Got tickets in advance on Fandango. Taking the 13 year old tomorrow morning!!!!
I've heard this is very different than the first 2 films. Heck - Hermione is wearing JEANS in some of the previews.
I've also heard it's shorter - and more is left out. But J.K. Rowling said that the director left all the important parts in the movie and that those who have read the book will be pleased!
Just got home from the film! Wonderful - absolutely the best. No important detail was missed, and the ones left out weren't all that necessary for the story.
Great special effects - the Hippogriff is amazing. I would have liked to have seen more Quidditch, and more of Dumbledore, but that's just my preference.
I think the kids have become much better actors since they made the "Sorcerer's Stone".
I'm not sure Richard Harris' shoes were adequately filled. I'll have to see it again.
I won't say more until more have seen it and commented. I don't want to spoil it for anyone any more than I may have already.
There was a power failure about 1/3 of the way into the movie - lasted about 10 minutes. We complained and got passes to go again - any time, any film, any day. I was po'd about the break, but glad the theater made it right.
I took someone to see the second movie, when she had not seen the first. It only took a few sentences for her to catch up.
Here it is: A Harry Potter Primer For Those Who've Missed the First Two Movies.
When Harry was an infant, his parents were killed by an evil wizard named Voldemort. He was so evil people are afraid to say his name to this day. Voldemort tried to kill the infant Harry, but failed. The encounter left Voldemort "dead," and Harry with a lightning bolt shaped scar. Needless to say, Harry became quite famous in the wizarding world. But he was unaware of this because, while still an infant, he was placed in the care of his non-wizard aunt and uncle.
When Harry was 11, he learned that he was a wizard and that he was about to start a seven year education program at the Hogwarts school of witchcraft and wizardry. His aunt and uncle never told him this because they hate the whole idea of it. They are, shall we say, not encouraging. They have a porky son who's Harry's age. They dote over their son and are not very fond of Harry.
Once Harry starts school, he makes two friends: Ron and Hermione. He also makes an enemy, Draco. And he thinks he has an enemy in Professor Snape, a dark-robed, sinister looking teacher who always seems to have it in for Harry.
Harry's really good at flying a broom, so he's on one of the school's four Quidditch teams. Think mid-air hockey, although it's a touch more complicated than that.
For reasons that would spoil the fun, I can't tell you why but every year (so far), a different teacher has been in charge of the class "Defense Against the Dark Arts." Year three is no different.
Did I leave anything crucial out?
Oh yes, Voldemort. Turns out he (paging Lord Sauron) is not quite dead. He's made two attempts so far to reincarnate. And some people (Draco's dad included) would love to see that happen.
Wordwolf - you neglected to give the name of that all-important station from which the Hogwarts Expresss departs - Kings Cross station in London! :D-->
I didn't think it was darker at all, I did notice it was fast moving and just different. You can tell its a different director right away.
I loved how the depicted the dementors sucking life out of them,,,it was erie and cool and well done all at the same time!
anyway I am a big kid, I thought it was great. They didn't need to get into the people and their lives, that was already set. I liked the subtleness of Ron & Hermoine,,,,,ahh, so cute. I also loved that you saw them in regular clothes when they wern't required to be in robes. I just thought it moved quicker and I forgot large sums of the book, so when Sirious turned into the dog, it was well done, AND when the professor turned into the Warewolf during the full moon, that was good.
Harry realizing his own greatness, well I hope all young men do that at some point in their lives.
We even sat through all the credits at the end hoping for the little surprise that was at the end of the last one...there were a few fun things on the map where the credits were, but no little surprise. darn
Cindy, we waited, too. Then we asked one of the ushers who was waiting patiently to clean the theater if there was anything at the end of the credits! They told us there wasn't - so we left. I wondered whether they told us the truth or just said that to get us out of there - glad they didn't lie!
I took my daughter and her best friend to the midnight premier. It was a very enjoyable film but they did leave some things out I wish they had included. Still, I'm glad I went.
It was good, but I didn't think it was as good as the first two. Just my personal opinion.
Liked the new characters, but I don't know about Dumbledore. He was barely in it at all. The hippogriff was very cool.
I thought the climax was pretty hard to follow if you didn't already know the story. I'd be curious what somebody who hadn't read the book thought about that.
OK... I watched the first one last night... (have had the DVD forever, but hadn't watched it)... it was a pretty good movie... I'll watch the second here in the next week... will that get me "up to speed"???
Saw it last night, with someone who hadn't read the book.
There was a little trouble following the big plot twist at the climax, but my friend caught on right before it got scary.
Tom, you're already pretty much caught up. But since you're on track, might as well watch the second movie before you see the third. Kenneth Branagh's performance alone is worth the price of the DVD. It'll also get you accustomed to the boys' voice changes and introduce you to Ron's parents, Draco's dad (who shows up again in the fourth movie, no doubt) and gives a bit more background on Hagrid.
The new Dumbledore is terrific. Richard Harris brought a lot of dignity to the role, but the new guy brought just the right touch of mischief. In the first two movies you get a sense that Dumbledore is aware of the mischief that the trio are up to, but in this one, he's a bit more actively complicit. Harris was aging to the point where I wonder if he could have pulled it off.
The third movie is incredible, I thought. Great acting all around, and it's the first time you get a real sense that this is part of a series: it's the first one that leaves you eager for the next installment. Our audience applauded when the director's credit came up.
I gather that JK Rowling originally intended the station to be Euston but Kings Cross is a better choice is it's somewhat older (Euston is 1960s) and a better setting therefore for a steam train.
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Uhh, yeah, uhh, ok.
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I, for one,
am eagerly awaiting the third movie's arrival on tv.
feel free to start a thread in this forum on theories on the books
thru 3. (Otherwise, we'll spoil all the upcoming surprises.)
Myself, I think book/movie 1 foreshadows the entire series,
especially the opening scene, which is STILL being explained in book
5 (and 6?).
I also think that the movies occasionally skip momentary incidents that
were important to the stories. Why not include the Sorting Hat's song
in the first movie?
For those of you who never read the book, the Sorting Hat sings a
different song each year just before the sorting begins. Among other
things, it briefly explains the four Hogwarts Houses. (The movies are
REALLY giving Ravenclaw and Hufflepuff a raw deal.)
How about the Weasley brothers mocking rumours Harry is the heir of
Slytherin in the second book?
They took to marching in front of him in the hallways, intoning dirgefully,
"Make way for the Heir of Slytherin...seriously evil wizard coming thru.."
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Hope R.
Got tickets in advance on Fandango. Taking the 13 year old tomorrow morning!!!!
I've heard this is very different than the first 2 films. Heck - Hermione is wearing JEANS in some of the previews.
I've also heard it's shorter - and more is left out. But J.K. Rowling said that the director left all the important parts in the movie and that those who have read the book will be pleased!
I'm just WILD about Harry!!!
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My daughter works in a Theatre and got to preview it, she also (like her mother) is a fan.
Her main disappointment was....
the quiditch team captian (forget his name)
only has a quick cameo in the end....
she also said the Weasley brothers got cute!!!
the twins that is,
she says Hermione is as beautiful as expected.
I will go tomorrow night, hope Melissa is working so I can go to lots of
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Hope R.
Just got home from the film! Wonderful - absolutely the best. No important detail was missed, and the ones left out weren't all that necessary for the story.
Great special effects - the Hippogriff is amazing. I would have liked to have seen more Quidditch, and more of Dumbledore, but that's just my preference.
I think the kids have become much better actors since they made the "Sorcerer's Stone".
I'm not sure Richard Harris' shoes were adequately filled. I'll have to see it again.
I won't say more until more have seen it and commented. I don't want to spoil it for anyone any more than I may have already.
There was a power failure about 1/3 of the way into the movie - lasted about 10 minutes. We complained and got passes to go again - any time, any film, any day. I was po'd about the break, but glad the theater made it right.
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I saw it last night at the midnight show.
A very different film from the first two. Not as much character development, done in the first two movies very well.
It is a much darker movie than the first two, I am curious how that will be received.
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Tom Strange
I haven't seen any of them... should I see the others first?
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I took someone to see the second movie, when she had not seen the first. It only took a few sentences for her to catch up.
Here it is: A Harry Potter Primer For Those Who've Missed the First Two Movies.
When Harry was an infant, his parents were killed by an evil wizard named Voldemort. He was so evil people are afraid to say his name to this day. Voldemort tried to kill the infant Harry, but failed. The encounter left Voldemort "dead," and Harry with a lightning bolt shaped scar. Needless to say, Harry became quite famous in the wizarding world. But he was unaware of this because, while still an infant, he was placed in the care of his non-wizard aunt and uncle.
When Harry was 11, he learned that he was a wizard and that he was about to start a seven year education program at the Hogwarts school of witchcraft and wizardry. His aunt and uncle never told him this because they hate the whole idea of it. They are, shall we say, not encouraging. They have a porky son who's Harry's age. They dote over their son and are not very fond of Harry.
Once Harry starts school, he makes two friends: Ron and Hermione. He also makes an enemy, Draco. And he thinks he has an enemy in Professor Snape, a dark-robed, sinister looking teacher who always seems to have it in for Harry.
Harry's really good at flying a broom, so he's on one of the school's four Quidditch teams. Think mid-air hockey, although it's a touch more complicated than that.
For reasons that would spoil the fun, I can't tell you why but every year (so far), a different teacher has been in charge of the class "Defense Against the Dark Arts." Year three is no different.
Did I leave anything crucial out?
Oh yes, Voldemort. Turns out he (paging Lord Sauron) is not quite dead. He's made two attempts so far to reincarnate. And some people (Draco's dad included) would love to see that happen.
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Tom Strange
sounds like Moses and the old testament...
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Here's some of the names and some background on the school...
Harry lives (summers, anyway) with the Dursleys on Privet Drive-
Uncle Vernon, Aunt Petunia, cousin Dudley.
(Did I switch the aunts' names?)
Diagon Alley: the wizard's bazaar, where you can buy cool stuff.
The Hogwarts Express: the train that goes to Hogwarts. It leaves from
Platform 9 3/4.
Hogwarts is a 7-year school. Harry starts his first year at the
beginning of the first movie/book. Students are required to wear the
school uniform (robes),and keep track of their wands at all times.
They are allowed to bring a toad, cat or owl-most of them want owls,
since mail travels by owl among wizards.
Professor Albus Dumbledore is the School's Headmaster. He's been there
a very long time, serving as the Transfigurations teacher under the
previous headmaster, Dippet.
Professor Minerva McGonagal is the Transfigurations teacher, and head of
Gryffindor House.
Professor Severus Snape is the Potions teacher, and head of Slytherin
Professor Flitwick is the Charms teacher, and head of Ravenclaw House.
(I think.)
Professor Sprout is the Herbology/plants teacher, and head of Hufflepuff
Madame Pomfrey is the school nurse/doctor.
Argus Filch is the porter. Mrs Norris is his cat.
Rubeus Hagrid is Keeper of Keys and Grounds.
Professor Sybil Trelawney is the Divination teacher. (Kind-of.)
Students at Hogwarts are sorted into 4 Houses.
Gryffindor is known for bravery.
Slytherin is known for cunning.
Ravenclaw is known for intelligence.
Hufflepuff is known for loyalty.
Families usually (but not always) end up in the same House.
(All the Weaselys are/were Gryffindors.)
The Houses are named for the 4 wizards who founded the school:
Godric Gryffindor, Salazar Slytherin, Rowena Ravenclaw, Helga Hufflepuff.
Students are accountable to their Houses, and their assets and
shortcomings can cause their House to gain or lose points against the
other Houses. Most of their time is usually spent with others of their House.
Fred and George Weasley, the Weasley twins, are known for great skill at
practical jokes and have handy skills like lockpicking. They're probably one of
the two cleverest groups of tricksters ever to attend Hogwarts.
Harry Potter's closest friends are: Hermione Granger (Gryffindor), a smart girl
born of a non-wizarding family ("Muggles"), Ron Weasley (Gryffindor), a loyal
friend fond of the Chudley Cannons Quidditch team (think the Cubbies) and not at
all fond of spiders, Hagrid, the huge groundskeeper, and (surprise!) Dumbledore.
Harry Potter's "enemies" are: Lord Voldemort,the evil wizard, Draco Malfoy
(Slytherin), and his friends, Crabbe and Goyle, and Lucius Malfoy, Draco's dad,
who's rich and well-connected. Anyone seeking to gain favour in Voldemort's
good graces (even if he IS dead) would seek to "finish the job" he started with
Harry, thus killing him.
Sirius Black is one of the most notorious prisoners in Azkaban Prison, the
wizard prison. His capture included an incident involving the death of over a
dozen people, and earned Peter Pettigrew a posthumous commendation.
(His family was given his finger, which is all of him that could be recovered.)
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Trefor Heywood
Wordwolf - you neglected to give the name of that all-important station from which the Hogwarts Expresss departs - Kings Cross station in London!
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I didn't think it was darker at all, I did notice it was fast moving and just different. You can tell its a different director right away.
I loved how the depicted the dementors sucking life out of them,,,it was erie and cool and well done all at the same time!
anyway I am a big kid, I thought it was great. They didn't need to get into the people and their lives, that was already set. I liked the subtleness of Ron & Hermoine,,,,,ahh, so cute. I also loved that you saw them in regular clothes when they wern't required to be in robes. I just thought it moved quicker and I forgot large sums of the book, so when Sirious turned into the dog, it was well done, AND when the professor turned into the Warewolf during the full moon, that was good.
Harry realizing his own greatness, well I hope all young men do that at some point in their lives.
I miss Richard Harris tho....
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We LOVED it too!!!!!
Can't wait til it comes out on dvd!
We even sat through all the credits at the end hoping for the little surprise that was at the end of the last one...there were a few fun things on the map where the credits were, but no little surprise. darn
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Hope R.
Cindy, we waited, too. Then we asked one of the ushers who was waiting patiently to clean the theater if there was anything at the end of the credits! They told us there wasn't - so we left. I wondered whether they told us the truth or just said that to get us out of there - glad they didn't lie!
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I took my daughter and her best friend to the midnight premier. It was a very enjoyable film but they did leave some things out I wish they had included. Still, I'm glad I went.
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It was good, but I didn't think it was as good as the first two. Just my personal opinion.
Liked the new characters, but I don't know about Dumbledore. He was barely in it at all. The hippogriff was very cool.
I thought the climax was pretty hard to follow if you didn't already know the story. I'd be curious what somebody who hadn't read the book thought about that.
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Tom Strange
OK... I watched the first one last night... (have had the DVD forever, but hadn't watched it)... it was a pretty good movie... I'll watch the second here in the next week... will that get me "up to speed"???
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Hope R.
Tommy(canyouhearme?) -
Sorry - that won't do - you'll have to read the first three books before you're allowed to see the movies!!!

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Saw it last night, with someone who hadn't read the book.
There was a little trouble following the big plot twist at the climax, but my friend caught on right before it got scary.
Tom, you're already pretty much caught up. But since you're on track, might as well watch the second movie before you see the third. Kenneth Branagh's performance alone is worth the price of the DVD. It'll also get you accustomed to the boys' voice changes and introduce you to Ron's parents, Draco's dad (who shows up again in the fourth movie, no doubt) and gives a bit more background on Hagrid.
The new Dumbledore is terrific. Richard Harris brought a lot of dignity to the role, but the new guy brought just the right touch of mischief. In the first two movies you get a sense that Dumbledore is aware of the mischief that the trio are up to, but in this one, he's a bit more actively complicit. Harris was aging to the point where I wonder if he could have pulled it off.
The third movie is incredible, I thought. Great acting all around, and it's the first time you get a real sense that this is part of a series: it's the first one that leaves you eager for the next installment. Our audience applauded when the director's credit came up.
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I think it would be a big help if the directors had at least had a quick
read-thru of the whole series before directing the current movie.
Based on the scene with Lucius Malfoy at the end of the 2nd movie, I'm certain
somebody who's at least read thru book 4 (5 probably wasn't out during
filming) was working on it, possibly the director.
From what I've heard, the 3rd movie glosses over the scenes involving the
Marauder's Map-where it came from, and Fred and George's comments about it,
and why another character knows how to work it as well.
I am, however, looking forward to seeing the first scene with a boggart in
all my commentary was off-the-cuff. I probably blew the spelling of some
names, too, but I didn't care enough to check. I keep blanking at the name
of the rail station the Hogwarts Express departs from. (It arrives at
Hogsmeade, but that's not in the movies yet, I'll bet.)
I should have remembered the name of the King's Cross Rail Station for another
It was a Benny Hill episode when he was a game show host trying to sabotage
one contestant. (A "name that tune" show.)
The clue: "This song reminds us of a monkey on a fast train."
The contestant says he can name it in one note.
The pianist plays the note, mouthing "Ali Baba on the Moon."
Contestant: "Ali Baba on the moon."
Announcer: "No, it's 'I'm Dreaming of a White Christmas.' "
Contestant: *flustered* "Hey...that's got nothing to do with a.... where does
the train 'come in'?"
Announcer: "King's Cross."
Contestant: "..and what about the monkey?"
Announcer: "That's where you come in."
Those of you who haven't seen them yet, I recommend catching the online
flash cartoons of the "Potter Puppet Pals."
Part I: "Bothering Snape."
Part II: "Trouble at Hogwarts."
The premise is-what would Harry Potter look like, if it was performed by
insane puppeteers?
There's also one somewhere involving Harry, Dumbledore, and the Mirror of
Erised from the first movie/book, but it's not as funny.
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Trefor Heywood
I gather that JK Rowling originally intended the station to be Euston but Kings Cross is a better choice is it's somewhat older (Euston is 1960s) and a better setting therefore for a steam train.
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The movie does not detail the origin of the Marauder's Map, nor does it reveal the identities of Messrs. Mooney, Wormtail, Padfoot and Prongs.
And that's a shame, because it really cements the storyline.
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Tom Strange
well Raf... if you want to, you could just fill in those gaps for me via PT!
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After you see the third movie, let me know.
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