We can just meet in the room where the swimming pool and the hot tub are (there's also a sauna and a fitness room!) I'll be there after the rehearsal and rehearsal dinner are over, but feel free to start without me!!!!!
ya might check with the hotel first to make sure we can take 'refreshments' into the pool area
For all you GS'rs that can't come to the wedding but maybe can come inna summer....here's da deal.....
WE'RE GITTIN A HOUSE!!!!!!!!!!!!
We'll be having a housewarming party towards the end of June (we're moving into the house in May)
Did I say P*A*R*T*Y????? Why, YES I DID!!!!!!!
We'll have a lot of room for folks to crash, a big front and back yard, there are some good, inexpensive hotel rooms nearby....and we'll have a HUGE deck....AND a sauna to party with!!!! (workin on gettin a hot tub)
Email me if near the end of June works for you and we'll make this a housewarming party our neighbors won't soon forget!!!
Hey Zix...I'm not a strip joint kind of guy (anymore ;)-->)...and I look really bad in a bikini - so maybe you and me can form the core of the "third way" and grab some adult beverages where everybody is fully clothed. :D-->
Susie, my girlfriend will be attending as well and has made it known that she is sticking close by me, this being her first exposure to the Grease Spot gang
Um...the blues aren't depressing...not most blues anyway...but I convinced Steve! and Chinson to go to a blues club last year and they weren't impressed ;)-->
Paw: From my conversation with Steve! this weekend, I got the impression that he was only going along with it to please you guys. Apparently he's not all that crazy about the idea, and neither are Oakspear or I. But it's up to him, not me. If you want the job back, you'd better clear it with them! :)-->
Oh, and another thing. Nobody's going to touch their car, either. Not while I'm around, anyway. (Kind of a moot point since they're flying out for their honeymoon, but still...)
Steve!: A kick-*** toast? You told me you wanted a BLENDER! ;)-->
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Yep, with Steve!. I've just had one too many honest conversations with strippers to keep any naivete about them.
But, hey, you guys can go if you want to. I'm still trying to figure out how to crash the bachelorette party...
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NO way Zix, unless you wear a bikini.....
no guys invited, we will KNOW who you are and especially in that bikini!!!!!!
I'll bring the "refreshments" ladies...
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We can just meet in the room where the swimming pool and the hot tub are (there's also a sauna and a fitness room!) I'll be there after the rehearsal and rehearsal dinner are over, but feel free to start without me!!!!!
ya might check with the hotel first to make sure we can take 'refreshments' into the pool area
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For all you GS'rs that can't come to the wedding but maybe can come inna summer....here's da deal.....
WE'RE GITTIN A HOUSE!!!!!!!!!!!!
We'll be having a housewarming party towards the end of June (we're moving into the house in May)
Did I say P*A*R*T*Y????? Why, YES I DID!!!!!!!
We'll have a lot of room for folks to crash, a big front and back yard, there are some good, inexpensive hotel rooms nearby....and we'll have a HUGE deck....AND a sauna to party with!!!! (workin on gettin a hot tub)
Email me if near the end of June works for you and we'll make this a housewarming party our neighbors won't soon forget!!!
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Congratulations!!!!! Guess that means you won't be gracing our fair state with your presence now, though...our loss!
Happy for you anyway,
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Hey Zix...I'm not a strip joint kind of guy (anymore
;)-->)...and I look really bad in a bikini
- so maybe you and me can form the core of the "third way" and grab some adult beverages where everybody is fully clothed.
Susie, my girlfriend will be attending as well and has made it known that she is sticking close by me, this being her first exposure to the Grease Spot gang
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Isn't Chicago the home to a number of blues clubs and comedy clubs?
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The blues are kind of depressing for a bachelor party. I'd vote for a comedy club, though, if we just have to have entertainment while getting 'faced.
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Since the bachelor party is all about the groom.....lets find out what HE wants ta do!
Oh Stevey....whatcha wanna do for your bachelor party??????
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I'm not sure, anymore, I'll hafta think about it
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Um...the blues aren't depressing...not most blues anyway...but I convinced Steve! and Chinson to go to a blues club last year and they weren't impressed
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Whaddayamean, we weren't impressed??
We both liked that place, and we both enjoyed the music! You just caught us in a state of exhaustion.
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Hoo boy. I can see that it's also going to be fun playing "Where do we eat?" with y'all...
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As best man you are in charge. And from conversations with Steve! and your posts, you two are NOT on the same page.
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Oh, btw, Zixar, don't forget - you've also got to come up with a really kick-*** toast at the reception
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Oh and btw Zix, cigars... I'll bring some.
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Tom Strange
6er... in your toast try to use words that even I would understand!
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Paw: From my conversation with Steve! this weekend, I got the impression that he was only going along with it to please you guys. Apparently he's not all that crazy about the idea, and neither are Oakspear or I. But it's up to him, not me. If you want the job back, you'd better clear it with them!
Oh, and another thing. Nobody's going to touch their car, either. Not while I'm around, anyway. (Kind of a moot point since they're flying out for their honeymoon, but still...)
Steve!: A kick-*** toast? You told me you wanted a BLENDER!
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Cool. We can all go to Hooters and satisfy both the strip club advocates and the let's just sit back and have a beer advocates.
I'd go for a Blues club.
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To all involved....it is a well known fact that weddings and funerals bring out the WORST in people.
Can we please RISE above this statistic???
(or if not...can there be money involved???
:D--> )
Zix...honey...you're bein rude.
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Sorry Steve!
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Chinny - we're Grease Spotters - we argue about everything!
I'd wager my old PFAL book that all of us will behave once we get to the hotel and bask in the love
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well here's an idea.
How's about the guys and the girls go out together?
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