To address the original question -- God speaks all the time. Perhaps this thread should be titled "Why don't we listen more often".
quote: posted by Mr. P-Mosh:
So has anyone, honestly believed that "God" has talked to them in such a way that they can be 100% sure that it wasn't a temporary form of mental illness?
In a word -- yes. Without going into details, I once got myself into a jam, and had no way out of it. What I had done was criminal, and retribution was required. Being sorry did not cut it. I had no way of paying back the offended party. I don't normally "agonize" in prayer (perhaps I should more often), but I did that night, and I got an answer in the form of a friend's name visibly floating over my back yard, as I looked out the window.
Long story short. I called him up, confessed what I had done, and asked for help. I got it. He pulled me though the situation in more ways than one, and I thank God for it, and him.
My experience is not to be equated with the snowstorm on the gas-pumps, but it is not "a temporary form of mental illness" either. And may I say, mental illness is NOT NORMALLY temporary, and I think you are doing a dis-service to the entire disabled community by even bringing up such a statement as that.
You (imo) are making light of a very serious disorder that many suffer from, through no fault of their own. If you want to see mental disorders, don't just bandy about the term, come and work with me for a week (if you can handle it), and see what it is really like.
If someone (anyone) states their opinion because of conviction, it is not mental illness. Temporary, or otherwise.. -->
OK so this will be off the topic a little but........
I can loathe adultry and covetousness, which is the nut shell of the gospel anyway.......
but I don't see any good reason not to have a 1/2 pint of whiskey every three weeks and some good music also. (Falwell beware) YYYYYYYYYYYYeeeeeeeeehawwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww..
"On the way down, can you save me from myself.................................."
I just don't like what I feel like the next day when I drink a little. So I dont do it a lot.
I saw Jerry Falwell on TV the other day. He said he doesnt have a rule in his church that people can't watch movies. He said that "He , however doesnt watch them because there was nothing much good to see." I think thats very manipulative. To tell people its not wrong, but by "example" its not right. Thats what I hate about religion. They take away ordinary living, but refuse to kick the adulters out. Don't you think thats a little hypocritical Dee?
God wants fellowship with his creations. THats us. Not the trees or birds or any of that BS.
Yes I have heard him. I have had a prayer answered before I could finish it. That was when the prayer went right allong with what he God wanted. I have had prayers go as far as the ceiling when I was talking with myself. Whats the differance.
My relationship with God. When I'm walking with him I'm praying allong with him and where he wants me. I'm in fellowship with him. When I'm praying about myself for myself nothing.
All things come to those who love the Lord. They do because we want what the Lord wants.
Did my wonderful devoted christian wife go through hell on earth with cancer. YES. Why I don't know and I'll ask when I see God.
To all those of you who have a problem hearing God try and learn a differant language. At first you can know the words but understanding speech is another subject.
If you want to hear God find a place where you don't hear other things and distractions. Some people have closets. My best prayers and conversations with God are when I'm by myself driving down the highway with the radio turned off.
I think you hit the nail on the head. If communication with God doesn't bring me closer to his heart, its all pretty senseless. It really beats the "Thus saith the Lord thing" or "The Lord told me this" stuff also doesn't it? Personally, I find it aggravating when people quote what God said to them in order to exert there authority.
Or... "What kind of man is this that even the wind and waves obey him?" That's seems a direct reference to controling ones input and output of activity regarding thoughts through the head. please no renewed mind specialists necessary~~~i'm fine~~~
If God wants you to hear that small still quiet voice, I would imagine that even decibel levels a live LedZ concert could not quell the inner hearing.
Personally I prefer a burning bush (visual) and a voice (audio). A voice from the sky, sure. A talking A$$, big big money maker. Automatic writing on a wall works for me as well. NOW A staff turning into a serpent would be so the kewl. Imagine participating in a game of billiards with such a staff.
A quiet place may help one focus to still the minds wagging tongue but where is that quiet place? How quiet should that place be? Himalayas? ;)-->
Nature? hmmm... I can relate an experience.
I was at a crossroads. Ya know one of them kind with no stop signs.
I visited with a friend at the NW Ga /AlaBAMA line. 63 wooded acres joined to over 40,000 acres of Hunting Club.
Quiet during the day in so much we could hear the neighbors talking and laughing over a mile away. Could not make out the words but heard their voices & laughter. That's quiet.
Nightime entered. We sat and observed the black blue expanse the canopy and its collection of stars and quite the delightful show of meteors slicing that black/blue velvet. After criks in our necks developed and a few hours of conversation, we retired for the evening. They to the camper and I in a tent.
The forest began to speak. Overwhelmingly noisesome. Baying hound dogs and snorting horses and trumpets cracking the distant joining the din in progress. The evening was a lively ongoing tapestary of sound as well a lite faintly mist whispering above the silouete spires the forests trees.
The din was Noisome, but soothing to rest into sleep.
The quiet morning. I walked to the woods for a little relief. As I was relieving, I heard these "tsk tsk tsktsk tsk tsk tsktsk" teeny tiny percussion type sounds. I listened. (Wh ps, I then shake & zipped. sorri, did not mean to leave that hanging out there...) That tsk tsk tsktsk unsyncopated percussion type rythem continued and deep into the forest. I just listened till I knew what the sound became to my eyes. It was dew dripping from leaf & needle to the forest floor. I stayed for a long while.
Then a dawning Din of night or hush of morning light and "outside in the distance, a wild cat did growl." And a flood of thought streamed one after another solutions to that particular crossroad of my life. What was overwhelming the day before became nothing more than the "tsk tsk tsktsk."
Certainly a quiet mind is conducive to inner thoughts that spur one to good prudence in ordinary life and in life and death scenarios. Ya know, if ya drowning, do not panic! I hope I have enough sence to recognise that I can not extinguish a fire with shuttle fuel and to not confuse the instinct to go on green lite with that little teeny tinie intuition becomes a slight hesitation as a semi-trackter-trailor suddenly appears at 70 mph in a 45 zone ripping through that crossroads.
Here's a message from and for God that I heard once in a million time:
Goober, would you please bring forth a word of prophecy...
UH UHMMM~~~ Harken unto my words. Look neither to the left or to the right, keep your eyes steadfast upon me. For I am your God and your Father and my son does dwell deep with in you. My thoughts are higher than your thoughts.
You might find it interesting, that in the Assemblies of God, the prophesies I heard were along the same parallel.
I did have one experience tho, that was very different. On a couple of occasions I had some one lay hands on me and prophecy. On one particular occasion, what the person said was so direct and so precise about what I was experiencing, they could not have known it otherwise.
I think the scripture tells us to judge the prophecies. It also says that it convicts and people should be convinced that there hearts secrets are revealed.
God gave gifts unto men. The gifts are without repentance. I think it also says they were given to the rebellious. Therefore they are capable of being polluted or weak also.
I find it interesting in the Assemblies or otherwise that the parameters given for speaking in tongues are not followed. Especially the part "will they not say you are mad?" Sometimes I wonder if tongues outload wasnt for the express purpose of communicating to people whose language we dont know. In that particular context, God could choose to speak to whomever he willed.
You might find it interesting, that in the Assemblies of God, the prophesies I heard were along the same parallel.
Yeah dig it. I use to attend those meets for entertainment and learning value. Would even take the babes --> to experience what NOT TO DO during "manifestations". Hey who am I to correct their worship service? Man i'm kewl with it although I find the whole gift/manifestation trip foriegn to me anymore. Ya know , childish things~~~ heh heh
I did have one experience tho, that was very different. On a couple of occasions I had some one lay hands on me and prophecy. On one particular occasion, what the person said was so direct and so precise about what I was experiencing, they could not have known it otherwise.
Yepper, personally experienced that too!
And this one is also jewel:
A friend brings her friend. None of us knew him or anything about him. We did not even know he was to attend. Twig commenced in just a few of few moments. No time for chat. Got to the sit&i routine. The dude quickly stands during mid interpretation and quickly exited through the front door. We were a little perplexed. Steph told us all is well and would call later. And she left with the dude.
She called and revealed that in the interpretation was several direct messages to him concerning a specific situation known only between him and his fiance and that freaked his wig man. There was no way the person delivering the interpretation ever had any contact or personal information this fellow. Strange brew eh~~~
I think the scripture tells us to judge the prophecies. It also says that it convicts and people should be convinced that there hearts secrets are revealed.
Well sky4it, I certainly try to read all the fine print. Not much into conviction unless that conviction comes up with some "honest show me the money Thomas" type of proof. Then by evidence will I be convinced the secrets of mine heart of hearts to be made manifest whole when in the fullness of time shall REVEAL ALL WE CAN HANDLE. Scripts Say Something like dat don't 'dey.
God gave gifts unto men. The gifts are without repentance. I think it also says they were given to the rebellious. Therefore they are capable of being polluted or weak also.
Yup, can't have nuclear energy without a nuclear missle in the Kracker Jacks. Hey, we can either supply energy to whole cities or vaporise whole cities. What capabilities and gifts God has given unto human kind.
I find it interesting in the Assemblies or otherwise that the parameters given for speaking in tongues are not followed. Especially the part "will they not say you are mad?" Sometimes I wonder if tongues outload wasnt for the express purpose of communicating to people whose language we dont know. In that particular context, God could choose to speak to whomever he willed.
Hey sky4it, if they want to party, please don't start passing out tracts on the proper ussage of manifestations while flossing. Man they see it with a different set of rules. "... parameters... are not followed." That made me chuckle. I think much learning hath made us both mad.
Yeah sky4it, heard that one too (the latter portion your last paragraph). Ya know sky4it, I believed SIT was the proof of the internal reality of the eternal Christ within. Well, well~~~I
should of read the fine print. What is the proof that SIT is proof of anything beyound a learned response? hmmm
I read yah man. Especially the part about "strange brew", although i am not sure what you meant by that.
My mother, a lifetime Christian and now 80 years old, to this day is mystified by those who speak in tongues. I always told her" I can't explain it either Ma, but just cause you dont that dont make you a junior to their religion, which I think she felt like. I think she felt better when I said that, and I am always kinda greatful my Ma didn't have to go thru it.
1.A potent mixture of chemicals and or liquids in the form of words to stew a foreign concoction that blows smoke up ones keister [see "witches brew"]
2. A really funni movie.
3. A song on the"Disraeli Gears" album.
5. Any group of people waving from the TWI Light Zone. (see 1)
Definition provided by Same Song Inc.
And that is what I meant by "strange brew".
My Ma-Ma is also alifetimeChristian and approaching the age of 70 something. I am half a century and been privilege a 45 year witness her love for God. She has only been involved TWI via attendence 2 TWIgs in the late 70's. Thank God she is deaf!
Her love for the God of her understanding which involve the books of Genesis, Exodus, Psalms, The Four Gospels and a dash of Acts and a sprinkle Revelations and her experiences are more than I know. She loves Billy Graham and totally dislikes Oral Roberts. That kind of religious belief. Baptist to da bone. She still reminds me that I need to be " Baptised" via dunking. I just never have and probably never will, well maybe. Got to cover that base ya know ya never know.
I am surprised with a a smile that your mother at 80 years of age, " mystified by those who speak in tongues."
I did the SIT trip, "I spoke in tongues more than ye y'all ..." for TWInty years and a couple years after my departure from TWI and into the world of reality. I am still "mystified" its conundrum. Better "mystified" than "mesmerized".
AND i am not sure what you meant, ~~~ "...and I am always kinda greatful my Ma didn't have to go thru it."
AND i am not sure what you meant, ~~~ "...and I am always kinda greatful my Ma didn't have to go thru it."
Mainly that, speaking in tongues is no guarantee for spiritual sanity, and that I am happy my mother didn't have to endure the mayhem of the Jesus movement, and feel condemned for not speaking in tongues.
With respect to Babtism, I was dunked in the Assemblies. My mother, a lifetime lutheran has never been dunked and she's about as filled with the spirit as anyone I have ever known.
I thought it was amusing, Song, to have you say "I might cover that base just as well, - meaning babtism" I remember thats precisely what I was thinking when I took the plunge.
AND i am not sure what you meant, ~~~ "...and I am always kinda greatful my Ma didn't have to go thru it."
Mainly that, speaking in tongues is no guarantee for spiritual sanity, and that I am happy my mother didn't have to endure the mayhem of the Jesus movement, and feel condemned for not speaking in tongues.
i understand. My brother took the pfal in '78 and in the last session he could not speak in tongues. He never returned to the household. This was an event he to this day has not overcome. A plunge he has yet to recover.
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To address the original question -- God speaks all the time. Perhaps this thread should be titled "Why don't we listen more often".
In a word -- yes. Without going into details, I once got myself into a jam, and had no way out of it. What I had done was criminal, and retribution was required. Being sorry did not cut it. I had no way of paying back the offended party. I don't normally "agonize" in prayer (perhaps I should more often), but I did that night, and I got an answer in the form of a friend's name visibly floating over my back yard, as I looked out the window.
Long story short. I called him up, confessed what I had done, and asked for help. I got it. He pulled me though the situation in more ways than one, and I thank God for it, and him.
My experience is not to be equated with the snowstorm on the gas-pumps, but it is not "a temporary form of mental illness" either. And may I say, mental illness is NOT NORMALLY temporary, and I think you are doing a dis-service to the entire disabled community by even bringing up such a statement as that.
You (imo) are making light of a very serious disorder that many suffer from, through no fault of their own. If you want to see mental disorders, don't just bandy about the term, come and work with me for a week (if you can handle it), and see what it is really like.
If someone (anyone) states their opinion because of conviction, it is not mental illness. Temporary, or otherwise..
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OK so this will be off the topic a little but........
I can loathe adultry and covetousness, which is the nut shell of the gospel anyway.......
but I don't see any good reason not to have a 1/2 pint of whiskey every three weeks and some good music also. (Falwell beware) YYYYYYYYYYYYeeeeeeeeehawwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww..
"On the way down, can you save me from myself.................................."
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"a 1/2 pint?? and only every three weeks?" That is like 4 shots, every 3 weeks!
Guess you are not a picker then, eh??
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I just don't like what I feel like the next day when I drink a little. So I dont do it a lot.
I saw Jerry Falwell on TV the other day. He said he doesnt have a rule in his church that people can't watch movies. He said that "He , however doesnt watch them because there was nothing much good to see." I think thats very manipulative. To tell people its not wrong, but by "example" its not right. Thats what I hate about religion. They take away ordinary living, but refuse to kick the adulters out. Don't you think thats a little hypocritical Dee?
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What's with adultery stuff? You get burned or something?
The church isn't about kicking people out, but inviting them in and showing how God can make them better.
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see my comment to you on the altar thread. (and to abby)
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Time for this Texas Hick to weigh in.
God wants fellowship with his creations. THats us. Not the trees or birds or any of that BS.
Yes I have heard him. I have had a prayer answered before I could finish it. That was when the prayer went right allong with what he God wanted. I have had prayers go as far as the ceiling when I was talking with myself. Whats the differance.
My relationship with God. When I'm walking with him I'm praying allong with him and where he wants me. I'm in fellowship with him. When I'm praying about myself for myself nothing.
All things come to those who love the Lord. They do because we want what the Lord wants.
Did my wonderful devoted christian wife go through hell on earth with cancer. YES. Why I don't know and I'll ask when I see God.
To all those of you who have a problem hearing God try and learn a differant language. At first you can know the words but understanding speech is another subject.
If you want to hear God find a place where you don't hear other things and distractions. Some people have closets. My best prayers and conversations with God are when I'm by myself driving down the highway with the radio turned off.
I make mistakes but God always forgives.
Donald K
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I think you hit the nail on the head. If communication with God doesn't bring me closer to his heart, its all pretty senseless. It really beats the "Thus saith the Lord thing" or "The Lord told me this" stuff also doesn't it? Personally, I find it aggravating when people quote what God said to them in order to exert there authority.
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Ya know...
"Be still and know that I am God."
is a kewl gig to practice.
Or... "What kind of man is this that even the wind and waves obey him?" That's seems a direct reference to controling ones input and output of activity regarding thoughts through the head. please no renewed mind specialists necessary~~~i'm fine~~~
If God wants you to hear that small still quiet voice, I would imagine that even decibel levels a live LedZ concert could not quell the inner hearing.
Personally I prefer a burning bush (visual) and a voice (audio). A voice from the sky, sure. A talking A$$, big big money maker. Automatic writing on a wall works for me as well. NOW A staff turning into a serpent would be so the kewl. Imagine participating in a game of billiards with such a staff.
A quiet place may help one focus to still the minds wagging tongue but where is that quiet place? How quiet should that place be? Himalayas?
Nature? hmmm... I can relate an experience.
I was at a crossroads. Ya know one of them kind with no stop signs.
I visited with a friend at the NW Ga /AlaBAMA line. 63 wooded acres joined to over 40,000 acres of Hunting Club.
Quiet during the day in so much we could hear the neighbors talking and laughing over a mile away. Could not make out the words but heard their voices & laughter. That's quiet.
Nightime entered. We sat and observed the black blue expanse the canopy and its collection of stars and quite the delightful show of meteors slicing that black/blue velvet. After criks in our necks developed and a few hours of conversation, we retired for the evening. They to the camper and I in a tent.
The forest began to speak. Overwhelmingly noisesome. Baying hound dogs and snorting horses and trumpets cracking the distant joining the din in progress. The evening was a lively ongoing tapestary of sound as well a lite faintly mist whispering above the silouete spires the forests trees.
The din was Noisome, but soothing to rest into sleep.
The quiet morning. I walked to the woods for a little relief. As I was relieving, I heard these "tsk tsk tsktsk tsk tsk tsktsk" teeny tiny percussion type sounds. I listened. (Wh
ps, I then shake & zipped. sorri, did not mean to leave that hanging out there...) That tsk tsk tsktsk unsyncopated percussion type rythem continued and deep into the forest. I just listened till I knew what the sound became to my eyes. It was dew dripping from leaf & needle to the forest floor. I stayed for a long while.
Then a dawning Din of night or hush of morning light and "outside in the distance, a wild cat did growl." And a flood of thought streamed one after another solutions to that particular crossroad of my life. What was overwhelming the day before became nothing more than the "tsk tsk tsktsk."
Certainly a quiet mind is conducive to inner thoughts that spur one to good prudence in ordinary life and in life and death scenarios. Ya know, if ya drowning, do not panic! I hope I have enough sence to recognise that I can not extinguish a fire with shuttle fuel and to not confuse the instinct to go on green lite with that little teeny tinie intuition becomes a slight hesitation as a semi-trackter-trailor suddenly appears at 70 mph in a 45 zone ripping through that crossroads.
Two green lights can be confounding at times.
just a thot
Edited by oneyedjackswild1 psLink to comment
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Here's a message from and for God that I heard once in a million time:
Goober, would you please bring forth a word of prophecy...
UH UHMMM~~~ Harken unto my words. Look neither to the left or to the right, keep your eyes steadfast upon me. For I am your God and your Father and my son does dwell deep with in you. My thoughts are higher than your thoughts.
cough cough couhorcseoushghit
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You might find it interesting, that in the Assemblies of God, the prophesies I heard were along the same parallel.
I did have one experience tho, that was very different. On a couple of occasions I had some one lay hands on me and prophecy. On one particular occasion, what the person said was so direct and so precise about what I was experiencing, they could not have known it otherwise.
I think the scripture tells us to judge the prophecies. It also says that it convicts and people should be convinced that there hearts secrets are revealed.
God gave gifts unto men. The gifts are without repentance. I think it also says they were given to the rebellious. Therefore they are capable of being polluted or weak also.
I find it interesting in the Assemblies or otherwise that the parameters given for speaking in tongues are not followed. Especially the part "will they not say you are mad?" Sometimes I wonder if tongues outload wasnt for the express purpose of communicating to people whose language we dont know. In that particular context, God could choose to speak to whomever he willed.
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Hello sky4it.
You might find it interesting, that in the Assemblies of God, the prophesies I heard were along the same parallel.
Yeah dig it. I use to attend those meets for entertainment and learning value. Would even take the babes
--> to experience what NOT TO DO during "manifestations". Hey who am I to correct their worship service? Man i'm kewl with it although I find the whole gift/manifestation trip foriegn to me anymore. Ya know , childish things~~~ heh heh
I did have one experience tho, that was very different. On a couple of occasions I had some one lay hands on me and prophecy. On one particular occasion, what the person said was so direct and so precise about what I was experiencing, they could not have known it otherwise.
Yepper, personally experienced that too!
And this one is also jewel:
A friend brings her friend. None of us knew him or anything about him. We did not even know he was to attend. Twig commenced in just a few of few moments. No time for chat. Got to the sit&i routine. The dude quickly stands during mid interpretation and quickly exited through the front door. We were a little perplexed. Steph told us all is well and would call later. And she left with the dude.
She called and revealed that in the interpretation was several direct messages to him concerning a specific situation known only between him and his fiance and that freaked his wig man. There was no way the person delivering the interpretation ever had any contact or personal information this fellow. Strange brew eh~~~
I think the scripture tells us to judge the prophecies. It also says that it convicts and people should be convinced that there hearts secrets are revealed.
Well sky4it, I certainly try to read all the fine print. Not much into conviction unless that conviction comes up with some "honest show me the money Thomas" type of proof. Then by evidence will I be convinced the secrets of mine heart of hearts to be made manifest whole when in the fullness of time shall REVEAL ALL WE CAN HANDLE. Scripts Say Something like dat don't 'dey.
God gave gifts unto men. The gifts are without repentance. I think it also says they were given to the rebellious. Therefore they are capable of being polluted or weak also.
Yup, can't have nuclear energy without a nuclear missle in the Kracker Jacks. Hey, we can either supply energy to whole cities or vaporise whole cities. What capabilities and gifts God has given unto human kind.
I find it interesting in the Assemblies or otherwise that the parameters given for speaking in tongues are not followed. Especially the part "will they not say you are mad?" Sometimes I wonder if tongues outload wasnt for the express purpose of communicating to people whose language we dont know. In that particular context, God could choose to speak to whomever he willed.
Hey sky4it, if they want to party, please don't start passing out tracts on the proper ussage of manifestations while flossing. Man they see it with a different set of rules. "... parameters... are not followed." That made me chuckle. I think much learning hath made us both mad.
Yeah sky4it, heard that one too (the latter portion your last paragraph). Ya know sky4it, I believed SIT was the proof of the internal reality of the eternal Christ within. Well, well~~~I
should of read the fine print. What is the proof that SIT is proof of anything beyound a learned response? hmmm
Really strange brew man.
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I read yah man. Especially the part about "strange brew", although i am not sure what you meant by that.
My mother, a lifetime Christian and now 80 years old, to this day is mystified by those who speak in tongues. I always told her" I can't explain it either Ma, but just cause you dont that dont make you a junior to their religion, which I think she felt like. I think she felt better when I said that, and I am always kinda greatful my Ma didn't have to go thru it.
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dig it man
Main Entry: strange brew
Function: noun
1.A potent mixture of chemicals and or liquids in the form of words to stew a foreign concoction that blows smoke up ones keister [see "witches brew"]
2. A really funni movie.
3. A song on the"Disraeli Gears" album.
5. Any group of people waving from the TWI Light Zone. (see 1)
Definition provided by Same Song Inc.
And that is what I meant by "strange brew".
My Ma-Ma is also alifetimeChristian and approaching the age of 70 something. I am half a century and been privilege a 45 year witness her love for God. She has only been involved TWI via attendence 2 TWIgs in the late 70's. Thank God she is deaf!
Her love for the God of her understanding which involve the books of Genesis, Exodus, Psalms, The Four Gospels and a dash of Acts and a sprinkle Revelations and her experiences are more than I know. She loves Billy Graham and totally dislikes Oral Roberts. That kind of religious belief. Baptist to da bone. She still reminds me that I need to be " Baptised" via dunking. I just never have and probably never will, well maybe. Got to cover that base ya know ya never know.
I am surprised with a a smile that your mother at 80 years of age, " mystified by those who speak in tongues."
I did the SIT trip, "I spoke in tongues more than ye y'all ..." for TWInty years and a couple years after my departure from TWI and into the world of reality. I am still "mystified" its conundrum. Better "mystified" than "mesmerized".
AND i am not sure what you meant, ~~~ "...and I am always kinda greatful my Ma didn't have to go thru it."
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Your Comment:
AND i am not sure what you meant, ~~~ "...and I am always kinda greatful my Ma didn't have to go thru it."
Mainly that, speaking in tongues is no guarantee for spiritual sanity, and that I am happy my mother didn't have to endure the mayhem of the Jesus movement, and feel condemned for not speaking in tongues.
With respect to Babtism, I was dunked in the Assemblies. My mother, a lifetime lutheran has never been dunked and she's about as filled with the spirit as anyone I have ever known.
I thought it was amusing, Song, to have you say "I might cover that base just as well, - meaning babtism" I remember thats precisely what I was thinking when I took the plunge.
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posted October 07, 2004 19:55
Your Comment:
AND i am not sure what you meant, ~~~ "...and I am always kinda greatful my Ma didn't have to go thru it."
Mainly that, speaking in tongues is no guarantee for spiritual sanity, and that I am happy my mother didn't have to endure the mayhem of the Jesus movement, and feel condemned for not speaking in tongues.
i understand. My brother took the pfal in '78 and in the last session he could not speak in tongues. He never returned to the household. This was an event he to this day has not overcome. A plunge he has yet to recover.
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Hey Paw:
could i make up my own slogan?
How about "Needs his Teddy Bear"
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Tiger in a Cage
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