OK. I loaded outlook03, everything seems to be working fine. A different look but kind of the same. I haven't learned everything about yet, but it's working.
Are there any alerts for new mail when outlook is closed? In other words will it notify you of new mail even without outlook running?
So my mailbox verifier will still work with outlook. It will tell me when I get new messages without outlook running.
btw mv doesn't work on e-mail accounts that are not pop accounts. Like the free one from yahoo. Although you can access the email account from mv's tray icon.
It now cost money. But I got it when it was free. I'm sure it's updated since my version, but the old one (registry cleaner) still works well. E-mail me if you want the free version. It creates backups whenever it changes anything, so it's safe to use.
Checkout the screenshots of it. It will list all the programs on your comp. The ones you have uninstalled may be on there. So you can remove any remaining reg. entries.
So any feed back on what I've posted here would be appreciated. Anyone try any of these programs?
With Outlook, you can add a registry entry that will minimize it to the system tray. That way, it is still open, and you will hear notifications, but it will not show up as a button on your task bar. Go to http://www.winguides.com/registry/display.php/955/ for instructions.
That's for Outlook 02 and I'm sure it will work. I have outlook03.
Now I just learned that in outlook 03 that when you minimize outlook03, there is a little outlook03 icon in the right side tray (where the clock is) as well as on the task bar itself.
In oulook03 if you right click that icon near the clock there is an option, "hide when minimized". I checked it and it works. Outlook03 goes to the clock tray only. Instead of the tray and the task bar.
Now the thing is that outlook03 still does the "send and receive" at your set intervals. Mine is every minute. So it downloads your new mail even when minimized to the tray. And notifies you of new mail. Spiking my cpu usage to around 20% and more if it downloads mail. Which is fine unless you are running a cpu usage hog like games or other programs. It could mess up your game or at least stall it for a second or 2. My kids do some high cpu usage games. I do chess mostly or spider solitaire :)-->.
The difference in mailbox verifier is that it only checks to see if you have mail. It does not download it. And outlook03 is not running. So there is hardly any cpu usage at all. At least I don't see it spike the cpu (using ctrl alt del-performance), like outlook03 did.
So in conclusion-lol- :)-->judge for yourself which is better for you.
If you are still using outlook express, I would suggest that if you want notified of new mail immediatly with out the oe running, then get mv or something similar to it. But mv is free.
Did all that make sense. Wow, I'm tired now from all this thinking :D-->
I've been meaning to get back to this thread for a few days now, and well here I am :)-->
I really like outlook03, although it's appearance could use some improvement, with all of it's large borders and bulky appearance.
Now here's an update on Phone Plus. If you send and receive faxes and receive normal calls on the same phone line, Phone Plus does not play nicely with other fax receiving programs. The older version did but that ability to work together has been removed because the author of the program said that it was causing other problems.
I use MS Fax and if you are running Phone Plus and MS Fax in either auto mode or manual, Ms fax will take over the phone line and not let Phone Plus do it's job. You have to run through MSFaxe's wizard and set it up, putting all the info needed for it to work, set it to manual or auto send and receive. Then go back and do the wizard again and disable receive. You can still go to the fax console (mine is on my desktop) and click a button and receive a fax. Of course you have to be at the comp. and know that it's a fax call coming in. This is my setup right now. And it works.
Maybe your particular fax program will work well with Phone Plus, I don't know. But MS Fax is built into winxp, so it's free basicly. Not withstanding the cost of winxp in general.
The author of Phone Plus and I have had numerous e-mails back and forth discussing the situation. If you only have one phone line to receive calls and faxes, he suggests using Call Station (from the same creator as Phone Plus). Which has all that Phone Plus has, but also can receive and send faxes. And it has a built in answering machine. But Phone plus is $20 and Call Station is $40.
The author (Craig Duncan) is pretty quick to reply to any problems that come up. Refreshing to me. He responds quickly. And he even offered me a discount on Call Station because I'm a registered user of Phone Plus.
I am going to try Call Station soon, when I have the time to play with it.
Also on another note-I don't trust any answering machine to work properly all of the time. Currently I have an external answering machine (not one on the computer) and voice mail from the phone company. So that I'm sure that I don't miss any calls. My external is set to answer after 4 rings while the voice mail is set to answer after 5 rings. And if I'm on the phone and receive a beep indicating another call coming in, if I want to ignore it, the phone companies voice mail answering service will pick it up.
It keeps all your passwords and other info (name address, credit card etc) and uses it to fill in web pages. It remembers which web page goes with which username/password etc. And can even generate really hard to crack passwords like HG^7y[md] that you'd never remember if it didn't. Whenever you are on a new site with form fields, it asks if you want to save that new site so the next time you're there it will know what to put in.
The stuff is all saved on your hard disk, can be password protected etc. Also has a place called SAFENOTES where you can write other stuff (like locker combinations and PINS you don't use on the web) and they are password protected too.
I've been using it for years and several versions. There is a free version and a more robust one for $30.
Two features I've never used: You can even save it to one of those USB key chain drives so it's never on any computer and you can use it on anymachine with a USB port. It also has a feature to transfer back and forth to a palm.
Firefox is designed to accomodate lots of "extensions"-
widgets that enhance your browsing experience.
One of the coolest is called Scrapbook which allows you to save a whole web page like saving a bookmark, except you get the whole page even if it's gone off line or been taken down. And you can organize them in a folder tree, and search etc.
Recommended Posts
Vertical Limit
OK. I loaded outlook03, everything seems to be working fine. A different look but kind of the same. I haven't learned everything about yet, but it's working.
Are there any alerts for new mail when outlook is closed? In other words will it notify you of new mail even without outlook running?
Thanks for encouraging me to load it.
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Nope, I'm pretty sure there are no alerts when it's not up and running.
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Vertical Limit
So my mailbox verifier will still work with outlook. It will tell me when I get new messages without outlook running.
btw mv doesn't work on e-mail accounts that are not pop accounts. Like the free one from yahoo. Although you can access the email account from mv's tray icon.
Here's another program for cleaning the registry.
It now cost money. But I got it when it was free. I'm sure it's updated since my version, but the old one (registry cleaner) still works well. E-mail me if you want the free version. It creates backups whenever it changes anything, so it's safe to use.
Checkout the screenshots of it. It will list all the programs on your comp. The ones you have uninstalled may be on there. So you can remove any remaining reg. entries.
So any feed back on what I've posted here would be appreciated. Anyone try any of these programs?
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Vertical Limit
btw abigail
I figured out how to send files. When I tryed sending you some before, I didn't send it the right way.
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Nice programs! I like them all! lol...
My handle used to be Vertical Limit, now I'm CM. I kind of thought Vertical Limit sounded a bit arrogant.
formerly V.L.
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With Outlook, you can add a registry entry that will minimize it to the system tray. That way, it is still open, and you will hear notifications, but it will not show up as a button on your task bar. Go to http://www.winguides.com/registry/display.php/955/ for instructions.
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That's for Outlook 02 and I'm sure it will work. I have outlook03.
Now I just learned that in outlook 03 that when you minimize outlook03, there is a little outlook03 icon in the right side tray (where the clock is) as well as on the task bar itself.
In oulook03 if you right click that icon near the clock there is an option, "hide when minimized". I checked it and it works. Outlook03 goes to the clock tray only. Instead of the tray and the task bar.
Now the thing is that outlook03 still does the "send and receive" at your set intervals. Mine is every minute. So it downloads your new mail even when minimized to the tray. And notifies you of new mail. Spiking my cpu usage to around 20% and more if it downloads mail. Which is fine unless you are running a cpu usage hog like games or other programs. It could mess up your game or at least stall it for a second or 2. My kids do some high cpu usage games. I do chess mostly or spider solitaire
The difference in mailbox verifier is that it only checks to see if you have mail. It does not download it. And outlook03 is not running. So there is hardly any cpu usage at all. At least I don't see it spike the cpu (using ctrl alt del-performance), like outlook03 did.
So in conclusion-lol-
:)-->judge for yourself which is better for you.
If you are still using outlook express, I would suggest that if you want notified of new mail immediatly with out the oe running, then get mv or something similar to it. But mv is free.
Did all that make sense. Wow, I'm tired now from all this thinking
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You mean when I upgraded to outlook 2003 I went to all that trouble for nothing?
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I've been meaning to get back to this thread for a few days now, and well here I am
I really like outlook03, although it's appearance could use some improvement, with all of it's large borders and bulky appearance.
Now here's an update on Phone Plus. If you send and receive faxes and receive normal calls on the same phone line, Phone Plus does not play nicely with other fax receiving programs. The older version did but that ability to work together has been removed because the author of the program said that it was causing other problems.
I use MS Fax and if you are running Phone Plus and MS Fax in either auto mode or manual, Ms fax will take over the phone line and not let Phone Plus do it's job. You have to run through MSFaxe's wizard and set it up, putting all the info needed for it to work, set it to manual or auto send and receive. Then go back and do the wizard again and disable receive. You can still go to the fax console (mine is on my desktop) and click a button and receive a fax. Of course you have to be at the comp. and know that it's a fax call coming in. This is my setup right now. And it works.
Maybe your particular fax program will work well with Phone Plus, I don't know. But MS Fax is built into winxp, so it's free basicly. Not withstanding the cost of winxp in general.
The author of Phone Plus and I have had numerous e-mails back and forth discussing the situation. If you only have one phone line to receive calls and faxes, he suggests using Call Station (from the same creator as Phone Plus). Which has all that Phone Plus has, but also can receive and send faxes. And it has a built in answering machine. But Phone plus is $20 and Call Station is $40.
The author (Craig Duncan) is pretty quick to reply to any problems that come up. Refreshing to me. He responds quickly. And he even offered me a discount on Call Station because I'm a registered user of Phone Plus.
I am going to try Call Station soon, when I have the time to play with it.
Also on another note-I don't trust any answering machine to work properly all of the time. Currently I have an external answering machine (not one on the computer) and voice mail from the phone company. So that I'm sure that I don't miss any calls. My external is set to answer after 4 rings while the voice mail is set to answer after 5 rings. And if I'm on the phone and receive a beep indicating another call coming in, if I want to ignore it, the phone companies voice mail answering service will pick it up.
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Forgot to mention RoboForm
It keeps all your passwords and other info (name address, credit card etc) and uses it to fill in web pages. It remembers which web page goes with which username/password etc. And can even generate really hard to crack passwords like HG^7y[md] that you'd never remember if it didn't. Whenever you are on a new site with form fields, it asks if you want to save that new site so the next time you're there it will know what to put in.
The stuff is all saved on your hard disk, can be password protected etc. Also has a place called SAFENOTES where you can write other stuff (like locker combinations and PINS you don't use on the web) and they are password protected too.
I've been using it for years and several versions. There is a free version and a more robust one for $30.
Two features I've never used: You can even save it to one of those USB key chain drives so it's never on any computer and you can use it on anymachine with a USB port. It also has a feature to transfer back and forth to a palm.
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sorry. wrong button pushed
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As promised many moons ago,
some crowing about Firefox.
Firefox is designed to accomodate lots of "extensions"-
widgets that enhance your browsing experience.
Firefox by itself is a neater program than Internet Explorer.
Due to IE not matching industry standards, some websites
designed specifically to be viewed under IE won't view properly
under Firefox.
No problem. Activate your "IEview" extension and it reads the same
Unadjusted Firefox has a great popup blocker.
You can add just about anything you can think of to Firefox.
Like using "gesture" commands? There's an extension for that.
There's extensions for better Flash downloading, and better downloads.
"NukeImage" and "NukeAnything" allow you to make whatever you want
disappear off the screen. (Except some Flash that you can shut off
by default.)
Want instant translation? Tiny URL access? Access to news sites?
There's extensions for THAT, too.
"AdBlock" allows you to prevent ads from even loading.
It also works on offensive linked graphics, if you want to block
them instead.
Somebody mentioned a program that allows IE to zoom in on an image.
Firefox has ImageZoom.
And so on, and so on.
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One of the coolest is called Scrapbook which allows you to save a whole web page like saving a bookmark, except you get the whole page even if it's gone off line or been taken down. And you can organize them in a folder tree, and search etc.
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