Honey, since you have been going to school for a couple of years now ;)-->, I think it is high time for you to sign up for some beginning swimming lessons. You have plenty of time to make it thru polly wog to intermediate between now and the weenie roast :D-->
Just a little advice from one of your nearest and dearest fellow gspotters!!
Freakie---I am definitely attending this years roast. Last year my mother had just had cancer surgery and unfortunately, we had an un-invited guest that same weekend....HURRICANE ISABEL
I will see you there, we need to schedule our thumb-wrestling contest there!! That way we can settle once and for all who is the REAL Bliss Ninny of Greasespot. ROR
dm - I thought it was funny, and one that Steve! his own self would laugh at, so for what it's worth, I'm glad you said it.
and don't worry about us being able to stand so much of ya, there'll be enough of us to spread yourself out some... seems to me there will be double what came last year and I coulda stayed with each and everyone of em another week easily...
freaky - you can count the princess and me - we love surprises... (she'll be 8 by that weekend).
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Hmmmm...we'll have to think on that
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Does anyone think that ungrateful people with cr@ppy attitudes should be permitted to attend such an event?
I think that Shellon should demonstrate abject humiliation before being welcomed back.
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Radar OReilly
I did not attend the first or 2nd Southern Comfort Weenie Roasts...however.....
I do think that people that ADMIT to having crazy sh^^^ty days should be among the first people to be granted admittance.
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Let's have a vote on it!
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I'm a fun girl.
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OK show us how you do *fun* abject humiliation...
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YAYYYYYYYYYYYYY!!!! I vote a big 'ol YES!!! for Shell's comin' to the weenie roast!!!!
And ummmmmmmmmm...Radar, does that mean you won't be coming to this years too????
Do we have a head count of definates yet??? I'll be there fer shur!!
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Just a thought...
Maybe you could get a "dunking booth", and Shell could be the 1st one to sit on the "hot seat"
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Good thought Z!!!
There's plenty of water there...we could make it a combination dunking booth/baptismal font...we could drown 'em and then save 'em!
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Did I mention that I don't know how to swim?
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Hence the dunk n save shell
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Radar OReilly
Yuhoooooo....SHA LAWN!!!!!
Honey, since you have been going to school for a couple of years now
;)-->, I think it is high time for you to sign up for some beginning swimming lessons. You have plenty of time to make it thru polly wog to intermediate between now and the weenie roast
Just a little advice from one of your nearest and dearest fellow gspotters!!
Freakie---I am definitely attending this years roast. Last year my mother had just had cancer surgery and unfortunately, we had an un-invited guest that same weekend....HURRICANE ISABEL
I will see you there, we need to schedule our thumb-wrestling contest there!! That way we can settle once and for all who is the REAL Bliss Ninny of Greasespot. ROR
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HA. no more swimming classes for me.
1. Failed kids classes 7 times as a kid and 2 times as an adult. How's that for trauma?
2. My husband almost drowned trying to teach me.
3. I don't like the water.
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Radar OReilly
Dunk and Sink sounds fine to me
Don't forget I tried to help
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And I appreciate it.
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Steve! -- Does that "abject humiliation" also apply to those who "leave" GSCafe, then want to come back?
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Why do you ask, dm?
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Steve! -- Never mind. Bad joke, I guess.
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Just looked at the Fall Creek web-site.

What a beautiful spot
Is it from October 8 thru 11th? Will this be a 4-day thing, or what?
Or can everyone here stand each other's personal prescence for 4 days in a row?
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Yer on!!!! Already startin' my thumb crunches...get ready gf!!!
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Izit too early for a tenative head count fer the roast??? I have a surprise for everyone, and I'd like to know what I'm in for so's I can prepare...
So glad Shells and Radar's a'comin'! YAYYYYYYYYY!!!
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dm - I thought it was funny, and one that Steve! his own self would laugh at, so for what it's worth, I'm glad you said it.
and don't worry about us being able to stand so much of ya, there'll be enough of us to spread yourself out some... seems to me there will be double what came last year and I coulda stayed with each and everyone of em another week easily...
freaky - you can count the princess and me - we love surprises... (she'll be 8 by that weekend).
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Bow -- Glad someone got it!
Steve! probably forgot he left GSCafe, then came back, what with the wedding and all.
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Oh, I got it, I was just playing.
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