quote: I think we're ALL going to be surprised by what does and does not make it through.
Yepper, the secret things, the mystery type of things, the eternal type of things belong unto the Lourde. Until those type of things are made known, I do beleive surprises are a sure bet.
Neither eye has seen nor ear heard what God has in store for those who love him. Imagine!!! And you shall know even as you are known. Imagine That!
Now those who hate God, I imagine there is more in store than a compassionate wrath as if ya never existed type of helldom eternium. Oh I imagine there is gonna be a big ole surprise that whooper of expectation people are gonna answer for every word~~~
Yepper, whatever day that will be, I am sure that day will occur in the present. And the surprises will all ways be without fail!
But, from an experienced Rooster that use to know the difference between sunrise and sunset,
I was quite adept doctrinal gigs. S'pose kinda got burned out on that stuff.
And if I may cockadoodledoo~oh~delaydi~who
a strut my past~~~ I did do 10- 90 minute tapes on "Is Jesus Christ God?" straight 100 % proof shots Elohim JC
and oh that's not all my credentials~~~
OHHH I wish I could actually have the time the the doctrinal marathon runs complete with lexicons and greek concrDANCES and and all that SCUBA gear.
so i come into these detailed runs of doctrinal joggers and comment ~~~ nice jogging apparel
And then there are those who SCUBA
and so i sit at one of the park benches and crack roasted nuts for the squrrils and pigeons and ride my bicycle and i meet ARtie~the guy who had the guts to go with his artistic ability and have a a stand on River Street ~~~
Etymology: Middle English, from Middle French & Latin; Middle French, from Latin doctrina, from doctor
Date: 14th century
2 a : something that is taught b : a principle or position or the body of principles in a branch of knowledge or system of belief : DOGMA c : a principle of law established through past decisions d : a statement of fundamental government policy especially in international relations
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Yepper, the secret things, the mystery type of things, the eternal type of things belong unto the Lourde. Until those type of things are made known, I do beleive surprises are a sure bet.
Neither eye has seen nor ear heard what God has in store for those who love him. Imagine!!! And you shall know even as you are known. Imagine That!
Now those who hate God, I imagine there is more in store than a compassionate wrath as if ya never existed type of helldom eternium. Oh I imagine there is gonna be a big ole surprise that whooper of expectation people are gonna answer for every word~~~
Yepper, whatever day that will be, I am sure that day will occur in the present. And the surprises will all ways be without fail!
But I could be wrong.
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Yepper, imagine there gonna be some "BIG BANG" tail gate parties going on!!!
The Seventh Seal about to be opened
and the present murmmmer'd to a quite hush of a waterfall~~~
we all lived happily ever after
unless you were on Santa's hit list>>>
woe unto you!!!
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Hey all~~~ Cheer New Years~~~
I know I really suck on doctinal.
But, from an experienced Rooster that use to know the difference between sunrise and sunset,
I was quite adept doctrinal gigs. S'pose kinda got burned out on that stuff.
And if I may cockadoodledoo~oh~delaydi~who
a strut my past~~~ I did do 10- 90 minute tapes on "Is Jesus Christ God?" straight 100 % proof shots Elohim JC
and oh that's not all my credentials~~~
OHHH I wish I could actually have the time the the doctrinal marathon runs complete with lexicons and greek concrDANCES and and all that SCUBA gear.
so i come into these detailed runs of doctrinal joggers and comment ~~~ nice jogging apparel
And then there are those who SCUBA
and so i sit at one of the park benches and crack roasted nuts for the squrrils and pigeons and ride my bicycle and i meet ARtie~the guy who had the guts to go with his artistic ability and have a a stand on River Street ~~~
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Always the poet, eh Song?
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He's a poet, and know's it.
His feet certainly show it.
They're Longfellows.
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Artie is for real d59.
I hired him as an apprentice to help me Historic Restoration Sa. Ga.
He showed me the art his ability to sketch, caricature etc.
He invited me to his Gran Ma's who served home cook out her kitchen the locals.
I suggested Artie to really take his art to heart.
You can see him on River Street Savannah Ga
It's just nice to encourage someone who knows their gig in life~~~
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Which artie are you talking about song?
Arte Johnson
Art Bell
Liberty Bell
Liberty Valant
Prince Vailant
The artist formerly known as Prince and is again
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I dig to da bone the hope of the hope~~~
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You can see him (Artie the Artist) on River Street Savannah Ga
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are you refering to Machiavelli The Prince by Niccolo Machiavelli?
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Main Entry: doc·trin·al
Pronunciation: 'd?tr&-n&l, esp British d?'trI-
Function: adjective
Date: 15th century
: of, relating to, or preoccupied with doctrine
- doc·trin·al·ly /-n&l-E/ adverb
Main Entry: doc·trine
Pronunciation: 'd?tr&n
Function: noun
Etymology: Middle English, from Middle French & Latin; Middle French, from Latin doctrina, from doctor
Date: 14th century
2 a : something that is taught b : a principle or position or the body of principles in a branch of knowledge or system of belief : DOGMA c : a principle of law established through past decisions d : a statement of fundamental government policy especially in international relations
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