I need to see examples or specific verses. Forever could mean forever without exception or without distinction. Or would it would forever with distinction as separating it from another period of time. Okay, my head is starting to hurt. Prepositional hell, for all eternity as long as people use prepositions.
Yes, I know that was TWI terminology. That was intentional. Would you rather I use Saturday Night Live terminology? Isn't that special!!! Simply maaarveloussss!!!!
Shellon -- well -- if it was used dispensationally speaking -- *forever* would not mean what we think of it today, but would take on a whole new meaning, and could have an ending. :)-->
forever is never over as long as infinity responds to eternity of which is beyound our brief moment or something like that!~!
quote: I need to see examples or specific verses. Forever could mean forever without exception or without distinction. Or would it would forever with distinction as separating it from another period of time. Okay, my head is starting to hurt. Prepositional hell, for all eternity as long as people use prepositions.
Yes, I know that was TWI terminology. That was intentional. Would you rather I use Saturday Night Live terminology? Isn't that special!!! Simply maaarveloussss!!!!
How long is Elizabeth II going to be The Queen of England? Answer: Forever!
Of course Queen Elizabeth will eventually step down off the throne, whether by voluntary abdication or her death.
Same with Pope John Paul II. How long is he going to be the pope? Again, FOREVER! Of course his reign as pope ENDS upon his death.
Forever doesn't always mean without absolute end as "eternity" apparently does.
When a man and woman get married, they commit themselves to each other. How long? FOREVER!!!!
But the bonds of matrimony end when one of the spouses dies. So forever doesn't mean for all eternity.
"Forever" is often translated from the Greek word "aion", which means "age". Age is not without end, but rather a period of time that has its limits, maybe the limits are not known, but that doesn't mean there are none.
and post script: Until God figures out who God is, well let's just kick back and help God~~~ after the all God called us out~~~ i think God called all out for some advice~~~
Rants that go on forever. Hmmm? Is that on or before or after called out?
A best thread. Hmmm. I have another place this GSC offers where I know I can braggadocio all I want and without a rant & rave what the whole gig this life, said the Raven.
Been scoping that dinner theatre for quite sometime and not the world according to Song, but just a real live deal.
comeing soon~~~
Rants are excellent, if there are words to be spoken which seem somewhat awkkward to present without having to display all parts the language. Electricity or Fire? Seems I have both in my home (the nous) (or is that noose?) a repertoire of experience that can also not be explained, but I breathe for some reason and my blood travels and etc "rant".
So then~~~ forever is a long time.into eternity, and in the world according to Song, God created eternity which is beyound infinity.
So where then is my rant?
Where is my rave?
Shall we not know even as we are known?
Beyound time, beyound infinittty x'x s infinnittttty, and beyound eternity and into THE PRESENCE OF GOD, where we are suppose to give an account of every word we spoke compared to THE WORD GOD SPOKE, and that word is only one. i think?
Thoughts of Forever is not a long time compared to our thoughts GOD already knew like the hairs of our head and rant on!
Laughter to any understanding the god of our understanding.
Definetly not all is vanity.
Rules N Regs, for we all chatter an internet, the wheel, and the first AUTOmobile.
Shall I now quote the entire world of scripture according to human kind and culture and adam & eves, or was Eve first?
I will rant & rave from my perspective as all else here and here in this world and allaccrosx the univeerse~~~ Unless there is only one "way" to do it all!
Who holds the true snow balls? (chek job)
I suppose it may matter the depth of space a Hubble can see as well all that kinda microscopic and even smaller than can be imagined type of thing.
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God first
Beloved Rachel
That a good question I must say
I sure forever is not over yet
Would it matter who its written I would think not
because when Christ was on earth there people alive during the law period which still live into the Grace period
But maybe its like a burn offering that the old testament used to free them from sins or etc
We still have them but they change from lamb of flesh to the lamb of God the Christ which is good forever
One lasted short time other last forever
Now I do not know if a burn offerings are one of the things we are told to do forever
Put it just the way I try to understand something from Old Testament that might be told to do forever
But that just me
I guess I need to know more but I still believe forever is not over
with love and an holy kiss Roy
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For example...?
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Rachel -- good question. If one does not believe in the various "dispensations", then *forever* must mean just that.
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Biblefan Dave
I need to see examples or specific verses. Forever could mean forever without exception or without distinction. Or would it would forever with distinction as separating it from another period of time. Okay, my head is starting to hurt. Prepositional hell, for all eternity as long as people use prepositions.
Yes, I know that was TWI terminology. That was intentional. Would you rather I use Saturday Night Live terminology? Isn't that special!!! Simply maaarveloussss!!!!
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How could forever be over?
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Shellon -- well -- if it was used dispensationally speaking -- *forever* would not mean what we think of it today, but would take on a whole new meaning, and could have an ending.
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Well, that explains it
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Forever was a great song Winnie the Pooh sang with Christopher Robin in a recent movie.
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forever is never over as long as infinity responds to eternity of which is beyound our brief moment or something like that!~!
specific verses from where?
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How long is Elizabeth II going to be The Queen of England? Answer: Forever!
Of course Queen Elizabeth will eventually step down off the throne, whether by voluntary abdication or her death.
Same with Pope John Paul II. How long is he going to be the pope? Again, FOREVER! Of course his reign as pope ENDS upon his death.
Forever doesn't always mean without absolute end as "eternity" apparently does.
When a man and woman get married, they commit themselves to each other. How long? FOREVER!!!!
But the bonds of matrimony end when one of the spouses dies. So forever doesn't mean for all eternity.
"Forever" is often translated from the Greek word "aion", which means "age". Age is not without end, but rather a period of time that has its limits, maybe the limits are not known, but that doesn't mean there are none.
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ages 'pon ages and always a hope to interceed the drone of ages 'pon ages 'pon ages !!!!!!! a new Heaven & Earth~~~ ages 'pon ages~~~
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forever has a begining forever
and post script: Until God figures out who God is, well let's just kick back and help God~~~ after the all God called us out~~~ i think God called all out for some advice~~~
Edited by oneyedjackswild1 psLink to comment
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I mean ya can hang out for all eternity, But God is beyond eternity~~~ never mind just a nevermind kinda thot
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Song, your rants go on forever, this is the best thread for you.
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Rants that go on forever. Hmmm? Is that on or before or after called out?
A best thread. Hmmm. I have another place this GSC offers where I know I can braggadocio all I want and without a rant & rave what the whole gig this life, said the Raven.
Been scoping that dinner theatre for quite sometime and not the world according to Song, but just a real live deal.
comeing soon~~~
Rants are excellent, if there are words to be spoken which seem somewhat awkkward to present without having to display all parts the language. Electricity or Fire? Seems I have both in my home (the nous) (or is that noose?) a repertoire of experience that can also not be explained, but I breathe for some reason and my blood travels and etc "rant".
So then~~~ forever is a long time. into eternity, and in the world according to Song, God created eternity which is beyound infinity.
So where then is my rant?
Where is my rave?
Shall we not know even as we are known?
Beyound time, beyound infinittty x'x s infinnittttty, and beyound eternity and into THE PRESENCE OF GOD, where we are suppose to give an account of every word we spoke compared to THE WORD GOD SPOKE, and that word is only one. i think?
Thoughts of Forever is not a long time compared to our thoughts GOD already knew like the hairs of our head and rant on!
Laughter to any understanding the god of our understanding.
Definetly not all is vanity.
Rules N Regs, for we all chatter an internet, the wheel, and the first AUTOmobile.
Shall I now quote the entire world of scripture according to human kind and culture and adam & eves, or was Eve first?
I will rant & rave from my perspective as all else here and here in this world and allaccrosx the univeerse~~~ Unless there is only one "way" to do it all!
Who holds the true snow balls? (chek job)
I suppose it may matter the depth of space a Hubble can see as well all that kinda microscopic and even smaller than can be imagined type of thing.
oh well~~~ a pontiff i'm not~~~
Rok It
dig it
Rok On & on & on (heh heh heh)
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Your are the song that never ends. You go on and on my friend.
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