One of my regrets is that I didn't ask my mom for advise. It was never a regret while I was 'in', but it is now.
:)-->Had she known what was going on, she'd have blown a nut and gone to any and all measures to get me the flock outa there, actions that would have only made things mucho grande worse.
:)-->Had she knows what was goin on in my marriage, she'd have invited my husband for a little visit that noone would have benefited from.
:)-->Had she known what I was doing to pacify the leadership, she'd have expressed the reality of how I was raised to take no fecal matter and to speak my own mind.
:)-->Had she known what was really going on behind the scenes when my husband died, she'd have blown a bigger nut, but at least would have had the entire audience that time.
:)-->Had she known what my oldest daughter was being put through, she'd have taken extreme measures to get the kid outa there, away from me and in a safe place.
Advise from mom...........I missed it terribly, but I believed I was protecting my children; still believe that.
Now, I have told her some things after the fact and it only serves to hurt her, knowing I didn't feel I could go to her then.
Do not sell your home! Again, do not sell your home! Rent it maybe, DO NOT SELL YOUR HOME.
Do not throw your pets away, get them to a rescue if you are afraid to keep them. You will feel better later when you wake up.
Go to your families parties. I missed mine for years, my dad's 50th, his retirement, reunions, etc. All kinds of family has died and I missed their "life".
Do not forsake your secular education. Be what you wanted to be. If you are being pushed to go corps- finish college first. Fight for your degree. Or you will have a life of trying to catch up.
I wish I had listened to Dr. Wierwille's frequent advice to master the collaterals.
In those days I'd look at the Blue Book and be embarrassed by the title, and get tricked into thinking it was simpleton. The verses in ?Release From Your Prisons? seemed OK, but the text in between seemed dispensable. Like everyone else, I failed to be delivered.
NOW, I see great light in that same ?Bible Tells Me So? and I see that it?s disguised to fool the arrogant and prideful. NOW I?ve reversed my priorities, knowing that the KJV verses are only partially correct, and the intervening text is God?s (not Dr?s) commentary to reset those man-made verses in perfect context for our deliverance TODAY!
If ONLY I had been meek to learn from God and His teacher I?d have grown much faster and farther, but that?s spilt milk not worth crying over, BECAUSE it?s not too late to master God?s Word He has so graciously given us. I?m thankful that coming back to PFAL and mastering the written materials (like we were frequently told to) has given me the answers to the ministry meltdown and my CONTINUED life with my heavenly Father.
I wished I had listened to my father when he told me going WOW was the biggest effin mistake I ever would make in my life. He was right. That year indoctrinated me into twi really well. God only know the BS I lived with that year. They moved us across the state of TExas right before Christmas. I had only 19 credit hours to finish college, and that was the reason my dad was so furious. He knew I wouldn't finish. That was the only time he talked to me that way. It hurt my feelings at the time, and I was sure he didn't understand why I was doing what I was doing. He knew enough that it was a waste of my life. Well, Dad, you were right. Sorry I didn't listen to you back then.
There were so many, many red flags that went up but I was so indoctrinated that I ignored that "still small voice" and even the LOUD SCREAMING VOICE of God because I failed to discern them. And we were supposed to do "all 9 all of the time." Oh pullleeeaasse! I may have received a word of knowledge I was a nerd of wisdom. Hindsight is 20/20. I used to regret the wasted years, but am realizing that God does restore the years that the locusts have devoured. Years in the wilderness after leaving TWI...I am beginning to cross the Jordan into the Promised Land. There is life with the one true God after TWI. He will reveal it to us. It takes time but if you desire it, He will show it to you.
Mike, master the Word of God, not the blasted collaterals for God's sake! Read it like you never read it before. If you still hear VPW's voice when you read it you are reading it with a veil over your eyes. Let it all GO and start it from Genesis like you never read it before. Watch what God will reveal to you. It will be a new book.
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George Aar
Oh my, Kit,
I could write a book about this.
Don't have the heart for it, though.
"If 'ifs' and 'buts' were candied nuts, then we'd all have a Merry Christmas."
or how about,
"Of all the words of voice or pen,
The saddest are these,
'It might have been'"
Yes, indeed, as the decoupaged plague in my Aunt's kitchen always reminded me,
"We're too soon old,
And too late smart".
From another one late to school,
oh, well...
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One of my regrets is that I didn't ask my mom for advise. It was never a regret while I was 'in', but it is now.
Advise from mom...........I missed it terribly, but I believed I was protecting my children; still believe that.
Now, I have told her some things after the fact and it only serves to hurt her, knowing I didn't feel I could go to her then.
Another talk show, for sure.
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A week or so before starting my first PFAL class (1977) a friend said to me (about TWI)
"they might be doing something you don't know about".
I thought that was the craziest thing I'd ever heard...........
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Dot Matrix
Good Advice!
Do not sell your home! Again, do not sell your home! Rent it maybe, DO NOT SELL YOUR HOME.
Do not throw your pets away, get them to a rescue if you are afraid to keep them. You will feel better later when you wake up.
Go to your families parties. I missed mine for years, my dad's 50th, his retirement, reunions, etc. All kinds of family has died and I missed their "life".
Do not forsake your secular education. Be what you wanted to be. If you are being pushed to go corps- finish college first. Fight for your degree. Or you will have a life of trying to catch up.
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Yeah, look at all of the marked & avoided people in their mid to late 40's or early 50's that are now trying to scrape together a life.
If they had listened to some of this advice way back when, they would be doing well now.
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I wish I had listened to Dr. Wierwille's frequent advice to master the collaterals.
In those days I'd look at the Blue Book and be embarrassed by the title, and get tricked into thinking it was simpleton. The verses in ?Release From Your Prisons? seemed OK, but the text in between seemed dispensable. Like everyone else, I failed to be delivered.
NOW, I see great light in that same ?Bible Tells Me So? and I see that it?s disguised to fool the arrogant and prideful. NOW I?ve reversed my priorities, knowing that the KJV verses are only partially correct, and the intervening text is God?s (not Dr?s) commentary to reset those man-made verses in perfect context for our deliverance TODAY!
If ONLY I had been meek to learn from God and His teacher I?d have grown much faster and farther, but that?s spilt milk not worth crying over, BECAUSE it?s not too late to master God?s Word He has so graciously given us. I?m thankful that coming back to PFAL and mastering the written materials (like we were frequently told to) has given me the answers to the ministry meltdown and my CONTINUED life with my heavenly Father.
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Dot Matrix
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I love you, Dot!
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LOL, dot, I can actually hear the music...hehe
Ok!! I will not try to be a nice person...ok? I will not!!
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Mike said:
I wish I had listened to Dr. Wierwille's frequent advice to master the collaterals.
Oh me too ! Man if only I had done that
I'm sure I would have reached my full potential.
So let me tell you something wild. I heard
a Sunday night teaching once and Dr accidentally
belched during a teaching. At first I dismissed
it as just a common biological function but God told me to work that tape over and over. And
just this year I played the belch really slow
and then I got revelation to play it backwards.
Mike ! It was awesome. It was everything you
had been saying contained in that one quick
belch. Its a goldmine of spirtual knowledge.
All this from a belch ! Imagine if he had broke
wind what a cache of knowledge that would be.
Unbeleivable spirtual knowledge lost in the air
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Brother Diaz,
He DID break wind . . . everytime he opened his mouth!
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please don't feed the monkey he will fling crap at you.

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"They shouldn't charge money for a class about the Bible." -- Mom
Touché, Mom.
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Hope R.
When I first read the "Life" magazine article and there was a quote from a parent (
;)--> ) that read: "Drugs I can understand, but this is creepy."
Hope R. color>size>face>
PS - If I recall correctly, that was 3Cents' mom...
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I wished I had listened to my father when he told me going WOW was the biggest effin mistake I ever would make in my life. He was right. That year indoctrinated me into twi really well. God only know the BS I lived with that year. They moved us across the state of TExas right before Christmas. I had only 19 credit hours to finish college, and that was the reason my dad was so furious. He knew I wouldn't finish. That was the only time he talked to me that way. It hurt my feelings at the time, and I was sure he didn't understand why I was doing what I was doing. He knew enough that it was a waste of my life. Well, Dad, you were right. Sorry I didn't listen to you back then.
Laughter is a tranquilizer with no side effects.
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Dot Matrix
Hi Datway! Nice to see you again!!! ((((Datway)))
J and Vickles - ((((((group)))))
HE did break wind with his mouth!
My Dad did a similar thing. He told me not to go in the corps but to go through and finish college. But I thought I had a "calling".
I am SOOOOO SICK I did not listen. Dad, you were right.
Shaz - Mom was right! Sigh!
Hope- WOW, that was in LIFE magazine? Was it just about TWI or the whole Jesus movement?
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I wish that I had simply realized that the Bible I needed, the way I didn't.
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There were so many, many red flags that went up but I was so indoctrinated that I ignored that "still small voice" and even the LOUD SCREAMING VOICE of God because I failed to discern them. And we were supposed to do "all 9 all of the time." Oh pullleeeaasse! I may have received a word of knowledge I was a nerd of wisdom. Hindsight is 20/20. I used to regret the wasted years, but am realizing that God does restore the years that the locusts have devoured. Years in the wilderness after leaving TWI...I am beginning to cross the Jordan into the Promised Land. There is life with the one true God after TWI. He will reveal it to us. It takes time but if you desire it, He will show it to you.
Mike, master the Word of God, not the blasted collaterals for God's sake! Read it like you never read it before. If you still hear VPW's voice when you read it you are reading it with a veil over your eyes. Let it all GO and start it from Genesis like you never read it before. Watch what God will reveal to you. It will be a new book.
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When my "still small voice" screamed FEET DON'T FAIL ME NOW and
I didn't listen.
Dovey....proud owner of two low riders...Dovey's Doxies...... Dovey
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The quote was in "the Groovy Christians of
Rye" in Life Magazine, as was recently
The quote was in response to said groovy
Christians. ("Groovy" was a slang term at the
time, of course, not the official name they
called themselves in this group.)
The quote, which burned itself into my memory
when I read it, was
"Sometimes I almost wish they'd go back to
smoking a little dope. I mean, drugs I can
understand, but this? This is weird."
That was attributed to a local librarian, if
memory serves. My immediate response when
reading that was, more or less,
"so much for her in-depth understanding of the
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Dot Matrix
Thanks WW!
Appreciated the insight.
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"The M&A chritians of..........
Dovey....proud owner of two low riders...Dovey's Doxies...... Dovey
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Good one.
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