Of course it says he is slow to speak, but that doesnt mean when he does he doesnt have a lot to say.
Could it be that if he would speak to us more we would misunderstand it? Personally, I dont think the Lord wants to communicate with us in such a way that everything he says is" Thus saith the Lord"
which is kinda of like every word he speaks has to have a be in permanant marker. Perhaps communion is the ticket also, a method of communication of our spirit with his.
With respect to speaking to us, I think he wants to speak to us. We have this way of manipulating things not only in his written word but also in what he says. The key therefore I think is a clean heart. Sometimes if we think he has said something to us, perhaps it is better to let him explain his words down the road. This isnt any different than what we would do with anyone elses words, what some people say can easily be misunderstood.
any thoughts?
What a wonderful post skylit!
I loved every word you wrote. the part about hearing it better down the road is so important.
We grow up into understanding God and His will for our life.
I can not tell a two year old how to drive a car across the state or how to do complex math problems much less why we should .
this is been my life with christ learning the hard way I think after I am in trouble and desperate I realize He did try to tell me and I couldnt hear it then, I was not able to understand , Ididnt trust I didnt believe it was possible for the blessing, or I had what I thought was a better idea that didnt work at all but continued anyway.
He spoke in parables to his students as a teacher storys that taught in a way they will relate to and remember. like my life is the story I learn is now a parable of His wisdom through my life.
I do question and doubt hopefully less as time goes on and He keeps loving me.
I think He speaks in nature as well . He speaks in everything to me. Knowing what is written helps explain when I get confused about what it all may mean . As we grow up in life we come to a place we know ourself our limits our abilities how we will react or think we find peace in what life is, and when we are old and ready to die we realize much about the why of it all .
I think it is the same with growing up to what christ sets as a standard for what God wants in our life.
Maybe he does, but we just aren't very good at hearing Him.
Ahh, Abigail, at last we agree on something.
Perhaps that is why it was said " to take heed to what we hear" Hearing is the difficult part, for how do we hear it? Do we hear it in a window of manipulation where we want to make it work in a manner that is to our understanding or benefit? Or do we hear it in a way which says I can understand what it means thru God's explanation.
The other issue is more profound. Don't you think God who invented humor would like to participate in humor with his own actions and words. Everything with him in our review mirror is always so serious that we need a bit of salt to understand he ways of communication are not always obstinate and serious, don't your think?
MJ: nice post. Interesting that the Lord himself many times used nature (seeds, lillies and trees) to explain himself, giving testimony once again that nature itself is a testimony to the glory of God. As with any relationship, but more importantly with the Lord, I think if we do what we know, we will get more to do in the form of words and his action. Leaving an impression on the Lord from the standpoint of being a doer, I think is pivotal.
The question implies that God DOES speak to you. I'm not sure that I can even make that assumption. It's a comforting thought, but is it true? I remember twi talking about "first thought" and I keep hearing different versions of the "quiet seas" idea...when my friend Joe talks to me, I have no problem deciding if that was my own thoughts or if that was really Joe. When Joe is speaking, I don't have to "quiet myself" and get peaceful in order to "receive" Joe's words. In fact Joe can be talking to me when my mind is anxious and full of fear...and I can STILL hear Joe. Why is Joe seemingly more efficient at his communication skills than God?
I've mulled over such a question myself...how come a divine voice is so hard to know when I can distinguish the voices of friends and family from clear across the room?
The concept of "god" is an abstract concept...a figment of imagination if you will...contained within our minds...not corporeal...not "real" in 3d.
So, quite literally, "god" is an expression of the divine within ourselves.
Because of this it is difficult for people to sift through all the stuff that crowds the forefront of one's mind on a day-to-day basis and get to the divine within ourselves.
Also, most people have had the idea of being divine within so pounded down and belittled that they are not sure that it even exists. Some will even deny its existence. Some will even consider the very idea "evil".
We live in a world that is based upon self doubt.
Is it any wonder that we pay more attention to, and, therefore, can communicate with, what's outside of ourselves than what is inside of ourselves?
I was talking about this with a friend just the other day.
CW, I agree with you and just to add to what you posted:
We talk about kids seeing God as an old man with the long, white beard and say they have matured to recognize God as spirit, but we never grow past that.
Isn't it "God in Christ in You"? Then holy spirit and Holy Spirit are one in the same. We have God in us and that's the source of our inner voice (barring any emotional or psychological imbalances).
Think of God as the ocean and we're droplets of water that make up that ocean. That's why Jesus Christ said, "My Father and I are one" and "I am in Him and He is in me". When you look at the Bible with this perspective things make more sense than they did to me when I was trying to make VP's interpretation fit into that glove.
"Think of God as the ocean and we're droplets of water that make up that ocean. That's why Jesus Christ said, "My Father and I are one" and "I am in Him and He is in me". "
Saw a movie that had this story in it about a little wave that was very sad because the bigger waves were going to crash into it and it was afraid it would cease to exist. The bigger wave said - look, we are waves in an ocean, we are all apart of the same thing and we will never cease to exist.
Something like that - I'm telling it very badly but thought you would get the idea anyway.
So, quite literally, "god" is an expression of the divine within ourselves."
Yes, we all have the spark and we can (when we figure out how) utlize that spark to draw down more sparks from God.
"Also, most people have had the idea of being divine within so pounded down and belittled that they are not sure that it even exists. Some will even deny its existence. Some will even consider the very idea "evil".
We live in a world that is based upon self doubt.
Is it any wonder that we pay more attention to, and, therefore, can communicate with, what's outside of ourselves than what is inside of ourselves? "
Well said!
"Perhaps that is why it was said " to take heed to what we hear" Hearing is the difficult part, for how do we hear it? Do we hear it in a window of manipulation where we want to make it work in a manner that is to our understanding or benefit? Or do we hear it in a way which says I can understand what it means thru God's explanation."
Not entirely sure I am following you here. But if you are referring to hearing it via the Bible v hearing the "still quiet voice" of God, I'll take the still quiet voice. That is not to say I think the entire Bible is bunk, but there are many inspired writings and even more inspired interpretations. I will take what I hear over what someone else hears any day of the week. That is not to say I am more right than you, it is just to say what I hear is right for me and what you hear is right for you.
I think the scripture that says take heed what you hear, means that we can hear things differently. There is a correct way to hear and an incorrect way to hear or else why take heed to hearing. Thats all I am saying.
Your comment:
To every man his own truth and his own God within.
Uh ok abby, as long as its the one true God from within.
And I know thats a scary thought. Because if anyone says that they presume authority from God.
This always bothered me also about those who said the Lord told me this and the Lord told me that. In my experience, 99.9 percent of things are handled by wisdom , growth and experience.
The words of God are always easy to be intreated and gentle. Mens spirits are not. So the word becomes convoluted or twisted.
Topically I bring it up to distance myself from the Thus saith the Lord thing. I think communication with him can be more intimate than that and not like hearing words that are like cement roads.
"Uh ok abby, as long as its the one true God from within."
1. God can take on whatever form/concept/ideology He needs to in order to reach people or allow people to reach Him. He is not concrete, but will become whatever He will become.
2. Why, "Uh ok abby, as long as its the one true God from within." ?
Do you think anyone of us always hears God perfectly and never mixes up what God is telling us with what we are telling ourselves?
We are human, Sky. We are allowed to be imperfect, which is a darned good thing. Most of the time I don't get too caught up in worrying about whether something is from God or not, I just do what I believe is right.
If it turns out I am wrong, I will learn from that as well. No big deal. I'm not perfect and I don't feel an overwhelming need to try to be perfect or to pretend/imagine that I ever will be perfect in this lifetime.
When we get so caught up in second guessing God or ourselves it just makes it even more difficult to hear.
I agree with everything you said with one exception. It seems to me the point of the gospel is to be "perfected" or be found without spot and blame in Christ. Therefore if that goal isnt chased after, the "hearing" will never come out right. Don't you think?
your comment:
Do you think anyone of us always hears God perfectly and never mixes up what God is telling us with what we are telling ourselves?
Thats one of the reasons I like to listen to my dreams. Your right, it is difficult to sort out what you think the spirit is saying versus the reasoning of your own mind.
Interestingly, the Point of the Word of God is to seperate "the thoughts and intents of our hearts" I think if we let it do that, which voice is which can be more clear.
Yah know Geo, I can live with what you say about not believing God exists, can you live with it tho?
When the Lord shows up some day, I just hope your not disappointed.
Your comment:
Gee, why doesn't God speak to us?
I bet I can think of a reason...
yeah well guess what Geo, so can I think of reasons.
Will we then have to have a reason why he spoke after we heard his voice also?
My point is that to not believe God exixts, is willful ignorance, and that is written in Peter also. And if you take my point hard or think I am bieng difficult on you, no I am not Geo.
Isn't it better to be in your face about something that is wrong than coddling something you know is not true? Therefore I think its considerate for me to take a swipe at you.
UncleHairy (the poster here at GSC...not vpw's brother...lol) said something awhile ago that has stayed with me and helped me quite a bit spiritually...and geeze...now that I think about it...I hope it was UH...eeek!
He pointed out how odd it is to say "I believe in God".
We don't go around saying "I believe in Abigail" as proof that we know Abigail exists and that she is our friend.
We don't go calling Abigail on the telephone and saying, "Dear Abby, I believe in you. I believe in your children. I believe in your words. Hear me now and treat me like the friend you say you are to me and give me what I ask for..."
We don't go around telling people, "If you don't believe in Abigail, you're going to be sorry!"
We don't run around all over the green earth and every message board screaming, "I know Abigail! I know Abigail! Save yourselves and come meet Abigail."
We don't get a telephone call from Abigail and spend the rest of the week wondering if it was Abigail...or if we were mentally deranged to even think we may get a telephone call from Abigail.
Abigail certainly does not demand of us to meet every single person with whom we ever come into contact.
Abigail does not demand of us to draw a line in the sand and say, "Everybody for Abigail stand with me. Everybody against Abigail stand on the other side of the line...then prepare for your doom." (Maybe the elementary schoolyard Abigail may have...but I don't think she would have done so more than once. :D--> )
I'll bet that Abigail would be horrified to find out that anybody was doing any such things I've mentioned above in her name.
I'll bet she'd be especially horrified to find out that anybody ever killed in her name.
So why, then, must we treat Jesus as a spoiled rotten elementary schoolyard little boy?
Why must we treat Jesus as if he is the product of a sick mind?
When Jesus wants to talk to us, he talks to us. His voice is unmistakeable. It is promised that his voice is unmistakeable.
Jesus declares of himself that he is the Way, the Truth and the Life.
Jesus declares of himself that he is the only way unto the father.
The bible declares him as the mediator between God and man.
The bible promises that if you seek, you will find.
The bible promises that God is a good father and will not give us a scorpion when we ask for an egg, or a stone when we ask for bread.
So, if a person has any reasoning ability at all, one must conclude that if one is seeking the Truth, one will always find Jesus. There is just no other biblical option.
Therefore, it does not matter what one calls what one has found after one has sought the Truth.
Biblically speaking, the only option when seeking the Truth is to find Jesus.
Everything else is just a battle of words and opinions.
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Maybe he does, but we just aren't very good at hearing Him.
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God First
Hi Beloved friends
Yes Abigail is right God and Jesus Christ are allways speaking to us either by words or feeling or any other way they use
We just live at a fast run and do not take time to listen to them Just like when driving how must natural do you miss
But when you stop to enjoy natural you even see the ant working hard to get a job done
It all about slowing down our lives so we can enjoy the full love of God and the full power of the gift of Christ in us
with love and an holy kiss Roy
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I think he does. Its a thought, an idea, a mind picture, a knowingness.
I think we are bombarded with so much info, the demands of daily life, etc., we forget to be still.
If we carry an awareness of him with us - I think we'd be surprised how much he does communicate.
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What a wonderful post skylit!
I loved every word you wrote. the part about hearing it better down the road is so important.
We grow up into understanding God and His will for our life.
I can not tell a two year old how to drive a car across the state or how to do complex math problems much less why we should .
this is been my life with christ learning the hard way I think after I am in trouble and desperate I realize He did try to tell me and I couldnt hear it then, I was not able to understand , Ididnt trust I didnt believe it was possible for the blessing, or I had what I thought was a better idea that didnt work at all but continued anyway.
He spoke in parables to his students as a teacher storys that taught in a way they will relate to and remember. like my life is the story I learn is now a parable of His wisdom through my life.
I do question and doubt hopefully less as time goes on and He keeps loving me.
I think He speaks in nature as well . He speaks in everything to me. Knowing what is written helps explain when I get confused about what it all may mean . As we grow up in life we come to a place we know ourself our limits our abilities how we will react or think we find peace in what life is, and when we are old and ready to die we realize much about the why of it all .
I think it is the same with growing up to what christ sets as a standard for what God wants in our life.
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IMO, this post says it all and bears repeating.
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your comment:
Maybe he does, but we just aren't very good at hearing Him.
Ahh, Abigail, at last we agree on something.
Perhaps that is why it was said " to take heed to what we hear" Hearing is the difficult part, for how do we hear it? Do we hear it in a window of manipulation where we want to make it work in a manner that is to our understanding or benefit? Or do we hear it in a way which says I can understand what it means thru God's explanation.
The other issue is more profound. Don't you think God who invented humor would like to participate in humor with his own actions and words. Everything with him in our review mirror is always so serious that we need a bit of salt to understand he ways of communication are not always obstinate and serious, don't your think?
MJ: nice post. Interesting that the Lord himself many times used nature (seeds, lillies and trees) to explain himself, giving testimony once again that nature itself is a testimony to the glory of God. As with any relationship, but more importantly with the Lord, I think if we do what we know, we will get more to do in the form of words and his action. Leaving an impression on the Lord from the standpoint of being a doer, I think is pivotal.
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"Why doesn't God speak to us more often?"
The question implies that God DOES speak to you. I'm not sure that I can even make that assumption. It's a comforting thought, but is it true? I remember twi talking about "first thought" and I keep hearing different versions of the "quiet seas" idea...when my friend Joe talks to me, I have no problem deciding if that was my own thoughts or if that was really Joe. When Joe is speaking, I don't have to "quiet myself" and get peaceful in order to "receive" Joe's words. In fact Joe can be talking to me when my mind is anxious and full of fear...and I can STILL hear Joe. Why is Joe seemingly more efficient at his communication skills than God?
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Trefor Heywood
One good thing VPW said in Piffle was about God always telling you first, not somebody else coming up sand saying "God told me to tell you..."
In Jonah, the voice of God is in the still small voice, not in the earthquake, wind or fire.
He can only speak when we want to hear and are prepared to listen.
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I've mulled over such a question myself...how come a divine voice is so hard to know when I can distinguish the voices of friends and family from clear across the room?
The concept of "god" is an abstract concept...a figment of imagination if you will...contained within our minds...not corporeal...not "real" in 3d.
So, quite literally, "god" is an expression of the divine within ourselves.
Because of this it is difficult for people to sift through all the stuff that crowds the forefront of one's mind on a day-to-day basis and get to the divine within ourselves.
Also, most people have had the idea of being divine within so pounded down and belittled that they are not sure that it even exists. Some will even deny its existence. Some will even consider the very idea "evil".
We live in a world that is based upon self doubt.
Is it any wonder that we pay more attention to, and, therefore, can communicate with, what's outside of ourselves than what is inside of ourselves?
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I was talking about this with a friend just the other day.
CW, I agree with you and just to add to what you posted:
We talk about kids seeing God as an old man with the long, white beard and say they have matured to recognize God as spirit, but we never grow past that.
Isn't it "God in Christ in You"? Then holy spirit and Holy Spirit are one in the same. We have God in us and that's the source of our inner voice (barring any emotional or psychological imbalances).
Think of God as the ocean and we're droplets of water that make up that ocean. That's why Jesus Christ said, "My Father and I are one" and "I am in Him and He is in me". When you look at the Bible with this perspective things make more sense than they did to me when I was trying to make VP's interpretation fit into that glove.
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Yep. Makes me go hmmmm.
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uncle hairy
I agree . it seems rather a complex formula for understanding .
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"Think of God as the ocean and we're droplets of water that make up that ocean. That's why Jesus Christ said, "My Father and I are one" and "I am in Him and He is in me". "
Saw a movie that had this story in it about a little wave that was very sad because the bigger waves were going to crash into it and it was afraid it would cease to exist. The bigger wave said - look, we are waves in an ocean, we are all apart of the same thing and we will never cease to exist.
Something like that - I'm telling it very badly but thought you would get the idea anyway.
So, quite literally, "god" is an expression of the divine within ourselves."
Yes, we all have the spark and we can (when we figure out how) utlize that spark to draw down more sparks from God.
"Also, most people have had the idea of being divine within so pounded down and belittled that they are not sure that it even exists. Some will even deny its existence. Some will even consider the very idea "evil".
We live in a world that is based upon self doubt.
Is it any wonder that we pay more attention to, and, therefore, can communicate with, what's outside of ourselves than what is inside of ourselves? "
Well said!
"Perhaps that is why it was said " to take heed to what we hear" Hearing is the difficult part, for how do we hear it? Do we hear it in a window of manipulation where we want to make it work in a manner that is to our understanding or benefit? Or do we hear it in a way which says I can understand what it means thru God's explanation."
Not entirely sure I am following you here. But if you are referring to hearing it via the Bible v hearing the "still quiet voice" of God, I'll take the still quiet voice. That is not to say I think the entire Bible is bunk, but there are many inspired writings and even more inspired interpretations. I will take what I hear over what someone else hears any day of the week. That is not to say I am more right than you, it is just to say what I hear is right for me and what you hear is right for you.
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This is a premium subject!
When my computer re-installation(s) are over there are many things I'd like to post here.
Right now I'm hung up on asking Him for revelation(s) to help me get over the computer blues. It seems to be working.
Here's a tid-bit to offer now: Does God have a budget?
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I think the scripture that says take heed what you hear, means that we can hear things differently. There is a correct way to hear and an incorrect way to hear or else why take heed to hearing. Thats all I am saying.
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To every man his own truth and his own God within.
Uh ok abby, as long as its the one true God from within.
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Uncle Harry:
your comment:
The question implies that God DOES speak to you.
And I know thats a scary thought. Because if anyone says that they presume authority from God.
This always bothered me also about those who said the Lord told me this and the Lord told me that. In my experience, 99.9 percent of things are handled by wisdom , growth and experience.
The words of God are always easy to be intreated and gentle. Mens spirits are not. So the word becomes convoluted or twisted.
Topically I bring it up to distance myself from the Thus saith the Lord thing. I think communication with him can be more intimate than that and not like hearing words that are like cement roads.
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George Aar
Gee, why doesn't God speak to us?
I bet I can think of a reason...
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"Uh ok abby, as long as its the one true God from within."
1. God can take on whatever form/concept/ideology He needs to in order to reach people or allow people to reach Him. He is not concrete, but will become whatever He will become.
2. Why, "Uh ok abby, as long as its the one true God from within." ?
Do you think anyone of us always hears God perfectly and never mixes up what God is telling us with what we are telling ourselves?
We are human, Sky. We are allowed to be imperfect, which is a darned good thing. Most of the time I don't get too caught up in worrying about whether something is from God or not, I just do what I believe is right.
If it turns out I am wrong, I will learn from that as well. No big deal. I'm not perfect and I don't feel an overwhelming need to try to be perfect or to pretend/imagine that I ever will be perfect in this lifetime.
When we get so caught up in second guessing God or ourselves it just makes it even more difficult to hear.
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voices have to be checked as well. many of the serial killers also heard the voice of god commanding them to do horrid crimes.
mental illness can cause voices to apear as if an inner message is dictating behaviours .
some have claimed to be heeding for God and hundreds have been killed ath their hand.
did you lose your ears again?
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George Aar
did you lose your ears again?"
Nope, just my "God"...
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I agree with everything you said with one exception. It seems to me the point of the gospel is to be "perfected" or be found without spot and blame in Christ. Therefore if that goal isnt chased after, the "hearing" will never come out right. Don't you think?
your comment:
Do you think anyone of us always hears God perfectly and never mixes up what God is telling us with what we are telling ourselves?
Thats one of the reasons I like to listen to my dreams. Your right, it is difficult to sort out what you think the spirit is saying versus the reasoning of your own mind.
Interestingly, the Point of the Word of God is to seperate "the thoughts and intents of our hearts" I think if we let it do that, which voice is which can be more clear.
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Yah know Geo, I can live with what you say about not believing God exists, can you live with it tho?
When the Lord shows up some day, I just hope your not disappointed.
Your comment:
Gee, why doesn't God speak to us?
I bet I can think of a reason...
yeah well guess what Geo, so can I think of reasons.
Will we then have to have a reason why he spoke after we heard his voice also?
My point is that to not believe God exixts, is willful ignorance, and that is written in Peter also. And if you take my point hard or think I am bieng difficult on you, no I am not Geo.
Isn't it better to be in your face about something that is wrong than coddling something you know is not true? Therefore I think its considerate for me to take a swipe at you.
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UncleHairy (the poster here at GSC...not vpw's brother...lol) said something awhile ago that has stayed with me and helped me quite a bit spiritually...and geeze...now that I think about it...I hope it was UH...eeek!
He pointed out how odd it is to say "I believe in God".
We don't go around saying "I believe in Abigail" as proof that we know Abigail exists and that she is our friend.
We don't go calling Abigail on the telephone and saying, "Dear Abby, I believe in you. I believe in your children. I believe in your words. Hear me now and treat me like the friend you say you are to me and give me what I ask for..."
We don't go around telling people, "If you don't believe in Abigail, you're going to be sorry!"
We don't run around all over the green earth and every message board screaming, "I know Abigail! I know Abigail! Save yourselves and come meet Abigail."
We don't get a telephone call from Abigail and spend the rest of the week wondering if it was Abigail...or if we were mentally deranged to even think we may get a telephone call from Abigail.
Abigail certainly does not demand of us to meet every single person with whom we ever come into contact.
Abigail does not demand of us to draw a line in the sand and say, "Everybody for Abigail stand with me. Everybody against Abigail stand on the other side of the line...then prepare for your doom." (Maybe the elementary schoolyard Abigail may have...but I don't think she would have done so more than once.
:D--> )
I'll bet that Abigail would be horrified to find out that anybody was doing any such things I've mentioned above in her name.
I'll bet she'd be especially horrified to find out that anybody ever killed in her name.
So why, then, must we treat Jesus as a spoiled rotten elementary schoolyard little boy?
Why must we treat Jesus as if he is the product of a sick mind?
When Jesus wants to talk to us, he talks to us. His voice is unmistakeable. It is promised that his voice is unmistakeable.
Jesus declares of himself that he is the Way, the Truth and the Life.
Jesus declares of himself that he is the only way unto the father.
The bible declares him as the mediator between God and man.
The bible promises that if you seek, you will find.
The bible promises that God is a good father and will not give us a scorpion when we ask for an egg, or a stone when we ask for bread.
So, if a person has any reasoning ability at all, one must conclude that if one is seeking the Truth, one will always find Jesus. There is just no other biblical option.
Therefore, it does not matter what one calls what one has found after one has sought the Truth.
Biblically speaking, the only option when seeking the Truth is to find Jesus.
Everything else is just a battle of words and opinions.
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