If you see it "small screen" it will not have as large an impact, IMO. I just wish the movie was playing closer to you so you do not have to wait for the video.
As I see it there is a big difference between the "S*it happens" violence of the Wizard of Oz and Old Yeller and the "He did this for you, and God got him up from the dead."
The random acts of violence which appear in movies and on the tv screen are the stuff nightmares are made of because there is no resolution, no conclusion that you can live with besides ".... happens."
It's a big difference. I still have "nightmares" from The Wizard of Oz I saw it seems like a hundred years ago because there is no resolution to it. . .
But The Passion of Christ was not like that at all. There is a real comfort to the soul of the movie.
the fact it has deep and powerful meaning for you Kit may be because you have had plenty of time to relate to what the pictures being shown Mean to you and how you think .
a child does not, even the bible presented as "the truth " is only story about something unless the Lord convicts the heart to think about that story means in a real place of thinking and living and the child is mature enough to understand on a personal level.
what "the story" means to a person is one idea, what this picture depicts is blood guts and gore and sufffering on a very primal level. If the pictures shown stirs your inner soul in some way it is because you have considered this as much much more than as presented as a movie. That is ok I just honestly doubt most children (and sadly many adult theater goers) have that level of understanding about this type of film , the fact a three second rather confusing flash of a man out side a dark hole does NOT tell the story of just what Jesus Christ accomplished for us, in fact it can be easily dismissed and forgotten as a insigificant piece in this film.
I heard someone say they think the hub bub of this film will die as soon as those who have anticipated its release see it and within two weeks will fall rapidly off the charts. I think this will have two types of fans one group the followers(probably christians) who think it has deep spiritual meaning for them and the other a blood guts and gore group screaming for more more violence in films.
I do think it may win awards for shots and tech, some of these shots are just outstanding and direction but as far as changing the world religous films as a whole have never had much impact and are often very short lived .
Dot: It was Pontius Pilate (the nearly-bald guy) who wanted to let him go in the film. Caiaphas was the guy with the beard who started up with the "Give us Barabbas!" chant, etc.
for me the resurrection scene was just unbelievable. SO much message in those few scenes.
As for Caiphus
He was the High Priest--the ONLY person among all of the members of the Jewish faith who could enter the Holy of Holies and speak to GOD "Face to face"
Caiphus knew all the prophecies --he knew a Messiah would be coming And He and His fellow Sanhedrin Knew THE DAY IT HAPPENED THE JOB OF HIGH PRIEST WOULD BECOME OBSOLETE!!
That's right no more Cushy Board seats, No more Drambuie, NO more luxi---Oops got sidetracked there :o-->
But what Caiphus expected --what almost everyone expected-- was that the Messiah would free them, not spiritually, but free them from Roman rule.
So Caiphus was expecting Jesus to Lead an Uprising that would sweep the Romans from power --with Jesus emerging as the New High priest with all the "goodies" that went with the office--the goodies that heretofore had been the property of Caiphus and CO.
That is why Caiphus explained Jesus" alleged crimes in political terms to Pilate--because that's where Caiphus was at. Jesus dead = no uprising = Caiphus safe and secure as high Priest.
The shock of Caiphus as he sees the rent Veil and crumbling wall of the Holy of Holies brought home just what an impact this event must have had on Jewish Life.
As I sat in that theater The violent persecution of The early Christians by Paul and the other members of the Sanhedrin who set out to kill all "Christians" assumed a whole new dimension--
This wasn't a fight over "heretical" doctrine but a fight for their very survival.
Can you imagine; as word spread throughout the World that the Holy of Holies was no longer cut off, that GOD was no longer limited to the High Priest and a select few; what happed to the money changers- the sellers of sacrificial animals- the fees for the mikvas?
Sales must have dropped dramatically--even those who did not profess Christianity, very well may have doubted the wisdom of financially supporting A High Priest -when he was no longer really needed.
Caiphus' worst nightmare had come true--and at his own hand-- now the scramble to restore that which he had lost and failing that to maintain what was left--
Sorry confused here- who was the guy with the wife that gave Mary the linens to wipe up Jesus's blood? I thought that was the guy you were talking about. Wasn't that a guy with a name that sounded like that? When Iwas reading the subtitles and that guy was not wanting to hurt Jesus I thought he was some guy with a "c" name. I kept wndering where Pontus Pilot was.
See, for me, it needed to be in English so I did not have to keep dropping my eyes to read.
Each person viewing the film will have his or her own how-it-impacted-them view. Some of the impact statements may be similar and others very different than yours/mine. There is no right or wrong.
I do think the Catholics will understand it better than a person like me. I think the Catholics are VERY aware of Christ’s’ suffering all through out their involvement with their church. So, perhaps to see it "played out" in front of you/them is very moving to your faith. I am sure some other churches will have similar reactions.
IT did not deeply move me. I was aware it was a movie (because of it NOT being in English and having to read subtitles). I kind of thought his walk through the streets was little stupid.
Never having learned in my churches about the "stations" of the cross and not really sure if I believe in them I found that difficult to “buy into”.
What I do believe in is that a wonderful man who did nothing but good during his life was brutally killed and rose again so that we may live.
I do not believe that was portrayed in the film. It focused in on the brutal beatings and the ripping of his skin, the crown being jabbed into his scalp with the blood running through out is hair. I DO think it is important for us to remember/ or think about what he went through for us. But we also need a broader look at the life of Christ, not absent of the horrors, but in balanced with his walk before "the passion" and after. Otherwise, to me, it was two hours of unspeakable horrors that happened to a man.
It was a slice of his life, as Diazbro pointed out, a SLICE. But to pull that part out and only show it -- almost standing alone teaching people about a "Christ" I feel does not do Jesus justice. I do not think it combined the victory of Christ with the beatings. I did not leave the theater thinking of the risen Christ and more eager to have him live in my heart.
I felt defeated, sickened, turned off and wondering where Pontious Pilot was.
I have NEVER bee a fan of foreign films or subtitles - but I am a fan of Jesus.
I am sorry I am the only on that felt this way. I cannot change your experience and you cannot change mine. We are discussing the movie and how we felt. If there are tons of people moved by this movie and it leads them to understand Christ better, or to love him more, or to think about him more deeply, then the movie was a giant success.
I must represent a small small group of people who do not feel this way. So, although my feelings are mine, and I do not expect anyone to feel what I do, I cannot feel what you guys felt either.
So, to me - it was not worth seeing. IF I wanted to know more about the terrible beatings and crucifixion of Christ, then it would have been a success to me as well. I just expected something more balanced. I thought the other parts of Jesus’ life would be represented better. I do not want them to down play what Jesus went through, but just a better glimpse into the whole life of Jesus.
But I understand how those of you who knew what "The Passion" meant kind of knew what you were in for and instead of being shocked and sickened, came out understanding what that poor man suffered for us. I am glad and thankful it is making people feel closer to Jesus, unfortunately, it did not do that for me.
I am glad that Kit and Raf and others were moved in a glorious sobering way to love and understand Jessus better, I just do not share that result from Mel's movie.
But I am the small percentage...
[This message was edited by Dot Matrix on March 06, 2004 at 12:00.]
Pilate was the guy with the wife who gave Mary the Cloth and he was the one that wahed his hands.
dmiller.. That was informative, but as we were all taught Christ didn't really say “Eloi, Eloi, lama sabachthani"
I remember scratching it out in my Oxford extra large margin Bible that I was advised to buy from the bookstore in NK for a hundred dollars before taking the class
quote: So, to me - it was not worth seeing. IF I wanted to know more about the terrible beatings and crucifixion of Christ, then it would have been a success to me as well. I just expected something more balanced. I thought the other parts of Jesus’ life would be represented better. I do not want them to down play what Jesus went through, but just a better glimpse into the whole life of Jesus.
Dot - You might want to check out a movie called "The Gospel of John" that came and went this past fall with barely any notice at all. Overshadowed by all the Mel Gibson controversy, I suppose, it's a literal word by word depiction of the book with all the familiar stories - turning water into wine, the woman at the well, healing the blind man and the lame man, raising Lazarus, feeding the 5,000.
There's also a bloody crucifixion, "evil" Jews included, and a resurrection with Jesus hanging out with his disciples afterward. Not as much raw meat as Gibson's, but you get the point for sure.
It's very well done and Jesus is shown as a pretty normal guy, not as solemn and unemotional as you usually see him.
I don't know if it's out on video yet, but it's worth a look.
[This message was edited by Pirate1974 on March 06, 2004 at 20:37.]
The guy at the video store last weekend was talkng about it being out "soon" (like in the next week or so). . . and I didn't know what he was talking about.
thank you! I remember him and saying to my husband there is Pilate, but then without it being in English and my reading things I thought they called him something else... Some "C" name. I guess he and his wife were talking about Ciaphus. I tell you, not my cup of tea, when I was reading the lines I kept thinking oh I guess this is some other guy washing his hands also, wonder what happened to Pontius... Being as I never saw all this stuff about the cross, I thought it was an additional thing Mel found in his research or something. It is obvious how I really needed it to be done in English.
Now why was Mary wiping up the blood? When that woman gave Mary the linen I thought she was going to go wrap Jesus' wounds or something. See, I do not recall any of the blood wiping in any Bible I read either. I got to the point there were few things I recognized. (Needed the English folks)
I heard that Gospel of John being advertised on "the Fish" radio. But I was thinking it was a play, I will go check it out! Thank you!
[This message was edited by Dot Matrix on March 06, 2004 at 15:43.]
My husband and I just went to see the film, with our next-door neighbors.
I had to leave during the torture scene.
I couldn't keep my eyes open during the nails, or the lowering of the cross into the hole.
I had known that I didn't want to see this film, because I am an extremely visual person, and I can still see the pictures in my mind from hearing Chip Stansbury teach about these historical events, something like twenty years ago in the BRC. I knew that I couldn't have pictures from this film popping back up in my head for years. I already believe that they could never show the horribleness of the accuracy, not with only an "R" rating. At least the Jesus in this film was still recognizeable as a human being.
I like the part about it being Mel Gibson's hands which hammer the nails. He said "Who nailed Jesus to the cross? I did." He is speaking as Joe Everyday Believer. We all did.
As other posters have said, I connected very strongly with Mary's suffering, as a mother.
I disagree with the poster who said that he or she saw no power in this Christ. I saw power in every look, every glance. To have been able to speak a word and end the torture at any time, but to hang in there because all of the Old Testament prophecies had not yet been fulfilled, is amazing strength of will and power.
I cried when the man who helped him carry the cross told him "almost there," and then looked up at the hill with an expression of "I don't know how I'm going to get him up there." I was struck to the core by the man who pierced the side of Jesus, and then knelt in the shower of blood.
I loved the "Pieta" at the end.
It's a film that many people should and will see, at least once. I don't know how many of them, however, will be able to see it twice.
I went to see it today and had to leave 30 minutes into it.
I could see the Mary worship and in my opinion it looked like the devil was the star not Jesus. I was shocked at first, but realize that if the whole Christian community is behind it, there has to be something rotten going on.
But then, I remember that in pretense or in truth, Christ is preached. So, be it. I guess.
Fred brought home "Revelation" from the video store today, and I was reminded that there is an increase of interest in Biblical based movies (Omega Code movies, the Jesus movies, Veggie Tales and others. . . )
The movies that are based on Biblical history prophecy are bloody, and when I have the video I can pause and take a break from it's much easier on the soul.
The prophets and Christians have endured terrible fates, and any attempt to portray the Bible and Christian history accurately needs to include this.
(Jesus also spoke truth when he said the world will hate His disciples as it does Him.)
HOpefully (and looking forward to Mel's version of the Battle of Armaggedon),
I cried and cried when Old Yeller died and asked my Mom to explain it to me over and over, but in the overall, even though I had no "requisite knowledge to put it in perspective", it was good for me:
Yes I think many cried about Old Yeller but
I think its rather easy for children to relate to the pain associated with seeing a cherished pet/animal being put down. Lots of children have a context for understanding the story of Old Yeller.
But a child seeing the systematic torture and eventual exectution of a man is something completely different at least from my point of view. Lots of adults weren't prepared for the range of emotions they experienced from watching TPOTC. Children aren't going to be
any better prepared.
I think we all know that in about 6 years
that this movie will most likely be showing
on TBS right along with ShawShank Redemption,
Rush Hour Part 12, Devil's Advocate and the
other 4 movies that they show over and over.
So its not like its the be all end all flick.
Nor is it the most violent.
My problem is that at least in my locale
I've seen too many parents haul the kids off to this movie as a substitute for church and parental talks about religion and spirituality.
I don't think that this is the rule but I've
seen it enough as to make me wonder.
Obviously there are children who have a genuine
desire and interest in seeing this movie though perhaps some are just curious about the violence. Others know the story and just want to
quote:The remorse and despair we feel (or will feel) to varying degrees because of our disobedience to or rejection of God, he felt so utterly that we cannot imagine it.
Zix, could you explain/expound what he means by this statement? How could Christ feel what we feel resulting from the consequences of disobedience, when He never disobeyed God? Perhaps I'm missing something.
I'm not exactly sure. Card is a Mormon, but this sounds more like the Catholic doctrine to me. Perhaps the two groups believe the same thing about Jesus becoming sin itself in his final hours and his being forsaken by God as a result?
He crawled to the cross, barely able to move at all, and lay down on it willingly.
In my church people gave testimony of what the film had done for them. One dear, precious, high school student said that many at her school who had made fun of her and mocked her for her faith no longer do so. One teenage boy who has been saved only a few months, spoke with tears of his family and his prayers for their salvation.
The Passion has brought the realities of Jesus Christ and His sacrifice on our behalf to the forefront right now. So many of us, myself included, have become "coca-cola Christians," all fizzy sweetness, no substance.
I thank God to know that when the going gets rough, it will never get that rough because of Christ's sacrifice, and He will always be right there for me.
Was the laying down on the cross in the movie? I don't remember that from the scriptures. From what I remember, Christ never touched it until he was nailed to it?
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Dot Matrix
And Ciaphus wanted to let him go...
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Dot Matrix
If you see it "small screen" it will not have as large an impact, IMO. I just wish the movie was playing closer to you so you do not have to wait for the video.
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Kit Sober
As I see it there is a big difference between the "S*it happens" violence of the Wizard of Oz and Old Yeller and the "He did this for you, and God got him up from the dead."
The random acts of violence which appear in movies and on the tv screen are the stuff nightmares are made of because there is no resolution, no conclusion that you can live with besides ".... happens."
It's a big difference. I still have "nightmares" from The Wizard of Oz I saw it seems like a hundred years ago because there is no resolution to it. . .
But The Passion of Christ was not like that at all. There is a real comfort to the soul of the movie.
There but for the grace of God go I.
Again, I loved it.
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A movie is a story in pictures.
the fact it has deep and powerful meaning for you Kit may be because you have had plenty of time to relate to what the pictures being shown Mean to you and how you think .
a child does not, even the bible presented as "the truth " is only story about something unless the Lord convicts the heart to think about that story means in a real place of thinking and living and the child is mature enough to understand on a personal level.
what "the story" means to a person is one idea, what this picture depicts is blood guts and gore and sufffering on a very primal level. If the pictures shown stirs your inner soul in some way it is because you have considered this as much much more than as presented as a movie. That is ok I just honestly doubt most children (and sadly many adult theater goers) have that level of understanding about this type of film , the fact a three second rather confusing flash of a man out side a dark hole does NOT tell the story of just what Jesus Christ accomplished for us, in fact it can be easily dismissed and forgotten as a insigificant piece in this film.
I heard someone say they think the hub bub of this film will die as soon as those who have anticipated its release see it and within two weeks will fall rapidly off the charts. I think this will have two types of fans one group the followers(probably christians) who think it has deep spiritual meaning for them and the other a blood guts and gore group screaming for more more violence in films.
I do think it may win awards for shots and tech, some of these shots are just outstanding and direction but as far as changing the world religous films as a whole have never had much impact and are often very short lived .
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J0nny Ling0
Dot Matrix-
I wish the same also. If the movie sticks around in Juneau or Whitehorse, I may be able to see it on the big screen...
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Dot: It was Pontius Pilate (the nearly-bald guy) who wanted to let him go in the film. Caiaphas was the guy with the beard who started up with the "Give us Barabbas!" chant, etc.
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I have posted this site before, perhaps here, or perhaps another thread, but it bears repeating. Please log on to: http://www.truthortradition.com/modules.ph...article&sid=294
if you have questions about "My God, why have You forsaken me." This says it all. Thanks.
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for me the resurrection scene was just unbelievable. SO much message in those few scenes.
As for Caiphus
He was the High Priest--the ONLY person among all of the members of the Jewish faith who could enter the Holy of Holies and speak to GOD "Face to face"
Caiphus knew all the prophecies --he knew a Messiah would be coming And He and His fellow Sanhedrin Knew THE DAY IT HAPPENED THE JOB OF HIGH PRIEST WOULD BECOME OBSOLETE!!
That's right no more Cushy Board seats, No more Drambuie, NO more luxi---Oops got sidetracked there
But what Caiphus expected --what almost everyone expected-- was that the Messiah would free them, not spiritually, but free them from Roman rule.
So Caiphus was expecting Jesus to Lead an Uprising that would sweep the Romans from power --with Jesus emerging as the New High priest with all the "goodies" that went with the office--the goodies that heretofore had been the property of Caiphus and CO.
That is why Caiphus explained Jesus" alleged crimes in political terms to Pilate--because that's where Caiphus was at. Jesus dead = no uprising = Caiphus safe and secure as high Priest.
The shock of Caiphus as he sees the rent Veil and crumbling wall of the Holy of Holies brought home just what an impact this event must have had on Jewish Life.
As I sat in that theater The violent persecution of The early Christians by Paul and the other members of the Sanhedrin who set out to kill all "Christians" assumed a whole new dimension--
This wasn't a fight over "heretical" doctrine but a fight for their very survival.
Can you imagine; as word spread throughout the World that the Holy of Holies was no longer cut off, that GOD was no longer limited to the High Priest and a select few; what happed to the money changers- the sellers of sacrificial animals- the fees for the mikvas?
Sales must have dropped dramatically--even those who did not profess Christianity, very well may have doubted the wisdom of financially supporting A High Priest -when he was no longer really needed.
Caiphus' worst nightmare had come true--and at his own hand-- now the scramble to restore that which he had lost and failing that to maintain what was left--
(who Used to be Maure)
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Dot Matrix
Sorry confused here- who was the guy with the wife that gave Mary the linens to wipe up Jesus's blood? I thought that was the guy you were talking about. Wasn't that a guy with a name that sounded like that? When Iwas reading the subtitles and that guy was not wanting to hurt Jesus I thought he was some guy with a "c" name. I kept wndering where Pontus Pilot was.
See, for me, it needed to be in English so I did not have to keep dropping my eyes to read.
Each person viewing the film will have his or her own how-it-impacted-them view. Some of the impact statements may be similar and others very different than yours/mine. There is no right or wrong.
I do think the Catholics will understand it better than a person like me. I think the Catholics are VERY aware of Christ’s’ suffering all through out their involvement with their church. So, perhaps to see it "played out" in front of you/them is very moving to your faith. I am sure some other churches will have similar reactions.
IT did not deeply move me. I was aware it was a movie (because of it NOT being in English and having to read subtitles). I kind of thought his walk through the streets was little stupid.
Never having learned in my churches about the "stations" of the cross and not really sure if I believe in them I found that difficult to “buy into”.
What I do believe in is that a wonderful man who did nothing but good during his life was brutally killed and rose again so that we may live.
I do not believe that was portrayed in the film. It focused in on the brutal beatings and the ripping of his skin, the crown being jabbed into his scalp with the blood running through out is hair. I DO think it is important for us to remember/ or think about what he went through for us. But we also need a broader look at the life of Christ, not absent of the horrors, but in balanced with his walk before "the passion" and after. Otherwise, to me, it was two hours of unspeakable horrors that happened to a man.
It was a slice of his life, as Diazbro pointed out, a SLICE. But to pull that part out and only show it -- almost standing alone teaching people about a "Christ" I feel does not do Jesus justice. I do not think it combined the victory of Christ with the beatings. I did not leave the theater thinking of the risen Christ and more eager to have him live in my heart.
I felt defeated, sickened, turned off and wondering where Pontious Pilot was.
I have NEVER bee a fan of foreign films or subtitles - but I am a fan of Jesus.
I am sorry I am the only on that felt this way. I cannot change your experience and you cannot change mine. We are discussing the movie and how we felt. If there are tons of people moved by this movie and it leads them to understand Christ better, or to love him more, or to think about him more deeply, then the movie was a giant success.
I must represent a small small group of people who do not feel this way. So, although my feelings are mine, and I do not expect anyone to feel what I do, I cannot feel what you guys felt either.
So, to me - it was not worth seeing. IF I wanted to know more about the terrible beatings and crucifixion of Christ, then it would have been a success to me as well. I just expected something more balanced. I thought the other parts of Jesus’ life would be represented better. I do not want them to down play what Jesus went through, but just a better glimpse into the whole life of Jesus.
But I understand how those of you who knew what "The Passion" meant kind of knew what you were in for and instead of being shocked and sickened, came out understanding what that poor man suffered for us. I am glad and thankful it is making people feel closer to Jesus, unfortunately, it did not do that for me.
I am glad that Kit and Raf and others were moved in a glorious sobering way to love and understand Jessus better, I just do not share that result from Mel's movie.
But I am the small percentage...
[This message was edited by Dot Matrix on March 06, 2004 at 12:00.]
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Pilate was the guy with the wife who gave Mary the Cloth and he was the one that wahed his hands.
dmiller.. That was informative, but as we were all taught Christ didn't really say “Eloi, Eloi, lama sabachthani"

I remember scratching it out in my Oxford extra large margin Bible that I was advised to buy from the bookstore in NK for a hundred dollars before taking the class
(I just really needed to say that
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Dot - You might want to check out a movie called "The Gospel of John" that came and went this past fall with barely any notice at all. Overshadowed by all the Mel Gibson controversy, I suppose, it's a literal word by word depiction of the book with all the familiar stories - turning water into wine, the woman at the well, healing the blind man and the lame man, raising Lazarus, feeding the 5,000.
There's also a bloody crucifixion, "evil" Jews included, and a resurrection with Jesus hanging out with his disciples afterward. Not as much raw meat as Gibson's, but you get the point for sure.
It's very well done and Jesus is shown as a pretty normal guy, not as solemn and unemotional as you usually see him.
I don't know if it's out on video yet, but it's worth a look.
[This message was edited by Pirate1974 on March 06, 2004 at 20:37.]
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Kit Sober
Thanks Pirate.
The guy at the video store last weekend was talkng about it being out "soon" (like in the next week or so). . . and I didn't know what he was talking about.
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Dot Matrix
thank you! I remember him and saying to my husband there is Pilate, but then without it being in English and my reading things I thought they called him something else... Some "C" name. I guess he and his wife were talking about Ciaphus. I tell you, not my cup of tea, when I was reading the lines I kept thinking oh I guess this is some other guy washing his hands also, wonder what happened to Pontius... Being as I never saw all this stuff about the cross, I thought it was an additional thing Mel found in his research or something. It is obvious how I really needed it to be done in English.
Now why was Mary wiping up the blood? When that woman gave Mary the linen I thought she was going to go wrap Jesus' wounds or something. See, I do not recall any of the blood wiping in any Bible I read either. I got to the point there were few things I recognized. (Needed the English folks)
I heard that Gospel of John being advertised on "the Fish" radio. But I was thinking it was a play, I will go check it out! Thank you!
[This message was edited by Dot Matrix on March 06, 2004 at 15:43.]
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My husband and I just went to see the film, with our next-door neighbors.
I had to leave during the torture scene.
I couldn't keep my eyes open during the nails, or the lowering of the cross into the hole.
I had known that I didn't want to see this film, because I am an extremely visual person, and I can still see the pictures in my mind from hearing Chip Stansbury teach about these historical events, something like twenty years ago in the BRC. I knew that I couldn't have pictures from this film popping back up in my head for years. I already believe that they could never show the horribleness of the accuracy, not with only an "R" rating. At least the Jesus in this film was still recognizeable as a human being.
I like the part about it being Mel Gibson's hands which hammer the nails. He said "Who nailed Jesus to the cross? I did." He is speaking as Joe Everyday Believer. We all did.
As other posters have said, I connected very strongly with Mary's suffering, as a mother.
I disagree with the poster who said that he or she saw no power in this Christ. I saw power in every look, every glance. To have been able to speak a word and end the torture at any time, but to hang in there because all of the Old Testament prophecies had not yet been fulfilled, is amazing strength of will and power.
I cried when the man who helped him carry the cross told him "almost there," and then looked up at the hill with an expression of "I don't know how I'm going to get him up there." I was struck to the core by the man who pierced the side of Jesus, and then knelt in the shower of blood.
I loved the "Pieta" at the end.
It's a film that many people should and will see, at least once. I don't know how many of them, however, will be able to see it twice.
I'm proud of Mel for making it.
"Live just, and fear not."
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Dear Dot Matrix and Ex.
I'm with you guys.
I went to see it today and had to leave 30 minutes into it.
I could see the Mary worship and in my opinion it looked like the devil was the star not Jesus. I was shocked at first, but realize that if the whole Christian community is behind it, there has to be something rotten going on.
But then, I remember that in pretense or in truth, Christ is preached. So, be it. I guess.
How sad tho. It made me cry and still does.
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I am thankful to have seen what I did see. . .
It reminded me of how evil the devil is.
I was starting to forget.
So, see? It will touch different people in different ways.
Go Mel.
Yea God.
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Kit Sober
Fred brought home "Revelation" from the video store today, and I was reminded that there is an increase of interest in Biblical based movies (Omega Code movies, the Jesus movies, Veggie Tales and others. . . )
The movies that are based on Biblical history prophecy are bloody, and when I have the video I can pause and take a break from it's much easier on the soul.
The prophets and Christians have endured terrible fates, and any attempt to portray the Bible and Christian history accurately needs to include this.
(Jesus also spoke truth when he said the world will hate His disciples as it does Him.)
HOpefully (and looking forward to Mel's version of the Battle of Armaggedon),
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Here's a thought provoking (positive) review for the film: The Passion of the Christ--Three Reviews and a Letter
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Johnny Lingo said:
I cried and cried when Old Yeller died and asked my Mom to explain it to me over and over, but in the overall, even though I had no "requisite knowledge to put it in perspective", it was good for me:
Yes I think many cried about Old Yeller but
I think its rather easy for children to relate to the pain associated with seeing a cherished pet/animal being put down. Lots of children have a context for understanding the story of Old Yeller.
But a child seeing the systematic torture and eventual exectution of a man is something completely different at least from my point of view. Lots of adults weren't prepared for the range of emotions they experienced from watching TPOTC. Children aren't going to be
any better prepared.
I think we all know that in about 6 years
that this movie will most likely be showing
on TBS right along with ShawShank Redemption,
Rush Hour Part 12, Devil's Advocate and the
other 4 movies that they show over and over.
So its not like its the be all end all flick.
Nor is it the most violent.
My problem is that at least in my locale
I've seen too many parents haul the kids off to this movie as a substitute for church and parental talks about religion and spirituality.
I don't think that this is the rule but I've
seen it enough as to make me wonder.
Obviously there are children who have a genuine
desire and interest in seeing this movie though perhaps some are just curious about the violence. Others know the story and just want to
match it up with that they heard.
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Zix, could you explain/expound what he means by this statement? How could Christ feel what we feel resulting from the consequences of disobedience, when He never disobeyed God? Perhaps I'm missing something.
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I'm not exactly sure. Card is a Mormon, but this sounds more like the Catholic doctrine to me. Perhaps the two groups believe the same thing about Jesus becoming sin itself in his final hours and his being forsaken by God as a result?
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Watered Garden
Looking back, I remember...
He crawled to the cross, barely able to move at all, and lay down on it willingly.
In my church people gave testimony of what the film had done for them. One dear, precious, high school student said that many at her school who had made fun of her and mocked her for her faith no longer do so. One teenage boy who has been saved only a few months, spoke with tears of his family and his prayers for their salvation.
The Passion has brought the realities of Jesus Christ and His sacrifice on our behalf to the forefront right now. So many of us, myself included, have become "coca-cola Christians," all fizzy sweetness, no substance.
I thank God to know that when the going gets rough, it will never get that rough because of Christ's sacrifice, and He will always be right there for me.
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J0nny Ling0
Like I said Diaz bruh, you make sure that your kids see it when you deem it proper, and I will do the same with mine! OK?
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Hi, WG.
Was the laying down on the cross in the movie? I don't remember that from the scriptures. From what I remember, Christ never touched it until he was nailed to it?
Not being a smart ***, just wondering.
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