go to the link in the drop down site above on this page, click on CES when you get to his page go to the truth or tradition site, put in sit with interperation as the subject and you will find a huge PDF file with John lynns thoughts on this subject.
well that is not needed just go to the link Jeff supplied and John Lynn is all over it.
As usual, Lynn seemingly lacks the balls to investigate the matter any further beyond that, much less express and address his own views personally and directly to those of us within the context of this forum,
without going through a messenger boy (sorry Jeff - no offence intended toward you personally).
I'm quite saddened that you have to automatically take a cheap shot at John, and at Jeff's expense, no less. Even if you meant no "personal offense," doesn't your inference assume that Jeff would let himself basically be used by John? Isn't it possible that Jeff posted the article on his own without any directive from John Lynn, or anyone else for that matter? Or is it just assumed that Jeff is just a "yes" man for Lynn, Schoenheit & Graeser?
For the record: John wrote the article specifically for the website and Jeff's decision to post it here was entirely his own. He posted it here because he hoped that it would bless some of you and challenge your current belief in/practice of the manefestation of tongues w/interpretation. Despite what is often assumed in these forums, we STF/CES staff members are encouraged to form our own opinions and make our own decisions and are NOT at the mercy of an overbearing Board of Directors, overbearing leadership, OR corporate lawyers!
And also for the record, I'm not writing in John's defense. Rather, I'm personally offended when it is assumed that Jeff (or any other person on staff with or affiliated with STF/CES) is simply a front man serving John Lynn's personal agenda. It's simply not true.
Wow, I thought that the Shriners had infiltrated into and among the Illuminati. But you say it was the Illuminated Ones that infiltrated into the Shriners? Cool.
23 children's hospitals and all that medical research to get rid of childhood diseases, still a good cause.
That's fine Billy D but normally...normally......usually....might be more like it, people that post positions on doctrinal subjects here do so and then discuss it. Others post responses if they want to and then a discussion, debate, and back-and-forth dicussion takes place. Jeff posts articles and that's that. He doesn't become personally involved in the topic he's posted on, and doesn't invite any other STF, CES or any other acronym to follow up and participate in a discussion.
Which is fine, but it's a little non-personal. It's similar to advertising, even if it isn't advertising. If the topic is of such interest and perceived as possibly a valuable challenge, as you put it, to the ex-Way readers of this forum it just seems like that would be worth a certain amount of personal involvement.
To me.
But either way, big scones, y'know? After perusing the article I saw nothing new, nothing challenging nor anything that would constitute on face value a lengthy discussion, certainly not as long as this thread has gone (besides the fact that it's considered more fish-fillet, supposedly deboned to it's most edible and succulent essence and in a snappy rendering that the average bobbin-head reader might be able to follow).
Since it's not, the only thing that would spark interest in me would be elaboration, elucidation and a little engagement. But if it's not worth that to someone, it's certainly not to me.
Now please don't take this as vicious, vindictive or venemous. It's not meant to be. And if anyone else really enjoys these linked postings they're free to voice that too.
I appreciate you bringing up the points which you did. The fact is, I hadn't really intended any ill will toward Jeff, though I can see in regard to your points where expressions in my post can be so construed.
Having said that, I freely admit - as should be obvious - that I can put my foot in my mouth as well as any other poster here. SO I must ask - what's JAL's reasons for not posting here to express his own opinions?
Is it possible that he still harbors that old, certain above-the-rest elitism that we've come to know so well through twi?
JAL's a far better speaker than I am - so why doesn't he post his own thoughts here? interact with some old comrades?
I'm well aware that I'm a fool - so why won't JAL descend from his mountain? What's he afraid of? actual public discourse and messy interaction with such mortal, lowlife beings as ourselves?
A couple things come to mind in reference to the manifestations of the spirit, as we call them here, that have always been part of my guide on the matter. I've posted before, that years ago, after the time I first took PFAL, some of the people in the fellowship around the SF Bay Area decided to start making it a practice of praying when they got together. Any group of two or more, just an effort to bring a "spiritual" element into the normal course of a day's events. And if there were 3 or more, we'd have "manifestations". So this went on for several months. There was no leadership function established, just whoever and whenever. Or not. It was a very simple idea.
Within a short time the manifestations began to change. They left the strict form we used initially which had often mimicked the sounds and messages we had heard before. They weren't always in the same voice, first person, third, etc. And they varied, sometimes words of praise to, for, about, etc. Sometimes a person would sing their manifestations. Sometimes they were simple, sometimes not. There were times when we'd talk about them, attempt to understand them better. If something didn't sound "right" I remember talking about it with those that were there. It wasn't automatically assumed that something wasn't right just because it didn't "sound" right or seemed unfamiliar. Basically it was an honest effort to learn and enjoy.
Over the years I've thought several things about what happened at that time and in other situations where similar freedom was exercised-
1-Leadership within the body of Christ is a fluid and changing environment. When a structure is imposed on people they learn to behave in a certain way and become less prone to think and act for themselves. If their lives require something new they're not prepared to think or act in a potentially new way if required to, they're only prepared to do what they've always done before. Essential to leadership is the pastoral function - Christ brings us along with a protecting, guiding hand into new terrain. Growth occurs when we allow for it. Without such an environment, we become like human bonsai trees, unless the structure is such that it encourages, expects and learns to incorporate regular change. Over time the structure itself changes to reflect this growth.
2-That kind of freedom produces fear in many people. People like consistency, ritual, tradition. But if the traditions don't allow for dynamic activity, they become stale and confining regardless of what they are. Again, Christ shephered His people with care, understanding and guidance.
3-Dynamic change will come as a natural expression of the spirit of God. Left to expand on it's own, it will. The new nature of a Christian will develop as an infused part of their own souls, hearts, thoughts. "We" don't become something patterned after other people, we become "a new creation" that is uniquely us, ourselves. Likemindedness happens on a spritual level where agreement is a bond of the spirit more than any bond of agreement in thought we have. Collectively we form a body of thought and action that's diverse and given to "the mind of the spirit", acting towards objectives and goals that are likely going to be greater than what any individual part can clearly see. The resulting peace any one part experiences is as a result of living in concert with this greater vision, as our individual accomplishments contribute to it. Every person has pride in their own life, and pride in the life of the body of Christ.
4-The power of love is the most powerful thing we can know. Love is the natural expression of the spirit. Giving of all kinds at all times. Everyone can take a life, but love will give life to sustain another's. Everyone can do harm to another but love will forgive and restore hurt. Everyone can do what they're told, but love will design it's own actions when their are no instructions. Everyone can try, but love will persist to the end and beyond. Life is a love thing. :)-->
As usual, Lynn seemingly lacks the balls to investigate the matter any further beyond that, much less express and address his own views personally and directly to those of us within the context of this forum,
without going through a messenger boy (sorry Jeff - no offence intended toward you personally).
I'm quite saddened that you have to automatically take a cheap shot at John, and at Jeff's expense, no less. Even if you meant no "personal offense," doesn't your inference assume that Jeff would let himself basically be used by John? Isn't it possible that Jeff posted the article on his own without any directive from John Lynn, or anyone else for that matter? Or is it just assumed that Jeff is just a "yes" man for Lynn, Schoenheit & Graeser?
For the record: John wrote the article specifically for the website and Jeff's decision to post it here was entirely his own. He posted it here because he hoped that it would bless some of you and challenge your current belief in/practice of the manefestation of tongues w/interpretation. Despite what is often assumed in these forums, we STF/CES staff members are encouraged to form our own opinions and make our own decisions and are NOT at the mercy of an overbearing Board of Directors, overbearing leadership, OR corporate lawyers!
And also for the record, I'm not writing in John's defense. Rather, I'm personally offended when it is assumed that Jeff (or any other person on staff with or affiliated with STF/CES) is simply a front man serving John Lynn's personal agenda.It's simply not true.
Happy posting and God bless!
~Billy D
I see TheInvisibleDan has well jousted you from your mount JAL o Billy D! & one more !. oh hell have another ! this one is on my house!!!!!!
And I suppose another round of God Bless jousting is in order!
quote: It's simply not true.
well then, let's see the if the simplicity is not true~~~ I wager it is!!!
one more cheap shot coming up "STF/CES)" kinda sounds like "std"~~~
whoops~~~ i really did not mean to say that~~~ there is a CONfessional booth called "Are You Ready For This?"
and " Interpretation of Tongues by John Lynn" kinda hmmm hmm hahahah oh forgiveme
I just got around to actually reading some of this thread, and I would like to share something that has been of concern to me for a while. On the Day of Pentecost, when Peter was speaking, he was speaking in a language that the hearers could not understand. When he said Ye men and brethren, and the rest, he was talking in his language and the hearers heard them in their language. The cloven tounges interpreted, what he was saying, and he spoke all day to those people. So, when we speak in tounges, this is what should happen, if someone doesnt know our language. This was the 'first occurence' of an event, and subsequent simailar events should happen the same way, being defined by the first occurence. I have stopped speaking in tounges altogether, and now pray the words and psalms in the word. It is just as effective for me in my personal prayer life.
I just got around to actually reading some of this thread, and I would like to share something that has been of concern to me for a while. On the Day of Pentecost, when Peter was speaking, he was speaking in a language that the hearers could not understand. When he said Ye men and brethren, and the rest, he was talking in his language and the hearers heard them in their language. The cloven tounges interpreted, what he was saying, and he spoke all day to those people.
Rachel -
now that's a very interesting and refreshing interpretation.
quote: I have stopped speaking in tounges altogether, and now pray the words and psalms in the word. It is just as effective for me in my personal prayer life.
Didn't Paul do both? Pray with his understanding and pray with the spirit?Maybe there is a balance that needs to be reached.
Thanks for being willing to look at it from my perspective, I appreciate that.
John actually gave an answer to your question in his first post here at Greasespot. He apparently feels that he doesn't have the time or doesn't want to take the time to invest here. And though John has thus far declined to post here on a regular basis, he did publicly publish his personal cell phone number and email address. So, anyone here who has a beef with John can contact him directly, which, by the way, is supported by scripture. (Matt 18:15-17)
Do I understand the desire to see John publicly apologize and account to this specific forum? Of course I do. However I also know that John as been accounting for some of the junk from TWI (and for some of the mistakes he's made since then) in other venues and to many people for years, so I can also see why he wouldn't necessarily see the need to do it again here.
I encourage anyone here who was personally hurt by John in TWI to contact him. You may find him to be quite changed from those days, but that's for you to decide.
I myself don't feel personally "hurt" or have any desire to see John "apologize" for anything. As I had mentioned before, I am quite personally thankful for the stand against twi he took years ago.
To the contrary, despite this forum's apparent rowdiness, I think he might actually encounter much benefit and even some fun through interaction on this forum, should he choose to post. I'm certainly not expecting him to visit and to "invest" time and space in responding via detailed dissertations.
There are simply not enough hours in a day for any of us here(lol).
Again, I'm somewhat puzzled how John could (or did in the past) recommend, on the one hand, the "Momentus" class, which, by many accounts, subjected a many folks through an emotional roller coaster ride, bringing to the surface much unrestrained screaming and shouting and weeping,
while on the other hand, be put off by the frank, at times unrestrained expressions of a few of us on a public forum (!)
In any event, thanks for your reply Billy.
And John is quite welcome to email me, if for some reason, he feels I have hurt him.
quote:Originally posted by Billy D:
Thanks for being willing to look at it from my perspective, I appreciate that.
John actually gave an answer to your question in his first post here at Greasespot. He apparently feels that he doesn't have the time or doesn't want to take the time to invest here. And though John has thus far declined to post here on a regular basis, he _did_ publicly publish his personal cell phone number and email address. So, anyone here who has a beef with John can contact him directly, which, by the way, is supported by scripture. (Matt 18:15-17)
Do I understand the desire to see John publicly apologize and account to this specific forum? Of course I do. However I also know that John as been accounting for some of the junk from TWI (and for some of the mistakes he's made since then) in other venues and to many people for years, so I can also see why he wouldn't necessarily see the need to do it again here.
I encourage anyone here who was personally hurt by John in TWI to contact him. You may find him to be quite changed from those days, but that's for you to decide.
I am probably the last person on the face of this earth to speak for John Lynn that being said I will add in his defense.
CES spirit and truth fellowship is John Lynns lifes work, not to metion the scores of work he did in twi.
He is a teacher.
he has spent his entire life teaching and researching and looking at life by what the bible says.
he has worked very long and very hard at what he considered the only thing that will ever truly help him or anyone eles.
the bible is his master plan for any human in his eyes Im convinced of that.
slap in grease spot cafe.
not exactly his areana , he does speak to unbelievers, he goes out of this counrty and starts fellowhsips.. for those who have ears to hear. those who want to hear him teach.
He considers himself a teacher and if no one want to study his class or materials he can not really play. it is his job.
it is like asking a guy who mows lawn for a living to set up shop in the desert if you ask me.
or its like working for 50 years on baking a cake and having the birthday child say I want pie instead.
it would be far to frustrating to him, he wants to help people and I know he loves people , yet the quirky thing about john LYNN is he has always truly believed the answer are in the bible lesson he has learned and so much want to tell others.
he would not force his beliefs on anyone so what is the use of even having a voice here if all anyone wanted to do is agrue? I really do trust John Lynn would win if it was only about chapter and verse Lord knows the man knows it better than most.
so he gracefully offers his website for the answers some may seek , and his phone # for any personal issues he may help with .
I respect his position, life is only so long and if the color pink floats your boat in life why sit in a blue room with purple lovers ?
Very well voiced mj. You just described the John Lynn I know today. He's far from perfect, but I'm proud to work with him and for the ministry he helped to start.
Good point on the apparent contradiction w/Momentus. I'm not sure about that one. Though I work with John and am pretty close to him today, I can't really tell you his heart exactly. I can only share my experience of him.
Good point on the apparent contradiction w/Momentus. I'm not sure about that one. Though I work with John and am pretty close to him today, I can't really tell you his heart exactly. I can only share my experience of him.
Well, despite the fact that the proverbial cat is out of the bag, I edited my original offensive post. Though I may not agree with John (or Jeff), I obviously crossed the boundaries of good taste, and have no wish for anyone here (or elsewhere) to become traumatized for the rest of their lives by anything I've said. My sincere apologies to Jeff and John for my tasteless manner of delivery. While I still think John would make a good impression by posting his views personally at this forum, I could and should have at least maintained the same standard in expressing my opinion.
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go to the link in the drop down site above on this page, click on CES when you get to his page go to the truth or tradition site, put in sit with interperation as the subject and you will find a huge PDF file with John lynns thoughts on this subject.
well that is not needed just go to the link Jeff supplied and John Lynn is all over it.
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Billy D
I'm quite saddened that you have to automatically take a cheap shot at John, and at Jeff's expense, no less. Even if you meant no "personal offense," doesn't your inference assume that Jeff would let himself basically be used by John? Isn't it possible that Jeff posted the article on his own without any directive from John Lynn, or anyone else for that matter? Or is it just assumed that Jeff is just a "yes" man for Lynn, Schoenheit & Graeser?
For the record: John wrote the article specifically for the website and Jeff's decision to post it here was entirely his own. He posted it here because he hoped that it would bless some of you and challenge your current belief in/practice of the manefestation of tongues w/interpretation. Despite what is often assumed in these forums, we STF/CES staff members are encouraged to form our own opinions and make our own decisions and are NOT at the mercy of an overbearing Board of Directors, overbearing leadership, OR corporate lawyers!
And also for the record, I'm not writing in John's defense. Rather, I'm personally offended when it is assumed that Jeff (or any other person on staff with or affiliated with STF/CES) is simply a front man serving John Lynn's personal agenda. It's simply not true.
Happy posting and God bless!
~Billy D
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"shriners were infiltrated by the illuminnati~~~
do you know this Galen?"
Wow, I thought that the Shriners had infiltrated into and among the Illuminati. But you say it was the Illuminated Ones that infiltrated into the Shriners? Cool.
23 children's hospitals and all that medical research to get rid of childhood diseases, still a good cause.
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That's fine Billy D but normally...normally......usually....might be more like it, people that post positions on doctrinal subjects here do so and then discuss it. Others post responses if they want to and then a discussion, debate, and back-and-forth dicussion takes place. Jeff posts articles and that's that. He doesn't become personally involved in the topic he's posted on, and doesn't invite any other STF, CES or any other acronym to follow up and participate in a discussion.
Which is fine, but it's a little non-personal. It's similar to advertising, even if it isn't advertising. If the topic is of such interest and perceived as possibly a valuable challenge, as you put it, to the ex-Way readers of this forum it just seems like that would be worth a certain amount of personal involvement.
To me.
But either way, big scones, y'know? After perusing the article I saw nothing new, nothing challenging nor anything that would constitute on face value a lengthy discussion, certainly not as long as this thread has gone (besides the fact that it's considered more fish-fillet, supposedly deboned to it's most edible and succulent essence and in a snappy rendering that the average bobbin-head reader might be able to follow).
Since it's not, the only thing that would spark interest in me would be elaboration, elucidation and a little engagement. But if it's not worth that to someone, it's certainly not to me.
Now please don't take this as vicious, vindictive or venemous. It's not meant to be. And if anyone else really enjoys these linked postings they're free to voice that too.
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Billy D -
I appreciate you bringing up the points which you did. The fact is, I hadn't really intended any ill will toward Jeff, though I can see in regard to your points where expressions in my post can be so construed.
Having said that, I freely admit - as should be obvious - that I can put my foot in my mouth as well as any other poster here. SO I must ask - what's JAL's reasons for not posting here to express his own opinions?
Is it possible that he still harbors that old, certain above-the-rest elitism that we've come to know so well through twi?
JAL's a far better speaker than I am - so why doesn't he post his own thoughts here? interact with some old comrades?
I'm well aware that I'm a fool - so why won't JAL descend from his mountain? What's he afraid of? actual public discourse and messy interaction with such mortal, lowlife beings as ourselves?
Edited by TheInvisibleDanLink to comment
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A couple things come to mind in reference to the manifestations of the spirit, as we call them here, that have always been part of my guide on the matter. I've posted before, that years ago, after the time I first took PFAL, some of the people in the fellowship around the SF Bay Area decided to start making it a practice of praying when they got together. Any group of two or more, just an effort to bring a "spiritual" element into the normal course of a day's events. And if there were 3 or more, we'd have "manifestations". So this went on for several months. There was no leadership function established, just whoever and whenever. Or not. It was a very simple idea.
Within a short time the manifestations began to change. They left the strict form we used initially which had often mimicked the sounds and messages we had heard before. They weren't always in the same voice, first person, third, etc. And they varied, sometimes words of praise to, for, about, etc. Sometimes a person would sing their manifestations. Sometimes they were simple, sometimes not. There were times when we'd talk about them, attempt to understand them better. If something didn't sound "right" I remember talking about it with those that were there. It wasn't automatically assumed that something wasn't right just because it didn't "sound" right or seemed unfamiliar. Basically it was an honest effort to learn and enjoy.
Over the years I've thought several things about what happened at that time and in other situations where similar freedom was exercised-
1-Leadership within the body of Christ is a fluid and changing environment. When a structure is imposed on people they learn to behave in a certain way and become less prone to think and act for themselves. If their lives require something new they're not prepared to think or act in a potentially new way if required to, they're only prepared to do what they've always done before. Essential to leadership is the pastoral function - Christ brings us along with a protecting, guiding hand into new terrain. Growth occurs when we allow for it. Without such an environment, we become like human bonsai trees, unless the structure is such that it encourages, expects and learns to incorporate regular change. Over time the structure itself changes to reflect this growth.
2-That kind of freedom produces fear in many people. People like consistency, ritual, tradition. But if the traditions don't allow for dynamic activity, they become stale and confining regardless of what they are. Again, Christ shephered His people with care, understanding and guidance.
3-Dynamic change will come as a natural expression of the spirit of God. Left to expand on it's own, it will. The new nature of a Christian will develop as an infused part of their own souls, hearts, thoughts. "We" don't become something patterned after other people, we become "a new creation" that is uniquely us, ourselves. Likemindedness happens on a spritual level where agreement is a bond of the spirit more than any bond of agreement in thought we have. Collectively we form a body of thought and action that's diverse and given to "the mind of the spirit", acting towards objectives and goals that are likely going to be greater than what any individual part can clearly see. The resulting peace any one part experiences is as a result of living in concert with this greater vision, as our individual accomplishments contribute to it. Every person has pride in their own life, and pride in the life of the body of Christ.
4-The power of love is the most powerful thing we can know. Love is the natural expression of the spirit. Giving of all kinds at all times. Everyone can take a life, but love will give life to sustain another's. Everyone can do harm to another but love will forgive and restore hurt. Everyone can do what they're told, but love will design it's own actions when their are no instructions. Everyone can try, but love will persist to the end and beyond. Life is a love thing.
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Billy D
GS Discoverer
posted November 08, 2004 17:27
Originally posted by TheInvisibleDan:
As usual, Lynn seemingly lacks the balls to investigate the matter any further beyond that, much less express and address his own views personally and directly to those of us within the context of this forum,
without going through a messenger boy (sorry Jeff - no offence intended toward you personally).
I'm quite saddened that you have to automatically take a cheap shot at John, and at Jeff's expense, no less. Even if you meant no "personal offense," doesn't your inference assume that Jeff would let himself basically be used by John? Isn't it possible that Jeff posted the article on his own without any directive from John Lynn, or anyone else for that matter? Or is it just assumed that Jeff is just a "yes" man for Lynn, Schoenheit & Graeser?
For the record: John wrote the article specifically for the website and Jeff's decision to post it here was entirely his own. He posted it here because he hoped that it would bless some of you and challenge your current belief in/practice of the manefestation of tongues w/interpretation. Despite what is often assumed in these forums, we STF/CES staff members are encouraged to form our own opinions and make our own decisions and are NOT at the mercy of an overbearing Board of Directors, overbearing leadership, OR corporate lawyers!
And also for the record, I'm not writing in John's defense. Rather, I'm personally offended when it is assumed that Jeff (or any other person on staff with or affiliated with STF/CES) is simply a front man serving John Lynn's personal agenda.It's simply not true.
Happy posting and God bless!
~Billy D
I see TheInvisibleDan has well jousted you from your mount JAL o Billy D! & one more !. oh hell have another ! this one is on my house!!!!!!
And I suppose another round of God Bless jousting is in order!
well then, let's see the if the simplicity is not true~~~ I wager it is!!!
one more cheap shot coming up "STF/CES)" kinda sounds like "std"~~~
whoops~~~ i really did not mean to say that~~~ there is a CONfessional booth called "Are You Ready For This?"
and " Interpretation of Tongues by John Lynn" kinda hmmm hmm hahahah oh forgiveme
Edited by oneyedjackswild1 psLink to comment
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Hi all,
I just got around to actually reading some of this thread, and I would like to share something that has been of concern to me for a while. On the Day of Pentecost, when Peter was speaking, he was speaking in a language that the hearers could not understand. When he said Ye men and brethren, and the rest, he was talking in his language and the hearers heard them in their language. The cloven tounges interpreted, what he was saying, and he spoke all day to those people. So, when we speak in tounges, this is what should happen, if someone doesnt know our language. This was the 'first occurence' of an event, and subsequent simailar events should happen the same way, being defined by the first occurence. I have stopped speaking in tounges altogether, and now pray the words and psalms in the word. It is just as effective for me in my personal prayer life.
Food for Thought.
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Rachel -
now that's a very interesting and refreshing interpretation.
Good post.
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Didn't Paul do both? Pray with his understanding and pray with the spirit?Maybe there is a balance that needs to be reached.
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Billy D
Thanks for being willing to look at it from my perspective, I appreciate that.
John actually gave an answer to your question in his first post here at Greasespot. He apparently feels that he doesn't have the time or doesn't want to take the time to invest here. And though John has thus far declined to post here on a regular basis, he did publicly publish his personal cell phone number and email address. So, anyone here who has a beef with John can contact him directly, which, by the way, is supported by scripture. (Matt 18:15-17)
Do I understand the desire to see John publicly apologize and account to this specific forum? Of course I do. However I also know that John as been accounting for some of the junk from TWI (and for some of the mistakes he's made since then) in other venues and to many people for years, so I can also see why he wouldn't necessarily see the need to do it again here.
I encourage anyone here who was personally hurt by John in TWI to contact him. You may find him to be quite changed from those days, but that's for you to decide.
Thanks for hearing me out!
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Hi Billy,
I myself don't feel personally "hurt" or have any desire to see John "apologize" for anything. As I had mentioned before, I am quite personally thankful for the stand against twi he took years ago.
To the contrary, despite this forum's apparent rowdiness, I think he might actually encounter much benefit and even some fun through interaction on this forum, should he choose to post. I'm certainly not expecting him to visit and to "invest" time and space in responding via detailed dissertations.
There are simply not enough hours in a day for any of us here(lol).
Again, I'm somewhat puzzled how John could (or did in the past) recommend, on the one hand, the "Momentus" class, which, by many accounts, subjected a many folks through an emotional roller coaster ride, bringing to the surface much unrestrained screaming and shouting and weeping,
while on the other hand, be put off by the frank, at times unrestrained expressions of a few of us on a public forum (!)
In any event, thanks for your reply Billy.
And John is quite welcome to email me, if for some reason, he feels I have hurt him.
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I am probably the last person on the face of this earth to speak for John Lynn that being said I will add in his defense.
CES spirit and truth fellowship is John Lynns lifes work, not to metion the scores of work he did in twi.
He is a teacher.
he has spent his entire life teaching and researching and looking at life by what the bible says.
he has worked very long and very hard at what he considered the only thing that will ever truly help him or anyone eles.
the bible is his master plan for any human in his eyes Im convinced of that.
slap in grease spot cafe.
not exactly his areana , he does speak to unbelievers, he goes out of this counrty and starts fellowhsips.. for those who have ears to hear. those who want to hear him teach.
He considers himself a teacher and if no one want to study his class or materials he can not really play. it is his job.
it is like asking a guy who mows lawn for a living to set up shop in the desert if you ask me.
or its like working for 50 years on baking a cake and having the birthday child say I want pie instead.
it would be far to frustrating to him, he wants to help people and I know he loves people , yet the quirky thing about john LYNN is he has always truly believed the answer are in the bible lesson he has learned and so much want to tell others.
he would not force his beliefs on anyone so what is the use of even having a voice here if all anyone wanted to do is agrue? I really do trust John Lynn would win if it was only about chapter and verse Lord knows the man knows it better than most.
so he gracefully offers his website for the answers some may seek , and his phone # for any personal issues he may help with .
I respect his position, life is only so long and if the color pink floats your boat in life why sit in a blue room with purple lovers ?
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Billy D
Very well voiced mj. You just described the John Lynn I know today. He's far from perfect, but I'm proud to work with him and for the ministry he helped to start.
Good point on the apparent contradiction w/Momentus. I'm not sure about that one. Though I work with John and am pretty close to him today, I can't really tell you his heart exactly. I can only share my experience of him.
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praying in your own language, whether English or made up, is an articulated leap of faith...
barkeep...lo shontas all around
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Shall I bring flower petals, a pure white linen hand cloth and a bowl of fresh fruit to the guru.
May i speak in the presence of such the reverence?
May I speak freely~~~
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Well, despite the fact that the proverbial cat is out of the bag, I edited my original offensive post. Though I may not agree with John (or Jeff), I obviously crossed the boundaries of good taste, and have no wish for anyone here (or elsewhere) to become traumatized for the rest of their lives by anything I've said. My sincere apologies to Jeff and John for my tasteless manner of delivery. While I still think John would make a good impression by posting his views personally at this forum, I could and should have at least maintained the same standard in expressing my opinion.
with best regards,
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The Year: 2024
The Occasion: new Hypernet website goes live, "The InvisibleSpot Cafe".
Purpose: To provide a place of information and sharing for those once traumatized by "Danny", AKA "TheInvisibleDan".
Let the healing begin.
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socks , are you involved with CFF to the point that you support cff?
no fryin pan
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CFF? No, not that I know of. Let me check...nope.
To the point I support CFF? No. Lemme check again...nope. Should I be?
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Dan-zilla leaves after demolishing Tokyo,
"Dragging his tail into the sea...."
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posted November 11, 2004 20:47
The Year: 2024
The Occasion: new Hypernet website goes live, "The InvisibleSpot Cafe".
Purpose: To provide a place of information and sharing for those once traumatized by "Danny", AKA "TheInvisibleDan".
Let the healing begin.
Ahhh, hmmm ~~~ such secret messages
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Uh oh. Quick Danny. I'm right behind you. We've been discovered.
(tail swirshing up the remaining shards of Tokyo's beachside hotel industry)
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Interpretation of Tongues by John Lynn
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