God allows trials to come into our lives sometimes to test us and show us where we need to be. You could be in the refining process right now. But much of our problems come from the choices we make and because in our fallen world, crap happens.
I'm sorry you are going through such a terrible time! I think health problems can be especially scary because it is happening to our body and yet we feel so helpless to control it or fix it. Very traumatic stuff! Can leave one feeling very frightened and angry.
If you can, use those emotions and channel the energy into something positive. Something you can do/control and walk away feeling good about.
If you can't, perhaps a healthy place to vent. A counsellor, minister, friend, punching bag.
First, thanks to you all who responded here and in the related thread. Second, thanks to Paw for rescuing this thread from cybespace limbo.
The reason I posted here is because I am struggling with a doctrinal issue... what does it take to get help from God? I pray constantly, in that I constantly talk to Him. I just don't understand why I am so constant "attacked" with seemingly no help from above. It pains me to post this, because I love God and do not want to publicly demean Him in any way.
Perhaps you will not find all answers there, yet you should find some answers there.
God bless, good luck, and God speed. Praying for you, and your successful quest in finding answers. Give me a shout, via private topic, if you want to talk in detail. I've had my share of struggles too, and have yet to see the light of day.
It's a long, long, tunnel we are trying to emerge from.
Selah...I rarely post in this section but your words haunt me.
I understand how frightening these trials can be...physical stuff is terrifying.
I concur with the others...bad stuff happens...there is not much we can do to be *good enough* or *sharp enough* to prevent much of this....twi did us a great disservice there...teaching us that it was the fault of our believing or our lack of spiritual sharpness that left the door open...somehow it is our fault that we are suffering....this is not true...
The only thing that I have found of comfort during these trials is to look to God to fill my heart with the peace that comes from knowing that no matter how heavy the burdens have become....that there will be a way provided to turn it to the good.
Please don`t blame yourself...or God ..you are going to have to endure this hardship and those to come..whatever your state of mind or belief.....trust me...it will just be so much easier to bear untill it`s resolution when you feel God`s presence at your side.
I have had my trials....I did everything I KNEW from what I had been taught to be in the center of God`s will and thus *safe* and disaster still befell me...and even in my frustration and pain when I gave God the finger literally and said f-ck you ..I don`t believe that you exist...and IF perchance you DO ...then just stay the hell away from me cause you aren`t doin me any dam- good anyway.......Even when I turned away ... he never gave up on me...sent people to me from the most unlikely sources to bring his message of love and trust...I even had someone call that knew very little about me from another part of the country n tell me that God told him to call...and I told him to tell God screw you...and he laughed and said he`d be there the next day....lol
In hindsight, I realise that it was the times that I was suffering the most that I have seen God work the most powerfully to ease the pain and deliver me from the darkness and fear swirling around causing confusion and blocking my way to light.
I didn`t even have to ask...please do not give up on yourself and God.
It's easy to blame God or oneself when bad things happen. Sadly, a lot of TWI teaching made one feel that misfortune was due to lack of believing or lack of fellowship. But then, look at Stephen: he was full of the spirit, boldly preaching the gospel, and receiving a vision of Jesus Christ while he was stoned to death! Not believing? Hardly! Out of fellowship? No way!
We live in a world still primarily run by the Devil, and so things don't often go as they should. (Eccl. 9:11,12) Nonetheless, God is still greater, and will give you the deliverance if you let Him. Sometimes, this takes a lot of patience. I'll be praying for you, as well.
P.S.: You might consider posting your needs in the "Prayer Room."
Concerning your life as you expressed~~~ I experienced those who would direct me back into what I wished to get out ... ya know teaching tape #, world run by the devil, post your needs in the laundry cleaners, etc.
Please seek professional council, the ones who are really Doctors...
Dig your avatar...
The unknown is always to blame. The known wonders about the unknown.
Sure hope this thread gets longer via some posts by you...OK? :D-->
Abigail's other part, Manof1000Somethings ;)--> , says in his signature, "The lessons repeat themselves until learned."
That's the closest thing to bottom line truth of life that I've ever heard.
Not that we are being chastised and forced into learning hard lessons...
But that we keep repeating the same old things until we've learned how to not repeat them...
And there are some things we just don't have enough time to learn in one lifetime...
Is god there listening and helping? I dunno for sure.
I do know for sure that there comes a moment in every single trial and tribulation when we go "Ahhhhh! That's why I had to go through that situation." Then we never go through it again as a trial or tribulation.
It's kinda freaky sometimes, but this has been a constant in everything I've learned about my life and the lives of others.
Hey guys n gals. I am not kewl. I told God I would not take "the easy way out", because Jesus didn't cop out on me. My situation is still horrible, though thanks to a GSer, there is a glimmer of hope. There are times I am just non-functional with depression n the stroke effects, but I have to work.
I'm thinking of applying for Soc. Sec. Disability, but that will be a long, tedious road. I feel just overwhelmed by everything.
I feel I can still do God some good by sticking around and praying, if nothing else. Plus, my cashier job gives me the opportunity to brighten people's lives a little bit during the time I have with them, though it does not pay enough to pay the bills.
I know that God works with you whatever your profession/occupation to teach you. During a "good time", I pictured myself as working at "God's Store", helping people to find and obtain the things they need. I realized I was pretty "bold" in offering store programs I knew were good for them, and pictured myself helping someone with the Word just as boldly and efficiently (which I have not done in a long time).
A bit later that night, a guy comes in, and I say "Hi, can I help you find what you need?" He replies, "I'm not even sure where to start with my life." I reply" How about making Jesus Christ you Lord", (after looking around for managers n other customers). The guy smiled and replied "Wow, no kidding, that's just where I need to get to". Then a customer came to my register, and I lost track of the guy. But it seemed that God was working to bless me and others through me.
I am seeking pro help, Song, thanks. I have been down this road before, though not as drastically as this time. I am taking it a day at a time.
quote: I am seeking pro help, Song, thanks. I have been down this road before, though not as drastically as this time. I am taking it a day at a time.
I so do empathise with you comparisons this road and this road again and many crossroads with no signs or maps, not even a four way stop sign the lonely intersection.
We might have even been in each others dust through such roads and crossroads hauling azz as fast the muscle machine can achieve and then red out rpms that delete the gas and no station in sight and skull and crossbones on the side of the road noticed while opening the trunk for the empty gas can and wonder why we drove so far without filling that empty gas can~~~
I am glad so glad you are seeking help. The next gas station is there. Fill up and I bet someone will give you a ride back to your vehicle of freedom to cruise along the freeway.
I do graphics for folks. The way I learn and practice techniques is via my sigs. Since it's halloween season, I thought I'd do a spooky sig with something that "jumps out" at folks.
Cool CW. Song, I was TWI'd from '75 to when they started kicking people out who agreed with John Shoenheit's letter. I put my heart into it, went WOW four times, no Corps (thank GOD!), though I would've dug College Division, ran a fellowship of 40 people, etc. The ministry falling apart was traumatic for me, but looking back now, it was rancid at the top and deserved to die (it still does).
quote: Cool CW. Song, I was TWI'd from '75 to when they started kicking people out who agreed with John Shoenheit's letter. I put my heart into it, went WOW four times, no Corps (thank GOD!), though I would've dug College Division, ran a fellowship of 40 people, etc. The ministry falling apart was traumatic for me, but looking back now, it was rancid at the top and deserved to die (it still does).
I was involved 20 years '75 to '95, all class grad, Assistant Twig Co /Twig Co. Not familiar JSHOE's "letter", but know of many other letters that speak volumes. Never acquired WOW,WC,Reverend status~~~ thank my lucky stars ;)-->, but I was in no uncertain terms candidate for sure. And maybe even competition the presidency of the Body of Christ The HoseHold Of Gawd ;)-->
if i wanted to kiss that much buttock!
Hey SelahV, your heart was and IS right on~~~ TWI slammed a many its deceit. I don't know what to say except continue the pro help and continue your love your self and others who do care.
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God allows trials to come into our lives sometimes to test us and show us where we need to be. You could be in the refining process right now. But much of our problems come from the choices we make and because in our fallen world, crap happens.
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God first
Hi Beloved SelahV
Now yes God loves you and if your doing somthing wrong I do not know but what I can say is bad things happen to me too
Now I never give up and than after a while they all ways get better if I am patiance with God
We seem to want every thing now but we all ways have to learn to tust him to take care of the need in due time
Now yes things can come too you fast
you have come to a place where you can find healing tell others of your needs in prayer and you will receive it prayer help
with love and an holy kiss Roy
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I'm sorry you are going through such a terrible time! I think health problems can be especially scary because it is happening to our body and yet we feel so helpless to control it or fix it. Very traumatic stuff! Can leave one feeling very frightened and angry.
If you can, use those emotions and channel the energy into something positive. Something you can do/control and walk away feeling good about.
If you can't, perhaps a healthy place to vent. A counsellor, minister, friend, punching bag.
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First, thanks to you all who responded here and in the related thread. Second, thanks to Paw for rescuing this thread from cybespace limbo.
The reason I posted here is because I am struggling with a doctrinal issue... what does it take to get help from God? I pray constantly, in that I constantly talk to Him. I just don't understand why I am so constant "attacked" with seemingly no help from above. It pains me to post this, because I love God and do not want to publicly demean Him in any way.
I'm hoping for some insight.
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SelahV -- you're not the problem, and neither is God. Check out Don't blame God, on the Truth or Tradition website.
Perhaps you will not find all answers there, yet you should find some answers there.
God bless, good luck, and God speed. Praying for you, and your successful quest in finding answers. Give me a shout, via private topic, if you want to talk in detail. I've had my share of struggles too, and have yet to see the light of day.
It's a long, long, tunnel we are trying to emerge from.
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Ps. -- SelahV --- love that screen name!!
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Selah...I rarely post in this section but your words haunt me.
I understand how frightening these trials can be...physical stuff is terrifying.
I concur with the others...bad stuff happens...there is not much we can do to be *good enough* or *sharp enough* to prevent much of this....twi did us a great disservice there...teaching us that it was the fault of our believing or our lack of spiritual sharpness that left the door open...somehow it is our fault that we are suffering....this is not true...
The only thing that I have found of comfort during these trials is to look to God to fill my heart with the peace that comes from knowing that no matter how heavy the burdens have become....that there will be a way provided to turn it to the good.
Please don`t blame yourself...or God ..you are going to have to endure this hardship and those to come..whatever your state of mind or belief.....trust me...it will just be so much easier to bear untill it`s resolution when you feel God`s presence at your side.
I have had my trials....I did everything I KNEW from what I had been taught to be in the center of God`s will and thus *safe* and disaster still befell me...and even in my frustration and pain when I gave God the finger literally and said f-ck you ..I don`t believe that you exist...and IF perchance you DO ...then just stay the hell away from me cause you aren`t doin me any dam- good anyway.......Even when I turned away ... he never gave up on me...sent people to me from the most unlikely sources to bring his message of love and trust...I even had someone call that knew very little about me from another part of the country n tell me that God told him to call...and I told him to tell God screw you...and he laughed and said he`d be there the next day....lol
In hindsight, I realise that it was the times that I was suffering the most that I have seen God work the most powerfully to ease the pain and deliver me from the darkness and fear swirling around causing confusion and blocking my way to light.
I didn`t even have to ask...please do not give up on yourself and God.
Edited by rascalLink to comment
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It's easy to blame God or oneself when bad things happen. Sadly, a lot of TWI teaching made one feel that misfortune was due to lack of believing or lack of fellowship. But then, look at Stephen: he was full of the spirit, boldly preaching the gospel, and receiving a vision of Jesus Christ while he was stoned to death! Not believing? Hardly! Out of fellowship? No way!
We live in a world still primarily run by the Devil, and so things don't often go as they should. (Eccl. 9:11,12) Nonetheless, God is still greater, and will give you the deliverance if you let Him. Sometimes, this takes a lot of patience. I'll be praying for you, as well.
P.S.: You might consider posting your needs in the "Prayer Room."
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Concerning your life as you expressed~~~ I experienced those who would direct me back into what I wished to get out ... ya know teaching tape #, world run by the devil, post your needs in the laundry cleaners, etc.
Please seek professional council, the ones who are really Doctors...
Dig your avatar...
The unknown is always to blame. The known wonders about the unknown.
Edited by oneyedjackswild1 psLink to comment
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Are you kewl SelaV?
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How ya doin'?
Sure hope this thread gets longer via some posts by you...OK?
Abigail's other part, Manof1000Somethings
;)--> , says in his signature, "The lessons repeat themselves until learned."
That's the closest thing to bottom line truth of life that I've ever heard.
Not that we are being chastised and forced into learning hard lessons...
But that we keep repeating the same old things until we've learned how to not repeat them...
And there are some things we just don't have enough time to learn in one lifetime...
Is god there listening and helping? I dunno for sure.
I do know for sure that there comes a moment in every single trial and tribulation when we go "Ahhhhh! That's why I had to go through that situation." Then we never go through it again as a trial or tribulation.
It's kinda freaky sometimes, but this has been a constant in everything I've learned about my life and the lives of others.
Be kewl to yourself...
Ya know?
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Hey guys n gals. I am not kewl. I told God I would not take "the easy way out", because Jesus didn't cop out on me. My situation is still horrible, though thanks to a GSer, there is a glimmer of hope. There are times I am just non-functional with depression n the stroke effects, but I have to work.
I'm thinking of applying for Soc. Sec. Disability, but that will be a long, tedious road. I feel just overwhelmed by everything.
I feel I can still do God some good by sticking around and praying, if nothing else. Plus, my cashier job gives me the opportunity to brighten people's lives a little bit during the time I have with them, though it does not pay enough to pay the bills.
I know that God works with you whatever your profession/occupation to teach you. During a "good time", I pictured myself as working at "God's Store", helping people to find and obtain the things they need. I realized I was pretty "bold" in offering store programs I knew were good for them, and pictured myself helping someone with the Word just as boldly and efficiently (which I have not done in a long time).
A bit later that night, a guy comes in, and I say "Hi, can I help you find what you need?" He replies, "I'm not even sure where to start with my life." I reply" How about making Jesus Christ you Lord", (after looking around for managers n other customers). The guy smiled and replied "Wow, no kidding, that's just where I need to get to". Then a customer came to my register, and I lost track of the guy. But it seemed that God was working to bless me and others through me.
I am seeking pro help, Song, thanks. I have been down this road before, though not as drastically as this time. I am taking it a day at a time.
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This site helps me tremendously when I feel the things you describe.
June Hunt is the very most compassionate and understanding person I have ever heard handle the scriptures!
I came across her radio program (Hope in the Night) by accident and have been listening ever since.
She knows suffering all too well. She also knows how God and Jesus work in our lives during times of suffering.
You can listen to past radio programs right on your own computer, too.
Also, she has sent me much material at no cost to me because I could not afford to buy them.
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I so do empathise with you comparisons this road and this road again and many crossroads with no signs or maps, not even a four way stop sign the lonely intersection.
We might have even been in each others dust through such roads and crossroads hauling azz as fast the muscle machine can achieve and then red out rpms that delete the gas and no station in sight and skull and crossbones on the side of the road noticed while opening the trunk for the empty gas can and wonder why we drove so far without filling that empty gas can~~~
I am glad so glad you are seeking help. The next gas station is there. Fill up and I bet someone will give you a ride back to your vehicle of freedom to cruise along the freeway.
Rok On
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Thanks song and CW. I finally contacted a person at Soc. Services, she gave me some hope how things may work out.
BTW, CW, what's with the subliminal skull(?) on your graphic?
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posted September 30, 2004 23:24
"I am wondering if my wondering why if my not getting any help is why I am not getting any help. Thoughts? "
SelahV ~~~ How long were you involved TWI?
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It's good to read that you have some hope! Yay!
As for my sig graphic...
It's halloween season!
I do graphics for folks. The way I learn and practice techniques is via my sigs. Since it's halloween season, I thought I'd do a spooky sig with something that "jumps out" at folks.
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Cool CW. Song, I was TWI'd from '75 to when they started kicking people out who agreed with John Shoenheit's letter. I put my heart into it, went WOW four times, no Corps (thank GOD!), though I would've dug College Division, ran a fellowship of 40 people, etc. The ministry falling apart was traumatic for me, but looking back now, it was rancid at the top and deserved to die (it still does).
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I was involved 20 years '75 to '95, all class grad, Assistant Twig Co /Twig Co. Not familiar JSHOE's "letter", but know of many other letters that speak volumes. Never acquired WOW,WC,Reverend status~~~ thank my lucky stars
;)-->, but I was in no uncertain terms candidate for sure. And maybe even competition the presidency of the Body of Christ The HoseHold Of Gawd
if i wanted to kiss that much buttock!
Hey SelahV, your heart was and IS right on~~~ TWI slammed a many its deceit. I don't know what to say except continue the pro help and continue your love your self and others who do care.
Thank You for being here.
ps: do you dig Sherlock Holmes?
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