea of where they actually stand not where they say they stand, give em a little shock everytime they lie. lol
Dovey....proud owner of two low riders...Dovey's Doxies...... too dumb to post pics
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another problem is the peoples resposibility to educate themselves about who thinks what in political circles and to vote as a personal responsibility instead of party .
it can be done ya know.
But as far as thinking I believe the American people may be the most informed about the choices our nation face if we chose to be educated . I see the process as an individual citizen responsibility now but did not always recognize this as what will be our contribution to making it happen.
uh oh sorry johnny if this is derailing your thread..
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J0nny Ling0
No problem, it's interesting...
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Tom Strange
hey Tref! I can...
I'm on the outside, looking inside, what do I see? Much confusion, disillusion, all around me.
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J0nny Ling0
I can too. So can my kids, and my brothers daughters can tell us all of the different states' logos...
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J0nny Ling0
I can too, and so can my kids. My brothers daughters can also name each one of the States' logos. Utah, the beehive state, North Dakota, the Peace Garden State, etc...
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MJ, I vote for who I hope and think will be the best pres. not for any party. And I do try to keep myself informed to the best of my ability which may not be as good as yours, but I do try and try with the help of God. We may not know for sure who's best but God sure does. Thanks for your input MJ, love reading some of your posts.
Dovey....proud owner of two low riders...Dovey's Doxies...... too dumb to post pics
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My daughter can not only name all the states and territories but can do it in alphabetical order.
MJ, my dear maybe we women folks should run for pres. eh I'll nominate you. You seem smart enough to do the job and I'll even work on your campaign in whatever position you want me too!
woo woo
What about it girl, you up to it. lol
Dovey....proud owner of two low riders...Dovey's Doxies...... too dumb to post pics
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Linda Z
After all this discussion (and I've listened with an open mind to all reasonable arguments from both sides of this issue), I simply do not see how granting this right or privilege or whatever anyone wants to call it is going to weaken the fabric of our society. As long as heterosexuals retain their right to marry, I don't see what difference it makes if homosexuals are allowed to do the same.
If two people, of any sexual orientation, want to make a lifelong commitment like marriage, I think that's a good thing, and they should be able to do it legally, just like anyone else.
To people's religious objections, I'd have to say, don't go to a church that allows gay couples to attend. Problem solved. I understand where you're coming from, because I was once there. I have not thrown out my Bible by any means--just my black-and-white, fundamentalist, "I have all the answers" view of it.
My conclusion after all this discussion is that if you're against same-sex marriage, then don't marry someone of your gender, and let those people alone who want to do so. I'm sure they'll be happy to leave you alone, too.
I understand why the slavery comparison has come up here. I'm sure the good people of Georgia and South Carolina were pretty miffed, along with the northern slave owners, that the gov't outlawed their right to own another human being. Too bad. Although slavery was not an identical situation to what we're discussing, I think there are many legitimate parallels.
When my mom was a little girl in Arkansas, my great-grandfather used to drag her quickly across the street if they encountered a black person walking on "their" side. He was an honorable man in other ways, but he was blinded by the belief that black people weren't really quite human, that they were defective somehow.
Old taboos die hard, but thank God there's hope that they'll die eventually.
Linda Z
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This post is not to argue for or against civil marriage of same-sex couples. I don’t much care about that, per se. If the people want to establish it, that’s fine by me. I just want to comment on one thing you brought up.
It is already perfectly legal for two people, regardless of gender or sexual orientation, to make a lifelong commitment like marriage. It is perfectly legal for them to formalize that commitment through a religious or non-religious ceremony, and for them and any other people to consider that commitment to be a marriage. The issue is state recognition of that commitment as a civil marriage.
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I have yet to meet an American who can name all 50 State Capitals.
I can.
Trefor Heywood
"Cymru Am Byth!"
Trefor -- Probably cause you haven't travelled over the "big pond" and taken the time to do so.
Many of us can.

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Excuse me really excuse ME!~
comparing slavery to homosexual marriage?
I do not think so.
In the battle GETTYSBURG 53,000 men died.
WHITE MEN mostly as few slaves were free and even fewer allowed to fight this was a battle of man standing on what is wrong and right for ALL men .
53,000 died for a cause in ONE BATTLE and the war raged on for two more years after that.
This same sex marriage ideal is not a battle of freedom this is a battle of behaviours and money and if our NATION is built on the premise of IN GOD WE TRUST (why did we come to this new country? anyone remember? here?)
THIS will not break our founding Fathers vision of a country that will fight for the GOOD of ALL MEN, not just a select few as that is exactly where we came from! that is why we left the kings rule. geez
I know I get emotional I do but so few recognize this baby countrys history and strength and ride these emotional thoughts of reasoning , without considering what it means to our great UNION ! We must not allow it to break down , it is our country our land our voice .
In God we do trust I still believe it .
do you?
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My daughter can not only name all the states and territories but can do it in alphabetical order.

I am impressed!!

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WhyteDuv --- makes me believe in America AGAIN
[This message was edited by dmiller on February 15, 2004 at 15:05.]
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Trefor Heywood
Naturally I am pleased that some Americans can!
None of them appeared on The Weakest Link USA !
Trefor Heywood
"Cymru Am Byth!"
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Trefor Heywood
Thought I should post a few viewpoints I have found from those who are both pro gay marriage and American....
Trefor Heywood
"Cymru Am Byth!"
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Trefor Heywood
From "Mark" in the "matthewshepperd" yahoo group.
Trefor Heywood
"Cymru Am Byth!"
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Trefor Heywood
Trefor Heywood
"Cymru Am Byth!"
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