quote:But --- is it "Heavan", or "Paradise" we are going to?
I was taught by TWI that heaven is beyound the earth and that earth is paradise. The born again has access between these two realms. And those that have paradise are the Judeans and do not have access the heavens.
I would guess paradise would be the logical answer for most everyone else since I believe that only those who did the father's will will actually inherit the kingdom of heaven. But it seems most people equate paradise with heaven, so I understand the logic in that story. :)-->
quote: I was taught by TWI that heaven is beyound the earth and that earth is paradise. The born again has access between these two realms. And those that have paradise are the Judeans and do not have access the heavens.
advanced class sheet
So was I, Song. "Heavan" is anywhere above earth, and "Paradise" was the original earth set up by God for mankind. By promoting the above, twi bought into the Jehovah Witness theory that 144,000 only will make it to *Heavan*, though twi never put a numeric value on the occupants, the way the JW's do.
The way twi has it set up, it will be a class system, and you go where you're told, because of who you are, what you believed, etc., etc. I don't buy that. Used to, when I was in twi, but not no more.
The *believers* in the OT, (imo) have just as much of a right to enjoy the fruit of their faith, as we today do. And relegating "one class of believer" to Paradise (ie - read less than Heavan), while others enjoy a higher "plane of existance" - because of what they believed - makes no sense to me.
Rev. 21:22-23 talks about the new Jerusalem, with no temple, nor any need for sun or moon, since the Glory of God will be the light, and the Glory of God is the Lamb -- Jesus Christ. The Holy City descends out of Heavan (v.10). V.24 says the "saved of the nations" will walk there, but I don't see where there is a deliniation between OT, and NT.
Matter of fact -- (sorry Evan, and Def!) :D--> with Jesus being a human, it makes sense to me that He would be the "chief occupant" in charge of all that is going on in the new Paradise, rather than up in Heavan. Paradise is for humans, and Jesus Christ is chief amongst us. And I can easily see anyone that fits into the category of *believer* (by God's definition - not mine), living in that city ---- which is NOT a *suburb* of Heavan, but what God initially intended. :)-->
In the literal sense "heaven" is anything above the surface of the planet Earth, i.e. the sky.
The literal is on the physical side of the Great Dichotomy: the natural/factual versus the spiritualy/true.
The figurative use of a word brings in the spiritualy/true side of the Great Dichotomy.
Figuratively (God's markings as to what is important), "heaven" represents the spiritual realm while "earth" is the natural realm.
Many people confuse the literal "heaven" (or sky) with the heavenly realm. The sky (or the heavens) is physical and can be seen and measured with instruments. The heavenly realm cannot be seen or even comprehended without spiritual eyes that are trained (mastering PFAL) to see it.
So -- Mike. You lost me, bro. I guess it's my fault this thread got de-railed into where the righteous will live in the end, but I didn't understand what you just said, especially that thing about:
"The heavenly realm cannot be seen or even comprehended without spiritual eyes that are trained (mastering PFAL) to see it."
Stephen certainly never took pfal, but as he was being stoned to death in Acts, I daresay he saw something you or I will never see, in our earthly days.
You wrote: "So -- Mike. You lost me, bro. I guess it's my fault this thread got de-railed into where the righteous will live in the end, but I didn't understand what you just said, especially that thing about: 'The heavenly realm cannot be seen or even comprehended without spiritual eyes that are trained (mastering PFAL) to see it.'"
heaven (literal-physical) = the sky, above the earth, the solar system, space, etc.
heaven (figurative-spiritual) = where God lives, where Jesus Christ is seated, not a physical location in space, invisible to the 5-senses.
I had heard the ministry's teaching that we would live in heaven and Israel on earth, but I don't believe that was to be taken in the literal sense.
Those born again of God's spirit really live in the spiritual realm (the figurative heavenly) and minister to the earthly.
You wrote: "Stephen certainly never took pfal, but as he was being stoned to death in Acts, I daresay he saw something you or I will never see, in our earthly days."
Certainly? How do you know he didn't take PFAL? Oh sure, the orange book and the film class weren't back in his time. But had you ever heard how Dr stated that he could teach the class 17 different ways?
Jesus taught his apostles and disciples (as is covered in the class) exactly how to manifest when Pentecost was to come not many days hence. He taught them the same principles, truths, and necessary facts for them to receive power from God. Why? ...for abundant living ...so that they could enjoy the abundance of the 9 manifestations in living. Jesus taught them PFAL in the form it existed them. Jesus learned what to teach them by revelation from the same God that taught Dr what to teach.
When Dr taught the early classes in the 1950's there was no orange book or film class, yet he taught them PFAL none-the-less. The orange book and the film are part of the 5-senses aspect of the class you and I took, but that's just the factual side. The truths and principles we were taught in our form of the PFAL class are the exact same as the 1950's grads were taught, as the first century believers were taught. It's just some of those necessary facts that may have differed. We had anecdotes about bent handlebar bicycles, while the first century students might have had anecdotes about crooked horse saddles, or something like that.
Jesus taught PFAL to his apostles, who taught it to Stephen, one of a small number of ace students who went all the way that was available to go with it at that time. I dare to TOTALLY disagree with your daresay that "he saw something you or I will never see..." We are supposed to see that and even greater, when we get our "spiritual eyes" functioning.
I didn't complete your daresay quote, however in my above paragraph. If it is the case that by those closing words "...in our earthly days" you meant "in our senses-limited, natural/factual oriented earthly days" then I withdraw my total disagreement. In that case it's accurate what you said, and we WILL see what Stephen saw in our more enlightened days into PFAL mastery.
But my guess is that your closing words meant "in the days we have before we die and are buried" then my total disagreement stands.
It is available NOW to see what Stephen saw. However, it is also unfortunate fact that we failed to master PFAL, and our days now are limited to only seeing the earthly, the 5-senses.
I started two large threads on this whole natural/factual vs. the spiritually/true dichotomy that delve into many of these same aspects.
quote: It is available NOW to see what Stephen saw. However, it is also unfortunate fact that we failed to master PFAL, and our days now are limited to only seeing the earthly, the 5-senses.
I agree it is available NOW, but pfal has nothing to do with it. :)-->
and --- I agree with Chuck --- that our system of "merits and demerits", will probably come to naught, once we reach the Pearly Gates -- where ever they may be! ;)-->
As evidenced by his life of lies and deceit, "Dr." may be at a different gate.
When you get right down to it, we are really no better than VPW, so perhaps we all will be at that different gate. God has concluded we are all guilty and are all in unbelief, so therefore he's going to have to show us all mercy. Otherwise God would be a respecter of persons, which the bible denies. True, there are sins, some worse than others, and therefore merit greater or lesser punishments depending on the gravity. I have no problem with God bestowing mercy on none other than the infamous Adolf Hitler. Now Hitler will have a lot of explaining to do seeing what he did to 6,000,000 Jews. Perhaps his punishment will be to spend some time with the very Jews he murdered, and they will shower him with forgiveness(which they will finally learn of course), perhaps driving him nuts. Maybe he might even acquire a taste for kosher cooking. :D--> Poetic justice you might say :)--> After all, what was Paul's punishment? To become a member of the very society he wanted to wipe out! So it would be fitting for Hitler to become as one of the very Jews he persecuted.
As far as murdering Jesus, I guess we all put him on the cross for that matter, yet he forgave those who were murdering him, so the forgiveness is thus extended to us. And his executioners were anything but penitent.
When we see VPW being bestowed with forgiveness, maybe we should remember not to act like the older brother of the prodigal son. Or like the workers of the vineyard who worked all day and were resentful that those who only worked an hour were given equal treatment.
Now I agree VPW will most likely not inherit the kingdom, but that's his problem. He really wants a crown REAL BAD, doesn't he? (read my sig ;)--> ) I think he already got his reward :D-->
You wrote: "Oh I agree that God's does the judging, but we can learn from "dr's" mistakes, can we not?"
We can not.
Dr's mistakes are poorly known, and therefore require most of us to place great trust in those who claim first hand experience. No one on this board, nor in any of the splinter groups have earned MY trust anywhere near like Dr did in his class, tapes, and writings. Dr gave me GREAT benefits, so he did earn my trust.
Dr's mistakes, even those reported here, are common among human beings, and I see no learning in them at all, even if all the GSC reports are true and accurate, which I'm willing to bet my life they are not.
I'm much more interested in learning from Dr's successes, which occured in the team effort the produced the writings. That area is still rich in learning potential because we all drifted from the written portion of his ministry, or never really got any significant exposure to them to begin with.
You made an excellent point earlier. You wrote: "I agree with Chuck --- that our system of "merits and demerits", will probably come to naught, once we reach the Pearly Gates -- where ever they may be!"
Then I showed you that your statement applied to Dr as well. Did you see that? Have you learned anything from your own words here?
Then I showed you that your statement applied to Dr as well. Did you see that? Have you learned anything from your own words here?
Mike -- with all due respect, you showed me nothing. I say that simply because I said both what I said as well as meaning what I said, and if you took the time to look at what I said, no doubt you could glean the meaning from there of, to realize that I include vpw right up there with -- You. Me. Adolf Hitler. Paul. Pharoah. Hey let's not stop there, how about the original sinner?? Adam??. It doesn't take a post from you to "enlighten" me as to what I meant, even if you didn't get it the first time around.
Unlike you, and some other posters here, I have a really big heart, and can forgive (still working on the "forgetting part"), to the point where I just see you (and whomever), as another human being, who is caught in this "dirt clod" called earth, until we end up somewhere else. Somewhere on a higher plane, realizing higher aspirations.
When I look at the crap I have done in my life, and realize the implications of how it has severely hampered me from realizing, and attaining goals I thought I once might actually realize, I see myself as chief (sorry Apostle Paul) of sinners, and haven't the slightest problem forgiving anyone else, regardless (woops --did I reguardless) of whomever they were, whatever they taught, or how many people they may have led astray.
You quoted me saying:
quote: I agree with Chuck --- that our system of "merits and demerits", will probably come to naught, once we reach the Pearly Gates -- where ever they may be!"
Did I mention that some folks would not qualify?? Did I specify that some would somehow "slip through this system"? Did I say that some have "demerits attatched", while others do not? No. What I was addressing -- PLAIN AND SIMPLE -- was our system of merits, and demerits -- are probably going to come to naught, when we all get addressed personally by our Saviour, Jesus Christ.
Docvic is going to have a lot to answer for, as will you and I. I am not castigating him by what I said, nor am I validating him. If ya wanna know the truth, I'm worried about me, and no one else.
So -- I know this a lot to ask, but Mike -- please get off the "high horse" you are on, and realize that some of us here actually think Jesus Christ is the final judge, and that all of us (someday), are going to be facing Him. I don't know if He'll go in alphabetical order or not, and I don't know your last name -- but mine is Miller, and Jesus will get to me before Wierwille.
So -- I know this a lot to ask, but Mike -- please get off the "high horse" you are on, and realize that some of us here actually think Jesus Christ is the final judge, and that all of us (someday), are going to be facing Him. I don't know if He'll go in alphabetical order or not, and I don't know your last name -- but mine is Miller, and Jesus will get to me before Wierwille.
I hope I don't take up too much of His time.
Well relax Dave, I'm in the K's so he'll get to me before he gets to you :D-->
Now Howard ALLEN, whoa! :D-->
Incidently, since he will judge the WHOLE world, I wonder what alphabet he will use?? :D--> :D--> :D--> :D--> :D--> LOL!!!!!!
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It just goes to show that the ONLY reason we are going to heaven is because of the grace of God alone. NEVER FORGET THAT!
p.s. I wonder how many points that guy would have gotten for saying "I accepted Jesus as my personal Lord and Savior"? Quarter of a point maybe?
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Chuck --
:D--> I hear ya!
But --- is it "Heavan", or "Paradise" we are going to? This has been brought up on Home of the Righteous, but what you said, makes sense.
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I was taught by TWI that heaven is beyound the earth and that earth is paradise. The born again has access between these two realms. And those that have paradise are the Judeans and do not have access the heavens.
advanced class sheet
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Hi Dave,
I would guess paradise would be the logical answer for most everyone else since I believe that only those who did the father's will will actually inherit the kingdom of heaven. But it seems most people equate paradise with heaven, so I understand the logic in that story.
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So was I, Song. "Heavan" is anywhere above earth, and "Paradise" was the original earth set up by God for mankind. By promoting the above, twi bought into the Jehovah Witness theory that 144,000 only will make it to *Heavan*, though twi never put a numeric value on the occupants, the way the JW's do.
The way twi has it set up, it will be a class system, and you go where you're told, because of who you are, what you believed, etc., etc. I don't buy that. Used to, when I was in twi, but not no more.
The *believers* in the OT, (imo) have just as much of a right to enjoy the fruit of their faith, as we today do. And relegating "one class of believer" to Paradise (ie - read less than Heavan), while others enjoy a higher "plane of existance" - because of what they believed - makes no sense to me.
Rev. 21:22-23 talks about the new Jerusalem, with no temple, nor any need for sun or moon, since the Glory of God will be the light, and the Glory of God is the Lamb -- Jesus Christ. The Holy City descends out of Heavan (v.10). V.24 says the "saved of the nations" will walk there, but I don't see where there is a deliniation between OT, and NT.
Matter of fact -- (sorry Evan, and Def!)
:D--> with Jesus being a human, it makes sense to me that He would be the "chief occupant" in charge of all that is going on in the new Paradise, rather than up in Heavan. Paradise is for humans, and Jesus Christ is chief amongst us. And I can easily see anyone that fits into the category of *believer* (by God's definition - not mine), living in that city ---- which is NOT a *suburb* of Heavan, but what God initially intended.
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Ps --- Song -- yes I do have CES references, but knowing your dislike of such, I refrained!
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In the literal sense "heaven" is anything above the surface of the planet Earth, i.e. the sky.
The literal is on the physical side of the Great Dichotomy: the natural/factual versus the spiritualy/true.
The figurative use of a word brings in the spiritualy/true side of the Great Dichotomy.
Figuratively (God's markings as to what is important), "heaven" represents the spiritual realm while "earth" is the natural realm.
Many people confuse the literal "heaven" (or sky) with the heavenly realm. The sky (or the heavens) is physical and can be seen and measured with instruments. The heavenly realm cannot be seen or even comprehended without spiritual eyes that are trained (mastering PFAL) to see it.
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So -- Mike. You lost me, bro. I guess it's my fault this thread got de-railed into where the righteous will live in the end, but I didn't understand what you just said, especially that thing about:
"The heavenly realm cannot be seen or even comprehended without spiritual eyes that are trained (mastering PFAL) to see it."
Stephen certainly never took pfal, but as he was being stoned to death in Acts, I daresay he saw something you or I will never see, in our earthly days.
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You wrote: "So -- Mike. You lost me, bro. I guess it's my fault this thread got de-railed into where the righteous will live in the end, but I didn't understand what you just said, especially that thing about: 'The heavenly realm cannot be seen or even comprehended without spiritual eyes that are trained (mastering PFAL) to see it.'"
heaven (literal-physical) = the sky, above the earth, the solar system, space, etc.
heaven (figurative-spiritual) = where God lives, where Jesus Christ is seated, not a physical location in space, invisible to the 5-senses.
I had heard the ministry's teaching that we would live in heaven and Israel on earth, but I don't believe that was to be taken in the literal sense.
Those born again of God's spirit really live in the spiritual realm (the figurative heavenly) and minister to the earthly.
You wrote: "Stephen certainly never took pfal, but as he was being stoned to death in Acts, I daresay he saw something you or I will never see, in our earthly days."
Certainly? How do you know he didn't take PFAL? Oh sure, the orange book and the film class weren't back in his time. But had you ever heard how Dr stated that he could teach the class 17 different ways?
Jesus taught his apostles and disciples (as is covered in the class) exactly how to manifest when Pentecost was to come not many days hence. He taught them the same principles, truths, and necessary facts for them to receive power from God. Why? ...for abundant living ...so that they could enjoy the abundance of the 9 manifestations in living. Jesus taught them PFAL in the form it existed them. Jesus learned what to teach them by revelation from the same God that taught Dr what to teach.
When Dr taught the early classes in the 1950's there was no orange book or film class, yet he taught them PFAL none-the-less. The orange book and the film are part of the 5-senses aspect of the class you and I took, but that's just the factual side. The truths and principles we were taught in our form of the PFAL class are the exact same as the 1950's grads were taught, as the first century believers were taught. It's just some of those necessary facts that may have differed. We had anecdotes about bent handlebar bicycles, while the first century students might have had anecdotes about crooked horse saddles, or something like that.
Jesus taught PFAL to his apostles, who taught it to Stephen, one of a small number of ace students who went all the way that was available to go with it at that time. I dare to TOTALLY disagree with your daresay that "he saw something you or I will never see..." We are supposed to see that and even greater, when we get our "spiritual eyes" functioning.
I didn't complete your daresay quote, however in my above paragraph. If it is the case that by those closing words "...in our earthly days" you meant "in our senses-limited, natural/factual oriented earthly days" then I withdraw my total disagreement. In that case it's accurate what you said, and we WILL see what Stephen saw in our more enlightened days into PFAL mastery.
But my guess is that your closing words meant "in the days we have before we die and are buried" then my total disagreement stands.
It is available NOW to see what Stephen saw. However, it is also unfortunate fact that we failed to master PFAL, and our days now are limited to only seeing the earthly, the 5-senses.
I started two large threads on this whole natural/factual vs. the spiritually/true dichotomy that delve into many of these same aspects.
The first is "The Ubiquitously Hidden Teaching of VPW" and can be found at http://gscafe.com/groupee/forums?q=Y&a=tpc...=3656073772&p=1
The second is "The Spiritually Divine over the Naturally Factual" and can be found at http://gscafe.com/groupee/forums?q=Y&a=tpc...=3216084083&p=1
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I agree it is available NOW, but pfal has nothing to do with it.
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and --- I agree with Chuck --- that our system of "merits and demerits", will probably come to naught, once we reach the Pearly Gates -- where ever they may be!
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Including Dr's demerits ??????????
YES!!! Including Dr's demerits.
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As evidenced by his life of lies and deceit, "Dr." may be at a different gate.
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Colossians 3 :: New International Version (NIV)
Colossians 3
Rules for Holy Living
1Since, then, you have been raised with Christ, set your hearts on
things above, where Christ is seated at the right hand of God. 2Set
your minds on things above, not on earthly things. 3For you died, and
your life is now hidden with Christ in God. 4When Christ, who is your[1]
life, appears, then you also will appear with him in glory.
5Put to death, therefore, whatever belongs to your earthly nature:
sexual immorality, impurity, lust, evil desires and greed, which is idolatry.
6Because of these, the wrath of God is coming.[2] 7You used to walk in
these ways, in the life you once lived. 8But now you must rid yourselves
of all such things as these: anger, rage, malice, slander, and filthy
language from your lips. 9Do not lie to each other, since you have taken
off your old self with its practices 10and have put on the new self, which
is being renewed in knowledge in the image of its Creator. 11Here there
is no Greek or Jew, circumcised or uncircumcised, barbarian, Scythian,
slave or free, but Christ is all, and is in all.
12Therefore, as God's chosen people, holy and dearly loved, clothe
yourselves with compassion, kindness, humility, gentleness and
patience. 13Bear with each other and forgive whatever grievances you
may have against one another. Forgive as the Lord forgave you. 14And
over all these virtues put on love, which binds them all together in
perfect unity.
15Let the peace of Christ rule in your hearts, since as members of one
body you were called to peace. And be thankful. 16Let the word of
Christ dwell in you richly as you teach and admonish one another with all
wisdom, and as you sing psalms, hymns and spiritual songs with
gratitude in your hearts to God. 17And whatever you do, whether in
word or deed, do it all in the name of the Lord Jesus, giving thanks to
God the Father through him.
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When you get right down to it, we are really no better than VPW, so perhaps we all will be at that different gate. God has concluded we are all guilty and are all in unbelief, so therefore he's going to have to show us all mercy. Otherwise God would be a respecter of persons, which the bible denies. True, there are sins, some worse than others, and therefore merit greater or lesser punishments depending on the gravity. I have no problem with God bestowing mercy on none other than the infamous Adolf Hitler. Now Hitler will have a lot of explaining to do seeing what he did to 6,000,000 Jews. Perhaps his punishment will be to spend some time with the very Jews he murdered, and they will shower him with forgiveness(which they will finally learn of course), perhaps driving him nuts. Maybe he might even acquire a taste for kosher cooking.
:D--> Poetic justice you might say
:)--> After all, what was Paul's punishment? To become a member of the very society he wanted to wipe out! So it would be fitting for Hitler to become as one of the very Jews he persecuted.
As far as murdering Jesus, I guess we all put him on the cross for that matter, yet he forgave those who were murdering him, so the forgiveness is thus extended to us. And his executioners were anything but penitent.
When we see VPW being bestowed with forgiveness, maybe we should remember not to act like the older brother of the prodigal son. Or like the workers of the vineyard who worked all day and were resentful that those who only worked an hour were given equal treatment.
Now I agree VPW will most likely not inherit the kingdom, but that's his problem. He really wants a crown REAL BAD, doesn't he? (read my sig
;)--> ) I think he already got his reward
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Chuck --- Very well said!
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I too liked what you wrote for the most part.
If we busy ourselves with the negatives of Dr's life, we'll miss the positives God has for us. Let's let God do the judging.
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Oh I agree that God's does the judging, but we can learn from "dr's" mistakesn can we not?
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You wrote: "Oh I agree that God's does the judging, but we can learn from "dr's" mistakes, can we not?"
We can not.
Dr's mistakes are poorly known, and therefore require most of us to place great trust in those who claim first hand experience. No one on this board, nor in any of the splinter groups have earned MY trust anywhere near like Dr did in his class, tapes, and writings. Dr gave me GREAT benefits, so he did earn my trust.
Dr's mistakes, even those reported here, are common among human beings, and I see no learning in them at all, even if all the GSC reports are true and accurate, which I'm willing to bet my life they are not.
I'm much more interested in learning from Dr's successes, which occured in the team effort the produced the writings. That area is still rich in learning potential because we all drifted from the written portion of his ministry, or never really got any significant exposure to them to begin with.
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You made an excellent point earlier. You wrote: "I agree with Chuck --- that our system of "merits and demerits", will probably come to naught, once we reach the Pearly Gates -- where ever they may be!"
Then I showed you that your statement applied to Dr as well. Did you see that? Have you learned anything from your own words here?
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Mike -- with all due respect, you showed me nothing. I say that simply because I said both what I said as well as meaning what I said, and if you took the time to look at what I said, no doubt you could glean the meaning from there of, to realize that I include vpw right up there with -- You. Me. Adolf Hitler. Paul. Pharoah. Hey let's not stop there, how about the original sinner?? Adam??. It doesn't take a post from you to "enlighten" me as to what I meant, even if you didn't get it the first time around.
Unlike you, and some other posters here, I have a really big heart, and can forgive (still working on the "forgetting part"), to the point where I just see you (and whomever), as another human being, who is caught in this "dirt clod" called earth, until we end up somewhere else. Somewhere on a higher plane, realizing higher aspirations.
When I look at the crap I have done in my life, and realize the implications of how it has severely hampered me from realizing, and attaining goals I thought I once might actually realize, I see myself as chief (sorry Apostle Paul) of sinners, and haven't the slightest problem forgiving anyone else, regardless (woops --did I reguardless) of whomever they were, whatever they taught, or how many people they may have led astray.
You quoted me saying:
Did I mention that some folks would not qualify?? Did I specify that some would somehow "slip through this system"? Did I say that some have "demerits attatched", while others do not? No. What I was addressing -- PLAIN AND SIMPLE -- was our system of merits, and demerits -- are probably going to come to naught, when we all get addressed personally by our Saviour, Jesus Christ.
Docvic is going to have a lot to answer for, as will you and I. I am not castigating him by what I said, nor am I validating him. If ya wanna know the truth, I'm worried about me, and no one else.
So -- I know this a lot to ask, but Mike -- please get off the "high horse" you are on, and realize that some of us here actually think Jesus Christ is the final judge, and that all of us (someday), are going to be facing Him. I don't know if He'll go in alphabetical order or not, and I don't know your last name -- but mine is Miller, and Jesus will get to me before Wierwille.
I hope I don't take up too much of His time.
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Oh yea -- I forgot. He's got Eternity. What was I thinking??
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Well relax Dave, I'm in the K's so he'll get to me before he gets to you
Now Howard ALLEN, whoa!
Incidently, since he will judge the WHOLE world, I wonder what alphabet he will use??
:D--> LOL!!!!!!
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