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Spider-Man II

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Pretty good quickie trailer...Maryjane & Peter having a heart-to-heart at a coffee shop when a car comes flying through the window; next we see Doc Ock at the broken store front.

The actor does resemble the comic book Otto Octavius, much more than the movie Norman Osborne resembled comic Osborne.

I'm looking forward to the release on June 30th. I've started hitting up salesfolk who call on my store for promotional material to add to the Spidey posters, watches, and action figures decorating my office icon_biggrin.gif:D-->

Edited by Oakspear
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Good point about the likeness.

It's Dr. Otto OCTAVIUS, though. Just so you know.

Personally, I think he's one of many characters whose time has passed for

most stories, but that's one guy's opinion. It's not like I'm following

Spiderman or anything...

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Yes, Doc Ock might be more photogenic than others in Spidey's rogues' gallery, but he's hardly the most interesting. Especially since we see Dr. Curt Connors (The Lizard) in the trailer (and he was mentioned in the first movie), and while I can't read his nametag in the trailer, the Air Force officer MJ is walking down the stairs with can only be John Jameson (Man-Wolf).

Since they can't work Venom into the story without going through the silly Secret Wars storyline, I'd expect to see those two in Spider-Man 3.

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Originally posted by Zixar:

Since they can't work Venom into the story without going through the silly Secret Wars storyline, I'd expect to see those two in Spider-Man 3.

I figure they'll pull an X-men and simply make up a new story. They already had Brock as a character in the first one, so I wouldn't be suprised if something else happens since the Secret Wars stuff is too weird for a Hollywood movie at this time.

Also, I'm wondering if we will get to see a combo movie of the X-men and Spiderman, or even crossing with any of the other superheroes. It's also probably about time for a non-sucking Superman movie.

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This won't happen either but Spiderman and Daredevil would make a cool movie. It was pretty good when they used to get together in the comics in the old days.

There is a new Superman movie scheduled to come out in 2006. Right now the director is supposed to be McG, who was responsible for the Charlie's Angels movies. If that holds true, I don't see how it could do anything but suck.

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Fox has Daredevil, too. That means a DD/X-Men thing could happen, although the two don't really share a common enemy. Doesn't Sony have the Hulk, too? A Spidey-Hulk teamup doesn't make any sense either, save that Banner and Parker are both science whizzes.

Isn't Christian Bale tapped to be the new Supes?

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The cartoons rewrote the Venom origin, so I see no reason for the movies

not to. I think John Jameson or some other astronaut was connected with its

arrival from space.


the X-Men cartoon rewrote the M'kraan crystal saga, which makes sense.

That thing can injure small children trying to understand it.

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Originally posted by Steve!:

You are correct, wolfie, it was John Jameson that brought Venom to Earth.

Let me clarify that. The context of my sentence was that they REWROTE

the origin of Venom for the cartoon, and THAT's the origin I cited and

you confirmed (the cartoon origin).

The comic(616, Marvel continuity) origin of Venom goes as follows:

Spiderman was one of the heroes kidnapped by the Beyonder for the Secret

Wars. Spiderman lost the use of his webshooters when Reed Richards

needed all the electronics to assemble an device that allowed them to

channel more power thru Iron Man's armor so he could blast a tunnel clear

of the mountain range the Molecule Man dropped on them. Spidey's

costume later took a lot of damage in the fighting. When they were

inside one of the bases later, Reed had used one of the alien devices

to make new costumes for people. Spidey went in later and tried to

figure out which device did it. He ended up with the black costume,

which imitated the Spider-Woman they met there (from the kidnapped

suburb of Denver). He later discovered the costume had built-in

webshooters, and that it would follow his commands-opening a pocket,

swiching to short sleeves, appear as normal clothing. He discovered

even later that it wasn't a costume, but a symbiotic lifeform that was

living off his life-energy. It proved vulnerable to sonic attacks,

and Reed Richards got it off Spiderman with a sonic blaster. When it

escaped containment, it went after Spiderman again. He got free of it

by risking permanent damage to his hearing and jumping inside a church

belfry while the bells rang (he'd never make it to Reed in time.)

It crawled off, dying, and would have died there, but Eddie Brock was

downstairs, praying for absolution or something, and it merged with him.

That's the Venom in the comic books.

(Don't ask me about Carnage-that was just a stupid idea.)

Then again, most of the kids who think they know the X-Men only know

them from the cartoon and movies, not the comics, even the hatchet job

that hack Austen did on them. So, it's almost a foregone conclusion that

the kids will ALL say the cartoon origin is the "correct" one.

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Universal owns the Hulk.

When that new Superman movie was first announced about five years ago, it was supposed to be directed by Tim Burton and star Nicholas Cage. They both dropped out long ago, apparently because of all the delays.

Everybody from Keanu Reeves to Russell Crowe to Ben Affleck to Liam Neeson to Jude Law to Josh Hartnett to Brendan Fraser to Ashton Kutcher icon_eek.gif has been mentioned for this role. Nobody's been signed yet for sure.

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AOL Time Warner is in a better position, team-up wise, since they own the entire DC franchise, including Superman, Batman, Wonder Woman, Green Lantern, Flash, etc.

Maybe the thing to do would be a Supes/Batman team-up to jumpstart both of their movie franchises.

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