As you know I've sworn off greasespot for a while, but my heart lies in the pages as Vertical Limit and CM, and with those who post here and lurk, should one care to search out my posts. I guess one would have to include the e-mails we've had between each other. And see my spiritual journey.
For it's here that I've defeated pfal and the devil out of my life and my oldest son's life (who follows in my footsteps) and my family, forever. With the help of those who can See.
Biblical Racism is real. Why can't we pick up some of the fruit of other religions and spiritual writings and see maybe for the first time that God has made humankind his habitation, his dwelling place and not limited to one religion or way of believing.
For it's within humankind and their many religions that we can pick up some of the fruit of their beliefs and finally find some answers.
And so here I am again putting my heart on these pages.......and my words are from the depth of my soul. A part of me here and now, like many who post here. So I get a little insecure or nervous about them. That they might be misread or my meaning be lost.
I feel a little like David sometimes. Complaining to God in one Psalm and in the next, praising Him for His Goodness. Or Solomon who said what's the freaking point of it all anyway.
CM, please spare me an irreverent moment of brotherly reverence for you... :P-->
as far as i'm concerned, you're about as authentic as they come, and every drop you've spilled in words, here, and between us, is worthy of much honor and reflection
we've all come such a long way together, and you've truly been a living epistle and mirror for me. and the joy is multiplied knowing how we're all going to know each other forever, ya know?
may your path continue to weave its way thru the endless mysteries of life, unfolding in ever-deepening hope, ever-widening faith, and most of all, in all the endless richnesses of that Love so obvious, that Love so generically divine...
thought i'd bring this back to the top cuz it's been on my mind a bit.
seems to me most western religions that i know of are "doomsday" religions.
everyone that doesn't believe what they believe ain't going to make it to heaven.
don't know much about eastern religions though.
this is from the first post on this thread.
It seems to me, these are forms of mostly unconcious (thankfully) but systematic “biblical xenophobia.” This old, old human habit of somehow demonizing or marginallizing most all “alien” books, thoughts, stories, poems, spiritual concepts and traditions. A problem which all families of bible-thumpers of babylon wrestle and war with and suffer cutting themselves and others off from many many other authentic skillful means.
I am talking about a deeper racism that comes from beyond one’s own bodily lineage, by being more associated with what race’s soul is somehow deemed worthy (or unworthy) to have (and record) genuine experiences and practices and studies and histories and myths and expressions of both the generic demonic and generic divine.
There can be a whole level of “loving thy neighbor” (or not), it seems, way beyond mere bodily neighborhood or elitist membership (but also not mere thoughtless acceptance of all practices as being equally valuable)
If anyone is game to wrestle or play (or go to war) with this idea...I know it’s potentially a touchy subject for many, but I don’t mind a challenging dialogue, especially one that might even turn out to be valuable and somehow transforming (for me, too)
And I’d not only like to discuss and share thoughts on the above, but also...
- How, especially in this present age and time, all our subtler ways of “biblical xenophobia” (as I’ve kinda daringly framed it...) might actually be causing more of the damage, suffering, sadness and hatred than mere old-world physical or bodily or cultural racism is often reflexively blamed for
- How this very broad personal censoring of “alien” doctrine and practice (most often merely for being alien in heritage) seems in direct opposition to the teachings of Jesus (already king of the whole world, btw) and his peers and followers (who actually seemed to have intended to heal their own traditions and texts of this old ethnocentric “yoke,” and thereby expressing a new way to “redeem” other authentic wisdoms and laws during a very pivotal window of western/eastern history)
- How this way of embracing a truly universal Christness in no way nullifies the traditions and practices of any “bible” or tradition or canon of bibles (especially considering the utter majesty of the aBrahamic lineage, imo), but rather honors and redeems all bloods and traditions of the earth...right here, right now, in yer face, in both heaven and earth...perhaps by simply starting with a more open and shameless inter-textual discourse of soul and spirit...
...and in a way that is so radically different than most of the ways of old world and old, old world of isolated evolving peoples (with many exceptions), that it may even more clearly express those broader universal realities of the promises and prophecies of the Gospels and infamous magical “tongues” events of a quite real and sane and loving and open and universal way or style or form of “breaking bread” available to all.
...and not only a way to talk about the universal commonalities of the ancient traditions, but a way to make sense of the all very important distinctions and contexts as well...regardless of the language sets and proper names and titles and labels and such for things.
(I know. It almost sounds like something like drunks would try to do in the morning...)
It is my opinion, that using a more “omnipotent style of fellowship,” Jesus and his subsequent followers simply taught us how to save our own selves in this regard... to save ourselves from that old world and old old world “biblical” racism, not to mention save ourselves from a ton of other basic things. And as we learn more and more to imitate him and his way, he is literally being manifest to the world from that deepest within ourselves.
And so what book did he actually use and prefer?
What set of holy laws and wisdom traditions?
What unbreakable standard above all standards would be so open and embracing?
Life and Light itself
In all the fullness of the Spirit
Because these are real and living and potent forces that are beyond trying to possess
And the most reliable of all, imo and experience
I’d rather have such a compass without a map, than a map without such a compass, any day (though both obviously work best together, not to mention a g.p.s. thingy)
Again, I know I may have bit a monster on the weeny with this one, but I am trying to do so with as much of a mixture of peace and urgency as I can summon
It is my opinion, that using a more “omnipotent style of fellowship,” Jesus and his subsequent followers simply taught us how to save our own selves in this regard... to save ourselves from that old world and old old world “biblical” racism, not to mention save ourselves from a ton of other basic things. And as we learn more and more to imitate him and his way, he is literally being manifest to the world from that deepest within ourselves.
And so what book did he actually use and prefer?
You are kidding right? The Old Testament, duh?
What set of holy laws and wisdom traditions?
The laws he wrote and the traditions of his culture.
What unbreakable standard above all standards would be so open and embracing?
There is not one coin that has not many sides to only say one thing.
there are many religions that say many gods
uh hmm clearing my throat
I thinks Paul tried to point out the unknown god that transcends all religion seperated by time space culture events
and all Asia Minor left him
and much learning had made him mad crazy
and he was imprisoned for his beliefs
that God was the God of all and All loving
and he Paul died for that and Paul's word are buried in the toomb of man made superstructure religion
pointing out the unknown god
did not the greeks know the god of Moses?
So who was the unknown god Paul was refering to?
Common beliefs of many religions would be, do unto others as you would like to be done unto, the "ten" commandments, love, grace etc that can not be denied. How do these common traits among religions exist even though they may be continents and cultures apart? If thine eye be single thy whole body shall be full of light is also a belief of Hinduism and supposedly JC visited and studied in India . There are devils in many religions. Death and rewards. Life after death, life before one existed in this world, etc.
The tenets of Islam do not line up with Christianity as if Christianity is the golden rule for all religions. Christianity is fairly new on the major religion market. Seems to me that Christianty is a combination of many religions and evolved into many religions.
What would be pure Christianity? The Word of God? What is "The Word of God"? Do not all major religions claim they have "The Word of God" in some fashion or another? Are not all religions connected by humankind? What makes Christianity seem the one and only true faith? Would it not be the people that promote such a self centered egoism?
They have become as one of us. Are ye not all gods? There is but one true god and there is the god of this earth. That is two, one true and one false.To the unknown god was a smooth move on Paul's part but yet ineffective for did not the Greeks acknowledge the God of Judiasm?
Seems to me all this fight in life the one true god causes many deaths ~~~ i don't think i am wrong on that~~~
What Paul promoted before his eyes being opened, he counted but dung for the excellency of the knowledge of christ, and the excellency became dung again and the religious superstructure prevailed.
There is no religion that can hold what Paul saw.
I don't give a damn how many scriptures one quotes from whatever religion from whatever culture from whatever continent from whatever solar system from whatever galaxy from whatever universe from whatever dimension~~~ i think Paul had a clue and is so sorely mistreated in the so called christianty watered so watered so drained to this day since his bounds that even ephesians is nothing more than dung.
i get the impression that the "book" he read from was the birds and the trees and the clouds, and the faces and eyes and souls of anyone he met. and yes, also the books of his people. but also...a ton and a half of stuff that wasnt in there.
What set of holy laws and wisdom traditions?
The laws he wrote and the traditions of his culture seems to me that he was somehow diametrically opposed to the traditions of his culture...which is why they killed him, because he gave people reasons to think and simply be in "new" ways, while redeeming the value of "old" ways.
and i mean, honestly, def...what is so wrong with the idea of love itself being a "higher octane" standard than a book? why would you argue against that? i mean, which of the two is more reliable and timeless?
besides, where in the Bible did Jesus ever set his own standards?
imo, he came to break the laws (into pieces), not chisel em deeper into stone
yeah, cm, regardless of what is often claimed to have been proven or recorded about his mono-racial/cultural education and practice and beliefs, it seems highly likely that if this kid had some sort of amazing heart and intellect, and was exposed to such a wide variety of things, he would simply see good wherever there was good. endeavoring to see thru shadows. see thru taboos.
and it might be natural that, to many of his own race, it would seem as if he was magnifying their culture above all, when perhaps he was more likely trying to redeem it from patriarchal and racial laws, working to re-weave and re-open and reveal the majesty of the spiritual lineage and tradition of Abraham/Melchizadek back into them.
those are some really nice licks you got there, song
Seems to me all this fight in life the one true god causes many deaths ~~~ i don't think i am wrong on that~~~
nor do i.
it seems anti-christ to me, for a culture or race to somehow try and possess God
and so the fruit of such enmity (having been eaten) will also naturally follow
There is no religion that can hold what Paul saw.
I don't give a damn how many scriptures one quotes from whatever religion from whatever culture from whatever continent from whatever solar system from whatever galaxy from whatever universe from whatever dimension~~~ i think Paul had a clue and is so sorely mistreated in the so called christianty watered so watered so drained to this day since his bounds that even ephesians is nothing more than dung.
nopper, guess again, he grew in stature & wisdom & marveled the butchers of the WORD and continued on so that a prophet was so uneducated to even be considered in his own home gig~~~ some uh mystery between 12 and 30 eh?
Can you imagine teaching your child that he is the only begotten son of god~~~ well of if jc is god that would make no difference~~~ ansyway~~~ i thinks it still and alway will be the Popes decision or that of the those inqiustidors or may be we should listen to uhmm tap tap tap~~~
And cm thank you for the links concerning JC & India!!! I do mean that!!! -->
Wether JC went to India or visited England it must be most certain that the Biblical account leaves off at 12 years his age and picks up at 30 his ministry. There is 17 years of his life that is quiet a hush in the Bible for some reason.
At 12 Jesus chose to be about his father's business astonishing those most learned his views.
His parents finding him missing from the caravan returned to find him ~~~ where else would one look? His mind was extra ordinary, and he took the instruction from his beloved parents (why is rent in parents)to continue with them.
There was one of the links that state there was no way JC visited India because of expense and distance. That is such dumb a s s absurdity. The gifts of the Magi secured the financial freedom of Jesus's parents. (2)
Even back in them thar days i imagine there were travel agents!!! My lord even to ride a horse one could at least travel 50>100 miles a day. Caravans anyone!!!!!!! I mean we talking THE ROMAN EMPIRE!!!!!
People of most certain religious superstructure mentality wish to confine the youth of Jesus in a narrow circle of simplistic local. Jesus had the freedom to roam. According to the Bible Mary was his mother and Joseph basically adopted Jesus as his son. God is his Father. That was his priority. Travel and learning would most certainly have been his college curriculum so to speak.
He grew in wisdom!!!
He must have traveled far and wide those 17 or at least 12 years years!!! (1)
He knew his destiny.
A sheep for slaughter man.
He knew when to return to begin his ministry as confined his blood line and and so much religion.
His credentials prove that.
Remember silence speaks great volumnes of word and words and words.
He must have said,~~~"Dad, Mom, this is the day I go into the world not to seek mine own adventure, but rather to seek what peoples hearts are as far as I can travel.
And I will return.
I will write and will tell you of mine adventures (yes they had mail service back then). Thank you for all your support and continueing support. I will think of you every day. I must be about my Father's business."
Even if Jesus really didn't go to parts of the east, Jerusalem was still a mega trade center to the east and would have had all the influence of those eastern religions.
I think of those wise men that came from the east to see Jesus, while the scripture gurus of Jerusalem knew nothing about it. And Moses, who he learned from.
Western Christianity is so limited in it's thinking....
I hear ya too cm as well as many hear here as well as me I hear mine own self!!!
Even if Jesus really didn't go to parts of the east, Jerusalem was still a mega trade center to the east and would have had all the influence of those eastern religions.
Even if Jesus really did visit distant lands (in my fathers house are many mansions), his local, cultural, political, etc, environment would be a mecca of of extraordinary experience THE ROMAN EMPIRE and considering he was raised as THE SON OF GOD~~~ can you imagine telling your children such a thing???!!!~~~
I think of those wise men that came from the east to see Jesus, while the scripture gurus of Jerusalem knew nothing about it. And Moses, who he learned from.
Yepper, we speak as if these things really happened!!! Our life is short and as one continues in age~~~ a summer is not as the endless summer the impudence of youth. So many stories the ages of human kind.
Western Christianity is so limited in it's thinking....
Yepper, I am sure the original inhabitants this land now called the United States Of America would certainly have something to say the eastern wind of western christianity or something visa versa
Christianty SUCKS, kills people, leaves them in the dust with so many promises of hollow words.
woe be unto the ~~~
Get it cm what Jesus was trying to say???
Jesus never ever in any words ever promoted CHRISTIANITY!!!
forgive me, i speak from words ingrained in a book and have no clue the bible is true to the bone,
just words i have learned.
I can not walk on the water
I can not raise the dead.
I am instructed by the good book I can.
There are some things I just don't know which others profess they do and no proof lie in their words of claim
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As you know I've sworn off greasespot for a while, but my heart lies in the pages as Vertical Limit and CM, and with those who post here and lurk, should one care to search out my posts. I guess one would have to include the e-mails we've had between each other. And see my spiritual journey.
For it's here that I've defeated pfal and the devil out of my life and my oldest son's life (who follows in my footsteps) and my family, forever. With the help of those who can See.
Biblical Racism is real. Why can't we pick up some of the fruit of other religions and spiritual writings and see maybe for the first time that God has made humankind his habitation, his dwelling place and not limited to one religion or way of believing.
For it's within humankind and their many religions that we can pick up some of the fruit of their beliefs and finally find some answers.
And so here I am again putting my heart on these pages.......and my words are from the depth of my soul. A part of me here and now, like many who post here. So I get a little insecure or nervous about them. That they might be misread or my meaning be lost.
I feel a little like David sometimes. Complaining to God in one Psalm and in the next, praising Him for His Goodness. Or Solomon who said what's the freaking point of it all anyway.
As always, Love Forever,
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CM, please spare me an irreverent moment of brotherly reverence for you...
as far as i'm concerned, you're about as authentic as they come, and every drop you've spilled in words, here, and between us, is worthy of much honor and reflection
we've all come such a long way together, and you've truly been a living epistle and mirror for me. and the joy is multiplied knowing how we're all going to know each other forever, ya know?
may your path continue to weave its way thru the endless mysteries of life, unfolding in ever-deepening hope, ever-widening faith, and most of all, in all the endless richnesses of that Love so obvious, that Love so generically divine...
always there,
brother t
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some holy scripture for further contemplation...
imagine, if you will...
simply sitting down
contemplating what is
amidst all the wrath
amidst all the wonder
in the eye of the spirit
watching it all arise
a mere new clarity
perhaps that Word which is most Alive is not just that which is displayed in a book or on this screen
but even moreso, that which actually flashes and booms in your forehead as you read
*same dang, different day
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thought i'd bring this back to the top cuz it's been on my mind a bit.
seems to me most western religions that i know of are "doomsday" religions.
everyone that doesn't believe what they believe ain't going to make it to heaven.
don't know much about eastern religions though.
this is from the first post on this thread.
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from Bethlehem to Egypt to Jerusalem and the east to Nazareth to Jerusalem thru the wilderness on the tree to the right hand of God
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I Have something to say~~~
There is not one coin that has not many sides to only say one thing.
there are many religions that say many gods
uh hmm clearing my throat
I thinks Paul tried to point out the unknown god that transcends all religion seperated by time space culture events
and all Asia Minor left him
and much learning had made him mad crazy
and he was imprisoned for his beliefs
that God was the God of all and All loving
and he Paul died for that and Paul's word are buried in the toomb of man made superstructure religion
pointing out the unknown god
did not the greeks know the god of Moses?
So who was the unknown god Paul was refering to?
Common beliefs of many religions would be, do unto others as you would like to be done unto, the "ten" commandments, love, grace etc that can not be denied. How do these common traits among religions exist even though they may be continents and cultures apart? If thine eye be single thy whole body shall be full of light is also a belief of Hinduism and supposedly JC visited and studied in India . There are devils in many religions. Death and rewards. Life after death, life before one existed in this world, etc.
The tenets of Islam do not line up with Christianity as if Christianity is the golden rule for all religions. Christianity is fairly new on the major religion market. Seems to me that Christianty is a combination of many religions and evolved into many religions.
What would be pure Christianity? The Word of God? What is "The Word of God"? Do not all major religions claim they have "The Word of God" in some fashion or another? Are not all religions connected by humankind? What makes Christianity seem the one and only true faith? Would it not be the people that promote such a self centered egoism?
They have become as one of us. Are ye not all gods? There is but one true god and there is the god of this earth. That is two, one true and one false.To the unknown god was a smooth move on Paul's part but yet ineffective for did not the Greeks acknowledge the God of Judiasm?
Seems to me all this fight in life the one true god causes many deaths ~~~ i don't think i am wrong on that~~~
What Paul promoted before his eyes being opened, he counted but dung for the excellency of the knowledge of christ, and the excellency became dung again and the religious superstructure prevailed.
There is no religion that can hold what Paul saw.
I don't give a damn how many scriptures one quotes from whatever religion from whatever culture from whatever continent from whatever solar system from whatever galaxy from whatever universe from whatever dimension~~~ i think Paul had a clue and is so sorely mistreated in the so called christianty watered so watered so drained to this day since his bounds that even ephesians is nothing more than dung.
excuse me while i cry for i do not know the truth
Edited by oneyedjackswild1 psLink to comment
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hi def
i get the impression that the "book" he read from was the birds and the trees and the clouds, and the faces and eyes and souls of anyone he met. and yes, also the books of his people. but also...a ton and a half of stuff that wasnt in there. seems to me that he was somehow diametrically opposed to the traditions of his culture...which is why they killed him, because he gave people reasons to think and simply be in "new" ways, while redeeming the value of "old" ways.
and i mean, honestly, def...what is so wrong with the idea of love itself being a "higher octane" standard than a book? why would you argue against that? i mean, which of the two is more reliable and timeless?
besides, where in the Bible did Jesus ever set his own standards?
imo, he came to break the laws (into pieces), not chisel em deeper into stone
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yeah, cm, regardless of what is often claimed to have been proven or recorded about his mono-racial/cultural education and practice and beliefs, it seems highly likely that if this kid had some sort of amazing heart and intellect, and was exposed to such a wide variety of things, he would simply see good wherever there was good. endeavoring to see thru shadows. see thru taboos.
and it might be natural that, to many of his own race, it would seem as if he was magnifying their culture above all, when perhaps he was more likely trying to redeem it from patriarchal and racial laws, working to re-weave and re-open and reveal the majesty of the spiritual lineage and tradition of Abraham/Melchizadek back into them.
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those are some really nice licks you got there, song
nor do i.
it seems anti-christ to me, for a culture or race to somehow try and possess God
and so the fruit of such enmity (having been eaten) will also naturally follow
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here's a little taboo-hope ya'll can handle this...
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And in this day and in your face has this scripture been read and i close the book on all this bull sh it
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like JC spent his life working in a wood shop with a foster parent and no clue what jc did from 12 on according to "the scriptures"
go figure such a dude as jc hanging around till 30 to speak
yeah right
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oh yeah that's right he was carving out his cross in his dad's wood shop
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nopper, guess again, he grew in stature & wisdom & marveled the butchers of the WORD and continued on so that a prophet was so uneducated to even be considered in his own home gig~~~ some uh mystery between 12 and 30 eh?
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one heck of a blank spot for some reason
where is is that blank spot so quiet in Christianity and why is it BLANK?
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Can you imagine teaching your child that he is the only begotten son of god~~~ well of if jc is god that would make no difference~~~ ansyway~~~ i thinks it still and alway will be the Popes decision or that of the those inqiustidors or may be we should listen to uhmm tap tap tap~~~
excuse me while i cry for i do not know the truth
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Doctrinal kinda gets to me from time to time.
I am learning the breath to be kool.
And cm thank you for the links concerning JC & India!!! I do mean that!!!
Wether JC went to India or visited England it must be most certain that the Biblical account leaves off at 12 years his age and picks up at 30 his ministry. There is 17 years of his life that is quiet a hush in the Bible for some reason.
At 12 Jesus chose to be about his father's business astonishing those most learned his views.
His parents finding him missing from the caravan returned to find him ~~~ where else would one look? His mind was extra ordinary, and he took the instruction from his beloved parents (why is rent in parents)to continue with them.
There was one of the links that state there was no way JC visited India because of expense and distance. That is such dumb a s s absurdity. The gifts of the Magi secured the financial freedom of Jesus's parents. (2)
Even back in them thar days i imagine there were travel agents!!! My lord even to ride a horse one could at least travel 50>100 miles a day. Caravans anyone!!!!!!! I mean we talking THE ROMAN EMPIRE!!!!!
People of most certain religious superstructure mentality wish to confine the youth of Jesus in a narrow circle of simplistic local. Jesus had the freedom to roam. According to the Bible Mary was his mother and Joseph basically adopted Jesus as his son. God is his Father. That was his priority. Travel and learning would most certainly have been his college curriculum so to speak.
He grew in wisdom!!!
He must have traveled far and wide those 17 or at least 12 years years!!! (1)
He knew his destiny.
A sheep for slaughter man.
He knew when to return to begin his ministry as confined his blood line and and so much religion.
His credentials prove that.
Remember silence speaks great volumnes of word and words and words.
He must have said,~~~"Dad, Mom, this is the day I go into the world not to seek mine own adventure, but rather to seek what peoples hearts are as far as I can travel.
And I will return.
I will write and will tell you of mine adventures (yes they had mail service back then). Thank you for all your support and continueing support. I will think of you every day. I must be about my Father's business."
(1) using 18 as an age of to move out
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hmmm~~~ just a thot ~~~ whatever happened to Jesus' adopted dad, his sisters, brothers(?) and Liz the mother of John the locust and honey dude?
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i hear ya song...
Even if Jesus really didn't go to parts of the east, Jerusalem was still a mega trade center to the east and would have had all the influence of those eastern religions.
I think of those wise men that came from the east to see Jesus, while the scripture gurus of Jerusalem knew nothing about it. And Moses, who he learned from.
Western Christianity is so limited in it's thinking....
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i hear ya song...
I hear ya too cm as well as many hear here as well as me I hear mine own self!!!
Even if Jesus really didn't go to parts of the east, Jerusalem was still a mega trade center to the east and would have had all the influence of those eastern religions.
Even if Jesus really did visit distant lands (in my fathers house are many mansions), his local, cultural, political, etc, environment would be a mecca of of extraordinary experience THE ROMAN EMPIRE and considering he was raised as THE SON OF GOD~~~ can you imagine telling your children such a thing???!!!~~~
I think of those wise men that came from the east to see Jesus, while the scripture gurus of Jerusalem knew nothing about it. And Moses, who he learned from.
Yepper, we speak as if these things really happened!!! Our life is short and as one continues in age~~~ a summer is not as the endless summer the impudence of youth. So many stories the ages of human kind.
Western Christianity is so limited in it's thinking....
Yepper, I am sure the original inhabitants this land now called the United States Of America would certainly have something to say the eastern wind of western christianity or something visa versa
Christianty SUCKS, kills people, leaves them in the dust with so many promises of hollow words.
woe be unto the ~~~
Get it cm what Jesus was trying to say???
Jesus never ever in any words ever promoted CHRISTIANITY!!!
forgive me, i speak from words ingrained in a book and have no clue the bible is true to the bone,
just words i have learned.
I can not walk on the water
I can not raise the dead.
I am instructed by the good book I can.
There are some things I just don't know which others profess they do and no proof lie in their words of claim
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pilate~~~ "...what is truth?"
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Why do you attack every word I say?
Got a problem with me, e-mail me.
WTF is up man...I'm ready for ya..
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certainly you jest with yourself~~~
Why do you attack every word I say?
Got a problem with me, e-mail me.
WTF is up man...I'm ready for ya.."
Every word every word i attack every one of your words???
WTF back in your court!!!
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