Dart..a friend of mine , who posted, was as much as called a possible liar. She too is no longer posting but I believe she will eventually come back and post again.
I felt really bad for her when I read what the poster posted cause she was indeed telling the truth. She, like myself, gave twi FC's little slack.
I can only speak for myself and that is that I have no reason to believe that anyone here is not telling the truth. Reading post after post showing inconsistency speaks for itself...
In defence of my treatment of new people posting ideas that don't fit with mine.
Usually it is because they are propossing to continue their cult-like activities here and are asking for my blessing. I respond to that person like I would an alcoholic who wants to stop but keeps doing it. Cultic groups want to control your behaviour your information your time and your environment. I left that stuff, I'm not supportive of it, and reality hurts.
Pain is good pain is healthy, but cults don't cause pain they cause suffering. Suffering is pain that keeps occuring and even after you know how to stop it you keep causing it. Continuing to live in the old TWI style is painful, it is by it's very nature isolationist.
There is a spiritual axiom: Pain is the touchstone of all spiritual growth.
The reason one won't grow when they are in pain is because it's not pain it's suffering. First we must realize we are suffering, then we will see the source of our suffering. Once we know the source we can stop the suffering, at the point in which we stop the suffering, then the true path to the end of suffering will become clear. Diagnosis, Prescription, Treatment, Cure (or Health).
That's all I'm saying on that.
"If you pick up a starving dog and make him prosperous, he will not bite you. This is the principal difference between a dog and a man."
I agree, excie, it scared me to read the title of this thread. But then I think it was to get attention.
What was the purpose to bring this post up, btw?
It was posted in july 2, 2002 which was quite a while ago. I have talked to kay (I'm pretty sure it was her) in chat room not too long ago and had a very nice chat.
I think in frustration at times I have posted and maybe not meant to be as harsh.
Gs at times does get to be a battlefield of wills and beliefs and I agree it can be really frustrating. But with all this can come of healing as we stand up for ourselves and say what we want to say. We never really had that chance.
So dart, my question is why the thread, as this is very outdated?
If you do not tell the truth about yourself you can not tell it about other people.
"Usually it is because they are propossing to continue their cult-like activities here and are asking for my blessing."
Hey give everybody a little time. We all needed that when we left or were thrown out of TWI. It takes awhile to get rid of the way-brain. Its been 3-4 years for me and I still struggle with things.
This is a good place and this is a bad place but can anyone show me a place on earth were its all good or all bad
It you do not like some thing in a place love it into change Just telling others a place is bad is not right
Now all places are not for all people and not all places are best for all people
But if we all give the other person room to change they might change or we might change
You see the evil Way broke our hearts, walk on us, took our money, and made fools of us
But we are trying to help others not have to be hurt in the same way we were
Now I believe what comes around goes around and their is coming
And yes my heart has been broke here but that part of having love ones look at me and Oakspear, Zix, and Lindyhopper we get it hot at times but never any hate
We just look at things from other eyes
No one is the same and we all get mad from time to time but we all three forgive and move on
And that is what its about here Learning to move on with our life and mark the Way has dead
Because VPW told me the Way was dead in 1980 but I was not listen and I stay to long
I bet your saying he never said that but think he said if you point one finger at someone or something you point four back at you
So every time he call others Churches dead he was telling us the Way was dead and the leadership was full of darkness
So give people a change and while you giving them a change give one to yourself
with love Roy
PS I hope Oakspear, Zix, and Lindyhopper understand I was just using them as a way to get a point across
quote:PS I hope Oakspear, Zix, and Lindyhopper understand I was just using them as a way to get a point across
Of course Roy!
You make a good point, it is possible to strenuously disagree with a person's opinion, while respecting the person. You and I disagree on almost everything, yet we don't hate each other. :D-->
In theory, there is no difference between theory and practice...but in practice there is
I have been here for 2 years now, but just recently registered. I only comment on the comments made by others, and never comment on the poster of those comments -->
I think all others here do the same, with a few variations here and there
We were once all in a "clique" and are doing our best to avoid that mistake again.
Remember ... this post was made almost TWO years ago...I have a sneeking suspicion that kay`s opinion might have changed since then....MOST of us have.
Dunno what your point is in using someone ELSES two year old post to rub our noses in dart...but I don`t like it... I agree with the poster that said you oughtta tell us what YOU think using YOUR words....it`d sure .... me off if you snatched a two year old post of mine and used it to justify some obscure agenda.
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Dart...There IS healing to be had here...maybe it just didn`t appear in a form this person would consider or recognise?
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Didn't Kay1952 start posting again recenmtly under a different handle?
In theory, there is no difference between theory and practice...but in practice there is
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Dart..a friend of mine , who posted, was as much as called a possible liar. She too is no longer posting but I believe she will eventually come back and post again.
I felt really bad for her when I read what the poster posted cause she was indeed telling the truth. She, like myself, gave twi FC's little slack.
I can only speak for myself and that is that I have no reason to believe that anyone here is not telling the truth. Reading post after post showing inconsistency speaks for itself...
To each their own. Hope Kay1952 comes back.
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Umm, yes, she IS here posting under another handle!
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In defence of my treatment of new people posting ideas that don't fit with mine.
Usually it is because they are propossing to continue their cult-like activities here and are asking for my blessing. I respond to that person like I would an alcoholic who wants to stop but keeps doing it. Cultic groups want to control your behaviour your information your time and your environment. I left that stuff, I'm not supportive of it, and reality hurts.
Pain is good pain is healthy, but cults don't cause pain they cause suffering. Suffering is pain that keeps occuring and even after you know how to stop it you keep causing it. Continuing to live in the old TWI style is painful, it is by it's very nature isolationist.
There is a spiritual axiom: Pain is the touchstone of all spiritual growth.
The reason one won't grow when they are in pain is because it's not pain it's suffering. First we must realize we are suffering, then we will see the source of our suffering. Once we know the source we can stop the suffering, at the point in which we stop the suffering, then the true path to the end of suffering will become clear. Diagnosis, Prescription, Treatment, Cure (or Health).
That's all I'm saying on that.
"If you pick up a starving dog and make him prosperous, he will not bite you. This is the principal difference between a dog and a man."
Mark Twain
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Dot Matrix
Dorothy Thompson:
Fear grows in darkness; if you think there's a bogeyman around, turn on the light.
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If you are trying to make a point, it escapes me. Why not just say what you wanna say in your own words?
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gosh maybe change the title of this thread. scare me.
i agree with what kay said sometimes and other times i do not. and that's the firm stand i'm taking
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Dot Matrix
Yeah, I thought she died or something as well...
Scared me.
Dorothy Thompson:
Fear grows in darkness; if you think there's a bogeyman around, turn on the light.
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I agree, excie, it scared me to read the title of this thread. But then I think it was to get attention.
What was the purpose to bring this post up, btw?
It was posted in july 2, 2002 which was quite a while ago. I have talked to kay (I'm pretty sure it was her) in chat room not too long ago and had a very nice chat.
I think in frustration at times I have posted and maybe not meant to be as harsh.
Gs at times does get to be a battlefield of wills and beliefs and I agree it can be really frustrating. But with all this can come of healing as we stand up for ourselves and say what we want to say. We never really had that chance.
So dart, my question is why the thread, as this is very outdated?
If you do not tell the truth about yourself you can not tell it about other people.
virginia woolfe
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"Usually it is because they are propossing to continue their cult-like activities here and are asking for my blessing."
Hey give everybody a little time. We all needed that when we left or were thrown out of TWI. It takes awhile to get rid of the way-brain. Its been 3-4 years for me and I still struggle with things.
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has it been what 15 years or something for me ? i still struggle with stuff
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Hi All
This is a good place and this is a bad place but can anyone show me a place on earth were its all good or all bad
It you do not like some thing in a place love it into change Just telling others a place is bad is not right
Now all places are not for all people and not all places are best for all people
But if we all give the other person room to change they might change or we might change
You see the evil Way broke our hearts, walk on us, took our money, and made fools of us
But we are trying to help others not have to be hurt in the same way we were
Now I believe what comes around goes around and their is coming
And yes my heart has been broke here but that part of having love ones look at me and Oakspear, Zix, and Lindyhopper we get it hot at times but never any hate
We just look at things from other eyes
No one is the same and we all get mad from time to time but we all three forgive and move on
And that is what its about here Learning to move on with our life and mark the Way has dead
Because VPW told me the Way was dead in 1980 but I was not listen and I stay to long
I bet your saying he never said that but think he said if you point one finger at someone or something you point four back at you
So every time he call others Churches dead he was telling us the Way was dead and the leadership was full of darkness
So give people a change and while you giving them a change give one to yourself
PS I hope Oakspear, Zix, and Lindyhopper understand I was just using them as a way to get a point across
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That was very well put.
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You make a good point, it is possible to strenuously disagree with a person's opinion, while respecting the person. You and I disagree on almost everything, yet we don't hate each other.
In theory, there is no difference between theory and practice...but in practice there is
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I have been here for 2 years now, but just recently registered. I only comment on the comments made by others, and never comment on the poster of those comments
I think all others here do the same, with a few variations here and there
We were once all in a "clique" and are doing our best to avoid that mistake again.
At least I am
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Remember ... this post was made almost TWO years ago...I have a sneeking suspicion that kay`s opinion might have changed since then....MOST of us have.
Dunno what your point is in using someone ELSES two year old post to rub our noses in dart...but I don`t like it... I agree with the poster that said you oughtta tell us what YOU think using YOUR words....it`d sure .... me off if you snatched a two year old post of mine and used it to justify some obscure agenda.
Agreed dmiller....no more cliques for me...
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this post was made almost TWO years ago...
SHEEEEEEEEEEEEESH! Thanks, Cathy, for noticing that.
Removing my post of today. Criminy!
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