God, I H*A*T*E idiot directors who think Shaki-Cam is "artistic." Spielberg started that .... with Saving Private Ryan and everybody's imitating it. The director has the script, so he KNOWS what's going on. He can't understand that whip pans and un-steadi-cam work completely obliterates the flow of the action. Bad director! No Oscar!
"While I understand what Scott is trying to achieve -- a gritty, edgy and unpredictable ride -- there are far too many bells, whistles, edits, shaky camera moves, subtitles (for dialogue spoken in Spanish and English) moving all over the screen and much more. Thankfully, all of that isn't prevalent from start to finish and the director wisely stops short of any "Matrix" style tricks (although there are plenty of spin around character shots).
Nevertheless, all of the visual overkill comes off feeling like the work of a first time filmmaker who's just graduated from the music video world rather than a Hollywood veteran. Yes, Scott has done this sort of thing before, but this has to be the most distracting and annoying use to date."
I am still sick. I called the pharmacist and my hubs is going to get motion sickness pills for me called Bonine (?) I vomited all night.
I am sensitive to spinning things. And if the shakey work of the Blair Witch project bothered you --- then this will have you in the hospital. If the over done spinning shakey camera work of "the Shield" makes you a bit "ify" take a vomit bag with you.
This movie could have been Denzels best but it was absolutley ruined by the camera work. There were times he would show a picture of the city like a tripple exposed picture then jiggle all three layers.
Even the words coming on screen to translate the spainish at some points flew across the screen in motion and jiggled. Then the wiggling flahing pictures coming ontop of what you were watching was just over kill to the point it made people (me) literally ill.
Film 101 you want to draw people into the film so they are not aware of the "film" but are "in" the story. You cannot loose yourself in this poorly delivered shaking crap fest...
If it had been done well, this would have been a master piece.
--- --- ---
Also stated:
"What Didn't Work:
The main thing I didn't like about Man on Fire was the camerawork. The camera zooms in and out. Images are grainy and flash by at a quick rate that is likely to induce epileptic seizures. The picture moves so much and so often that it can cause motion sickness. While this is hip, trendy, and stylistic, it wasn't to my tastes. I recognize that they were trying to create a certain mood with the look, but I didn't find it necessary."
well then... also watch out for "the United States of Leland"... it uses that handheld, close up style... focuses on the eyes a lot in closeups cutting off the bottom of the actor's head so you don't even see the lips moving...
I was kinda looking forward to seeing it... from the trailers it looked intense... but I really do not like viewing movies shot that way on the big screen... maybe I'll wait for the DVD...
Zix, I think that Hill Street Blues was the TV show that started the shakycam stuff. I don't mind a little, but it's easily overdone. The Shield is one of my favorite shows and I think it overdoes it.
The Steadycam was a wonderful invention. It's sad that it's discarded in favor of shakycam.
My hubby and I saw it today. Dot is right. The cinamatography is terrible, but the story line is a good one. Neither on eof us got sick or dizzy, but I found it very irritating and distracting with the way things were filmed.
This was a very different role for Denzel Washinton. He played the part very well.
Jim: I think it was NYPD Blue, not Hill Street Blues, but I get where you're coming from. I think the cam work on The Shield is right on the edge, but generally it's just enough to keep from inducing nausea.
I learned that moving the camera is the main reason home videos look awful. If you just put it on a tripod and edit properly, you can make some fairly professional-looking stuff. The handheld shake and unnecessary zooming (never zoom while you're recording--if you have to because of a sudden change in action, edit the zoom out in post--looks 100% better) are the hallmarks of amateur camera work.
Sometimes on "NYPD Blue" I want to just yell at the cameraman "Hold still, stupid."
I had the same reaction watching "The Blair Witch Project." In that one, I know they had to do it that way since it was supposed to be filmed by a kid with a home video camera, but it got me so dizzy at times that I just couldn't watch it.
It's not in 3D....it's shaky. I think it is a way to view action scenes in the eyes of the character. If they are running and jumping and had a camera on their head, think of how you would view their film from their camera.
I think the little girl Dakota and Denzel were great.
The first rule of a good story is "make me care" and I did care about Denzel and the girl but it all go lost in all the flashing, shaking, spinning and bouncing!
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God, I H*A*T*E idiot directors who think Shaki-Cam is "artistic." Spielberg started that .... with Saving Private Ryan and everybody's imitating it. The director has the script, so he KNOWS what's going on. He can't understand that whip pans and un-steadi-cam work completely obliterates the flow of the action. Bad director! No Oscar!
Too bad, I wanted to see MoF too. Oh well.
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Thanks for the warning,...I HATE loud and shakey alon eor in any combination.
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I don't "do" movies. This re-enforces my choice.
:)--> Thanks! 
The last movie I saw at a theater was "3 Men and a Baby" (I think that was the title). I was on a date, and she chose what we were going to see.
How long ago did THAT ONE come out?????
I refuse to support Hollywood. Good to know I made a decision that is still relevant, today.
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thanks for the warning, dottie may, mwah
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Dot Matrix
Written about the film:
"While I understand what Scott is trying to achieve -- a gritty, edgy and unpredictable ride -- there are far too many bells, whistles, edits, shaky camera moves, subtitles (for dialogue spoken in Spanish and English) moving all over the screen and much more. Thankfully, all of that isn't prevalent from start to finish and the director wisely stops short of any "Matrix" style tricks (although there are plenty of spin around character shots).
Nevertheless, all of the visual overkill comes off feeling like the work of a first time filmmaker who's just graduated from the music video world rather than a Hollywood veteran. Yes, Scott has done this sort of thing before, but this has to be the most distracting and annoying use to date."
--- --- ---
I am still sick. I called the pharmacist and my hubs is going to get motion sickness pills for me called Bonine (?) I vomited all night.
I am sensitive to spinning things. And if the shakey work of the Blair Witch project bothered you --- then this will have you in the hospital. If the over done spinning shakey camera work of "the Shield" makes you a bit "ify" take a vomit bag with you.
This movie could have been Denzels best but it was absolutley ruined by the camera work. There were times he would show a picture of the city like a tripple exposed picture then jiggle all three layers.
Even the words coming on screen to translate the spainish at some points flew across the screen in motion and jiggled. Then the wiggling flahing pictures coming ontop of what you were watching was just over kill to the point it made people (me) literally ill.
Film 101 you want to draw people into the film so they are not aware of the "film" but are "in" the story. You cannot loose yourself in this poorly delivered shaking crap fest...
If it had been done well, this would have been a master piece.
--- --- ---
Also stated:
"What Didn't Work:
The main thing I didn't like about Man on Fire was the camerawork. The camera zooms in and out. Images are grainy and flash by at a quick rate that is likely to induce epileptic seizures. The picture moves so much and so often that it can cause motion sickness. While this is hip, trendy, and stylistic, it wasn't to my tastes. I recognize that they were trying to create a certain mood with the look, but I didn't find it necessary."
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Tom Strange
well then... also watch out for "the United States of Leland"... it uses that handheld, close up style... focuses on the eyes a lot in closeups cutting off the bottom of the actor's head so you don't even see the lips moving...
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Dot Matrix
Okay, the Bonine pills have me back to normal. So, if you want to see the film take them first so you do not get dizzy or ill.
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Tom Strange
I was kinda looking forward to seeing it... from the trailers it looked intense... but I really do not like viewing movies shot that way on the big screen... maybe I'll wait for the DVD...
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Zix, I think that Hill Street Blues was the TV show that started the shakycam stuff. I don't mind a little, but it's easily overdone. The Shield is one of my favorite shows and I think it overdoes it.
The Steadycam was a wonderful invention. It's sad that it's discarded in favor of shakycam.
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My hubby and I saw it today. Dot is right. The cinamatography is terrible, but the story line is a good one. Neither on eof us got sick or dizzy, but I found it very irritating and distracting with the way things were filmed.
This was a very different role for Denzel Washinton. He played the part very well.
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Jim: I think it was NYPD Blue, not Hill Street Blues, but I get where you're coming from. I think the cam work on The Shield is right on the edge, but generally it's just enough to keep from inducing nausea.
I learned that moving the camera is the main reason home videos look awful. If you just put it on a tripod and edit properly, you can make some fairly professional-looking stuff. The handheld shake and unnecessary zooming (never zoom while you're recording--if you have to because of a sudden change in action, edit the zoom out in post--looks 100% better) are the hallmarks of amateur camera work.
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I hate that shaky-cam stuff.
Sometimes on "NYPD Blue" I want to just yell at the cameraman "Hold still, stupid."
I had the same reaction watching "The Blair Witch Project." In that one, I know they had to do it that way since it was supposed to be filmed by a kid with a home video camera, but it got me so dizzy at times that I just couldn't watch it.
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It's not in 3D....it's shaky. I think it is a way to view action scenes in the eyes of the character. If they are running and jumping and had a camera on their head, think of how you would view their film from their camera.
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Dot Matrix
Wafer Not
I think the little girl Dakota and Denzel were great.
The first rule of a good story is "make me care" and I did care about Denzel and the girl but it all go lost in all the flashing, shaking, spinning and bouncing!
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