"wow. infinite unfolding layers of truths and possibility and hope."
i think of that verse that says that there is nothing unclean of itself
sometimes i get pretty lonely and things look quite terrible. a change of perspective would do us all some good. i hit it sometimes but than other times....blah...."
cuz that "what" is like a missing finger on a full hand of good questions (so have at it).
and so maybe i'm just flashing a peace sign with just two of em. lol
i suppose the difference between the heavens and the kingdom of heaven
is quite like the difference between the minerals and the kingdom of mineral
we know heaven is on one side of a universal firmament, opposite earth. ;)--> but that we've somehow fallen out of it, or maybe dropped out of it, leaving us quite unable to re-penetrate that firmament without some sort of trail of clues.
re: future heaven versus present heaven...
perhaps it is from moment to moment that all creation dies and is born
from now to now to now to now
so yeah...was, is, will be
no matter what time it is
just this
but that generic logos is what always lingers
not a thing, per se, but a form and function of every now that winks by
infinite in variety...but an unbreakable majestic loop
which simply exhausts us, especially if we don't know its there...
we reach peaks and peek from time to time, but without finding a firm plateau or rung.
practice. thats all. like learning to play a harp or flute.
which reminds me of this..."And to the angel of the church in Philadelphia write; These things saith he that is holy, he that is true, he that hath the key of David, he that openeth, and no man shutteth; and shutteth, and no man openeth; I know thy works: behold, I have set before thee an open door, and no man can shut it: for thou hast a little strength, and hast kept my word, and hast not denied my name."
its like...even if we've only just tasted "it" once or twice, we can rest in comfort from understanding how it will simply never ever close on us...ever. cuz this window has just always been open. so we can just sit our broken bloody a$$es down for once on that ancient threshold and rest awhile. laugh. cry. hoot and holler. whatever. maybe look up and see who else is sitting there. and so we have time to prepare ourselves to enter even further. like how Abraham found his Rest.
Ya know, I tired to stay out of this, but I love to kick this kind of stuff around.
About Sir G's question: Where is heaven?
Well, bibleville has a lot to say, as Sir G. pointed out… if we are listening, now - inside of us, we will get some new answers to these OLD questions.
Luke 17:21…
“Neither shall they say, Lo here! Or, lo there! For, behold, the kingdom of God is within you.”
Ever thought about that one like this: If the kingdom of God is WITHIN you, then that is WHERE it is… if it IS within you… then it is NOW. (Is means, presently speaking - in the now. Bill Clinton said "...it all depends on what the definition of "is" is"... prophetic language is all around us... ;)-->
So, if it is NOW, then it is NEW – because, it is no longer OLD (or past). So if anything IS new it is in the NOW. If we talk about the future using understanding we have NOW and formulate a doctrine about it NOW and stay welded to it THEN, then we would not be relying on our present conciousness, then, when that future becomes the next now that we have in considering what we believe NOW.
Make sense?
By the time the future shows up, our version of it will be OLD because we explained it in the PAST.
So, what about what we used to believe in the past? Is that what we believe NOW? Not for me!! :)--> :)-->
So, if heaven is future, then it can not be NOW, and if it is not now, then it can not BE in YOU…. Coming to you, maybe, but not IN you, because YOU only exist in the NOW.
Sure we all got pictures that show us we lived in the past, and we have memories of ourselves in the past, but we are not there NOW. We are HERE, NOW. So heaven is HERE (present) with us NOW… and since everything is new, now – heaven is renewed everyday.
We are renewed everyday, as well. EVERY day! But if the kingdom of god is "there, or some other there", then we could not be renewed, NOW.
And all these biblical scholars around here should knw that such a statement would be met with attack.
why do we weld ourselves to our beliefs of OLD, and yet we cry out for renewal, now? hmmmmmmm. -->
WHOO HOO!! We don't have TO!!!
"So, Class, Where is the kingdom of God?"
I'd like to place a bet, TODAY, and it would be my final answer, until at least, tomorrow. At whichtime, ask me again...
now reminds of Frodo's violently vaporous perspective of the world when he slipped on the ring of power. his (and therefore likely Tolkien's) peek up the skirt of Job's whirlwind, so to speak.
there is also that flaming sword which guards this garden of the new. that infamous garden which is always just east and rising towards wherever it is we are at the time.
are we always just one NOW away from it?
a single breath, a twinkle of an eye, away from radical possibility?
another question is, perhaps...is it that we must then plunge headlong into this fire like skydiving lunatics? like Jesus and the folks he both followed and picked? following some terrifying blood red path to enlightenment?
i would say no (tho, there's always room for extreme sports and cockroaches...lol).
cuz i think there is also always much room and wisdom for practical kinds of ways to mindfully dip the toes and pink parts of our soul one little ooh ahh at a time into that everpresent baptismal font. :P-->
tho, of course, one get also can addicted to anything, even holy things, long after their use has worn out.
like vert recalled...nothing unclean of itself.
but we can still leave skid marks in our underwear.
I recall when I was 13 or 14, life flowed and bubbled in everything. LIGHT was everywhere! It flowed from everything. I loved it. On the edge of something great!
But then I got sidetracted by a series of events, curiosity into the dark side, and just plain stupid. Drugs for some years, then religion for some more years....
Now free of that stuff, but still rather ignorant at times, I can see things in that Light once more. Not only on the edge of it but fully engulfed into it, though still sidetracked occasionally, but I know there is nothing better.
Heaven? What is it? Where is it? How can We get there?
Why it's been there all along! Just waiting for us to become as a child, to see through a child's eyes, to make ourselves small and humble our selves to the mighty hand of God.
Throwing away the ego and self, and accept ourselves as God's children, brothers and sisters to the Lord Jesus Christ who blazed the trail for us. And left us an example that we should follow in his footsteps.
Repent...yup. Be immersed into Jesus Christ. Is he God? Doesn't matter, he's close enough to him, one with him. That's good enough for me.
Receive the gift of God. As it comes. Accept it with humble thanksgiving. And be not afraid. God is Love. He Loves us. Fear not the earthquakes in the mind. It serves only to shake us out of our selves and into heaven itself.
Prepare ye the way of the Lord in the mind. For therein lies heaven. Christ in us.
Sir Guess said something that I'd like to stop and dribble some more wax onto.
quote: tho, of course, one get also can addicted to anything, even holy things, long after their use has worn out.
Are people addicted to the idea that Heaven is out there, somewhere, either in place or time?
If the kingdom of God is within us, then maybe one of the first rays of freedom from the worn out vestiges of the past would look like a bold leap into NOW. - Embracing all of the possibilities.
Once you are somewhere else, I think you can stick any appendage you want into the baptismal.
Don't cha know, that if ya take a bath in a new tub, you'll be takin' a new bath, even if ya still got your old clothes on.
People talk about comfort food, their favorite pair of old blue jeans, their favorite hymm, their favorite verses,... and of course, lots and LOTS of chocolate!
Comfort from past favorites keeps us from having an identity crisis every morning we wake up in the NOW.
So bring your favorite Teddy Bear, whatever you want - and lets skydive into the kingdom of the spirit of god within, TODAY. Should be quite a comforting new day! I just gotta remember to bring my Kit Kat bar. ;)-->
quote: Why it's been there all along! Just waiting for us to become as a child, to see through a child's eyes, to make ourselves small and humble our selves to the mighty hand of God.
Yup... Gotta admit, I could easily slip into a pair of Dr. Denton's and bring my rabbit fur stuffed cat I named "Mikie" and head on down the hall to talk to God.
He always knows when I am too tired to talk with, so I end up getting a familiar blanket and some silence, there.
Kids... they are so into the now, that it takes ALL YEAR to ride in a car for 4 hours.
We adults are so NOT into the now... that we think it takes a MERE 4 hours to get there.
Kids... what do they know, anyway!
When we become men or women - no longer boys or girls anymore - it is only to remind us that we should put away childish things when mankind was but a mere child... like...
the quest for the knowledge of good and evil, like the law, and we should become grown ups...
For when a person outgrows these things, they grow into Christ.
Christ gives us a new pair of footed pajamas and restores us to the place where everything is new, everyday... and it, will either take ALL DAY to get to grandma's house, or it will take but a mere moment... if we take our naps at the right time. :D-->
"the quest for the knowledge of good and evil, like the law, and we should become grown ups...
For when a person outgrows these things, they grow into Christ."
Yeah...the Law, the Written Word, that's the schoolmaster. It's time to close the books and live it as it lives in us. Still opening it occasionally to help ourselves and others. No longer under a schoolmaster-Galations says. That's not just talking about the Mosaic Law, but all written forms of scripture and revelation. That seed of the Word of God is sown-time to grow in it. And it's there, no matter how long ago it was sown. The right Word at the right time is alive and living and gives life.
Trusting the Word that sticks with us without having to constantly consult the schoolbooks, the scriptures. Time to live it, to soar with it. Yet still as a child, with all things being new. Staying humble and meek and above all else - loving -because without that we are lost. It's the balance, love will keep us from falling off the mark, for God is Love.
You must excuse the way I sound. To me I sound like I'm preachin' at ya. Must be my upbringing...lol...you probably know all this anyway, but it's good to sit down and talk things away.
No! I don't want to excuse the way you sound! I didn't think anything was wrong, at all, so now I'd have to go lookin' for it and find it... and then "forgive" you for it... just honestly say "it's OK".
Please don't make me EVEN consider that you were preachin'!
"How shall they hear without a preacher?" Sounds noble enough to me!
Besides, what we all call "preachin'" has earned a bad rap because they are so unctuous.
What a bunch of prattle it all seems to me now!
Sorry, Vert - I missed it. (Wait, I don't even want to say that... that would mean I am ADMITTING that you were "preachin", but I missed it... this is getting too complex for me.
You may want to solicit a second opinion from other readers... since I just zipped up my jammies and am ready for my afternoon nap. :)-->
Goey made a statement, some posts back, that was on my mind when I woke up after my nap... (shortly after my mobile stopped turning and my swing-o-matic ran down).
He said,
quote: It seems to me that before we entertain the "when and where" too much, we may first want figure out the what.
What if, the "what" regarding heaven is rather dependant on where and when we are talking about it? Now, I mean this - not in a spurious way, - but seriously, have we considered it from that point of view?
(Pardon me while I drive this anology into the ground -->)
See, when I was a kid, (notice the "when"), I wanted to be a pilot (that is my "what" in this sentance).
Now that I am not a kid, I still like flying, but I do not want to be a pilot for a living.
Is this a result of the "what" changing its nature? Or did I change between the two different "when" times?
The answer is pretty obvious. I changed. The what did not.
This seems to be a common way for people to look at things - a very linear, sort of sequential plodding of the mind.
Sorry. I don't really buy it. Anything that is alive CHANGES. We know that. Even rocks change over time... U238 has a half life...
So just "when" do we want to stop the clock in order to "define" what heaven "is"?
If heaven is anything like the "heavens", I think some of Sir Guess's other posts reference some of the dynamic changes that the "heavens" are going through, then the heavens are most definatly changing. Scientists buy it.
But theologians seem reluctant to think that something "perfect" can change. (Although Jesus had to learn obedience... so not too sure how they can make such broad statements...)
But when I was a kid, I loved stuff that moved. Toads, crickets, birds, (damn... do y'all remember the feeling you first had when you felt a little live bird, scared nearly to DEATH when you held it in your chubby hands??? Pretty cool, hugh!)
As a kid I was attracted to LIFE! That stuff that changed. Shoot, I even thought the moss on the rock was cool - it smelled like it had been drenched in deep earth perfume.
Later, as an adult I learned that "everything" changes.
So if heaven is any"thing", then - my bet is that it changes... "what" it "is" depending opon when you see it.
Of course, even if you never saw it, my guess is it changes. My eyes have personally never seen the Rock of Gilbralter (sp?)....
But my guess is that it changed, today... a little.
:)--> and...in the sense that everything changes and is changing, perhaps heaven is simply that which changes, can change, and does change, very rapidly (and being a much smaller place than earth...). also, the more living the heaven, the greater or more diverse or adaptive and willful or intentional the changes are (as opposed to unconscious change)
sirg....man! I gotta read your posts a couple dozen times to "get it". Gettin some of it though...lol.
"funny how we can forgive sins like that,
in our, the heavens, as it were
as if we're gods or sumthin"
I think there's some scripture about that "ye all are gods" something like that.
btw thanks for forgiving me
"and, i think it helps to remember,
that in all our ways of harmlessness,
we can't forget the wisdom of serpents either"
Yeah...somethin ain't it....waiting to feed of of us like leeches. Serpents ready to cut at the vulnerable points in our lives. Not from without but from within.
But I think you meant to be wise as serpents.
as well as harmless as doves.
Just rambling on here....
Seated in the heavenlies-I'm just barely squinting my eyes open to it. And bungy jumping into hell...thanfully it's a strong cord that pulls us back.
"both past and future, heaven and earth
continue to heighten, lengthen, deepen, widen
from this place
no, not just to eliminate the ego,
but to teach it how to die and come back from the dead whenever it needs
and so also how to nourish it, wash it, and decorate it like a christmas tree
inside and out"
Still working on that one...4 dimensions, I reckon our minds can handle such awareness.
Our lives are like a parable. The truth hidden in plain sight. What's on the surface it's not it's true deeper meaning.
You are cracking me up man!
"Sorry, Vert - I missed it. (Wait, I don't even want to say that... that would mean I am ADMITTING that you were "preachin", but I missed it... this is getting too complex for me."
o and I gotta read your posts a few times to "get it" too
sirg posted this..
"the spirit quickens, after all
and God is a consuming fire"
Yeah....is it getting warm in here or is it just me :D-->
What that fire doesn't burn, man is that not heaven itself? To grow in and understand that which has survived the fire. Life does seem to be gleaming again.
quote:And the angel of the LORD appeared unto him in a flame of fire out of the midst of a bush: and he looked, and, behold, the bush burned with fire, and the bush was not consumed. And Moses said, I will now turn aside, and see this great sight, why the bush is not burnt. And when the LORD saw that he turned aside to see, God called unto him out of the midst of the bush, and said, Moses, Moses. And he said, Here am I.
quote: or maybe also..."i will turn myself inside out..." lol
Hey, SirG, that is it. If the kingdom of God is within, and we want to see it... then I think what you said might be the statement of the "bloody obvious" (as the British might say) :)-->
And it might get a bit bloody if we did so
OK, seriously... now (((this is me trying to gain my composure)))
Actually, when the inards come out, and we wear them like a coat (of many colors), it either grosses out the carnal, or it acts like pheromones to the ones who hear His voice.
vert, perhaps it truly was You who forgave you in heaven, just cuz i did in heaven. two buttons, one line. damn near quantum physics. like playing at kosmic jump-rope, or hop-skotch.
or..."you saved yerself, kid" ~ neo
he he - just by playing along
now we can make circles as one (like black holes) and blow bubbles or smoke rings or something. lol
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Vertical Limit
o....i replied on that other thread before i saw this...cool
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Vertical Limit
"sirg....i could stand to hear some more of this!
"wow. infinite unfolding layers of truths and possibility and hope."
i think of that verse that says that there is nothing unclean of itself
sometimes i get pretty lonely and things look quite terrible. a change of perspective would do us all some good. i hit it sometimes but than other times....blah...."
I think I'll put this post here.
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i suppose right now
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Maybe you should also ask 'what is heaven'.
I am not so sure that the "kingdom of heaven" in Matthew 3:2 and "heaven" in Matthew 3:17 (and other places) are the same thing.
It seems to me that before we entertain the "when and where" too much, we may first want figure out the what.
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Sirguess - as usual, lovely, wonderful things to think on.
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Heaven was is and will be
Some believe today's heaven is not the same as the one after the end of the world.
Satan can come now, he won't then.
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wow. vert, song, goey, sun, def...
thank you all for singing along
i guess we're not so done after all
yes good...what is heaven?
cuz that "what" is like a missing finger on a full hand of good questions (so have at it).
and so maybe i'm just flashing a peace sign with just two of em. lol
i suppose the difference between the heavens and the kingdom of heaven
is quite like the difference between the minerals and the kingdom of mineral
we know heaven is on one side of a universal firmament, opposite earth.
;)--> but that we've somehow fallen out of it, or maybe dropped out of it, leaving us quite unable to re-penetrate that firmament without some sort of trail of clues.
re: future heaven versus present heaven...
perhaps it is from moment to moment that all creation dies and is born
from now to now to now to now
so yeah...was, is, will be
no matter what time it is
just this
but that generic logos is what always lingers
not a thing, per se, but a form and function of every now that winks by
infinite in variety...but an unbreakable majestic loop
which simply exhausts us, especially if we don't know its there...
we reach peaks and peek from time to time, but without finding a firm plateau or rung.
practice. thats all. like learning to play a harp or flute.
which reminds me of this..."And to the angel of the church in Philadelphia write; These things saith he that is holy, he that is true, he that hath the key of David, he that openeth, and no man shutteth; and shutteth, and no man openeth; I know thy works: behold, I have set before thee an open door, and no man can shut it: for thou hast a little strength, and hast kept my word, and hast not denied my name."
its like...even if we've only just tasted "it" once or twice, we can rest in comfort from understanding how it will simply never ever close on us...ever. cuz this window has just always been open. so we can just sit our broken bloody a$$es down for once on that ancient threshold and rest awhile. laugh. cry. hoot and holler. whatever. maybe look up and see who else is sitting there. and so we have time to prepare ourselves to enter even further. like how Abraham found his Rest.
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Too Gray Now
Ya know, I tired to stay out of this, but I love to kick this kind of stuff around.
About Sir G's question: Where is heaven?
Well, bibleville has a lot to say, as Sir G. pointed out… if we are listening, now - inside of us, we will get some new answers to these OLD questions.
Luke 17:21…
“Neither shall they say, Lo here! Or, lo there! For, behold, the kingdom of God is within you.”
Ever thought about that one like this: If the kingdom of God is WITHIN you, then that is WHERE it is… if it IS within you… then it is NOW. (Is means, presently speaking - in the now. Bill Clinton said "...it all depends on what the definition of "is" is"... prophetic language is all around us...
So, if it is NOW, then it is NEW – because, it is no longer OLD (or past). So if anything IS new it is in the NOW. If we talk about the future using understanding we have NOW and formulate a doctrine about it NOW and stay welded to it THEN, then we would not be relying on our present conciousness, then, when that future becomes the next now that we have in considering what we believe NOW.
Make sense?
By the time the future shows up, our version of it will be OLD because we explained it in the PAST.
So, what about what we used to believe in the past? Is that what we believe NOW? Not for me!!
So, if heaven is future, then it can not be NOW, and if it is not now, then it can not BE in YOU…. Coming to you, maybe, but not IN you, because YOU only exist in the NOW.
Sure we all got pictures that show us we lived in the past, and we have memories of ourselves in the past, but we are not there NOW. We are HERE, NOW. So heaven is HERE (present) with us NOW… and since everything is new, now – heaven is renewed everyday.
We are renewed everyday, as well. EVERY day! But if the kingdom of god is "there, or some other there", then we could not be renewed, NOW.
And all these biblical scholars around here should knw that such a statement would be met with attack.
why do we weld ourselves to our beliefs of OLD, and yet we cry out for renewal, now? hmmmmmmm.
WHOO HOO!! We don't have TO!!!
"So, Class, Where is the kingdom of God?"
I'd like to place a bet, TODAY, and it would be my final answer, until at least, tomorrow. At whichtime, ask me again...
I might have a NEW answer.
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What is a "criket" ?
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lol, song.
i was referring to the silence...
...to which only the crikets will reply
((Too Gray))
good to see you!
now we're playing with fire!
as they say...hehe
now reminds of Frodo's violently vaporous perspective of the world when he slipped on the ring of power. his (and therefore likely Tolkien's) peek up the skirt of Job's whirlwind, so to speak.
there is also that flaming sword which guards this garden of the new. that infamous garden which is always just east and rising towards wherever it is we are at the time.
are we always just one NOW away from it?
a single breath, a twinkle of an eye, away from radical possibility?
another question is, perhaps...is it that we must then plunge headlong into this fire like skydiving lunatics? like Jesus and the folks he both followed and picked? following some terrifying blood red path to enlightenment?
i would say no (tho, there's always room for extreme sports and cockroaches...lol).
cuz i think there is also always much room and wisdom for practical kinds of ways to mindfully dip the toes and pink parts of our soul one little ooh ahh at a time into that everpresent baptismal font.
tho, of course, one get also can addicted to anything, even holy things, long after their use has worn out.
like vert recalled...nothing unclean of itself.
but we can still leave skid marks in our underwear.
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Vertical Limit
I recall when I was 13 or 14, life flowed and bubbled in everything. LIGHT was everywhere! It flowed from everything. I loved it. On the edge of something great!
But then I got sidetracted by a series of events, curiosity into the dark side, and just plain stupid. Drugs for some years, then religion for some more years....
Now free of that stuff, but still rather ignorant at times, I can see things in that Light once more. Not only on the edge of it but fully engulfed into it, though still sidetracked occasionally, but I know there is nothing better.
Heaven? What is it? Where is it? How can We get there?
Why it's been there all along! Just waiting for us to become as a child, to see through a child's eyes, to make ourselves small and humble our selves to the mighty hand of God.
Throwing away the ego and self, and accept ourselves as God's children, brothers and sisters to the Lord Jesus Christ who blazed the trail for us. And left us an example that we should follow in his footsteps.
Repent...yup. Be immersed into Jesus Christ. Is he God? Doesn't matter, he's close enough to him, one with him. That's good enough for me.
Receive the gift of God. As it comes. Accept it with humble thanksgiving. And be not afraid. God is Love. He Loves us. Fear not the earthquakes in the mind. It serves only to shake us out of our selves and into heaven itself.
Prepare ye the way of the Lord in the mind. For therein lies heaven. Christ in us.
Hanging with you guys.
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Too Gray Now
Vert, good to hang wich-oo, 2
Sir Guess said something that I'd like to stop and dribble some more wax onto.
Are people addicted to the idea that Heaven is out there, somewhere, either in place or time?
If the kingdom of God is within us, then maybe one of the first rays of freedom from the worn out vestiges of the past would look like a bold leap into NOW. - Embracing all of the possibilities.
Once you are somewhere else, I think you can stick any appendage you want into the baptismal.
Don't cha know, that if ya take a bath in a new tub, you'll be takin' a new bath, even if ya still got your old clothes on.
People talk about comfort food, their favorite pair of old blue jeans, their favorite hymm, their favorite verses,... and of course, lots and LOTS of chocolate!
Comfort from past favorites keeps us from having an identity crisis every morning we wake up in the NOW.
So bring your favorite Teddy Bear, whatever you want - and lets skydive into the kingdom of the spirit of god within, TODAY. Should be quite a comforting new day! I just gotta remember to bring my Kit Kat bar.
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Too Gray Now
Yup... Gotta admit, I could easily slip into a pair of Dr. Denton's and bring my rabbit fur stuffed cat I named "Mikie" and head on down the hall to talk to God.
He always knows when I am too tired to talk with, so I end up getting a familiar blanket and some silence, there.
Kids... they are so into the now, that it takes ALL YEAR to ride in a car for 4 hours.
We adults are so NOT into the now... that we think it takes a MERE 4 hours to get there.
Kids... what do they know, anyway!
When we become men or women - no longer boys or girls anymore - it is only to remind us that we should put away childish things when mankind was but a mere child... like...
the quest for the knowledge of good and evil, like the law, and we should become grown ups...
For when a person outgrows these things, they grow into Christ.
Christ gives us a new pair of footed pajamas and restores us to the place where everything is new, everyday... and it, will either take ALL DAY to get to grandma's house, or it will take but a mere moment... if we take our naps at the right time.
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Vertical Limit
"the quest for the knowledge of good and evil, like the law, and we should become grown ups...
For when a person outgrows these things, they grow into Christ."
Yeah...the Law, the Written Word, that's the schoolmaster. It's time to close the books and live it as it lives in us. Still opening it occasionally to help ourselves and others. No longer under a schoolmaster-Galations says. That's not just talking about the Mosaic Law, but all written forms of scripture and revelation. That seed of the Word of God is sown-time to grow in it. And it's there, no matter how long ago it was sown. The right Word at the right time is alive and living and gives life.
Trusting the Word that sticks with us without having to constantly consult the schoolbooks, the scriptures. Time to live it, to soar with it. Yet still as a child, with all things being new. Staying humble and meek and above all else - loving -because without that we are lost. It's the balance, love will keep us from falling off the mark, for God is Love.
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Vertical Limit
You must excuse the way I sound. To me I sound like I'm preachin' at ya. Must be my upbringing...lol...you probably know all this anyway, but it's good to sit down and talk things away.
Still love ya
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Too Gray Now
Hey, Vert...
No! I don't want to excuse the way you sound! I didn't think anything was wrong, at all, so now I'd have to go lookin' for it and find it... and then "forgive" you for it... just honestly say "it's OK".
Please don't make me EVEN consider that you were preachin'!
"How shall they hear without a preacher?" Sounds noble enough to me!
Besides, what we all call "preachin'" has earned a bad rap because they are so unctuous.
What a bunch of prattle it all seems to me now!
Sorry, Vert - I missed it. (Wait, I don't even want to say that... that would mean I am ADMITTING that you were "preachin", but I missed it... this is getting too complex for me.
You may want to solicit a second opinion from other readers... since I just zipped up my jammies and am ready for my afternoon nap.
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so...you are hereby officially excused for the way you sound. lol
funny how we can forgive sins like that,
in our, the heavens, as it were
as if we're gods or sumthin
to forgive sins is not a magic power
tho at times, it may feel like we might need something magical to actually pull it off
and so, i wonder what happens on earth when we do that?
to forgive sins. seems damn near rebellious to me.
sitting around singing like drunks in the morning
knowing without being told that yer words are being read and enjoyed
no, not because they've been quoted back at ya in a court of law
but because the response is in a time and tune and harmony you recognize as your very own
(yet also not your own)...regardless of the actual words and names being used
its gotta be a sign of something, even if we don't quite know what it is
(or what to call it)
and, i think it helps to remember,
that in all our ways of harmlessness,
we can't forget the wisdom of serpents either
cuz it is a good thing to take our teddy bears and descend to our childhood
or the childhood of the world, or the childhood of your community
to rest and settle and return to that original place in peace and without shame
to return to earth and untangle the demons and knots and such
it is another good thing to continue to rise and ascend when and where we are strong
knowing our edge so we can push it, lifting ourselves from shelf to shelf to shelf
and of course, the fastest way to move things up and down
is to bungee like a fool from your heighest plateau...
the higher the dive
the deeper the hells
and so wwjd?
but the first thing ephesians says we gotta learn is to sit where Christ sits
that is the jump point, it seems
both past and future, heaven and earth
continue to heighten, lengthen, deepen, widen
from this place
no, not just to eliminate the ego,
but to teach it how to die and come back from the dead whenever it needs
and so also how to nourish it, wash it, and decorate it like a christmas tree
inside and out
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Too Gray Now
Goey made a statement, some posts back, that was on my mind when I woke up after my nap... (shortly after my mobile stopped turning and my swing-o-matic ran down).
He said,
What if, the "what" regarding heaven is rather dependant on where and when we are talking about it? Now, I mean this - not in a spurious way, - but seriously, have we considered it from that point of view?
(Pardon me while I drive this anology into the ground
See, when I was a kid, (notice the "when"), I wanted to be a pilot (that is my "what" in this sentance).
Now that I am not a kid, I still like flying, but I do not want to be a pilot for a living.
Is this a result of the "what" changing its nature? Or did I change between the two different "when" times?
The answer is pretty obvious. I changed. The what did not.
This seems to be a common way for people to look at things - a very linear, sort of sequential plodding of the mind.
Sorry. I don't really buy it. Anything that is alive CHANGES. We know that. Even rocks change over time... U238 has a half life...
So just "when" do we want to stop the clock in order to "define" what heaven "is"?
If heaven is anything like the "heavens", I think some of Sir Guess's other posts reference some of the dynamic changes that the "heavens" are going through, then the heavens are most definatly changing. Scientists buy it.
But theologians seem reluctant to think that something "perfect" can change. (Although Jesus had to learn obedience... so not too sure how they can make such broad statements...)
But when I was a kid, I loved stuff that moved. Toads, crickets, birds, (damn... do y'all remember the feeling you first had when you felt a little live bird, scared nearly to DEATH when you held it in your chubby hands??? Pretty cool, hugh!)
As a kid I was attracted to LIFE! That stuff that changed. Shoot, I even thought the moss on the rock was cool - it smelled like it had been drenched in deep earth perfume.
Later, as an adult I learned that "everything" changes.
So if heaven is any"thing", then - my bet is that it changes... "what" it "is" depending opon when you see it.
Of course, even if you never saw it, my guess is it changes. My eyes have personally never seen the Rock of Gilbralter (sp?)....
But my guess is that it changed, today... a little.
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the spirit quickens, after all
and God is a consuming fire
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Vertical Limit
sirg....man! I gotta read your posts a couple dozen times to "get it". Gettin some of it though...lol.
"funny how we can forgive sins like that,
in our, the heavens, as it were
as if we're gods or sumthin"
I think there's some scripture about that "ye all are gods" something like that.
btw thanks for forgiving me
"and, i think it helps to remember,
that in all our ways of harmlessness,
we can't forget the wisdom of serpents either"
Yeah...somethin ain't it....waiting to feed of of us like leeches. Serpents ready to cut at the vulnerable points in our lives. Not from without but from within.
But I think you meant to be wise as serpents.
as well as harmless as doves.
Just rambling on here....
Seated in the heavenlies-I'm just barely squinting my eyes open to it. And bungy jumping into hell...thanfully it's a strong cord that pulls us back.
"both past and future, heaven and earth
continue to heighten, lengthen, deepen, widen
from this place
no, not just to eliminate the ego,
but to teach it how to die and come back from the dead whenever it needs
and so also how to nourish it, wash it, and decorate it like a christmas tree
inside and out"
Still working on that one...4 dimensions, I reckon our minds can handle such awareness.
Our lives are like a parable. The truth hidden in plain sight. What's on the surface it's not it's true deeper meaning.
You are cracking me up man!
"Sorry, Vert - I missed it. (Wait, I don't even want to say that... that would mean I am ADMITTING that you were "preachin", but I missed it... this is getting too complex for me."
o and I gotta read your posts a few times to "get it" too
sirg posted this..
"the spirit quickens, after all
and God is a consuming fire"
Yeah....is it getting warm in here or is it just me
What that fire doesn't burn, man is that not heaven itself? To grow in and understand that which has survived the fire. Life does seem to be gleaming again.
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wow, vert and all. check this out...
and here is some Strong's on that word "aside"
its like..."i will now depart so I can see"
or maybe also..."i will turn myself inside out..." lol
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Too Gray Now
Hey, SirG, that is it. If the kingdom of God is within, and we want to see it... then I think what you said might be the statement of the "bloody obvious" (as the British might say)
And it might get a bit bloody if we did so
OK, seriously... now (((this is me trying to gain my composure)))
Actually, when the inards come out, and we wear them like a coat (of many colors), it either grosses out the carnal, or it acts like pheromones to the ones who hear His voice.
Anyone for an inside/out party?
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omg...that is priceless, tgn!
in more ways than i could possibly express
i wonder, what would an inside/out party look in a venue like this?
and..then, is this a suitable venue for such a thing?
what good role could scriptures take?
live open events, as opposed to friendly-only crowds?
what might that look like?
what kind of stir?
i mean, we, the world, have already quite gone all sorts of mad, that's bloody obvious
sometimes i think jesus was just a good hearted trouble maker
like a thief. the lovable rogue. the divine scamp.
knows how to love the ladies without harming them.
the cops cant catch him unless he gives up on purpose.
changing faces, escaping death
that kinda sh!t. he he
"Behold!!! ....hey, you guys wanna see something really really really really cool?"
and..."oh...it's not me who the good master"
but something much deeper/higher than this (probably pointing at his own meat and blood)
why not awaken him from within? lol
like lighting off a fire cracker
uh oh....look out! here it comes...like John the B said.
and perhaps also its how to stimulate and guide that sparkling fuse
rather than just blow yourself up
you gotta learn to dip your toes in hell before you get to heaven
or like blowing on a tuft tinder
"exhale," was one of the last things he said,
if nothing else, learn to exhale
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vert, perhaps it truly was You who forgave you in heaven, just cuz i did in heaven. two buttons, one line. damn near quantum physics. like playing at kosmic jump-rope, or hop-skotch.
or..."you saved yerself, kid" ~ neo
he he - just by playing along
now we can make circles as one (like black holes) and blow bubbles or smoke rings or something. lol
all it takes is two, right?
but 3 is more potent, and all that
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