I personally don't worry about the end times anymore. There are a lot of "doomsday" prophets who all told failed prophecies throughout history. The coming of Christ here on Earth 2000 years ago didn't quite meet up to the expectations of the Jews. Somehow, likewise, I think the end times will also be anything but what we have expected it to be. I personally no longer believe in the "Return of Christ". I do believe the warning about the anti-christ however and feel many Christians are in danger of being fooled by this character.
However if Jesus does return, he WILL NOT force anyone to pledge allegiance to him under the penalty of torture and/or death. I'd be very very careful of anyone who demands such at such a consequence. It seems to me that this is the Jesus that is being popularly promoted (you know, you either accept Jesus as your PERSONAL Lord and Saviour, or you're going to suffer for all eternity in the fires of hell!) A true saviour doesn't demand that kind of devotion and surely would never subject you to torture for non-compliance.
Guess that I don`t worry about it too much one way or the other...it will either happen or it won`t....all of my hoping and wishing or anticipating will not change the date or hour ...nor will it alter my daily responsibilities in this world.
Re:"I hope leaving the way hasn't stop us from believing in the rapture of the church."
Geeze Louise, Joyful.. Don't know how to tell you this exactly but.... they cancelled the Rapture a few years back. Yep. Had something to do with the "crossing over" into Jordan being succesful or some such but I have it on the best authority. Trust me on this.
Yeah, since now when you die you just stay in that grave forever, a bunch of us are getting us up a drinking and smoking dope club. You interested in joining per chance?? I understand there's going to be some wild and crazy guys and dolls there!
I like that quote CKnapp3 --- What goes up, must come down!
but let me add when our seed is put in our mother it comes out WE call that birth some live some not but its still comes out
So when we are put in this fleshly earth by a spiritual father/mother our God we must come out of this fleshly world unto a spiritual one either spiritual life or spiritual death
So what goes in the ground must come out at the return of Christ
Now there be debates on when and how but the main point is it must come out of the ground
even it as part of a tree or plant than ate my an animal and put back into the ground
the are many turns in things from life to dust to life
from flesh to spirit
but when Christ kills death than it will end with spirit
and this, on a Sunday morning no less, is what comes to mind...Col. 15:19.
I long for the return of Christ -for the pure, unadulterated joy of it.
What a day that will be.
I have no doubt whatever that I will have fallen short yadda yadda...but I take great comfort in knowing that I will be embraced and have been forgiven, accepted, wanted and included in the purchased action package mapped out by God and seen thru by Christ...Gives me the zoom to get thru another set of days, often.
I don't view it as a reward (or a comeuppance) for having pledged allegiance to God or any prescribed (or proscribed) religion - nor as a no-fault spiritual insurance plan giving license to do whatever without consequence, but, as a day to be reckoned with.
But in all seriousness mankinds been through alot of strange and calamatious times whole civilizations have dissapeared or been broken apart so I'm not too very worried about the current goings on (not to mention powerless to do anything about it if it is the last times).
I am bothered by these telvangelists who are preying on peoples uncertaintites and fears by playing the rapture card I consider them lower than the lowest scum for using God's name for their profit and benefit.
Chatty ya gots to be initiated at the weenie roast after making a suitable *donation* to the *let's get sudo more pear squeezin's* fund.
Herbie I'll not lie to you again and tell you I will be there. But iffin' that's the only way I can be invited...well...the thought of hanging out with the likes of you folks...SWEET! ;)-->
Now tell me about that "donation" yall need. But I think Sudo is having way too much fun in all this. I mean he gets to pole dance and now you say he is gonna need more pear squeezin's funds. So why does he get to...never mind. So what does that mean anyway? :)-->
and this, on a Sunday morning no less, is what comes to mind...Col. 15:19.
I long for the return of Christ -for the pure, unadulterated joy of it.
What a day that will be.
I have no doubt whatever that I will have fallen short yadda yadda...but I take great comfort in knowing that I will be embraced and have been forgiven, accepted, wanted and included in the purchased action package mapped out by God and seen thru by Christ...Gives me the zoom to get thru another set of days, often.
I don't view it as a reward (or a comeuppance) for having pledged allegiance to God or any prescribed (or proscribed) religion - nor as a no-fault spiritual insurance plan giving license to do whatever without consequence, but, as a day to be reckoned with.
I ain't skeered, but I is excited.
quote:You meant 1 Cor.15:19, right?
Me: No, I think what Matilda posted was the modern epistle of Col. 15:19. And I thought it was as fine as anything I've seen attributed to St. Paul's spirit, followed by the mystical Protoevangel of Roy.
quote: Yeah, since now when you die you just stay in that grave forever, a bunch of us are getting us up a drinking and smoking dope club. You interested in joining per chance?? I understand there's going to be some wild and crazy guys and dolls there!
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I personally don't worry about the end times anymore. There are a lot of "doomsday" prophets who all told failed prophecies throughout history. The coming of Christ here on Earth 2000 years ago didn't quite meet up to the expectations of the Jews. Somehow, likewise, I think the end times will also be anything but what we have expected it to be. I personally no longer believe in the "Return of Christ". I do believe the warning about the anti-christ however and feel many Christians are in danger of being fooled by this character.
However if Jesus does return, he WILL NOT force anyone to pledge allegiance to him under the penalty of torture and/or death. I'd be very very careful of anyone who demands such at such a consequence. It seems to me that this is the Jesus that is being popularly promoted (you know, you either accept Jesus as your PERSONAL Lord and Saviour, or you're going to suffer for all eternity in the fires of hell!) A true saviour doesn't demand that kind of devotion and surely would never subject you to torture for non-compliance.
My thoughts on the matter.
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Guess that I don`t worry about it too much one way or the other...it will either happen or it won`t....all of my hoping and wishing or anticipating will not change the date or hour ...nor will it alter my daily responsibilities in this world.
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Re:"I hope leaving the way hasn't stop us from believing in the rapture of the church."
Geeze Louise, Joyful.. Don't know how to tell you this exactly but.... they cancelled the Rapture a few years back. Yep. Had something to do with the "crossing over" into Jordan being succesful or some such but I have it on the best authority. Trust me on this.
Yeah, since now when you die you just stay in that grave forever, a bunch of us are getting us up a drinking and smoking dope club. You interested in joining per chance?? I understand there's going to be some wild and crazy guys and dolls there!
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How do you go about getting invited?
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George Aar
Can we fornicate too? (I hope I still know how)
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CKnapp3 --- What goes up, must come down!
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God first
Hi Beloved friend
I like that quote CKnapp3 --- What goes up, must come down!
but let me add when our seed is put in our mother it comes out WE call that birth some live some not but its still comes out
So when we are put in this fleshly earth by a spiritual father/mother our God we must come out of this fleshly world unto a spiritual one either spiritual life or spiritual death
So what goes in the ground must come out at the return of Christ
Now there be debates on when and how but the main point is it must come out of the ground
even it as part of a tree or plant than ate my an animal and put back into the ground
the are many turns in things from life to dust to life
from flesh to spirit
but when Christ kills death than it will end with spirit
I hope you can make some sence of this
with love Roy
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Says who?
:D--> BTW why do the space probes that we send up to inspect Mars, Jupiter, and other planets never come down?
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Roy, that wasn't my quote, that was dmiller's. BTW read my response above to it
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Oh yes, and I DO have a hobby already, it's my computer and the internet
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God first
Hi Beloved CKnapp3
Sorry I just had the ideal it was your quote from another place the way he wrote it sorry but I still like it
with love Roy
Hi Beloved DMiller
good quote sorry I miss understood
with love Roy
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and this, on a Sunday morning no less, is what comes to mind...Col. 15:19.
I long for the return of Christ -for the pure, unadulterated joy of it.
What a day that will be.
I have no doubt whatever that I will have fallen short yadda yadda...but I take great comfort in knowing that I will be embraced and have been forgiven, accepted, wanted and included in the purchased action package mapped out by God and seen thru by Christ...Gives me the zoom to get thru another set of days, often.
I don't view it as a reward (or a comeuppance) for having pledged allegiance to God or any prescribed (or proscribed) religion - nor as a no-fault spiritual insurance plan giving license to do whatever without consequence, but, as a day to be reckoned with.
I ain't skeered, but I is excited.
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Ha! Good one. Ya got me there.
Guess we'll just have to ask Jesus when He returns, eh?
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You meant 1 Cor.15:19, right?
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Chatty ya gots to be initiated at the weenie roast after making a suitable *donation* to the *let's get sudo more pear squeezin's* fund.
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But in all seriousness mankinds been through alot of strange and calamatious times whole civilizations have dissapeared or been broken apart so I'm not too very worried about the current goings on (not to mention powerless to do anything about it if it is the last times).
I am bothered by these telvangelists who are preying on peoples uncertaintites and fears by playing the rapture card I consider them lower than the lowest scum for using God's name for their profit and benefit.
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Herbie I'll not lie to you again and tell you I will be there. But iffin' that's the only way I can be invited...well...the thought of hanging out with the likes of you folks...SWEET!
Now tell me about that "donation" yall need. But I think Sudo is having way too much fun in all this. I mean he gets to pole dance and now you say he is gonna need more pear squeezin's funds. So why does he get to...never mind. So what does that mean anyway?
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Me: No, I think what Matilda posted was the modern epistle of Col. 15:19. And I thought it was as fine as anything I've seen attributed to St. Paul's spirit, followed by the mystical Protoevangel of Roy.
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TheManOfa Thousand ScreenNames
Yup. Eat, drink and feel up Mary.
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I can fathom how people can believe in the antiChrist but not Christ returning.
I also can't fathom how someone can think our savior would not have standards he expects those he saves to follow?
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Tower to I.D....tower to I.D....come in, Dan...
sheesh...I thought I saw him. He was here, I'm sure...left his prints, his mark, his two pose...well, his two cents...lol.
Hmmm...maybe if I sit down, oom a while and spin some clay pot, his spirit will guide me like an unchained melody. Whoopee!
Dan Dan the Invisible Man
his bandages cover his invisible tan
You know, I really should not be allowed to drink caffeinated products in such vast quantities...ergo...
Barkeep! A Dew for me and a double for the guy at the end of the counter sporting the form-fitting swaddleage...
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