Oh wow, Oh wow... the best time I can remember ever having.....no kidding!
Our gathering had ALL the elements...much laughter, occasional tears...a touch of drama....
I arrived friday night, Mark had left directly from work and arrived before me... He called on his cell and wanted to know how on EARTH he was going to find everyone ( he is not a gspot poster or reader).... heck I told im to go door to door witnessing....lol...he DIDN`T find that amusing...however he must have figured it out because by the time I arrived an hour later....he was comfortably seated with a bowl of Mr. Sudo`s world famous stew...
The stew WAS fabulous... we talked a bit...I gotta tell you...I was SO nervous...here I was meeting all of these wonderfull posters that I had enjoyed talking to for years...I was desperatly afraid that I would embarass myself, or the kids would be obnoxious or Mark would do something wierd ... maybe folks Would find out what a real flake I am lol....
Well sure enough.... one of the kiddoes drops a bowl of stew making a huge mess within 5 min of arrival.... lol.. well we are cleaning the mess up and I am castigating the kid for bringing everlasting shame to his poor old mother, when a strange man walked in the door ...(looked a lot like fabio) he was looking slightly uncomfortable...so I bound right up and brightly introduce myself... n HE says...*Hi my name is (I swear I heard) Paul*... okaaaaaaaaaaay so whatcher screen name? ..I am thinking... n he looks kindda uncomfortable...and says mike.. n ever growing puzzelment I repeat mike? because I only know one Mike that posts...and was extremely suprised that he would show up there...n he says yeah..n I guess a look of fear must`v crossed my face n I asked...*THE* Mike??...n then HE started looking REALLY nervous, and his hand shake starts to falter... (I find out later that about this time HE is thinking that he is in the WRONG cabin) and becomes visibly VERY uncomfortable...... lol and I am thinking if he finds out that I am rascal....is he going to *hurt* me? lol...well well could NOT have been a more embarrassing way to actually meet *live* in the flesh... the reveared and respected PAWTUCKET!!!!!!
GrOOOOOOOOOaan somebody FINALLY recognized and rescued him... (when he had said PAW I swear we ALL had heard paul).... so much for making an outstanding first impression rofl....
Anyway...poor guy...what a way to start a weekend...lol and here *I* am worrying about my family shaming me...lol no THANKYOU I guess I can do JUST fine ALL by myself....rofl.
We spent an incredible evening getting to know each other...paw had (did I mention that he looks a lot like fabio?) pictures from other gspot gatherings so we got to see what some of the rest of you looked like... Oak was there, he and Mark knew each other from Nebraska...I was delighted to see Lori again this year...Thankyou oenophil for picking her and xena up, it just wouldn`t have been the same without them...My dear chat buddy shellon was there......what a treat to finally meet her *live*.. jardinaro... what a sweet lady.. Hawk was there, Herbal Mike was there (AND awake)fine cigars and wine (not whine) great music...I don`t know who provided that ..but it was apropriate..
The kids played out front all evening...under the watchfull eye of mark and Hawk... Poor hawk...scared himself AND a lady rocking a baby (the first bit of drama) by walking in the cabin BETWEEN the cabins rented by gspotters...lol Good thing she was nice...thanked Hawk for making her aware of the need to LOCK her door!
we were unaware of the late hour and I guess created a bit of a disturbance when a soccer ball was inadvertantly kicked into a vehicle by one of the kids, thus setting off a car alarm...we decided it best to (quickly) move the kids to the campground...so called it a night at the cabins...
We headed back to the campground to set up camp...and soon as I tried to plug in the rv...no power... oh man setting up camp inna dark with NO lights.... well Hawks son Corey, walks over... n tries to tell me I need to do things different... n I`m thinkin RIGHT kiddo... but didn`t figure it would hurt to let him try (he had already prevented his Dad n I from taking a wrong turn earlier that night on a store run) .. so I told him to give it a shot...the ADULTS certainly weren`t having any luck...
Well sure enough he starts pulling yards and yards of electrical cable outta the hole in the rv...changes plugs..inserts in the box and voila! instant lights!!!! Lol THANKS Corey, it wasn`t the first OR the last time that he came to the rescue that weekend.....
So jardinaro (what a saint) helped me unload the rv and get camp set up, bless her heart, I was so tired at THAT point I was ready to cry...... (Thanks again, friend :-) I was having difficulty... Corey and hawk helped my eldest get her tent set up....I had brought the biggest dog I had, because she wanted to camp by herself...n it was THE only way I was letting her out from under my eagle eye...lol
Anyway we all went to bed relativly early...and when I awoke at dawn...I was trying to find coffee taking out my frustration on Mark lol....when this strange car comes driving slooooooooowly by....
All of a sudden I recognise bowtwi`s *princess* excitedly pointing me out to her Mom...Those poor guys had arrived in the middle of the night and had been aimlessly driving through the park hoping to recognise someone....lol...
Big hugs... after getting some coffe running, I had bow drive me to the marina for some flour for the gravey....and to show her where her cabin awaited her...we must have seen 20 deer...
Breakfast was starting when we got back...Hawk had plenty of home made sausage that I started cooking in the biggest skillet I have ever seen ...lol and he turned his lid over and used it to start frying bacon.. jardinaro and bow managed to set up breakfast and make the eggs...hawk was pulling food and burners and pots left and right...it was obvious he was a seasoned camper...he had even brought enough wood for the weekend.... (Thankyou Hawk)
We even managed to bake some biscuts ala hawk style as we were awaiting the arrival of the cabin folks with the *oven cooked* biscuts..
It was a feast!
That was the auspicious beginning to Saturday....lol I will post more later.......
[This message was edited by rascal on September 22, 2003 at 10:42.]
[This message was edited by rascal on September 22, 2003 at 10:47.]
Well, Rascal - - I had no problem identifying Paw. When the Fabio look alike walked in the door with muscles rippling and the sparkle glistening off his million dollar smile, I could only think.....Hmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm...
Well, rascal, I think we might be the joint winners of the ways to impress paw upon first meeting contest - when I met him, I said, "I wish you had slept in my bed last night."
Meaning, that since the princess and I didn't, I would have preferred he did than go off to a motel.
Suz: you should have seen the look on his face! The normally quick witted Paw stuttered trying to get out a response! Bowtwi's inadvertent funny was the best line of the entire weekend! Wish I had thought of it ;)--> ;)-->...hmmmmmmmmmmmmm...
Just a side note. You guys gotta know that the 14th tribe is one of the nicest families to be around! Rascal and Mr. Rascal - - you two are awesome. What a beautiful tribe you have given birth to. From the eldest to the youngest (well, except maybe for that one boy in the middle who tried to stow away with me ;)-->) - - you have raised such sweet, kind, generous and rowdy kids! Wish you greasespotters could have watched how great these brothers and sisters take care of each other and chipped in to take such good care of us all. What a delite to be with them. My Jardinerito so enjoyed them all (along with Hawk, Jr.).
Rascal is so very funny how her internal alarm goes off about every 30 minutes or so and she does role call - - but what a mom! She not only cared well for her own tribe, but adopted all us "adult" kids under her generous wings too! Thank you dear lady. Miss you already! And Mr. Rascal is the most mellow dad of 7 I've ever met! What a involved, incredible father you are. And thanks for the hugs! You are such a dear!
What an event filled weekend, from bed offers to hootchie cootchie dancing dentists to a visit from the local park rangers and folks walking into strange cabins
This is why I take naps it's hard to keep up with these folks!! :P-->
I just got home a few minutes ago. What an exhilarating weekend.
I stayed overnight in Nashville and watched the Emmy's. A Sudo look alike walked away with a bunch of awards
I've had a day to think about what it was that made it special. Yes there was great fun, generous amounts of delicious food. Small groups all over the place talking -- either reminiscing or getting to know each other.
I think that what made it special was that here was a group of people that in different places went through a life changing experience and overcame it in their own special way. We have the in common the life changing experience to varying degrees, but we ALL overcame it. And THAT is what we have in common. THAT is the introduction to each other and the bonding.
And to take this a step further, we were able to do in a short weekend what was not accomplished at those wing ding in New Knoxville. People engaged. People were able to talk about their lives with others that understand.
I know everybody who wasn't there is wondering about that pole dance. I think they need to know the truth, don't you? First, It was Oakspear's fancy kazoo music that just made 'ya wanna' dance and then.. tell 'em what you did, now... you PAID me to dance with that tree. I may be cheap but I ain't free!
I'm posting the actual dollar bill you oh so slyly stuck down my pants, girl! What could I do after that? I HAD to dance. I'll carry that bill around in my billfold until the next weenie roast!!
Am I the last one to get home? I decided to go on a diet and weight training program since Paw's Fabio-ness made me feel inadequate.
Highlights (gleaned from my little black notebook that I carried around):
Best Food Name: Sudo's "Sex-In-A-Bowl" Stew"
Best Possible Thread Title: Benadryl and Beer
Best Wildlife Name: Bonsai Deer
Best Out-Of-Context Quote: Bowtwi to Pawtucket - "I wish you would have slept in my bed last night"
Best Story: Hawk's Suicidal Deer Tale
Most Surprising Revelation: Tied between 1. Sudo's "There is a difference between a redneck and a good ol' boy" and 2. Hawk's explanation that "the south did not lose the Civil War but gave up when they figured out that the Yankees weren't after their women"
Saddest Quote: "Pour Out ALL the alcohol"
Scariest Quote: "I can't do out-of-state tickets..."
Best Cooking Tip: "Milk Slopping is the Key" by Rascal
Best Drink: Hawk's Special Recipe with the pears floating in it
Entertainment High Point: Sudo dancing for dollars to kazoo accompaniment
Tenderest Moment: Rascal receiving her doctorate from an somewhat accredited organization (the Weenie Roast Board of Guv'ners)
Funniest Name Mangling: OLEOphile
Greatest Act of Toleration: The Christians NOT using the word 'unbeliever' around Sudo & me
Seen Ya at The Roast
[This message was edited by Oakspear on September 23, 2003 at 0:33.]
[This message was edited by Oakspear on September 23, 2003 at 1:12.]
[This message was edited by Oakspear on September 23, 2003 at 3:39.]
Well, awright, you're on to me - but did ya know I was dancin' behind ya, almost like chasing cause each time I reached that dollar out to put it in your G-string, you seemed to dance just a bit beyond my reach... Oh, I wish you coulda seen that in the original.
Oh wait, maybe you will...
That pole dance you did tho, I haven't laughed THAT hard in ages! I don't know HOW Oak maintained his presence of mind enough to keep the beat going so well so you didn't get twisted feet.
And why do they call it a G-string? Didn't look like no G I ever saw before...
Hmmmmmmmmmmmmmm...... Pawvio - aren't you the resident expert on such things? Or is that what oenophile translates to?
Glad you got home and not sent with your luggage, Paw.
Steve! and I have made a solemn vow to be at the NEXT Weenie Roast....no matter what!!!! We feel it our duty to add our four hoodlums to the mix of kids. And our dollar bills to Sudo's G-String!!!!!
OK...sudo....since I live so close to ya I can't say anything till you show up to defend yourself. I mean I wouldn't talk about ya while your not here to defend yourself. But if'n yer ever up this way stop in . I got some great pear marmalade,,,,,works real good on toasted english mufins...you know ...a real low carbo diet,.
Sounds better'n the Rock of Ages, Woodstock and OzFest combined!!!
Sure wish I could have joined you. We will make it next year. Columbus Day weekend would be great for us - kids have a day off school, and the leaves are changing in October, too - something I long to see. But whatever you choose - we'll be there.
Looks like you had a blast... I'm green with envy! xoxoxox
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Oh wow, Oh wow... the best time I can remember ever having.....no kidding!
Our gathering had ALL the elements...much laughter, occasional tears...a touch of drama....
I arrived friday night, Mark had left directly from work and arrived before me... He called on his cell and wanted to know how on EARTH he was going to find everyone ( he is not a gspot poster or reader).... heck I told im to go door to door witnessing....lol...he DIDN`T find that amusing...however he must have figured it out because by the time I arrived an hour later....he was comfortably seated with a bowl of Mr. Sudo`s world famous stew...
The stew WAS fabulous... we talked a bit...I gotta tell you...I was SO nervous...here I was meeting all of these wonderfull posters that I had enjoyed talking to for years...I was desperatly afraid that I would embarass myself, or the kids would be obnoxious or Mark would do something wierd ... maybe folks Would find out what a real flake I am lol....
Well sure enough.... one of the kiddoes drops a bowl of stew making a huge mess within 5 min of arrival.... lol.. well we are cleaning the mess up and I am castigating the kid for bringing everlasting shame to his poor old mother, when a strange man walked in the door ...(looked a lot like fabio) he was looking slightly uncomfortable...so I bound right up and brightly introduce myself... n HE says...*Hi my name is (I swear I heard) Paul*... okaaaaaaaaaaay so whatcher screen name? ..I am thinking... n he looks kindda uncomfortable...and says mike.. n ever growing puzzelment I repeat mike? because I only know one Mike that posts...and was extremely suprised that he would show up there...n he says yeah..n I guess a look of fear must`v crossed my face n I asked...*THE* Mike??...n then HE started looking REALLY nervous, and his hand shake starts to falter... (I find out later that about this time HE is thinking that he is in the WRONG cabin) and becomes visibly VERY uncomfortable...... lol and I am thinking if he finds out that I am rascal....is he going to *hurt* me? lol...well well could NOT have been a more embarrassing way to actually meet *live* in the flesh... the reveared and respected PAWTUCKET!!!!!!
GrOOOOOOOOOaan somebody FINALLY recognized and rescued him... (when he had said PAW I swear we ALL had heard paul).... so much for making an outstanding first impression rofl....
Anyway...poor guy...what a way to start a weekend...lol and here *I* am worrying about my family shaming me...lol no THANKYOU I guess I can do JUST fine ALL by myself....rofl.
We spent an incredible evening getting to know each other...paw had (did I mention that he looks a lot like fabio?) pictures from other gspot gatherings so we got to see what some of the rest of you looked like... Oak was there, he and Mark knew each other from Nebraska...I was delighted to see Lori again this year...Thankyou oenophil for picking her and xena up, it just wouldn`t have been the same without them...My dear chat buddy shellon was there......what a treat to finally meet her *live*.. jardinaro... what a sweet lady.. Hawk was there, Herbal Mike was there (AND awake)fine cigars and wine (not whine) great music...I don`t know who provided that ..but it was apropriate..
The kids played out front all evening...under the watchfull eye of mark and Hawk... Poor hawk...scared himself AND a lady rocking a baby (the first bit of drama) by walking in the cabin BETWEEN the cabins rented by gspotters...lol Good thing she was nice...thanked Hawk for making her aware of the need to LOCK her door!
we were unaware of the late hour and I guess created a bit of a disturbance when a soccer ball was inadvertantly kicked into a vehicle by one of the kids, thus setting off a car alarm...we decided it best to (quickly) move the kids to the campground...so called it a night at the cabins...
We headed back to the campground to set up camp...and soon as I tried to plug in the rv...no power... oh man setting up camp inna dark with NO lights.... well Hawks son Corey, walks over... n tries to tell me I need to do things different... n I`m thinkin RIGHT kiddo... but didn`t figure it would hurt to let him try (he had already prevented his Dad n I from taking a wrong turn earlier that night on a store run) .. so I told him to give it a shot...the ADULTS certainly weren`t having any luck...
Well sure enough he starts pulling yards and yards of electrical cable outta the hole in the rv...changes plugs..inserts in the box and voila! instant lights!!!! Lol THANKS Corey, it wasn`t the first OR the last time that he came to the rescue that weekend.....
So jardinaro (what a saint) helped me unload the rv and get camp set up, bless her heart, I was so tired at THAT point I was ready to cry...... (Thanks again, friend :-) I was having difficulty... Corey and hawk helped my eldest get her tent set up....I had brought the biggest dog I had, because she wanted to camp by herself...n it was THE only way I was letting her out from under my eagle eye...lol
Anyway we all went to bed relativly early...and when I awoke at dawn...I was trying to find coffee taking out my frustration on Mark lol....when this strange car comes driving slooooooooowly by....
All of a sudden I recognise bowtwi`s *princess* excitedly pointing me out to her Mom...Those poor guys had arrived in the middle of the night and had been aimlessly driving through the park hoping to recognise someone....lol...
Big hugs... after getting some coffe running, I had bow drive me to the marina for some flour for the gravey....and to show her where her cabin awaited her...we must have seen 20 deer...
Breakfast was starting when we got back...Hawk had plenty of home made sausage that I started cooking in the biggest skillet I have ever seen ...lol and he turned his lid over and used it to start frying bacon.. jardinaro and bow managed to set up breakfast and make the eggs...hawk was pulling food and burners and pots left and right...it was obvious he was a seasoned camper...he had even brought enough wood for the weekend.... (Thankyou Hawk)
We even managed to bake some biscuts ala hawk style as we were awaiting the arrival of the cabin folks with the *oven cooked* biscuts..
It was a feast!
That was the auspicious beginning to Saturday....lol I will post more later.......
[This message was edited by rascal on September 22, 2003 at 10:42.]
[This message was edited by rascal on September 22, 2003 at 10:47.]
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Well, Rascal - - I had no problem identifying Paw. When the Fabio look alike walked in the door with muscles rippling and the sparkle glistening off his million dollar smile, I could only think.....Hmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm...
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oops - double post.
B - Better
O - Off
W - Without
t - the
w - way
i - international
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Well, rascal, I think we might be the joint winners of the ways to impress paw upon first meeting contest - when I met him, I said, "I wish you had slept in my bed last night."
Meaning, that since the princess and I didn't, I would have preferred he did than go off to a motel.
We sure do make a first impression, eh?
B - Better
O - Off
W - Without
t - the
w - way
i - international
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so Paw goes from being Fabio to bed offers...No wonder he has a grin on his face in the picture...
you girls are gooooood.
continue with the stories .....
I am enjoying hearing it.
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Suz: you should have seen the look on his face! The normally quick witted Paw stuttered trying to get out a response! Bowtwi's inadvertent funny was the best line of the entire weekend! Wish I had thought of it
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Just a side note. You guys gotta know that the 14th tribe is one of the nicest families to be around! Rascal and Mr. Rascal - - you two are awesome. What a beautiful tribe you have given birth to. From the eldest to the youngest (well, except maybe for that one boy in the middle who tried to stow away with me
;)-->) - - you have raised such sweet, kind, generous and rowdy kids! Wish you greasespotters could have watched how great these brothers and sisters take care of each other and chipped in to take such good care of us all. What a delite to be with them. My Jardinerito so enjoyed them all (along with Hawk, Jr.).
Rascal is so very funny how her internal alarm goes off about every 30 minutes or so and she does role call - - but what a mom! She not only cared well for her own tribe, but adopted all us "adult" kids under her generous wings too! Thank you dear lady. Miss you already! And Mr. Rascal is the most mellow dad of 7 I've ever met! What a involved, incredible father you are. And thanks for the hugs! You are such a dear!
XXOOOXXXOOO to all of you!
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Too funny BOW that HAS to have been hilarious!
What an event filled weekend, from bed offers to hootchie cootchie dancing dentists to a visit from the local park rangers and folks walking into strange cabins
This is why I take naps it's hard to keep up with these folks!!
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Oh and I hear the name of the new video is gonna be G'spotters gone Wild. Fox is already talking syndication.
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Woo hoo!
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Well J, I'll tell you what - you may use it as your own anytime you think it might work for ya! Happy to help, as if you need help in THAT area...
and the fun goes on... (to the tune of 'and the beat goes on...')
B - Better
O - Off
W - Without
t - the
w - way
i - international
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Hi all,
I just got home a few minutes ago. What an exhilarating weekend.
I stayed overnight in Nashville and watched the Emmy's. A Sudo look alike walked away with a bunch of awards
I've had a day to think about what it was that made it special. Yes there was great fun, generous amounts of delicious food. Small groups all over the place talking -- either reminiscing or getting to know each other.
I think that what made it special was that here was a group of people that in different places went through a life changing experience and overcame it in their own special way. We have the in common the life changing experience to varying degrees, but we ALL overcame it. And THAT is what we have in common. THAT is the introduction to each other and the bonding.
And to take this a step further, we were able to do in a short weekend what was not accomplished at those wing ding in New Knoxville. People engaged. People were able to talk about their lives with others that understand.
The weekend was very impacting.
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I know everybody who wasn't there is wondering about that pole dance. I think they need to know the truth, don't you? First, It was Oakspear's fancy kazoo music that just made 'ya wanna' dance and then.. tell 'em what you did, now... you PAID me to dance with that tree. I may be cheap but I ain't free!
I'm posting the actual dollar bill you oh so slyly stuck down my pants, girl! What could I do after that? I HAD to dance. I'll carry that bill around in my billfold until the next weenie roast!!
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Am I the last one to get home? I decided to go on a diet and weight training program since Paw's Fabio-ness made me feel inadequate.
Highlights (gleaned from my little black notebook that I carried around):
Best Food Name: Sudo's "Sex-In-A-Bowl" Stew"
Best Possible Thread Title: Benadryl and Beer
Best Wildlife Name: Bonsai Deer
Best Out-Of-Context Quote: Bowtwi to Pawtucket - "I wish you would have slept in my bed last night"
Best Story: Hawk's Suicidal Deer Tale
Most Surprising Revelation: Tied between 1. Sudo's "There is a difference between a redneck and a good ol' boy" and 2. Hawk's explanation that "the south did not lose the Civil War but gave up when they figured out that the Yankees weren't after their women"
Saddest Quote: "Pour Out ALL the alcohol"
Scariest Quote: "I can't do out-of-state tickets..."
Best Cooking Tip: "Milk Slopping is the Key" by Rascal
Best Drink: Hawk's Special Recipe with the pears floating in it
Entertainment High Point: Sudo dancing for dollars to kazoo accompaniment
Tenderest Moment: Rascal receiving her doctorate from an somewhat accredited organization (the Weenie Roast Board of Guv'ners)
Funniest Name Mangling: OLEOphile
Greatest Act of Toleration: The Christians NOT using the word 'unbeliever' around Sudo & me
Seen Ya at The Roast
[This message was edited by Oakspear on September 23, 2003 at 0:33.]
[This message was edited by Oakspear on September 23, 2003 at 1:12.]
[This message was edited by Oakspear on September 23, 2003 at 3:39.]
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Biggest Hero: Hawk fer sneaking the good stuff (the shine n bonded likker) past the cops
Almost makes ya want to make plans to come next year don't it
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I am going to put together something to tease the masses.
I got alot of footage. There may be a whole sudo show. Actually Sudo and Shellon acted a bit like Regis and Kathy Lee.
[This message was edited by pawtucket on September 23, 2003 at 1:32.]
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Sudo - Who, ME????
Well, awright, you're on to me - but did ya know I was dancin' behind ya, almost like chasing cause each time I reached that dollar out to put it in your G-string, you seemed to dance just a bit beyond my reach... Oh, I wish you coulda seen that in the original.
Oh wait, maybe you will...
That pole dance you did tho, I haven't laughed THAT hard in ages! I don't know HOW Oak maintained his presence of mind enough to keep the beat going so well so you didn't get twisted feet.
And why do they call it a G-string? Didn't look like no G I ever saw before...
Hmmmmmmmmmmmmmm...... Pawvio - aren't you the resident expert on such things? Or is that what oenophile translates to?
Glad you got home and not sent with your luggage, Paw.
Good to see you're home too, Oak and Shellbell.
B - Better
O - Off
W - Without
t - the
w - way
i - international
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Steve! and I have made a solemn vow to be at the NEXT Weenie Roast....no matter what!!!! We feel it our duty to add our four hoodlums to the mix of kids. And our dollar bills to Sudo's G-String!!!!!
It sounds like a wonderful time!
See ya at the next roast!!!
(see...told ya we'll be there next year, Herb!)
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OK...sudo....since I live so close to ya I can't say anything till you show up to defend yourself. I mean I wouldn't talk about ya while your not here to defend yourself. But if'n yer ever up this way stop in . I got some great pear marmalade,,,,,works real good on toasted english mufins...you know ...a real low carbo diet,.
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two english muffins with pear marmalade for one dollar
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Hope R.
Sounds better'n the Rock of Ages, Woodstock and OzFest combined!!!
Sure wish I could have joined you. We will make it next year. Columbus Day weekend would be great for us - kids have a day off school, and the leaves are changing in October, too - something I long to see. But whatever you choose - we'll be there.
Looks like you had a blast... I'm green with envy! xoxoxox
Hope R. color>size>face>
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I LOVE it!!!!!!!!
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Yer my hero!
:D--> (AND I got a dollar!)
In theory, there is no difference between theory and practice...but in practice there is
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