Jardinaro, thankyou for those kind words...lol However, I am not so sure Rascal Dad`s mellowness wasn`t due in LARGE part to Hawk`s hootch ;-) Your Son was such a great deal of fun for my kids...He was so much fun that MY guys didn`t have the time or energy to fight amongst themselves....lol they sure had fun...what a sweet boy.
Ok bow, you win.... you indeed managed to insert your foot farther in your mouth than I did....lol I guess I don`t feel so bad....HOWEVER....after relating this NEXT story....you will have to admit that it is *I* who managed to win the award for biggest *flake*
Saturday....... after breakfast...folks scattered...some went to the play grounds...Hawk`s son Corey took everyone out on a boat ride.... thankyou Hawk and son....that was a great time ....the highlight for my guys.
Lunch was enjoyable...nothing was ever any effort because everyone pitched in...Shellon made sandwitches...Jardinero passed out soup n such....I have to mention that poor pawvio, not camping on grounds....always showed up too late to get any food the poor man...we would frantically scrape together enough leftovers to feed the poor guy......he never got to enjoy it hot...and there was never any bacon left....sigh.
As evening aproached, I realised I had forgotten some necessary items so had phoned a fellow karate mom and invited her to the cook out with her two kiddos....and oh by the way would you stop and feed the dogs n grab a few items on the way for me?....lol
Well she finally shows up with her kiddoes...and my guitar... just in time for sudoes dance....sigh....she thought we were nuts...but was willing to give us the benefit of the doubt and stuck around.....sigh
Well about this time the long awaited *snipe* hunt that had been arranged for the sole benefit of Shellon, whom had never been on one .....and of course the kiddoes were all clamoring to go.....
Well, shellon chickens out at the last miniute darn her....n I tell my kids that they can ONLY go if their Dad does....and I give their Dad EXPLICIT instructions about kiddoes running around inna woods with no flashlight...course my friends children insist on going as well....so with great misgivings....deciding to rely on the good sense of the adult in charge of the group.........grrrrrrrr we allow the troup to depart.......
Now mind you we notice Hawks Son corey returning top camp a little later...and just assume the dear boy changed his mind........well 30 miniutes later...Mark returnes sans my benji, jardinaros son, and Darcies sone Josh....(2 of which were the rowdiest most likely to get themselves hurt boogers in the entire camp)
To our mounting horror we find out true to the great fun in snipe hunting.... corey left the three guys in the woods with no flashlight...scared the daylights outta them from the dark and left em there.......
OMG talk about coming unglued....our poor babies out in the dark woods all by themselves for an hour....I am ashamed to say that it is with great embarrassment .... that my mama grizzly fanges began to show....
I am snarling at Mark and hawk that they had better FIND those babies and Gawd HELP them if they try to come back without em....
Darcy is shaking like a leaf I am trembling and go over to the camfire and manage to blurt out that the kids are lost an SOMEBODY had better be a prayin because *I* was certainly in NO shape........lol
Meanwhile Darcy is definatly sure that we have ALL lost our minds....
Well low and behold corey brings back our boys...safe and sound... (it was with great difficulty I restrained the 3 outraged sisters which were fixing to climb the poor boy like a tree)...(did I mention they are the three top karate students in our school) Poor Corey... he`s a big strong boy, howver, he`d a had his hands full with THAT threesom...lol
Poor Corey had just been following the instructions given for SHELLS hunt...and didn`t understand all of the fuss...He also mentioned that when he went back to scare the boys...the little monsters pelted him HARD with rocks before he could slip away....poor guy.
Well needless to say , as soon as Darcy had her son she bundled her kids up and fled before we had a chance to lose im again... oh dear...I guess I have a few fences to mend.
Well the kids had a great time talking about the hunt ...and Corey had done a great job....they will never forget it....just enough scarey to be fun....I am afraid that darcy and I were the biggest *victims* of the hunt...as we truly were the ones that had been trauma er terrified....lol
Corey you did a fine job, I was in no shape to thankyou that night, but in hind sight, we apreciate the effort you made to make it the best *snipe* hunt ever, and beg your forgivness for any harsh words spoken in the hight of fear lol....they are STILL talking about it being the highlight of the campout...Stephen was dissapointed that he didn`t go with you.
Hawk, Corey is a really fine, decent young man.
I have to mention that earlier that afternoon I wanted my rv level but couldn`t budge the jacks....and when I asked Mark, he didn`t wanna fool with it n blew me off said it couldn`t be done....well Corey comes over and mentions, that he thinks he can make it work and may he try?
Mark gave him a sceptical look, n I said wait a miniute, Corey has proven himself twice before against the better judgement of the adults present...let him try...and the next thing I know...I look over and my rv was PERFECTLY level.....bless his heart...Thanks again Corey!
More to follow........
[This message was edited by rascal on September 23, 2003 at 10:39.]
Hey now wait just a cotton pickin minute! The snipe hunt was not JUST for me. Those guys went on it of their own free will! I'm glad I didn't go, especially after sudo being the only one with balls enough to tell me the truth about what this activity really was. I'd still be in them thar woods. And................may I please add that I am the ONLY women that this involved. Where were the rest of you galpals when it came time to go? uh huh.
Big bad boys thinking it's funny to take a girl into the woods and lose her. Or, worse, funny to lose a few youngins????????
First off I'd like to thank the academy for those Red Hot Silk Boxers. I think had I stayed up till the end of that party I'd of joined the good dr dancing fer dollars wouldn't THAT of been a sight! They fit well and feel very comfortable, thank you VERY much. Next year I will model them if I can stay awake. :P-->
I had a wonderful time, it was so great to hang out with you guys and chat. Getting to put a face with a name and see the whole person (hootchie cootchie dances not with standing) was thrilling. I think if we plan this again for next year we'll need to rent a block of cabins and seal that end of the campground off from other campers, whatcha think?
Cory is QUITE the woodsman, thank you Cory fer being so able to show us cityfied folks how to git along in the country. Cathy was a wee bit upset when she showed up at the campfire but it was evident you knew your way around out there so I knew the kids would be found quickly, sides how old are these boys anyways??? 12? 14?
Sheet why when I was a young fella about their age I'd take off on state park trails fer HOURS at a time and didn't get killed kidnapped or lost (for too long), you ladies have some fine young men there give them lots of hugs.
Scoff ALL you want Mikey.... I don`t care, but when it is your TEN year old that has been out in the woods of Tennessee for over an hour ...alone with no flashlight...........all SORTS of dangers real or imagined play out frame by frame in your mind in blinding vivd technicolor......things maybe like ....oh I don`t know...say ...... the movie DELIVERANCE???? (banjo music gets inserted in here)
Shell it is a solemn thing....those who have BEEN on a snipe hunt.......are NEVER under ANY circumstances to spoil the hunt for someone else...it`s just the rules...also...it is believed that EVERYONE should be taken on a snipe hunt in their life time...
Ya wouldna wanted us to break the rules now...
Sudo you Rat you........lol
Paw and tessa... my humbelest apologies about the bacon...you will both have to just make sure you attend next years weinie roast so that we can make it up to you......
Oh I understand Cathy, the Dad in me was argueing with the male in me about just how I was going to explain all this to the park rangers (and police) IF Cory didn't make it back quick with them...
I was 18 when I went on my first snipe hunt, on the beach in NC,,,,when my dear o'l dad heard about it he laughed his butt off!!
Rascal is right Shell, rules is rules.
Darn you chatladies, IF you got MIKEY red undies this year, I mean what is to follow???
Can't wait for the next one, specially if he's gonna model for us.
So now instead of "where's the beef?" were gonna say, "where's the bacon?"
even tho Paw and Tess, heartell the "bacon" showd up in full colors later that night....
Birdman was saying next year in his back yard, he has instant cabins, and even seats for the campfire area-- AND NO PURING AWAY GOOD DRINK, unless of course its pouring it DOWN a throat.
Not sure about snipe hunting in his back yard tho....
Well I am hoping my little get together next JULY is as much fun. I am taking notes.
suz :D-->
PS. also green with envy that TN isn't closer for me to attend (like Hope)
Just got off the phone with ahat...she is unable to post her sentiments due to puter woes...She asked that I relate her thoughts.
She also recognised how needs were met, the needs of every single person present..... even down to the youngest child.
It struck her, how each child had a buddy, nobody was left out, there was something nice for everyone to do...everyone played nicely.
Because the childrens needs were met, the moms were able to relax and enjoy ourselves...She said that was the first time she had been able to enjoy herself like that in she didn`t know how long...the kids all stayed within camp...older ones looked after younger ones...
Every kid had a ball... the wagon (see picture)thrown in at the last miniute was even deemed as *inspiration* due to the hours of entertainment provided...I kid you not...the dadgummed thing was never empty all weekend lol.
While "Son of a Cop" Oakspear was pouring out bottles of beer, Sudo was pouring it down his throat (and you wonder why they insisted that I drive cavity-boy? :D-->)
In theory, there is no difference between theory and practice...but in practice there is
Maybe I missed it, but just exactly why was alcohol being poured away?
There's an old Irish saw that all the alcohol you ever spill in your life gets put into a barrel, and when you die, you get hung head down in the barrel by St. Patrick. If you drown, you DESERVE to go to hell!
Steve! - Just speaking for myself, I poured it out cause the man with the gun said to.
They have a pesky little rule at TN State Parks that they observe a quiet time from 10 pm - 6 am. (I think he arrived around 10:30)
It appears that someone went to the sheriff's deputy's home and asked him to come to our campsite and help us quiet down a bit.
He was definitely impressed with the amount of alcohol evidence. He requested that we take the trash with us out of the park rather than risk giving the wrong impression to future campers who might see the empty bottles in the trash and mistakenly think alcohol is allowed.
We were given a choice, tho - we could have gone to jail if we refused to pour out the alcohol - those of us from outside the state of TN.
Well, unbeknownst to most of us, Tim's Ford State Park has a no alcohol rule. And, although I don't understand why, but sometimes when when 12 loud children and 12 louder, moonshine-tasting adults are having a good time in a very crowded camping area well past the 10:00 p.m. quiet time curfew, some people, in the adjoining campsites, who weren't smart enough to bring their soundproof tents had a little trouble sleeping, called the park ranger, rustled him out of bed and had him join our weenie roast!
Imagine our surprise, when he didn't come to put a dollar in Sudo's g-string, but asked that we empty all the liqqer into the ground and that he could cite residents of the great state of Tennessee, however for the out of staters, he couldn't write citations, but would be happy to put us up for the nite in the local jail if we didn't comply. :o--> oops!
And we couldn't understand why he had trouble believing Rascal, whose blood-pressure at an all time high, fresh from the snipe-hunting incident (see above) had her first beer of the day in her hand while calming her nerves, and innocently and wide-eyed told the nice ranger, "I don't drink" (honest officer ).
So, needless to say, we will be looking for another site for the 3rd annual southern comfort weenie roast that's not in a dry county (hey, good planning, Mr. Benevolant Dictator ;)-->).
Hawk's offered his 26 acres within spittin distance of 5 local distilleries, just in case we get a wild hair and need to make a quick run for re-enforcements! :P-->
I was having a nice heart to heart with a good friend on my cabin deck while all this wuz happening, just so you know at least I was behaving myself :P-->
And didn't you guys see the signs at the park entrance? or did one of youse use it fer firewood?? :D-->
Funny piece above, BUT in fairness I gotta correct a few thangs. First, the county is NOT dry where the State Park is - otherwise folks couldn't have gone into town to get more beer and more beer and more wine. And I heard tell, it wasn't a park ranger, but a local Sherriff that came. But I can't be sure, I wasn't there when the Bust came down.
At the entrance of the park, everyone drove by a great big sign (at least 3 X 5 ft) that had the standard claim for most State Parks: "Firearms and alcoholic beverages prohibited". The Park rules are also on the web site. I AM sure that Herbiejuan didn't expect to have to monitor adult activities. Alcohol is commonly prohibited at most state parks.
Tim's Ford is a beautiful state park, the staff have been extremely nice to us (last year and this year) and I doubt any other place can match the accommodations provided. A lot of research and consulting went on to find and select Tim's Ford. All in all - we had a great time!
[This message was edited by Ttessa on September 24, 2003 at 13:15.]
Tessa, it was indeed a park ranger....there was no actual *bust* We were simply informed of the park laws.... and given the opportunity to comply..... we were just telling some good stories.
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Jardinaro, thankyou for those kind words...lol However, I am not so sure Rascal Dad`s mellowness wasn`t due in LARGE part to Hawk`s hootch ;-) Your Son was such a great deal of fun for my kids...He was so much fun that MY guys didn`t have the time or energy to fight amongst themselves....lol they sure had fun...what a sweet boy.
Ok bow, you win.... you indeed managed to insert your foot farther in your mouth than I did....lol I guess I don`t feel so bad....HOWEVER....after relating this NEXT story....you will have to admit that it is *I* who managed to win the award for biggest *flake*
Saturday....... after breakfast...folks scattered...some went to the play grounds...Hawk`s son Corey took everyone out on a boat ride.... thankyou Hawk and son....that was a great time ....the highlight for my guys.
Lunch was enjoyable...nothing was ever any effort because everyone pitched in...Shellon made sandwitches...Jardinero passed out soup n such....I have to mention that poor pawvio, not camping on grounds....always showed up too late to get any food the poor man...we would frantically scrape together enough leftovers to feed the poor guy......he never got to enjoy it hot...and there was never any bacon left....sigh.
As evening aproached, I realised I had forgotten some necessary items so had phoned a fellow karate mom and invited her to the cook out with her two kiddos....and oh by the way would you stop and feed the dogs n grab a few items on the way for me?....lol
Well she finally shows up with her kiddoes...and my guitar... just in time for sudoes dance....sigh....she thought we were nuts...but was willing to give us the benefit of the doubt and stuck around.....sigh
Well about this time the long awaited *snipe* hunt that had been arranged for the sole benefit of Shellon, whom had never been on one .....and of course the kiddoes were all clamoring to go.....
Well, shellon chickens out at the last miniute darn her....n I tell my kids that they can ONLY go if their Dad does....and I give their Dad EXPLICIT instructions about kiddoes running around inna woods with no flashlight...course my friends children insist on going as well....so with great misgivings....deciding to rely on the good sense of the adult in charge of the group.........grrrrrrrr we allow the troup to depart.......
Now mind you we notice Hawks Son corey returning top camp a little later...and just assume the dear boy changed his mind........well 30 miniutes later...Mark returnes sans my benji, jardinaros son, and Darcies sone Josh....(2 of which were the rowdiest most likely to get themselves hurt boogers in the entire camp)
To our mounting horror we find out true to the great fun in snipe hunting.... corey left the three guys in the woods with no flashlight...scared the daylights outta them from the dark and left em there.......
OMG talk about coming unglued....our poor babies out in the dark woods all by themselves for an hour....I am ashamed to say that it is with great embarrassment .... that my mama grizzly fanges began to show....
I am snarling at Mark and hawk that they had better FIND those babies and Gawd HELP them if they try to come back without em....
Darcy is shaking like a leaf I am trembling and go over to the camfire and manage to blurt out that the kids are lost an SOMEBODY had better be a prayin because *I* was certainly in NO shape........lol
Meanwhile Darcy is definatly sure that we have ALL lost our minds....
Well low and behold corey brings back our boys...safe and sound... (it was with great difficulty I restrained the 3 outraged sisters which were fixing to climb the poor boy like a tree)...(did I mention they are the three top karate students in our school) Poor Corey... he`s a big strong boy, howver, he`d a had his hands full with THAT threesom...lol
Poor Corey had just been following the instructions given for SHELLS hunt...and didn`t understand all of the fuss...He also mentioned that when he went back to scare the boys...the little monsters pelted him HARD with rocks before he could slip away....poor guy.
Well needless to say , as soon as Darcy had her son she bundled her kids up and fled before we had a chance to lose im again... oh dear...I guess I have a few fences to mend.
Well the kids had a great time talking about the hunt ...and Corey had done a great job....they will never forget it....just enough scarey to be fun....I am afraid that darcy and I were the biggest *victims* of the hunt...as we truly were the ones that had been trauma er terrified....lol
Corey you did a fine job, I was in no shape to thankyou that night, but in hind sight, we apreciate the effort you made to make it the best *snipe* hunt ever, and beg your forgivness for any harsh words spoken in the hight of fear lol....they are STILL talking about it being the highlight of the campout...Stephen was dissapointed that he didn`t go with you.
Hawk, Corey is a really fine, decent young man.
I have to mention that earlier that afternoon I wanted my rv level but couldn`t budge the jacks....and when I asked Mark, he didn`t wanna fool with it n blew me off said it couldn`t be done....well Corey comes over and mentions, that he thinks he can make it work and may he try?
Mark gave him a sceptical look, n I said wait a miniute, Corey has proven himself twice before against the better judgement of the adults present...let him try...and the next thing I know...I look over and my rv was PERFECTLY level.....bless his heart...Thanks again Corey!
More to follow........
[This message was edited by rascal on September 23, 2003 at 10:39.]
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THERE WAS BACON!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
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Heck Pawvio,
Don't feel bad. There wharnt no bacon when I got there, either! And I stayed on grounds!
Just a greasy paper plate with enough crumbs to know that 'somebody' had bacon! Those campers were voracious eaters. Hehehehe
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Hey now wait just a cotton pickin minute! The snipe hunt was not JUST for me. Those guys went on it of their own free will! I'm glad I didn't go, especially after sudo being the only one with balls enough to tell me the truth about what this activity really was. I'd still be in them thar woods. And................may I please add that I am the ONLY women that this involved. Where were the rest of you galpals when it came time to go? uh huh.
Big bad boys thinking it's funny to take a girl into the woods and lose her. Or, worse, funny to lose a few youngins????????
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Ladies Ladies Ladies...
First off I'd like to thank the academy for those Red Hot Silk Boxers. I think had I stayed up till the end of that party I'd of joined the good dr dancing fer dollars wouldn't THAT of been a sight!
They fit well and feel very comfortable, thank you VERY much. Next year I will model them if I can stay awake.
I had a wonderful time, it was so great to hang out with you guys and chat. Getting to put a face with a name and see the whole person (hootchie cootchie dances not with standing) was thrilling. I think if we plan this again for next year we'll need to rent a block of cabins and seal that end of the campground off from other campers, whatcha think?
Cory is QUITE the woodsman, thank you Cory fer being so able to show us cityfied folks how to git along in the country. Cathy was a wee bit upset when she showed up at the campfire but it was evident you knew your way around out there so I knew the kids would be found quickly, sides how old are these boys anyways??? 12? 14?
Sheet why when I was a young fella about their age I'd take off on state park trails fer HOURS at a time and didn't get killed kidnapped or lost (for too long), you ladies have some fine young men there give them lots of hugs.
Mikey the benevolant napping dictator
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Scoff ALL you want Mikey.... I don`t care, but when it is your TEN year old that has been out in the woods of Tennessee for over an hour ...alone with no flashlight...........all SORTS of dangers real or imagined play out frame by frame in your mind in blinding vivd technicolor......things maybe like ....oh I don`t know...say ...... the movie DELIVERANCE???? (banjo music gets inserted in here)
Shell it is a solemn thing....those who have BEEN on a snipe hunt.......are NEVER under ANY circumstances to spoil the hunt for someone else...it`s just the rules...also...it is believed that EVERYONE should be taken on a snipe hunt in their life time...
Ya wouldna wanted us to break the rules now...
Sudo you Rat you........lol
Paw and tessa... my humbelest apologies about the bacon...you will both have to just make sure you attend next years weinie roast so that we can make it up to you......
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Oh I understand Cathy, the Dad in me was argueing with the male in me about just how I was going to explain all this to the park rangers (and police) IF Cory didn't make it back quick with them...
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Shell -
It was a no-brainer for me NOT to go.....I still have 'trust' issues. But if you were willing
to be led by men
out in the woods,
in the dark,
after repeated requests (that's always a red flag, to me)
...I figured you were ready for an adventure.
Since when did any of us 'independent' wimmins EVER listen to cautions, once we make up our minds to do something, anyway? (uhh - me included)
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lol tessa
nope, was not not not willing, tis why I asked so many people to tell me the freakin truth.
trust you say? nope, I got none.
Cathy,Spoil it for another? LMAO uh huh right!
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I was 18 when I went on my first snipe hunt, on the beach in NC,,,,when my dear o'l dad heard about it he laughed his butt off!!
Rascal is right Shell, rules is rules.
Darn you chatladies, IF you got MIKEY red undies this year, I mean what is to follow???
Can't wait for the next one, specially if he's gonna model for us.
So now instead of "where's the beef?" were gonna say, "where's the bacon?"
even tho Paw and Tess, heartell the "bacon" showd up in full colors later that night....
Birdman was saying next year in his back yard, he has instant cabins, and even seats for the campfire area-- AND NO PURING AWAY GOOD DRINK, unless of course its pouring it DOWN a throat.
Not sure about snipe hunting in his back yard tho....
Well I am hoping my little get together next JULY is as much fun. I am taking notes.
PS. also green with envy that TN isn't closer for me to attend (like Hope)
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tee hee suzie, lest you forget that I was in a cult. Rules mean nada to me.
What I do give a dang about is something I apparently carry alone.
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Ya know what? The weekend was about fun! That was my goal and the weekend far exceeded that goal.
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Amen and Amen Shell! I concur:-)
Just got off the phone with ahat...she is unable to post her sentiments due to puter woes...She asked that I relate her thoughts.
She also recognised how needs were met, the needs of every single person present..... even down to the youngest child.
It struck her, how each child had a buddy, nobody was left out, there was something nice for everyone to do...everyone played nicely.
Because the childrens needs were met, the moms were able to relax and enjoy ourselves...She said that was the first time she had been able to enjoy herself like that in she didn`t know how long...the kids all stayed within camp...older ones looked after younger ones...
Every kid had a ball... the wagon (see picture)thrown in at the last miniute was even deemed as *inspiration* due to the hours of entertainment provided...I kid you not...the dadgummed thing was never empty all weekend lol.
I have to add one thing to Oakspears list:
There was a tie for the two biggest complaints ..
A) crap....did I BLOW my diet...and
B) the weekend was WAY too short.....
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I never even heard of a snipe hunt before Saturday night and for the first time in my life, kept my mouth shut! Whew!
B - Better
O - Off
W - Without
t - the
w - way
i - international
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Regarding pouring out beverages:
While "Son of a Cop" Oakspear was pouring out bottles of beer, Sudo was pouring it down his throat (and you wonder why they insisted that I drive cavity-boy?
In theory, there is no difference between theory and practice...but in practice there is
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Really gotta watch the quiet ones!
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Maybe I missed it, but just exactly why was alcohol being poured away?
There's an old Irish saw that all the alcohol you ever spill in your life gets put into a barrel, and when you die, you get hung head down in the barrel by St. Patrick. If you drown, you DESERVE to go to hell!
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Steve! - Just speaking for myself, I poured it out cause the man with the gun said to.
They have a pesky little rule at TN State Parks that they observe a quiet time from 10 pm - 6 am. (I think he arrived around 10:30)
It appears that someone went to the sheriff's deputy's home and asked him to come to our campsite and help us quiet down a bit.
He was definitely impressed with the amount of alcohol evidence. He requested that we take the trash with us out of the park rather than risk giving the wrong impression to future campers who might see the empty bottles in the trash and mistakenly think alcohol is allowed.
We were given a choice, tho - we could have gone to jail if we refused to pour out the alcohol - those of us from outside the state of TN.
B - Better
O - Off
W - Without
t - the
w - way
i - international
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Well, unbeknownst to most of us, Tim's Ford State Park has a no alcohol rule. And, although I don't understand why, but sometimes when when 12 loud children and 12 louder, moonshine-tasting adults are having a good time in a very crowded camping area well past the 10:00 p.m. quiet time curfew, some people, in the adjoining campsites, who weren't smart enough to bring their soundproof tents had a little trouble sleeping, called the park ranger, rustled him out of bed and had him join our weenie roast!
Imagine our surprise, when he didn't come to put a dollar in Sudo's g-string, but asked that we empty all the liqqer into the ground and that he could cite residents of the great state of Tennessee, however for the out of staters, he couldn't write citations, but would be happy to put us up for the nite in the local jail if we didn't comply.
:o--> oops!
And we couldn't understand why he had trouble believing Rascal, whose blood-pressure at an all time high, fresh from the snipe-hunting incident (see above) had her first beer of the day in her hand while calming her nerves, and innocently and wide-eyed told the nice ranger, "I don't drink" (honest officer
So, needless to say, we will be looking for another site for the 3rd annual southern comfort weenie roast that's not in a dry county (hey, good planning, Mr. Benevolant Dictator
Hawk's offered his 26 acres within spittin distance of 5 local distilleries, just in case we get a wild hair and need to make a quick run for re-enforcements!
And that's our story....
...and we're stickin to it!
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oops, sorry, Bowtwi, was typing while you were postin.....
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I was having a nice heart to heart with a good friend on my cabin deck while all this wuz happening, just so you know at least I was behaving myself
And didn't you guys see the signs at the park entrance? or did one of youse use it fer firewood??
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yeah, me too!
Bowtwi: the man with the gun said to! ROFL !!!!!!!!!!!!!
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Jardinero -
Funny piece above, BUT in fairness I gotta correct a few thangs. First, the county is NOT dry where the State Park is - otherwise folks couldn't have gone into town to get more beer and more beer and more wine. And I heard tell, it wasn't a park ranger, but a local Sherriff that came. But I can't be sure, I wasn't there when the Bust came down.
At the entrance of the park, everyone drove by a great big sign (at least 3 X 5 ft) that had the standard claim for most State Parks: "Firearms and alcoholic beverages prohibited". The Park rules are also on the web site. I AM sure that Herbiejuan didn't expect to have to monitor adult activities. Alcohol is commonly prohibited at most state parks.
Tim's Ford is a beautiful state park, the staff have been extremely nice to us (last year and this year) and I doubt any other place can match the accommodations provided. A lot of research and consulting went on to find and select Tim's Ford. All in all - we had a great time!
[This message was edited by Ttessa on September 24, 2003 at 13:15.]
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Tessa, it was indeed a park ranger....there was no actual *bust* We were simply informed of the park laws.... and given the opportunity to comply..... we were just telling some good stories.
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